Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 13, 1913, Image 2

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    Eclitorfal Page of TSie Salem Capital formal noviqis
The Capital Journal
The Barnes -Taber Company
GEAHAM P. TABEB, Editor and Manager.
Aa Independent ewtpaper Devoted toAmerican Principle and the Progress
and Development of Salem in Particular and All Oregon in General.
Psb'lsbed Btmj Evening Eirapt Sunday. Balem, Oregon
(IoTarltblj In Advance)
(Dellr, ny Carrier, per year ...18.20 Per month.. 45s
JUeJIy, by Hall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 86a
'Weekly, by Mali, per year .... 1.00 BU months .50
Success of Cleveland, Ohio, School In
Educating Children la Encourag
ing Sign of Times.
Pupils Who Had Lost Interest In School
Work of Any Kind Reclaimed
Through New Course.
A'dvertlsliig ratee will n furnished on app'lcatlon.
"Kw Today" ads strictly cash In advance.
"Want" ads and
The Capital Journal carrier hoys are Instructed to put the papen on the
torch. If the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the
pap to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this Is the only
way w cu. determine whether r not the carriers art following Instructions.
Phone Main 82.
PRESIDENT WILSON is taking perhaps the wisest course possible in the
Mexican entanglement, and this will probably bo demonstrated before
many weeks. The Oregonion cartoonist draws some graphic pictures of
Americans being hanged and burned and all that sort of thing, all of
which is untrue. That some Americans suffer from the conditions is a
necessary corollary of the conditions. A state of war always brings suffering
and death, and with it the loss of property. But Americans are treated bb
well as the circumstances will admit, and as well as the Mexicans thomsolves.
The Huerta government, if it can be called that, is doing all it can to protect
American life and property, and that is all we or any othor nation can ask.
It is evident that President Wilson is endeavoring to starve Huerta out.
By-refusing to recognize him his ability to borrow money Is reduced to a min
imum, and without money bo must soon stop down and out. With his extin
guishment it is hoped some form of government will be established, some agree
ment made by the leading citizens of that unhappy country that will permit
the United States to assist In bringing order out of chaos, and help the Mexl'
can people, to again got their affairs on a, stable basis.
Money it the most cowardly thing on earth, and its owners are not going
to take any chances on loaning it to a quasi-govornment that the United States
does liot recognize, and which must win its fight, or the capitalists lose. It has
boon proved to allow the rebels to get arms over the American border. To
this is the objection that them same arms might be turned against us in case
we are compelled to intervene, but thero is the rather ghastly fact behind it
that there would not be so many Meiiifms left to contend with. This Booms
a cold-blooded viow of the situation, and one, filled with death, but at least It
Is not death to our own people Intervention, so glibly talked about is fur
from being a trifling matter. It mount thousand of vacant chairs In American
honied. It means thousands of young Americans lying with their toes toward
the grans roots in Mexican soil. It menns hundreds of millions of dollars spent
in killing human beings. It meant a situation far nioro serious than that now
confronting us. It means that once undertaking the pacification of Mexico,
we will have to go through with it, and that we will for years be engaged in a
war with bo irregular and irresponsible army of guerillas. It nutans that wo
will then have the task of getting out of Moxico with honor to ourselves and
justice to that country, confronting us, and this is far more serious than getting
luto Mexico, If President Wilson can find the solution by the "hunger
strike," he will have achieved one of the greatest victories of police tho world
has ever known. Lot us all be patient and give him a chance to work out the
problem along these linos.
COMMKNTINO RATIONALLY on what ,1. J. Hill said concerning land
values in Oregon In his rocont speech lu Portland, tho Evoning Tele
gram says editorially:
"Summed up, all of Mr. Hill's utterances on this subject ran to tho
, effect that tho value of land, that is to say tho real value which would
contribute to the welfare of tho community, lay iu its use; ami that the best
use to which it over could be put wns when some honest and Industrious citir.cn
settled himself upon a bit of it as a bampmnkor."
