Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 07, 1913, Image 2

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0 A
NOV. 7, 1913
rjr&ge or i o
The Capital Journal
The Barnes -Taber Company
GRAHAM. P. TABEB, Editor and Manager.
a Independent Newspaper Devoted toAmerican Principle! and tho Progress
nd Development of Salem In Particular nd All Oregon In General.
rabllahcd Bvwy Evening Eicept Bungay, Balem, Ormnp
(Invariably In Advance)
tijr Carrier, per ear ...15.20 Per month.. Be
IMIIj, by Mall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 86c
Waakly, by Vail, per year .... 1.00 Bli months. 50c
Advertising rates will be furnished on application.
Htw Today" ads strictly cub In advance.
'Want" adl' and
The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to pat the papers on the
'.. forck. If the carrier doe not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
rapa to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this la the only
way wo car. determine whether r not the carriers are following Instructions,
Tbono Vain 82.
MR, CARNEGIE and Mr. Bryan are both acute advocates of peace. To
bring about this greatly to be desired condition, Mr. Carnegie is put
ting up some of his ill-gotten money and Mr. Bryan is putting up
some rather strong and to himself convincing arguments. The latter
sound good and the former look all right. How will they work in
lietiae and to whom is this world-wide peace to be given f England, Ger
many, Russia, France, Ituly, Austria and the United States. Add to these
those smaller governments that are already established, that are now recog
nized by the big powers, and that would be the end of tho peace movement.
No others need apply. What would be the status of those countries yet un
der the heel of the foreignerf What of China, that through much blood and
trouble must work out hor own dostinyt
What of India, with its 400,000,000 peoplo now under tho thumb of Great
Britain! Will thero be peace for themf Will it bo a pence maintained by
the. combined powers, in which India is kept from that God-given right to
govorn herself f Will India forever consent to this condition remaining!
The world powers would proclaim peace on earth and would maintain it
with their armies. Would this bo a peoace with honor for China! Would
England loosen her grasp on India before this world's peaco dream is pro
nounced true! Would Franco froo Morocco! Would Poland be given the lib
erty for which she has fought so nobly though sho has fought in vain, before
this peace compact is sealed! Would Japan restore to Korea the liberties of
which she so cruelly deprived her, before she, too, boonino a party to this uni
versal peaco mcasuro!
Are the counth-ss millions of Africa now apportioned to "zones of Influ
ence" among tho powors of Europe to be made pnrtie to this world peaco com
pact in which they are kept in a state of vasnulagttf
Are the billion of people in India and China expected to remain vassals
and subject to tho white man's domination when this univorsnl poace business
materializes! The white race has boeu supreme, perhaps will in a mensuro al
ways be supreme, but it is as certain as that night follows day, that tho na
tions of the wirth are not to submit forever to this domination. Thero is too
much rapacity, too much injustice In it, and sooner or later it must be reme
died, Thero can bo no universal pence until thero is universal liberty, world's
peace declared now would mean a peace with conditions remaining a thoy aro
now. It would mean a world's peace with tho minority in tho saddle. It would
mean a world's peneo with the majority of tho peoplo of tho world in a state
of Btibjoction. We, a half century ago hero in America, demonstrated that
there could bo no peace with slavery, Wo proved that wo could not get along
mrt free ami part slave. Suppose that this world peace movemont had been
in effect before our civil war, would it have mejint that tlu slavo once a slave
must bo a slavo forever! Would tho other parties to tho universal peaco pact
havo gone to tho aid of tho south and Insisted that in tho interest of univorsnl
pence there should bo no freoing of the slaves! Would this ponce pact havo
stopped tho war, and if so, would it havo been for tho betterment of hiimanl
ity, or otherwise! !
It is easy for tho white man to get tho Idea that ho was born to rulo the
world, and others were born to bo ruled by him. Those others aro, however,
apt to take a different view of it. True, Mr. Carnegie would provide tho court
at The Hague, This sounds nice, but who would havo a right to appoar at tliat
court ! Tho parties to tho agreement iind no others. Could India go thero with
a complaint against England! Could the Philippine appear hnforo it with a
demand for freedom from tho rulo of tho United Platen! Could any of tho down'
troddun of tho world muko appeal to it and havo its appeal heard or acted on!
A world's peace declared now would meun a peaco with a continued slate of
subjugation for all now under foreign domination. It would mean tho main
taining of the status quo, that renditions coidd lot change, ami that whatever
hardships any of the subjugated ones bore at the time of tho promulgation of
tho world's peace agreement, those they would have to bear indefinitely.
