Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 13, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    AGE 8CC
Pastor Russell's Sermon
. J
Offerings Under Jewish Law
and Their Antitypes.
Pastor RuaeeH's Preaching Why Not
Taehfonable" Why It la Doctrinal.
: Eating God's Word Unrequired and
Undesirabl Sacrifices Aooaptabla
Sacrifices Ths Rawards of Aocaptad
I Sacrifice Tha Better Sacrifices.
Washington, D.
C, Oct 10.-We
report one of Fas
tor Russell' dis
courses from the
text, "Sacrifice and
offering and burnt
offerings and of
fering for sin
Thou w o u 1 d e s t
not neither hadxt
pleasure therein;
which are offered
by the Law."
Hebrews 10:8.
Before discussing bis text the Pastor
answered the queries of some who ask
why be does not preach "fashlonablo"
sermons, and give his audiences a di
gest of his readings In the loading
magazines, or some dissertation on sci
entific progress, public porks, bettor
bousing for the poor, etc. tils answer
Is that this field Is already over-filled
with laborers: and hesldes that ho has
different com mission, which rends.
"The Spirit of the Lord God Is upon
me: because lie hath anointed me to
preach the good tidings to the ffioek;
He hath sent mo to bind up the broken-hearted,"
Isnlnh 01:1.
Others, again, ask the Pastor why he
Joe not preach more against Intern
pern nee. I ho social evil, etc. occasion
ally smashing chairs for emphasis. Ills
reply Is that the MaNter nnd the A pes
tli wt the standard which be believes
nhnuld be followed. Their preaching
was neither rant nor cant. St Paul
emphasized this In writing to Timothy,
aylng. "Preach the Word!" St J'ctor
emphasized It when he said, "Show
forth tli praises, of Illm who hath
called us out of darkness Into His mar
velous light" Jesus Inculcated this
when Ho said, "Feed My sheep," and
gain, "Search the Scriptures they
testify of Mo."
The Pastor declared that ho preaches
diH-trinnl sermons, because be follows
' ' t' 1 4
thf example of .Ichiib und the Apostles,
not considering himself wine enough
to Improve upon their methods and
example. Jesus' preaching was doe
triiiul. though along the simplest lines,
bemuse none of Ills hearers hud been
begotten of the Holy Spirit. The Apos
tolic Kplstles to spliit-lieuotten Chris
thins m't forth holy doctrines.
The Dlvluo thought is expressed by
the Apostle that beginners In the Chris
tian way, as new-born billies, should
desire the sincere mllli of tlx Word
that they might grow thereby, while
advanced Christians should feed upon
the strung meat. "Thy Words were
found and I did eat them" Is tlio Lord's
wny of representing the growth In
grace and knowledge of thoso who are
begotten of the Holy Rplrlt as Now
How very few Christiana today un
derstand the very simplest doctrines
Divine! How fow could explain Justi
fication by faith vorsus justlileatlon by
works! How few could explain the
Rllh doctrine of snuctltleatlon! How
few kuow anything about the hope of
the "resurrection of the dead." or any
other Ittble doctrine! Truly the Mhle
dm-lnrc of our day, "My people perish
for luck of knowledge"; and again. "I
will wml a famine In the luml, salth
the Ixirrt God-not H famine of brood,
iwir M thirst for wator. but of hearing
the Word of the Lord. "-Hoses 4:0;
Amos 8:11.
Unrequired and Undesirable SaorlMoas.
)ud never rmjnlrea sucrlllces. As our
Creotor. Ue has a right to make such
demnnds of us as lie will, and we
would be obligated to obey. But such
ettstlieiirw could not lie properly termed
Kni'rirlee The word siierllli e slgnlllex
thai abh'lits voluntarily offered to tied
nulslde of any Divine iviinlivinpiit.
i'lie wicrlllros and utTci'itigH nf the
Jcuh ljv wore privileges. Hy the
vlh-M of bullock nnd koiUs the transitu-Slmm
of the Israelites were covered
)r-JP ly year la advance, and tlius they
.'werv permitted to haw a continued
Minuting with CihI Hut our text tells
!! Hint the Hiierltlces were not wholly
Biiilhfiii'toiy to the Lord. They were
merely typical of "better tucrlllcm."
mid were acceptable only as types.