Wo havo had considerable to say concerning Mr. Hill and his methods In
thi past few days, and hod hoped to let go, but it seems that thero is still much
left unsaid, Mr. Hill has been a successful railroad-builder, an exploiter of
men and localities. In a way he has dono much to benefit certain communities,
and Incidentally hlmsolf, Wo aro finding no fault with him for that. What
we object to is hit traveling under false pretenses and posing as a public bene
factor. Hero Is a statement that shows how hit talk and his platitudes sipmre
with his practices.
Ho tells Portland people seriously that land values aro too high. He as
serts that "tho value of land lies in Its use, ami that tho best use to which It
can be put Is when some honest and Industrious citizen settled himself upon
a bit of it as a homemaker."
This sounds good, and Is certainly adapted to catch tho ear and make one
think that Mr. Hill is a real simon-pure philanthropist. What aro the fnctsf At
we understand It, Mr. Hill, or at least the Hill family of which ho is the head,
ownt 000,000 acres of land in Oregon, Is he or any of his family doing any
thing toward putting these lands on tho market at low prices! Is ho or his
letting "tome honest and Industrious citizen settle himself in a bit of It as a
hoinninnkerf "
Not to any great extent. According to Mr. Hill's statement and ideas, his
SOO.OOO acres of land would make homes for 20,000 families and give to each
40 acre. Is he making any effort to get settlert on these lands, or is ho hold
ing them to lake ndntagn of the unearned Increment f Tho latter, moat as
suredly, i
Another evidence of tho broad mindedness of Mr. Hill is his sodden awak
ening to tho need of the Columbia river mouth for improvement. Ho never
realized this need until he got ready to put on a line of steamers between
Portland and San Francisco. It was noticeable that ho discovered this need
very suddenly then.
History records tho fsct (list when Kngland Imported a Dutchman for king,
being shy on a king full, that as ha landed, he stumbled, and straightening
himself up, forgot his preered speech and contented himself with saying: " I
come for all your goods." We fancy Mr. Hill, when he comes "for the good
of all," gelt the Dutch twist to the language.
Mother I Don't Hesitate! If Cross,
Feverish, Constipated, Give "Cal
, lfomla Syrup of Figs."
We Lead All Salem
you the straight low price. Inve.tigate and come to the store that is selling the cloaks
and suits of Salem.
Washington, Nov. 13. "I like thiB
school because I never could have
learned anyything, and I am more use
in the world." This it the way a girl
pupil in the Elementary Industrial
School of Cleveland, Ohio, describes her
impressions of the new kind of school
work, according to a bulletin just issued
by the United States Bureau of Edu
cation. The Elementary Industrial school was
established to give "hand-minded boys
and girls as good a chance as the
"language-minded" have always had.
Cleveland was one of the first cities
in the United States to make a distinc
tion between the two types of children
those who tnke to books and those
who do not. In Cleveland, as in most
American cities, about half the child
ren have been leaving school in the
sixth grade. The Cleveland school auth
orities saw that much of this waste wns
duo to tho attempt to force abstract
intellectual effort ou boys and girls
whoso interest was in doing things. The
Elementary Industrial school was meant
to meet this situation. To it boys and
girls wore admitted if they were over
13 years of age and were two or throe
years behind their grade in school.
In this school ono half of the time
is devoted to English, mathematics,
geography-history, the two in close son
nection, and to hygicno of a thorough
ly practical character. The remaining
periods are given to manual and indus
trial work including shopwork to do
'mestic. economy and gymnasium prac
tice. A poll of tho pupils showed that
with tho girls cooking and sowing wore
favorite subjects: with tho boys, mo
chanicnl drawing and woodworking. In
other schools of the sumo type which
it Is proposed- to have in Cleveland, it
is probable that the course will be ex
tended to include a year or more of def
initely vocational of trade school work,
in preparation for specific employment.
