Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 04, 1913, Image 1

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    All tjhe' Ne
; . t
Many Threatened With Starvation and Fifty, at Least, Are
in Treetopa Large Part of Waco Is Under Water Rail
roads in Flooded District Are Nearly Paralyzed Property
Loss Totals $6,000,000 Many Missing and Communication
With Scores of Small Towns Cut Off Rivers Miles Out of
AuHtin, Tex., Dec. 4. The flood situ
ation in central Texas grow worso to
day. That 20 had boon drowned was the
host information obtainable hero, and
this did not include many misBing, or
take into account a score of small towns
with which, communication was totally
cut off.
The Brar.oe rlvor was five miles wide.
Besides it, the Trinity and the Colorado
nil their small trobutnrios were out of
UNITED muss leased wiee.1
"Washington, Doc. 4. Having ap
proved General Iluerta's acts as presi
dent and dictator, Mexico's congress
was expected to annul the last election
this afternoon and perhaps ratify a big
railroad concession to a Bolgian com
pany. Mexico City diplomats smiled at
Iluorta's boast that he would stick to
his present post for a year, boliovlng he
knows as well as any Que that his
regime's, end is near.
Reports that Queen Wilhelmina, of
Holland, had offered to mediate In
"Moxico, and that Iluerta had refused,
wore skoptically recoived. It dovol
oped that British oil producers can
celed thoir contracts to supply the Mox
lean National railways with oil. They
did It merely to please the robols, snil
that the railways will continue to get
their fuel oil.
News that Antonio Caballerm, North
Mexican millionaire, had been shot for
plotting against the rebols produced
painful impression among Mexico City
officials, who foared thoir turns would
come next
Finds No Opposition.
F.l Pasn, Texas, Doc. 4. General
Villa telegraphed to Juare today that
he and his rebel fullowors were nteot
lng with no opposition to their march
on Chihuahua. City. He left Monteru
ma, 115 mile south of Jnares, this
morning, and said he expected to reach
his destination oithcr tonight or to
morrow. The federal refugees from Chihuahua
City were expected to reach Tresldio
Viejo, on the border about 75 miles
southwest of here, this afternoon. 8ov
era were rumored to have died cm the
road. Food and clothing for the sur
vivors wns sent from here to Presidio
Kecontruction of the Mexican North
western railroad was In progress, and
it was expected business In general
would soon be resumed throughout
Northern Mexico.
Big Flht Is About Due.
Mexico City, Dee. 4. Fighting be
tween 1500 federals and 3000 rebols at
Tamplco was Imminent today. The
German warship Bremen left Vera Crut
for the seen of the threatened tumble
- under full it Mini.
ws that's Fit to Prints
thoir banks. TheLeon rivor, normally
a little stream, was a mile wide.
It was estimated Hint in tho three
big valleys 18,000 people wore homolosB
and threatened by starvation. Fifty
woro said to bo in treo tops between
the towns of llillsboro and Maloue. A
largo part of Waco was under ten foot
of water.
The railroads in the flooded district
woro nearly paralyzed. The property
loss was estimated at $6,000,000.
10 T
(united press leased wins.
Indianapolis, Ind,, Doc. 4. One-half
of the striking teamsters hore woro or
dered by thoir leadors this aftornoon
to go back to work.
Organizer Farroll, of the teamsters',
said that 1500 men's employers had
Bigued union agreements, Representa
tives of the Employers' association snid
they had not that the strike was
broken, that was all.
J. B. Dcnsmore, of the federal labor
department, arrived in tho city today,
and joined in the offort to bring em
ployers and striking employes togeth
er. Some Wagons Moving.
The employers kept a fow wagons
moving, and thnro was a garbage col
lection In the business section, though
not In the reeidonce quarter, but the
tie-up was othorwise very effoctlve.
Freight houses wore all jammed with
incoming goods, which it was Impos
sible to deliver. Comparatively little
was being received for shipment else
where. Holiday shopping has fallen to
less than half Its normal volume
Actir g Mayor Wallace Issued a proc
lamation urging a resumption of busl.
ness, and promising protection In mak-,
lng deliveries, but It had llttlo effect.
Strikers in an Angry Mood.
The strikers wore in an angry mood
as a result of the use of firearms by
strikebreakers. The families of many
of them were also beginning to suffer.
Charltablo citir.ens started a movement
for thoir rollof.
J. II. Mason, one of the teamsters
shot by a strikebreaker Tuesday, died
yesterday, making tho second fatality
since the strike began.
Unwittingly the federal government
snd the express companies were the two
must potent agencies at work to break
the strike. Many merchants hit on the
expedient of making deliveries by par
cel post and express, the former, of
course, a government Institution, and
the latter protected by the govern
ment under the Interstate commerce
The parcels post, however, was speed
ily swamped.
