Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 12, 1913, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    bag! rotn
Co.iferoi.ee Brings Many Ministers and
Laymen to Salem and Session
Proves Interesting.
Special Music Will Ba One of Features
of Session in Congregational
Church Tonight
Attendance at the Oregon Congrega
tional conference was increased today
and there was lively interest taken in
the addresses. The feature of the
morning session was an address by
Rev. John Foster on "The Complement
of the Church." Following a business
session, the registrar gave the narra
tive of the churches. The session op
ened With an hour of worship.
The opening sessions of the ministers
and laymen yesterday afternoon and
evening proved to be not only a great
success, but very interesting and large
ly attended by enthusiastic members of
the church and friends. Both local and
out-of-town pastors of the church join
ed in making the sessions full of life
and the church spirit and by their en
orgetic work they brought forth a great
crowd last night.
Congratulates Salem.
Until 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
the business of the conference took up
the time of the ministers and laymen
and Rev. Luther It. Dyott, D. D., of
Portland, delivered the opening address,
Dr. Dyott 's subject was "Thy King'
dim Come," and bis address was high
ly interesting to say the least During
his talk, the speaker congratulated the
people of Balom for the recent prohibi
tion victory.
Rev. J. J. Staub, the moderator, de
livered the opening address In the ev
ing. IIo took as bis theme, "The Min
istry as the Key to the Groat Problems
of Thy Kingdom's work." Rev. J, M.
Lowdon, of Portland, then deliverod the
annual sermon.
At 9:30 this morning the members of
the conference ended a period of wor
, ship and then attended an ologant din
ner served in the new church, recently
dedicated by Rev. P. 8. Knight and this
afternoon the regular sessions were held
In the Centred Congregational church.
Spocisl Music Tonight
After having supper at the Central
church, the evening meeting will be
held In the First Ccr.gregational church
and on the program there will bo spe
cial music by Mrs. Julia Bross Plnnoll
and Ecv. Frank W. Dorman, of Port
land, and a violin solo by Miss Mary
Schulta, of Solum. Prosidont Bushnoll,
of Pacific University, will deliver an
address, and I'ev, Mr. Dormaa will ron
dor several special solos. Donu Patter
aon, of Willamette, will also spoak,
Among those who have arrived to at
tend tho conforouco are:
Dr. W. A. Sehfiniley, Ashland; Albert
fitouo, A. N. Van Vlove, E. R. Sooly, of
Bethel; liov. W. F. Vogt, Bqaver Crock;
B. Erlckson, Rev. J, J. Peterson, Can
by; Mrs. L. M. Schilling, Rev. and Mrs.
Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, Corval
lis; Kev. Jnmos Elvln, Mrs. Maude Ed'
don, Mrs, H. L. Edmunds, The Dalles;
Mrs. Frank Rtauton, Mrs. Nixie Blair,
Elliott rmirie; liov. and Mrs. A. N.
Spongier, Mrs. Robert McMurphty, Mrs,
C. K. MeGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. F. R.
Wetttlmrliie, A. N, Tripp, Eugono; liov.
Daniel Waver, President ami Mrs, C. J.
Bushmill, Prof. E. I), Wet, Mrs. F. C.
Taylor, liov, and Mrs. 1), T. Thomas,
Forest fliove; Mrs. J. H, White, Mr,
and Mrs, E. X. Harding, (lastou; Mrs.
(has. II, Bnnfnrd, Mrs, J. II. Green-
Refreshing Satisfying
wood, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Barber, Hill
sido; Glon Payne, Kenneth Bobb, Mrs,
Florence Dodge, Mrs. R. A. Taraiesie,
Hillsboro; F. F. Tooze, J. C, Clulter,
Rev. John Foster, Hoodview; Mr. and
Mrs. A, L. Voder, Miss Ida Stoddard,
Mrs. J. C. Moonan, Hubbard; Mrs, J. A,
Van Cleave, Mrs. P. B. Hasting, Moni
tor; Mr, and Mrs. H. N. Smith, T. Ad
ams, Mrs. C. H. Dye, Mrs. Viola Tate,
Rev and Mrs. Edwards, A. C. Howland
Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Smith,
Mrs. Fred Eggert, Mrs. W. D. Palmer,
Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Gray, Mrs. George
Parker, George E. Frost, Mrs. Boll, Miss
Mary P. Merrill, George Himes, Rev, L,
R. Dyott, Rev. and Mrs. II. N. Smith,
First Congregational church, Portland
Rev. and Mrs. Frank W. Gorman, W. B,
Bcthune, Mrs. 0. F. Phillips, Mrs. N,
Carrol, Atkinson Memorial church
Portland; L. C. Zigler, C, W. Weels,
Rev, J, R. Knowdoll, Laurelwood church
Portland; Rev. J. J. Staub, Mrs. Walter
Hoge, Mrs. M. E. Toboy, Sunnysido
church, Portland; Rov. A. N, Bond, Wa
verly Heights church, Portland; Rov,
F. F. Murphy, Rov. and Mrs. Paddock,
John M. Lowdon, Portland; Ernest Pur-
cell, Will Lucas, Rev. Lovi Jones, Park
Place; Rev, David Joplin, Rainier; Rev,
John Foster, F. F. Tooze, J. C. Clutlor,
Sherwood; Rov. and Mrs. F. J, Moyor,
St. Helens; Rev. Mark Davis, Wolf
Creek; Rov. James Price, Willsburg.
