7Aaa cma l.tMeMtMM MM MM'' t t M M M M ' 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FINDING A SITUATION It U possible to secure employment by calling personally npon those 70a hew seed kelp. It Is a long, tedious task, however. The classified way brings yonr application before those who need help, quickly and easily. RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TWO CENTS per word for the f irt insertion. ONE CENT per word for each succeeding, subsequent inser tion. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS work continually they never cease until their tasks are suc cessfully performed. Each day those little wonder workers faithfully de liver their message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who have learned their value. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. t JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. DON'T WALK THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A POSITION OR A ROOM-TRY THE CLASSIFIED WAY. tMHMMMMHHMtttmMtttttiMttttHMttHtt MtMTMt'tT iuiitittttttnttttnnt tttii4HitiMttttnititmtiitttnt4tittinmtii. DAILY CAPITAL JOUajfAL, 1ALB3C, OttEOON, THTJESDAY, DECEMBSB, 4, 19X3. 7 SS Capital Journal Want Ads Bring 'Quick Results Two cents a word for Brat Insertion. Ose cent a word for each Insertion thereafter. No advertisement taken (or lets than 25c Count six wor te the line. ABSTRACTS. CNION ABSTRACT CO. " Abstracts that Protect." Our books posted up to date each morning. Call Main 1249 and a messenger will call for your abstract. J. C. Siegmund, president; Max Gehlhar, secretary. 845 State street. AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONEER Salem 's reliable sell er. Farm sales solicited. Terms 1 per cent; satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. ' Henry E Veorhies, Michi gan avenue, first street east of the state fair grauads. , BAKERIES. BUTTERNUT BREAD It . i werfh more thaa any ether bread, yet the price is e higher. For sale at yeur California Bakery, A. Thom as, Proprietor. CHIROPRACTIO-SPniOaOLIST )K. O. L. 8COTT Graduate ef Chir opractic's Fountain Head, Daven port, Iswa. If yen have tried every thing and have get no relief, try . 1 hiropractic spinal adjustments avd et well. Office 46-7-8 U. S. Na tional Bank Buildisg. Phsne Main "7. Residence Main lfl29. CLEANING AND DYEING SALEM CLEANING AND PRESSINS CO. Goods called for and delivered Ladies' white gloves cleaned free. Feathers cleaned, dyed and repaired. Phone Main 2462, 474 Court street. W. F. Mosher, proprietor. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. ULECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY On.. 220 North Liberty street. Phojie Maiu 263. Electric wiriag and elec trioa) supplies. Estimates famished. Try our new Mirror reflector. We have the "Fame" Edisea Mazda lamp. Its only rival tho sua. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. ACME EMPLOYMENT BUREAU All kinds of competent help furnished on short aotioe. See us when out of employment or when needing help. kM Stata street. Phone Main 477. LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all-hand work; established 20 years, 436 Ferry street, South side, between Liberty and High. Hop Lee. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. H. . M. Baker New and second-hand furniture, hardware and general sup plies. Beet cash prices paid for aeeond-hana goods. Call and see us and look over our goods 873 Court street. Phone 1853. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents. etc. Wo carry the most complete stock of above articles in town at the lowest price. O. L. MoPeok, 271 North Commercial St., phone Main 11233. :. L. STIFF New and second-hand furniture, hardware and general supplies. Best cash prices paid for second-hand goods. Just received large shipment of new linoleums, carpets and rugs. Corner Court and Liberty streets. Phens 941. SALEM FURNITURE 00247 North Commercial street, will exchange your old goods for sew. We carry a good line of furniture, rugs and ran see. Get our vriees and save monoy. 