Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 03, 1913, Image 1

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    All the News that's Fit to Print Everybody Reads the; Daily Capital Journal
. crs. t n
rtlxlon Wnm LUUb Imu orgamewardensas : Bulletins robbed and cashier I J 1 1 1 l HI A 1?
i mi inr im nnoTnM IP bruit if Ric.pnw J nr nv niim MHmfQ uulu uuu i su i li
. u-M m. am- . in iiiii i in in i i iiiiiii in i mi i n i ii i
Building Is Five-Story Fifteen-Cent Hotel and Worst Type of
Firetrap Burns Like Tinder and Those Who Escape Are
Driven Into Street Almost or Quite Naked Only One of
Victims Is IdentifiedOne Hundred and Seventy-Five
Asleep in Building When Fire StartsRigid Investigation
Governor Says Finley and
Clanton Are Both Out of
Jobs Today.
Boston, Mass., Doc. 3. Twenty-seven
persons perished in a fire which de
stroyed the Arciadia, a Washington
and the fire spread so rapidly that not
many of the lodgers could reach it.
The second floor of the building was
devoted mainly to offices, on the third
were Bin all slecmiiir rooms furnished
street lodging house, early today. Three! ..h ,,. . th fnrtll wftrB .lnJllIar
others were fatally burned, according
-to the (factors.
The building, a five-story 15-cent ho
tel, was the worst type of fire trap. It
burned like tinder and those of its oc
cupants, all men,- who escaped, were
driven into the street almost or quite
naked, so fiercely did the flames pur
sue them. The only victim identified
-was George Adams of South Boston, the
others being burned beyond recognition.
Escape Is Cut Off.
One hundred. and soventy-threo mon
wore asleep in the lodging house when
the fire started, Leaping upward from
a lower hall, the flames cut off escape
from the upper floors by the stairway.
The only fire escape was at the rear,
rooms, and on the fifth, where most of
the fatalities occurred, was a dormi
tory lined with tiers of bunks.
Mayor Fitzgerald promised a rigid in
vestigation to fix responsibility for the
Thin Wooden Partitions.
A casual preliminary examination
showed that the building had been re
modelled recently, the masonry walls
having been removed to make more
room and thin woodon partitions substi
tuted. These partitions did not even
reach to the ceilings, so that the flames
had free draft on each floor.
Medical Examiner Leary was to con
fer with District Attorney Pollotier con.
corning the case this afternoon.
West Says He Will Walt Until Little
Coterie of Malcontents Get
Through Kicking.
Oregou has no fish or game wardens
now. A short time ago all the mombors
of the fish and game commission ex
cept Mr. Kinney tendered their resig
nations, "and these wore accepted by
Governor Weet Monday. The commis
sion's going out of business necessarily
removes the Wardons, as they are sim
ply the executive officers of the com
mission, though they had overlooked
that fact and had annum mod thoy wore
the whole thing. Wardon Finley, who
has chnrgo of the game was notified to
day of his legal demise and Mr. Clanton
is already awaro that he is defunct. The
governor Baid this morning that no ap
pointments would be made until the
disgruntled little coterie of malcontents
got through kicking, and that until that
time the fish and gnme would have to
get along as best they could.
Law Not Complied With.
The law provides that the headquar
ters of the commission should be main
tained here, should have a paid secre
tary, through whom all business of the
office should be conducted. This has
Washington, Dec. 3. Secretaryof the
Interior Franklin K. Lane addressed the
rivers and harbors congress today in
stead of President Wilson, who is con
fined to the Whito House with a slight
"The government's policy,' said
Lane, "is for the control of rivor and
harbor development for all, instead of s
favored few."
In a letter expressing regret over his
inability to attend today's mooting,
President Wilson prodictod the early
harmonizing of all interest, "upon a
comparative and consorted plan, which
would benefit the whole country."
Indications this aftornoon woro that
a hot fight on the question of states'
rights was certain.
(okitbu rasss lbaskd wiri.
London, Dec. 3. Tho home office
this aftornoon issued a warrant for tho
arrest of Mrs, Emmeline Pankhurst, the
militant suffragette lender, who is
scheduled to arrive at Plymouth tomor
row from a trip to tho United States.
The police were authorized to arrest
her upon her arrival, and to enter her
cabin by force, if necessary.
( united rnr.ns lbasrd wisb.1-
Seattle, Wash., - Dec, 3. Patrick
i Welch, the Spokane railroad contractor,
who was oporatod upon in Seattlo last
week, and whose recovery was dog.
paired of, Bbowod slight signs of im
provemcnt this morning, and his phy
sicians say he may survive.
Many Persons Hurt
in Strike Fights
and Many Arrested
Indianapolis, 1ml., Dec. 3. More
fighting marked the teamsters' strike
hero today. ;
Several policemen, special deputies
and strikebreakers were hurt by mis
siles thrown by strike sympathizers.
