pass fotjb. v i1 BOBABLT the rooBt advanced, artistic and finished dancers on the American stage today are Francis and Florette, fea- til red among the heaCliuers of the cel ebrated Anna Held all Btnr Varlete , Jubilee, being presented for the first time In the United States and Cannda ondcr the management of John Cort. Good dances, fancy dunces and new i stylo dances have become a much , nought after plensnre a "fad." In ' New York and the eastern cities a so ciety man or girl Is not considered nor mal unless they are "up" on the latest tops. Tho debutante, the buds of New York society, the actress, wheth er she be vaudcvllltan or tragedian, the rlcii girl and the poor girl, alike possessing yrJuth, are all eagerness to "get ou" to the new dances. We can have no bettor Interpretations, no bet fosiTiR raasi UMiD wins. McMiiinvillo, Or., 1,'oc. 4. That Wal ter A, Noilgem appciijod to h trying to get hit hand into his pocket u lie wan urging tho horde which lio was riding toward Jnmei Hutohons whon Ilutvhont futnlly slmt HedgorB on Io Viuo ItlJgo August 3, Inst, was the testimony given yesterday lit tho trial of Hiitcliem bo foro Circuit Judgo Holmes by threo wo men, who said they woro eyo witneisso of tho nhooting. Tli witmwsen giving this testimony were Mr. I!. T. Cffitnoloy and daughter and Mrs. HoHiird, ami they were testi fying for tho prosecution. Mrs. How ard said itodgers' horse was about 14 feet from Hutcheni when Ilutehens fired llio futl shot. Bits said that Bodgor woro glove at the. time aud ho did not tee a gun on his body. therwino tho testimony of Mrs. Con oly and dftiighter was niiieh tho tamo as that given by Frank B. Wilbur, who win wounded three times by Hutchens in I lie Kama affray which reunited In Bodgers' death, aud who admitted hav ing started the fight with Hiitehena. ItflV Osman aud I'dward l'erry yester day lentlfled that Iluteheus fretpieittly tad threatened to kill Bodgers, l'erry declared tlmt ou one oeraidon, while he and friends were hunting in the mounliiins, llutcheus nmhed at them and said ha "had a notion" to kill them. l'erry said he wnmri Rodger to stay away from llutihetm' homestead, fear ing ho would he slain. REAL FIRE BTAOF.D AT MOVIE RANCH AND THREE INJURED tcinTm mas un wiaa.1 Santa Monica, Dee. 4. Three persons wore aerieiinly hut not fatally burned today in a fire that destroyed the am munition house at the "lfll" motion picture plant, in Banta Ynea ranyon, near hem. Manager W. A. Brooks, of the mutton plctum concern, was painfully burned about the face, and Andrvw Miller, aged 17, was Imrnrd about the head and tn!y. All were given treatment at tha company's emergency hospital. The ammunition house contains thou ands of rounds of blank cartridges, several hundp-d rsdlea and other qiiiiieiit used In hattle pictures. It ws totally destroyed, with a loa of lrt.OOd. Tho explosion of tlx blank cartridges was hrard hero, and policemen were nt t.i ilivnti).1te. J()n.(N At, M'ANT Am bring rHs. ter portrayal of both punctual technic and artistic grace than we find In the dancing of Fruncis and Florette. The terrible turkey trot Is to be thrown into discard, any form of "rag' Is to be dono away with, and In their place come the modified forms of "The Tango," "The Beverly," "The Shadow," "Tho Manchester," "The 81do Drop Glide," "Tho Hesitation Glide" and "The Sensation Scroll." The new dances for this winter are of a more sane, sensible and beautified quality. The waltz takes many new forms with a marked advancement of grace and simplicity. There will be no motion of tho shoulders, mid Instead of a close contact and hugging between partners the bodies are to be held more erect with tho hands extended nt the sides. Swaying from tho hips will not bo per mitted nor will hopping nnd Jumping and gripping of the knees. Tho dances President Wilson and Aids In the Mexican Situation ..In ', J n.