Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 04, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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This great Wonderland just crowded with toys and dolls wheel goods and rock
ing horses, games, and hundreds of other joymaking articles cannot fail to please
and delight the children. Bring the children to see the big toy window on Court
street. It will give an idea of what our great Toyland contains.
Many special prices prevail on desirable toys. We advise early buying you'll
have better choice and better service. We mention several offerings here:
? LY L
Y mm Ml m OTi
ttMMvf tavMO.
A.kn-'ibrli ""r"
Mii'4 Iron SI M
Capital City Brevities
Dr. Utter, dentist, Masonic Bld.
t. Mendelsohn fits eyes correctly. U
6. Sank building.
I)r. Msy, nerve aciatat. Masonic
Dr. II. C. Epploy has gone to Tort
land on s brief buslnoes visit.
Groat cloaranco aalo of home fur
nishings t Duron k Hamilton's.
J. L. Stockton loft yestorday for
Hood Kiver, whero he will attend the
Merchants' association weetiug, which
is being bold there.
Dr. Pound has returned from his va
cation, and will be glad to welcomo old
and now patients at his office in Uie
U. (I. Dunk building.
A turkey dinner will bo served by the
men of the Leslie M. K. church, South
Salom, Friday evening from 8 to 8
o'clock. Trice 23o.
The big ale nt the big store. Four
floors of up-to-date home furnishings
at prices that will astonish you, Duron
& Hamilton,
Ca4y Miller, of Portland, is in the
city visiting with friends and rolntives
for a few days, Mr, Mlllor la con
nected with the Well Fargo Co. la
The test case in which Superintend
ent Steincr, of the asylum is being
made the defendant on the charge of
violating the eight hour law, it being
tried before tha supreme court today.
The defendant in the case of Ursiulo
Yokuli against the Bilverton Lumber
company, yesterday filed notice of ap
peal to the supremo court. The Silver
ton Lumber company Ik appealing a
judgment rendered by the circuit court
for damage In the sum of -11100.
A motion for an extension of time In
which to perfect an appeal to the su
premo ciirt was filed in the circuit
court yesterday by ,T, K. Hosmer. The
plaintiff wn sentenced by Judge Kelly
to pay a fine nf (250 for criminally
libeling the Mt, Angel convent.
A complaint, to recover damage In
the sum of (.1500 from William TUn.ja
min and Gail Derringer was filed in the
circuit court yesterday by II, S, Mont
gomery. The plaintiff bases his cause
of aetlon on the grounds of assault and
Attorney Dana Allen, ft graduate of
Willamette X'niversity, and son of the
late County Clerk R. P. Allen, has
moved to Hnlem, and will open ft 1b
office In the Vnited Steles National
Dank building. Attorney Allen is well
known in this city, and his friends wish
him ft wide practice. The newcomer is
a Bilverton native, having been born in
the Davenport town.
m shM sMi 4S Mfa SMtt UksM Ma Mr fata tWi faai 4
liAHt ilnr of tlio
The fulimihi (Mayors pre
sent for the Inst time
"The Man from
roaring fare
thiva acta
"The Ross
Z Ranch"
A. comedy dram in 3 Sets
popular niters
10 Slid SO Cents
I 'I '
$10.00 Hand Car, Special $6.89
$ 6.00 Hand Car, Special $4,35
$ 4.25 Hand Car, Special $2.98
Climbing Monkey, Special 22c
All Kewpie Dolls at Special Low Prices
1vHoood1coods kzLJ
A. G. Mngors hat gone to Portland
on business.
Attorney B. O. Lytle, of Portland, la
In the city today on business.
Save monoy on home furnishings by
patronizing our big cash clearance aalo,
Duron & Hamilton.
Mr. and Mra. Charles Kyro, who woro
married hero yesterday, have gono to
Portland on their honeymoon.
Tho men of the LeBlie M. E. church,
Meyers and South Commercial street,
will serve a turkoy dinner Friday ev
ening from 0 to 8 o'clock. Price 25c.
E. C. Million, the defendant in the
damngo suit brought by Mnggio Mao
Ivle, and in which tho former facea a
judgment for 12.10, yostordny filed no
tlco of appeal to the supremo court.
Dopcndablo home furnishings at loss
than yfti can buy inferior goods for
elsewhere. Duron & Hamilton's big
cjonrance sale.
A complaint for alleged to be
duo on a promissory note, was filed in
the circuit court yestorday by C. War
ner against L. A. Bchindlor, ot al.