I Tho school hfis been successful, oven
in tho fact of adverse conditions. The
enrollment has doubled In the st four
years. Pupils who had long since lost
: interest Inschool work of any kind,
'some to tho extent of being known as
"dullards and incorrigibles," hove bo-
come eager and alert, not only in tho
hand subjects, but in the academic
work as woll.
In s'HMiking of tin Cleveland work,
l'rof. W, N. llailmnnn, author of tho
Korean's bulletin, says:
"The ordinary school was born among
and for tne innguagomimiou. mm
lectual and physical culture not man
mil self-expression and economic In
sight wns its aim. The industrial
worker wfns practically excluded from
It; he had no leisur for It, no timo to
engage In its play. This onosidodness
still clings to the school, and it is hard
to eradicate.
"Tho Cleveland l.lomontnry Indus
trial school may not offer the best gen
eral solution, cetmlnly not tho only so-
Look at the tongue, mother! If coat
ed, it is a sure sign that your little
one's stomach, liver and bowels need a
gentle, thorough cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, pale,
doesn't sloop, doesn't eat or act natur
ally, or is feverish, stomach sour, breath
bad; has stomachache,, sore throat, di
arrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful
of "California Syrup of iilgt" and in a
few hours all the foul, constipated
waste, undigested food and sour bile
gently moves out of its little bowels
without griping, and you have a well,
playful child again.
You needn't coax sick children to
take this harmless "fruit laxative;"
they love its delicious teste, and it al
ways makes thorn feel splendid.
Ask the druggist for a 50-cent bottle
of "California Syrup of Figs" which
has directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plainly on the
bottle. Beware of counterfeits told
here. To be sure you get the genuine
ask to see that it is made by "Califor
nia Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any
other kind with contempt.
uxitbd rscss UUBSD WHS.
Poattlo, 'ah., Nov, 13. Harry Toy,
the Chinaman arrested on the charge of
transporting Uoldla HondoN, in year- Miss Pankhurst got onto the first
old daughter of the Uov. T. C. Ooodell, ! page agalu; newt was rather scarce and
of Portland, to Seattle, In violation of , flat.
tho Maun white slave act, was bound
over yesterday on I'lOOO bonds to the
fedoml grand jury by I'nited States
Commissioner Totten.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
lufion, of the problem; but it docs of
fer a solution that lies in the right di
rection, and ono which is at least a
promising beginning."
"Tapo'i Dlnpopssln" Makes Sick, Sour,
Osssy Stomachs Surely Feel
Flue in Five Minutes.
Time ltl In five minutes all stomach
distress will go. No Indigestion, heart
burn, sourness or belching of gas, acid,
or eructations or undigested food, no
diisinoas, bloating, foul breath or head
ache. Pspe't Dinpepsln it noted for Its
speed In regulating upset stomachs. It
it the surest, quickest remedy In the
whole world, and besides It It harmless
Millions of men and women now eat
their facorite foods without fear they
know Pape't Dlapspin will tave them
from any stomach misery,
Please, for your sage, get Urge 80
cent case of Pape't Dinpepsln from any
drug store and put your stomach right.
Don't keep on being miserable life Is
too short you are not here long, to
make your stay agreeable. Est what
you like and digettt It; enjoy It, without
dread of rebellion lu the stomach.
Pape't Diapepsin belongs In your
home anyway. Should one of the fam
ily set something which don't agree
with them, or In rare of an attack of
indigestion, dyspepsia, gsntrltis or stom
ach derangement at daytime er during
the night, it Is handy to give the rpteck
est, surest relief kuowi.
THF. RnilMn.flP
It is now claimed that $4,000,000 will
be expended on tho Umatilla irrigation
projoct. Recently $800,000 was sot
aside by the secretary of tho interior
for beginning the work.
J. W. Smith, county commissioner of
Clackamas county, was acouittcd of
the chargo of selling liquor on Sunday,
by ordor of the judge Tuesday. The
charge grew out of tho fact that he al
lowed a German society to use his
grounds for picnic purposes Sunday,
and he knew nothing of the fact that
there was beer used on' tho grounds.
