Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 07, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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of Quality for Men
' SPtP ft'nX,flv-3teA
SSL . 1 L-
We permit no
lowering of
standard; our
aim is to offer
quality in cloth
ing regardless
of price. A try
on of the sea
son's authentic
2 i-jsfvlps. made of
the best and
most popular
fabrics, design
ed by Ameri
ca's foremost
and most up-to-date
will assure you
that a purchase
of a suit in our
store means
that its wearer
will keep step
with the leader
in the army
of good dressers.
Our suits are ab
solutely correct in
every detail, full of
GER and yet not
freakish in the
slightest degree.
Guaranteed all
wool suits. Priced
from $10 to $30.
See our great spe
cial values at
Now Tariff Hits Focketbooks of Giddy,
Gay Gadabouts Hard Blow At
Every Turn of Road.
Diamonds, Silks, Jewelry and Other
Things Will Cost More Than Be
fore Law Was Passed.
UNDERWEAR, 50c val. 39c
The Markets
Hops liave changed their center of
movement from Oregon to California,
and tho market tlicro the pant few days
lias been quite lively. Prices have,
jumped up to 25 cents oguin and the
indications are they will go consider
ably higher. llorsf, in his latest bul
letin, gives the .American crop as fol
lows: Oregon, 135,000 bales; Califor
nia, 100,000; Washington, 40,000, and
New York, 30,000; a grand total of 305,
000. To this ho adds importations from
Kuropo of 20,000 bales, or in all, 383,
000 bales. Ho estimate tho amount
necessary for American brewers at 275,
000 balos, leaving 60,000 for export.
The Kuropean crop is vory short, ac
cording to all roports, and the supply
la not sufficient for tho world ' do
inand. With theso conditions It looks
sji though hops were certain to go to
top prices,
Wheat remains unchanged and the
demand is not clamorous. The demand
for Oregon prunes is good, and pota
toes are tending upwards. Soveral car
loads have been sold at $1 the sack.
The prevailing price is from $1 to $1.10,
but this for "faucics," the commoD
article going at 73 cents.
Onions are quoted at 11.75 f . o. b. at
shipping points, and in Portland at
$2.15 the sack.
-No. 1, white, $2525.50 per
Parley Feed, $2425 per ton; brew
ing, nominal; rolled, $27(u!23.
Grocorics, Dried Fruits, Etc.
Dried Fruits Apples, 10c por lb.;
currants, 10c; apricots, 1214c; peach
es, 8llc; prunes, Italian, 810c; sil
ver, 18c ; figs, white and black, 0Mi
"Vjc; raisins, loose Muscatel, 6'4
7',-jC, bleached Thompson, ll'fcc; un
bleached Sultanas, 8!4c; seeded, 7'j
Coffee Roasted In drums, 1832c
per lb.
Nuts Walnuts, 1 0 1 i o per lb.; Brazil
nuts, 20c; filberts, 15c; almonds, 20c;
pecans, 17c; cocoanuts, U0c$l per doz.
Walt Granulated, $14 per ton; half
ground, 100s,
por ton.
Deans Small white, $6.00; large
white, $4.75; Lima, J0.30; pink, $4.00;
mil Mexicans, 5c; bayou, $4.40.
Rico No. 1 Japan, 5GV.ic; cheaper
grades, 4 '(;(; southern head, 0Cc,
per cwt.t
Potatoes New, 75c$l
uweets, $2.25 per crate.
Onions Oregon, $2.15 per sack.
Dairy and Country Produce.
Butter Oregon creamery, solid pack,
30c per lb.; prints, box lota, 34c.
Kggs Oregon ranch, 45c por doz.
Cheese Oregon Triplets, lOMic; Dai
sies, 17c; Young America, 18c.
Veal Fancy, 13'j((il6c per pound
Pork Fancy, 11c por lb.
Hams 10 to 12 lbs., 2020',.jc; 12 to
141ls., 1020c; picnics, 14'jc; cottnge
roll, 17 lie.
Bacon Fancy, 2S(fI,2.c,; standard,
21V.25c; English, 2H22e.
Lard In tierces, choice, 14VjC; com
pound, 9c.
