Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 27, 1913, Image 2

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Wffl&i : NOV. 27 19 J o
Capital j
i irage or ii ue o&i
u 5
The Capital Journal
The Barnes -Taber Company
, GRAHAM P. TABER, Editor and Manager. . '
Aa Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principles and the Progres
and Development of Balem in Particular and All Oregon in General.
Pibll.hed Bver Bvenlng Elcept Sunday. Balem, Oregon
(Invariably In Advance)
Daily, ti Carrier, per 7ear ...$5.20 Per month.. 4Se
Dally, by Mall, per rear 4.00 Per month.. 85o
Wlly, by Mall, per year .... 1.00 Bit mop the. 50c
"Want" ad and
Advertising rate will b furnished on application.
' "New Today" ads .trictly cash in advance.
Tha Capital Journal carrier boy are Instructed to put the papers on the
forck. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
taper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
way wt car. determine whether r not the carriers are following instructions.
Fiona Main 82.
"L8E WHERE IN THIS ISSUE we print ft communication from D. C. Lew
jTi is, of St. Johns, who criticises Tho Capital Journal for its editorials
about Jim Hill. Mr. Lewis says ho has read and re-read the editorials
I i in quOBtion, and can find no motive for thoir being written. It is of
, course not Our fault that Mr. Lewis failod after so many readings to
understand the motive, for it was stated in so many words. For his benefit
we will ropoat some of tho reasons. We stated frankly that the building of
tho Hill roods were necessarily benoficial to tho section reached by thorn;
that the building of railroads anywhere opened up and dovulopod the country,
and that so far hs that f oature of Mr. Hill 's work was concerned he was bene
ficial to tho country. We Btated that while he was building these roads for the
benefit of himself and those associated with him, that bo was not to blame for
that, for the reason that that waB the great first causo of effort, to bettor
one's own condition.
We also stated that tho objection we had to tho laudation of Hill was that
ho was getting lots of praise handed him that did not belong to him.
We objected to him standing up in public and telling the world that tho
prices of Oregon lands were too high. Wo objected to his injuring the chances
of those Oregonians who have with ceaseless toil howad out a little farm, to sell
that farm. Theo hardy pioneers know that Oregon land, Willamette valloy
land, is not too high; thnt it cunnot bn brought under cultivation for loss cost
than tho prices asked for it; that it will produce crops that will yield profita
blu returns on tho prices asked for it, and that Hill's attack was unwarranted,
untrue and uncalled for. That is one reason wo resented his acts and words.
Notwithstanding tho rather verbose defense of Mr. Hill by Mr. Lewis, wo still
fail to recognize the flirt that he built any empires. His roads helped develop
the section they reached, but tho empire builders, whether of Minnesota, Wy
oming, or Oregon, are tho hardy and un afraid pioneers who went far in advance
of civilization, and braving all tho hardships of frontier life, paved tho wny
for the coming of railroads, which, whilo necessary to their full development,
Cairo in the i liferents of tho railroad builders. They did not build empires,
they simply exploited them, Mr. LewiB frankly fays ho "hopes tho Hills will
make good money off their 800,000 ncrcs of hind so they will havo more to In
vent In other worthy enterprises." So do wo, and we are not losing any sloop
fearing they will not do so. They can be trusted to attend to thnt.
Mr. Lewis thinks we are trying to pull Mr. Hill down, Tfo known as well
as wo do that nothing wo can say or do will affect Hill or Hill's railroads in
any wny. Wo realize the necessity of railroads and had as soon son Mr. Hill
build them as any one, for they aro all actuated by tho some motive, to mako
money for themselves, and the Hills give as prompt, as good and as perfect a
service as any of tho others,
Mr. Lewis 1b ap(nrontly somewhat of a hero worshipper and thinks Hill
worthy of boing made a fetish. We do not agree with him in this, but wo do,
after reading his article, agree with him in his statement that our "newspa
per space is too vnlunbla for tho use wo aro putting it to."
