BAIL CAPITAL JOOTtNAL. MALWU. OIBOOW. TUESDAY, DECEMBEB 2, 1913. e Store of the Christmas Spirit Each day sees many changes, for the big store is putting on the cheering holiday dress. Each Department is bringing out many attractive gift things, and to those who are thinking about Christmas Gifts, we say: Visit Each Section; no better way of answering the query WHAT SHALL I GIVE? We have planned for you, so just pick out your gift articles at your convenience. MAKE AN EFFORT TO SHOP EARLY. Do Not Forget to Visit SalemV Toyland The Children's Joyland -Second Floor Many attractive special are offered in this section. Many toys are specially priced. We mention a few as examples: $10.00 Hand-car, special $6.98 $6.00 Hand-car, special $4.35 $4.25 Hand-car special $2.93 Climbing Monkey, special 22c All Kewpie Dolls at special low prices. ' ' ' BRASSWARE, GLASSWARE, BASKETS, CH1NAWARE, TRAYS and many novelties are offered at greatly reduced prices in our second floor store . A great One-Half Price Table contains many attractive things suitable for gifts and at prices almost irresistable. Trays, Brass lamps,' jewel boxes and dozens of other desirable arti cles, your choice, half price. TTt d J -W.l m rftiJP A A.' r' mi m i lit f . try-2' Capital City Brevities Dr. Mendelsohn fits eyes correctly. U 8. Bauk building. Dr. May, norve specialist. Masonlo building. Spocial prices ou andirons. Huron ft Hamilton. M. Pagot has returned fram a brief visit in Portland. Two good woavers wantod by Bandon Woolen Millb, Bandon, Orogon. Our new stock of LIbbey cut glass has just arrived. Yokohama Tea ft Crockery Co. Mrs, Fred Thompson will entortuln the Ladies Aid of Sulom HoighU Wod nosdny afternoon, Docombor 3. "Who Will Marry Maryt" The fifth picture Is at the Wexford. Bolter than all the rest. Heating stoves that give lusting sat isfaction. A very complete lino from which to make your selection. Buron ft Hamilton. Umbrella stands large slzo, heavy brass, A good vnluo at the rogulnr price of 3..10 now on sale at Buren ft Hamilton 's for $2.flS. It Is rustproof and unbreakable. Tt Is guaranteed. See the celebrated Nu tans corset. For snlo by Mrs. Fisher, Mom 7, McCornack building. If you are doing Christmas shopping bo suro to see the Congregational ba zaar on Wednesday, December 3. Any tiling you might want In a bazaar line will be there. Hnrry O'Brien and family, of Me- Minnvllle, arrived hero today and will spend the remainder of tho week visit ing with Mr. O'Brien's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Youtiir, at 354 North Front stroet. Arthur Eobishaw, of Wostorn Now York, is in tbo city visiting his brother-in-law, J. E. Dorranco. A fino assortment of brass and pot tory now on display in our crockery de partment. Buren ft Hamilton. ' After sponding Thanksgiving with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pohle, of Uiis city, Miss Edna Pohle has returned to Portland. Mrs. Susan Belly hag roturnod to her homo In Portland, after visiting over Thanksgiving with hor brother, Champ Roily, of this city. Woman's Alliance, of .Unitarian church will have a sale of cooked food and fancy articlos at Buren ft Ham ilton's Saturday, December 8. Miss Daisy Mulkey and Miss Violet Maclean, two university students, have roturnod after spending Thanksgiving at tha home of Mis Mulkey 's parents. After two weeks' Illness Mrs, J. H. Mlllor, of Donald, was removed to her homo yesterday, greatly improved. Her ultimate recovery Is now assured. Edward Tallman, Joo Minton, E. M, Dr. Uuttor, dentist, Masonic bldg. Miss Ilolen Hunt has roturned after spending tho holidays with her parents at Shaw, Ore. Electric Reading Lamps the best as sortment in the city pricod from $3.50 up. Buron ft Hamilton. Dr. Pound has roturned from his va cation, and will bo glad to wolcomo old and new patients at his office in the U. S. Bank building. Miss Maude Smith, who was operated upon yesterday morning at tho Willanv etto Sanitarium, Is gotting along nice ly, according to reports today. Nows has boon recelvod here that Mrs. D. Errett, wife of tho well-known fornior minister of this city, who now rosldos in Boise, Idaho, is able to be up and about again after a twelve weeks' illness. An interest in the Reliable cleaning establishment has beon purchased by Moss Irwin, of this city. Mr. Irwin Is well-known hero, and has a wide circle of friends, who will wish him success in his new enterprise. Tho sophomore and freshman football aggregations are putting in some good licks practicing for tho big intor-class game which takos place next Saturday. Rowland, II. Cook, William Smith and lo tw. 