PAGE SEVEN. ' tSMMM4MMMMTMMMSMSM'VS M M t M M M M M i t t4 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FINDING A SITUATION It 1 possible to secure employment by calling personally upon those yon hear need help. It is a long, tedious task, however. The classified way bringi your application before those' who need help, quickly and easily. RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TWO CENTS per word for the first insertion. ONE CENT per word for each succeeding, subsequent inser THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS work continually they never coase until their tasks are suc cessfully performed. Each day those little wonder workers faithfully de liver their message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who have learned their value. tion. f JOURNAL WANT. ADS GET RESULTS. DON'T WALK THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A POSITION OR A ROOM-TRY THE CLASSIFIED WAY. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. X DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1913. Capital Journal Want Ads Bring Quick Results Two cents a word for first Insertion. Oas cent a word for each Insertion thereafter. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. Count six words t tba line. ABSTRACTS. ONION ABSTRACT CO. " Abstracts that Protect." Our books posted op to dale each morning. Call Main 1219 and a messenger will call for your abstract. J. C. Siegmund, president; Max Gehlhar, secretary. 345 State Street, AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONEER Salem's reliable sell er. Farm sales solicited. Terms 1 per cent; Batisf actios guaranteed or no pay. Henry E Voorhies, Michi gan avenue, first street east of the state fair graunds. BAKERIES. BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth more than any ether bread, yet the price is no higher. Far sals at ytur grocers. California Bakery, A. Them - as, Proprietor. CHTROPRAOTIO-BPraOGOLIST DR. 0. L. SCOTT-T-Graduate sf Chir opractic's Fountain Head, Daven port, Iowa. If yeu have tried every thing and have got a relief, try Chiropraetic spinal adjustments ant get well. Office 4S8-7-8 U. 8. Na tional Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 1629. CLEANING AND DYEING ALEM CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. Gools callad for and delivered Ladies' white gloves cleaned free. Feathers cleaned, dyed and repaired. Phone Main 2462, 474 Court street. W. F. Mosher, proprietor. ELECTRIC FUTURES. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co.. 220 North Liberty street. Phone Mam 263. Electrie wiriag and elec trlcsJ supplies. Estimates furnished Try our now Miner reflector. We have the "Fameus" Edissn Maida tamp. Its only rival ths sun. . EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. sMiiiiniiiisxnn nu'LTtn'Crcru-L "i in ACME EMPLOYMENT BUREAU All kinds of competent help . furnished on short notice. See us when out sf employment or when needing help. 540 Stats street. Phone Main 477, LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With eur all-band work; established 20 years, 430 Ferry street, South side, between Liberty and High. Hop Lee. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. H. M. Bakor New and second hand furniture, hardware and general sup plies. Best cash prices paid for aecoud-hanu goods. Call and see us and look orer our goods 373 Court street. Phone 1863.. HIGHEST prioe paid for secondhand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents. eto. Wa carry the most complete stock of sbeve articles in town at the lowest price. O. L. McPoek, 271 North Commercial St., phons Main 1233. E. L. STIFF New and second-hand furniture, hardware and general supplies. Best esah prices paid for eocond band seeds. Just received s large shipment of new linoleums, carpets and rags. Corner Court and Liberty streets. Pbsns Ml. 8ALEM FURNITURE CO 24T North Commercial street, will erchsnge yonr old geeds for new. We carry a good line ef furniture, nigs and ranges. Get ear prices sid save money. 