FIFTY-TWO RAIUIOADS unst of the Mississippi and uorth of the Ohio
and I'ototnan rivers have usked the interstato conimerco commission to
be permitted to increase their rates fivo per cent, basing their demand
on a shewing made by tho combined roads of having invested in the
betterment of tho roads and In meeting tho demands of commerce in the
past three years, a total of mnro thnn $0,000,000. At the name time these roads
make a showing that while they have oxpcmlod these vast Bums on their prop
erties tliut the Minting are $111,311,321 less than in 1010 when an apxnl for a
ten r cent raise was denied. The claim is made that this five per cent is not
really as much of an increase as tho railroads should have to make anything
like fair returns on tho investment.
Tlio Pennsylvania system had Invested more than $200,000,000 since 11)10,
and Its net operating incomo was $11,485,511 less tluin before this money hud
been put into tho roads.
This Is indeed a discouraging showing, and Indicates that business must
havo fallen off or that there aro too ninny railroads. Tt also Indicates that
poor judgment was used in making the investments. Against this view the
railroads say the Improvements wero absolutely noeessnry, in order to proper
ly conduct their business and to moot the demands of trade, If the shewing is
correct, tho roads will probably bo given the Increase asked for. Tho railroads
are entitled to fair, just and honest treatment, just the same as any Individual
or company is, and patrons of tho roads do not want their work done nt a loss
to the roods. The reason there is so much fooling against railroads Is not for
what they aro doing now ss for what they have done. However, thnt feeling
should bo dropped, and the railroads met frankly and fnirly when they are on
their good behavior, Kdlter Lorimer, of the Saturday Evening Post, expresses
it nicely in a little story. A man walking along the street wo suddenly bitten
iy a dog. The man had not bothered the dog and there was no reason for the
dog's action. The next day tho dog whs lying on the sidewalk and tho in an
seeing him, basted him with k stem,' The dog complained, and loudly pro
claimed that he had been struck without cause. He had forgotten thnt he bit
the man the day be fere, but the man had not. The railroads are not biting
any one now, but the people have not yet forgotten tho biting of tho net very
remote pant.
forcible. After saying that a pkunk doported from Skunkville as being too
mean and nasty for his fellow'skunks to associate with, and making other de
rogatory remarks and suggestions, he wound up,, with, the statement that "a
man who would deliberately poison another man 's dog, was a pedicular hobo '
who would deliberately rub up against a one-armed man and give .him phthi-
riasis." That's what lie said, but as to what he mc?nt, we pass.
While the city officials ore debating about the. decency or indecency, of the
tango as a dance, the upper circles of fashion in Portland try it out and say
it is all right. Tho socioty leaders with charming naivete say, "it all de
pends on who dances it, and that the way low-down people flance it is really
vulgar," but H loses this common and vulgar trait when the dancers wear silks
and satins, instead ot just common gowns.
It looks sometimes as though about all the offices possible had been created
but now Portlund comes to the fore with a new one. That moral conter now
has a "City Inspector of Dances." 1
i A,
Uy-"- kI A ."
...... . v v"-T , -i, tl
The president's danghtir, Jeosie, la now Mrs. Hay re, and Is her way to Ku
ropo. If all the good wishes of an entire nation can havo any effect on her
future, alio will through a very long life meet nothing but joy and happiness.
We only regret that the wireless will prevent tho young couple from disappear
ing from public sight and hearing long enough to enjoy a short honeymoon.
A Small Fortune That Was Restored to
Its Rightful Owners,
Ono winter morning a little boy of
eight or ten years ran Into tbo office of
the United Charities In New York city
crying bitterly. Between his sobs he
gasped out. "Uncle has stolen mother's
front tooth; please get it bock for us."
His mother, then lying dead at home,
was an actress. In her youth she had
had a lnrge diamond Inserted In her
front tooth, and the advertisement had
proved profitable.
As the years passed misfortune over
took her; she wns deserted by her hus
band; the family larder was often
empty and the children hungry. Reso
lutely she refused to part with the dia
mond, always telling the children that
after he? death the money It brought
would support them for some time.
When the little mother became 111
with tuberculosis the children hushed
her fears about their future with reas
surances of the value of the Jewel. But
before the funeral a wicked uncle came
In the night and pulled out the tooth.
