Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 25, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    111 Inamliiism sai it
Oregon Laws, who come hero Thurs
day to play Willamette are coached bj
Borkeleske, who has clwrge of Port
land's inter-scholast'C champions, th
Lincoln high oleven. He has been work
ing the men hard for the last thret
weeks in preparation for another con
test on this date which the team hav(
turned down for a chance to try and
wrest back the honors that Willamette
surprised their fellow students from
Eugene by taking the notable contest
on November 1,
The only game they have played thai
gives any dope on how thoy compare
with Willamette was, a contest, with
Pacific university two weeks ago in
which they ran up a large score. Pacif
ic eleven have greatly improved sinct
their appearance in this city defeating
Chemawa Saturday and the decisivt
drubbing handed them by the law
school team speaks well for their play
ing. They Want Bevenge.
They have the Oregon spirit through
and through and will arrive in the citj
Thursday determined to secure reveng
for the victory which they claim Wil
lamette accidontly slipped over on theii
team from tho liberal arts school at
With the prospects that they would
play the Vancouver Soldiers on Thanks
giving the Willamette team romember
ing that 71 to U defeat handed out tc
them in last year's contest has been
lagging lately and it will tako strenuous
work on the'part of the coach if the
local team make tho showing next
Thursday that they did against Oregon
Also an Accident
Coupled with this slump in "pep" is
an accident that occured lat Friday
afternoon that will have a very small
r is vv II 1 IT
m Iff
effect on the playing of the Willamette r
team. Paul Homan the star of the
team and most essential member of the
squad, because of his marvelous work
at the pivot's position threw his elbow
out of point in scrimmage and will ht
unable to lend his moral support to de
feating the Portlanders.
Portland, Ore., Nov. 25. In ordor to
be at the ringside of the Kivers-Cross
fight at Los Angeles, Thursday after
noon to challenge the winner, Bud An
derson, the Vancouver, Wash, light
weight, left for tho south, last night.
Manager Donald telegraphed Bud that
the fight with Jack , Britton will be
either December 16 or 20.
It is so much
wiser to take the
nrnrvr remerlv than tn
et the trouble continue, that
vrm onaht to act without delay.
r- . . - ,
Tndicrestion robs vou of vour strength. 01
your sleep, of your powerto work or to enjoy
the natural pleasures of life. If it lasts if
your food is not permitted to nourish you ser
ious sickness is almost certain to follow. This
may cause you more intense suffering and cost
you a great deal of time and money to cure.
But Beecham's Pills will help you to over
come the trouble safely, surely, quickly, be
fore harm is done. 1 his great wona-rem-
a m 11. 1.-
edy is famous tor the lasting gooa it
does as well as tor its immediate
tonic effect upon the
stomach and other
organs of di-
11 1 iifW
' 1 H If 11 If V
1U IJH m-h.
w gestion
mon tprm
of Indigestion.
are being formed in the "si
liucsuuai uati. jcacitudciics. pwui -annftite.
restless nicrhts. baa dreams, sour
taste, coated tongue, sallow skin, nervousness
are among the symptoms of Biliousness.
Beecham's Pills relieve these distressing con
ditions by removing the cause. Purer blood,
sounder nerves, clearer brain, brighter spirits
will be yours when your system has
been cleansed of impurities and
your stomach, liver, kid
neys, bowels tonea
and regulated
"What Happenod to Mary" is a pow
erful story that is not devoid of comedy
situations and there are many amusing
and logical episodes brought about for
the framework of the more dramatic
situations, with back of it all a beauti
fully conceived love theme. "What
happened to Mary" will be presented
at the Grand Opera House on Thanks
giving day with an excellent cast of
Metropolitan players and the complete
New York City, Fulton theatre pro
duction. Both matinoe and evening per
formances will be gives,
As cordovan to of the main theme of
"The High Boad," which Mrs. Fiske
is to bring to the Grand Opera House
on Saturday, November 29. Edward
Sheldon has introduced a number of
presentday social and politiapl problems
which make for an interest that is
said to be as engrossing as it is timely.