M. Paul Is Uotlng from the fortieth
I'Mlm (V. fl-Hi. Through the Prophet
Imvtd (he Lord declared Hint the sacrl-IVii-s
uf the Law, which could never
really ctincel sin. were not fully to II Ik
lilmseiiiont. Christ Is here represented
h taking mite of the fait Hint the
typUiil ttucrlllceit of the Law could nev
er lake svviiv sin. but that Ills own
1hm1' hud been espix hilly provided n
a Hln oDerlng. He had humliled Illm
elf to take the human nature. The oh
Jcvt nf nil this was to provide the bet
ier HocTlftee liecessiiry for the redemp
linn if Ails in end his race.
Kurt her. we rend of the Muster con
eti riitlon, when He whs thirty years ot
nui. ilie sai rilli lai seiittuients are ex
finwwrd In the Word. "Then an Id 1, !,.
I -one to do Thy will. O God, as In
the volume of the Hook It Is writ ten n'
He." Everything that the Father bad
caused to be written. In the Law and
the Prophets, respecting the penalty of
sin and the bearing of that penalty by
a Savior and Sin-bearer, Jesus pledged
Himself to carry out
"Better 8aorificee" Plural.
' We should not overlook the fact that
the typical Atonement Day sacrifices
were plural, and that the Apostle
speaks of the antitypes In the plural
"better sacrifices" than those offered
under the Law. Here we find again
the lesson elsewhere set forth: name
ly, that It had been from the begin
ning the Divine purpose that our Lord
and Redeemer should have followers,
members, who would pass through
similar experiences to His own, of suf
fering, trial, dying, and afterward be
associated with II I in to glory on the
Heavenly plane, His Joint-heirs In the
Messianic Kingdom,
In harmony with this thought Jesus
la the High Priest of our order, or pro
fession, and we are the under-prlest-
hood now preparing, us He prepured,
for the glorious work of the Age to
come. Hence St. Petor styles these a
Royal Priesthood, because of the com
blnatlon of kingly power with priestly
service. These are merely prepara
tlons for the grand work of Messiah
during His Millennial Reign of right
eousness for human uplift
Holy and Acceptable Sacrificea.
Divine Law, having sentenced Adnm
to deuth. and Indirectly Including bis
race, nevertheless purposed a deliver
ance through a Savior. Neither Moses
nor any other fallen man could make
a real atonement for sin. Israel's
Atonement Day sacrifices were merely
foreshadows, or types, God could not
accept tbe death of a bullock, of a
goat, or both, as an offset to the pen
alty against Adam and bis race. Such
sacrifices were not acceptable.
The Law read, "An eye for an eye, a
tooth for a tooth, a man's life for a
man's life." Hence a bullock and a
gout could never be acceptable to God
as a substitutionary sacrifice for Adam
and those Involved with him. But God
prepared Jesus with such a body as
would be acceptable; and Ue "offered
up Himself" an acceptable Sacrifice.
The Divine acceptance of It was signi
fied doubly:
(1) At tho time of His consecration
at Jordan, by, the the Importation of
the Holy Spirit: and
(2) Ily the resurrection of Johus, born
of the Spirit, us o completion of His
acceptance to the Divine nature, glory
and Immortality.
Our Lord's was the uoceptuble Sacrl
flee, yet It was not all that God had
forcplctiirod, or typed. As there wns
an offering of a bullock, typifying the
dentil of Jesus, so there was a subse
quent offering of a goat, typifying the
sacrifice of tho Church. (Hebrews
13:11-13.) Christ's sucrlflco, tho bul
lock, was fat; the Church's sacrifice,
the goat. Is lean fat representing love,
loyalty, perfection.
Tho sacrifice of Jesus, Uie High
Priest continued during the three and
a half years of Ills ministry, and ended
with Hill death. Kurty duy-s after
Ills resurrection He iiNcomlod oil High,
with still further dignity nnd honor
nddod-tho Divine nature. lie then
mode application of the merit of His
sacrifice on behalf of all who desire to
become members of the Itoyal Priest
hood. Those In the upper room at Pentecost
wore the first to be begotten of the
Holy Spirit and to become acceptable
sucrlllces. Since thou, others have
been received from every nation.