Gnorgo N. Dock yeiterday com
menced action In the circuit court
against W. F. Miller to rocovor 2500,
alleged to be owing on ft contract vio
lated by the defendant.
A large party of friends snd ac
quaintances of Hov. H. T. Bnbcock and
wlfo assembled at the S. P. passenger
depot last Tuesday evening to eee the
popular minister off on the train for
his new field In California,
The present crimpy weather la having
ft tendency to drive Mr, Hobo from un
der the straw stacks and barn lfts at
present, and compelling him to seek the
mors comfortnhlo quarters -within the
city jail. A full house of sleeper was
recorded thia morning by Chief She
dook, many of them scantily clad for
sneh woathr.
L. D. Pettyjohn, the secretary of the
St. Paul Commercial club, was in the
city yesterday on business. Secretary
Pettyjohn declares that St. Pniil is
making some obliterate preparations to
boost the town as it was never boosted
before, and that the commercial club Is
being built, up encouragingly.
Our clearance sale of furniture is the
greatest money saving opportunity that
ha been placed before Balem people
for years. Duron 1 Hamilton.
Tom Kay, Governor Wont's special
agent, has been in the city sinco the
election on December 1, on the bokout
for those who might desire to handle
the "bootleg" overtime, and endeav
oring to "so to it that Salem la kept
Notwithstanding the fact that Balem
la conceded to be very dry, drinks were
sold over the bar in one saloon last
night, at least. Frank Collins, proprie
tor of the Duffet, ou State street, un
locked hla doors and invited In his old
patrons tn come In and enjoy some
firstrate beef tea, clam tea, oyster cock
tails, lemonade and other soft thirst
quenchers. The Duffet was soon peeked
with men, and coin rang on the bar
merrily during the evening. George N.
Patterson, proprietor of the Dnrrau sa-
l', on Bute street, will also open up
his place of business soon. He will sell
soft drinks and confectionery.
The Balem Woman's club is meeting
with great sueces with the sale of lied
('loss seals, Kerly Christmas shoppers
are liberal, and the club member are
banding out many of the seals. The
committees composed of Mr. F.. T.
Ludden, chairman, Mr, V. H. Durk
hardt. .Ir.. Mr. William McGihhrist,
Jr., and Mis Ellen Thielwen, i working
diligently, and It has already broken all
previou sale record. The volunteer
helper yclei,Uy were: Mr. U. O.
Pinhop, ,Mr. J. ,T, Koberts, Mine Al
the, Moores and Kllen Thilen, Mr.
W. M. Hamilton, Mr. Go, T. Hoduer.
Mr. Ocrtrge L, T?ee, Mr, W. M. Plimp
ton, Mis Aline Thompson, Mr. D.
Miles, Mr. A, S. Kaimarek and Mr.
O. D. Doncll.
Bring the Children
Have you vialted tho big clearance
salo of house furnishings at Duron &
Our now stock of Libby cut glass
haa just arrived. Yokohama Tea &
Crockery Co.
Defore you decide tho Christmas din.
ner wuro question, see the line of opon
stock pattorns, Yokohama Crockory &
Tea, Co.
Don't buy furnishings until you have
attended our clearance sale. Duron &
Tho druggists of Salom hol3 ft meet
ing last night for the purpose of dis
cussing the requirements of the liquor
law, B it stnnds, following the two
oleetionB. The drug store proprietors
desire to abide by tho law, but are at
a loss to know just how it affects thoin.
City Attorney Pago will be cnlled upon
to make out a written explanation of
tho now amendments in order that the
druggists may be informed properly.
The blankot salo of do.magod and de
fective blankots is on at the Woolen
Mill Store. It is good merchandise at
loss than half price. Snlem Woolon
Mill store.
Two big loads of fir trees arrivod in
the city today to bo used In the big
Moose how, "The Girl of tho North,"
which is to be given at the Grand on
noxt Tuesday and Wednesday. The
scenes of the play are laid up In tho
wildB of Northern Canada, and thia is
only one of the ways McNaughton
Bros., the producers, have of making
the scones the more realistic. And,
with all the lighting scenic effects ar
ranged, the show promisee to be one
of tho most beautiful scenic produc
tions ever staged In thia city.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Munn left this
morning for their home In Billings,
Mont., after spending the holldnys with
their son, Clifford, at 2332 South Lib
erty street. The elder Mr. Munn la in
the sheep business near Billings and al
though he stated today that ho would
like to spend the winter in Salom, hid
stock needed his attention at thia time
of the year and he would have to return
to what, he called " darned Void cli
At tho family residoneo iu this city,
325 South Fourteenth street, December
3, 191.1, Mr. Lydia C. Gleaon, aged 85
Dooensod was the mother of the late
.lame 11. I) lesson of this city. Funer
al services were hold from Kiirdon &
liichardson's chapel this afternoon at
2 o'clock by Itev. Mr. i aimer. The re
mains were sent to Kanxaa for burial.