247 North Commercial street, Telephone Main 684. SALEM CHIMNEY SWEEPS. CHIMNEYS, furnaces and stoves clean ed and repaired. Eave troughs clean' ed. Established 1909. Phone 19. Spencer Hdw. Co. OSTEOPATH PHYSICIANS. PR. O. F. HEISLEY and Dr. a Etta Heisley (graduates of A. 8. O. Kirksville . Mo.. Di. A. T. (Hill president of tho school and found' er of tke scieace of Osteopathy) general osteopathic practloaers. Also hydrotherapy and electric I' i-M baths given without extra rharire for rheumatism, kidney and liver troubles. The success In these treatments Is equal te going to the hot lakes. Coaflaeaeat eases and female treaties sseelslty. 82 Coart street, rpftmt tie eonrt hews OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DBS. B. H. WHITE AND E. W. Walton, Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic disiases. ( Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 505 506 TJ. S. National Bank building. Phone 859. Residence 348 N, Capi tol street. Phone 469. PLUMBING HEO. M. BARR Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning, 164 Commercial St.. Phone M in 13. SAND AND GRAVEL. SALEM CONSTRUCTION eompany ean supply you with sand and gravel. Office 464 Court street. Phone Main 790. Gravel bed on Front street and North Mill Creek. BOATENGEK. SALEM SCAVENGER Chas. Soos, proprietor. ' Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly eon tracts at reasonable rates. Yards and eeaspeels cleaned. Office 548 State street. Office pkose Main 8247 Besidee.ee, Mala 7272. TAXTCAB SZXYICZ. TAXICAB SERVICE It will pay you to see J. B. Underwood, manager of tke West Side Transfer Co., when you wait a taxicab. Terms reasonable. Phone Main 81. On Sundays phone ..iain 100. Stand at corner of State nnd Commercial streets. THERESKA HAT WORKS. HATS MADE TO ORDER All work guaranteed. Thoreska Hat Works, Hats of all kinds renovated into any size or style; good quality trim mings. 217 S. High street. Phone 251, Salem, Oregon. UNDERTAKERS. ' LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Lehman, A. M. (Jlough, morticians and funer al directors. Latest modern meth ods known to the profession em ployed. 445 Court street. UNDERTAKERS. RIGDON-RICHABDSON CO. Funeral directors aad undertaken, 252 North High Street. Offleo Phono Main 183. Bigdon tresideaee Main 111. WATCHMAKER. U. 8. MILLER, tho WATCHMAKER Over 29 years' experience as a watch maker at Beatrice, Nab. high grade work at eastera prices. Opera Hensa Block, 484 Court St. WOOD AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS The place of quality. All kinds of dry wood, four foot, or cut in stove lengths to suit. Prompt delivery. Wo handle the btst eoals on the market. Try our King coal; it is the beet; 752 Trade street. Phone Main 629. Mark Siddall, prop. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade sta. For water service apply at office. Rill payable monthly In advance. LODGE DIRECTORY. A. O. TJ. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meet every Monday evening at 7:30 In the McCornack hall, corner Court and Liberty streets, C. M. Mason, M. W; S. A. McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, F. CENTRAL LODGE No. , K. of P. McCornack bldq, Tuesday evening of eaoh weok at 7:30 p. m., F-ed G. Hale, C. C, Jas. W. Cox, K. of B. and S. 'HAD WICK CHAPTER NO, 37., O. E, 8. Regular meeting every first aad third Tuesday at 8 p. m., In the Ma sonic Temple. Mrs. Josephine Vaaa W. M. Ida M. Babcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet every Friday night at 7:36 o'clock In Ma sonic hall, McCornack block. O. C. Watklns, C. C; L. H. Fletcher. Clerk. MULTNOMAH ROYAL CHAP TER, NO. 1. B. A. M. neguiar meet log second Friday in each month at 8 p. m., in tho Masonic Temple, James Plant, Ex. nigh Priest; Lot L. Pearce, secretary. R. N. of A. "Oregon Grape Camp" to. lnftO, meet every Thursday enitig in McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets. Eelevator. 8u slo Parmeater, 781 North Front 8t., Oracle; Haiel Price, Imperial Faral tare) Co, recorder. LODGE DIRECTORY (Continued). UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m., in Moose HalL G. C. Criesal, M. A., Ivan G. Martin, Secretary, Ma sonic Temple. PACIFIC LODGE NO 50, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third Fri day in each month at 7:30 p. m., in the Masonic Tmple. Edward Ros tein, W. M., Ernest H. Choate, sec retary.. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or negloct of dumb animals should be reported to the society for investi gation. SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. v. & a. M. Stated communications first Friday in each moatk at 7:30 p. in., in the Masonio Temple. s Fred W. Cook, W. M., 3. Z. Culver, secretary. tODERN WOODHEN OF AMERICA, Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 'clock in Masonic hall, comer Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service. R. M. Morris,, V. C; Bay A. Croat, Clerk. , KEAL I3TATB. GOOD BUSINESS FOB SALE Lease on a 10-room rooming house, in cen ter of city, 00 two car lines and paved streets. All furniture, good piano included, for (350. Will give possession at once. Call at 304 U. S, Bank building, or phone Main 470. FOR SALE lt-aoro tract Just east ef aeylam, well improved; will take tewa residence for part payment. Ad' dress Bouts 8, Be 1521A. FOR SALE Nioo new 4-reom house on lot 50x101; geed well. Price (675; (25 dew, balance (10 per month. Why pay rsat. See owner at No. 204 Salem Bank building. FOR SALE rivo-room house, barn, good well, corner lot, 150x150, all in bearing fruit; by owner, 1595, cor ner Saginaw aad Lincoln stroet. 160 ACRE FABM near Goldendale, Wash., 20 acres clear, balance timber. Will trade for Salem real estate, resi dence preferred. Snap for quick trade, value, (4,000. " T. W.," care Jour nal. FOB BALE. FOR SALE Team, tiarness and wagon, cheap. Inquire 1707 North Fourth. FOB SALE Fresh eggs, 154 Columbia street, corner North Front. FOR BALE New house, chicken house one block from car, (700. Inquire 16 East 12th N. Portland. FOR SALE Oak wood, (5.50 and (6.00 per cord, doliverod. Phono Fanners llx. , PUPPIES FOR SALE Pedigreed, two months old, Boston terrier, 3 male and 1 female, at low prices. Phone Main 2644, 45 North Liberty street. FOR BALE Thoroughbred 8. C. Rhode Island Bed cockerels, also White Bock cockerels; Fishol strain. Prices reasonable. Phono Fanners 233 or address route 6, box 98. " GUABANTEED AUTO SPRINGS W manufacture high grade auto and track springs, also repair, sot up, and re-temper old springs. Our long list of satisfied customers will rec ommend our ability as leaders in our work. Laher Auto Spring Co., 29 North 15th St Portland Or. FOB SALE One bene, 6 years old, weight 1250, well broke. Price (125. Inquire at 655 South Fifteenth. FOR BALE (400 high-grade piano. Will take (165, If sold at once. See W. B. McWilliams, 318 Hubbard Building. FOR SALE One Franei Grey raciig solky at a bargaia. . Phoao 644. A. J. Asians!. FOR SALE High class second hand organ at a bargain. Call 318 Hub bard building. WANTED. WANTED To trade (500 city proper ty for runabout. Telephone 2289. WANTED Lady eapabl of earning good salary. Room 228, Hubbard Bldg. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply forenoons, 754 Ferry street LOST. LOST Nev 2 small black asd tan dog. Reward fir ret 11 re t 1325 Marios street. KHward Creek. TBY JOURNAL WANT AM FOB THEY BMM RESULTS POR RENT. FOR RENT koom in private family, board if desired, three blocks east from city hall, 860 Chemeketa. FOB RENT Furnished rooms, close In, desirable location. 365 High street.' FOR RENT Furnished room, close in, 43 tenter street, corner iligh. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, bath, wood, (1.50 per week. 1449 Trade, between 15th and 16th. ' BENT OF HOUSE furnished in ex change for board. Address "J.," care Journal. MISCELLANEOUS. BOARD AND BOOM in private famil ly; modern conveniences, 524 South 14th street. PIANO TUNING J. E. Hockett. Phone 1465. Residence 2255 North Elm street. First-class work. ' SIX PER CENT LOANS Oa farms. Orchard lands, city resideaco or busi ness property, te buy, build, improve, extend or refund mortgages er otker seourities; terms reasonable; special privileges; correspondence invited. Dept. L, 618 Comoawealtk bldg., Denver, Colo., er Dept. I, 74V Hoary bldg., Seatle, Wash. TAKEN UP Two fillies, 8 years old, Owner ean have same by paying for this ad and addressing A. M. Griffin, box 95, route 6 Salem, eao mile north of Hazel Green church. Croupe and Cough Remedy. Croupe is a torible disease, it attacks children so suddenly they are very apt to choke unless given the proper rem edy at once. There is nothing bettor in the world than Dr. King'B New Discov ery. Lewis Chambelain, of MancheS' tor, Ohio, writes about his children: "Sometimes in severe attacks we were afraid they would die, but since we proved what a cortain remedy Dr. King New Discovery is, we have no fear. We rely on it for croupo, coughs and colds." So can you. 50c and (1.00. A bottle should be in every home. At all DruggiBts. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Phila, St. Louis. Now it is reported that Huerta is drunk moat of the time, which may ac count for his fool courage. Dr. Hobsin' Ointment Heals Itchy Eczema. Tho constantly itching, burning sen sation and other disagreeable forms oi eczema, tetter, salt rheum and skin erup tions promptly cured by Dr. Hobson's Eczema ointment. George W. Fitch, of Mondota, 111., says: "I purchased a box of Dr. Hobson's Eczema ointment I have had eczema ever since the civil war, have been treated by many doctors and none have given the benefit that one box of Dr. Hobson's Eczema oint ment has." Every sufferer should try it. We're so positive it will help you we guarantee it or money refunded. At all dniggists or by mail, 50c. Pfoiffei Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St, Louis. Huerta, having attended a bullfight, vivas for him have increased. A pile romedy that is entirely dif ferent from anything else, used both externally and Internally, acting on the blood as woll as the discaso, a romedy without a superior. It is Moritol Pile remedy, made and guaranteed by the American Drug and Press association. Capital Drug Store, exclusive agents, Salom, Oregon. A woman always has faith in the judgment of any man who asks her to marry him. Ourod of Liver Complaint "I was suffering with liver com plaint," says Iva Smith, of Point Blank Texas, "and decided to try a 25c box of Chamberlain's Tablots, and am hap py to say that I, am completely cured and can recommond thorn to every one." For sale by all dealers. Turkeys are always cheaper after the holiday, and taste just as good. How to Bankrupt the) Doctor. A prominent Now York physician says, "If it were not for the thin stock ings and thin soled shoes worn by women tho doctors would probably be bankrupt." When you contract a cold don't wait for it t odovolop into pneu monia but treat It at once. Chamber lain ' Cough Remedy Is intended espe daily for coughs and colds, and has won a wide reputation by its cures of these disease. It is moat effectual and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale bv all dealers. Nearly all men are too lar.y even ts think for themselves. Thinking la hard work. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA TEAL BOOSTS AITCHISON. CNnm mass uasid wias.l Washington, Dec 3. J. N. Teal, of Portland, who arrived here today to at tend the rivers and harbors congress, says he is not a candidate for and will not accept appointment as a member of the interstate commerce commission. He is desirous of securing the appointment of Clyde B. Aitchison, of the Oregon state railway commission? to the nation al body and conferred with both Oregon senators on the matter today. Not Beyond Help at 87. Sloop-disturbing bladder weakness, stiffness in joints, weak, inactive kid ney action and rheumatic pains, are all evidence of kidney trouble. Mrs. Mary A. Dean, 47 E. Walnut street, Taunton, Mass., writes: "I have passed my 87th birthday, and thought I was beyond the reach of medicine, but Foley's Kidney pills have proved most beneficial in my case of kidney and bladder trouble." Elderly people will find Fo ley Kidney pills both tonic and strength ening, and may be sure they contain no harmful drugs. Dr. Stone's Drug Store. Any man can make a woman talk, but only a diplomat can make her say what he wants her to say. Stomach Trouble Disappear. Stomach, liver and kidney troubles, weak nerves, lame back and fomalrt ills disappear when Electric Bitters aro usod. Thousands of women would not be without a bottle in their home. Eliza Pool, of Dopew, Okla., writes "Electric Bitters raised me from a bed ot sick' ness and suffering and has done me a world of good. I wish every suffering woman could use this excellent remody and find out, as I did, just how good it is." As it has helped thousands of others, it surely will do the same for you. Every bottle guaranteed, 50c and (1.00. At all dniggists. H. E. Buckler Sc. Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. ' - If a homely girl has plonty of mon ey it '8 an easy matter to moot a wise nan who will try to conviuce her she is a prize beauty. Fit His Case Exactly. "When father was sick about six yoarB ago he road an advertisement of Chamberlain 's Tablets in the papers that fit his case exactly," writes MIbs Margaret Campbell of Ft. Smith, Ark. 'He purchased a box of them and he has not boon sick since. My sister had stomach trouble and was also ben efited by them." For sale by all deal ors. She's a bright girl who can snatch an eligible man from a designing wid ow. ' A Fair Proposition. The 'maaufiacturers of Meritol Blieu mntism powdors have so much eonfi dence in this preparation that they authorize us to sell them to vim on a positive guarantee to give you ro- liof in all casos of rhoumatlsm or re fund your money. This Is certainly a fair proposition. Let us show them to you. Capital Drug Store, exclusive agency, Salem, Oregon. And many a man who has the cheok to raise whiskers doesn't even try It, Constipation Poison You. If you are constipated, your entire system Is poisoned by the wasto matter kept In the body sorious result often follow. Use Dr. King' New Life pills and you will soon got rid of constlpa lion, headache and othor trouble. 25c at dniggists or by mail. H. E. Buck len & Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. If tho "constitiitionaHsts" take the Mniieo Citv and capturo Huerta, he won't havo much doubt as to what they will do to him. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Bread, Cakes, Pastries Mad olenn; sold dean, baked by OoMsmitb Theurers Salem Royal Bakery t Insuring highest quality Phone 378 240 S. Cetnsieroisl Bt., 81 em, Or " The Man Who Neglects Himself. When his condition points to kidney trouble takes an unwise risk. Back ache, pain and soreness over the kid neys, nervous or dizzy spells, poor sleep, are all symptoms that will disappear with the regular use of Folloy Kidney pills. They put the kidneys and blad der in a clean, strong and healthy con dition, and rheumatic pains, stiff joints, lumbago and irregular bladder actios are all relieved promptly when Foley Kidney pills are taken. Dr. Stone's Drug Store. But when the millenium starts in business the man behind the muck rake will be out of a job. Coughs Taat Prevent Sleep. These coughs are wearing and if they hang on," can run one down physical ly and lower the vital resistance to disease. Mr. Bob Ferguson, 319 Pine street, Green Bay, Wis., writes: "I was greatly troubled with a bad cough that kept me awake nights. Two small bot tle of Foley's Honey and Tar com pound completely cured me." This med icine Is equally good for croupe, whocp ing cough, measles cough, and for the chronic coughs of elderly people. It is soothing and healing and stop tickling throat. Dr. Stone's Drug Store, CASTOR I A Tr Iafaati snd Children. Tin liri YKsT8 Always Bought Bears tho Signature ef Salem Fence Works R. B. FLEMING, Prop. Headquarter for American Fence, stands any test, and at bedrock prices. Big stock ot Paiats, Varnishes, etc., 20 per cent reduction. Fence posts and roofing. Elastic Waterproof Paint. Loganberry wire, any quantity. 250 Court St. f'hono 124 Back of Chicago Storo L'1 1 s aj . TRAVELERS' GUIDE RAILROADS SOUTHERN PAOinO COMPANY. Tim Tail, Portland Division. effective November 2, 1013, 12:01 a. m. Northbound. 10 Orcgoa Express ............. 3:00a.m. 10 Albany Passenger 7:21a.m. 8 Willamrttt Express - 9:27 a.m. 1 Miasta Limited 12:35 p.m. 18 Portland Passenger 2:00 p.m. 20 Pertlaad Passenger 5:47 p.m. 14 Portland Express 8:11p.m. 226 Local Way Freight .10:30 a.m. 222 Portland Through Fr't 10:80 p.m. Southbound. IS California Express 8:82 a.m. 17 Olendal Passenger 11:10 a.m. 19 Cottag drove Pass'ger 4:45 p.m. 27 Willamette Limited 5:11 p.m. 11 fibasta Limited ...... 