Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 10, 1913, Image 1

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    All the News that's Fit to Print Everybody Reado the Daily Capital Jon
jsrr' k. . nf
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THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. balmo kovembeb xo, PRICE TWO CENTS. rANL"KriyPcir?a;
Bin 0"nny 10 i lots, of denials in widespread revolt dc p in Apniiinrn nr
' hAoi&io nM i nir SENAlra TR0UB()l)T yuamjsjdrganized JV1URDER CHARGE AND
Hi ll San 3 Sffl I IS II I 1 1 Li 5 i Nebraskan RaiI 0ver Interfer" Huerta Ha Not Notified Us Leaden Are Said to Have F I A A I A I n 14 S n
I II lllll ill i 1 IS J 1 11111 f enC W'th Commltee, and Rebels Are Not Al- Made Great Headway in A M 13 M D 1(11 IP
III SWISS IV Ul tml II iLi Program. lowed Supply of Arm.. Southern Provinces. (JlJlJ Mil VI I 1 1 J lllll ll9
Fifty-Five-Mile Gale Prevents
identified Craft Great Storm is Sweeping Over States from
Mississippi River East-Two Men Blown Into River Drown
in Chicago Snow Falls Over Wide Area Half Million
Dollar Loss in Michigan New England Will Be Hit To
Calumet, Mich., Nov., 10. A futilo
attempt wag made today by the Eagle.
Harbor life-saving crow to reach a large
unidentified lake liner, aground off
Manitou Island, in Lake Superior. A 55
mile gale prevented the life-savors from
reaching the vessel. The linor was be
lieved to be" pounding to pieces,
Manitou island lies 15 miles off Kee
wanaw point. Tho stranded vessel
sent out distress signals all day. Its
flags wore lowered to half-mast.
Vessel In Distress.
Berlin, November 10. Distress sig
nals from the German steamer Che
nania were reeolved today at Lisbon,
from the coast of Spain, near Vigo, ac
cording to a dispatch received here.
The vessel curries 300 Gorman soldiers
en route to German Last Africa.
Torpedo Boat Aground.
m Homo, Nov. 10. The British torpedo
boat dostroyer Spanker was aground to
day in a storm off Cape Cavallovo, on
the Corsican coast.
Half Million Loss.
Detroit, Nov. 10. The loss in Michi
gan alone as a result of the blizzard Inst
uiglit and today, was fixed this after
noon at J."i00,000. Crops and shipping
suffered heavily. Heavy loss was In-j
Ogdcn, Utah., Nov. 10. Detoctive
David Edwards, shot by blackmailers
on a lonely road northca.it of here ear
ly Sunday, Wis in a critical condition
The blackmailers, who have been
terrorizing rich residents of Ogden for
two years, and a year ago dynamited
the home of one citizen who defied
them, hnd demanded $1500 from Le
Itoy Eccle, and Edwards, disguised In
Eccle' clothing, had ridden out to meet
Apparently they recognized him, for
German Support
for Uncle Sam
in Mexico Row
Berlin, Nov. 10. Whatever attitude
other European governments may as
sume, It wns hinted today in official
circles here that the United Statos can
i n r-
aopenu on Herman support lor lis .ucx
leau policy.
The German government, well-pawled
meu said, thinks this a golden opportu
nity to cement a firm friendship with
Americans. It was asserted that the
kaiser's advisers are secretly delighted
at England' anti-American policy, be
lieving that It means a break In cor
dial relations between the two great
English smulcinir natinna.
News that John Lind, President Wil
Lifesavers From Reaching Jn
flicted at Port Huron, where a terrifie
wiud prevailed all day.
Blown Iuto Rirer.
Chicago, Nov. 10. During the height
of the' blizzard hero last night Antone
Iiupsuys was blown from the East 22d
street bridge, and an unidentified man
from the Fuller street bridge into the
Chicago river. Both were drowned.
East Storm-Bound.
Washington, Nov. 10. Practically
tho entire country east of the Missis
sippi rivor, from Florida to Maine, was
storm-bound today. High winds, ac
companied by driving snow, were gen
eral. The weather bureau was unable to
promiue immediate re'iof, asseiting that
the storm probably would pass out to
sea, via New England, within 30
Great Gale at Buffalo.
The highest wind prevailed at Buffa
lo; where it roached a velocity of 68
miles an hour. The weather bureau
said the New England states might ex
pect equally high winds tonight.