Gradually the foreordained (lumber of
ucU Hiicrlllcers, or priests, has been
reaching completion. We believe that
tho sucrlllces will soon b consiiin
mated, and that very shortly the Body
of Christ beyond the veil will be com
pleted. Forthwith the Messianic King
dom will be established for the bless
ing of the world.
The Divine plan for the world Is the
rovcrso of the plau for the Church.
Christ and the Church sacrificed the
huninu nature In their loyal devotion
to Ood, Tholr great reward is the
Heavenly nature and the Kingdom.
The world will have no opportunity
for sncrltlciug the flesh, but every op
portunity for perfecting their flush.
"Present Your Bodiae."
Tho Apostle's words. "1 beseech you.
brethren, by the mercies of God, that
yo present your bodies a living sacri
fice," do not mean that God urges us to
sacrifice, but that the Apostlo, discern
ing the opportunity to become follow
ers of Jesus und thus to becomo Joint
heirs with Illm in His Kingdom, urges
fellow-dlsclples to appreciate the won-
deiful privilege of self-siicrlllco In
God's service.
Other Scriptures show us Hint our
acceptance as anerlllcers Is not on our
owu account but through the merit
of the Captain of our salvation. In
the Itiiuwun prlce for tho sin of tbe
whole world, the sins of the Church
were necessarily Included; for they are
by nature a pni't of the world. Hut
Instead of receiving their share of
Christ's merit In Restitution with tho
remuluder of the world during the Mil
lennium, a special dispensation oper
ates on their behalf, permitting ihetr
share of the coming lileslngs to be Im
puted to them Instead of being actually
given them.
This Imputation Is made only to such
us profess desire to walk in the foot
steps of Jesus nnd to sacrifice earthly
Interests, nnd life Itself, for the lleav
enly The Impiilatluii covers all tln-li
deficiencies, ami permits them to be
accepted s members of tile llody ul
Christ for sacrifice, nud also to he
counted In ss member of the New
Creation, the spiritual llody of Christ
And for such as faithfully live up t
their Covonnut of Kucrlflcs. the Divine
provision Is glory, honor, immortality
ami Joint heirship with the Itwlwmer
Himself, wnoce wort will ne toe apllft
of humanity from sin and death, and
tbe destruction of the Incorrigible.
8ome Saorlficea Ar Unacceptable.
. Few seem to realize that sacrificing
Is a privilege. We have seen that the
sacrifices possible to the best of hu
manity would be unacceptable, because
all are sinners to a lesser or a greater
degree. Hence all who desire now to
come unto the Heavenly Father, by the
norrow way of sacrifice, must first be
Justified through the merit of tbe great
High Priest of our profession. Now
we notice that some whose sacrifices,
presented by our great High Priest,
which hove been accepted by God.
eventually are rejected.
Indeed, this class is described In the
Bible as a great multitude. In compari
son to the faithful and acceptable
sacrifices, who are styled the Little
Flock. There Is a reason for tbe re
jection of such sacrifices; tor there Is
no partiality with God. The reason Is
that only those wbo bare the spirit
tbe zeul. of the Master, the High
Priest, are acceptable to God.
The sacrificing of Jesus was done
with delight as we rend, "I delight to
do Thy will, O God!" A half-hearted
jacriflce. or sacrificing grudgingly done,
would not he plenslng to God. The
cold unbeliever Is more pleasing In the
Lord's sight than the lukewarm believ
er. As wo read. "1 would that thou
wort cold or hot So then, because
thou art lukewarm. I will spew thee
out of My mouth." (Revelation 3:15.
10.) This principle holds In respect to
all who make a consecration of them
selves to God. If they ure consumed
frith lovlug zeul In ftie Lord's service,
then the "fat" offering rises as o sweet
odor to the Lord.. But 'a half-hearted
service brings neither Joy to the Bucrl
fleer nor pleasure to the Lord.
