Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 12, 1913, Image 2

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    nr. n r s it r Wednesday
ge osc 1 Jac aiLem uapai jotsmaji Nov.12,1913
The Capital Journal
The Barnes -Taber Company
0 BAH AM P. TABES, Editor and Manager.
Aa Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principles and the Progress
and Development of Balem In Particular and AH Oregon in General.
Patillstoed Brerr Ertnlnf Except Bundar. Balem. Oregon
(Invariably in Adrsncs)
'Cialtr, or Csrrltr, per rear ... 15.20 Per month. .48c
EfellT, bj Mall, per rear 4.00 Per month.. 86c
irkly, br Mall, per year .... 1.00 Six month -BOt
Advertising rate will be fnrnishM on application.
"Ntw Today" ads strictly cash In advance.
'Want" ads " and
Tit Capital Journal carrier boys are lnatrncted to put the papers on the
yoTcfei If tba carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglect getting tba
f apar to 70a on time, kindly phone tba circulation manager, at this la the 011I7
way w eat determine whether t not the carriers are following Instructions.
,Jone Main 82.
ND NOW COMES the Oregon Journal and tells iU rcadors about the
wonderful discovery made by Jim Hill, who, in a speech at Portland
recently pointed out to tho gaping crowd of Portland "empire builder"
worshippers, that farmers were necessary to tho world. He told the
astonished listeners that the farmers fed the world, that the more farm
ers raise, the more foodstuffs there were for the consumers, that if the farm
ers did not grow anything, business generally would bo sadly hampered, that
the farmer was the groundsill of prosperity, and a whole lot of stuff of that
kind, all of which was of course trno, and most of which has .been common
knowledge since Cain was first a tiller of the soil. However, from the way the
Portland newspapers absorbed this "information" it would not bo fcuspeeted
that thoy ever heard of it before Mr. Hill kindly told them that when a crop
was takoii from the farm another could be grown on tho same land, and the
crowd went Into raptures over this startling information. It was indeed good
news. He also told his dovotees that whon coal was taken from a mine, that
no more grew there, that only a hole was loft. This caused some uneasiness,
which was increased by tho information that ore takon from a mine was also
gone forever. This almost brought toars. This was only a starter whon tho
old farinor-of-industrics got wanned up he told his astonished hearers that if
every farmer in the world would raise twice as much stuff to the acre as ho
did now, that there would be twice as much farm products, and that if they
doubled thoir yield and planted as many acres, thoy would also have 1,000,000
bushels where thoy only had 500,000 bushols before. The reporters got it all
down and the editors played it all up, and some of thorn even went so far as to
say: "nor is there any challenge to Mr, Hill."
Then one of the editors gets enthusiastic ond dolivers himself of this de
scription of the wondorful discovery of the farmer and what figuros would
do for him:
"For a long time ho rummaged history, swept hero and thore over the
earth and marshalled indisputable facts with which to impress upon his. audi
ence the tremendous import of a successful agriculture in Orogon. Mr. Hill is
unanswerable. The ton billion dollars worth of agricultural products in tho
United States in 1012, aro ton billion proofs of tho soundness of his position.
Agriculture is king. Tho sheet anchor of the republic Is in our farms."
Wo are glud indeed that at leiist 0110 Portland editor tins learned that ag
riculture is the basis of prosperity. Others of his ilk have thought it was tho.
tariff, but this Idea, thanks to the beneficent teachings of Jim Hill, will now
be abandoned. However, Hill hns boon making this speech so long that ho
almost believes ho is really tolling the people something. Ho delivered the
same address 15 years ago, and warnod the people then that whon coal was
taken from th mine, it would not grow a second crop, just as he did to the
Portland people Monday. It would have been worth seeing, though, to have
had a. sido glimpse of the old promoter's face as ho solemnly told his audience:
" No one can long doceive tho public; you deceive only yourselves whon 'you
think so." This statement coming from so great an authority was readily
cwallowod, for with the statements so self evidently trno that (he old man had
sprung on thorn, tho audience really believed him, though ho wan giving the
gang taffy and deceiving them when ho pokod that naked statement at them.
