Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 12, 1913, Image 1

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    All the News that's Fit to Print
Companies in Great Strike District Making Enormous Profits
But Refuse to Give Men Living wages Also Decline to
Meet Their Employes and Decline to Accept Offers of De
partment of Labor to Mediate Say Property Is Theirs and
They Can Do as They Like About It Plans for Bettering
Strike Conditions.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 12. Exposing
corporation greed, as it exists in the
copper districts of Michigan, and de
claring for a federal employment bu
reau, under supervision of the depart
ment of labor, with the assistance of the
jHistal department, Secretary of Labor
William B. Wilson made an address
before the American Federal Labor
convention today, in which he stated
that the department, as now organized,
would co-operate with trade union
movement to elevate the standards of
the society.
Secretary Wilson's statoment of what
lie had found in investigating the C'alu
mont strike caused a sonsation among
the dologates.
"I want to take yon into my confi
dence about the work of the depart
ment at Calumet," said Wilson, while
recounting the work accomplished
since bis appointment. "We not only
sent a man to confer with the strikors
and employers, but an export to look
into the earning capacity of the com
panies involved. It has been the cus
tom, in case of strikes, to find out
what wages were paid, the hours of
work, and the conditions of labor, and
to make these public. We propose to
go a step further, and make public
the earning capacity of the company
Soma Facts and Figures.
"Here is what I want to tpll you.
The largest corporation involved in
the strike at Calumet was organized
in 1870, with a capitalization of 2,
500,000, the stock value at 25 per
share.. The Btock was sold at that time
at (12.50 per share, so the actual value
of the original investment was $1,250,
O00. "During the 42 years this company
has been in existence it has declared
dividends amounting to $121,000,000,
and made re-investments amounting to
75,000,000, This after paying all ex
penses and enormous salaries to offi
cers. "Then the men In control refused to
meet with their employes, and doclincd
to accept the offors of the department
of labor to modiste.
Railroad Plot to
Grab Valuable Lots
in Chicago Scented
Chicago, Nov. 12. Railroad influ
ence was scented today behind a suit
filed yesterday afternoon by the Po
ksgon band of tho Pottawatamio Indian
nation for -a strip of lake front from
0 you feel
the clerkt? Spare them
a much at yju can
only 35 ihopping day
until Chrittmat.
Say They Can Suit Selves.
"They say the property is theirs, and
they can manage it to suit them
selves." "May be it is. '
"But I say the age has gone by
when he holds who can, and might is
right All title to property now exist
ing is by law, and the law of titles was
made by society as the best way to
preserve the welfare of the community,
and not individual, Whorever the indi
vidual or corporatioa uses title to prop
erty in such a way as to injure the wel
fare of the community thon he will
force society to modify the laws."
Concerning the federal employment
bureau, Secretary Wilson said:
. "At present, under the system of
private employment' bureaus, they are
used to supply strike-breakers. Men
are deceived into going to distances to
got jobs, then taken to a place where
a strike exists, and forced to work
under guard.
'I have in mind a plan which it may
be possible to work out of a federal
agency, not such an employment bureau
as a bureau of labor information.
New Department Suggested.
"I want to see created under this
department a bureau which will collect
and dispense labor information, after
the plan now issued by the weather bu
reau. Through many sources informa
tion could be gathered as to where men
can find employment, the wagos paid,
whether trade unions are recognized,
and last, but not least, whether a strike
exists in the section mentioned. All of
this information could bo taken and
condonscd ijnto a report small enough
to be posted daily in every postoffice
in the land, as well as every other pub
lic place where men gather. Then if a
mau goes to a place to work as a strike
breaker he could do so with his eyes
Veiled Rap at O. O. P.
In introducing Secretary Wilson, Tros
Ident Gompers took a veiled rap at the
Republican administration formerly in
control at Washington, reciting the his
tory of organized labor's efforts to se-
(Continued on pats 5.)
Evanston to South Chicago under a
treaty signed in 1775.
The same influence was also suspect
ed to be back of Captain Wellington
Streeter, who, wrecked with his lake
craft on a strip of "made land" be
tween Luke Michigan anil Luke Shore
drive, claimed it "by right of discov
ery" a number of years ago, and de
spite the seeming ridiculouncs of the
contention, kept up his fiyht for many
months until a man was killed in an at
tempt to evict him and' tho captain was
sent to tho penitentiary.