Dozens of strikers suffered frum
broken brads, hiflicUd by policemen '
There was a little gun fighting, too,
Marshfleld, Ore., Dec. 3. Officers of
the Stnte Bank at Myrtle Point, which
was robbed several days ago, today of
fored $1000 reward for the arrest and
conviction of the robbers, and 25 pel
cent of the money recovered. The
amount stolen has been fixed at about
Aberdeen, Wash., Dec. 3. Be turning
from the scone of the wreck today,
Captain John E, Anderson, of the
stranded schooner Balboa, stated that
there was no hope of saving the vessel,
as its stern had split and its rudder had
been washed away. A heavy sea is
washing over the schooner through the
gap made in the falsework of the north
jetty by the recent storm.
Marshfleld, Ore., Doc. 3. F. E. Allan
was elected mayor, of Marshfleld by a
majority of nearly 200 over Carl Al
brocht, according to almost complete re
turns today. John Butler was re-eloct-ed
city recorder.
Pair Hurry Away With $20,000
Secured in Raid and
Posses Search.
Resident of Blythe Tells How They
Dragegd Banker to Door and Shot
Him in Neck.
Imperial Junction, C'nl., Doc, 3.r-The
Bauk of Blythe was robbed of $20,000
yosterday by two bandits, who shot the
cashier. Posses are now enjjigod In an
extensive man hunt and it is believed
tho robbors will bo captured.
Owing to the fact that Blythe is iso
lated the news was Blow to reach out
sido points.
Frank Murphy, a resident of Blythe,
who reached here today en routo to Los
Angeles, told the following story of the
Tells of Robbery.
"I was standing across the stroet
from the bank about closing time. Two
men, mouutod on cow ponies, rode up
to the bank and entered together.
There was some wrangling inaido, and
then the pair reappeared, aek, with a
monoy bag under his arm. Bowled had
his arm about one man, and was being
dragged out of the door, when the oth
Note Received by Mexican Congress in Which United Sta tes'
Interference in Latin-American Affairs Is Resented and
Mexico Is Urged to Resist Some Favor an immediate Reply
But Secret Session Is Held and Decision Is Reached to Post
pone Consideration of Message Huerta Orders ex-Presi-
, dent Diaz on Fighting List.
Sholbvville. Ind.. Dov. 3. Coroner
Durham, of Marion county, dealt a!
body blow today at the theory of thejer turned and shot him through tho
dif.n in the case of Dr. William , neca.
Craig, on trial hero, charged with
"Wo organized a posse and pursued
not been done, and the fish and game murdering Dr. Helen Knabe, of Indi. I the men to the mesquite brush along
wardens have each built up a little do-' V", that the woman physician died i tU Colorado river, where we lost them.
..... . i ' w bv her own hand. Then we sent a mossonger to the rail-
wore the wholo thing. It was "the fish
warden did this or ordered that, or the
gnme warden did it," and tho commis
sion was ignored. Thoro was also a
clash of authority between the two, and
mixture of buBinosB that was vory un-
For instance, the fish wardon attond-
road with the news."
Posses Are Busy.
It was shortly after noon that Dep.
uty Sheriff Shoohan and his posse were
He was early at the scone or the
tragedy, following the discovery of Dr.
Knabe's body in her Indianapolis
apartment with her 'throat cut. It
would hnvo been physically impossible, working down the west bank of tiio
he told the jury from tho witness stand, ! Colorado rivor, while a second posso is
for tho woman to have inflicted such a ( keeping pace with them on the ATizona
wound on herself. side. Sheriff Meadows, of Imperial
XOni-nnver. he continued, the victim's nnnnfv. in wnrklnir northward on the
cd to hatching the trout and game fish , , ... bptwBon 1 W(Hf hnilk. ,,;, t,i Mieriff of Yuma
along with the salmon, and after they U oftne b(1 that it connt.y, Arizona, with 20 deputies, is
wore hatched, lie turnon tnem over 10 on)y (liffi(,ity tnat R hurrying northward from Yuma to tho
the game warden. Ho acted as incu- ( mM dUpn((llER1. flhn ooul.l not Arizona sido.
bator and the game wardon as broodor. . , . , , ml(,h-a positon her- ti.)1(,h, tn0 ion had a boat hidden
Praises Commission. i ,,,1 pven if she had wished, ho said, near Blythe, and escaped post Yuma
The governor slinks in the highest during the night, bound for the Mexl-
Mexico City, Dec. 8. The Mexican
congress today received a note from
the government of Colombia hotly de
nouncing the United Btatos' interfer
ence In Latin-American affairs, and
urging Moxlco to resist it.
Several members of tho senate fa
vored an immediate reply, but Presi
dent of the Senate Urratia called a se
cret session instead, and the decision
was reached to postpone consideration
of the message.