This interest rests largely upon the bat
tle between Mary Page end powerful
political and industrial factors opposed
to her husband on account of his atti
tude on woman labor, involving shorter
hours and generally improved working
conditions. It is the purpose of his
opponents to use long buried facts in
Mary's early career against him, but
her love for her husband and her zoal
show her a way to bring about thoir
utter defeat. In this dramatically com
plex but wonderfully human rolo, Mrs.
Fiske has achieved a notable success,
one of the most brilliant of her career.
.a) f
Last Week of Notcih
A Big Saving for You on Needable Merchandise
Richardson's Famous Linens, AH at Reduced Prices
PILLOWS Bed Pillows, good quality
ticking, filled with sterilized feath
ers; $2.50 SPECIAL 1.98
BLANKETS All pure wool blankets,
72x80, regular $6.75, $7.50
COMFORTS Double bed size comforts,
all filled with best quality cotton;
regular $2 and $2.25 SPECIAL $1.19
BLANKETS Cotton blankets, 72x80
inches, soft quality, regular $2.00
...i, SPECIAL $1.48
Lace Curtains
One-Half Price
We have taken our entire Tine of Lace
Curtains and cut the price square In
two. Every kind, such as Nottinghams,
Clunys, Scrim, Irish Point, Arabian, etc
One-Half Price
Women's Silk and Wool Drosses All
Children' Wool Dresses All Beduced
Children 'a Coats All Beduced
Bath Bobes Are All Bednced
SUITS Women's and Misses' Fall
Suits, late styles, best materials; ev
ery one a man-tailored garment and
made to give the best of service.
Regular $35.00, special ......... $17.50
Regular $27,50, special $13.75
Regular $25.00, special $12.50
Regular $17.50, special $ 8.75
One rack of suits in heavy weight ma
t terials, square cut suit coats, spe
COATS Women's and Misses' Winter
Coats in the newest models and best
of materials
Special $ 7.50 Special $15.00
Special $12.50 Special $17.50
I G. Shipley
Company r g
without a doubt a peer of that great
novelist, Charles Dickens.
Special scenic and lighting effects
are being arranged and the play will
be splendidly costumed. Double special
ties will be introduced between acts
and a good orchestra has been engaged.
The cast will be announced in a later
Having received a shipment of pianos
direct from the factory, will give the
purchaser the benefit of the factory
prices. Don 't fail to call and got prices
and terms. Call evenings botween 6
and 9V m. Leave orders for tuning,
' or write Frank Dorsoy, 220 North Front
street, Salem, Or.
i i v.
I I 1 1 .11 1 V-
in Mi If . by
fcUl I 'I II a
One of tho most important events of
the local theatrical sqason will be the
first apjKiarance here at the Grand
Opera House on Monday, Doc. 1, under
the direction of tho American Play com
pan,v, of Mjirgarct Illington in "Within
the Law," Bayard Voiller's seemingly
irresistable play of contemporaneous
metropolitan conditions, in which this
favorite star is at present making the
atrioal history In Chicago, where Bht
has settled down to a run that bids fair
to continue for many months.
The fool-killer isn't attending to his
job. A New York man wants a divorce
boennse his wife hasn't spoken to him
for nine years.
Directum of Special Value U
Women art wilh every box,
At all Unionists, 10c, 25c
"The Largest Sale of Any Medicine In the World"
On Tuosday and Wednesday evening!
December 9th and 10th, Eugene Wal
ter's great success, "The Girl of the
North," will be presented at tho Grand
Opera IIouso undor the auspices of the
Loyal Ordor of Mooso. The play is
givon undor the direction of McNaugh
tnn Bros., professional show producors,
who are well known throughout theat
rical circles on the coast and come here
highly recommended, and who, with tho
assistance of local talent in tho remain
der of the cast and specialties, stage
a decidedly attractice bill.
"The Girl of the North," is one oi
the famous Bclasco productions and was
proven to be one of his greatest succes
ses. It is a tale of life and adventure
in the Canadian Northweet which has
given birth to so many quaint and thril
ling romances and thooo who have seen
Walter's other plays, namoly, "Paid
in Full," "The Easiest Way," "Fine
Feathers," "The Thief," etc, know
that in his character delineations he is
"Pape's Diapepsion" Ends Indigestion,
Gas, Dyspepuia and Stomach Mls
ery in Five Minutes.