Ontario, Cal., Dec. 4, For the first
time this seaunn, smudge pots were fired
In lemon orchards here last Eight. The
temperature dropped 32 degrees. Orange
growers profess to feel no alarm.
Police Have Second Tug to
Take Militant Leader From
Suffragists Eace With Police Tug to
Liner Only to Find Kirs. Pankhurst
Is Gone.
Plymouth, Eng., Doc. 4. Mrs. Emme
line Panlihurst, back fromhor locturiug
tour in America, was arrested today on
the steamship Majestic off Dovonport.
A big bodyguard of militant suffrag
ettes was waiting for her hore, prepared
to resist the arrest, but the police out
witted the women and thoir leader was
on her way to London in the authori
ties' custody before her followors knew
she had been made a prisonor.
It had been tho bodyguard's plan to
moot tho Majostic as it entorod Ply
mouth harbor and a tug was in readi
ness to talto the party on board. Along
side it lay a police tug, with a force
of constables lounging conspicuously ou
- ... Tugs Baca, to Ship.
Tho moment the Majostic was sight
ed tho two tugs started to race one an
other in its direction.
In the meantime, howevor, another
tug,starting before the militants arrived
in Plymouth, had been lying off Devon
port with a detective on board and
when the steamship passed, some time
before it could be soon from Plymouth,
he climbed the laddor and made tho ar
rost. Jailed at Exeter.
Exeter, Eng., Dec. 4. Mrs. Emmo
lino Pankhurst, reported locked up in
London, was In jail hero this afternoon
(Continued on Page Five.)
The City Council to Blame for
Miscarriage of the Election
Judge Galloway's decision of the
charter election case yostorduy brings
the muddlo that much nearer a final
determination. Thero is considerable
criticism of his decision, but this was to
be expected, for we all are so constitut
ed that we wBiit things the way we
want them and aro disposed to find
fault with whoever or whatever does
not agieo with us, While wo mny dif
fer M to tho correctness of tho judge's
decision, we must all agree that he
showed the one great quality without
which no man can bo a good judge, and
that is backbone, and tho strict per
formance of his duty as it showed itself
to him. As a matter of fact, Judge Gal
loway's decision has little to do with
the enso, it being only a necessary step
towards getting the matter before the
sutirHino court for final decision, and
thnfe It would have gone no matter
what Judge Galloway decided. Tbit
he took the unpopular sldo and decidod
against the wishes of a thousand ma
jority, shows that he Is doing his duty
as he sees it, regardless of who is helpod
or hurt.
The morning paper, always unfair,
says Judge Galloway in passing upon
tho matter, said "3500 voters were
guilty of a misdemeanor." He said
nothing of the kind, but quoted the law
on the subject, and said that voters
were misled by the council and voted
innocently, and (hat the council was to
tilaino for undertaking to sot aside a de
cision of the supreme court, ami to le
galize what the supreme court had de
clared illegal.
Another argument raised Is that "the
majority should rule." This Is carried
to the extent that whatever tho major
tol inllol to o 11
Late Ifews
Denver, Colo., Dec 4. Federal Sec
retary of Labor Wilson, who has been
trying here for several days to arrange
a settlement between the Southern Col
orado coal mine owners and their strik
ing employos, gave it up today as a bad
job. All negotiations were called off.
It was the impression hore that the sec
retary would ask the president to use
his influence in favor of a congres
sional investigation. . '
San Francisco, Dec. 4. British Vlce
Coinsul Douglas Young today compared
photographs of Lieutenant Charles
Slingsby, late of the British navy, with
those of the baby-boy Slingsby and his
wife say is their own, but who, accord
ing to relatives, who will get his estate
when Slingsby dies, if the baby proves
a "changling," was substituted by
Mrs. Slingsby for a real son, whoi died.
It was a fact that Slingsby 's features
and the baby's were much alike.
Wiumlnston. Dec. 4. Secretary of
State Bryan announced this afternoon
that Governor Kivers, of Topic torn-
tory, Mexico, had ordered the immedl
ate release of W. 8. Windham, of Pas
adena, Cel., and James Dunn, also an
Amorican, hold for ransom by robols
near Mazatlan.
