Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 06, 1913, Image 1

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    All tjhe News that's Fit to Print Everybody Reads the Daily Capital 'Journal
a P. ! TTT
111 ',VJ iNP
.&fc ilfi-
r?r Ty-r- nvn rnrra OH TBAIKS AMD NHWS
1 U I 11 H 1 (J
Every Fresh Report Brings
News of More Who Are
Victims of Disaster.
Stick to Valley
Lands With Cash
Fairy Tales About Big Shipping Har
bors Should Not Lure Money
Away From This Region.
Over 150 Freezing and Nearly
Starved Sufferers Taken
From Trees.
Bryan, Texts, Dec. (!. Seventy-five
drownings in the Texas floods were ac
counted for definitely today. Every
frCBh report increased the death roll.
The latest fatalities included ten vie
tiniB at Ilearne, six at Highbank and
eight here. Of the dead, half or more
wore negroes.
Anxiety was folt, too, for a number
of residonts, who, having volunteered
for rescue work, were missing today. It
was feared their boats had been over
turned by the rusliing current and their
occupants drowned.
Taken From Tree tops.
In this vicinity sovorat motor boats
were searching in the trcetops for rof
ugces. More than 150 half freezing
' and nearly starved sufferers were saved
.thus. . '
Farmers, in many instances, sent
their families to places of safoty, but
preferred to remain on their premises
themselves in the hope of saving some
of their property.
Tho Brazos river was ton miles wide
today for a distance of 100 miles and
was sweeping toward the gulf with ir
resistable force. The wator was begin
ning to recede, but it was still 18 foot
deep in the business districts of sevor-
al towns.
Wherever !t was possible to resume
Tailroad traffic, provisions and clothing
-wore being shipped in to the sufferers,
"Many people lost - everything they
owned, and it will be some time before
they will be solf-supporting again,
Wires were prostrated throughout the
ntlre flooded district.
Railroad Official Missing.
Tho search was still progressing, thus
far vainly, for the body of Vice-Prosi
dont llarry Martin, of the Intornntion
al & Great Northern railroad, wno,
while rescuing marooned flood victims
at Valley Junction, was drowned by
the upsetting of his boat.
In the section swept by tho high
water wore state farms on which 2500
convicts were employed. They were
transferred to higher ground near
Orave fears were expresesd of an
-epidemic as a result of the destruction
of sanitary improvements In the strick
en towns. Everywhere the wator had
fallen sufficiently the work of clean
ing up and repairing damages was in
progress, but so complete and cxton-
nive was the disorganization that It was
going forward slowly.
Crew Escapes But
Vessel is Lost
Four-Masted Schooner Aloha Water
Logged and Her Captain Decided
1 . to Beach Her on Island.
Giebisch & Joplin, of Portland, will
build the north jetty at the entrance
to Tillamook bay for $029,024 under a
contract with the government. Major
Morrow, corps of engineers, U. S. A.,
was informed from Washington yes
terday that General Kingman, chief of
engineers, had approved the bid, which
was the lowest submitted and author
ized the execution of a contract.
A short time will be required in
which to assemble equipment, and the
jotty project will be pushed without de
lay. The general improvement docided
on for Tillamook bay includes dredging
channel to Bay City. Taxpayers of
the district arc. to share with the gov
ernment in the total cost, which is os
timated at $814,000.
Bailroad Situation Bad.
Those who have invested in Bay City
property hope to got some of their
monoy back when the channel 1b
dredged. ' However, Bay City sadly
lacks railroads, the commerce from the
immediate vicinity is light, and the
fact that fair-sized boats can enter af
ter the work is completed will not help.
unless there is business there to handle.
With a nasty range of mountains to be
crossed the situation is not encourag
The Pugot Sound region is thronged
with good harbors, but tho principal
business goes to Tacoma and Seattle,
because they have the railroad facili
ties to carry commerce from all sec
tions of the United States. Everott
and Bcllingham have a small amount of
traffic, consisting largoly of lumber
business. Thore are dozens of little
ports which can accommodate deep sea
vessels that get little or no traffic, be
cause they lack railroad facilities.
Big Forts Got Business.
Discussing the situation a few days
ago, the Everett Herald warned its
readers against becoming possessed with
the belief that the Panama canal would
bring an immense business to that city.