Wo recommend to our readers that they read Mr. Hilt's pnrado of plntitudos in
the Portland papers and then digest the whole gob of Hill's mental pabulum
if they can.
Now horo is another phase of Jim Hill's philanthropy, another sjiecimcn
of his "empire building." In this tamo speech ho told the city dwellers that
the price of Agricultural lands iu Oregon was too high. That ha was doing
all he could to induco Immigration over his lines, of course and that ho wns
handicapped in his philanthropic efforts by hard hearted land owners who hold
their lands too high, and so kept intending settlers from coming to Oregon,
Tho city men should use thoir bctit offorts to induce tho land owners to ro
lueo the prices of thoir lands so as to assist in populating tho state. Of course
ho took no note of the work the fanners liavo put in in bringing thoir lands
under cultivation, or of tho life time spent in doing so. He wants tho prices
cut down to benefit tho newcomers, but ho i not cutting rnilroad rates either
on passengers or freight to induce Immigration. Ho is taking all ho can get
and doing his best to fool the people into helping pull inoro chestnuts from tho
fire for his consumption. While talking about cheap Inmls, he did not mention
that the Hilt family has some 800,01)0 acres of Oregon Ian. In that It Is not put
ting on the market at any price, Whyt Itoenjso by holding them until othors
settling on adjacent binds adit to thoir vnlui, tho Hill family will get more
solid coin for the lauds they have dono nothing towards improving or making
more valnnble,
, Iunds cannot bo sold for more than people aro willing to pay for them, and
the fanner and land owner may with good grace tell the mighty Jim to go to.
He proliiibly wouldn't go, unless ho could riilu on his own road, and the place
suggested is not among tho empire Hill has built. Tho reason for all tho Hill
dissertation on agriculture is that he wants the farms cut up into small hold
ings and tho country densely populated for the one purpose of gaining more
trade for the Hilt roads, and ho would do this at tho cxkiiso of tho farmers
and land owners or any one else, if he could, Just so long as it could be done
without cost to him or others of the Hill famllv.
IIKN VN'CLK SAM has a moment's leisure, wo would like to see the
old gentleman tnko a look at the mail routes ami pontof ficcjt In Ore
gon, and find out what the matter is with them, Tho Corvallis Re
publican of Inst Friday reached this office Tuesday, We submit that
traveling ,1.1 mi I in In four days is not exceeding the speed limit. The
Koet Oregoninn of Saturday landed on our table Tuesday, which would have
lieen good time before the discovery aud use of steam, Tho Messenger print
ed In Haloin also took from Hat unlay until Tuesday to get three blocks, which
ia the record in the snail class, The Independence Monitor of Frbhiy also man
svged lo got horo Tuesday morning. Saturday' Albany Herald and Tuesday
morning's Eugcno Register cniuo In apparently on the tamo mail. Thore Is
miivly something wroug somewhere
This year's corn crop is the most valuable ever harvested- It is not the
larjt, being considerably below that of 1912, but the price is much better.
The government estimates the crop this year at 2,463,017,000 bushels, and the
value at $1,741,353,019. This crop aloie would pay for fivo Panama canals.
The Oregon exhibit, consisting of a half-full baggage car of Oregon pro-,
ducts, left Portland Monday night in charge of C. C. Chapman, and is destined
for the Chicago Land Show. When that cirt-load of stuff hits Chicago, busi
ness in that village will be suspended whilo the rustics gather to admire its
quality and wonder at its quantity.-' Tho cards on the exhibits will be yellow,
but that is the only feature that will show a yellow streak.
The Republican leaders in Washington are congratulating themselves over
the fact that the election returns show tho Democrats are not iu the majority
and that if all the Progressives will just get in and vote with the Bepublicans
that party will have a nice little majority, However, there is just that one
thing in the way of perfect content with the situation, and -that is that the '
Progressives do not seem inclined to como into the fold in a solid body.