At his home, 1B5B Center street, Ba
lem, Oregon, December S, 1913, Charles
8. Ostrander, ftged 82 year. Ho leaves
ft wife and one m.
Tho remain are at tho Cottage un
dertaking pivlurs. where they will be
prepared for burial In Iine Fir ceme
tery, Portland, Ore.
George E. Cox I lying very ill with
Inflammation of the bowel at 130
South Commercial trcet. Room 10.
JOVUXAL WANT ADS, bring reeults.
Program Today
2 Klassy Vaudeville Act 2
Comedy Futertiner,
The Two VYho Keep Yon Guessing
fuming Monday and TWday
December t and 9
There wps filed with the governor
today a statement of the expenses of
tho visit of the civil war veteran to the
Gettysburg re-union. The legislature
appropriated $5000 for this purpose, but
when the veterans assembled it was dis
covered that there were so aany of
thorn that the sum appropriated would
not pay the expenses of all, and it was
up to those in chargo to either refuse
to take more than the $5000 would pay
expenses for, or run the state in debt
for an amount sufficient to cover the
additional expense. The bitter horn of
the l i I oni ma was takon, and as a con
sequence there is now a deficiency of
$3,552.70. The statement was filed by
T. B. McDevitt, department commander
of the G. A. E.; Captain James P. Shaw,
representing tho Union vetorans, and
Col. Lewis (J. Garrigus, of the confeder
ate veterans. The itemized account is
as follows:
Appropriation ,.$5,000.00
Lewis C. GarriguB,
commissioner $ 354.63
James P. Shaw, do.. 145.65
Payroll, etc ..: 1,175.55
O. B. N. Co 72.50
Or. Short Line 85.05
S. P. & S. 72.50
O.-W. R. & N 1,410.80
O.-W. B. & N 145.00
S. P. Co 1,537.95
Duo O.-W. B. & N., account
transportation 3,552.70
Total cost, $8,552.35
Columbus, O., Doc. 4. Ohio's now
movio censorship law wont into effoct
today. Horcaftor there will be no more
pictures of the bunny-hug aud other
dances which the late Mayor Baynor, of
Now York, called "lascivious;" no
more will be shown "blood and thun
der" pictures.
Here is a partial list of objectionable
scones in the "movies," as soon by
tho Ohin censors:
Chinese pirate torturing victims,
girl in tho near nll toi:cther, bathing
in a pool; thugs placing a victim in
front of a moving train; girl being
stabbed and otherwiie tortured; woman
In low gown kissing a thief; drugging
of ft girl snd taking hor into the hmise
of sin; showing nude children; train
robbery; indecent dance by ft hnlf nude
woman with ft tough man; showing the
Interior of houses of ill-fame; muscle
dance by women; woman poisoning her
husband; ft lynching scene,
Tho film exchnnges are required to
pay a fee for the censorship, under tho
new law, thus making its operation
A announced early In the week, Mr.
Fred Thompson entertained the Ladies'
Aid of Balem Heights Wednesday af
ternoon. . .
The btvoly sunshiny weather helped
to make the event all the plcnsanter,
and 15 ladles enjoyed Mr. Thompson 'a
Aside from the regular members
thoso present were Mr. C. J. Robert
ton, Mrs. Jennie Bobertson, Mrs. C. 3.
Robertson, Mrs. Monell and little
daughter, Mr. Maggie Code and Mr.
L. K. Cde, of West Salem, Mr. U C.
McConnell and Mrs. C. K. Speaker.
The next meeting of the aid will be
with Mrs. Frank Thompson, In two
weeks, when another pleasant social
time may be fully anticipated.
Acid Stomachs Are
Common Sons Advlcs by ft Distinguish
ed Specialist.