'ma mRao "P 01 "ocona Homer Halsey, who composed the So, "" 1 myB 11,9 nM' lorn delegation cboson to attend tho K,0.r n Bftrrod' ! Oregon boys' conference which was An operntlon for an abscess of the held in Dallas yesterday, have returned. "y" WM Perfl si, ""ward, a They report having a splendid mooting nml pftrrior' laHt torfoy. Tho eye and that McMinnvillo was selected for w,s mov 1,1,4 '' operation did not the noxt conferonco. The Indies of the First Congregation al church will hold their bar-anr in the church parlors all day Wednesday, Do comber 3. They will sorvo a 2ro lunch eon at noon and givo a fine program in the evening. You cant afford to miss either one. u Y7 13 ONE-HALF OFF They're All Ready 52 Men's Fine Suits 52 SUITS FORMERLY TRICED WORTH AND 1 22 to 2522 ONE-HALF OFF BEE THEM IN THE WINDOWS ' f Corns n and try thorn on. Bos the fin tailoring, the splendid materials. Come jly thou won't hurt long, leavo any bad effects, other than tho loss of tho eye, and Mr. Howard Is again back on his job. Tho saloon kwHn In tho city will not open up their place of business un til the election suit has beon tottlgd to some definite degree at least, accord ing to several of tho leading liquor dealers today. I At tho Congregational church bazaar held In the church parlors all dsy Wed nesday, December 3, you will find holly wrenths, dolls, aprons, domestic articles, cooked food, candy, afternoon tea. A 2rn luncheon served at noon and a free musical prngmm in tlio evening. Every thing tho best. If. C. Tillmnn and family have return ed from an extended visit in southern California. They visited a number of place of interest. Including San Fran el sco, Berkeley, Alameda, Palo Alto and Richmond. Mr. Tillmnn is city engi neer. Anna Held. Tho seat sale for the Anna Held all-star variety production tomorrow, Wednesday, morning, at the flnmd opera house box office at 0 o'clock. Reserved scats are l.M and $2.00. Tho performance is on Pntur day, with a o'clock curtain lu the evening. The remains of tho late D. V. Oib son were burled this afternoon In City View cemetery. The funeral was held ab 2 o'clock from tho undertaking par lor" of Lcluimn ft dough, and Rev, 1 S, Knight conducted the services, Spe cial music, composed of the deceased's favorite selections was rendered, and Mr, Oibons lifelnig friends escorted the remains to their last resting place. The active pnllbcnrers were! Harry I Mlnto, Walter 8. Lew, Thomas Corneli us, Lafo Cavanagh, William Each, and William fleorge. Six honorary pall bearers were chosen as follows: W. H. Hatch, William May, Ijtrry R. Murphy. Henry Vandervert, William Pklpton and Edward Crolsan. All cs? ths pallbearers have ben close and valued friends of the fx-rklof. P ... tz vii''-Ti';'Vinrrffi,v'Wi,! K STMAS rZ-.TO Tho Rod Cross tamps are herol They win oe on sale where you do your Christmas shopping. Tho committee of the Woman's club in charge is anxious for a rocord sale, Tho jolly rod Santa Clans, with his reindeers, will add greatly to tho attractiveness of your Christinas packagos. IMp in the bat tlo against tho great whito plague, and buy gonorously. Mr. and Mrs. Loe West and daughtor, will return to tholr homo in Portland tomorrow. Buforo you docido the Christmas din nor ware question, see our lino of open stock pattorns Yokohama Crockery ft Tea Co. "Say,"' said an old-time rounder this morning, as ho ambled up to the hydrant and absorbed a pint or more of water freidi from tho beautiful Wlllam oetto, "ain't is just like Sunday f And thon just think of it with every dny boing Sunday, not byo and byo, but right now." If tho supremo court has prohibited County Clerk Oehlhar from issuing reg istration certificates, that official has been making up for lost time by hand ing nut hunting licenses. There have Ix'cn 701)0 irame licenses iosued since tho first of tho yenr, a number over and above any year In tho history of the county. In 11)12, H!00 licenses wora is sued, and prior to that year the num ber dwindled down to a few hundred. Fine gas ranges at big sacrifice. Buren ft Hamilton. r Mr. Moss Irwin, an old Salem boy, has purchased half interest in Reliable Cleaning Co., located at 225 Hubbard building. Phone 2180. Opal ranges, made in Oregon; the best for the money. Buren ft Hamil ton. ' It is rumored today that a petition j asking the city council to compel the Oregon Electric company to keep Mill and High, streets free from standing cars in the future will be presented to- night. It is said that the company leaves its equipment standing in the center of the two streets and conse quently blocks traffic to a great ex tent. Lot us show you the Opal range. You will be sure to like it. Buren ft Ham ilton. A party of friends of the late D. W. Gibson met the S. P. train this morning and took