II. J. Parkinson has invoked the recall on himself and has also brought into
play the referendum by taking the iniative in a divorce suit at Hillsboro. Ho
would have the holy bonds of Hymen severed by judicial decree, because, aa
he alleges, his wile neglected him while he was sick and when he most needed
assistance. '
Koscoe Fawcett, sporting editor of the Oregonian, says that the "Undefeat
ed Duo" will meet in Portland Saturday. The undefeated duo sounds good,
but is far from the truth, for as Mr. Fawcett knows, one of these teams was
defeated squarely hore by the Willamette team. According to the record, Wil
lamette is the champion team of the state, for it defeated U. of O.'and this
O. A. C. could not do.
We Lead All Salem
ling of prices here and marking down HALF PRICE. At the Chicago Store we give
. you the straight low price. Investigate and come to the store that is selling the cloaks
and suits of Salem.
At the dry farming congress just
over at Tulsa, Oklahoma, Wasco county
took the first prize for the best exhibit
of fruits and grains raised by the dry
farming process, and this in competi
tion with the whole United States.
Commencing January 1st, Portland
will have two inspectors of meats that
are shipped into tho city.
Mayor Albee favors the establishing
of a chain of not less than four public
markets in Portland.
Just a week from Tuesday until apple
day is here. That means that next
Tuesday everybody and all his relatives
aro expected to eat apples.
Seaside is plannlg a new city hall,
and has selected the lots on which it
will be built, in case the plan gets ripe,
It is estimated that it will cost Mult
nomah county $77,125 next year just to
hold her elections.
e "
J. J. Hill has promised to do all he
can to get the general government to
aid in opening the mouth of the Colum
bia. A rase is up bofore Judge Hamilton,
at Roseburg, tho first under a law
passed at tho lust legislature, in which
tho question whether a man must sup
port his children: born out of wedlock,
will be docided. A man named Charles
Clrider is furnishing the grounds on
which to test tho matter, the grand
jury presenting it in connection with
an indictment.
H. J. Parkinson, of Portland, has
commenced an action for divorce at
Hillsboro, claiming his wife neglected
him whilo he wns sick.
Baker City reports fine ripe straw
berries, grown out of doors, as in evi
dence in thnt city November 10.
At Lafayette recently, while the f
noml services of .1. C, Voting wero be
ing conducted in his residence, a baby
wns born to his widow in an adjoining
room. Tho cries of tho baby mingled
with those who mourned its father de
parture. Portland now has ono mail carrier for
every 1250 population. Most eastern
cities have one for each 1000,
A peculiar accident. hnpioncd at As
toria Monday, when tho 10-year-old
daughter of Mrs. Schofield, of C'ath
lamet, Wash., ws playing on a gasoline
launch and her hair cught on the pro
peller shnft. Before the .machinery
could bo stopped her scalp was torn
The circulation of the public library
at The Dalles for the month of Octob-
October, was 2474 volumes, of which 953
wore juvenile. There are in Wasco
county seven traveling libraries.
The Sumpter Valley railroad strike
has been settled without resorting to
Bend Bulletin: Deputy District Pros
ecuting Attorney Willard H. Wirtz, of
Prineville, has had new honors show
ered upon him he has been elected
president of the county seat band.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jackson
have the honor of being the first hon
eymooners to travel upon the new Mo
lalla branch of the P.' E. & E., opened
to passenger traffic September 39.
They were married October 29, near
Mololla, and are now at home to their
friends at Canby.
It you want real cloak
and suit values come
here. No doubling of
prices and then mark
ing them down half
price. LADIES'
the latest shown in all
the new material.
$4.50, $7.50
$9.90, $12.50
Ladies' Suits
$4.50, $7.50
$9.50, $12.50
A great clean up in
the new fall hats.
Profits completely lost
Silk Velour Hats and
stylish trimmed hats
half price. '
98c $1.49
$1.98 up
New Fall Gloves!
LAPP & BUSH, Bankers
I ft
now on sale. All
49c, 75c,
and up
98c and up
New Coatings
New Silks
New Dress Goods
now opened up.
Big bargains.
25c 35c
49c 75c
and up
Now on sale bar
gain prices.
Silk lined WOOL
25 c
1 .
"Pape'i Oold Compound" Makes You
reel Fine At Once Don't Buy
Btuffod Upl Take It Now,
Heliof cornea Instantly,
A dose taken every two hours until
three dose are otaken will end grippe
misery and break up a severe cold
either in tho head, chest, body or limbs.