The heaviest snowfall occurred in
West Virginia, Southwestern Pennsyl
vania and Western Maryland. Frosts
are reported as far south as Florida,
killing frosts in Georgia and South Car
olina. they shot him without warning. Ed
wards returned the fire as he lay on
the ground, but tho gang escaped.
San Francisco, Nov. 10. Claim to
the commutation championship of Cal
ifornia was made here today by Silas
., Wade, of Oakland, employed by a
San Francisco printing house.
"I have crososd San Francisco bay
exactly 28,048 times," he said, "travel
ing about 280,000 miles on local trains
and ferry boats. I have purchased a
commutation ticket every month for 48
years and 7 months, and have spent ex
actly two years aud seven months on
trains and boats. I have spent about
$3000 for 'commutes.' "
Portland, Ore., Nov. 10. F. C. Shoe
maker, secretary and treasurer of the
Willapa Lumber company, Raymond,
Wash., is dead here today following an
operation for appendicits. He was 40
years old.
son's representative in Mexico, was no,
getting on well with British Minister,
Sir Lionel C'ardcn, was received with
barely concealed glee, and messages
saying he was on friendly relations
with German. Minister Von Hintze and
that the hit tor was Lind's guwt at
luncheon yesterday with open satisfac
tion. Berlin officialdom was said to be
lieve that oo possible advantage Ger
many could gain in Mexico would be
half as valuable as would be the lost of
America's friendship, for England and
tho substitution for it of a similar Am
erican feeling of friendship or Oer
Executive's Disapproval Too Much for
Soma Members and They Yield
Under Pressure.
Washington, Nov. 10. A Btorin broke
in the senate this afternoon over the
Glass-Owen currency bill. It started
when Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska
criticized President Wilson's alleged ef
forts to force a favorable report by the
senate currency committee on the bill
and when Senatpr Reed of Missouri re
nounced inBiirgoncy.
Hitchcock insisted that the currency
committee would have been reported
within the stipulated time, for "inside
influence," which he said, manifested
itself Wednesday aud "undid every
thing the committee had accomplished.
"We were told," said Senator Hitch
cock "thnt the president did not ap
prove, of our course and then we were
ordered to retrace our steps. I do not
wish to criticize those who yieldod. I
would retire from tho committee rather
than vote for a vital and fundamental
feature against my conviction even to
meet the viows of the president."
Senator Kern, of Indiana, denied
hero hod been any Interference from
the White House.
Clara Mclntyro, erstwhilo subject of
Mat'rou Lynch 's attention and a well
liuown character in police circlos, is
again back in jail. Miss Mclntyre wins
arretted last Saturday night for boing
an occupant in one oi the filthy dens
occupied by tlio Chinose on the corner
of High and Ferry streets.
The girl hns a record Hint can't be
equaled, according to the chief of po
lice. She was first arrostod on tho
ehargo of living with another domau's
husband. She escaped punishment in
this instance and wns later picked up
for being drunk. Judge Elgin gave the
young woman a suspended sentence of
'JO days and warned her to keep
Last Saturday night, however, Miss
Mclntyre was found occupying a dirty
little hole of a room in tho Chinese dis
trict and sho was agnin arrostcd. Fail
ing to abide by tho judgment handed
down by the city mugistraM) several
woeks ago, tho girl will now bo compell
ed lo servo the twenty day sent once.
The police today are trying to locate
llcrt Brown alia Bert IVeman, who Is
wanted for tho crime of larceny com
mitted by robbing tho Oregwninn Cafe
nut of I'.IO in money and a geld watch.
Tbj theft wu committed Saturday
night at a late hour.
llu.'. two men are employed in the
restaurant after a cortain time of night
and Brown was one of them. The pro
priotor of the rostaurant bad concealed
the money and the watch in the roll
top deck before going home, and after
all was quiet, Brown pried the desk
top up and, taking the money and
watch, left the city.
Administration Has Not Had Its Last
Word With Huerta and Congress
Not to Get Message.
Washington, Nov. 10. Today's Mex
ican news at Washington consisted
larffelv nf dnninla. ' Tf van nff;,,;ltvl
That President Huerta, of Mexico
had defied the United Statos.
That the administration had said
"its last word" to Huerta.
That the administration had decided
to lot the Mexican rebols begin import
ing arms from the United Statos.
That Emissary Lind had made his
final report, and recommended strong
measures without further parley.
That President Wilson will "put"
the Mexican question "up" to con
gress at any rate, inside of a weok.
May Close Embassy.
