FACE srx DAJXT CAPITAL JOUINAL. fALKU, OKSGOK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1913. SPORTS WilMMETTE WILL BE CHAMP IF O.A.C. FAILS State Honors Coming to Local Instttu . ttcm in rootball Line if Oregon Wins Saturday. SWEETLAND IS GIVING HIS imr tsvrrovm TWAflTTHP A ft A TV Squad la Just as Large as It Has Boon . This Season and Preparations Are for Big Contest Window cards announcing tho Ore gon 0. A. C. frame state that the con test is for the championship of tho state. They must havo boon printoil before Willamette defeated Oregon, as Willamette will be state champion should 0. A. C. fail to defeat Oregon tomorrow. Dr. Swcetland is again coaching his team behind closed gates, with no game on the schedule as an absolute certain ty. ' This has created some wonder among the fans at the local institution. The squad is as large as it has been at any time this season, and the workouts are just as strenuous. In contemplating on the kind of a team Willamette would have been rep resented by this season should she have entered the conference last year, one of the local dopsters has discovered three stars playing wih two conference teams within the state, and one outside the state that would have been in at tendance here had the move been suc cessful. W1U See Big Game. Willamette Univorsity football team will loavo tomorrow on tho Salem spe cial to witness the big game at Albany between the Univorsity of Oregon and the Oregon Agricultural College. They are being sent at the expense of the student body. Both Coach Swoctlnnd and his brainy II le 3d if ,;."!' ' Pi At At The Here Is a now prico on a com petent Adder, On a machine that is rapid, full-size and infallible. Tho vory latest machine, built by mon who know, in one of the Jargost metal-working shops. It Is an individual Adder, to be placed on ono's dosk, closo to one's books and papers. To tnke the place of the central machine requiring skilled operators. It is also intended for offices and stores, whoro costly machines are a luxury, The price Is due to utter sim plicity and to our enormous out put. Seven keys do all the work. Each copied number is shown up for chock ing before the addition is made. The machine will add subtract and multiply. With vory slight prac tice anyone can com pute a hundred figures a minute. And the ma chine never makes mis takes. Countless offices, largo suul small, ure getting from these machines the highest class of service American Adding Machine The Latest Adder Costs but $35 See Our Exhibit A sit for Ton Days' Trial. Now we mako this offer so that offices everywhere may learn what this machino means to them. Ten Day's Test Wo will gladly place in any of fice one American Addor for a ton duys' test. Thero will bo no obligation, and charges will be prepaid. Compnro it with any non-lister even the costliest. Let any ono use it. 8o if any machine can serve bettor than this. Just send us this coupon and we'll Bond the machino. Please send us au American Add ing machine for tou duys' free trial. Name - Stroot Address City .'. State , Manufactured and Guaranteed by AMERICAN CAN COMPANY, CHICAGO Sold in Salem by C. M. Lockwood, Agent American Adding Machines FOOTBALL . FOOTBALL SEE THE DIG ANNUAL GAME I'lETWEKN THE U. of 0. and the 0. A. C. AT Albany, Nov. 6 TUB SUNSET 0GDEN&SHA5TA1 ROUTES TUB EXPOSITION LINE 1918 Una authorised a round trip faro from Portland to Rosoburg, in elusive to Albany of ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE Tickets oa sale November S, good for return until November 10. (VII mi awmt 8, P. agent for further Information, as to specific Caiw, tralu schedules, etc. JOHN M. 800TT, General Passenger Agent. warriors will lose no chance to witness all the big games possible up to the time that the University of Washington arranges to meet Willamette for the championship of the Northwest, should Oregon fail to succeed in defeating Washington. They will occupy choice seats at the contost tomorrow and will make a care ful study of the different styles of play used by both teams in the battle for the