247 North Csmmereial street, Telephone Mail 684. LIQUOR HOUSES. WILLIAM BUTTE Fine" wines.liqnors sod cigars. We handls ths eolebrsted Kellogg snd Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer eonstsntly on draught. South Commercial St FAMILY LIQUOR BIOBE All stand ard brands of liquors kept la stock. Wines by ths gallon, bottle or case. Fres delivery in ths elty limits. E, Ecksrlln. 146 N. Commercial Bt. r SALEM CHIMNEY SWEEFS. CHIMNEYS, furnaces and stoves cloan ed and repaired. Eave troughs clean ed. Established 1909. Phons 19 Spencer ndw. Co. TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS FOB THEY BRING RESULTS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. 0. F. HEISLEY and Dr. 8. Etta Heisloy (graduates of A. 8. 0., Kirksville , Mo., Di. A. T. dtill president of the school and found er of the science of Osteopathy), jeneral osteopathic practioners. Also hydrotherapy and electric light baths given without extra charge for rheumatism, kidney and liver troubles. The success in these treatments is equal to going to the hot lakes. Confinement cases and female troubles , specialty. 529 Court street, opposite the court house DR8. ' B. H. WHITE AND B. W. Walton, Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. PobI graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic disiases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office SOS SOS U. S. National Bank building. Phone 859. Residence 346 N, Capi tol street. Phone 469. PLUMBING HEO. M. BARR Plumbing, hot water and steam heatiig snd tinning, 164 Commercial St.. Phone M in 13. SAND AND GRAVEL. SALEM CONSTRUCTION company can supply you with sand and gravel. Office 464 Court street. Phone Main 700. Gravel bed on Front street and North Mill Creek. SCAVENGER. SALEM SCAVENGER Chas. Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly con' tracts at reasonable rates. Yards nnd cesspools cleaned. Office 548 State street. Office phono Main 2247 Residence, Main 2272. TAXICAB SERVICE. TAXICAB SERVICE It will pay you te see J. B. Underwood, manager of the West Side Transfer Co., when you wait a taxicab. Terms reasonable. Phone Main 81. On Sundays phone diais 100. Staid at corner of State nnd Commercial streets. THERBSEA HAT WORKS. HATS MADE TO ORDER All work guaranteed. Thereska Hat Works. Hats of all kinds renovated into any size or style; good quality trim mings. 217 8. High street. Phone 251, Salem, Oregon. UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Lohman, A. M. Cough, morticians and funer al directors. Latest modern meth ods known to the profession em ployed. 445 Court street. UNDERTAKERS. RIGDON RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertaken, 252 North High Btreet. Office Phone Main 183. Rigdon residoncs Main 111. WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watch maker at Beatrice, Neb. High grade work at enstera prices. Opera House Block, 484 Cosrt St. WOOD AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS The place of quality. All kinds of dry wood, four foot, or cut in stove lengths to suit Prompt delivery. We handle the btst coals on tha market. Try stir King coal; It is the beet; 752 Trade Btreet, Phone Main 5!9. Mark Sidda.ll, prop. WATER COMPANY. k. SALEM WAffEtt COMPANY Off ie corner Commercial ssd Trade sts. For water servlee apply at sffles. Bill payable monthly in advance. LODGE DIRECTORY. A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. I. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 In the McCornack hsll, corner Court snd Liberty streets, C. M. Mason, M. W; 8. A. McFsdden, recorder A. L. Brown, F. lENTRAL LODGE No. , K. of P. McC'oruack bldit, Tuesday evening of esch week at 7:30 p. m., F-ed O Hale, C. C, Jas. W. Cox, K, of B. and S. KADWICK CHAPTER NO. 87., O. E S. Regular meeting every first aid third Tuesday at 8 p. m., in the Ma sonic Temple. Mrs. Josephine Vase W. M. Ma M. Babrock, aecretsry. WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet every Friday night at 7.36 o'clock in Ms sonic hall. MeCeroack block. O. C. Watklns, C. C.J L. II. Fletcher, Clerk LODGE DIRECTORY (Continued). UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m., in Moose Hall. G. C. Criesal, M. A., Ivan G. Martin, Secretary, Ma sonio Temple. PACIFIC LODGE NO. 6'J, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third Fri day in each month at 7:30 p. m., in the Masoaic -Timple. Edward Ros tein, W. M., Ernest H. Choate, sec retary. SALEM HUMANE SOVIETS D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the society for investi gation. MULTNOMAH ROTAL A " CHAP TER, NO. 1, R. A. M. Atguiar meet ing second Friday in each month at 8 p. m., in the Masonic Temple. James Plant, Ex. High Priest; Lot L. Pearce, secretary. SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. v. ft a. M. Stated communications first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m., in the Masonie Temple. Fred W. Cook, W. M., 8. Z. Culver, secretary. 10DERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, Oregoa Cedar Camp No. S246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 'clock in Masenie hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator sen-ice. R. M. Morris, V. C; Ray A. Grant, Clerk. R. N. of A. "Oregon Grape Camp" no. 1369, meets every Thursday ev ening In McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets. Eelevator. Su sie Parmeiter, 781 North Front St., Oracle; Hazel Price, Imperial Furni ture Co.. recorder. REAL ESTATE. GOOD BUSINESS FOR SALE Lease on a 10-room rooming house, in cen ter of city, on two car lines and pavod Btroets, All furniture, good piano included, for $350. Will give possession at once. Call at 304 U. 8. Bank building, or phone Main 470, FOR SALB ll-aors tract Just east of asylum, well improved; will take town residence for part payment. Ad dress Bents 8, Bs 1521A. JOB BALI Niss new l-rsom house on lot 60x1(1; feed well. Pries 8875; (25 dswn, bnlaio $10 per month. Why pay reit. 8e owner at No. 204 Sale Baik bsildiig. FOR SALB Five-room house, barn, good well, eerier lot, 150x150, all in beariig fruit; by owier. 1505, cor ner Sagiiaw aid Linoeln street. 100 ACRE FARM near Goldomlale, Wash., 20 acres clear, balance timber. Will trade for Salem real estate, resi dence preferred. Simp for quick trade, value, 4,000. " T. W.;" care Jour nal. FOB SALE. IF YOU WANT good wood call Main 1526. E. O. Enrl. FOR SALE Tcnm, harness and wugon. cheap. Inquire 1707 North Fourth. FOR SALE One Fraei Grsy racing sulky at a bargain. Phois 644. A. J. Aisersea. FOR SALE Fresh eggs, 154 Columbia stroet, corner North Front FOR BALE New leuM, chlcksn house sis blesk from car, $790. Inqsirc It Bast 12th N. Partial. PUPPIBS FOR BALE Pedigreed, two meataa eld, Boston terrier, a male aid 1 fessale, at lew rises. Phone Main 244, 245 North Liberty street. GUARANTEED AUTO SPRINGS We maanfaatire high grade ants and trick apriigs, alas repair, set op, aid re-tern per sid spriigs. Our long list sf satisfied easterners will ree smaand sir ability as leaders In onr work. Lshsr Aits Rpriig Co., 28 Nsrts 18th Bt. Psrtlaad Or. FOB SALE One horse, 6 years old, weight 1250, well broke. Price $123. Iiquire at 555 South Fifteenth. FOB SALE 400 high-grade piano. Will take $165, if sold at once. See W. R. McWlllianis, 318 Hubbard Building. LOST. LOST Nov 1 smalt black and tan dog. Reward for return ts 1325 Marios street. Edward Creeh. WANTED. WANTED To trade $j00 city proper ty for runabout. Telephone 2289. WANTED Lady capable of earning good salary. Room 22S, Hubbard Bldg. JOURNAL WANT ADS. bring results. TOR RENT. FOR RENT toom in private family, board if desired, three blocks east from city hall, 860 Chomaketa. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, close in, . desirable location. 365 High street. : FOR RENT Furnished room, close in, 493 Center street, corner High. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, bath, wood, $1.50 per week. 1449 Trade, between 15th and 16th. RENT OF HOUSE furnished in ex change for board. Address "J.," care Journal. MISCELLANEOUS. BOARD AND ROOM in private famil ly; modern conveniences, 524 South 14th street. SIX. PER CENT LOANS On farms, Orchard lands, city residence er busi ness property, to buy, build, improve, extend er refund mortgages or other securities; terms reasonable; special privileges; correspondence invited. Dept. L, 818 - Comoawealth bldg., Denver, Colo., or Dept. I, 749 Henry bldg., Seatle, Wash. TAKEN UP Two fillies, 3 years old. Owner can have same by paying for this ad and addressing A. M. Griffin, box 95, route 9 Salem, one mile north of Hazel Green church. Nearly Every Child Has Worms. Paleness, at times a flushed face, un natural hunger, picking the nose, great thirst, etc., are indications or. worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a reliable, thorough medicine for the removal of all kinds of worms from children and adults. Kickapoo Worm Killor in pleas ant candy form, aids digestion, tones system, overcoming constipation and in ercnaing the action of the liver. Is per fectly safe for even the most delicate children. Kickapoo Worm Killer makes children happy and healthy. 25c. Guar anteed. Try it. Drug stores or by mail. Kickajioo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. J. C. Perry. The girl who is always trying to at tract attention usually attracts the wrong kind. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. F, L. Willis, of the firm ef Hartline Sc Willis, Phar macists, suffered greatly from asthma and bronchitis, so bad hs oould not at tend to business. As he writes: "I got no relief until I took Foloy's Hon ey and Tar Compound. It entirely re moved 1 those choking sensations, and never failed to produce an easy and comfortable condition of the throat and lungs." Remember the name, Foley's Honey and. Tar Compound, aud accost no substitute. In the yellow package. Dr. Stone Drug Store. "The tent of education Is to know whut to do in ilfo." says Dr. Johnson. And then know how to do it. Out Lest Boiler, Wo are soiling more of Meritol Ec xoma Remedy than all the others put togothor, This largo Bulo is due to the fact that it is a preparation of unusual merit, niudo oxpresuly for one purpose, eczema in its various forms. If you are afflicted with this loathsome disease, do not dolay using Moritol Eczema Komedy. Capital Drug Store, exclusive agency, Snlein, Orogon. Ho tlniTiliful if you can really thankful that you are ulivo. bo Saved His Foot, II, D. Ely, of HRutam, O., suffered from horrible ulcor on his foot for four years. Doctor advised amputation, but hs refused and reluctantly triad Buck- Inn's Arnica Halve as a last resort. He then wrote: "I usod your solve and my foot was soon completely cured." Host remedy for burns, outs, bruises and ec zema. Got a box today, Unly use. All druggists or by mail. II. E. Buokleu & Co., Philadelphia or St. Lou Is. J. C. Porry, Be a busy bee. It's always bettor to sting than to get stung. Pais la Back and Rheumatism. Torment tbeiiaand of people daily. Don't be ons of those sufferers whoi for so little cost you ran get well rid of ths cause. Foloy Kidney Pills be gin their wsrk from the very first doss. They exert so direct an action on the kidneys and bladder that the pain and torment of backache, rheumatism and kidney trouble Is soon