charge of the remains. Sever al ladies greeted Mr. Gibson's little girl and escorted hor to one of their homes. Tbo party was -composed of Sheriff Esch and wife and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Minto and several other old friends of the deceased. A slight auto accident took place this afternoon about 1 o'clock near the Hub bard building, on High streot. The driver of a car belonging to B. L. Pat terRon failed to make proper connec tions with a small opening between two Oregon Electric cars standing in tho street, with the result that the hood of the auto was badly bent and twisted, and ome front wheel was made wobbly. Tho auto was not so badly injured but that it could proceed on its way on its own power. Gas ranges must be closed out. Call and get prices. Buren ft Hamilton. Very little business was transacted by the school board last night, tho bulk of tho work having been completed last week. The application submitted by tho teachers, for a two-weeks' va cation, instead of one, was frowned up on by the members of the board, and it was finally decided to give seven teach ers the usual one-week layoff and two teachers two-weeks' vacation. Direc tor Leo will investigate and report at tho next meeting on tho matter of hir ing a school librarian, and Superintend ent Kuntz reported that tho studonts at tho hieh school used 803 books for homo study. . That tho ordinary beggar who stops citizens on the streets and asks for a piece of money to buy his breakfast Is not always hungry was proven at the polico station today. One big fellow, who was arrested last night on ths chrogo of begging, was told that if he got out of town ho wonild be released, and was told that ho could not expect to get anything to drink, as the city had gono dry. "My gosh," he said, "you can't sea me for dust, if that is tho case," and iie made tracks north at a good rate. YeLiberty A . BIG . LAUGHING . BILL TODAY Two. Pantages Acta Five Comedy Pictures. SAM HOOD "The Funniest Man" A Laugh Maker. ARCHER and INGERSOLL The best act on the Pantages bill. Wonderful Singers and Dancers. 5 COMEDY PICTURES 5 NEW TODAY. TWO CENTS a word for each insertion. FOB BENT 6-room houso, 140 South Fifteenth. Phone 1419. JOBBING COMPOSITOR seeks situa tion. Bos 102, Journal YOUNG MAN seeks employment, any kind of work Box 55, Journal GLOBE Only 10c Show in Salem Today The Dare Devil Mountaineer A thrilling two reel Im. fea turing Jean Acker. A young couple run away on a motor eyclo and fall off a high bridge. Jewels of Sacrifice A strong Kcx drama, featur ing Pauline Hush and a good comedy Master Hall In new song GLOBE Tho houso of many aisles and exits. Coining Friday Florence Iwrencs lu "THB GIRL or THE WOODS" THE LAW" IS Play Which Exposes Crooked Methods of Police and Big Business Teaches Great Lesson. 'Poaching a poworful moral lesson to overyone present, exposing tho crooked work of polico and the "big business" ideas of the man who pays starvation wages ami wonders why his clerks steal or go on the streets, touching on tho fact that there is a Inw for tho rich and tho poor und presented by Margaret llling ton and a very capable company, "Within the Law" was given at ths Grand last evening. Tho play might fittingly have been called "The Truth." Facts wore hurl ed at tho audionco, Tho suing compla cency of tho merchant prince who thought it right to have his son squan der money at Monte Carlo, while he gave no heed to tho suffering of those who helped him build up his fortune, his stern resolve to send Mary Turner to priMou for stealing as an example for others, and his quick decision to apolo gize wheu tho 'rich thief, tho wife of a president of a bank, was caught in the act of carrying off tlOO worth of goods, made It easy to believe that he would fit Into the order of things In Portland, Hoattle or most any largo city. There nro many of his class In Portland. The hounding of tho men and women after being released from prison Is nothing new. Easy examples could bo cited right In Oregon where men have boon driven to commit crime by crook ed, grafting or ignorant polico. Miss llllngton fits splendidly Into tho piny nnd It is doubtful if she has ever had so strong a vehicJo for her remark able talents. Hilda Keonnn, Amies Lynch, was one of the pronounced hits. Iter way of undoing tho pollen was clever and her vocabulary remarkable. ' 'Attorneys wero given a big boost. It was shown that they can point the way to be crooked and get the coin and yet keep "within the law." Miss llllngton responded to repeated curtain calls. FOB SALE 1000 choice Oregon Cham pion gooseberry plants at a bargain, Phone 253 J. WANTED A middle-aged single man to go into partnership on a