Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 04, 1913, Image 2

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    ge of Tike Salem Capital Jo wsial
DEC. 4, 19) o
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The Capital J o urn al
The Barnes -Taber Company
GRAHAM P. TABEB, Editor and Manager.
Aa Independent Newspaper Devoted toAmeriean Principles and the Progrera
and Development of Salem in Particular and All Oregon in General.
i'Dllitail Kiery Evening Except Bungay, Salem, Oregon
(Inrtrlabl In Advance) ,
Dally, nr Carrier, per jear ...18.20 Per month. ,46e
Dally, by Mall, per fear ...... 4.00 Per month.. 86e
ITeeklj, by Mall, per year 1.00 Sir months. Sue
Advertising ratea will be furnished on application.
'Wow Today " adi strictly cash in advance.
"Want" ad and
Th Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papera on the
otck. If the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the
paper to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
way we est determine whether r not the carriers are following Instructions.
Phone Main 82.
IT IS 80 SELDOM one gots a chance to commend Standard Oil that when
the opportunity does come, one cannot afford to pass it by, In the last is
sue of the Standard Oil Bullotin, a monthly publication published in San
' Francisco, there is an editorial commenting on and commending the Work
men's Compensation law as to its effect in California. In the light of our
own state having the law now on its statute books, it is interesting reading,
nd as such we commend it to both employer and employee. This is what tho
company has to say of it, after a year's trial:
- "When the legislature of this Btato passed the first industrial compensation
act, which became effective Soptember I, 1911, regulating the liabilities of
employers to their holp, it was made optional with them whether to accept it.
The officers of the Standard company, however, immediately took steps to be
advised about the provisions of this law and the advisability of going under
it. This inquiry led to the belief that the mon of this new industrial accident
commission were men of high intelligence and character; also that the condi
tions then obtaining in tho courts concerning damage suits for personal injuries
wore very unsatisfactory, as the result of each trial was usually left to tho jury
on some pretext or another and the former practice of the courts to reduce tho
amount of excessive verdicts had practically been abandoned. Moreover, tho
bringing of these damage suits had become a sort of special practice with many
mombers of tho bar, who workod usually on contingent fees running from a
quarter to half of the amounts recovered. In many cases those attorneys were
not overscrupulous in procuring a little testimony which would enable thorn to
got a esse to the jury. As a rule, vory few business men tat upon juries in
those damage cases, and a big verdict was confidently exjiectod and usually ob
tained in each instance.
"On the other hand, it was found that under the "liability act," all tho
mouoy paid for injuries to employes wont directly to them or to thoir families.
Under those conditions It was promptly decided to accept tho act; a stop which
has not boon regretted,
"The instances in which tho company has been unnblo to settle with its
employes, and whoro the act has boon Invoked, have been vory few. 8inco the
compensation law becamo offectlve there have boon pnly six cases involving
any controversy and requiring a hoaring and decision by the board. The'com
ponnow takes pleasure In stating that it has uniformly received fair and
courteous treatment from tho commission. The company has not only paid ev
ery award made In favor of employes, or thoir families (without appeal), but
has also complied with tlio recommendations of the board to make certain pay
ments not technically required undor the law, but which seemed to morit the
consideration of the company undor tin circumstances of tho case. The result
has boon more monoy for employes and families and less for the lawyers. In
addition to this, injured employos have received thoir money when thoy needed
it most that is, soon after the injury, instead of at tho end of years of litiga
tion. These facts aro in favor of the commission in proforonce to the courts as
the tribunal for the settlement of thoso matters. The new law will Boon go
into effect and makes it compulsory upou nil employers to accept and comply
with its provisions.
"Our next issue will contain a further article on this subject, giving par
ticulars as to the amount of wages paid, the company's pension system, and
like matters.
AT A MEETING of delegate from the several religious denominations
held in the auditorium of the V. M. C. A. In Portlaud Tuesday afternoon
the strife between the tom(ornnce forcos and the religious denomination
came to an end and It was decided to wage a fight for stato-wido prohi
bition at the election next November. The only quest iou between th
two force was as to the time for making the fight. Many of the churchmen
had been in favor of not making the fight until 1010, and the Anti-Saloon
League also favorod this plan, and to devoting the time until then to repealing
the local option laws.