dispelled. They are worthy a trial, as a trial is the only nre test. They contain is habit-form lig drags. Dr. Stone's drug store. A good husband is an assot, but S worthless one is a liability. Hunger ths Best Bancs. Hsucs Is used to crests as sppstita. Ths right way is ts look to ths diges tion. Whea that la good you are er tsin ts relish your food. Chamberlain's Tablets Improve the digestion snd cre ate a healthy appstita For sals by all dealers. Many a man back who Isn't pats himself on , contortionist. the Meritol White Liniment Is a splen did application for Sore Throat, Cold in Lungs, Croup and Pains in the Chest. MstiiraU a piove of flannel cloth with tho Liniment and U'S ss a plaster. It a very penetrating and effective. Can ts! Irug Store, exclusive agents, Salem Oregon. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA TIME TO ACT Don't Wait for the Fatal Stages Kidney Illness. Profit By Salem People's Experience. of Occasional attacks of backache, irreg ular urination, headaches and dizzy Bpolls are frequent symptoms of kidney disordors. It 's an error to neglect these ills. The attacks may pass off for a fimo but generally return with great er intensity. Don't delay a minute. Begin taking Doan's Kidney Pills, and keep up their use until the desired re sults are obtained. Good work in Salem proves the effectiveness of this great kidney remedy. James Baragor, Lee and' Turner streets, Salem, Oregon, says. "Doan's Kidney Pills helped me a great deal when I was suffering from kidney dis orders and rheumatic pains in my back I still believe them to be a fine kid ney medicine. You may continue pub' liahing the testimonial I have given be fore." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 ents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, Bole agents for the United States, Remember the name Doan 's and take no other. It is no trouble to find a woman who can keep a secret going. Nervous and Bl:k Headaches. Torpid liver, constipated bowels and disordered stomach are the causes of these headaches. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills, you will bo surprised how quickly you win ge reuer. xney atim ulate the different organs to do their work properly. No better regulator for liver aud bowols. Take 25c and invest in a box today. At all druggists or by mail, II. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia and bt. Louis. J. U. Porry, Many Wilson congressmen, think Professor is a hard schoolmaster. A Hint to Young Mothers. ."Whon my childron show the slight est symptoms of being croupy, I give thorn Chnmborlain's Cough Remedy, and whon I have a cough or cold on the lungs, I take it for a fow days and am soon rid ef the cold," writos Mrs. Clay Fry, Ferguson Sta., Mo. The first symptom of croup is hoarsonoss, give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse and it will prevent the attack. This remedy con tains no narcotic. For sals by all deal ers. If a man begins by paying a young widow attention she may expect him to ond by paying hor bills. A Consumptive Cough. A cough that bothers you continually is ono of the dangor signals which warns of consumption. Dr. King's New Discovery stops the cough, loosen the chest, banishes fever and lot you sloop peacefully. Tho first dose checks the symptoms and gives prompt relief. Mrs. A. F. Mei'tss, of Glon Ellyn, Iowa, writos: "Dr, King's Now Discovery cured a stubborn cough aftor six weeks' doctoring failed to help." Try It, as It will do the same for you. Host modi cine for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Money back if it fails. Price 50c and SI. 00. All druggists, my mail. II. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadolphia or St Louis, J. C. Porry. Nobody can quito put himsulf In an other's place, but too many people nev er try to do so to any extent. Had Taken His Weight In Modicine. M, D. Fnucott, of Oillsvllle, On., says he had taken his weight in modicine for hondacho and constipation, but never used anything that did him so much good as Chamberlain's Tablots. For sals by all dealers. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S . CASTOR I A All Pattent Medicines of medicines advertised in this paper are for sale at . .,3JSv' , DR. STONE S Drug Store Ths only cash drug store Is Oregon, owes do ons, and so one owes It; car rise Isrgs stock) Us sholves, counters snd show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for nis dlclnal purposes. Dr. Stone is t regu Isr graduate in medicine and has had many years of experience In ths prae tics. Consultations are free. Prescrip tions srs free, snd only regular price for medicine. Dr. Stone ran ba found st bis drug store, Salem, Ore., from T In ths morning until 0 at night. Fret del'very to all parts of ths slty. Mall orders for any drug, medicine, patent medicine or notion will bs for warded by parcel post on rscelpt of pries Is postage stamps and from 1 to 10 sent tc stamps to covsr postsgs. For Children There Is Nothing Better A cough medicine for children must help their coughs and colds without bad effects on their little Btomachs aud bowls. Foley 'i Honey and Tar exact ly fills this need. No opiates, no sour stomacn, no constipation follows its use. Stuffy colds, wheezy breath ing, coughs and croup are all quickly helped, and sweet, refreshing slumber Instead of feverish tossing at night. It is easy therefore to understand why an increasing number of bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is sold year ly. Dr. Stone 's drug store. Mofct men out of work nee not havo been out of money, too, but then, all caVt be thrifty. Would Make Them Better If They Could. The makers of Foley Kidney sPills kno wthat they have absolutely the best combination of curative and health healing medicines for kidney and blad der ailments and urinary irregularities that it is possible to produce. Mrs. U. Palmer, 635 Willow street, Green Bay, Wis., was seriously ill with kidney and bladder trouble. Mr. Palmer writes: "My wife is rapidly recovering her health and strength due solely to use of Foley Kidney Pills." You cannot take them into your system without good results. Dr. Stone's drug store. What girl likes about an engagement ring is that it doesn't back up her blushing denials. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children, Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Salem Fence Works R. B. FLEMING, Prop. Hoadquarters for American Feace, stands any test, and at bedrock prices. Big stock of Falits, Varnishes, etc., 20 per cent reduction. Fence posts snd roofing. Elastio Waterproof Paint. Loganberry wlro, any quantity. 230 Court St. F'hone 124 Back of Chicago Store TRAVELERS' GUIDE HTTmvmTTvWmVTVTHTmTTVTTHTTH4TTVTHm RAILROADS .SOUTHERN PACIFIC 0OMPANT. Time Table, Portland Division. Effective November 2, 1013, 12:01 a.m. Northbound. 10 Oregon Express 5:00 a.m. 10 Albany PaBsengor 7:24 a.m. 28 Willamette Express 0:27 a.m. 12 Shasta Limited 12:35 p.m. 18 Portland Passenger 2:00 p.m. 20 Portland Patmnngor 5:47 p.m. 14Portlttnd Express ; 8:11 p.m. 220 Loral Way Freight 10:30 a.m. 222 Portland Through Fre't 10:30 p.m. Southbound. 15 California Express 8:32 a.m. 17 Glandule Passengor 11:10 a.m. ID Cottage Orovs Pass 'ger 4:45 p.m. 27 Wlllametts Limited 8:11 p.m. 11 Shasta Limited 7:38 p.m. 9 Albsiy Passenger ......... 8:45 p.m 13 Ban Francisco Exprsns....l0:88 p.m. 225 Local Way Freight :27s.m. 221 Son Frsn. Tiro' Fr't ....12:01a.m. Salsm Oeet Branch, 127 Pisseigar srr. Balsm V:5 a.m. 130 Pass. ax, leaves Salem 11:00 a.m 129 Pass. aid. arr. Salem ... 8:00 p.m. 128 Pass, lesves Salsa... .. 