A rumor was current that Charge d'
Affairos O'Shaughuossy, of the Ameri
can embassy, in MeiUjo City, was about
to close the embassy, turning ovor the
business to some other diplomat, and
leave tho country, terminating a sem
blance of 1 diplomatic Intercourse be
tweon Washington and Moxico City.
This rumor was discredited by the
denials mentioned, and by a statement
from President Wilson that he still had
a faint hope that diplomatic pressure
would force Huerta to into retiring.
Mombcrs of the senate foreign rela
tions committee said a majority of their
mombcrs favored lotting the Mexican
rebels have arms, believing that, with
thorn, General Carranza could oust Hu
erta in 30 days.
May Oust Huerta.
Charge d' Affaires Algara, of the
Mexican embassy, in Washington, said
tho Moxican congress would meet No
vember 20, Invalidate tho last election,
call a new one and pacify tho country.
Lind was known to have made "defi
nite representations" to Huerta, but
what they were wns kept secret.
The state department received a copy
of Huerta's note to the diplomatic)
corps in Mexico City, snying ho 'could .
not retire until another election could
bo called.
There were several movement nf
United States troops, but it was stated
that they had nothing to do with the
Mexican situation,
(Continued on pane four.)
The Weather
The Dickey Bird
says: Oregon, fair
east tonight and
Tuesday j cloudy
west portion ti
nlght and Tues-'
d a yj probably
rain; lilit var
iublo winds.
No matter where
you shop
45 days till Xmas
Leader of Last Revolution May Be
Asked to Return to China to Take
Charge of Forces.
united raiss leased wibs.J
Shanghai, Nov. 10. That a wide;
spread revolt against President Yuan
Shi Kal Is boing organized in southern
China seemed practically cortain today
on tho strength of Information from in
fluential Chinese here.
The authorities of the Shanghai in
ternational settlement woro doing the
utmost to prevent the sottlomont, whore
the conspirators can work free from
dangor of arrest by the Chinese govern
ment being made headquarters for the
plotters. Tho Chinese are so little un
doTstood even by foreigners living here,
however, that it was thought likely
their plans were being matured under
the very eyes of the officials.
Revolutionary agents were said to be
busy throughout the southern provinces
reporting to loaders of the mnvamout
here and at Nankin, Hankow and Can-
ton, and a representative conspirator
was understood to be on his way to Ja
pan to consult with Dr. Sun Yat Sen
leador of the last revolution and oppon-
eut of President Yuan. Many believed
Sun would roturn to direct tho presout
united rails leaied wire.
Washington, Nov. 10. President
Wilson was convinced today that a cur
rency bill embodying all the essential
features qf the Glass-Owen measure will
pass tho senato as a result of the change
in front of Seuators Heed, of Missouri,
and O 'Gorman, of New York, members
of the senate currency committee, on
tho central bank plau, Horotofore Reed
and O 'Gorman, Democrats, had voted
with the Republican members, but they
suddenly switched late last week, and
voted with the Domocrnt.
The president ha npproved of a cau
cus of senato Democrat on tho curren
cy bill, but ho doc not believe this will
be nocessnry now, Ho also hud suggest
ed that the Washington newspaper cor
respondents be permitted to attend the
Recent caller at tho White House
were told that tho president is con
vinced that the pcuplo want a good cur
rency law, and want It now,
(n ith max uusrn wis
Lewes, Del., Nov. 10. Two revenue
cutter raced for the Delaware breaker
this afternoon lo rescue the officers of
the Imrk Mm, flu Kcva, held prisoner
by a mutinous crew. Two United States
marshal also were sent to the scene.
The mutiny developed, according to
advice received heie, several days af
ter the bark had left tliis'jxirt, bound
for San Francisco with a cargo of coal
for tlio government. The captain be
cemiO ill and the crew tied him to his
berth. The captain managcl, however,
to get word to the government of his
Many people who are not worrying
l2(0ver the Income tat would like to.
Fanatics Would Have Rushed at Accused Jews if Soldiers
Had Not Been on Hand With Fixed Bayonets Beilis Burst
Into Tears of Thankfulness When Verdict Is Rendered
Is Taken Home Under Strong Guard of Soldiers and Howl
ing Mob Follows World's Opinion Responsible for His Ac
UNITED press leas ID WIRE,
Kioff, Russia, Nov. 10. The Mondol
Boilis jury returnod a verdict tonight
acquitting him of the murder of 12-year-old
Andrei Muschinsky, said by
the prosecution to have been a victim
of a Jowish religious ceremonial, call
ing for a human sacrifice.