This makes It certain that there will bo a battle royal, that will mako the
noxt election one of the hottest ever held in this state.
It is and news for some of the politicians, too, for thoy will havo to bIiow
their colors. There will be uo si raddling the fonco on this question, for each
side will demand, and get, a positive statement from evory candldato, and ho
who has not the backbond to stand or fall with his opinions might as well stay
out of tho contost. In fact, that will bo prjactleully tho sole issue, for onco the
fight is on, all other questions and incisures will necessarily become subservi
ent to It.
It will be on "which side, Mr. Candidate," as well aa "which side VieM-nittnf"
What, has beconio of tho old-fashioned girl who kept her wad of Soarmiul
lusted on the side of the bed while slm sliintt Fargo, N. I) Courier-Now.
Without undertaking to answer the question, wr would like just in the Inter
est of tht journalistic fraternity- and the lni(ecoall word thereof, to havo '.he
editor who aked the question, explain how ho knows the "old-fashioned girl''
pasted her wad of spearmint on tho side of the bed while she slept 1
One of the me In objects of the big convention being held today at Roseburg
is to provide a permanent exhibit of Oregon products at Ashland. All trains
top for 20 minutes or half an hour I hero, and It is the ideal place for showing
what old Oregon can produce, To the Oregoniau or visitor leaving tho state It
would he a pleasant farewell surprise, and to thoso coming Into tho state it
would Imi a revelation. H would In t un bo Paradise lost or a Paradise re
lined, just as tho visitor was leaving or coming into the state,
": 1 :-i
Socretary of tho Navy Daniels want the Uiiitod State to "acquire o.l
well to furnish fuel for tho navy." Tho Idea Is all right, but does it not see. i
rather strange that Uncle 8am should havo to acquire oil wells, when ho re
cently owned thousands of acre of oil lands which he allowed John D. and oth
ers to "acquire" at little or no expense and for which he must now pay a big
sum if he gets them at allf
Why would it not be a good plan to have all laws submitted to tho supreme
court, that it might pass upon their constitutionality be'fore submitting them to
the governor for his approval! '
It is said Jane Addams asked, "What is sillier than a derby hatf"
der if Jane ever looked under the hatl
The dispatches Wednesday said "seven generals of the resrular Mexican
army have offered to surrender." If they "generaled" any privates, this
ought to come near settling the war.
President Wilson 's messjige contained only 3000 words, and it handled some
pretty good-sized subjects, too. We have known communications to newspa
pers to contain more than that many words, and all devoted to one subject, and
a not very important one at that Wo have also known the writers to got real
mad at the editor because the communications were, not printed.
The suffragettes point out that President Wilson lost a great opportunity
when he failed to spy a word in favor of suffrage in his message. This is un
doubtedly true, for he had a chance to ei list thousands of women :s voteB in his
favor in case the law is passed, and his lecomtn.'iidition of a presidential pri
mary is adopted. This goes to show th. president is not a shrewd politician.
Postal savings bank deposits increased from $20,237,084 during tho year
ending June 30, over the year before, about $13,500,000. They are now $33.
818,870. Just fancy the Bmile that overspread ex-Senator Bourne's face as he
read that bit of news.
The Capital Journal Invites pub
lio discussion In this department
Let both sides ot all matters
be fully brought out It Is not
the purpose of this newspaper to
do the thinking for Its readers.
Delicious "Fruit LaxattTS" Can't
Harm Tender Little Stomach,
Liver and Bowels. ,
LADD & BUSH, Bankers 1
Editor Capita! Journal:
An aged lady came from the Atlantic
coast to Salem. She didn't know she
was aged but other folks did her life
hud been so full of sorrow and suffer
ing and losses that time was forgotten.
She wont to the state house to call
on the governor he was not in, but
a back-log blazed, merrily in the fire
place, and over the mantle hung a pic
ture that seemed to brcnthe a welcome.
Prom office to office the aged lady
wont, asking for a position but the
heads of departments ail had the same
answer "No vacancy," Girls, girls,
everywhere, no domnnd for aged ladies.
