Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 14, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    AGE BH
Telia cf Recovery
Throat Troubles, like contlnnrd couihi
and colds, often rloaly affect the
loom. It you have not found in Im
provement from the treatment you hava
cried, Invofltlgate the many reports show
lag benefits, and, In numerous cases,
complete recoveries, brought about by the
m of Eckmnn'a Alterative. This Is a
medicine for Throat and Luni Troubles,
favorably known for more than fifteen
years. Bead this cane:
Convent of St. Anne, flanford, Kla.
"Gentlemen: In February, 11)11. four
doctors examined my throat and pro
nounced the necessity of an operation.
Uavlna: heard at l'eekskJU, N. Y., Moth,
erhouse of the Sisters of Ht. Francis,
where I was vlalting, of Eckman's Altera
tive, 1 determined as a last resort to try
It After taking four or live bottles larn
pieces of diseased tissue came away. I
continued the Alterative, to my gratefnl
and dally relief. In ten months 1 wa
restored to perfect health. I would be
glad to write or talk to any person who
may have a donbt about It. I would like
them to see and hear from my own lips.
If they so dinlre, all T would any of It.
(Above abbreviated; more on request.)
. K-KiKiii's Alterative has been proven by
rosny jmrs' test to be most efficacious
for severe Throat and I.nng Affections,
Bror.thllls, Bronchial Astbmn. Htul'born
Colds and In upbuilding the system.
Contnlns no narcotics, poisons or burnt
forming drain. Auk for booklet telling
of rKwverles. snd write to Eckinan
laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for evi
dence. For sale by all leadlug drugglats
J. 0. Perry, Druggist.
tiona, and doclares in matchless diction
that God has prepared a new Eden
Paradise, or park, in which is the foun
tain of the water of life, and the tree
of life that brings forth it fruits in its
season. There can be no doubt but
that the New Paradise is the Old Eden
regained in ft truer and better sense.
Hecondly, Pastor Russell with some
others has tried to change the punctu
ation of the passage to Buit his needs.
The fact is, "today" belongs with the
text, "thou shalt be with me in Para
Take a Glass of Salts to Tluth Sidneys
If Bladder Bother Ton Drink
Lots of Water.
The Capital Journal Invites pub
lic discussion In this department
Let both sides of all matters
b fully brought out It Is not
the purpose of this newspaper to
do the thinking for Its readers.
Kditor Capital Journal: I have road
with interest a sermon published in
your paper by Pastor Rusmell, of Brook
lyn, N. Y., on the text, "This tay shalt
ibou be with mo in Paradise," (IjuIio
US; 4.1.) Having myself mindo a care
fnl study of this text from tho original
Greek, and having preached from it
wivoral times, permit mo to sny that
J'ttittor KiishhH is in error In a number
of atwortions, to which I respectfully
call your attention.
First, ho hits confused the word
"Paradise" with that of "Hftiliw."
The Old Testament Word "Hheol" does
tiunn the grave, and correlates with
Eating meat regularly eventually
produces kidney truble in soma form
An examination of the Greek or other, says a well known authority,
passage in which such a passage oc- because the uric acid ia meat excites
curs will reveal two facts, one, the the kidneys, they become overworked;
adverbial modifier "sermon" (today) get sluggish; clog up and cause all
almost always precedes that which it corta of distress, particularly backache
modifies, e. g., Matt 21; 28 reads in and misery in the kidney region; rheu
the original Greek, "Go today work in matic twinges, severe headaches, acid
my vineyard, " and two, in the seventy- stomach, constipation, torpid liver,
three places where Josus is recorded sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irri
as saying, "Verily I say unto you," tation.
this is the only place whero the word j The moment your back hurts or kid-
" today" immediately follows, so that eys aren't acting right, or if bladder
it is the height of improbability to bothers you, get about four ounces of
say that on this occasion He should Jad Baits from any good pharmacy,
have added such a redundant word, take a tablospoonful in a glass of water
Honce the word belongs with that which before breakfast for a few days and
follewB. your kidneys will then act fine. This
Thirdly, Pastor Russell says that it is famous salts is male from the acid of
absurd to think tht a man can be grapes and lemon juice, combined with
saved and go to heaven from his doath- lithia, and has been used for genera
bod. According to scripturo and reason, tions to flush clogged kidneys and Btim-
it is absurd if ho cannot. In the par-.ulate them to normal activity; also to
No Parting of Waves In Program of
Correct Hair-Dressing Today, It
Is Very Plain.