"Acid" stomach are dangerous be
cause arid irritate and Inflame the
delicate lining of th stomach, thus hin
dering and preventing the proper action
of the stomach, and leading to probably
nine-tenth of tho cose of stomach
trouble from which people suffer. Or
dinary medicines and medicinal treat
ment are useless In such case, for they
le the source of th trouble, the acid
in the stomach, a dangenxi as ever.
The acid must be neutralised, and its
fornjtion prevented, and the bet thing
for thin purpose Is ft tcaspoonful of hi
orated magnesia, a simple nut-avid,
tak.n in ft little warm or cold wMer
after eating, which ot only neutmlito
th cid, but also pnsvrnt the fermen
tation from which acidity it devebpe.l.
Fonda which ordinarily cause grcatwt
listre may be enten with impunity
if th meal I followed with little bl
surwted utftgneaia, whict ran b obtain
ed from smy dmgni, and should 1
av b kept handy.
It Is His Reproduction of th Famous
Portland Vaas.
Sir William Hamilton was an au
thority on Komau aud Grecian antiqui
ties. His fine collection of them and
bis greut book on the subject prove
tliut assertion. He wrote to Wedg
wood about that much admired ivork ;
of ancient nrt (tbe Barberlnl vase) in
these terms: "Except the Apollo Belve
dere, tbe Niobes and two or three oth
ers of the first class marbles, I do not
believe that there are any monuments
of antiquity existing that were execut
ed by so great nn artist" This is about
tbe highest commendutlou that could
be bestowed, and when we consider
thut sucb a work, so souringly emi
nent, was successfully Imitated by one
of our owu urtlst potters It Is surely a
ground for national gratification.
The original vase came Into tbe pos
session of tbe noble Italian family of
Barberiul. bence Its name. It was
acquired by Byres, the antiquary, and
then by Sir William nnmilton. who
brought it to England In the year 1784.
He. In turn, sold It to tbe Duchess of
1'bi'tluud. Her dtMcendnnt, the fourth
duke, deposited It In tbe Britlsb mu
seum, owing to which fact it Is best
known to Englishmen us tbe Portland
vase. It was lent by the duke to
Wedgwood to make his copy from.
The body of It bud been much disput
ed, but he found thut It was glass. He
was not a glussblower, but bad in
vented bis wonderful jasperware by
that time and decided bis copy should
be mndo of thut substance. It was a
tremendous task and took some tbreo
years In tbe modeling by Hackwood
nnd others. Tbe cost was never re
couped by tbe subscriptions.
It Is Justly esteemed to have been
Wedgwood's musterplcce. It bus been
reproduced by his successors nnd by
other potters, but. of course, they have
not the same market value as those
made by the grent Joslah himself. W
Turner In Westminster Review.
That Is Why, It Is Said, Stock Broker
Fight Shy of Them.
Nobody loves a stock broker, least
of nil bis customer. This affords n
touching, If somewhat subtle, reason
why be does not want any women
speculators on his books. .
There Is another reason. I hnte to
mention it, but you 'wring it from me.
Women ore not Rood losers. At times,
under stress of great speculative losses,
I nm told they become Inchrymose.
Tbe one stock broker of my acquaint
ance who entered to women specula
tors Is now In a mudliouse. They were
nil long of Steel nt SO tho time It broke
to 8. nnd nil the water squeezed out of
it In that decline wus wept buck Into
It by these women. It was an eco
nomic disaster.
Stock brokers carry borne with them
nil tbe troubles of their customers, nnd
this poor follow was no exception. He
used to lie swnke all nlcht picking nt
the counterpane and irrlcvlng over
beauty In distress. Finally he went
crnxy. They hnve (riven him a set of
stock broker's books up there In tbe
asylum, and It would break your heart
to see him. .loiinno d"Arc and Harriet
Beecher Stowe are long of Copper;
Catherine de Medici nnd Mrs. Brown
ing nre short of Rubber; Mitrtn The
resa and George Eliot nre pyramiding
In Steel. Every now and then some
body la stopped out. and then there are
dreadful times. Charlotte Cordny's,
Cleopatra's, Mnie. 4e Stnel's and the
mother of the Gracchi's margins nre
exhausted. He culls to them for more.
They weep, i cannot go on. Women
have much to answer for. William
Van Antwerp In New York Post
Gibbon's History.