If what you just ate is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
load, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas and eructate sour, undigested
food, or have a fooling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste
in mouth and stomach headache, you
can get blessed relief in five minutes.
Ask your pharmacist show you
the formu.'a, plainly printed on these
fifty cent cases of Pape's Diapopsin,
then you will understand why dys
peptic troubles of all kinds must go,
and why thoy roliove sour, out-of-order
stomachs or indigestion in five min
utes. "Pape's Diapopsin" is harmless;
tastes like candy, though each dose
will digest and propare for assimila
tion into the blood all the food you
eat; besidos, it makes you go to the
table with a hoalthy appetite; but,
what will please you most, is that you
will feel that your stomach and intes
tines are clean and fresh, and you will
not need to resort to laxatives or liver
pills for biliousness or constltuation.
This city will have many "Pape's
Diapopsin" cranks, as some people will
call them, but you will be enthusiastic
about this splondid stomach prepara
tion, too, if you ever take it for lndl
gostion, gasos, heartburn, sourness,
dyspepsia, or any stomach misery.
Got some now, this mlnuta, and rid
yourself of stomach trouble and indi
cation in five minutes.
The making of a great moving picture
production is the most hazardous gam
ble in the world, and there are few call
ings and professions in which such
chances are taken as in the big thcat
ricat centure, according to George Kloin
the pioneer in the film field and prob
ably the best known photo-drama im
porter and producer in America today,
whose "Quo Vadis" is considered the
seasons sensation and whose latest of
fering is the photo-drama company's
production of Lord Bulwer-Lytton 's
famous nov'ol, in picture form. "The
Last Days of Pompeii." The cost of
making such gigantic films is far great
er than of mounting any other enter
tainment enterprise not even barring
such mammoth affairs as the Drury
Lane London productions according to
Mr. Klein, "Quo Vadis" and "The
Last Days of Pompeii" cost mora than
a quarter million dollars each to make.
The moving picture copyright laws
are not nearly as rigorous as are theme
covering the dramatic field, the motion
picture producer is always facing the
problem of unprincipled competition.
When it was announced through tho
pross that Mr. Kloin was about to
bring to Amorica "Quo Vadis" numbor
loss competitors dotorminod to beat
him into the field. Ono took the old
worn out film "The Burning of Rome"
off his shelves added a few other thread
bare subjects, sending it broadcast and
mnuy a manager playod this "fake"
thinking he was playing the original.
Mr. Klein had only announced the
first American appearance of the "Last
Days of Pompeii" in the Now York
Bijou, the Chicago Ziegfold and the
Boston Majestic, when some of tho min
or film men ransacked the junk shelves
and hashed up a four roel "Pompeii"
the principal subject in one of them is
tho old timer "Tho Fall of Troy" while
others used other subjects, come of them
going so far as to guarantee thorn as
the original. There is but ono original
"The Last Days of Pompeii" in six
reels ami made in Pompeii by tho Am
brose company of which Mr, Klein con
trols the American rights.
In spite of tho handicaps, both Mr,
Klein's "Quo Vadis" and "Tho Last
Duys of Pompeii" have sot now box
office records in nearly all of tho thea
tres in which they have been shown
and in many (Vises the receipts were
evon greator than those given to the
big dramatic and musical comedy successes.
Excursion to Silverton Will Be Staged
by Basketball Aggregation and
Many Will Go.
Big Scores Have Been Bun Up and It Is
Fairly Likely They Will Win at
I The Yellow Jackets baskot ball toem
hold a meeting at the Y. M. C. A. last
- ovoning for tho purpose of elocting a
'captain and to decide whether an ex
cursion should bo run to Silverton for
the big basket ball game at that point'
on Thanksgiving evening. C. C. Hug
gins, formor U. of O. track star nnd
now a prominent figure in businoss cir
cles in Sulom, was chosen captain.
I During tho mooting so much onthusi-
' . . K..
lutm was muuiiusuju regarding mo ex
cursion that it was unanimously decided
to run the tmlu and from the asect of
things at tho present time, the train
will be loaded to its capacity. The
high school band of fifteou pieces will
go along to furnish music for the big
throng of fans, and a first class good
time may be expected by all concerned.