AVnsco, Sherman county, wns the host
of more than 1000 .visiting Odd Fellows
Monday night. A special train carried
tho Hood River contingent.
Carlton now has a largo planer and
drying shed, it being the lntcst addition
to the Carlton Lumber company 's plant.
The Bandon lodge of Moose has
formed a company, and will erect a
building at a cost of $2r,000.
The Columbia river highway proposi
tion has struck a snag in Hood ftiver
county, owing to the fact that the
county and railroad cannot agree as to
the right of way. It seems the road,
as proposed, will interfere with the
railroad, or the latter thinks it will,
Independence boasts of six pigs, six
months old that weigh 1(132 pounds.
Their value ot present prices is $123,
or 20.flO each.
T. I?. Sheridan, former president of
tho First National Dank of Rosoliurg,
has mado an assignment for the bene
fit of his creditors. It is claimed his
estate will pay only 50 cento on the
Multnomah county has paid all hot
$118,H,Kt'.li. of the cost of her new
court house. Tho total cost wns $1,000,
437.14. During the mouth of October 27 ves
sels loaded lumber at the mills' on the
lower Columbia, Of these 21 carried
cargoes to domestic ports, and five, car
rying 10,4NO,000 feet, went to foreign
Hums News: William llnnlv, of
this city, has donated 2300 shado and
ornamental trees to the town of Jim
turn, the citizens to see that they sr.
properly planted, and they have jumps.'
st the change.
High school note, In Canby Irriga
tor: "The new fire gong certainly
sounds the alarm loud and clear. The
first fire drill was given Wednesday.
The best of order was maintained, and
the entire building was emptied In
about two minutes."
That Douglas county was never so
prosperous as now is the testimony of
the Myrtle Creek Mail, which says
that, with our good crops and fsvoratle
prices, our xoplo have bwi able to
square up last year's bad debts, and
have a snug sum left over to put In the
If you want real cloak A great clean up in JL. sfssev
Z40TT and suit values come new ' h,aU; (f V kuZeJ?'
here. No 'doubling of Profits completely los Xj&S&gSf
mZ& prices and then mark- Silk Velour Hats-and fJt
' l" i8 d half- Styli8h trimmed tat,&EW& f
JT Vl" PliCe' half price.
W LADIES' 98c $1.49
fj COATS $i.98up-fl
f the latest shown in all easitssa'sHHas'eHHBBBBMHBM
L 'I J' '. il .j , the new material. gimWMMmmmmlVmWmWmmmmmmm
J: utn nt( i 17-11 .PI
11 11 yy rn i iyaw ran iiiiivhsi
I Ladies' Suits now on aie bar- I
9 ' $4.50, $7.50 -p f
$9.50, $12.50 plf
J house SILKS and kid gloves llnil I
DEESSE3 nRF(SS I wM ill if M?
m deessino ' noons 7 ii i, ttM 1
WW , A New Coatings M Wmk V
I Now Dress Goods CLOVES "B-lfjV f A U7
Pi? 4Qr 75c -wopenodnp. i F
Vfh Big bargains. JTJl U 1
SianduP &3Sc 1 fl
I- I cum up I
mi ) . i .' 1
lWfl kTS" iHj ' r SSJ5 ........ I
Are if sj-t,,,, t.:'ia ' V .f-rrV:,rTl t"v"1 B
if.. .:....Yiuljr: ---" tiv r" "'i iwMir --y'----'"'- iiirhii't-s--ssMs
Tho Allxmy Herald of Wednesday
thus comments on the street car ser
vice iu that city:
"With flying colors, L. E. Moo, gen
eral manager, motorman, mechanic, su
perintendent, etc., of the Portland, Eu
gene & Eastern rnilwny, startled tho
business section this afternoon shortly
after 2 o'clock when he piloted Al
bany's lone street car, which has boon
in tho shops for the past throe weeks
through tho streets.