(Continued from page one.)
in this country undor the laws of Ore
gon. Therefore, alleges the complaint.
the defendant's election should be do
dared void and the plaintiff should
lawfully and rightfully succeed him in
the position.
Long an Oregonian.
If tho statements made by Salem peo
ple who know Landon are true, the
present mayor is an an old-time Orego
nian. He came to the United States
whon ho was but six years old, it
said, and his father took out the neces
sary naturalization papers to make his
lu Id re n citizens. Landon has always
taken an active part in politics in this
state, it Is said, and he has acquired
considerable wealth In Woodburn and
vicinity. Ho has cast many votos in
this stto; acted in official capacities
and always taken an interest in politics
for years.
Landon was eloc.tcd by a largo ma
jority and while ho was not oxnetly a
dry" candidate, tho "dry" element
in Woodbun backed him Btrongly, ac
cording to residents of that city who
are In Salem today. On the othor hand
tho plaintiff in this suit is opposed to
Although it is claimed Indon's fath
er took out naturalization papers whon
ho first enme to this country, they can
not bo found, according to tho mayor's
Niipimrters, and as tho elder Landon is
now dead, Ijindon, Jr., Is unulilo to de
termine oxuetly just wlioro the papers
wore taken out,
IrfMig Beach, Cnl., Nov. 12, Louis L.
Wlioiiltoii, independent, was elected
mayor of Long Beach at yesterday's
primaries by 0S7 majority,
Four eouiieilmen also were elected
and six qualified for the regular oloe
tiou In December,
Balding Powder
Saves Health
Saves Money
Chicago, Nov. 12. In addition to the
list already published, the following
boats wore lost in the lakes storms of
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday:
Freighter, said to be Western Steam
ship company's Wexford, sunk bottom
upward in Lake Huron, near Port Hu
ron, Mieh. The Wexford carried a
crew of 20, and presumably all wore
Canada Intorlake liner Rcgina, believ
ed to bo lying underneath Wexford,
with drowned crew of 20 men.
Steamship James Carruthcrs, sup
posedly sunk near Goodrich, Ont., with
crow of 22.
Steamship Edwin Holmes, believed
sunk also in vicinity of Goodrich.
Crow's number and fate unknown.
Steamship Charles S. Price, supposed
ly sunk in vicinity of Goodrich. Crew's
number unknown, but seven corpses re
New Steamship Lost
Godorieh, Ont., Nov. 12. Wreckage
found on the shore of Lake Huron to
day indicated that the James Camith-
ers, a now Bteamsnip and the largest
grain carrier touching Canadian ports,
owned by the St. Lawrence and Chica
go Navigation company, is a wreck;.
With a crow of 22, the Carruthers
Bailed from Fort William November 5.
Corpses Come Ashore.
A life belt was also picked up bear
ing tho name of the American freighter
Edwin Holmes.'
Seven corpses, wearing life-preserv
ers stencilled "Charles 8. Price," were
washed ashore near Ifettle Point
ed Eta In
Washington, Nov. 12, Senate Demo
crats wont into secret conference this
afternoon over proposed currency legis
lation. Before the meeting Senator
Owen, of Oklahoma, one of the authors
of tho administration bill, said he be
lieved the conference would result in
the Democrats agreeing upon definite
and broad principles.
Administration Democrats wore in
clined to support tho general plan of
tho Glass-Owen bill, but they insisted
tluit a few changes niUHt be made. Thoy
want tho number of regional banks re
duced from twolve to eight They also
believe tho stock of tho reserve banks
should not bo thrown open to public
subscription, but should he taken up
y the member banks.
A most delicate situation was created
as a result of threats by several Demo-
ruts to bolt if any attempt should be
made to bind the party, through caucus
to nny particular bill.
President Wilson conferred with tho
IVuocrutio loaders for several hours
eforo tho conforouco began.