4:15 p.m. Salem, Falls City k Western, 150 Arrives Salsa 8:00 a.m 152 Arrives Bale. 11:20 a.m, 154 Arrives Bslsra 8:10 p.m. 159 Arrives Salea 8:25 p.m. 158 Arrives Salem 7:30 p.m. 151....Lesvet far flank Rook... 8:45 a.m. 153 Lesves far Falls City . 9:56 a.m. 155 Leaves far Falls City "... 1:45 p.m. 157 Loaves far Falls City .... 8:80 p.m. 159 Leavs far Dallas 8:20 p.m. 180 Freight, arrives ..12:30 p.m. 161 Frslght, deports ... ... 4:50 a.m. OREdON ELEOTBIO RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Leaves Bslsm Arrives Portland Trail. Ne. 4:25 a.m.....,, 8:30 a.m 8:00i.m., 9:48 am ll:20.m 1 OwL...... 8:50 a.m 0 ........... 8:55 a.m 8 Loc ..10:20 a.m 10 Ltd J 1:40 a.m ..18 .... 1:45 p.m 14 4:20p.m 1 ;50 p.m, 4:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m. ....5:53 p.m 8:40 p.n 0:50 p.m., 7:48 p.m., 8:15 p.m 10:03 p. ii 15 Ltd..- 82 Remedy as Bad ss tha Disease. "On the seventh of February I con tracted a severe cold followed by a cough and final loss of voice. I tried many remedies none of which did me any good. I then went to my family doctor and he swabbed my throat five or six times with some abominable stuff. I think it was beneficial, but the remedy was as bad as the disease. At lost the thought struck me why not try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy I I did so and this morning my voice is fairly good and is gradually growing better," writes H. C. Clay, publisher of The Reporter, Rapid City, Manitoba. For sale by all dealers. No honest, useful labor, however hum ble or unnoticed, is ignoble or trivial. Madison, Wis. Jan. 1, 1913. M. D. Roynolds says: This is to certify that I have been a great sufferer from Rheumatism since 1894. Contracted the disease while working with a now plow on the railroad. For several years I have been obliged to use crutches a great part of the time. Having used three boxes of the Meritol Rheumatism Powders, I have thrown away the crutches and am now ahnoet fully recovered. It cer tainly has done wonders for me and I heartily recommend It. M. D. REYNOLDS. Capital Drug Store, Salom,. Oregon, exclusive agents. Again the winter problem of broke and jobloss men is at hand. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA It GOLD DUST FLOUR Mads by ths YDNEY TOWER COMPANY, Bydney, Oregon Mado for Family Use Ask your grocer for It- Bran and shorts always on hand. ' P. B. WALLACE, Agent nfflii'PFntnCri MALE yu PILLS. imH UOWN TO FAIL. hi, fkviloa i)nilttjit)sVl nr Mom Kfindjd, Hnt ptttJsU IM l.00 par hut. Will send thatn on trial, Vt tw pattl tut bsB relteratl, Ramitlet Krsja. If ruur druatiiafc duaa tut (hart Umu atnl ymr ardara w Ua I UNITKO MtOiCAL 0,, OR T. LanoTts4, fa. Southbound. Lv. Portland Ar. Salem 8:10 a.m. 1 8:80 a.m 7:30 a.m 8 9:50 a, in 8:20 a.m Ltd. 10:10 a.m 10:40 a.m. f .1:00 p.m 2:05 p.m 9 4:30 p.m 8:40 p.m..... 11 8:05 p.m 4:40 p.m... 13 Ltd 8:30 8:00 p.m 17 Loo 8:20 p.m 9:25 p.m 19 11:25 p.m 11:45 p.m 21 Owl 3:05 n.uj Northbound. Lv. Corvallis Arv. Sulem 8:30,m........ 8 8:00 am 4:45 p.m.... ...10 .. 5:60 p.m Lt. Eugene Ar. Salcra 7:35 a.m 10 Ltd ... 9:45 am ll:15s.m 1:50 p.m... 6:00 p.m 12:01 S.m. Lv, Sulem 4:35 p.m .. .....14 . 1:50 p.m 16 Ltd 4:00 p is 22 7:45 p.m 8 Owl 8:10 s.m outhbsnnd. Ar. All 6:8 Ar. Eui 7:05 Ar. Alb. Lv, Salsm 8:25 p.m.... ...17 , 9:25 p.m Ar. Corvallis .... 9:55 p.m Ar. Eugene ..... 7:50 s.m .....11:15 a.m Lv, Salsm 2:15 s.m..... 8:35 a.m.. 10:15 s.m Lv. Salem. 1:05 p.m.. 21 1 OwL ....... 5 Ltd 12:25 p.m Stops st Albany .... 7 2:05 p.m Stops st Corvallis 8:;0p.m Ar, Eugsni . 13 .. . 8:45 p.m Lv. Salem. 6:35 p.m..., CORTALIJB OONUOTIONS. Northbound. Lv, Corvallis Ar. Sulem 6:30 S.m ... 8:00 a. is 9:45 1:50 p.m 4:00 p in 8:50 p.m 7:45 p.m 8:23 s.m 11:12 p.m. , 8:86 p.m . 4:26 p.m, , 8:05 p.m. . Lv. Salom. Southbound. Ar. Corvallis 8:35 s.m 10:15 am ...iu:t)7 s.m .11:40 a m 1:05 p.m u. 4:35 p.m . 2:30 p.m 6:00 p.m 7:67 p.m 6:35 p a