Nevertheless. In much mercy the
Lord rocognl7.es that these, even while
fulling to live up to their consecration
vow, ore not His enemies. They In
deed love righteousness and bote In
iquity, but not with a sufficiency of
zeal to warrant their being accepted as
members of the Brldo class. -
This does not signify eternal torment,
or any other terrible future, for these
brethren of Insufficient zeal. It does
mean, according to the Bible, a rejec
tion from being members of the Bride
class. Tho Lord evep has a goodly
portion for such, if they still love Illm,
still love the Truth, even though they
be bounden by tbo fear of dying, and
thus are held buck from full presenta
tion of their bodies dally as holy, liv
ing sacrifices In the Master's service.
Before the Throne Instead of In It. '
Under different pictures the Lord
shows us what will bo the fnto of those
who have made the consecration vow,
who claim loyalty to Illm. and who yet
cling to the world and to Babylon. In
stead of getting the crown of glory,
these are represented as getting a
palm of victory. Instead of being
counted worthy to escape certain trou
bles lu tho ond of this Ago, these will
bo obliged to pass through these trou
bles, and to suffer dcntruction of their
flesh, which they failed to mcriflce.
Revclntlon 7:14-17.
Again, as the overcomers, the Little
Flock, -are symbolically styled the
Brldo, the Lamb's Wife, so those not
found worthy of membership In the
Bride class will, through great tribula
tions, be made worthy to he brides
niulds. described us "virgins." the
Bride's companions, who will follow
her. (Psalm 15:14.) They will huve a
glorious share In the Kingdom work
as servants In the Itoyal Family; but
by their fear to accomplish their sucrl
llces, they will lose the grand distinc
tion designed only for those who shall
ho found copies of God's dear Sou.
Their sacrifices being dlHostcemed of
tho Lord, they will be brought to per
fectlou on the spirit plane through the
destruction of the Host).
St. Paul pictures these when describ
ing the end of this Gospel Age. He
says that every man's work shall be
tried so as by tire; for the Day that
Cometh shall declare It He that build
etb with wood, bay and stubble shall
have his work destroyed, but he that
bulldeth with the gold, silver nnd pre
cious stones of tho Divine promises
will receive the grent reward. The
Apostlo proceeds to say that neverthe
less all who build upon the Rock,
Christ Jesus, shall nut be confounded;
that, nlthongh the firo of that Day
tilt Time of Troublo with which this
Aiie will closet will consume their un
satisfactory faith-structure of wood,
hay nnd stubble, yet they themselves
shall be saved so ns by fire, 1 Corin
thians 3:11-15.
Making Our Eleution 8ure.
In view of this Scripture we see a
force lu the Apostle's exhortation that
the followers of Jesus should lay aside
every weight nnd every besetting sin,
and run with patience the nice set be
fore them. We see that while the
whole world Is to have n blessing from
the Savior by and hy-u Restitution
blessing-they cannot get It yet. We
see that only those who come to Je
sus und nccept the Divine arrange
ment of the narrow wny of the Gospel
Age are begotten of the Holy Spirit.
We see that even tills Is not enough.
I nit that
"A Heavenly raer itr.mnn.1a pur ami.
Ami an liiimnrtnl crown "
We see that to be H Christian, of the i
first class, means to lie a' most earnest I
ami must Jealous saint, who, like the
Apostle Piiul. run say, 1 count that all I
tilings earthly are but loss that I might !
win Chrlst-n membership In the i
Church, which Is the Body of Christ, j
Ah. something very Intense Indeed l '
meant by nomination for the position
which tied gives to the faithful fe" i
It moans tho opening of door nf up I
IKirtnnlty whereby these may. If the)
will, make their culling and their elec
tion aura to glory, honor and Immortal
ttX. the Divine nntur-8 Peter I A
The statement is made that thou
sands wear eyeglasses who do not real
ly need them. If you are one of these
unfortunates, then these glasses may bo
ruining your eyes instead of helping
them. Thousands who wear these "win
dows" may prove for themselves that
the) can dispense with "lasses if the
will got tho following prescription fill
ed at once. Go to any active drug
store and get a bottle of Optoma, fill
a two-ounce bottle with water and drop
m one Optoma tablet. With this harm
less liquid solution bathe the eyes two
to four times daily and you are like
ly to be astonished at the results ritrht
from the start. Many who have been
told that they have astigmatism, eye
strain, catarat, gore eye-lids, weak
eyes, conjunctives and other eye dis
orders, report wonderful benefits from
the use of this free prescription. Get
tnis prescription filled and use it; you
may so strengthen your eyes that glass
es will not be necessary. Thousands
who are blind or nearly so, or who wear
glasses would never have required them
if they had cared for their eves in time.