Philadelphia, Dec. 4.-'a petition to
have the firm of Willinb Bear 4 Co.
adjudged. Involuntarily Vankropt' was
filed here today. The concern is one
of the largoBt dealers In grain in the
The Weather
Tho Dickey Bird
says: Oregon, fair
tonight, except
rain. or snow north
oast portion; Fri
day, rain west,
fair east portion,
southerly winds.
ity docs is right. While true that our
govornmont is based on majority rulo.
that rule Is also described and hedged
in with safeguards. If it wore not we
would not havo law but anarchy. For
instance, the burning of a negro at the
stake as Is sometimes done in tho Houth
is almost universally the expression of
the wishes of the majority of tho com
munity where the act Is. performed, but
no ono would hold that it is tho law, or
that it should bo. To como nearer home:
At Florence recently tho community
deported certain I. W. W. agitutors. The
ut was practically that of an unani
mous community, but it was done in vio
lation of law, and no special pleading
can make anything elso of It.
Tho case put In brief, and as Judge
Galloway saw, anil decidod it was this:
The last legislature passed what is
known ns the Gill law amending tho
registration laws of tho state. The Gill j
bill provided that no one could vote un
less registered, and provided tho modo
and time of registering. It also provid
ed that If the supremo court held this
'lauso, that prevented a voter swearing
n bis vote In case lie was Hot register
ed, illegal, tho swearing in of tho voter
should be permitted, The state const!
tiifion provides that no law shall be
puK-ed the taking effect of which shall
depend on anything other thnn tho act
of the legislature Itself. When tho mat
ter came before the supreme court it
held that under this section of tho con
stitution tho Gill law was unconstitu
tional, and all registration under it was
absolutely void. This left matters In
bad h, for there was not time for
voters to register, and so all who wor
not registered in 1012, in order to vote,
"ZoiNCTb take
THE p0y
Reads the
4, 1913.
Army's Overbearing Conduct
Results in Series of Riots
in Province.
Haughty Speech Declaring Military
Would Continue to Be Supreme Au
thority In Germany Scored.
Borlin, Doc. 4. By a vote of 293 to
54, the roichBtag, or Gorman parlia
ment, oxpressed today its "lack of con
fidence" in Chancolor von Bothmann-
Hollwog, of the German empire.
The vote of "lack of confidence" or
"censure" was the result of the recent
disorders in Alsace, where the largely
French population, goaded to despera
tion, as the government's critics de
clared, by the military's overbearing
conduct, broke into a series of riots,
which ItVas not certain are over even
Many sincere friends of the imperial
government were much angered by a
military policy they believed had un
done the result of yesterday effort to
reconcile the province to tho kaiser's
Say Military Will Eule.
Tho mattor coming up in the rolehs
tag, however, Chancollor von Betmann
Hollweg and War Minister Falken
hayen made haughty speeches, declar
ing that "the military would continue
to be the supreme authority In Ger
many. ' '
A four-hours debate ensued, at the
end of which the administration policy
was overwhelmingly condemned.
The censure of Bothmann-nollweg
and his cabinet does not moan, as It
would In England or France, that there
will be a change In administration, but
it will mako the chancellor's position
(Continued on page 6.)
(and this included all tho womon voters
because they woro not voters In 1912,
and hence none of them reglstored,)
under tho law would havo to swear In
their votes with tho aid of six free
holders. The city council, in lis unwis
dom, decided that it would simplify
things and clear up the muddlo by
adopting the registration which tho su
premo court hail declared illegal, and
by its act mako It legal. It ovor-ruled
the supremo court. There was a way
in which nil tho voters could have voted
legally at tho election, that is by swear
ing in their votes, Owing to the largo
number that would have had to adopt
this means, and In order to give every
voter a eliaueo to vote, tho council took
tho actioif it did, assuming that all
could not have beon sworn in by the
judges, which might or might not have
been tho case.
This was an unfortunuto condition for
which the rouncil was not to blame, and
it undertook to euro it. Judge Gallo
way simply holds that all these who
voted who were not registered, voted II
legnlly, and thut tho election whs void.
The matter will go up to tho supreme
court at onco, wo understand, and un
til that body passes on it, it is nselees
to Indulgo in criticism and recrimina
tions. Whatever the supremo court says
will have to go bihI that Is ell there Is
to It. This, of course, If tho Hnlem. city
council does not overrule It,
There seems to be only one question,
and that is as to the effect of tho cast
ing of Illegal votes, and that Is, would
this per se, render the election void,
without a showing that the result of
the election would have been different
bad they not been voted.
Daily Capital Journal
Admits Matrimony Had Been Discussed by ThemDeclares
She Had Known Dr. Craig 17 Years and He Had Been At
tentive to Her for Last Three YearsStylishly Dressed and
Young Looking, Although She Admits She Is 42 Prosecu
tion's Theory Is Craig Killed Dr. Knabe to Wed Miss Flem
ingCraig Not Same Size as "Peeper."
united puiss leased wire.