An officer wns sent at once to the
uncle with threats of arrest If restitu
tion was not made nt once. Tho mis
sion was successful, the tooth restored,
the diamond taken out. sold and the
proceeds used for the children. Con
densed From Survey.
Scene from "What Hupyeuca to xaary," w"ich plays niatmoe ana evening at
the Grand today.
tt, Ta-MaH'Mniiai'ni ill ii j
This afternoon and tonight Mies Anno
Bradley is most satisfactory. Adapt-
be tho attraction at tho Grand Opera
House, presenting the new Owen Davis
piny of "What Happened to Mary."
Tho presentation of this play by Miss
Bradley was most' satisfactory. Adapt
ed from stories published in a well-
known periodical "What Happened to
Mary," tells a strong story of human
nature and nnturnll coincidences, and
abounds with a number of the most
leverely conceived comedy situations.
Its ninny characters are true to life,
and each are so charmingly exact and
convincing ns to stand prominently
ni'rtn tn rou iii its own naturalness, ino
characters ever portrayed is moro satis
fying in its truthful nimplicity than
that of Marv, and in tho hands of
Miss Anne Bradley is sure to receive
its just due. ,
Miss Bradlev's offering of "What
Happened to Mary" is ono of the real
successes of the past season and once
sgiuu establishes nor as tlio lending
exponent on tho American stage of
huracters on tho Ingenue order.
The production has been modo with
excellent judgement and artistic taste,
and the selection of tho players to as
sist Miss Anno Bradley is particularly
happy as she is surrounded with men
and women well known in theatricals.
Tho play will bo presented this oven
lug at the llrand.
advantage, comes here from a long run
in Chicago that made theatrical history
because of the unprecedented populari
ty of both play and star.
Following a Thanksgiving eve turkey
bancpiet, which wns conceded to have
been tho finest feed tho association ev
er gave, the members of the Y. M. C.
A. Inst night elected officers for the en
suing venr, K. E. Mickey was elected
president; Alfred Schramm, vice-presi
dent, and J. A. Schott, foerotary-trens
The association seniors went, through
that, pile of fino things to out like al2
inch shell through a river steamboat.
Everybody was full to tho brim with
turkey, mashed spuds, etc., and the af
fair wns most pleasing, to say the least.
Joe Jefferson's Story of the Man Who
Helped His Parents.
The lute Joe Jefferson told this story
of his childhood days:
When my pu rents were traveling in
the west we bud a hurd time to get
along, meeting with bad luck In town
after town, l-'lually we came to a lit
tle village iu Illinois and prepared to
give the piny. However, the people of
this town hud recently turned against
the theater, ond the license was far
beyond what wo could puy. We wore
almost In doHpulr. for our sltuutlon
wns desperate, not enough money to
give our piny Iu the town whore we
wero and not enough to get to the next
"Finally my father found a young
lawyer who listened to his story with
sympathy and promised to help us.
He succeeded in getting us n permit to
play free of cost. We made good
money thnt night, which enrrled us on
to the next town in comfort.
"I recently played In this some town,
which Is now the good sized city of
Springfield, mid I visited the cemetery
where that young lawyer now lies.
On tlio stone which marks his grave Is
carved the nnme 'Abraham Lincoln.'"
Ladles' Home Journal.
For Real Solid Comfort
On chilly cold days or for warmine "that cold corner" there
is no better heating device than the
Wherever there are children or old people it is particularly
Can't smoke. Doesn't smell. Easy to lieht and take care
of. Easy to carry from room to room. I!.co
nomical, inexpensive. Will last a lifetime.