7:88 p.m. 9 Albany Paaseager 8:45 p.m 13 Baa Fraacisc Exprs....10:36 p.m. 225 Local Way Freight :27.m. 221 San Fran. Thro' Fr't ..-12:01a.m. Salom Oeor Branch. ' 127 Passenger arr. SaUn 9:25 a.m. 130 Pass. mid. leave Salem 11:00 a.m. 1211 Pan. mid, arr. Snlsm ... 8:00 p.m. 128 Pass, leaves Balsm......... 4:15 p.m. Salem, rails Olty a Western, 160 Arrives Salem 8:00 a.m. 152 Arrives Sale. 11:20 a.m. 154 Arrives Salsra 8:10 p.m. 159 Arrive Salem 5:25 p.m. 158 Arrive Salem 7:30 p.m. 131....Leave for Black Rook.... 8:45 a.m. 153 Leave for Fall City . 9:55 a.m. 155 Leave for Fall City .... 1:45 p.m. 157 Leaves for Falls City ... 8:30 p.m. 159 Leave for Dallas ............ 0:20 p.m. 150 Freight, arrive ..12:30 p.m. 181 Freight, depart 4:50 a.m. OEEOOM ELEOTEIO RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Leave Saltm Arrives Portland Train. No. 4:25 a.ra I Owl 0:50 a.m 8:30 a.m. - 0 8:55 a.m Loc 10:20 a.m Ltd 11:40 am 1:43 p.m 0:66 p.m 0:40 p.m 1:15 p.m -19:05 f.m 8:00 a.m 8 9:45 a.m 10 11:20am 18 .. 1 ;60 p.m. 14 . 4:80p.m 4:00 1 Ltd . 5:60 p.m M 7:43 p-m 28. Callomit Woman Seriously Alarmed. "A short time ago I 'contracted a severe cold which settled on my lungs and caused mo a great deal of annoy ance. I would have bad coughing spells and my lungs were so sore and inflamed began to bo seriously alarmed. A friend recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saying she had used it for years. I bought a bottle and it re lieved my cough the first night, and in a week I was rid of the cold and sore ness of my lungs," writes Miss Mario Gerber, Sawtolle, Cal. For sale by all dealers. Why, in a story in a cheap magazine, docs silence always "fall." CuareUng Against Croup. The best safeguard against croupe Is a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar compound in the house. P. H. Ginn, Middloton, Ga., writes: "My children are very susceptible to croupe, easily catch cold. I give them Foley's Honey and Tar compound and in every in stance they get prompt relief and aro soon cured. We keep it at homo and prevent croups," Use it also for coughs, colds, hoarseness, tickling of tho throat, bronchial and lagripp coughs. It contains no opiates. Re fuse substitutes. Dr. Stone's Drug Store. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I GOLD DUST FLOUR Mad by the SYDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon Made for Family Us V. B. WALLACE, Agent J FRENCH FEJIRLE lilAPILLS. tfairMm ftvtnp Mr StrpruMHtt MtwaMutioK, imR RKflWH TO Mil. H.f.l Mural 0d,I tuti. iwuun uusimiwn or Mnnrj runirtaea, ut IWr $1.00 par Will wild ikunon trial, to bw 0 Unna, tunirjle4, 0iit prepaid; When raltarwd. Bafnplaa Kraa, If ytur dru&giti dwaa Ml ' wild Ikainan trial, to tw M l for (bar ihM iwd rof nUtu tt tha UNITED M CDICAL CO., noi 74 LMfVirftK Mfc. Southbound. Lv. Portland Ar. Balem 0:10 a.m. 8:30 a.m 0:60 a.m 7:80 ft.i 8:20 ,10:10 a.m 10:40 a.m..., 2:05 p.m.... 8:40 p.m..., 4:40 p.m..., 0:00 p.m..., 9:25 p.m... 1:00 p.m 1:30 p.m 0:05 p.m 0:30 p.m 8:20 p.m 11:25 p.m 11:45 p.m :05a.in Northbound. Lv. Corvalli Arv. Salem 0:30 a.; 8. 8:00 a.m 4:45 p.m ... Lv. Eugene 7:35 a.m 11:15 a.m 1:50 p.m. .., 5:00 p.m....., 12:01 a.m ...20 . 5:50 p.m Ar. Salom 9:45 am ..- 1:50 p.m ,. 4:00 p.m ...10 Ltd -111 ....10 Ltd -..28 , 7:43 prn 8:10 a.m .... 8 Owl Southbound. Lv. Salem 4:35 p.u.. Lv. Balem Ar. All .. 9 5:3 Ar. Eui 7:05 Ar. Alb, IB a 8:25 p.m.... -17 B: 215 p.m Ar. Corvallis 9:55 p.iu Ar. Eugene 81 Owl 7:60 am , 1 11:15 am , 5 Ltd 12:25 p.m Stop at Albany Lv, Salom 1:15 a.m.... 8:85 a.m.. 10:15 am Lv. Balem. 1:05 p.m...., Lv. Balem. 8:85 p.m..., 7 8:05 p.m Stop at Corvalli 8:20p.m Ar. Eugene 13 ..... 8:45 p.m OOETALLIS C0NBCTI0N8. Northbound. Lv, Ctrvalll Ar. Balom 8:00 a. in - 9:43 a.m 1:50 p.m 4:00 p.m ... 5:60 p.m .... 7:4 m 8:30 a.m 8:38 a m ... 18:18 p.m. ... 2:88 p.m 4:25 p.m 0:06 p.m. ... Lv. Balem. 8:85 a m 10:15 am - 1:98 f.m Southbound. Ar. Corvalli 10:07 a.m 11 40 ui . 8:30 p.m 0:40 pre 4:81 f.m , 1:31 a 7:67 f.m Ask your grocer for It- Bran ', and abort always on. band. '. 1 ( Ltd 9 11 13 Ltd 17 Loo. 19 21 OwL