conference championship of the state. Most of the Willamette fans who will attend the game will faror Ore gon; a victory by Oregon will give Willamette the undisputed champion ship of the state. Jabs and Jolts! Cy Falkenherg la said to be one of the best bowelrs in baseball. So is Larry McLean, but not that kind. t It la said that Bill DaJUen is not worried about losing his job in Brook lyn, but why worry about losing a job in Brooklynf The rumor that Prank Baker has de cided to quit baseball shows how scarce news is at this writing. Morris Rath has been hitting the ball hard on the world tour, but he has not boon hitting against American League pitching. We notice that Pal Brown h'ati made good in his first fight in Australia, hut if he makes good in collecting what he hns coming to him that's something elso ugain. It is estimated that when Charlie Coniinskey has returned from tho world tour ho will bo able to say, "Let's have another," in fourteen languages, The lot of the baseball scribe is not a supremely happy ono, but what if he hail to make out a box soore in Jap aneset ! Boxing promoters in Wisconsin are losing so much money that they may find it necessary to quit tho gamo and earn an honest living. OF The wort of erecting the. tower for tho old bell formerly hung in tho tower that was on tho top of Sailor hall prior to tho fire of sonio thirty years ago, is progressing rapidly and tho old bell will probably toll before the week end. The sophomores will be "at home" to the freshmen Saturday evening at I'uton hull. This is ono of tho most im portant of the underclassmen 's social events for tho year. At a mooting of the studont body hold this morning, it was decided to send tho university bund with tho Salem ex cursion to the big game at Allxuiy to morrow. 1 t The dobatlng council are considering tho formation of a debating triangle bo- l.weon Pacific university, University of I'uget Sound and Willamette university. It has boon practically decided that Willamette and Reed institute will hold a dual delmto this year. The matter of entering the northwest onfnrenco is still being discussed with a large majority of tho students sooin- ingly in ftivor of tho move. Errol Gil key, president of tho student body, re cently said that In his opinion tho game with Oregon demonstrated that while Dr. Swcetland was coach, Willamette would havo no trouble in competing with conference teams. Tht rushing for the girls' literary so cieties concludes this week and tho matter of voting on the namos pledged in up before tho societies at their meet ings being held this afternoon. The dif ferent societies have been working haul to pledge the prominent members of the freshman class. E In the first report mado by the Ma rlon county sealer of weights and measures, Sam 0. Hurkhardt, it is shown that 10 scales, 84 weights, eight measures and five pumps have been fondemued as being inaccurate and that 00 per cent of the weights, 38 per rent of tho scales and a large per cent of measures now In use In Salem are correct, fhisls tho first tent of weights anil nusnre Mr. Hurkhardt has made under the new law, and he raruartly re quests all persons having occasion to patronise places of business using weights and measures to report to him at the county court house in the event they find that either weight or meas ures are not accurate. Out of 17 oil and gasoline pumps In spected by Mr. Bnrkhardt, he found five subject to condemnation, and out of A4 measures inspected (linear) only thres were condemned. DENiESHE FURNISHED LIST FOR SANDBAG CSITSD Pais L1ASCD WIS!. New York, Nov. 7. George H. Mc Guire, of Syracuse, denied on the wit ness stand yesterday that he had fur nished John A. Hennessy, ex-Governor Sulzer's graft investigator, with a list of construction firms which had been "sandbagged" into giving campaign contributions to Tammany Hall, as tes tified by Hennessy last -week. McGuire, who is a brother of James K. McGuire, ex-Democratic mayor of Syracuse, and with him a partner in the firm of McGuire & Company, en gaged in bonding construction com