Aside from involving lands worth
million, which certain railroad inter
ests bars long coveted, the suit ties up
an elaborate scheme of municipal lake
front improvements, which tk Mime in
terests have disliked because they
would have been put to considerable
expense in connection with them.
Attorneys Who Defended Him
When He Was Convicted
Got Property.
Reprieve May Be Granted So That
Hansel May Appear and Help His
Daughter Eecover Land,
Astoria attorneys have asked the
governor for a reprieve of Hansel, sen
tenced to be hanged Friday, in order
that he may be used as a witness in a
civil suit. They claim the suit is based
on the actions of Hansel's attorneys,
W. A. Narblad and C. W. Mullins. They
set up that when Hansel was arrested
for the killing of Judge Taylor ho em
ployed Norbald and Mullins to defend
him. To secure their services, it is al
leged, Hansel signed a mortgage on
his place for $1000 in favor of Mullins,
the farm boing Worth about $7500. A
few days later he was, in some way,
persuaded to make a deed to the place
to Norbald, or so the complaint to the
governor alleges. It further goes on to
say that a few days after the deed was
made Norblad sold to Mullins the tim
ber on the place. Later still, when
Hansel had been convicted, he still
having a little livestock and housesold
fixtures, in order to got an appeal tak
en, he turned these over to Norblad and
No Appeal Taken.
It is furthor claimed that, although
they got his property, they did not per
fect his appeal. It scorns that Hansel
has a young daughter, and it is to pro
toct hor rights that the attorneys desire
to bring suit to set aside the deed and
mortgage to Norblad and Mullins, and
to do this the tostimony of Hansel is
absolutely necessary.
If tho statements made concerning
Norblad and Mullins are true it would
seem that the interest of justice would
be boat sorvod by granting a reprieve
until such time as the civil suit can be
tried out. It is understood that Mr,
Mullins will be In the city today and
Mr. Norblad tomorrow, to present thoir
side of the matter to the governor.
It is to be hoped in tho interest of
the bar, that they can explain the
mattor away, for, as it appears on the
face of the statements, the acts of the
attorneys are certainly not to bo com
mended. New York, Nov. 12. Clarence It.
Mnckay returned today from Kurnpe.
llo was accompanied by his two chil
dren, John and Ellen. Affked if ho plan
ned a suit for divorce, Mnckay said:
"I think you will understand just
why it is iniossible for me to d!sctiss
mv domestic affairs at this time,"
Commission Imports Expert to
Show it Bow to Run Office
A news item in tho Oregonian this
morning, under an Olympia, Washing
ton, date lino, stated that F. W. Hins
dale, chief auditor of tho Washington
Industrial Insurance Commission, since
its organization, has been secured by
the Oregon Workmen's Compensation
Commission, at an increased salary, to
fill a similar position with it. Tho item
also soys Mr. Hinsdulo will take up his
duties next month, and that his salary,
which was $1878 a year, will be in
creased to $3000 s year in Oregon.
A Capital Journal representative, be
lieving that thnro must be some mis
take about this selection, called this
morning at the commission's rooms in
the Masonic temple, with the expecta
tion of having the statement denied. He
was disappointed in his exwctation,
for Mr. Marshall and Mr. llabcoek, the
only commissioners present, confirmed
the statement Mr. Marshall said Mr.
Hinsdale had been selected, but Dot St
IS il
Abolishment of People's Gov
ernment Will Bring Him
1 Trouble.
Central Administration Congress Will
Be Made Up of Men Under His
Own Domination,
Shanghai, Nov, 12.---Even President
Yuan Shi Kai's friends among foreign
business men, with whom he is popular
because they approve the type of
',' strong government" he believes in,
wero saying today tl)at in virtually
abolishing the Chinese parliament, the
executive is moving too fast.
He has hardly tried to conceal that
the "contral administrative congress,"
which he has announced he is about to
substitute for parliament will be com
pletely under his domination, making
aim absolute ruler in a truer sense than
any of his imperial predecessors.
It was not believed here that the
country will endure this, and even if it
does not cost Yuan his rulsrship, , it
was predicted that it will mean the
speedy secession of the southern prov
inces, the establishment of a Republi
can government over . them, and a
bloody civil war, porhnps of years' dur
ation. T
Now York, Nov. 12. A battle royal
wos anticipated hero today between
Anthony Coinstock and Mrs. O. II. P,
Now Yorkers were gleefully of the
opinion that the great purifier had
plungod into the fight of bis life, when
ho served notice that Miss Cliristobel
Pankhurst's writings on the social evil
must not be offored for sale in Carne
gie Hall here November, 24, when Mrs.