It ts snld that when Gibbon sat
down to writs bl great work. "De
cllne nnd Fall of the Roman Empire.'
be proposed writing It In French. But
Darld nume, u close friend, on hear
bur this wrote bint u lettur of remon
strance in ucb strong and stlrrinjr
language that he wag only too glad to
relinquish hi fancy. There I nn ex
cellent foundation for the story of
Hume's letter to Gibbon, nnd beyond
doubt we owe It to this old Scotchman
that tbe Immortal history was written
In our own language. New York
Evolution ef Wealth.
Originally the proces of nccnnmln
tlon come by the toller who spends
loss than he twelve. Rventuslly he
Is what Is called a capitalist If nil
were either Improvident vicious or
Incompetent civilization would speedi
ly decline, therefore tbe real benefac
tor of the rwt are thoe who aocumu
Inte. Some of us have the capacity
others have not That I an Inexora
ble law of nature which rnnnnt be ab
bcrd. Charles C Crecelltm In Leslie's.
Whr tbe Tim Is Lot.
"Do you think we'd save much tiros
by lonvlng the 'denr lr off our let
ter r
"Not much. Where time I lost la in
the hesitation you feci about writing
your respectfully' to some peopls."
Washington Stnr.
Why Did Sh Think Sot
"No." nld the mistress of tbe board-
lug houe. "wt cannot accommodate
you. I am sorry to ay. W only take
In single gentlemen."
"Goodnewr'snld Mr. Ronton. "What
make you think I'm twin?' Ladles'
Home Journal.
Whit ef an Egg.
In I oo parts of tbe white of an egg
bout i percent I water, 12-t percent
albumen, 1 percent mineral matter and
24 per cent sugar, etc
Every week's delay in pawing ft enr
rency bill adds to tho discredit of the
This ia th month when- old High-
'Ciwt-of Liring becomes more oppreneive
uaa ia say otner noils, or til yer.
I Amateur Night Thursday
Coming Friday
. Florence Lawrence
"The Girl of the Woods"
Dr. Joseph Schafer will lecture Fri
day evening, December 5th, at 8 o 'clock
in the library auditorium oa ' ' The Ore
gon System and What It Signifies."
This is the second of his series on
problem in civics. Dr. Schafer is an
entertaining speaker, and, with a sub
ject in which all loyal Oregonians are
intorestod, his lecture cannot fail to be
very good one. Dr. Schafer will be
at the library from 4:30 to 5:30 in the
afternoon to talk with any one inter
ested in doing reading along this line.
Washington, Dec. 4. -It was evident
this afternoon that a states' rights
fight would be staged before the rivers
and harbors congress.
Joseph Teal tried to induce the reso
lutions committee to report out a resolu
tion regarding state control of water
power. It was opposed by many of the
assembled delegates.
Congressman Bainoy, of Illinois, sup
ported Teal. Much of the opposition to
the report out of the resolution was
based on the ground that the conven
tion was to consider the question of
waterways and harbors only. The ob
jection was construed to indicate an
unwillingness to precipitate a clash be
tween the waterpowcr factions.
Opinions entitled to favorable consid
eration are that the tango dance is de
cent and proper, if not abused.
TWO CENTS word for each
W. G. MOREHOUSE, D. V. M. Coun
ty veterinarian. Prompt attention,
day or night. Offices Jack Darr's
feed barn, 544 Ferry street. Phone
WANTED A refined and intelligent
woman to act as branch manager for
a reliable firm. Address "C. C,"
care Capital Journal,
FOR SALE 1000 choice Oregon Cham
pion gooseberry plants at a bargain.
Phone 253 J.
AGENTS $35 to $75 a week income.
Scrubs, takes up water. No wringing,
no cloths, sells everywhere, big prof-
Its. Exclusive territory. Write to
day. Special terms. Pirrung Mfg.
Co.,vDopt. A, Chicago.
FOR SALE Fresh cows, Jersey-Dur
ham, 5-yoar-old, with calf. Jersey-
Swiss, coming 3 years. Black Jersey,
4 years. One block east, one north
of asylum.
LOOK AT THIS Slightly need drop
head aewing machine $10; new drop
head sewing machine $16 and up. 640
State street
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
rooms, 1495 State strot.
DO YOU WANT ft suburbsn home that
will increase in value (1000 ft year
for the next four year, that ia now
notting the owner over 1500 ft year,
besides their living, that is within
10 minutes' walk of the street car
line, that has an eight-year-old or
chard of peach, walnut, apple, cherry
and pear tree, and all kinds of ber
rie and small fruits, and ft (100 Jer
sey cowf See C. O. Rice, with L. 8.