Dry Salt Meats flacks, dry salt, 13
!14c; backs, smoked, 14i5V&J
'bellies, dry salt, 14c; smoked, 10c,
Smoked Moats Beef tongues, 25o;
I dried beef sets, 22c; outsides, 20c; in-
$10.25 per ton; 50s, $lljs"'e, Jc; Knucmos, tic.
Pickled Goods Barrels, pigs feot,
!$14; rogular tripe, $10; honeycomb
'tripe, $12; lunch tonsgues, $22; Iambs'
'tongues, $10.
I Hops, Wool, Hides, Eta
Hop 1913 contracts, 23(S24; 1012
(Written for the United Press)
Washington, Nov. 7. Up a notch
higher, under tho new tariff tow, goes
the cost of high living. It's going to
cost more and a lot more at that to
keep up the reputation of being
spender." From "booze," to bank
balances, the new law hits tho pocket
books of the giddy, gay, gadabouts,
bprees, it is declared, will cost as much
more again, or more, while the income
tax strikes the bank balances and the
bettor-thanthe-averago incomes.
"Joy riding" may be some slight
cheaper for the man who prefors for
eign built cars. But there are mighty
few spots in tho new law which offer
solace and choor for the chasers of tho
bright lights.
For the nian who likes his "lieker,"
the new law promises no financial re
lief at tho bar. It is confidentially bo
lieved that the bars where you can
now got thorn two for a quarter will
sell them at fiftoen cents straight. Tho
new law retains, and on many items in
creases, the duty. The former rate of
$2.60 a gallon on brandy, whiBky, ab
sinthe, cordials and liquors is retained.
So is the former duty of 80 cents
a quart on champagne. So also is the
old "indirect" tax of forty-five cents
a gallon on imported bcors, alo, portor
and stout. On still wines, the import
tax, which the consumer will have to
pay is slightly increased in some in
stances. About the only thing that
sounds like an intoxicant and which
doesn't carry the same, or hightor, tax
is "bibulous paper," and that is not
a thirst quoncher, but a stereotyping
commodity. Tho Democrats did do
croaso tho duty on spongos, though.
from twenty to fifteen per cent. No,
it's not that kind of a sponge.
But the friondly "bar-koop" may
have to economize in keeping the little
china disli at the end of the mahogany
filled with tho "breath destroyers,"
for cloves will cost two cents a pound,
and cinnamon chips one cont a opund
more, if the new import tax is tacked
on to the rotail price, which it will
i prolfflbly be.
1 There's one chance, howover slight,
for the thirsty man, who doesn't hnvo
to have red oyo or kindred strongs. By
drinking elder it might be possible to
save as much as one-tenth of a cent on
a glass, providod you buy it in gallon
lots and drink it at homo, for tho tariff
on Imported cidor has beon cut from
five to two cents a gallon, But who
wants to do their drinking at homof
But pity tho poor millionaires. In
addition to plastering a fat income tnx
on his purno, the now law, in intent at
least, boosts nearly everything on the
"high living piano." Diamonds arc
up ton por cent. Jowolry is up five
per cont. Silks are up considerably, nnd
so it goes. ,
The jolly "joy riders" have one
consolation in tho reduction by fifteen
per cent, of tho duty on cheap foreign
automobiles, which cost less than $2,000,
It also provides no tnx on gasoline.
Soino moro consolation is that if the
"poor millionaire" is a horse fancier,
ho can still import thoroughbreds for
his brooding stables without one penny
of tariff cost.
But thoro i 'this to be said for or
against tho now law. Tho tariff on
chickens has been cut to tho limit.
f in ii -ii. ,,. m ii ,,r i hi i illy i wyi
1 -rfifx hJ I
Blilllllil fl-
Ifhrb test
17! 1 I v vSP"
li'll AmtJ''t mrailllll I P'1"
i i ipiwiiw fmwt mii p mmm m wuwmmmm nm
"""llWilllMllrtMslllli Mi UlliiillWiihKs Alftih arrsMilii 'Mia MM Wilt
For pastry there is nothing to
compare with
Cottolene "creams up" beautifully, always, and every
cook knows what an advantage that is. It is always
plastic and blends readily with the flour or sugar.