Save your eyes before it is too lato!
Do not bocome one of these victims
of neglect. Eye-glasses are only like
crutches and every few years they
must be changed to fit the ever-increasing
weakened condition, so bettor see
if you con, like many others, got clear,
healthy, strong magnetic eyes through
the prescription here given.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. l.'l.-Resolutions
asking congress to investigate condi
tions undor which the Mount Vernon
Ladies' Association has been hl
collect 40 cents from each visitor to
the home of the first president of the
United States and by which the Marshall-Kail
steamboat company maintain.
a monopoly and discriminates on trans
portation rates from the rapitul to Mt.
vornon, were brought bofore the Am.
erican Federation of Labor vestnrrW
im purchase of Mt. Vernon by tho gov
ernment to gain free admission is urged.
j .
ino resolutions were presented hv
"uiogato .lames O 'Council of Alnxnn
drill, Va. The Mt. Vernon Ladies' As.
soriation charges 25 cents admission to
the grounds and, receives IS rents on
each round trip ticket sold.
This exorbitant charge and the fact
mat Mt. Vernon is closed to visitors on
Sunday, is alleged to have prevented
iiuiuy visitors and school children, es
pocially children of workingnien, from
visiting it.
Idnitro rnsss i-bahed wmit.i
scuttle, Wash., No". Orinnia
tiou of the Mexican laborers nw.j tin
southern border of the United States is
ptiu.ded for in a resolution iireentod
tcforo the American Federation of La
bor yesterdav by Delegate II. Puttrieh
of the San Diego Federated Trades
Puttrieh points nut that through in
ability to understand the Gnirllsh lan
guage, Mexican labor's are forced to
work for wages below standard. :lre
by lowering all wages. Ho asks that an
orri nizer, speaking Snnrish, be neat to
culhern California, to help the unions
ami central labor councils in the'r ef
forts to org.mizo Mexican labor.
fruiTSD mass uasso wiri.1
Buffalo, Nov. 13. A bit of wood was
picked up lu the harbor here yestenlav
scribbled with the words:
"Good-bye Nellie. The ship is break
ing up fast William."
Tho message wns believed to have
been written by Mate William Jensen
of the lost light ship 82.
Monty Saved
by Making Yo, r Cough
Syrup at Horn
Takes But a few momenta,
and mope a Hard 4 ouajU
iu a Hurry
Couuh nirdipinna. aa a ruin antit,in tt
lri; uumititr of liiuin avrun. If von
take one pint of granulated sugar, add
'1 pint oi warm water ami stir about
I minutin. vou have m iroud avrun u
money could hav.
If you will tlien put Si ounce of
rinex (fifty rents' worth) in a pint
bottle, an.l fill it up with the Sugar
Nvrup. you will have aa much cough
svrup as vou could buy ready made for
..!.. 10. Take a tntspoonful every one,
two or three hours, it keeps perfectly.
You wilt II lid it one of the her-t. cough
ayrniia yon ever used even in whooping
cough. Vou run feel It take hold
usually ooniiunra an onlinnrv cough in
'-'4 hours. It in jnt laxative enough,
lm a pond tonic vtfivt, and the tuslo
ia iili'iiMiiit.
U ia a splendid rrmcdv. too, for
whooping cough, anasinodio croup,
hoarseness and bronchial asthma.
Pinex ia a most vaohthle concentra
ted compound of Noiwav white nine
extract, rich in gunincol and other
healing pine clement a. No other prepa
ration will wotk in this formula.