The train will lmvo South Commer
cial street at 7 p. m., returning, loave
Silvorton as soon as the gamo is over.
Round trip will bo 00 cents, with 25-
Human being are like rats; many
pampered pets ami many wretched,
scrawny, hungry strays with all sorts
o- to This Medlda?
If ron srs stitterlDf with Lung Trouble
r U yoq know of mi uofoaunt per
son so afflicted, would too Uke th
tronhl of fullr InTMtlKstlun a medicine
which, has brought About complete r
eoTrr In s number of Tflry terlout coeHf
To Bcknum't Altcnitlin, a ttwuAj for
Throat tnd Lnn Troubles, hM bea
stTen th fullest credit of nmtorlny health
u S Urge number of cties. Kent thl:
Milt Qlnrd Art., Pblli.,
"Oentletnent In the winter of MHM I
and an attack of Orlppe. followed by
1'imnnonln, mid Inter by Lung Trouble.
In tha winter of 1UM I hid cinh. night
swests, fever and raised quantities of
awful looking stuff and later I bad many
nemori'hagua; at one tlujlt three In three
ucreaalve daya. Milk and eirro born roe
ao distasteful I could keep nothing down.
Three physicians trentcd me. I was or
dered to the mountains, but did not go.
Bck&ian'a Alterative waa recommended
by a friend. After taking a small quan
tity I bad the first quiet night's Bleep for
weeks. My improvement waa marked
from the first. I golued etretiKth and
weight and appetite. I never had another
hemorrhngo and my cough gradually loit
ened until entirely goue. I am perfectly
(Above ahbrevbitodi more on request.)
Rekntnn's Alterative haa been proven by
many years' teat to he mont efficacious
for aevero Throat and I.ung Affeetlonn,
Ilrnnchltls, TtronchlHl Asthma, Btublnrn
Oolils and In upbuilding the ayatein.
Contains no nnreotlcs, polaona or hHlilt
forming drugs, Auk for booklet telling
of recoveries, nnd writs to Rrkiimn
Laboratory, Philadelphia, Ta., for evi
dence. For aale by all leading drugglat
J. C. Perry, Druggist '
cent charge to seo tho gamo. The train
will be switched to the Mill siding at
Silverton and tuko the funs right down
to the Commercial Club hall.
The Yellow Jackets finished hard
practice lost evening aud will rest from
now until the big gnmo, They have
been working In groat form the past
few practices and have piled some big
Bcores to tho tune of 01 to 25, 90 to
32. Last evening against three separate
teams they mado 81 to 8, That the
Silverton champions will run up against
a surprise party, goes without question.
Huerta is a persistent cuss.
In One Minute Your Stuffy Nose and
Head Clears, Snoozing and Nose Sun
ning Coase, Dull Headache Goes.
Try "Ely's Cream Balm."
Go a small bottlo anyway, just to try
It Apply a littlo in the nostrils and in
stantly your clogged nose and stopped
up air piuwagos of tho head will open;
you will breathe freely; dullness and
hcalnche disappear. By morning! the
catarrh, cold-in-hoad or catarrhal soro
throat will be go no.
Knd such misery nowl Gut the small
bottlo of "Ely's Cream liulm" at any
drug store. This sweet, fragrant balm
dissolvos by tho heat of the nostrils;
penerntes and heals tho inflnmod, swol
len membrane which linos tho nose,
head and throat; clears the air pas
sages; stops nasty discharges and a
feeling of cleansing, soothing relief
come immediutoly.
Don't lay awake tonight struggling
for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils
closed, hawking aud blowing. Catarrh
or a cold, with its running nose, foul,
mucous dropping into the throat, aud
raw dryness is distressing, but truly
Put your faith just once in "Ely's
Criyim Balm," and your cold or catarrh
will surely disappear.
By Gross
3LGEV6 . &e,e W w.ftie Tod WriE j TocsrsiE -ootsib r m I . W
K V.'iTt.'jSTL I 0 LCep BATHTUB J y
tor "Fm