President Huerta today issued an or-
dor summarily placing ex-President
Porfiria Diaz again on the active 'army
list. He said he would follow this with
a peremptory order for the institution
bt logal proceedings to bring tho ex
president back to Mexico. It was
agreed in official circles ihat Diaz
could not refuse without placing him.
self In a most embarrassing position
The war office published a report
of a battle two days ago 12 miles
from tho capital In which it was said
tho federals routed 200 Zapatistas, kill'
tng 10 and wounding 20 of them,
Elimination Growing Near. .
The belief was growing here, how
ever, that Huerta s elimination was
near. Disapproval of his reglmo was
spreading. Even congress, which he
packed with his own supporters at tho
recent oloction, wns turning against
him. It was prodictod that the law-
not know Mexican conditions, and
ought not to predict nuerta'e downfall
for that reason.
Seeks to Head Off Federals.
El Paso, Tex., Doc.' 3. General Villa .
rushed rebel 'troops to the eastward
from Juarez today in the hope of In
towepting the federal garrison of Chi
huahua City, fleeing to the border.
lie expected them to cross the river
at Presidio Viojo and bolioved they
wanted to b arrested on tho Amorican
sido for violating tho neutrality laws,,.
as preferable to falling into his hands.
The entire seven federal gonorals who
offered to surrender to him wore be
lieved to be with tho fugitives. '
"And the only place where they'll
surrender will be the United States,"
(I'd "Villa, patting his revolver sigiilfl."
Tampico Is Capital.
Mexico City, Doc. 3, Tampico was
officially declared today to be tempor
ary fodoral capital of Tamaulipas state.
Victoria, the regular capital, was cap
tured by the rebels recently.
from the local hospitals for permis
sion to move food for their patients. It
was expected he would grant it.
Employers of (100 of the strikers of
fered to sign nn agreement with the
union, but Organizer Fsrrell refused the
offer, saying he would consider no prop
osition which did not provide work for
at least 11500 men.
The union includes 3000 members, all
of whom were out. In addition to the
terms of tho fish commissioners who
have resigned, Baying they hnd givon
both timo and money in conducting the
office for which there Is no salary, and
ho regrets to see them quit, but cannot
bhune them, as tho position was reward
ed with kicks and complaints aud
nothing else.
As soon as the atmosphere clears the
governor will appoint a now commission
that will have a secretary and the busi
ness of tho commission will be conduct
ed by it Instead of by the wardens who
are only Its officers to enforce the laws
under its direction.
The women can wear pheasant feath
ers for a little while at lnast, without
the fear of having them taken away
from them, Bud the pheasant can also
wear them undisturbed by ubiquitous
deputies. The deputies of course, go
out of office along with their bosses,
the wardens. It is quite certain that
there will be a now diwl all around, and
that tho names of tho' new appointees
will not be identiical with those now
holding the positions, or who have just
ceased holding them.
Kumucl Tiutlivh'c. a striker, was shut in
the leg by a strikebreaker, and taken to teamsters, 3000 more workers were tern-
hospital plrnrily idle, because tho strike had
Numerous arrests were made. Indirectly tied np Industrie, employing
Despite all the preparations tho em- ""m'
ploynrs had made to prevent, a tie up
by the strike, teaming was badly crip
pled. Manufacturers were canceling
orders for perishable guids, and some
factories were forced to shut down, ow
ing to lack of fuel.
Organizer Thomas Farrcll, of the
1l-niti rBs ian .)
Chicago, Dee. 3. The fog and smoke
which had kept theVlty in semi-dark-n
ens tnr nearly eight days lifted tliis
morning, and the un shone for the
okitbd rncss uabbo visa.
Washington, Dec. 3. The report of
Secretary of the Treasury McAdno was
presented to congress today. It dis
cussed currency legislation and busi
ness unrost, and recited tho offers of
tho government to loan money to banks
to move rrops. The report declared
that 10,000,000 was apportioned to the
various states.
Tho report said It wa, Impossible to
estimate the rnvenuo to be derived from
the new tariff bill. It said that 425,nflp
pers(ns were subject to the Incomo tax
Tho report also recommended the en
largement of the public health service,
the building of four revenue cutters and
the consolidation of the revenue cutter
and life saving .btffcnus Into a single
can lino, they probably will bo cnught
between tile advancing posses.
All Trains Searched,
flpecal Agent Andrew Prurt.t, of the
Southern Pacific, rnilroad, caused all
1 trains to be stiiped here today and
searched for the robbers, The railroad
authorities Issued similar order, to
their agents at Yuma, Arizona,
Blytho is 00 miles northeast of Im
perlal Junction. It has no outside tel
egraph or tc!phrtiie connections. Word
of the robbery and murder was enrried
to ninmls Into yesterday by a cowboy,
who rode from Illvthn across the desert
In less than six hours. Telegrams were
sent from Olnmls to Sheriff Wilson at
Riverside, i
PrnctlcBlly tho entire town of Blythe,
the messenger snld, has joined In the
man hunt.