panies and in liability insurance, ap peared as a witness in the John Doe proceedings instituted by District At torney Whitman to investigate Hen nessy 's charges. Hennessy Reiterates Charge. After McGuire had sworn he had never specified to Hennessy a single instance in which any construction company engaged in Btate highway or barga canal work had given up cam paign contributions he was withdrawn from tho stand. Hennessy, taking his place, reiterated his statement, and added he could prove it by others. Hennessy said ho had met McGuiro in the latter 'g room in a hotel in Utica ! on Scptombor 12. Ho produced a list of firms ho said McGuiro had named to him as having made contributions. The list was written on the stationery of tho hotel, and HenneBsy said he had taken it down in tho presence of Me (.in ire. "McGuiro wanted me to defend Mur phy," said Hennessy, "and said he wanted these revelations made. He said ho didn't want it known that he had told mo anything, on account of the affiliations of his brother." What Is (RISCO? a. for frying - For Sl ortcino for Cakt MaJtini M'KENZIE 18 HAPPY OVER VISIT OP CARELESS BURGLAR UNITSO MESS LEASED WHIG. Han Francisco. Nov. 7. Daniol Mc Kcnzio, of Columbus, Ohio, was a happy man today despite tho fact that a burg lar Into last night entered his loom and stolo $(iO from his trousers. " You see," explained McKenzie, "1 had a wallet in my inside vest pocket coiitainim; six $1,000 bills and tho burg lar overlooked it. Some of those sec ond story workers aro awful boobs." If there had been a beef trust its a safe bet that the father would have conserved tho fatted calf. Ik. "nzr"'" 1 MM t ! j Recipe Department I By BETSY WADE. MM Recipe, a. tried and tested by Mr.. Vaughn, at The f Capital Journal Cookinir school h.M . u- a- 4 T wlr 1 uib nunuijr mil f Waffles. 1 tablespoon sugar. 2 tablnspoous melted butter. 2 eggs (beaten separately) I'd cups milk, "j teaspoon salt. 2't cups Hifted flour. 2 teaspoons Crescent Baking powder Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar twice. Add milk, butter, cirir. Beat hard and after allowing batter to' stand for a few minutes, fry on smok Ing hot, well greased waffle iron aud servo with Mapleiue syrup. Devil's Food Cake. 2 cupsful granulated sugar. 3-4 cupful Crlsco creamed together. eggs, yolks creamed with sugar and Criaeo. 1 cupful hot mashed potatoes. 2 cups Baker's chocolate, grated. H cupful milk. 1 cupful nut meats. 2 rupfuls flour. 3 tcaspoonfols baking powder. teaspoonful cinnamon. H teaspoonful nutmeg. Cream together the sngsr and disco Crisco is the best, the cream of vegetable oil. Crisco is all vegetable. It remains of ideal consistency and does not separate. Crisco keeps sweet and pure indefinitely because the parts of the oil which turn rancid have been eliminated. Crisco makes a richer cake than butter, because it is a richer fat. Crisco is 100 per cent pure fat; butter contains approxi mately one-fifth water, salt and curd. Crisco makes fried foods more digestible, because Crisco itself is perfectly digestible. Crisco is a real food fat. Animal lard, and fats to which stearine has been added require a longer time to digest, taxing the digestive machinery. Try Crisco today. Grocers sell Crisco in ever increasing quan tities. It costs less than half as much as butter. New Cook Book Free This new book by Marion Harris Neil, Cookery Editor, Ladies' Home Journal, gives 250 original recipes, is attractively illustrated, and tells many interesting and valuable facts about cooking and food products. It also tells the interesting story of Crisco' s discovery and manufacture. It is free. There is also a quality edition of this book containing a total of 615 Neil Recipes and a Calendar of Dinners 365 menus of original and tasty meals. This book is bound in blue and gold cloth and is sent for five 2-cent stamps. In writing for either, address The Procter & Gamble Co., in care of Kelley-Clarke Co., 112 Market Street, San Francisco. Sift the dry ingredients. Knead lightly until smooth and roll to one- half inch in thickness. Bake in hot oven. Emily's White Cake. 114 cupfuls Biigar. ' cup Crisco. 