It promptly opens clogged-up nos
trils and air passes in tho head, stops
nasty discharge or oi running, re
lieve sick headache, dullness, fevorish
ness, soro throat, sneezing, soreness tnd
stif fneos.
Pon't sly stuffivl upt Quit blowing
and muffing! Ke your throbbing
head! Nothing ele in the world give
such "prompt relief as " Tape's Told
Compound," which costs only 25 cents
iit any drug store. H ct without a
sistsnce, tastes nice, cause no incon
veuience. l'c sure you get the genuine
Now York, Nov. 12. Willie Ritchio
of San Francisco, who defeated Leach
Cross in a ten Tound match here Mon
day night is hailed as a real champion
today by the sport writers of Now
York's leading nowsitijiers. Ritchie
was a called at the United Tress of
fice this afternoon and he bore 110
mark of Monday's affair. On the other
hand, Cross appeared down town with
both eyes ntnrly closed and his lips
badly puffed.
"It was a hard fight, all right,"
said Kitchiu yesterday afternoon, "but
he went down for the count of nine,
right to Cross' jaw. That was when
hard luck of landing only ono clean
have won by a knockout hut I had tho
it was not my hardest fight. I should
11 is crouching position prevented me
from putting him away.
Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 12. Nearly
$5(10,0(10 was spent in tho purchase of
players by minor baseball leagues lat
season, according to tho rcKrt of John
l'lnrroll, secretary of the National As
sociation of Minor League, in conven
tion here.
According to Karrell's report, 8,!N8
contracts were promulgated; 2,200 play
ers were released by purchase; 13i op
tional agreements wero approved; 1,0N3
players were suspended; 3111 wore re
leased; 4.T wero dratted by the Notional
league; 4:1 by the American league and
!! by the American sssocinlion.
Fnrrell's report said in parti
"The National lojigue paid 59,100
for players drafted and the American
league, .'S,430.
Tho total sum received fer drafted
players, including money refund on the
National association drafts disallowed
ws 227,2.'0. The grand total received
through the secretary's office for tho
drafted players and optional agreements
aud those released by purchase wns
Los Angeles, Cel., Nov. 12. Leach
Cross of New York will ronch Ia
Angeto next Sunday to begin training
fur his Thanksgiving Day mutch with
Joe liivors.
MeCarey denied nrt from Port
lend tliot llixl Anderson wilt be sub
stl'utcl for Cross in the River's match,
lie admitted thnt he wirtnl Anderson's
manager, Pick Donald, asking for terms
for Uud' service In he event that
Cros ws knocked ont by Kitvhie. Me
'rey believes Cross, in the light of his
knockout of Anderson here July 4, will
prove a bettor drawing card than the
Monmouth, Ore., Nov. 12. (Special)
Tho contract for the new $8000 gym
nasium for tho Oregon Normal school
here has been let, and the excavation
work is being pushed. The contract
calls for the building to be completed in
00 dnys, but it will undoubtedly take
more- time than thnt to complete it.
Several trappers in this vicinity re
port tho trapping very good this year.
Ono claims that tho hills around Mou
mouth aro a gold mine to him.
Little Bobbie's Pa
Springfiold, 111., Nov. 12. MiBS Ema
linn Thomas, of Sacramento, California,
who disappeared sovonnl weeks ago
from the Ursuliue convent, is in Chicago
according to Indirect advices reeoived
here . Mrs. Rhoda Bissell, tho girl s
grandmother, who is visiting at Bello
ville received the following message:
"Kmnlino is in Chicngo and is woll."
You'll always have a dull axe if you
wait for a volunteer to turn the grindstone
It'i Grandmother's Recipe to Bring
Color, Luster and Thlckneas to Hair
When Faded, Btreaked or Gray.
That beautiful, oven shajle of dark,
glossy hair can only be had by brew
ing a mixture of Sago Tea. and Sulphur.
Your hair is your charm. It makos or
mar the face. When it fades, turns
gray, streaked and looks dry, wispy and
schaggly, just an application or two of
Sago aiid Sulphur enchance its appear
ance a hundredfold.