This plan for making cough remedy
with Pinex and Sugar Svrup ia now
used in more homes than anv other
conr;h remedy. The plan has often been
mutated hut never auceeasfullv,
A guaranty of absolute Mtinfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
thie preparation. Your druggist haa
l inex. or will m-t It t,,r , If not
send to The Pinex Co.. I t' Wayne, Ind. 1
Cohan and Harris' latest success,
"Stop Thiof," with a record of one
year in New York, will be the offering
at the Grand Opera. House on Monday
evening, November 17, for one per
formance. The author, Carlyle Moore, is a young
man heretofore associated with a sketch
writing for vaudeville and unknown as
a writer until the performance this suc
cessful farce, however is is said that
he has done his work well and with
the assistance of an exceptional cast
and sumptuous production that every
essential of a sensational hit has been
"Stop Thief" is a wonderful mixture
of complications which this author has
provided. He has taken that ever-useful
farce material, thievery, and mixed
it with new compounds.
These include not onl y the thief and
his woman accomplice, who enter a
house to rob it "legitimately," but two
kleptomaniacs, who add to the confu
sion and are mistaken for the real
The trail of the heartiest laugh in
the world leads to Carlyle Moore's fun
ny farce, "Stop Thief." Audiences
that view it are kept iu a state of
hilarity that stamps it as the best
blues-dispeller these little United States
have harbored since Dewey bottled up
the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay. The
fun iu "Stop Thief" is fast. It begins
two minutes after the curtain rises
on the first act and keeps up at a
swift pace until the very end of the
play when the crook and his girl pal
are arrested, but instead of being jail
ed, are married in the very same house
they hiave been exerting their best
efforts to loot. This attraction plays
at the Grand Opera House Monday,
November 17.
fl'NlTSn l-IIKSS tflAHCD W!H.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 13. The Immi
gration question, involving the exten
sion of the present Chinese exclusion
law to fell Asiatics, ws put squarely up
to the American Federation of Labor
,:cstcri'ny in a resolution presented by
Delegate E. P. Marsh, of Kveiett,
Marsh asks that the existing immi
gration laws bo enforced and asks the
convention to go on record for federal
appropriations for J roper immigrant
tntions along the Pacific coast, ami
for the passing of a federal law includ
ing the illiteracy test for immig'nnts
He suggested as a remedy for the prcs
pit influx to the Atlantic coast, that
the federation send leprcsentntives to
foreign countries to counteract the ef
forts of those who are promoting and
assisting immigration co this ountry. '
Portland, Or., Nov. 13. Charging
that he is eccntrie, erratic and that he j
has become "coarse, vulgar and brut- j
al" iii his conduct and disposition to-1
Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forevei
Re)trmw Tun, Plmplwv
r m'kutw, 01 oin I'HIClif,
Retail, tnd hkin Dlewwex
on beauty, tuid or
am dviectlon. It
hu utotxl tha tMt
of to fftrt, ind
U to hwinleii we
tut It tutMBUrtlt
I propfrly mule.
Aectpt nooounitr
fit of imllar
Hunt. Or. L. A.
flivre) tftld tfl
ifcfjr of tut (nut
I n 11 pfttlnt .
"At ri'U ItvllM
will MM th.m
I reoommotiit
tfjMMBnHitaa rvaaHi1 aa tha lata! harnifii. at all lha
kin prj)rion." Kt ul by all drucfi-u tid Funny
ttuudi !r4Ui In tb UHd tiuiot, Cuutit) tuvi Eurup.
ffJUHOFimS.Pici, 37 8rut Jcnei Slteit IwU
Wflf V'rf WltJ IPrW flTW TtW
iraaimo a.1 inia Mi ea iliil ilm mi tm aal imi
CJ3 L'wC S3 ffis
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Salem Bottled Beer is brewed in one of the most modem plants on the Pacific
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tact with the air from the time it leaves the fermenting tank until the bottle is
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ideal effervescence, snap and purity. A trial will surely convince you. Get it from
your local dealer or send order to the
Salem Brewery Association
Salem, Oregon
a am mn m
link, Mai x-iMiva,
Have Been Restored to Health By Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
There is no doubt about this fact. Why I during the
last 30 years we have published in the newspapers of this
country volumes of letters from women who have been re
lieved of all their suffering by the timely aid of this grand
old medicine. Letters like the following, true, genuine and
honest expressions of gratitude coming from grateful hearts.