Barnes k Co., 315-316 Masonic tem-
(000 Will make first payment on ft
(2300 prune orchard, balance (200
year at 6 and 7 per cent; had (-100
worth of fmit this year, and th
tree are young. Fairly good house
Snd barn, 5 Mi mile, on crushed rock
road. C. O. Rice, with L. 8. Barne
ft Co., 313-316 Masonie temple.
FOK SALK 3 heifer and 2 cow, 1
frcith, 1 will be soon. Thone Farm
era 5S3.
WANTED Position by experienced
Monographer. References given. Ad
drcs H. care Journal.
FOR SALE Team, weight 2CO0; har
ness and wagon. A bargain, n. A.
Dove, Phone Farmer 31x1.
FOR KENT Furnished houw, ",6
North Cottage. Thone 4.
HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for pm.l
try and egp. 173 South Comercial
treet. Phone 2123.
WANTED lnMK) Oregon Champion
gooseberry plant, one aid two yeen
old. lTion 2:,ioJ2. C. F. Lansing.
niodol rndenrood, prctirdr sew.
(75; L. C. Smith, (3. 11 Murphy
FOR RENT Two well fnni.hed room
for housekeeping. laquire at J3J N.
Church street.
Notice of Assessment for Improvement
m oaguuw onset nom the North
Line of Lincoln Street to tha North
Line of Meyers Street
Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Salem, Ore--gon,
will at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m.,
on the 8th day of December, 1913, or at .
the same hour at any subsequent regu
lar council meeting thereafter, at the
common council chambers in the city of
Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess upon
each lot or part thereof or parcel of
land liable therefor, its proportionate
share of the total cost of improving
Saginaw street from the nurth line of
Lincoln street to the north line of My
ers street.
All persons interested in said assess
ment are hereby notified to appear at
said time before the said common coun
cil and present their objections, if any
they have, to said assessment and apply
to said common council on or before the
said 8th day of December, 1913, to
equalize their proportionate share of
the total cost of improving said Sag
inaw street, and their said assessment.
CHAS. P. ELGIN, City Recorder.
Having received a shipment of pianos
direct from the factory, will give the
purchaser the benefit of factory prices.
Don't fail to call and got prices and
terms. Call evenings between 6 and 9,
or write, Frank Dorsey, 220 North
Front street, Salem, Oregon. Leave
orders for tuning.
Wilson's Message Barred.
Vera Cruz, Mexico, Dee. 4. Gener
al Maas, the federal commander here,
today forbade Vera Cruz newspapers to
publish President Wilson' recent mes
sage to the American congress. Amer
icans here did not believe Wilson's
message offered any solution of the
JOURNAL WANT ADS. bring results.
No machinery to tsar a4 wear
out delicate fabrics. Work calls
tor and aellvsred promptly.
445 Ferry street. Phone Main S25?
Wet or Dry
We still have real bargains in city
and country property.
14 acres on car line, 2 miles from
bank, (10,000. 7 acres in berries,
house and barn, (3000. 30 acres, good
house and barn, (3500. 4 acres, well
Improved, close in, (2200. 20 acres well
improved, ideal suburban home, $6500.
1 to 5 acres on installment. 5 and 10
acre tracts, good terms. Several new
houses on installments. Some prune
ranches and berry tracts at reasonable
prices. - Several business chances, such
aa poal hall, cigar stand, .candy store,
blacksmith shop, hotel or restaurant.
Headquarters for New
Salem Maps
We rent Houses and
Furnished Rooms. We
sell Insurance of all kinds
List your bargains with us
and we will give you square,
prompt and courteous treat
ment. Acme Investment Co.
A. B. COOK, Manager.
Phone Main 477. C40 State street
Opposite Court House.
Employment Bureau in Con
nection. Just tell your doctor you want
to' take your prescriptions to
Schaofors drug store, and he
will know it is put up right.
Oa farm sad city property. Jo a !
Boott, OTr Chicago Btor, gales, ft
SftOBL Phos HS1.
Kesldeil Afeits Stole Htrwil
Oa floo Keal Estate Seesrtty.
Over Lftdd A Bush Bash. Salem O
tm aar cuajauty. Prompt llvrK
our specialty, rails city Low
Company. ITI North Comjustct
Pw Ml Bit
E. L. Campbell
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Fntfy equipped for high grad
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Salsta, Ore,