1 cupful milk or water. Whites of 3 eggs. 3 cupfuls flour. 3 teaspoonfuls baking powdor. 1 teaspoonful salt. 1 teaspoonful orange. Cream Crisco, add sugar and cream together. Sift dry ingredients and add alternately with milk. Add orange beat mixture thoroughly, and last fold iu stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Grease layer cake tins with Crisco, pour in cake mixture aud bake in s moderate oven for 15 minutes. Marshmallow Pudding. Ono tablespoonfiil Knox gelatino, softened in 1 cupful water, then add 1 cupful boiling water. When cold, but not set, pour over the whites of 4 well beaten eggs into which hns been folded one-half cupful of granulated sugar. When the whole begins to sot, divide in three parts, color ono part pink with Burnott'8 Damask Rose Paste and flavor with tablespoonful sherry wine. liave mold oiled with melted Criscc and pour in the pink part. Color next third with Leaf Green Paste, and flav or with ono-half teaspoonful ristachio Extract, and place on the pink in the mold. Leave the last third white and flavor with orange. Broken nuts and crystalized fruits may be used between layers if desired. Mrs. Vaughn's Home Hints. "Man lives by what he digests, not by what he eats." Had dinners go hand in hand with total depravity, while a properly fed man is already saved. Peas and spinach should be cooked uncovered to retain color, A pinch of soda dropped Into the wnter just before removing will render the vegetables more digestible. Some one suggests that the skin of new potatoes may be nibbed off with a coarse cloth In lews time than it can bo scraped off with a knife, and the ( then cream with tho yolks of tho eggs. I Stir in mashed potatoes, grated choco late and nut meats. Sift together the flour, nutmeg and cinnamon aud stir in I alternately with the milk. Beat thor- 1 oughly, and lastly fold in the beatet whites of eggs. Mocha Filling. 1-3 cupful Crisco, 1 cup confectioner's sugar. teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon strong coffee Infusion. Cream Crisco and add sugar gradunll until all oily appearance has dlsap peared (it may reipiire more sugar). As the mixture thickens, add the coffee one drop at a time, beating all the while. Flavor with one teaspoon vanil la and spread on the cake. Sour Milk Biscuit 3 cupfuls flour. Vj teaspoonful soda. 1 cup sour milk. 1 teaspoonful salt. 3 tablespoonfuls Crisco, rubbed Into It lightly. FOSTER & BAKER Monopoly mince met (bulk) 20c per lb, 2 for 3Sc Red X mince meat (bulk) 15c per lb, 2 for 25c English walnuts, Urge tiie, home grown, per lb 25c Head lettuce, celery, new figs, dates, cranberries, honey. Old-fashioned lye homniy, fresh Saturday morning; home-made and made clean. Also fresh country sausage, a pure pork tauMge. Phone us for satisfaction in groceries. 339 N. Commercial St Telephone 259 j ii, ii nun, i immm niii .i wn-i sv Raises the Dough Better ALL GROCERS hands will not bo stained by this meth od. For keeping pimentoes, olives, etc., indefinitely, place in glass jar and pour meltod Crisco over top, thus excluding tho air. Jellies made from fruits which are not acid are usually insipid and ronuire . either lomon or ginger to flavor them. Sometimes a tart and a sweet fruit may be used together. Always dish up food daintily, a very plain dish may tio made to look tempt ing with a little care in this respect. A quart of good rich Ice cream may be mado at home for 25 cents: Vj pint cream" -....lO IVj pints milk 03 Ice ns 1 ogg, 1 cup sugar 05 Vi teaspooi vanilla .....05 Beat eggs and sugar together until creamy. Add other ingredients and stir until there aro no lumps and freere. And cowardice makes liars of us all or nearly all. Everybody is Talking About the high cost of living. Why not buy your gro ceries from a firm located out of the high rent district. You get that benefitno solicitorsnothing but good goods, big values for money expended, and delivery made almost as soon as ordered. Can down-town do as much? C. M. EPPLEY Phone Main 93. 1800 E. State