Don't bother to prepare the tonic;
vou cau got from any drug store a f0
cent bottle of " Wveth's Snco and Sul
phur Hair Remedy," ready to use. This
cau always be depended upon to tiring
back the naturnl color, thickness and
luster of your hair and remove dan
druff, stop scalp itching aud falling
Kverybody nses " Wyetb V Sage and
Sulphur because it darkens so natural
ly and evenly that nobody can tell it
has been applied. You simply dampen
a spenge or soft brush with it and draw
this through the hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning tho gray
hair has disappeared, and after another
application it becomes beautifully dark
and appear glossy, lustrous and abun
dant. Local agent, J. I.'. Perry.
Wifo, sed Ta to Ma last nite, do you
remember that magazeen editor thnt
was up to the house for dinner about
two months ago?
Indeed I do, sed Ma,, Ho was cer
tainly a chtrming gentleman. I re
member distincktly what charming man
ners he had. They was porfect.
I didn't pay much attenshun to his
manners, sed Pa, I doant thing it is
any .grunt credit' for a man to eat with
his fork. A man is supposed to havo
manners, tho snim as he is supposed
to pay his way. What I am getting at
was this: Do you remember the argu
ment ho & mo had about versef
I doant think I do, Bed Ma. You
are always having a argument with
snmbody. If it isent about verse it is
about something else. What was the
argument t
Welt sed Pa, I maintained that tho
poetry in tho leeding newspaiers was
much better as a rule than the poetry iu
tho magazeens. The maga-roen editor
scoffed at tho ido, sed Pa. lie sed that
tho stuff printed iu the ninguznous wns
pure poetry & that tho stuff printed
in the pniers was nothing but ded dog
gerel. Well, what of it- sed Mo.
What of it F sed Pa. Everything
of it. Why, sed Ta, if tho newspsiper
poetry is ded dok gerel, tho stuff I sea
in tho magnzeens is ded mnckarol. Well,
this Is what I am getting at. I have
here the latest issue of that mngar.cen
man's magnzocn. I am going to read
aloud to you a poem wich he thought
good enough to have illustrated & play
ed up on a whole page, rito next to good
reeding matter. Listen
The Trogans stood
Hoctor was slain,
And wept as wept the skios all lower
ing. Hector, brave Hector! Favored by the
With ten men's strength and t air
Adonis' beauty
Mighty Achilles, springing from his
Had called on Jove to stool his won
drous arm '
And nature shuddored when the Titans
The corpse of Hector, poor, dishonored
Tho Greeks did drag around the Trojan
Behind a chariot that would madly flee
From living Hector, once the prido of
I think that is kind of pritty, seil
Ma. H sounds like reel poetry to me.
Does it, sed Pn. I think it is a dozen
lines of slushymush.
I suppoas sum nowspaipor poet "Wnd
have rote it better, sed Ma. How wuld
he have rote Itf
Probably like this, sod Ta:
Thare was an old geezer ivalmed Hector,
Who fought when half loaded with
Ho wns stabbed through tho lunch
Hy a Greek with a punch,
And they sent for tho Rod Cross col
lector. That is very, ordinary, sed Ma. You
roto that yurself. Ye, sod Pa, I did
rite It myself, & let me whisper to you,
sweetheart, sed Ta, I roto the other ono
for a jonk, too. The one I sed first, I
roto it with my left hnnd the lilto of
the argument & sent It to his magazeen
for a jnsk. Ho printed it, dident hct
I guess them magazeen editors is wise
old owls, a i nt thay. Ha, ha!
a! Extra!
For the first time in the history of Salem the people
of Marion and Polk counties can secure all kinds of
sacks at right prices in this .city, instead of spending
their time and money in going to Portland. We are pay.
ing one cent a pound for all kinds of rags. We also are
paying $13 per ton for all kinds of cast iron. Highest
prices paid for all kinds of old clothes, household goods
and furniture. We buy and sell everything from a
needle to a piece of gold. All kinds of tools and ma
chinery and, pipe bought and sold. The house of a half
a million bargains.
233 State Street. Phone Main 224
Saletn, Oregon.