She had searched so long for work Bhe
was physically able to do not the kind
it. would require an Amazon to perform,
which was all that had been offexod her
and now her purse was almost empty
but bIio spont the remainder for a
room in the third-story, and an ad in
the paper, which brought no biibwot,
and so bitter was her disappointment
that she prayed to die cowpirdly, was
not itf But instead of dying sho is
vory much alive and deeply grateful
that she does live in Salem, not because
any one gave her worn at hor own pro
fession which she loves so well; not be
cause anybody wns friendly, or even
spoko to her at church or prayer meet
ings, for they didn't but because Bhe
didn't givo up in despair but went on
seeking a place to work and so one
day sho sat clown in a large room with
a hundred others, all strangers to hor,
and for tho first time In her life tried
to iron the wrinkles out of prunes with
her thumbs and lay them in straight
rows. Oh, how long it did take her to
face a box with 100 smooth prunes and
thus earn 3 cent. Sho only faced 20
boxes a day, while tho experts faced
(SO or more. But that 00 cents a day
meant food and a roof over her head
and she was glad.
But thoxo human boings didn't treat
hor like the ones Bhe had seen in the
churches of Salem, who, although thoy
looked at her, did not appear to see
her, as if some magic had rendered her
invisible. But here wo.ro over a hun
dred lovely people, ranging from sweet
10 to 70 who smiled and nodded across
tho room at hor and didn't wait for
an Introduction before getting acquaint
ed, They were as friendly as folks
used to be in by -gone days of the com
munity dipper and roller towel In fact
that's Just, what they had and perhaps
'that's tho secret of their fellow-fooling
I wonder if this fad of Individualism
hasn't been raried most too far and is
to Maine for the dearth of neighbor!!
nessf Well, tho social atmosphere
worked Use a charm on the stranger
and she didn't mind her sore thumbs
or Bchlng arms sinco everybody was so
kind to her and dldu't let her die of
" r,et us net count the stars In our
heavenly crown,
(axing upward we may miss a chance
To comfort the Aged, with sorrow cast
I'imii, '
Or th joy of life's close to enhance."
One of the pastors of this city recent
ly preached about the ministry of ang
els) proving to. his hearer beyond the
hadow of a doubt, that the angels are
kept as busy now n-dnys heading us off
with flaming sword when w try to
go in a wrong direction, as was that one
which frightened Balaam" bst. Well
with all due respect for the Invisible
angels, give me the tangible kind aa
wll, with eyes that saw how few hole
were punched In the stranger's card
and the amount of her pay check and
the contents of her dinner pail and
'hen what a whispering there was
(list like before Christ mas and when
he went to her dinner il thoro s!
tomid a Mg bouquet, and a eak and
Every mother realizes, after giving
her children "California Syrup of
Figs," that this is their ideal laxative,
because they love its pleasant taste and
it thoroughly cleanses the tender little
stomach, liver and bowels without grip
ing. When croaB, irritable, feverish or
breath is bad, stomach sour, lookat the
tongue, mother! If coated, give a tea
spoonful of this harmless "fruit laxa
tive," and in a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, sour bile and undi
gested food passes out of the bowels,
and you have a well, playful child again.
When its little system is full of cold,
throat sore, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea,
indigestion, folic remember, a good
inside cleaning" should always be the
first treatment given.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Svrun of Fipa" handv; thnv It
spoumui wmay saves a sick child to
morrow. Ask your druggiBt for a E0
cent bottle of "California Syrup of
Figs," which has directions for babies,
children of all ages and grown ups
printed on the bottle. Bewaro of coun
terfeits sold here, so don't be fooled.
Got the gonulne, made by 'California
Fig Syrup Company."
mf Great
Lasts for This Week
The slaughter on prices it still continued upon all odds and ends
before our GRAND
$ 4.50
$ 7.50
$ 9.90
4 a
For up to hour styles
in ladies' coats and
suits. Values up to
$12, $15, $18 and
$25. No such values
offered elsewhere in
Salem. Out they must
go before Xmas.
and KABO
on sale at clean-up
prices .