garden, in proposition; no capital required but knowledge of the business and willing to work. "J. W.," care Capital Journal. FOB SALE High class second hand organ at a bargain. Call 318 Hub bard building. WANTED Carpenter work by man with family. ."C W.," care Journal. FOB EXCHANGE Southern Califor ni homes for Oregon. Give good de scription first letter. N. E. Getter, 1329 Florida street, Long Beach, Cal. FOB SALE S months-old Jersey heif er. Call at lGilO South Cottago or '. phone 122GR. AGENTS $35 to $73 a week income. Scrubs, takes up water. No wringing, no cloths, sells everywhere, big prof its. Exclusive territory. Write to day. Special terms. Pirrung Mfg. Co., Dept. A, Chicago. DEATH NOTICES. DOLL. Stasko Doll, aged 20, wife of Theo dore Doll, at the Salem hospital, Sun day, November 30, 1913. The remains wore sent to Aberdeen, Wash., Sunday evening, on the 4:45 Southern Pacific train for burial, accompanied by Theo dore Doll. BIRTHS. ALLEN. . To Mr. and Mrs. Warren Allen, of Rickreall, at tho Salem hospital, Sun day, November 30, 1913, a boy. And Occasionally tho doctor is more dangorous than the disease. FOB SALE Fresh cows, Jersey-Dup-ham, 5-year-old, with calf. Jersey Swiss, coming 3 years. Black Jersey, 4 years. One block east, one north of asylum. PIANO TUNING J. E. Hockett. Phono 1405. Residence 2255 North Elm street. First-class work. FOB RENT 6-room modern cottage, $10 per month. Inquire Saginaw and Willson. LOOK AT THIS Slightly used drop head sewing machine $10; new drop head sewing machine $16 and up. 640 State street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, 1495 State stret. DO YOU WANT a suburban home that will increase in value $1000 a year for the next four years, that is now netting the owners over $500 a year, besides their living, that is within 10 minutes' walk of the street car line, that has an eight-year-old or chard of poach, walnut, apple, cherry and pear trees, and all kinds of ber ries and small fruits, and a $100 Jer sey cowf -See C. O. Rice, with L. 8, Barnes ft Co., 315-316 Masonio temple. JAPANESE LAUNDRY 1KB BIT CLEANING WOBK8 No machinery to tear aa4 wu out delicate fabrics. Work call for and delivered promptly. 445 Kerry street. Phone Main 22W $600 Will make first payment on a $2300 prune orchard, balance $200 a year at 6 and 7 per cent; had $300 worth of fruit this year, and the trees are young. Fairly good house and barn, 5Vj miles, on crushed rock road. C. O. Rice, with L. S. Barnes ft Co., 315-316 Masonic temple. Wexford TONIGHT, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY NIGHTS THE COLONIAL PLAYERS In -The Man From NEW BAND BEING OROANIZED. Mr. .1; (1. Hall Is In the city, organ ising twn bands one among the boys and one among the girls, of ages 14 to IS years. Any boy or girl Interested should rill at R, F. Peters', 521 Court street, any evening after p. m. A roaring farco In 3 acts. Popular prices 10c, 20c SPECIAL Tonight, Wednesday and Thursday nights Who Will Marry Mary? Tho fifth picture is entitled "A Proposal Deferred." and Is the best yet. NOW SHOWINO Also a big two reel feature, "Tho Price of Victory" and Path Weekly. umnmmsRM Wet or Dry We still have real bargains in city and country property. 14 acres on car line, 2 miles from bank, $10,000. .7 acres in berries, house and barn, $3000, 30 acres, good house and barn, $3500. 4 acres, well improved, close in, $2200. 20 acrea well improved, ideal suburban home, $6500. 1 to 5 acres on installment. 5 and 10 acre tracts, good terms. Several new houses on installments. Some prune ranches and berry tracts at reasonable prices. Several business chances, such as pool hall, cigar stand, candy store, blacksmith shop, hotel or restaurant. Headquarters for New Salem Maps We rent Houses and Furnished Rooms. We sell Insurance of all kinds List your bargains with us and we will give you square, prompt and courteous treat ment Acme Investment Co. A. B. COOK, Manager. Phone Main 477. 640 State street Opposito Court House. Employment Bureau in Connection. Juat toll your doctor you want to take your prescriptions to Schaefer's drug storo, and ho will know it is put up right. MONEY TO LOAN On tana aid city property. Jok h Soott, over Cbtcago Store, gala, r coa. Phone mi. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY RrRGIUKDT A XGRKDITI KeiUeil AK.ats w Htat Mlrsol MONEY TO LOAN Oa flooi Real Estate Seoirttr. TH08. K. FOED Over Ladd Bush Baak. Baloro n WOOD AND COAL la any ouaititr. ' Promt iilm our specialty, falls City Lunket loninany. its Norta Cemnarnla1 stf Pknae Msa 111 E. L. Campbell Carriage and Automobile Painter Fully equipped for high grade work. L'p-to date, dust proof varnish room. 4rt8 Ferry St. Salem, Ore.