Surely you can believe these women.
Mrs. L. S. BRENNEB, Hudson, Mich., says:
" Sometime ago I was taken with a terrible pain in my right side, such
Sharp pains just like a knife sticking me. I tried hot applications but that
did 0 good. I went to our family doctor (we were living in Fayette, Oh o,
at that time) and he said it was organic inflammation. I"11.
a while but kept getting worse. The pain was so terrible I could hardly
atand on my feet I would have that bharp pain in my rig -ht side d .
dull heavy pain the whole length of my limb. I realized that something
had to be dSne quickly, so I looked .up all of your advertisements I could
find, and saw several that described my case. 1 got a bottle of Lydia B.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it helped me frorn the first dose, and
when I had taken two bottles my trouble was gone. Your medicine baa
done so much for me that I am willing you should publish this letter for the
Bake of other suffering women."-Mrs. L. S. ISbennkr, Hudson, Michigan.
Mrs. L. E. BOWERS, Girard, Pa, says:
' I take pleasure in informing you of what Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has done for me. I had a sick spell last lebruary, and for
some months after that I was not regular and had many bad feelings. 1
was tired all the time, had dull headaches, not much appetite, and also
what the doctor called organic inflammation. Your Vegetable Compound
has entirely cured me and I feel that too much cannot be said in its praise
as I am now able to do my own work. You are perfectly welcome to use
my testimonial for tho benefit of others." Mrs. L. E. Bowers, R.F.D. No. 1,
Girard, Pa
Mrs. ELIZABETH GENTILCORE, Buffalo, N.Y.,saysi-
" I feel that I must write to you about your wonderful remedies. About
ten years ago I was troubled with female weakness and was all run down.
I was tired all the time and could hardly walk without feeling dizzy, I
heard about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, took it, and also
used the Sanative Wash. I got stronger, and have not had those dizzy
spells since. I feel that I owe my health to you, and hope your remedies
will help others as they have me. I tried mOBt everything I heard of, and
yours are the best medicines for women's ailments." Mrs. Elizabeth Gen
itLCOBE, 26 Glor Street, Buffalo, New York.
For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for fe
male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments
does justice to herself if she does not try this fa
mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it
has restored so many suffering women to health.
Your letter will be opened, read and answered
by a woman and held ia strict confidence.
ward her, Viola M. C'oe yesterday filed
suit for divorce from Dr. Henry W.
Coe, one Of the leaders of the Progres
sive party in Oregon. Mrs. Coe is a
prominent suffragette.
0. A. 0. EOa r.ECORD.
Ccrvallis, Or., No. 1'3 By laying iO.I
eggs iu one year, a hen known as ' L-C-l"
at the Oregon Agricultural ' o!
Itge yesterday established n new
Just the Kind of Servant
You are Looking for
Good servants do not seek situations blindly. But it is
a fact that those who can be reached through The Capi
tal Journal are the desirable kind always. And here's
the reason.-
Families who read The Capital Journal are people
who discriminate, people who choose carefully their
household help. Naturally these servants read the fami
ly newspaper and when they seek a change of situation,
they consult its "Help Wanted" ads.
Often, too, employers will watch these mediums in the
interest of departing help, whom they desire to see well
placed. .
So, if you are in search of a capable cook or an effi
cient general house worker, simply state your require
ments in a little ad, and then snd it or phone it to The
Capital Journal.
Main 82
iWff Wrt
U imi ibai iaal mm
world's record. This is a dozen eggs
nioio than were laid b hen "0-343,"
whose performance was heraldej three
weeks ago from tho agricultural col
lege as tho world's greatest layer. The
ne champion was reared at tho Ore
gon experiment station. The 30". egrs
weighed 42 pounds and tho ben five
So accident is ever as terrible as the
damage churn might indicate.
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