Toreador Slash Is Newest and It Is
Novel and Becoming to at Least
Some of the Wearers.
able of the laborers, Matt. 20; 1-14,
Josus teaches that the length of ser
vice docs not count, but tho condition
of the heart. We aro to bo rewarded
not according to the, amount of works
we have done, but tho chnractor of the
works wo have done. Any other system
would be unjust. Agalu, lu tho familiar
story of the prodigal son, tho Father
is represented as receiving, forgiving,
and immediately restoring to full bles
sing, his wayward son. Jorus taught
lis disciples to pray, "Our Father."
lie diil not tench them that God is like
a father, but that Ho is a Father, anil
therefore He will do what any real
father would do if he know his son
were as roneutitnt as not to sin any
more, Ho will forgive without punish
ment. Fourthly, ilnstor Russell is afraid that
to admit a death bed repentanco being
peKHililo would cause many to put it
off till then. Hut Christian ministers
neutralize the acids in the urine so it
no longer irritates, thus ending bladder
Jad Salts cannot injure anyone;
makes a delightful efforvescent lithia
water drink which millions of mon and
women tako now and then to keop the
kidneys and urinary organs cloan, thus
avoiding sorious kidney disease.
unitko rnKHS lb'Ahim wntn.
Lima, Peru, Nov. 14. Two hundred
and fifty corpses, it was officially
stated today, have been taken from tho
ruins of Callhuanca, one of the towns
destroyed by tho earthquake a fow days
ago. It was believed that reports from
other places in the quake zone will run
the roll of dead high into tho hundreds.
the mew lestinuont word mules" as
umxI in Luke and other passages, everywhere constantly warn individuals
translated in tho King James, version against putting off the matter of re
us "Hull. ' On the other hand, the conciliation with their Hertvenly Father
No wTestnniuut word "Paradise" cor- and showing that tho thiof that ro
ndatro with the Old Tostninent word pented upon the cross repented at prob-
doctrines of ponance and purgatory
which J'nstor Russell seems to ridicule.
Many texts could be quoted to show
the fnllacy of Pastor Russell's argu
ment, and many othor points might be
mentioned concerning his sermon, but
timo will not permit mo to go furthor
into detail than to show these few
chief errors. Men of attractive per-
"Kden," and not with "Shoo!." Ruth ably his very first opportunity, rnther sonality, and seemingly infalliblo log-
"Pnrndiso" and "Eden" have tho than at his eleventh hour. Genuine ic, ofton fail at the Inst analysis to be
fmtno meaning, "a park." The word death-bod repentances are fow indeed. , consistent.
"Paradise" is found three times in tho If God is a Ood of mercy uud love,; Trusting enough has been said to
New Testament. In 2 Cor. 12;1 it is He will not punish one whoso heurt Is
impotwible that it menus anything but right toward Him, bneauso such a one
an exalted stntn of spiritual conscious- Is pleasing God and doing His will. To
ii owl. In Rev. 2: 7, John the cvungo- say that such nno must ntako amends
lint looks back to tho first Kden which for his past sins, which God has promis
(lod made for lnnn, a park with brant i- ed to remove as "far as the east is
jful wnter, trees, and pleasant ansocia- from tho west," Is to revive the old
show thut lidvcrso criticism may bo
inuilo to Pastor Russell 's views, aud
thanking you for your patience and
courtesy, 1 remain,
Kincelery yours,
- f, a FRANCIS
lOiili Leslie Bt.,
miii'nii'.fci'mn ii liii mi r' ' ' "mt0mm"
Paint Your Own
you can do it yourself and at little expense.
It's easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant,
varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate
is made especially to give to buggies, carriages
and vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy
finish that will look well and wear well. An
ideal finish for settees, flower stands, porch furni
Ss ture, garden tools and all surfaces
that must withstand exnosure and
tiWr 1J n , .
y naiu usare. Kennv rn hmch rm
CJ j -v vii
. I it v
and the label tells how.
Willamette Hardware Company
420 State Street Phono Main 217
(Written for the United Press)
Marie's the noiseBt of girls
That ever talked or sang.
Why even when she does her hair
She does it with a bang.