Paris, Nov, 12. Ex President o( Mex-
o l'oifiria Ilia, denied today Unit he
ad wnt or Inspired a message to Pros
lent liner Is culling on the lattor to
I Inert a 'a actions arm no business of
initios ' ' bo said, "and If any of my
friends cabled to him in my name to
retire, they did it on their own rospon-
liility and without consulting me."
It was reNrted hero today that the
latest conference between Ainbaiwadur
ago, of the United States, in London,
and British Foreign Minister Sir Ed
wrml Grey, related to a propwal that
lit; I Hiul join America in demanding
hat 1 Inert give up his office.
The members of Sedgwick Post No,
0, O. A, R., are hereby requested to st
ud the funeral of their lute comrade,
. 11. Pettliiynill from the undertaking
arlors of Kigdnn St Richardson, Thurs-
lay, November 111, at II o'clock p. m.
Tlio president of Sedgwick W. H, t
united fbess leased wins. ,
Lima, Pern, Nov. 12. A dozen towns
were destroyed, at least 300 persons
were killed and 5000 or 6000 were
made homeless by an earthquake which
shook the mountain province of Ayma
ra last Friday, according to news re
ceived here today.
Comunication was prostrated follow
ing the disaster, so that the first ac
counts of it did not reach Suzco from
Albacay, the town which suffered most
heavily, until last night. Orders were
telegraphed from here to troops in
Cuzco, only 40 miles from Albacay, to
go to the sufferers with relief.
On their arrival thoy found condi
tions much worse than had been sup
posed. Not only were all the towns in
the quake zone practically destroyed,
but fast slides were shaken down from
the mountains, burying the ruins, to
gether with dead and injured, under
tons of earth and rock.
Circuit jurors hod some fun in the
court room today, "Judge" Savage
presiding, and before it , was all over
this document was drafted:
In the matter of '"September Morn"
and other "Pure Nude" cases:
Comes now the people of the state of
Oregon and requests that Judge Savage
be recalled. As reasons for the above
we refer to the rotten rulings of the
said Judge Savage while on the bench,
and as a further reason we desire to
test the authority of this jury to recall
any representative or misrepresentative
of the people.
O. C. Kenncr, on Savage farm.
P. Ferrell, shooting snipes.
A. H. Moore, Judge Savage's attor
E. G. Siegmund, kraut ranch.
A. R. Siegmund, flower cutter.
G. W. Shand, bootlegger.
G. M. Sweeney.
D. C. Davenport, farmer.
D. McHenry, bug house proprietor.
W. H. Stousloff, president of'Coffee
Theo. Roth, defense lawyer for Judge
Litchfield. v
Edw. Rostein, heir to the throne of
J. M. nollingsworth, inspector of
liquors and wines.
8. A. McFadden, bummer.
Washington, Nov. 12. Compromise
in Mexico was in the air today. Presi
dent Wilson was trying to induce Pres
ident Huerta and General Carranza, the
rebel leader, to agree on a mutually sat
isfoctory man to succeed Huerta and
continue os provisional president until
a fair election can be held. Administra
tion officials thought there was a
chance of success. The American war
ships Louisiana and Wheeling took
most of the American residents of Tux
pam, but it was stated they were not
in much danger.
William Bayard Hale, supposedly un
officially representing President Wil
son, conferred with General Carranza,
at NogaleB, Ariz., but their conversa
tion was kept secret.
No one was able to tell what was said
at a meeting of President Huerta and
his cabinet last night, but there were
rumors that Huerta was weakening.
Rebels claimed to have captured sev
eral towns south of Piedras Negras.
The Japanese cruiser Idzumo was or
dered to Mexican waters.
A financial panic threatened in Mex
ico City.
Bedding of Quality
Comfo rts- Blankets - Pillo ws
The Rita comfort, cotton filled, special $1.32
The Olympia comfort, cotton filled, special .... $2.89
Onieta comfort, cotton filled, special $3.81
Peerless comfort, cotton filled,' special $3.90
Eider Brand, lambs wool, special $7.41
All cotton blankets, per double pair, special 98c
All cotton Belmont, per double pair, special ..$1.86
5 ft grey all wool, per double pair, special $4.60
7 ft Vienna, all wool, per double pair $6.60
Special sanitary pillow, per pair, special ..$1.60
Jenette sanitary pillow, per pair, special $2.71
Standard sanitary pillow, per pair, special $3.60
Extra Standard sanitary pillow, per pair, special ....$3.82
Finest down, best quality, special $5.40
Also a score or more of bargains you will find at our
store, just like the above. Let us prove it to you. Also
see window display all this week.