-js'1.. MI WWJ -J " -V i'hotoa copyright, ltll. by Amurlcan t'reaa Association. PUKSIItKNT WILSON faced tl growing Mexican crisis with a deter mined mind a to tho Uiorul rlclit and wrong of the Munition. Always tor peace, tint pivslileut illrH tsl Ills policy along that line as tar us consistent with nrtlloiml dignity. In this attitude he wai at all tunes backed by Secretary of ftuto Bryan and by Heeretnry of War Gnrrtson nad Fevretnry of the Navy Ihtulcl. Intervention was voiisldered only as the last course, for (lie Wllsou aduilnlstrntloii decried war, although It maintained a Ci tn hand fioiil the first In Its diplomatic endeavor to eliminate Uuerta from the MexliHu Killtleal Held, In the picture Kocrctary Uryan la nt the top (left). rrcKhlcut Wilson at the tup irlghtl, Sei-rvtary Garrison at the bottom (left) and Becretsry PaiileU at the tiottom (right!. CHAMBERLAIN 8PEAK8. (dnithu fsasa laiaau iii I Washington, Dee. 4. rtedictioa that tha o)cnlng of the Panama canal would retult In the dvloimnt of a atronu sentiment in favor Of a national policy for improvement of rivers and har of last year possessed little character and less refinement. When exaggerat ed to even a moderate extent they be came vulgar. What the dancing mas ters approve of for the coming winter steps is more use of the feet, bodies more erect, heads nnd shoulders well up, gliding instead of hops and mod eration in every movement In the dancing of Francis and Florette, we find all of these combined, making per fection In every graceful step nnd ar tistic movement. Tho most Interesting feature of their not is their many dif ferent original creations toward the ad vancement of their art. They have re turned to us from Europe, where they attended the leading ecole de dann clngne, and studied under the celebrat ed professors in Furls. Their dances are the newest, their dancing Is the finest and tbclr net is the best of its kind ever produced in America. ' " .; 'A hers was voiced before the river aud harbors congress here today by 8cua tor Chamberlain, of Oregon. He de clared that fear of criticism of "pork barrel'' methods must be overcome be fore the proper legislation could be. rured. 3 :-.',.Uv ,ti v.i 't. , v iuau ' DAILT CAPITAL JOURNAL. aVALZH, OREOO!, THURSDAY) DECEMBEB 4, 1913. . a mm a. V. i Y: BY AN EX-ACTRESS (UNITED FStSa I.HASRD WinB.l Chicago, Dee. 4. The first suit con testing the validity of the income tax in the federal court here wns filed yes terday on behalf of Miss Klsio do Wolfe of New York. Tho Continental & Com mercial fc Savings Bank, of Chicago, is named is defendant in tho declaration, Bourke Cock ran'! 'of New York, and Colin Fyte, of Chicago, . appeared as counsel for Mins De Wolfe, who wus well known as nn actress until 1905, when f-he left the slaqo. She now is nti interior decorator. The suit was brought to compel tho bank to pay the interest on HO bonds of the Appalachian Tower company, which the bill stated tho bank hnd de clined to pay unless Miss Do Wolfe filed n certificate of ownership, as pro vided by tho income tax. Damages of $100 are asked in each of four counts. Levi Mayer, attorney for tho bank, declared that the suit would bo made a test case, lie also said he would prob ably confer with Attorney-General Mc Reynolds and might ask that tho de partment of justice bo represented in the defense of the bill. The plaintiff alleges that the income tax is not uniform and that the law is t heref ore unconst it nt innnl. SERGEANT FACES WOE AS T OF Med ford, Or., Doe, 4. Trouble is brewing In tho ranks of the local national guard following 4 tho summoning of First Sergeant Tengwald before a lxsird of In- quiry to show cause why he should not be reprimanded for the spreading of a report among tho younger members of tho company that they were to be called to the Mexican border, The report, it ia said, caused grnflt consternation 4 in the ranks of the "Weepy Sev- eulh," aa tho local company is known, and it is iid that several 4 member of the troop took to the tail timber new Eagle Point, from whew they were both to return until assured that everything waa 4 qule; along the K10 Grande. 