"Gets-It", Nothing
Like it for Corns
Easy as One, Two, Three; No Fuss; No
Pain, by Using "Gets-It"
Just take two seconds snd put s lit
tle "GETS-IT" on that corn. That
corn is "done for" as sure as the sun
New York. Nov. 14. For a time
there has been a fashion edict that the
best of hairs should part but now there
is ,no longer a parting of the waves
(Marcel ones) for flat pompadours have
sprung up again into feminine fancy.
Our hair still has us by the ears, how
ever, for never a peck from under cov
er are our auralappendages allowed out
in the cold,cold world. The stiff undu
lations of tho Marcel wave after waver
ing for Borne time aro firmly rooted in
favor and tho very latest coiffure
shows the tresses drawn up in Marcel
waves from the napo of tho nock to
tho crown of the head, ond back' from
tho face in the same fashion. And for
these high brows, whose domes of
thought soom Btartling nude whon the
pompadour rolls back and leaves it
rises. The corn shrivels up, vanishes.
That's the surprise you get by using
this new-plan corn cure. There's noth
ing to stick to the stocking or sock;
your corn pains stop. You're saved
the bother of applying plasters that
make the corn bulge out from the core.
JTou're saved salves that eat into the
healthy flesh and "pull"; no more fus
sing with bandagos. You don't have to
help by picking and dragging out your
corns or cutting with knives and razors.
"GETS-IT" is safe, painless, stops
pain, never hurts healthy flesh. It is
guaranteed. Try it on warts, calluses
and bunions, too.
"GETS-IT" is sold at all druggists
at 25 cents a bottle or sent direct by
E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago.
style. While the gay Parisian woref
these fancy foot effects all summer it 1
is now only that they are really seiz
ing upon the American pedal extrem
ities and adding new zest to the even
ing and dress occasions cothurns come
with extremely high and anachronistic
heals are being worn. The most strik
ing effects are those .with rhinestone
buckles and lacings of that black and
white grosgrain ribbon which has been
so chic for suspending your watch or
monocle about your throat
Sashes and slashes still seem to be
the order of the day. Sashes of every
description have fair females on tho
hip. The Toreadore sash is the very
newest. It is of heavily fringed black
satin and is knotted lightly around the
hips with the fringed ends falling, one
lb Becomes Thicx, Wavy, Lustrous and
All Dandruff Disappears Hair
Stops Coming Out
Surely try a "Danderine Hair
Cleanse" if you wish to immediately
double the beauty of your hair. Just
moisten a cloth with Danderine and
draw it carefully through your hair,
taking one small strand at a time; this
will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or
any excessive oil in a few minutes you
will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy,
11 .. l U .. t 1 . .
to the knee and the other to the bot- 4 ' "" r-
vumaiauie DUXLlluao, lusiro IU1U luxun
of the erstwhile regulation two-pronged
hairpin are the fad of the moment, and
bare the bang is a necessity and soft- much more adequate as well as orna
ning adjunct to the coiffure that cov-' mental in keeping your locks where
ers a multitude of skins. I they belong.
A stylo of hainlrcHsing very popular , To acquire that flat puff of hair
indeed is dubbed the "Casque." It'v.hiih ia being wom over each and
is a division of tho hair into two parts every year it is necessary to resort to
with tho right sido rolled over the a sweetly scented aud sticky hair dres-
loft, and tucked under and, pinned.
Pins and combs for the hair are a-glit-ted
with gems and jet for evening wear
but tho plain tortoise shell ones are
favored for day ami street wear. Shell
pins with threo or four prongs instead
sing which practically glues arid holds
your hair in place. Nowadays lovely
woman is indeed all stuck up.
From your head to your feet brings
into prominence the eothurn or the
and ankles with ribbons in the empire
torn of the skirt in front. Another
sash novelty shows the crush girdle
ending in the back with a huge chou
of tulle instead of the usual bow and
ends. In most sash instances the ends
are no longer left free and untnun
meled to float in every passing breeze
but are pressed into service to catch
up the many volumunous skirt draper
ies, i
As for the sash, absolutely no skirt
seems to be without one and in dancing
frocks particularly it is a case of on
Besides beautifying the hair, one ap
plication of Dandorine dissolves every
particle of dandruff; invigorates the
scalp, stopping itching and falling hair.
Danderine is to the hair what fresh
showers of rain and sunshine are to
vegetation. It goes right to the roots,
invigorates and strengthens them. Its
exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing
properties cause the hair to
grow long, strong and beautiful.