That Boilis was innocent, no intelli
gent porBon who had followed the trial
doubtod. That he would be acquitted,
howovor, was by no means considered
cortain, even by his own lawyers. It
was plain from the first that the pros
ecution wanted to make out such a case
as would arouse tho entire Christian
population of the country against the
Jews. Instruction wore said to have
been reeolved from men high in author
ity at St. Petersburg that a vordlct of
guilty positively must bo returnod, Sev
eral of the jurors wore believed to have
made up their minds In advance to con
vlo Boiljs. Most of them, too, were Ig
norant men, whoj it was clear, under
stood littlo of tho tostimony on eithor
side. .
World's Opinion Does It.
Probably tho verdict would have been
guilty, as hnd been plannod, but for tho
widespread interest which the case
aroused abroad, Foreign correspondents
poured into Kluff to follow the trial.
Resolution of protest agniust tho per
secution of tho prisoner wore rocoived
from all sorts of bodies in every civil
i.cd country of tho world. Tills con
centration of Interest proved a great
emliurrassinoiit, and tho weakurss of tho
evidence against Hoi f is added to tho
difficulties of the situation from the
prosocution 's standpoint, It was oven
believed for a time thut tho charges
would bo dropped with the trial but
liulf ovor.
Roar of Disapproval.
The verdict was received with a roar
of disapproval front tho crowd outsido
the courthouse. Proliubly there would
havo been a rush to get at Beilis but
for the troops, who with fixed bayonets
hold back tho throng.
Beilis burst Into tear of thanksgiv
ing when the verdict wns announced,
and then collapsed In his lawyer's arm.
The latter supported him and under a
strong guard of soldier, took him home
with a howling mob at his heels.
Fond of Policemen
But Matron Lynch
Arouses Her Ire
Juilgo Elgin this niornlug received her
acter around Kulcin, win arrested Sat
urday evening by Night Officer Wool
cry on tho chnrge of being drunk and
When tho woman was brought Into
the city marshal' office, she simply
"raised (ho dickens, " according to the
officer who were congregated In tlio
lepartmeut at tho time, Mrs. Lute dis
played, or attempted to dUpluy, a very
loving nature toward Night Officer
'Dad" Irvln, but that minion of the
aw made a dash fur the nearest door
when hi would lie lady love approached
him with outstretched arm and chort-
ng words of affection. She then turn
ed her attention to Night Officer Jack
White and succeeded In embracing thnt
Cossacks PreTent Outburst
Cossacks with drawn sabres patrolled
tho streets tonight in readiness to act
at tho first sign of an anti-Jewish out
break. Tho government, Indifforont aa
it haB been to post uprisings of the
kind, realizes that it cannot disregard
the world's opinion, and undoubtedly,
it waa believed would do everything
possible to keep ordor for the preseut.
Court Unfair to Boilis.
The courts instructions to the Beilis
jury were gonerally cousidered unfavor
able to the defense.
The president of the court forniulat
ed a sories of questions for the jurors
to answer, the most important-of them
"Dhl'Moudct Boilis and accomplices
murdor Androl Muschinsky eut of re
ligious fanaticism, after inflicting on
him, 47 wounds from which fire glasses
fun of blood wore drawn t"
Tho plain Inforonco, from the form la
which ho question was put was that the
fact of tho killing was established and
that it only remained for the jury to
decide whother It constituted murder.
united puns leased wire.
San Francisco, Nov. 10. The trial of
the directors of the Western Fuel com
pany, accused of conspiracy to defraud
tho government, wns set bore today for
Decombor 9 by United States District
Judge Dooling.
Washlugton, Nov. 10. Hie federal
supreme court refused today to review
a lawsuit involving an accounting of
the American Bell Telephone company's
profit, which incidentally Involved the
Western Union Telegraph company's
profit slnco 18!)r.
porsou before ho had time to yank away
and run out of tho door.
By thin time Police Matron Lynch
arrived on tho tceite and the fireworks
began. Mr. Lut seemed to have the
blue fire talk down to a nicety and
when she caught sight of tho pulico ma
tron, she turned loose full blast, with a
mixture of vocabulary that would make
a beach-comber look like an ovmigrtlisl.
Mrs, Lutu didn't mince matters, Hhe
simply exerted herself and by tho time
"lie wu through talking, sho wa quite
tulge Elgin this morning received her
in the usual manner: "Utility or not
guilty." Mr. Lut Wn quiet and un
offending then, but the judge relieved
her of a 110 gold piece and badn her
go, and keep going,