This makes Cottolene especially pleasant to use in
cakes, pastry, sauces, biscuits and the like.
you tried Cottolene yet? If not, do at least
it for yourself. You will then understand
some of its many advantages. At the same
time, do not forget that food experts advo
cate this wholesome shortening as re
liable, economical and digestible.
Send for the FREE Recipe Book, " HOME
HELPS," by these five leading cooking
Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln, Mrs. Sarah Tyson
Rorer, Mrs. Helen Armstrong, Lida Ames
Willis, Marion Harland.
Rome, Nov. 7. Arrangements wore
completed today for a royal reception
to tho olficers and crows of the Ameri
can battleships now cruising in Med
iterranean wators. Tho American ship been
of war will lnako stops at all ports of
note on tho Italian coast. The battle
ships Connecticut and Kansas and Flor
ida will anchor in the, Bay of Naples.
The boats will romain in port at those
places until November 30. At both
Naples andlfiiMioa tho streets today aro
decorated with Amoricsn and Italian
flags and banners. Tho ships will steam
into tho harbors fulldressed, Bncoption
committees from the Italian navy will
formally rocoivo tho officers of tho
American vessels, Immediately anchors
are lot go. Banquets will follow in the
evening. An almost endless program
of oiitertainmonts for mombom of the
crews as woll as the officers has boon
planned for the entire Btay. Under
ordors from tho State and Navy De
partments at Washington, the American I be in charge. Among some of the feat-
embassy nt Homo will do as little form-1 f ot tuo American blue-
J . i . .il l - - ! - 1
al entertaining as possiblo, in order .jncueis wm ue er.
gamos and other atniotic events, jls
tho basoball gumes the Italian naval
officors will be guests of the Americun
officers, the former having expressed
a desire to witness exhibitions of the
national game. Included in the ath
lotio events will be boat races among
crows of the ships.
that officors and men may have more
timo for travel and sightseeing in the
interior. This plan 1b a part of Secre
tary Daniels' promise to make life
as a member of Uncle Sam's navy real
ly attractive and Instructive to tho mon
as well, as tho officors.
It was formally announced today by
VnticMii officiols that all details hav
completed for tho Tope to ro-
ceive sailors from all four battleships
in special audience. Special trains will
convey the sailors from Nnplos and Oon-
, ' . stayed wet: jn ono town the vote was
tho audience tliov will be given as much i , ., . ...
Chicago, Nov. 7. In all, nine towns,
formerly wot, went dry; six wet towns
time as is compatible, with the rules of
govornment of shoreleavo, to soo Itome
and historic place nearby, It having
beon officially announced to the Ital
ian government today that tho Wyom
ing, Boar Admiral Badger's flagship,
will reach Naples on Nov 12, to remain
only one dny, plans were rushed
through to accord tho commandof-in-chiof
of the visiting fleet and his luv
mediato staff one of tho greatest re
ceptions ever given to tho officer in
chnrgo of any foroign fleet, The Ital
ian Minister of Marine, personally will
a tio;
all othor townB formerly dry
dry. Not ono dry town went
tOKiTSD rsasa I-ad wibs.j
Chicago, Nov. 7. Billy Tapke, "Illi
nois Thunderbolt," once regarded as a
terror in the middleweight ranks, has
decided' that be is done with boxing.
Tho Kowance middlowoightj who won
tho championship from Stanley Kotch
ell, and then lost,.lt to him, has written
a Chlctgo acquaintance that he has do-,
vided to engage in business,
Grain, Flour, reed, Etc
Wheat Track 'prices: Club,
fnt,v-Jir.i.niPA. i.l!M,.... r. cm !crr. nominal.
u....' t....i. ... i ... ir. Wool Eastern
cunor nun uiivi ui iiy, ip.s.u jiuuu
Bluestom, OOfiiOlc; Fortyfold, 80c; Red
Riiswan, 78c ; Valley, 80c.
Mills'tuffs Bran, $22.00 . por ton;
short, 124; middlings,t:t0.
Klour Talents, tUO per barrel;
straights, $1.50; exports, s3.r,r,fH 3.70;
valley, 4.f0; graham, M0; whole
wht, 11.60.