45 c 75c
and 98c
For man, woman and child now piled out
out on our counters at prices so low that
selling will be lively.
Fine Dress Goods and Silks
The latest novelties in all the new fabrics specially purchased for OUR CHRISTMAS
SELLING. Classy novelties that will make swift selling.
Price per yd 19c 25c 35c 49c 65c and up
I?3.5o . r
I pout. MiTnwKi
I (Pi in l ',',(Nw
HI II U I , 7"t
45c cent
VI mm,
potatoes and grapes and apples and
(leaches and onions and jolly and can
nod fruitshe felt like a Methodist
preacher after a donation party, But
that wasn 't all, Whon tho tickets wont
to the treasurer her's had about 40
more holes than the boxce sho had facod
numbered, the facers had given one
box each to that number only 8 ccntB,
but tho aggregate meant much to hor.
And then tho mon wanted to bo let in
on tho glad Burpriso being prcnrcd for
the strongor, so, from the suburn haired
man who empties the cull-boxes to tho
gonial Tracy who keeps everything run
ning smoothly, enmo the contributions
mon whom the aged lady had not even
seen and then tho adorable forelady
who had engineered tho whole thing,
came to tho table where tho facer was
trying her level best to get tho wrinkle
out of an unruly prune and mako ita
contrary seed lie down smoothly and
sprung the surprise. Well, If glndnees
was dangerous tho facer would havo
died for joy but she lived to tell the
tale, and when you want to see real
angels, come over (next week) to the
packing house of tho Salem Fruit company,-and
there you'll find the pretti
est, kindct and best folks to be found
anywhere on earth.
DNiTsr rsasa uiiid wtsa.l
Hood Kivor, Or., Doc. 4. Tho first
bounty ever paid a woman for bob
cat scalp was paid this morning at the
county clerk's office to Miss Helen Ab
seen. Miss Ahstoeii lives with her parents,
who are among the pioneers of Hood
River county, on their homestead
west of town. Hearing a commotion
in tho chicken yard last night during
an absence of tho other members of
the family, the young woman took s
rifle snd started forth, arriving in
time to see a cat climbing over the
fence with a hen in his mouth.
Sho fired and killed the animal.
Miss Ahsteen propose to have a nig
made of the hide.
li'HiTitn rns Lanssn wis
Kobe, ,)psn, Poe. 4. It looked like
grand old league opening her today,
when the world touring Giants and
(Whit Pox started their scheduled
game. As American crowd had nothing
on the little Japs who crowded the park
to see the national pastime of th Tutt
ed States.
Portland, Ore., Dec. 4. The govern
ment, after presenting its case for eight
days, yesterday closed in the trial of
J. T. Conway and Frank Ritchet in
federal court, and Jay H. Upton, one
of the organizers and formerly treasurer
for the defendants.
Conway and Richet are charged with
using the mailB to dofraud, when, as
officials of the Oregon Inland Develop
ment company, they made alleged false
and misleading statements in exploiting
tho Balo of eastern Oregon lands.
L'tpon, a Portland attorney, mado
virtunl admission that the scheme of
sale was intended for a lottery and that
tho originators of tho company had
spent a good deal of time in fixing up
on a plan that would pans muster under
the postal laws of the United States.
umitsd rassa Uasio wibs.J
Washington, Dec. 3-The suffra
gists' national convention here adopted
this afternoon a resolution calling on
President Wilson to send a special mes
sage to congress urging immediate con
sideration of an equal rights amend
ment to the foderal constitution.
JOURNAL WANT ADS. bring results.
. 1 . . . M
j Vh'? Tun ; - 1 I . ...
i fcl H
, V ' ' !
Breakfast in a Good
Warm Room
may be enjoyed on even the cold
est mornings if your home is equip
ped with a
It takes off the chill and makes the
room warm, cozy and comfortable.
And it is so convenient too for
heating the bedroom, bathroom.
a nursery and sewing
For Best Result 0
Wtte'?3M,,1l Doesn't smell. Inex-
s nui vn s . .
pensive, economical.
DtaUra Everywhere
Standard Oil Company
(CilnwuMt, w