Imperial Furniture Co.
united rasas leased wixb.
Vernon, Cub, Nov. 12. Miller's
hotel here, conducted by Charlie Miller,
the heavyweight pugilist, was com
pletely destroyed by fire early today.
The loss, $20,000, is partly covered by
Louis Farente, a San Francisco fight
promoter, owned the hotel, but it was
under lease to Miller, who owned the
furniture. Miller was expected to ar-1
rive today from New York, where he
was knocked out recently in three
rounds by Gunboat Smith.
, united mesh leased whir.
Grants Pass, Ore., Nov. 12. Hank
Brown, an employe of a local livery
stable, missing since Sunday morning,
was found dead on the roof of the barn
this morning, an empty bottle that had
contained poison lying by his Bide.
Poets are born, and nof law can pre
vent it.
The following letter is self-explanatory:
Promotion Department
Office of Manager.
November 8, 1913.
Mr. Graham P. Taber, Capital Journal,
Salem, Oregon:
Dear Sir: On Tuesday last there
was a splendid victory won at the polls
for the cause of higher education in the
state of Oregon, when the people voted
to sustain the legislature in the appro
priations made by it for the much
needed buildings and repairs at the
University of Oregon.
The local University of Oregon ref
erendum committee fee in a great
measure that the splendid results of our
campaign, as shown by the vote on
Tuesday, are due to the support given
the university measures by the press of
the state. There is no factor so potent
as the newspaper for moulding and In
fluencing public opinion, and we be
lieve the fact that the press of the
state, with but fow exceptions, were on
the sido of the university in the cam
paign, influenced hundreds of voters
the right way on election day.
We, therefore, feel that we ought to
show to the men at the bead of the
newspapers of. the state, who were
friendly to the university, some meas
ure of appreciation and grateful ac
knowledgement of the splendid services
they rendered the state by standing
for the cause of education.
It is in this spirit that I am in
structed, as the secretary, to send to
you a message of grateful appreciation
for all that you did to help us win the
victory on Tuesday. We beg you to be
lieve our appreciation is sincere and
our thanks heartfelt.
Cordially yours,
Washington, Nov. . 12. Orders wero
sent from here today to revenue cutters
at Detroit and Milwaukee to steam at
once to the aid of ships in distress on
the lakes as a result of the last three
days storm. , r
The case of the state against James'
F. Hines has been continued, at request
of counsel, until the next term of court.
Hines was indicted on tho charge of
forgery, and he pleaded not guilty.
Students' Electrica
In order to interest the students of this city iu things electrical, and to afford them tho opportunity to. .earn sonic
money, and at the seme time obtain somo experience iu business life, we take pleasure iu submitting the following
From November 1st to December 31, 1S13, inclimivo, we will pay commissions to registered ' students wno will
bring about snles of electric appliances as listed bolow:
Kind of Appliance. Commission Paid on Each Appliance
Electric Flat Iron 25c
Electric Toaster 25c
Electric Coffee Percolator 50c
Electric Chafing Dish ...50c
Electric Grill 50c
Electric Disc Stove 25c
Electric Bake Oven $1.00
Electric Washing Machine $1.00
Electric Vacuum Sweeper $1.00
Rules Governing the Campaign
Appliances may only be sold to consumers on the lines of the Portland Railway, Light A Tower Company. No
commission will be allowed on appliances sold to non-consumers. Customers mny purchase appliances on deferred
payments, providing their credit moots with the approval of our Credit Department.
If a student ennnot sell a customer an appliance, but ran induce the customer to come to tho company's store
to look at the appliance, and gives the customer a card of introduction, a commission will be paid to the student on
all applinnces that, are purchased by tho customer, between the above mentioned dates, providing the customer pre
sents the card of Introduction to us.
Instructions regarding the merits and use of the various appliances, and how to sell them, will be given each ev
ening for two weeks, beginning November 15th, from 5 to 6 p. m., at the company's store at Stats and Commer
cial streets, to all students desiring to avail themselves of this offer.
The student who earns tho most commissions during the two months will receive an additional premium or 25
per cent of the total amount of his commission.
Special printed cards of Introduction will bs supplied at the company's store to all students who wish to partici
pate in the campaign. 4
for further Information call Appliance Salesman at MAIN 85.
All students of public and private schools and colleges are cordially Invited to take part in this campaign.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
akes Better Food
so request the attendance of the
orpt at the name time and place.
Interment in G, A, M. Circle, City
lew cemetery, K. V. 11 ALLEY,
i. Webster, Adjt Comiminilor.
A successful man may owe it ill to
his wife's father.