Emmoline Pank burnt, the author's
mothor, will deliver her final address
in this country.
Mrs. Belmont promptly replied that
the literature- would be sold regardless
of ComBtock's command. Mauy suffra
gettes said freely that they would forc
ibly resist interference with the sulo.
If supreme courts are right, circuit
'judges must know very little law. But
do supreme courts know morof
that salary, though he did not stalo
what tho salary would be.
The Capital Journal has nn abiding
faith in the law. It believes it Is one
of the best laws ever placed oil the
state's statute books, mid of inesti
mable benefit to the worklngniHii. It
also has the most friendly fecliuu to
ward tho coinmisiinners, mid ra.'li of
them. For this reason it regrets Hie
action of the commission in going out
of tho state to get an auditor or secre
tary, or whatever his official title may
be, for (he rommisison. It liiuks to us
like a protty hard slam at the Oregon
citizen, that with nearly a million pyi
pie there is not one in the state smart
enough to fill this place. It is also S
slam at the commissioner themselves,
for it is a virtual confession that thev
I are not capable of conducting the busi
ness without aid from another state in
the snaps of so expert. Mr, Marshall
Reads the
Says Judge Is Biggest Fool in
Court Room and Lacks
' Needed Brains.
Spencer Suggests to Court That Trial
Would Be Hastened With Differ
ent Arrangements,
Wheaton, 111., Nov. 12. Court attach
es were unable to quiet Murderer Spen
cer today.
' "I don't need an attorney," he
shouted. "You pinheads are simply
masting time. The judge here Is the
biggest fool in the court room. He has
about as much, brains as a soctf of saw
dust. "1 committed every one of the crimes
publishod in the newspapers. I killod
Mrs, Rexroat and drank hor blood.
Why don't you fatheads string me up
ud have it over withf "
Jury Is Completed.
The jury which is to try Sponcor was
completed at noon. Shortly before the
twelfth juror was accepted, Spencer
turned to the court and said:
"'If you were not so narrow between
j tho eyes you would have a woman fore
I man put in charge of that jury, and
I then wo could got started In a hurry."
Iunitxo rrass ijhassd wiss.j
Washington, Nov. 12. No confirma
tion could bo obtained hore today of a
report that Franco had notified tho
state department that William F. Mc
' Combs, chairman of tho Democratic
national committee during tho lost
presidential campaign, would not be ac
ceptable as American ambassador to
franco. Administration officials dis
credited tho report. Secretary of Stntc
Bryan refused to discuss it.
Mef'ombs was expected to roach Now
York Saturday from Kurope.
The Weather
The Dickoy Bird
says: Oregon: Fair
north tonight and
Thursday) proba
bly rain south por
tion tonight or
Thursday; easter
ly winds.
stated that lie believed In gotting tho
very best talent possible, no matter
where it camo from, and that this would
bo his course, and he was for Hinsdale,
and would get s man from China if he
was the better man for the plnco.
Wo have no doubt that the commis
sioners believe they are doing tho best
thing for the slate, und they are nn
doubt tlio sole judge of what is best.
In spite of this, we are of the opinion
that the commission is making a snd
mistake, Tho commissioners ny Mr.
Hinsdale Is one of tho very brightest
men in the way of Insurance matters
there is on tho const, and is the very
best nien that could be gotten for the
place. We know nothing as to this,
but, conceding that he is s first-clam
man, we still contend there are hun
dred of men hero in Oregon just as
rapablo of conducting the business as
he Is, or as any other man from any
plico, even China, Is.
Daily Capital Journal
Tells His Visitors He Must
Eliminate Anti-Trust Bug
aboo Forever.
Says He Does Not Like Policy of Giv
ing Corporations Exceptional Ad
vantages, However.
Washington, Nov. 12. President
jWilson considered today the adminis
tration's policy in regard to, trusts.
This problem will be the overshadow
ing feature of the regular session of
congress, and most of the president V
annual message will be dovotod to it.
The president told his visators today
that he must eliminate the anti trust
bugaboo forever. He thinks the big
corporations are now ready to proceed
under the new tariff law, and that they
have the right to expect the govern
ment to define just how they may op
erate. "I don't object to the size of vari
ous enterprises," the president told a
White nonse visitor today. "I do not
object, either, to people gotting rich
from conducting their enterprises pru
dently. But I do object to the govern
ment giving corporations exceptional
advantages and enabling them to suc
ceed by sot putting them on the same
footing with others."
