OAStV OAJ j3iC'f T aAIif, OIXOOK, TT7SSBAT. WJOEMBEa 2, 1913. 1 r : t - l;. 'H H t . t T t f ? T t f t t f , ? T -? f ' ? ' T t . Y f V i' f ' t : ,y " t " y X -V t ; ? - t t t ? ? T ; ;t t f f f ? f t X T T ? ? ? ?. Y. f ? Y t Y Y ? ' Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? X Y A TEN DAYS' SALE; WITHOUT A PARALLEL THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, DRAPERIES, BEDS AND BEDDING, STOVES, RANGES, ETC. Sacrificed I E n t i re Stock Included; Nothing Reserved; Buy as Much as You Like I V. IT rrri r nnn: . f y -A a p IffwIIIIll BMlPMf iM) ill viU II ill M II liu ull .0'L-uu LJ uJ L iJj U l , 1 . rS n ri a ri Ari a OF THIS SALE The undersigned having purchased the stock and assumed the management of the Imperial Furniture Co., proposes to give the people of Salem a store second to none in the state. To make room and enable us to make some desired changes, to better accommodate our patrons, we have inaugurated a SALE OP OUE ENTIRE STOCK, such a sale as was never before attempt ed. A sale of high-grade Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Stoves, Ranges, Beds and Bedding, Curtains j and Draperies, Wall Paper, and the thousands of articles that go to make up the stock of the Imperial Furniture Co., the leading furniture house of Salem. ., This well- known firm has the established reputation of carrying only high-grade goods, the very best that money can buy, and the mere announcement that this stock will be thrown open to the publio for ten days will cause no little surprise since this is the first publio sale we have ever conducted. 5 , To our numerous patrons and friends and to the publio generally we hereby extend an urgent invitation to come, take advantage of this occasion. We guarantee the same courteous treatment we have ever striven to acoord, while the money-saving opportunity is the greatest ever presented. Read our ads. ; See our prices, and then come make your selections before the stock is picked over. WM. Mc GILCHRIST, Jr. '"""fl LmMST fcdiliflilllftJ 1 iiiiimViirf : ' .: (I !' 1 . 3 e,ipm- Leading Furniture and Housefurnishing Establishment, When this Stock, Complete in Every Department, Will be Offered to the Public Without Reserve for TEN DAYS et Prices Which Under umer ircimsiances nouia iiean Mffli tlMlin'i' !"'" ''"'"w majHvmm Library Tables Beautiful solid oak, plain or quar tor sawed, golden or fumed fin ished, or mission style, ornamen tal, useful and a requisite for very home. Look over the com plete assortment and make your selection while the choosing is good. Prices range from $8.60 to $35.00. These are bona fide re. ductions : Reg. $12.50, for ten days..$ 8.48 Reg. $15.00, for ten days.. $11.08 Reg. $17.50, for ten days.. $13.48 Reg. $20.00, for ten days.. $17.48 Beg. $25.00, lor len aayi..j..o CARPETS AND LIN OLEUMS This department offers its share of attrac tions. Our line is carefully selected, em bracing only the best makes in Ingrain, Tapestry and Body Brussels, Wiltons and Wilton Velvets, in latest designs, richest colorings. Note our prices; you'll find them lower than were ever named on this class of carpets. Ingrain Carpet, from 40o to $1.00, will go at 28c to 88o Tapestry Carpet from 00o to $1.50, will go at .78o to $1.18 Axminster Carpet, from $1.40 to $1.00, , will go at 08c to $1.68 LINOLEUMS. In plain, printed or inlaid, 6 or 12 feet in width, making it possible to cover your floor without piecinnf. A beautiful line to select from at prices so reasonable you will look no further. 70 cents to $1.20. HEATERS We are showing a complete line of heaters, both wood and coal burners. Why bother with that old heater whon you can secure a new one that will pay for it self in fuel saved? Our heaters are of the latest designs, an ornament to the home. If you are having stove troubles let us talk to you now as the prices we are naming for ten days mean savings worth your while. See our stove man. A few of the prices that previa! for ten days: $ 4.25 Sheet Iron Heater, , $.3.4D $10.00 Solid Cast Top and Bot tom, sale .$ 7.48 $13.50 21-in. Heater, nickle trimmed, sale $11.48 $14.00 Coal Heaters, special value $10.08 I iWfli iWp fey In announcing this sale the management wishes to inform the entire public that this will be, as it is adver tised, A SALE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK without a single reservation, nor will there be any limit placed upon the quantity yoa may wish to purchase. Thousands of dollars worth of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Beds and Bed ding, Curtains and Draperies, Wall Paper, Trunks, Cedar Chests, Pictures, Frames and Mouldings, Artists' Sup plies, Ranges, Stoves, Heaters, Parlor, Piano, Hall and Porch Lamps, Sweepers, Mops, Jardiniers, Service Trays, Hammered Brass Ornaments, Portieres and Bungalow Curtains, Aluminum Ware, Etc., that go to make up one of the largest stocks in Salem, will be open to the public for TEN DAYS. We invite and urge yoa to come. Come whether you wish to purchase or not. Opening day WEDNESDAY, we will present every lady attending our sale with a souvenir of the occasion. As the number is limited, we would suggest that you come early. Watch for our daily ads that, will appear from day to day featuring the SPECIAL DAILY ATTRACTIONS. Watch ourmnUws. ' See the Prices. They Tell the. Rest OFFICE DESKS y,;,i;k',!i, t Our lint of Office Desks will Interest any one in need of this article of furniture. These we are pricing extremely low, making it an object for you to buy now. Solid oak, patent roll top, office desk, length 42, height 30, 4 side drawers for private papers, cabinet for bill file, 11 pigeonholes, 2 top drawers for stamps, stationery, etc ; back and sides of heavy paneled oak, golden oak finish, very serviceable and an ornament to any office. A limited number will go at $18.48. .They are forth almost double. Others re duced during our sale. $35.00 Roll Top Desk, sale $28.48 $40.00 Roll Top Desk, sale $32.28 $45.00 Roll Top Desk, sale $38.68 $75.00 extra 5-ply quarter sawed oak, 60 in. very special $58.68 COUCHES and DAVENPORTS Davenports, upholstered in denim or leather; regular $42.50 to $87.60, Bale prices make them . . .