The Herald knows from exporionco that
the railroads find it to their Interest to
ship from the big ports, although Ev
erett has a deep water harbor and sev
eral docks, one costing $500,000. 4
With a water level railroad service
to the east, a good passage for ocean
vessels from the Pacific ocean up the
Willamette river, Portland bears the
same relation to the littlo Oregon ports
that, Seattle and Tacoma do to the oth
er Puget Sound ports.
Oregon people must not expect much
of the little harbors on tho coast. When
an oily-tongued promoter comes around
with, fairy tales, It Is just as well to
forgot what ho says and Invent in Wil
lamette valley lands.
Business Men Find It Impos
sible to Get to Their Of
fices and Stores.
Seattle, Wash., Doe. C The four-
I masted schooner ashore on Destruction
! Island, off the Washington coast, has
'been identified as the Aloha from the
ALARMS F'ji Islands for Puget Sound. All hands
were saved.
1 Til nnawni- trt a rnlirtf annf nn tv tYia
Few Families Have Coal Enough on r J
Hand to Last More Than a Few crow wbo were " Destruction
Davs and Fear Outlok. .Island, the steamor Admiral Farragut,
of the Alaska Pacific company, which
arrived here this morning, stood by last
unitbd press IJD4BKD whik. uight, while a boat came off to send a
Denver, Colo., Doc. 6. Deuvor was wireless message for a tug.
struggling today to throw off a smoth- j The officer in charge of the boat, ac
oring blanket of snow, such as never cording to officers of the Admiral Far
before in its history. ragut, said the Aloha had sprung a leak
The Bnow has censed, but tho city during a hurricane at soa and had be
was still nearly paralyzed. Dating conie watorloggod. When thoy noured
from last Monday 45.7 inches of snow ti10 entrance to Grays Harbor, there
had fallen on tho level. wa3 no tug in Bight, and with a falling
The situation was sorious today. The barometer, the captain decided to beach
drifts wore 10, 12 and in some places nur in a protocted spot behind Destruc
15 foot deep. tion Island, rather than risk going on
Business Suspended. ' the rocks as bIio was unmanageable in
Business was practically suspondod.. tho heavy seas. Since then high winds
Business men and thoir employes could have prevailed and the Farragut was
not got to thoir stores. Those who the first steamor sighted,
could got to business could not got back j
home. '
Secretary of State Insists It
Should Be Easier to Amend
Bryan Says He Doubts If She Has Fol
lowed Conscience and Judgment as
He Has Done.
Anna Held Sells
Red Cross Stamps
Pretty Actress Aids Worthy Cause This
Afternoon and Visits the State
Queer Ones in News
Portland, Or., Dec. 6. Charles Vftilee
was awfully blue through losing a cofl
pie of hundred in a business deal and
jumped into the Willamette rlvor. The
water was cold and Vailue swam out.
Ho now faces trial for disorderly conduct.
Up to the time the Farragut loft the
scene, no dumairo had beeu done to the
Hotels and lodging houses woro filled Abba.,
Thoatros and school houses were used ( . '
as sleeping places. The fuel problem j
was serious. Owing to the strike in the
Colorado coal fields, few families had
on hand enough coal to last moro than
a fow days, many wore already suffer
ing from cold, and it soemcd certain
that In another day or two with the
temperature falling, as it was doing to
day, thousands would be actually in
danger of freezing to death in their
During the forenoon, by frantic exer
tions, shoveling crews succeeded in
opening a mile of street ear track and
the first car was movod In 36 hours.
The company's officials admitted, how
ever, that they could not got tho rest
of their system in operation again be
fore next week.
Fire Danger Great.
The fire danger was groat. In trying
to respond to Boveral alarms while the
storm was in progress, the fire depart
ment found It impossible to move its
apparatus, and the firomon had to
make the run on foot, wallowing
through immense drifts and carrying
thoir ladders.
No .protonse of railroad service was
made, except on ono line to the east
ward, and on that only two trains had
arrived since Wednesday.
Portland, Or., Dec. 6. Max Williams,
a teamster who horsewhipped Police
Sergeant Roberts when the latter seized
his steed's bridlo, was acquitted in po
lice court becauso the officer had not
rmado his identity known.
TtmlTKD PKESS tABD wms.l
T.nn.lnn. Dec. . Mrs. Kmmeline
Tankhurst, who collapsed in Exeter jai
vetterdav. following a 30 hour hunger
"and thirst strike, was weaker today,
Much alarm was felt eoneormiig her
n... .,.....lv release from unson was
Militant suffragette today set fire
to tlm scenic railway on tho Liverpool
ftnd burntnl Ho
holme exhibition hall t Manchester, th
latter with I1.000 loss.