Shelbyvillo, Ind., Dec. 4. Alloged to
be "the other woman in the case." Miss
Katherino Floming, an Avon, Ind,, hoir
ess, was a witness today at the trial of
Dr. William B. Craig, charged with mur
doring Dr. Ilolon Knabe.
It was the prosecution's thoory that
Craig was engngod to Dr. Knabe, mot
Miss Floming, fell in love with her, was
attracted also by her money and killed
Dr. Knabe as the easiest way of ending
his engagement and permitting him to
marry Miss Floming.
An Old Friend, Shs Says.
The witness, however, punctured the
story that sho was a more recent ac
quaintance tit Craig than ) was Dr.
Knabit, She had known him, she said,
for 17 years and he had boon attentive
to her for tho last throe of thorn. , '
Nor was sho engaged to marry him,
she added. She admitted that sho bad
discussed matrimony with him, but it
did not get as far as an engagement.
iNo, sne con ti iniod, she did not buy a
trousseau any tentative plans for a
Strikers on
for Dynamiting and
Rioting in Canada
Now Westminster, D. C, Doe. 4.
Fourteen striking coal miners from
Vancouver Island are being tried hore
today on charges arising out of the re
cent striko riots there. The cbargns in
cludo such serious allocation as an at
tempt to blow up the Temperance Ho
tel, at Ladysmlth, and tho blowing up
of the home of Alexander McKlnnon,
when the latter suffered the loss of a
haud. Ovor a hundred witnesses on
both sides are scheduled to give evi
Washington, Doc. 4. The cold which
kopt I'rosldent Wilson In the White
House all of yosterday was reortcd
bettor today. Ho will remain indoors,
however, again today,
President Wilson' decision to remain
at tho White House has cruised more
trouble for Joseph Tumulty, his private
secretary. A committee named by tho!
suwrngist convenuen nere 10 upi.raiu
1'resnlent Wilson ror Ins rrtlluro lo
mention suffrage iu his recent message
was compelled to vent its displeasure
upon Tumulty,
roxiTiro rsasa leased wiss.1
Uerlin, Dee. 4. Two hundred and
fifty member of tho relihstng today
signed a petition urging the Herman
government to appropriate $500,000 for
an exhibit at the Panama Pacific expo
sition in San Francisco In 1015. It
was believed hero that a bill to this ef
feet S'Kin would be paesed.
wedding having been temporarily upeeb
by Craig's arrest on a murder charge.
Miss Fleming was stylishly dressed
and young looking, though she admitted;
she was 43.
Tho defense scored another point to
day. Mrs. J. W. Smith, who occupied,
an apartmout opposite Dr. Knabo's, who
testified to having soon a man peering
through the window into the Knabe
apartuiouta some timo before the kill
ing, had been reliod on by the prosecu
tion to identify the "peeper" as Craig.
Instead, she said, on cross-examination
that the man was no more than
medium sized. Crnlg is six f eot tall.
Will Not Attack Character,
The Inference having been drawn in
some quarters that the defonss intend
ed to attack Dr. Knabo's character, At
torney Spann, Craig's lawyer, took pain
today to repudiate any such plan.
"Wo shall not attack Dr. Knabe 's
character under any circumstances," n
said. "Tho defendant believes no
sweeter or puror woman over lived."
dence, and the trial will last several
This is the third case arising out of
the strike troubles to be tried hero.
In all 1 .'IT men wore brought hore for
trial. Of these two were acquitted of
charges of intimidation and assault and
soven wore acquitted of asaultlng Pro
vincial Constable Taylor, who was bad
ly beaten up. Tho latter case was con
sidered the strongest the crown had,
and the jury's verdict came as a.sur
priee to the prosecution.
II, D. Wagnon, Oeorgo M. Orten and
others, of Portland, today filed an Ini
tiative petitiou for an amendment to
tho constitution providing for a gradu
ated surtax on every person or com
pany owning land, tho vnlue of which
exceods $25,000. On each $100 above
$25,000 and up to $50,000 tho tax will
be 50 cents; on each $100 between $30,-
j 000 and $75,000 the tax proposed is $1;
h tm f to tm
. om) tM ()f f, R1( on fum &boV(,
$100,000 a tx of $:i on each $100.
This taxis aimed at the large land
holders and Is an attempt to nssiHt in
getting lands cut up, and in tho lunula
of small holders. Of course, if It be
comes a law, thero will bo a bitter
fight made to stand the test of the
courts. However, that is a future con
sideration, and the getting the bill
passed is tho first step, and that, we
fancy, will take some hard work.
If yon buy more than you need or
can afford, charge it up to tho lii:h
cost of living. - r
w a n
El . f.