Corn Whole, 37; cracked, 38 pr
IIsy-Fsncy Idaho timothy, 1718;
fancy Mwteni Oregon timothy, 1518;
timothy and clover, 1416; timothy
and alfalfa, 1315; clover, 8.G010;
oaU and vetch, llOffill; cheat, JOftJll:
saiwy grain bay, llOQll.
lulu plantation, $.".15; beet, K; Kxtra C,
H.0 powdered, barrels, fi.45; cubes,
barrels, J.1.20.
rrulU and Vegetables. 1
Ctroen Fruit Aplrs, Cflc(? $2.25 per
box; ix'AoheH, 30'iOs per box; pears,
Ifti 1.50 Mr box; grai, 60c;$1.60 per
crate; Malagas, t7M yr keg; rasabas,
2c er lb.; cranberries, 8.50(ri'll per bbl.
fruit, .1.50(0)7; lemons, 89 per box;
pinenpi'les, To per lb.
Tropical Fruits Oranges, Valencia,
$4; navels, t4..0(B5:50j Florida grape
fruit, f.'.50(;'7; lemons, 8.5010 por
box; pineapples, 7e por lb.
Vegetables Cabbage, lrti 1 ',je per lb.;
cauliflower, lrtil.25 Jier Am.; cucum
bers, 40(a4."c per doit.; eggplant, 7c por
lb.; head lettuce, 2(?J2.25 per ernte;
ixiipnt, 5((i;7e per lb.; radishp, 10f12c.
per dor..; tomatoes, 1.50 per box; gar
lic, 12VSie per lb.; sprouts, lie per lb.;
artichokes, 1.00 per dot.; squash, l'ic
Oregon, 1016o per
lb.; valloy, 10lSc.
Mohair Choice, 2526c per lb.
Hides Salted, 12o per lb.) salted calf
1617c; salted kip, 12c; salted stag,
B VjO. green hides, 11 c; dry hides, Vie;
dry calf, No. 1, 25c; dry stags, 12
13 Vic
Bran, per ton 25.0d
Shorts, per ton $27.0"
Wheat, por bushel 80c
Oats, per bushel .32fn;33t
Chittlin Bark, per lb 4'i5c
Hay, Timothy .. - 15.00
'tats and vetch $12.00
Clover, per ton ..........$0.00
Cheat, per ton - - -.$11.00
Butter and Eggs.
Buttorfat, per lb., f. o.b. Salem..- 34c
Creamery butter, per lb 35c
Country butter, per lb - 30c
Kggs, per dozen 40e
per lb.; pumpkins, 14. per lb.j celery, Fryers
50fd75e per do.
Hens, per lb.
li'NiTrii 1'iir.NS UAsan wins.1
Oakland, Cnl., Nov. 7. It was an
nounced at Mnrnt hospital hero to
day that Mis Lulu (llar.er, musical com
edy star, will recover from an attack
of peritonitis, from which she is suffering.
ft'MtTHD rs"s ijiAsun wiss.l
Washington. Nov. 7. Cocoa and
hocolnto manufacturers tolny arguwl
to tho Department of Agriculture that
coc(S and sugar eonm.it.iiia -sweet
imwdered chocolate," although 'the d
partment held that choeoliito is ground
cocoa without tho fats removed and
therefore It means It will cost the man
ufacturers more money to make It and
sell It.
Refinishing Marred
Shabby, scratched pieces of furniture that
are unsightly and a discredit to your home can
be made to look bright and new at slight ex-
pense and you can do it yourself.
There aro people who,-If thoir brains
were dynamite, wouldn't have enough
to Mow their own noses.
Boosters, per lb - "c
Steers 7'
Cows, per ewt ....-. 4it5
Hogs, fat, per lb . 8MIV
Stock og, per lb .. 7 to 7v
Ewes, per Tb 4
pring lambs, per lb .t(fi?t
Veal, according to quality 11(gil3c
Dry, per lb. . . '
Salted tonntry pells, each 85c((T '
Lamb pelts, each . ...8ft
stains and varnishes at one operation, giving to
all kinds of surfaces the elegant effect and dur
able, lustrous surface of beautifully
finished oak, mahogany, walnut or
other expensive woods. Call for
color card.
Hardware Company
420 State Street
Phone Main 217