"The street car looked perfectly
natural and no striking changes wore
noted in its nppouraneo, although the
company did spend fifty cents iu paint
ing tho steps. During the timo that the
street car Ivts been in tho shops the
front and roar trucks were givou an
overhauling and the flat wheels were
mado round. The car will probably
hang together until February 1, when
the new steel car will bo placed on the
"The street car was not painted, as
the city council spared tho company
that expense provided they place a
new steel car on tho rails Kobruary 1,
The tracks from First and Lyon to tho
deot have been placed In excellent
shape by the company and tho appear
ance of the street is greatly improved
as a result."
Now if it only had Salem's Southern
Pacific dopot, what a collection of rare
antiques it could boost.
Ask your
grocer for
England's favorite (or over
70 years
eight thozen conrsES.
(t-itTSn rs umskd fist.)
Ssrnia, Out,. Nov. IX A lifeboat
containing eight fmsen corpses was
nicked up yesterday off Tort Frank.
There was no mark of Identification on
any of the bodies, nor any name on the
Independent Market
Phone 729.
255 Ferry St.
Rest Eastern sugar cured
hams 21 C
Good bacon -17c
liest Ird - 15c
Good Fork Sausage -15c
J. E. Allison, bookkeeper of the boc
retary of state's offico, announced to
day that tho volume of business han
dled by the auditing department in Oc
tober was the largest in tho state's his
tory iu one month. Mr. Allison said:
' ' A total of 2527 claims were audited
and warrants issued in payment, ag
gregating $.")ilC,9.i 1.811. Tho highest num
ber of claims issued iu a previous month
was 2201 in July of this year, when the
warrautB were $3114,370.77.
"Thero were issued during the first
10 months of the present year 18,040
warrants for $3,187,071.15, thiB being
an increase of Wfi per cent over the
corresponding period of 1912, and an in
crease of 01 per cent over the same
period of 1911, when 11,214 warrants
were Issued for 2,2tl3,8-l.52."
Cleveland, O., Nov. 13. Trains bring
ing food and fuel supplies arrived here
yesterday-afternoon and the city began
recovering from, tho prostration of the
past three days' storm.
Three more bodies were found in tho
snowdrifts, bringing the total number
of known dead in the city up to five.
The street car company Buffered such
losses that it wns said that it might bo
noeossttry to abandon the flat 3-ceut faro
nnd charge an extra cent for transfers.
(cnitkd rssss LaxanD wiu.
Portland, Or., Nov. ' 13. Tho Indus
trial Welfare Commission decided yes
terday to suspend for six months its
ruling that women shall not work after
6 o'clock at night in Portland mercan
tile establishments. Tho employment of
women until 8 o'clock will be Krmit.
ted. The decision was reached as the
result of a number of protests made to
the commission recently by employes
and employers.
War is fun for sonio people who
don 't get into it.
Washington, Nov. 13. President Wil
son is shortly to make a statement
concerning tho entire Mexican situa
tion, Secretary of State Bryan an
nounced yesterday afternoon. Ho did
not say, however, whether it would take
tho form of a communication to the
powers or of a mesnsgo to congress, or
what it would contain.
"Just Say"
It Mtam
Original and Ganulnt
Thi Food-drink lor All Agile
More healthful than Tea or Coffee
Agrees with tho weakest digestion.
Delicious, invigorating and nutritious.
Rich milk, malted grain, powJa form.
A quick lunch prepared in a minute.
Take no lubilirule. Atk forllORUCK'S.
sWT Others are imitations
i; Extra! Extra! I
For the first time , the. hUtory of Salem the peOpl0
of Marion and Polk count wa can .ecure all kinda of
jack, at right pncea m thia city, instead of apendini
heir time and money in going to Portland. We are pay
Ing one cent a pound for all kinds of rait. Wa also ar.
paying $13 per ton for all kind. f c.af irolu gVe.1
price, paid for .11 k.nd. of old clothe., hou.ehold good,
and furniture. We buy and .ell everything from .
needle to a piece of gold. All kind, of tool, and ma-
233 Stat. Street. f hone Main 224
I dalein. Orevon.