For Beat Results
We) Recommend
Pearl Oil
Ath to 5 It At Yoat
Standard Oil Company
Portland H
The dog: poisoner got busy tho other night and wantonly killed several dogs
that wore kept at homo and wero bothering no one. One of those whoso dog
was killed, f xprossod his opinion of the poisoner In tt.e presence) of a Capital
Journal nym recently, and while the latter 'a education was not up to th stand
ard reipiirvl to thoroughly understand thia opinion, ho can vouch for its being
LAPP & BUSH, Bankers
When Mrs. Fiske brings her current
and lust season' successful play, "Tho
High Rd," to tho Ornnd opera house
on November 21', wo are to eo her In a
now line of work and in a new typo of
play, Edward Sheldon's vital handi
work is a play of the moment, as mod
ern as It well could bo and tho lessons
to be drawn from It aro such as when
learned mako fifr tho betterment of hu
manltv. Mrs. Flske's role, while differ-
lug from any of its predecessors In her '
repertoire, take on some of the com
bined characteristic of several of
Monday evening, December will be
No" Indigestion, Oas, Sounioss or Up
set Stomach If You'U Take "Pape'i
Dlapcpsln" Try This!
Do soma food you eat hit back
taste good, but work badly; forment
Into stubborn lump and cause a lick,
our, gassy stomach I Now, Mr. or Mr.
Dyspeptic, jot thi down: Ppe' Dia
pepsin illgest everything .leaving aoth-
i ing to tour and upset you. There never
I wa anything so safely quick, o cer-
i tainly effective. No difference how
1 badly your stomach I disordered you
will get happy relief lu five minutes,
but what please you most i that It
strengthens and regulate your -atom
ach o you can eat your favorite food
without foar.
Most remedie give you relief some
times they are, but not ure. "Papa'
Diapopsin" i quick, positive aad put
your stomach In a healthy conditio so
the misery won't come back,
You fell different a ooa 'Tips'
Dlapepsln" come In contact with tb
stomach distress just vanish your
one of the most important nights of the ,(omch got iweet, no gae, no belch
season at tho Ornnd opera house, as it
will mark tho expectantly awaited local
advent of Margaret llllngton iu the
stellar rule of "Within the Uw," Tlay
ard Veiller's sensationally successful
new play of modern American life, In
which she has achieved the crowning
triumph iff her remarkable career.
This play, which is the theatrical sen
sation of the year In New York, Chica
go and London, is credited with having
created a more world wide and profound
Impression than any dramatic offering
within a generation. Mlsa llllngton,
who hat never been en t such fine
Ing, no eructation of undigested food,
your head clear and yon feel fin.
Go now, make the best Investment
you evor made, by getting a large fifty-
cent esse of Pape'i Dlapepsln from any
drug store. You realize In five ml
ute how needles It is to uffer from
indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach
Iron That Doe Not Ruat.
It costs the owners of steel ships
millions of dollars annually to pro
tect their vessels from excessive rust
ing. Do what they will, the process
of oxidation eoes on. and every so
often the metal hulls have to be treat
ed with antl-corroslvcs. The same bI-
lout process of decay Is going on In
the metal work of bridges, of rnllwny
and trolley lines. The Inventor who
can find n preventive" against rust w!
save the world ulmost Incalculable
wealth. And the curious tiling is that
once upon u lime the world knew of
such a preventive. There is still to be
seen ot Delhi, the new Imlluu capital
nn Iron monument, which, no mutter
what the weather mny be, never shows
signs of rust. Scientists look t lint piece
of Iron over., but It keeps Its secret
well. Yet if the old Hindu metal
lurgists could do ns much, why not
the metallurgists ,if today? Rochester
Mncnulay snd Musio.
Mncnuluy was entirely Insensible to
the clmrnin of Mimic We Hud him
writing fi'Mii Wliubor ensile mi Jan.
14. lKTil: "At tuble I v:is between the
Duchess of Nii.tnll: anil u fjtvh'ti wo-
mail wlui ccmlil li iriliy spciik F.iigllsh
Inti'lllu'll'l.v. I pit "ii us well ns I could.
The bund inveivd the talk with il sue
cckIcih of sonorous tunes. 'The Ciimp
bells Are Cumin;;' wns une." And Mo
ciiuhiy's biographer. Sir (lotirge Otto
Treiflyuu. supplies the following In
structive footnote: "'riils Is the oniy
authentic iiiNtuni'o ui record of Mil
cnuluy's linvlng known one tune from
another." t.omlou Spe tutor.
Painful Isolation.