A woman left a letter st Premier As
qnith' house some time lat night no
tifving him that the fire was the suf
fragnttoe' answer to Mrs. Tankhiirst I
(Continued on page four. I
Los Angelas, Cal., Dec, 6. A mar
riage liconse was issued here to Oliver
Meok and Helen Battle.
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 6. Eight
chickens roosted last night on tho top
of an enormous outdoor tamalo oven be
neath which fire was started at mid
night. Thoy were not the kind that lay,
tho loss therefore being minimized.
Washington, Doc. t 6. Progressive
members of all parties mot here today
to organize a national popular govern
ment league.
Socretary of State Bryan presided
over the gathering, no doclarod the
conforence stood firmly for an amend
ment making it easier to amend the
fedoral constitution. Jokors, Bryan do
clarod, wore emasculating popular gov
ernment reforms.
The initiative, referendum anoT recall
l and school civic contors also were dis
Other speakers today wore Senators
Owen, of Oklahoma; Clapp, of Minne
sota; Poindoxtor, of Washington, and
Lane, of Oregon, and Frank AValsh, of
Kansas City, and Ilerbort Quick.
Former Govornor Folk, of Missouri
now conncctod with the state depart
ment, was scheduled to speak at to
night's sossion. '
Suffragist Interrupts,
'in the course of his address, Bryan
declared for a more flexible constitu
tional amendment systom and for hu
man justice. ' . '
Onco Miss Helen Todd, of Pan Fran
cisco, lead r of th suffrage 'Wont,
interrupted tne speaKor.
"now about justice for women t"
she demanded. 'You have talked Jus
tice, but you have made no mention of
women at all."
Socretary Bryan, unabashed, ad
vanced until he faced Miss Todd.
"Madam," he answered, "in all you
have done I have doubt that you have
followed your own judgment and con
science, as I have done myself."
Miss Todd Bat quietly thereafter, but
other suffragists renewed the question
ing, until SenafuV Owen finally called
another speaker.
Conservatism Decried.
In his addross Secretary Bryan de
clared for an "Ideally pcrfoct" plan of
amending the constitution. Ho decried
conservatism, but admitted it was noc
essnry as a chock on ultra radicalism.
Senator Owen attacked the sonato's
Daintier than ever, Anna Held, the
famous actress, arrived from the south
today and graciously consented to sell
Bed Cross stamps at Ladd Sc Bush's
bank this afternoon, beginning at 8:30
o'clock. Miss Hold was much interest
ed in tho state penitentiary bore on ac
count of having beard so much about
the honor system, and this afternoon
she visited tho institution, accompanied
by Edward Wray and A. B. and F. A.
Miss Held was much pleased with
Salom and doclarod it to be one of tho
prettiest little cities she has ever visit
ed. Its well-kept homos and attractive
streets and parks and lighting system
wore praised gonorously by the potite
This is Miss Hold's first visit to Sa
loin and hor coining marks an epoch in
local theatre circles, for sho is unques
tionably the greatest actress that hac
ever played hore.
Bed Cross Stamp Sales.
Hor interest in the sale of Red Cross
stamps gave the charltablo work a dis
tinct boost. This was tho groatest day
so far In the sale of tho stamps.
Thobe selling the stamps yostorday
woro: At tho IT. S. Bank in the morn'
ing, Mrs. Waltor Spaulding, and in the
afternoon, Mrs. E. T. Barnos and Mrs.
C. H. Robertson. At the Ladd & Bush
"Bank, Mrs. C. P. Bishop and Mrs. Frank
Lovoll sold in the morning and in tho
afternoon, Mrs. William McOilchrlsl,
Jr., and Mrs. Oswald West. At Ship
ley's, Mrs. Curtis Cross hold forth in
the attornoon and at Moyers', Miss
Porothy Poarce and Mrs. Geo. G.
'Jirown. At the Barnes store were little
Mlf Marguerite Flowor, the blind sing
er', ud Mrs. Joe jUaumgartner. At tho
cafeteria two univorsity girli had charge
of th sales. The record for the day
was made at the state house where the
work was under the management of
Miss Helen West and Mlse Bertha Eck-erlen.
State Treasurer Says He Will'
Refuse to Pay McColIoch
for Legal Services.