You can surelv have nrettv. soft lu.
with the dance and let the limbs be un- trous hair, and lots of it, if you will
conlined. First you had your skirt
slashed on the side now the front slash
is the thing but the future slash prom
ises to be in the back and already sev
eral smart stage frocks are shown slit
up to the knee behind.
This putting the slash behind seems
to be a sort of evening up for tho
train that is now put forth. This
ono of the wierdost of the many wierd
inveutions of the fashion makers.
With the train having its beginning
in tho front and then being drawn be
tween the feet until it struggles out
in tho rear, the general effect upon the
wearer's gait is a sort of straddle
Most appropriate for the dayB of
Indian summer pre the newest gloves
from France bearing the name of "peau
rouge" which in plain United States
is just plain redskin. They make a
bravo showing and are chiof among
tho fashion novelties.
just get a zo-cent Dottle or Jinowlton's
Danderino from any drug store or toilet
counter aud try it aB directed.
The Salem public library has reserved
on a special shelf the books for the
Irents and for children of different
ages recommended by the Oregon So
evil Hygiene society. They will be
issued to responsible persons on re
quest to the librarian, or to children
of appropriate age, who bring a note
from their parents.
Paris, Nov. 14. The engagement was
announced yesterday of the widow of
Count Louis Do Gontaut-Biron, former
ly Martha Leishman, daughter of the
American ex-ambassador to Gonnany,
to James Hazcn Hyde, once of the
Equitable Insurance company.
j fit. ..)
vrm vrranuwruTu
1 A4
"SHti 01.1VE OIL ftf-
rr. kmuiaion l ' '
'-, y
To prevent disease-
resisi disease germs
iui4.Mari,.,r.li,., Mto,iii Binii I, ' ,, , JM ivn;,,,, .Viim.,'..,;.! iiirfi,.,. ..inn. ..j. ...... .I..':.-'. :. "';
SMALLPOX is prevented by vaccination the injection of vaccine.
DIPHTHERIA is prevented by the injection of anti-toxin.
These enable the body to produce substances which prevent the growth of
smallpox and diphtheria germs in ths blood
There are many other diseases, nearly, if not quite as dangerous, and far more
common typhoid fever, the grippe, bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh, rheumatism,
and a score of others that can be prevented less painfully and more easily by making
the body strong to resist germ infection.
, Vfetif i, ,rfiiai.l,.ll ...I'lUiail' i' I ii mi ' !
lihre Oil Emuslsion
(With Hypophosphltes)
Is designed for the prevention as weU a the relief of disease -by enabling the body to overcome
the genu. It, at the same time, strengthens and tones the nerves, nourishes the blood, puts the entire
system into a proper healthy condition to combat and successfully resist disease
Everv person nnf In nirf-
Of some distressing ailment in his or her system.
Cold weather, over-work, excesses of any kind, aro
liable to bring about just the conditions under which
those latent disease germs will get the upper hand, and
put you on your back " down sick."
You who are run-down, tired-out, nervous
You who, though not sick enough to give up, $tlll
aon I feel good
You who are apparently well, and want to $tay well
Tako homo a bottle of Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion to-
fiay, and use It as a means to get well and k"P well
Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is a real nerve-food
m la this It Is different from most other so-called
tonics which either have no food value and do noth.
ing more than temporarily stimulate you, leaving you in
a worse condition than before or, having food value, still
Sold in this community only at
are so unpleasant to take that many people1 an't keeo
them down.
Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is pleasaiTt to take. fU
. Hypophosphites it contains tone the nerv. The pure
uiive Oil nourishes both nerves and blood
Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion strengthens you. pats snao
and gutger and vitality into your system. It makes you
feel better and stronger. It improves your digestion and
your bowel action.
jwIglumntaimnaa!wfMlnor Jangerotu or haolt forming
a .P??? 10 89 repented bove - to
do ell that is claimed above -to satisfy you in everv
way or your money back without quibble or question
Enough for full two Weeks treatment, $1.00.
Sold only at The Rexall Stores the World's greatest
Drug Stores and always with a full guarantee of com
plete satisfaction, or your money back.
Perry Drug Stores
115 S. Com'l, 548 State, Salem, Ore.
-so) . if a r .T7- "v. ; 1 " ", ', , "","y;