To avoid looming bud liublts little
Frank was holm: reined In the most
exclusive manner. The little fellow
often became lonely playing by him
self. One day be w as enjoying a stolen
Interview over the back yard fence
Willi some other boys. "Why don't
you ouiiie Mild play with usV asked
"'Cause tiiiiiiima won't let me asso
ciate with other boys," was the reply,
"Why. she won't hardly let me asso
ciate with m,vtlf."-I.iplm-ott's.
"Of eour yon owe M grent deal to
your w ife?"
"No doubt of It." replied Mr. Cumrox.
"She always gives some of the flnest
parties of the season, nnd If I weren't
married to her I wouldn't lie Invited to
thrm." Washington Star.
Hi 8pad Limit
Klrst Komi Mother-My lteglnnld hns
to hnve it new set of school books
every year.
Second I'ond Mother He should tut.
Ilumld for n niiwlel. My Harold n,.
ways stiiys In the same book for thr
yonrs.-New York Post.
The Markets
Grata, Flour, Feed, Etc.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 80c;
Blucstem, 93c; Fortyfold, 81c; Eed
Russian, 78c; Valley, 80c.
Millstuffs Bran, $22.00 per
shorts, $24; middlings,$30.
Flour Patents, $4.40 per barrel;
straights, $3.80; exports, $3.553.70;
vallev, $4.40; graham, $4a30; whole
wheat, $4.50.
Corn Whole, $37; cracked, $38 per
Hay Fancy Idaho timothy, 1718;
fancy eastern Oregon timothy, $1516;
timothy and clover, $1415; timothy
and alfalfa, $13(315; clover, $8.5010;
oats and vetch, $1011; cheat, 1011;
valley grain hay, $10fflll.
OatB No. 1, white, $2525.50 per
ton. ,
Barley Feed, $24(3)25 per ton; brew
ing, jiominal; rolled, $27(it)28.
Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc.
Dried Fruits Apples, 10c per lb.;
currants, 10c; apricots, 1214c; peach
es, 8llc; prunes, Italian, 810c; sil
ver, 18c; figs, white and black, 0M
"Mic; raisins, loose Muscatel, 6
7Vjc; bleached Thompsou, llVic; un-
bleached Sultanas, 8c; seeded, 7
Coffee Roasted In drums, 1832o
Smoked Meats Beef tongues, 25c
dried beef sets, 22c; outsides, 20c; in
sides, 23c; knuckles, 21c.
Pickled Goods Barrels, pigs feet.
i $14; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb
ton; triie, $12; lunch tonugues, $22; lambs'
tongues, $10.
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc.
Hops 1013 contracts, 25c; 1912 crop,
Wool Eastern Oregon, 1016o per
lb.; volley, 1018c.
Mouair Choice, 2526c per lb.
Hides Salted, 12c por lb.; Baited calf
I(il7c; salted kip, 12c; Baited tag,
H'jc; green hides, ll'jc; dry hides, 21c;
dry calf, No. 1, 25e; dry stogs, 12
Bran, per ton $25.0(
Shorts, per ton ..$27.00
Wheat, por bushel .......80o
Oats, per bushel .
Chittlm Bark, per lb.
Hay, Timothy
Oats and vetch ........
Clover, per ton ....
Choat, per ton
.. 4VJ5o
Butter and Eggs.
Butterfnt, per lb., f. o. b. Salem..... 34o
Creamery butter, per lb . 35
Country buttor, per lb .......30e
Eggs, per dozen iOo
per lb,
Nuts Walnuts, IBMic per lb.; Brazil Frvers
nuts, 20c; filberts,' 15c; almonds, 20c; Ileus, per lb
pecans, 17c; cocoanuts, 90c$l per doz. oostors, per lb, ..
Salt Granulated, $14 por ton; half-1 Steers.
It Granulated, $14 por ton; half-1 '
id, 100s, $10.25 per ton; 50s, $11 St
ground, iUOs, $10.15 per ton; &Us, $11 Steers
por ion. V ows, por
Beans Small white, $6.00; large
white, $4.75; Lima, $0.30; pink, $4.00;
red Mexicans, 5c; bayou, $4.40.
Mee No. 1 Japan, 55yjc; cheaper
grados, 4Mic; southern head, 50e.