Salem's Waterfront Business
is an Important Feature of City
dilatory methods, saying the delay in
the passage of currency legislation was
a partial examplo of the need of a more
popular government,
Portland, Or., Dee. j. A five-mile
rom-coiiutry run Snrt an Intercollegiate
tennis tournament have boon added to
the list of sport events of the Pacific
Northwest College Conference., Tho
managers who are In sesnlon hero today,
voted unanimously in favor of thoKe
two sport events at this morning's sos
The cross-country run will he held
under the auspices of the Oregon Agri
cultural t'ollego in C'orvallis next fall.
The exact date has not been set yet.
The tennis tournament will bo held at
Eugene, Or., on May 22 and 23.
The events will bo men's singlos and
doubles. ,
The 19U track and field meet was
awarded tho Washington State College,
an, I AthlMin Director Bonder announced I
that the meet would b held on May 20.
The managers voted not to allow tho 10-
iimmd hninnior-throw in thrt list, of
The wrtwtling tournament will be
held under the auspice of the Multno
mah club during the last part of March.
Tho baseball and basket ball sched
ules were divided into two soctions, the
0H,t and the west. The la-bU tosrns
will play four names each and the win
ner of oarh section will play for tho
championship weit of the mountains.
The banket, ball teams will play six
Eames between each college and tho
championship will be played east of the
Snlem is beginning to take a front
seat in the lino of business on the water
front on the Willninetto, outside of
Portland and Oregon City. The water
front ut this point Is gradually bo
coming a feature in the general busi
ness circle of thl city, and, providing
I It continues to enlarge as it has within
the past year, by tho time another year
goe by, it will behoove Salem to begin
purchasing somo additional land foi
frontage on Water street.
Mnny now enterprises have sprung
up on Water street botween th Wil
lamette bridge and Roulli Mill creek,
and It Is said that there are several oth
er propositions being figured upon by
thoso desiring to get In on the ground
floor with water front business.
Lends Good Effect
With steamers, launches, dredges,
sntv beats and enormous scows plying
in rne back water of the Willamette
along the Marion county shore, the fac-
torins and mills located on Wnter street
lending a businef aspect to the vicini
ty and tho regular bninefs being tniejs
acted bv the warehouses and th Ore
gon City Transportation company, not
only visitor snd strangers, but local
people are attracted to the water front
for th purpose of Investigation Into!
th cause of so much stir.
At present there are ten established
businesses slnng the very edge of the
Willamette here, Snd, tccording to the
manager of a'h establishment, they
are all doing a fin business In one way
or another. The plant turn out linn-1 Front street. There are three car gild
ber, Iron, gas, sand and gravel, boats1 rallroud lines on Front street, snd this
and many other thing too numerous to I thoroughfare I the principal shipping
montion, but which go to make up quite
a largo payroll. A small army of la
borers file up from tho water front ev
ery evening, snd tho working force of
the ten factories represent not only a
largo Income, but several hundred thou
sand dollars worth of property In thl
Willamette Tlolds Monoy.
Whilo tho old Willnmetet rivor at
thl point, ha not been utilized to any
extent up to within tho past year, there
ha been wealth lying In It bed ever
since Balem became a town. Gravel and
sand sre being removed from the river
by ton snd ton. This material is be
ing shipped either In the raw stnrte or
prepared to almost every other point in
the valley and tho business has not only
proven profitable to Its owners, but hns
fnrnlhed a grcRt amount of labor to
tho worliingmen of the city. J
jOne young man owning a little lniinch
in this city cleared up over $330 In
four mouths recently by simply cstch
ing drift wood, sawing it up nd selling
it to eoniumer. Another lad is con
ducting a wood yard all his own at the
foot of State street, and he declares
that he I making good wages st his
lata enterprise.
Front Street Active.
Within a block of th water front
business I still mors lively. This Is on
district for almost every business in tint
city. Tho Oregon Elect rle, Southern
Pcalfic, Portland, Eugene & Eastern
and tho Salem, Falls City & Eastern
railroads all make Front street their
main point for freight business, and the
street from Trade to Union I covered
with sidings, switches snd turnouts be
longing to tho various transportation
As soon s the Oregon Electric, com'
pany will have completed Its railroad
bridge on North Front street, and is
given permission to extend Its lino
north, it will have two freight ter
minal in thn city. One will be located
on tho mnin line acrons Huiilh Mill creek
while tho other will be located along
the main line In Highland addition In
North Snlcin. Ily estnlillhhliig this new
system, pnsenger traffic through the
city will not bo hampered by reason of
Idle freight equipment on tho main line
and all freight will bo confined to
Front street.