May Seek Japan's Support
Paris, Doe. 3. Francisco Do La
Bnrra loft today for Japan, his osten
sible mission boing to lead a delegation
sent to thank tho Mikada for Japanese
participation In the Mexican centennial
colebration two yean ago. There were
rumors that his reel object was to sa
makors would speedily depose him, If euro Japannso support for tho nuerta
he escaped assassination, and refuses to
One thing ovor which he did continue
to exercise control wns tho local press.
If the editor, were discontented they
could not very well say so secretly
through the columns of their papers,
and it was unsafe to manifest dissatis
faction with the Huerta regime openly.
Thoy published President Wilson's
message to congress under huge head
lines, it was truo, but they asserted
that the American chief executive did
roglme, but they woro unveriflnblo.
Says Visit Harmful.
Mexico City, Dec. 3. Cliargo d'Af
falreit O'HIunighnnssy, of tho American
embassy today openly voiced his regret
that Admiral Sir Christopher Craddiwk,
English naval commander in Mexican
waters, called ou President Huerta yes
terday. "I dou't believe the call should have
(Continued on page four.)
Pension for Mothen
is Working Well in
Two Ohio Counties
-teamsters' union, received a request first time In ISO hours.
Washington, ' Dec. 3. Consideration
of the problem of river Improvement
and construction of navigation dams
and lin k, was demanded by Itome
Drown, of MinuenHilis, in his address
before the rivers and harbors conven
tion today.
"These problems," he said "msr be
solved only on a basis of assistance and
co opcintion of private capital and the
government and conccsnlons sufficient
ly liberal to attract private Invest
Jlrowa characterized the government
dam act a, "Impossible."
The Weather
The Dickey Bird
says: Oregon! Fair
tonight and Thur,
day. Bo utterly
(thitsii rssss ijubbd wibb.1
Pendleton, Or., Dec. 3. If an ordi
nance introduced at the Inst session (if
thecomicil is adopted tmnorrow night,
It mny play an Important part toward
blocking sny future attempt to procure
evidence In this city against violators
of the liquor regulations. The ordi
nance mnkes It a misdemeanor for a
pntriMi to ssk for a drink on Suiidny, or
after closing hours, and provide, the
same punishment as fur the liquor deni
er. Under these crcnmstnnccs. It Is
mid that person, being known would
hnve no trouble In procuring drinks,
while an outsider who asked for a drink
would be liable to arrest for violation
of the ordinance,
While It I, not openly charged, some
are of the opinion that the ordinance
was Introduced to prevent agents of
the governor or anybody elso obtaining
evlileuce upon which to prosecute
liquor law violator,. .
Idmitso. raasi usabbd wisi.I
Dnyton, O., Doc. 3. Ohio's Mothers'
pension law Is working, but it's only
working In llnytoii ami Montgomery
county. Mothers of this city and all
of Montgomery county are thanking
Probate Judge lioland W. Huggett, for
he's the man that made it possible for
needy mothers to profit now, instead of
waiting until February 191.1, at which
time Attorney (lenernl llogiin says the
newly enacted Ohio Mother, 'pension
levies en n bo paid.
Here Is what Judge Baggott has ruled
as good In its sphere- and Montgomery
county will bo tho first to give It a
trial." The project was bittorly fought
by many whom Judgo liagott called
"tight wmls and knockers." But ho
said to them i
"Yes, you've got $,1(1,000 worth of
property or moro bringing you in a
good I nc nine and you're whiulng because
you have to pay $.1 a year to a fund
that will enable us fo keep more than
four score mothers and children to
gether. You old whelps, you ought to
be ashamed of yourselves." That's the
that property owners of Dayton nod , way JmV'e Hnggitl talked to them and
Montgomery county must do for the; they came through. And , now Munt
inotliers: livery man who owns one gmnerv in the only county in Ohio thnt
thousniid dollars worth of prnierty is helping its mothers. Judge llnggut.t
mint contribute ten cents a year. Every nays Iinytnn will continue to do su. in
corporation lliiit has tlon,00() worth of definitely regardless of the Uterney
property must contribute 10.00 a yetr. (jenerul or whatever the other enmities
liavton Is (lov. Coi's home county, In the statu mny do. Now he's cuing
"(lev, Cox can talk a lot about the n little further, lie's 'going to ask
humanitarian features of tho workmen's the legiidnturu this winter to a
compensation law, and everything he measure allowing every county in the
.py, it true" declares Judge Ilaggott, ntnlo to Issue short time bonds for moa
' tut. the mothers' pension law Is Just, i-y to pny mot lira' elisions.