Honey Choice, $3.253.75 por ease.
Sugar Fruit and berry, $5.20; Hono
lulu plantation, $5.15; beet, $5; Extra C, I Salted country pelts, sar.b
$4.70; powdered, barrols, $5.45; cubes, I Lamb pelts, each
barrels, $5.20.
Fruits and Vegetables.
ewt 45o
Hogs, fat, por lb 89e
Stock ogs, per lb 7 to 7Me
Ewe, por th ...... 4
pring lambs, per lb 4Vj5o
Veal, according to quality ll13e
Dry, per lb. go
Funeral carriage drivers wore ar
rested in Now
Green Fwlt-AppjK 90c$2.25 per It I. a swift period, and live one. want
get dead ones out of the wov as
box; peaches, 3050a per box; pears, to
$11.50 por box; grape, 00c(W$1.50 per
crate; Malagas, $7.50 per keg; caaaba.
le er lb.; cranberries, $8.50U per bbl,
H4; navels, $4.505:50; Florida grape
fruit, $5.507; lemons, $8.5010 pet
box; pineapples, 7o per lb.
quickly as poslsble. Some may bo
rushed into the ground befure they are
really dead.
The funeral of the late J. B. Eddy,,
who died Saturday at a hospital In
Vegotables Cabbage, 11Vj per lb.j J Tortland, wns held this afternoon at 3
o noes. 110 was an old-time newspaper
man, and bad a host of friend all over
the state.
The administration at Washington Is
confident. It Is said, of "the ultimate
retirement of Huert. " Certainly, so
aro w all; "ultimate" make confi
dence safe.
Let a nmn havo but an nlm. a pur
pose, and opportunities to attain hi
ud shall start forth like buds it th
kiss of spriuir.-l'ishon Kwldln(.
The Oregon apple Is dovired around
the world.
Surely trosh eggs are advertised at
only 10 cents each. Vet like enough
those who buy them at that modest
prico will grumble at the high cost of
cauliflowor, $11.25 per doi.; cucum
bers, 4045c per do.; eggplant, 7c per
lb.; 'head lottuce, $22.23 por crate;
pepper, 57c per lb.; radishes, 1012
per doz.; tomatoes, $1.50 per ox; gar
lie, 12MiS per lb.; sprout, lie per lb. ; ,
artichokes, $1.50 per dot.; squash, lVjt j
per lb.; pumpkins, 10 per lb.) celery,
.WfcT'Se per doa.
Potatoes New, 76c$l per ewti
sweet, $2.25 percrale.
Onion Oregon, $3.15 per lack.
Dairy and Country Produce.
Butter Oregon creamery, solid pack,
30c per lb.) print, box lot, 34c.
Kffff OrWDn ranch. 45a rur tn
Cheese Oregon Triplet., 16V; Oal ' 4? Get thl Original 111(1 EflMltlU''
sic, 17c; Young America, 1 So. II A 11 I I ft I f f f&
V.al-Fancy, 13M16o p pound SI II If I I 9! K
Pork-Fancy, 11 per lb. II U II Ii I U IV U
Ham 10 to 12 lbs., 2020Vjt t ta ftlALTED MILK
141b... lfl20c; picnic, 14V,c; cottage Tka Food-dflnk iot ill A?lfi.
F or In f ants. In valitli, and Crowtn g cliliren.
Oarrnn.a must be angry; a day pas
sed without hi. picture In the newspapers.
roll, 17'-4e,
Zltn? ,,,nJ"J' PureNuhnioupbuglhewUbody.
21 Vte; English, M-- lnvigatlhenugnMJ.rH!.1!ei
lrj-ln tierce., choice, 14V; com- Rtch rmlk-mnltej grnm. in powder foffiw
pound, 9 e. T '-'
Dry Salt MeaU-Back., dry aalt, IS V1 ,ncl PP n minute.
14e; back., .moked, HH15V.ej k do inbilitqte. AskforHORLICK'S.
boJlie., dry alt, 14 He; smoked, 18c Uct fa !TJf Tftlllt TrUSt
W'S7I' VlrrfMIWr