Nlc Location,
Taking It all In alt, Salem can boast
fit having sil Ideal business Oistrtct Slid
civic center. The freighting district is
located far swar from the civic eon
tir, and the noise and bust' l eon
fined to Its proper place, he water
front, snd points near theret',, while tho
civic center I surrounded by quietness
and cleanliness, a It should be.
united rnss iJsbeii wins.)
El Ccntro, Cal.,. Doc. 0. "I was to
blame for the shooting of tho cashier;
Paul didn't hove a thing to do with It."
Tom Greun, confessed hank robber
mado this declaration to Sheriff Wil
son, of Blvorslde county today, just as
he stepped aboard a Southern Pacific
train hero to bo taken to Hivorsldo,
whero ho and his companion In tho rob
bery of the Verdo Vulley bank, at
Illythe, will bo jailed.
Green and Case robbed tho Illytlio in
stlliition of 5(in0 Tuesday. They wore
captured at El Centro early yesterday,
after a thrilling raco across the desert
with four determined posses at thel
To Wilson and Sheriff Meadows, of
Imperial county, thoy confessed 111
robbery. Green then accepted respon
sibilily for tho shooting of Cashier A
W. Bowles, who courageously tried to
. . . ...... i
save tho linnK 'S money, uy ifnpiiK u.
flue's back, as the pair fled from th
Tho men were actor with tho "101
Itnnch" motion picture concern at lo
Angeles before going to Blytho to rob
the bnnk. They had frequently partic
ipated In robbery scones for th picture
Baker Senator Hired to Give
Advice to Watson and In
dustrial Commission.
Fortified with an opinion from Attorney-General
Crawford to the effect
that the State Accidental Insurance
Commission, and the corporation com
missioner cannot employ special couu
sol, State Treasuror Kay announced to
day that he will honor no warrants is
sued In favor of Senator McColIoch for
legal services performed for eithor de
partment. Declaring thnt McColIoch Is employed
by him as an assistant in the depart
ment, and that his ability to handle
logal mattors cannot bar him, Corpora
tion Commissioner Watson announced
when advised of tho opinion that he
would Inst'toto mandamus proceeding
to compel tho state treasuror to honor
the warrants. The members of the State
Industrial Commission would make no
jnouneomens with relation to th ao .
tlon they would take.
Friend of Governor.
Senator McColIoch waa appointed le
gal advisor for the two department a
fow days aftor the workmen's compen
sation act was approvod by the people.
The Industrial accident commissioners
were appointed by the governor, and
so was the corporation commissioner.
McColIoch lias boon the spokesman for
the West administration for the last
two legislative sessions, and, when ap
pointed, it was stated that it was In
reward for political services.
Resenting any encroachment npon hi
territory, the attornoy-goneral some
time ago advised the state treasurer
that ho could not legally pay warrants
for McColIoch 's services, aud today he
rondnred him an opinion on the sub
ject. McColIoch draws $12.1 from each,
department, and the stinto treasurer
declare ho will not pay any of hie
claims for legal service, In view of the
opinion. The attorney-general, In hi
opinion, hold that the law provide
that all the state's lopnl business Is to
be performed by the attorney general,
and the district attorneys, and that thn
state officer and departments ennnnt
employ speclnl counsel with state
funds. ,
The Weather
( Wit SOOH Bt
The Dickey Bird
piivsi Oregon: Fair
east, rain west por
tion tonight and
Bundny; warmer
soiithwet portion
tonight; southeast
erly winds,
Completely Ignoring an opinion ren
dered by AttornoyOeuoral Crawford
yesterday, Secretary of State Olcott
announced today that ho would. Issue n
warrants for the November pay roll ot
the game department until the Fish and
Gnme Commission 1 put on a basi so
that It legal status cannot bo ques
tioned, and employes of the department
will either have to abide their time or
compel the Issuance of warrants !y
j mandamus proceedings.
The pay roll aggregates about $1000,
Snd Is III favor of Slate Game Warden
Flnley. Tho attorney-general held tht
though four member of the commission
have resigned they continue to remain
III office, and so dees tho still game
warden, until succVssnr to the tesigued
commissioner are appointed. Hhoul l
the commission be out of existence, It
Is questionable whether th game war
den's bond is-ln effect, and, though the
sttomey gelieriil hn rendered that It
is, the secretary of state Is dubious
liliiuit the question, and hn coneludcl
to Issue no warrants.