1 , V.'1. rf.ff V mi i Vi : Sill Stork May Allay Fears of Russia Over Invalid Heir W IT" vw THIS la the latest picture of the ctnrevltch of Russia, heir to the throne. The lad Is still reHrted to be so sickly that he Is usually carried around, and the people of the empire continue their prayers for Ills health. Hecnuse of the boy's Invalidism Ilussln learned with Joy that the stork was expected agalu to visit the Imperial home at Uvadla. for they hoped the bird would bring another hoy to take the little caarevlti h's place In disc of death Alexis, the only son of ICinperor Nicholas. Is now In his tenth yenr. hnvlng boon born Ana li !su. The royal couple have four other chll-dren-Olgn. horn In 181)5; Tntluua. horn In 181)7; Marie, born In 18U9, and Aiiastaslu, horu lu 11SJ1 , SALEM HYGIENE WORK DISCUSSED AT TH13 MEETING Business men and others Interested in the hygiene organization now being perfected in Salem met at luncheon at tho Hotel Marioa tc1ay at noon and discussed different plans presented by mcmltcrs of the body which was formed at the first meeting held in the Salem high school. The purpose of the gather- j nig hm iur 1 1 n mrrvooiiv wno are interested tn the movement at woA at formulating some means of spreading the real purpose of the hygienic move rnciit broadcAst throughout the city. It ia more than likely that classes ia hy giene will be formed ia the various schools la this district aad programs I- i prewired at certain time upon which prominent speakers will be numbered. u In any event, the hygiene work, a pro'iosed by those attending the first meeting, will be carried out in the near future ami Salem already has the dis tinction of being the first city in the state to take active part in hygiene work. SHANK IN VAUDEVILLE (r-rran rami laissn wi.l French Lick, Ind, Dec. 4. Ex-Mayor Kt,:ftlf. nt Tn.tSn-,.ttnlia wKn ffa ir,n.l I rather than promise the employers the protection they asked in connection with !t.he teamsters' strike, left here yester day with his wife for Kantaa City, where he haa a vaudeville engagement. ' 1. 9 liip mm 4 II) ONITSD rBESS LliSSD WIKB. St. I'etcrsburg, Dec. 4. It is easy enough to avoid getting cancer. Horo's. all you have to do: Pass your knives, furks aud spoons through a hunson bur ner before using; refrain from eating; raw foods; boil and filter all water; soo that all vegetables and fruits are well cooked before eating. Toast your bread to destroy microbes on the sur face. This is tho advice of Processor Met chnikoff, the famous bateriologist, who claims to "bnvo established absolutely that cancer is not hereditary, but is produced by microbes from tho out side. "If more than one member of a , fnmily developss cancer it is ciniply bo j cause thoy live in unhygenic surround ings, or fail to observe proper precau tions against infection," says the pro fessor. ' PLANS FOR BRINGINO PEOPLE TO OREGON ARE DISCUSSED Pose.burg, Or., Doc. 4. More than 700 delegates were in attendance here this (afternoon when the Western Oregon uevclopinent meeting began its session in tho Antlers theatre. Among the most important subjects, discussed were the advisability of main taining a state wide exhibit at Ashland during tho Panama-Pacific exposition, nnd methods of influencing nil visitors to tho exosition to purchase tickets either coining or going via Portland, with stop overs at various points within tho stato so that its resources may be inspected with the hopes of attractino- settlors. A uniform and state-wido svstem of advertising is also under construction. An effort will also be mado to induce, the Southern Pacific company to reduce its differential during the exposition. A special train bearing 110 doleu-aten from Ashland, Modford. Jacksonville. Oraiita Pass and other southern Oregon towns and another with 100 delecates from Eugene, led by the Radiators in uniform and the state university band. arrived during the morning. FOOS BTOP FLIGHT. Sacramento, Cal., Dee. 4. -Heavy fogs which prevented hi passenger from seeing the power line stopped the flight of Aviator Bob Fowler, who left Sacrameuto for Oakland early today on his first regular patrol trip for a local power company. Fowler landed with out injury near Courtland, and will pro ceed tn Oakland aa toon as the fog lifts.