$32.48 to $62.43 Velours, Chase Leather and Genuine leather upholstered. COUCHES VELOURS $10.50 at $8.08; $15.00 at $12.98; $18.75 at $14.08. CHASE LEATHER $10.50 at $8.98; $25.00 at $19.98. REAL LEATHER $35.00 at $28.48; $40.00 at $32.58. A complete line of Sanitary Couches on sale. RUGS and ART SQUARES (7K rPosBibly the greatest savings offered during our sale will be found in this department. Our stock Is large, our patterns of the very latest, our designs are exclusive. We have them in Tap estry, Brussels, Ingrain, Fibre and Ax minster, ranging in price from $1.45 to $50.00. Note the sale prices: All Wool Ingrain, 7.6x9, regular $7.50, now ... , $5,98 All Wool Ingrain, 9x9, regular $9.00, now , $6.08 All Wool Ingrain, 0x12, regular $12.50 now $0.08 Fibre Rugs, size 9x12, regular $10.50, now $8.98 Axminster Rugs, 8.3x10.6, reg. $22.60, now $17.43 AxiHnbtor Rug's, 9x12, regular $25.00, : now $19.08 NG i THE SOLE OWN ERSHIP WW, 4 . i i) T v .:; y ? y r . . . CHINA CLOSETS Reg. $20.00, sale... $15.93 Reg. $22.50, sale. . .$17.08 Reg. $27.69, sale... $22.48 $35.00 SPECIAL Solid quarter sawed early English oak, mission de sign, sale price.. $18.48 An elegant assortment of China Closets from which to choose; very ornamen tal, suitable for a present and one any wife will appreciate. Cribs and Beds We are showing a complete line of Iron Beds in white and colored ei&m els and Vernis Martin finish. Full or three-quarter sises. Full range of prices which are greatly reduoed for this occasion. The cut herewith, shown represents a full sized bed, formerly sold at $8.60, now priced at $5.98. An other heavy Iron Bed, 2-in. posts, white enamel, full or three-quarter the, new stock. Splendid value at $8.60. Regular $3.50 now $2 Regular $6.60 now $4.08 T B8 BED AND BEDROOM SETS Our stock of beds cannot be equaled. We have many beautiful designs in oak, walnut, mahogany, birdseyt maple and Circassian walnut. The range of prices is necessarily great, with many from which to choose. Bedroom sets, consisting of 8 pieces, genuine French rose wood, sold in sots only. The prices will prove most attractive. Let us show you. Reg. $250 go at. . . . $198 Others in Circassian walnut, oak, birdseye maple and mahogany at reductions that mean rapid selling. IIS i OF WM M c G I L G HR ST Jr. BRASS BEDS We are recognized headquarters for high grade merchandise and in no line is more distinction shown than in our present stock of Braes Beds. We have Individual designs sot shown else where, while the sale prices are very tempting. You must see these as a description cannot con vey an idea of their beauty. The range of prices is wide. We can quote only a few here. Full Size Brass Beds, reg. $12.60, sale... $8.48 Full Size Brass Beds, reg. $15.00, sale.. $12.08 Full Size Brass Beds, reg. $18.75, sale.. $14.83 $65.00 4-ln. post, massive Brass Bed, full size, sale $48.08 ' V;? . 'J .s;' ' c I K" Vfif'V 0,. : , , ,: 1(, i ROCKERS and CHAIRS lu no one of the lines carried do we take more pride than in our easy chairs. Of particular interest at this season is our selection of comfortable uphol stered chairs, since a more appropriate Christmas present could not be selected. The sale prices put these in the reach of all. Take a look, you'll surely find something to please. We have an assortment ranging in price from $2.50 to $35, which is a bona fide saving of from $3 to $10. Bookers at from $1.60 to $12.00, speaking comfort and ease. The ac companying cut is of an elegant genuine Turkish leather upholstered chair, Seng Spring seat; a beau tiful Christmas present. Regular $57.50; see the sale price $30.98 uu&AiMuijKnsa LKUREL RHNCES We are agents for the celebrated LAUREL RANGES, conceded to be the very last word in scientific construction of ranges. An attempt to describe the many superior qualities would xau. come in and let our stove man tell vou au aooui mem; n s an interesting story, par ticularly if you are not the owner of a Laurel. Our sale offers the only opportunity ever ore sented to Salom of buying a Laurel range at a price lower than the regular. We also have the Euclid, Acron and Imperial ranges. $32.50 Ranges on sale at $26.43 $35.00 Ranges on sale at $29.98 $40.00 Ranges on sale at $32.48 $65.00 Ranges, special $48.98 ALL RANGES AT LIBERAL REDUCTIONS. Cwfnsy iw,w i nil iwiwwrriy - : 4TI i v iwwawiiMSiMiwirniisifflWOT Un up Pi F1 U ; ; mmcacens y y y - y ' y y y y y y y f y y y . y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y T y f y y ? y y y y y y y y y y T y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y x y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y i i