The president told Senator Nowlands,
of Nevada, and Congressman Clayton,
of Alabama, who will handle the trust
legislation, that he wants the Republi
cans kept in touch with thoir activities,
and that he wanted a law broad enough
to attract the support of all parties. :
oxiTiD raisi LE&nun win.
Rome, Nov, 12. Pope Plus today re
ceived Captain Maxwell and 150 ma
rines from the battleship Florida, Each
of the marines wiis presented with a
medal. Tho pope ordered that the ma
rines of the entire American battleship
squadron be received at the Vatican as
soon as they arrive, waiving all cus
tomary fromalities,
Way to Figure Out
to What Extent We
are Being Robbed
Madison, Wis,, Nov. 12. That one
of the most Important pieces of work
ever undertaken by any branch of the
government is contemplated by Joseph
Dnvics, federal commissioner of correc
tions, is givon as the belief of Senator
LuFollette, contained in a signod edi
torial In LaFullotto's Weekly today.
Hmiiitor LaFolletto declare tliat an In
vestigation conducted by Mr. Davles
will result in relieving tho people from
paying "further tribute on fictitious
wealth and Inflated values,"
"If Commissioner Davles Is empow
ered to carry out tho plan outlined in
his spooch at Atlantic. City a few days
ago, tho bureau of corporations will
enter uon one of tho most important
feature of work ever undertaken by
any branch of our government," says
the senator. "Mr. l'avies contemplate
an iiivcstigntinii of trusts and combin
ations which shall determine first,
whether tho concentration of industry
In the hands of a few corKirutiou has
had economical results, and . second,
whether the public lias been benefited
by the results,
"Since Its rrmtiun eleven years ago,
this branch of tho department of com
merce has mado separate investigations
of great value, Including tin beef, to
bacco, lumber, steel, Staudard Oil,
Suit Brought to Oust Newly
Elected Landon and Put in
P. A. Livesley.
Asserted He Is Subject of Can
ada and Not Entitled to
Hold Office.
Although he has roslJml in Oregon
for 20 years and ovor, voted at almost
every eloction and never before has had
bis vote contested, P, It, Landon, the
nowly-olected mayor of Woodburn, has
been made the defendant In a complaint
filed todny in the circuit court here by
P. A, Livesley in which the plaintiff
al logos that Mr. Landon is not an Am
erican citizen. The complaint avors
that Lam'ion was born in Ontario, Can
ada, andhas not taken out naturaliza
tion papers in the United States as yet
or declared hlmsolf legally to be a citi
zen of this country. The plaintiff asks
the court to declare the election for
mayor void and depose tho defendant
from the office, and further prays for
nn oner declaring Llvosloy the duly
elected mayor of tho city of Wood
burn. According to tho frionds of Landon,
he Is not wanted on the grounds he is
a "dry" man.
The complaint alleges that the plain
tiff, llvosloy, and the defendant, Lan
don, were both candidates for mayor in
Woodburn at tho oloction held Novem
ber 4, this year. Tho ploiutiff avers
that ho received the second highest
voto and that inasmuch as the defend
ant has not taken out his naturalization;
piipurs and is not an American citizen,
he is not entitled to hold publie office
(Continued on pei 'our.)
water power harvester uad other trusts.
Theso investigations have furnished the
public authoritative facts - regarding
each specific industry, but up to this
time the government has not attempted
to eorreluto the facts In relation to the
whole big problem of industrial mon
opoly. This, Commissioner Dovios pro
visos to do, and to extend the investi
gation to cover the whole field of in
dustrial combination. If undertaken
in a scientific, spirit and carried for
ward with the assistance of tho nation's
aliluxt and host economists uud inves
tigators, this work will bu of immonsa
vnluo to congress lu dealing with m
radical and effective way with the next
big problem to bo dealt with before the
country can become industrially free.
"Such an investigation should do-
jtormino the value of theso great prop
erties, We should know the actual
amounts that have been iuvratwl, and
to what extent we suffer from extor-
jtionnto prices because of over capital
ization. The people are willing to pny
a- fair return upon legitimate value,
but they should no longer be compelled
to pay tribute on fictitious wealth and
inflated values. In outlining this far
reaching work, Mr. Pavies has shown
a breadth of view and S comprehension
of tho possibilities of his bureau thut
will receiv general publio commendation."