Thero clan be no world's peaco until with It goes world-wide freedom. All
the world is not jet ready for self-government and until it is thero can bo no
universal poico, Kvery of the subjugated nations must win its liberties as lib
orty ho always been won, amid tho surging of doubtful and ilwperato battle.
Thero is no prinuroso path to tho shrine of liberty. The African and the Asi
atic, must win their way, not by world's peace, which would keep them forever
slaves, but by the survival of tho fittest wheu they havo fought the fight and
tho conflict is over.
When tho ruling nations aro ready to do equal and exact justice to depend
ent nations, to give them tho fullest measure of freedom, tho dhwn of penco
on earth will break. When the prlnclplo of Independence is acknowledged by
the powers of tho earth as the right of each of its people or nations, when
absoluto justice reigns universally, when all tho people of tho earth are capa
ble of self-government, whon injustice and wrong aro no more, when cruelty
ami greed havo vanish!, when the so-called Chrlstlas nations eoaso to forgot
tho teachings of Christ, when they lenrn and obey tho golden rulo, when they
do unto others as they would that others should do unto them, then, and uot
until then, ran there bo a worM wide peaco. .
With conditions as they aro, does it strike you that tho time is at hand!
Thero will bo world poaeo when there is world-wide, justice and universal froe
dotn, and not until then. This means it will net materialise during Mr. Carne
gie's time on earth, and that it is only in the remote future that it can oven
bo hoped for by the meat optimistic of humanitarian.
" i-s
.HE F AHGO, X. !., COl'MER-NEWS thus comment on the Oregon la-
ber laws concerning woinsni
"Tho Industrial Welfare Commission of Oregon lia made a ruling
which liua the status of law hollaing November 23, fixing a minimum
wage of !'.2.1 per week for adult women clerk who aro not apprentices;
defining eight hours ami twenty minute as a maximum day and fifty hours
M a maximum wook ' work, and establishing 6 o'clock p. in., as the latest
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
, . , . , I
rosrr boieu. travelers' check i
hour at which any woman may be employed in a mercantile establishment any
day in the year. ,
This will eliminate Saturday night shopping in stores which employ women
clorks, and will stop the late shopping of Christmas season. Most of the de
partment stores resisted the proposed ruling.
It will be interesting to watch the outcome of this experiment: The whole
question of wpmen's employment in mercantile and factory labor needs a
thorough overhauling. It is resulting in tho serious depletion of the vitality
of tho children born of women whose strength has been sapped in such occupations.
A woman's body was not made to bear the burdens of the commercial or
the manufacturing world. It will be better for all concerned when most of
this is abolished if it can be.
Considering how easily and satisfactorily the Oregonian editorial staff could
handle the Mexican situation, it would be tho part of wisdom for President
Wilson, to turn the job over to it. There are hundreds of young Oregonians
who would like to serve in the same regiments as the Orogonian editors whon
war with Mexico is once started.
Madame Schumann-lleink 's husband is demanding alimony. Jack cannot
"sing for his suppor," but bis wife can, and he purposes that she do it. 8a
lom contributed its mito recently to help the poor down-trodden husband out
of his difficulties, that is, if the lady divides with the old man.
Mrs. Pankhurst says she is "appealing to the great heart of the American
peoplo." This may be tho way she looks at it, but to a rank outsider, it looks
as though tho lady had mistaken "the great American pocketbook" for "the
great American heart." Anyway her manager says that if Bhe is not better
patronized, she will return to France.
For the first time in her history, Massachusetts Tuesday elected an entire
Democratic ticket. Governor Walsh was elected by more than 50,000 major
ity. Bird, tho Progressive candidate, was second; Gardner, Republican third,
and Eugene Foss a very poor fourth. The state has often elected Democratic
governors, but never before an entire state ticket and a legislature also Demo
cratic. Massachusetts is now as progressive as Kansas, and has evidently
broken away from her long time Republican leading strings.
The Superior Values
We are offering are keeping this store a live hive of business. Come and do your trading
where your money has the greatest buying power. See our window bargains.
4 .
Multnomah voted bonds for the Co
lumbia river bridge by practically a
four to ono vote.
Dr. Gertrudo Minthorn, of Nowport,
is in a hospital at Liverpool, England,
where she haB been operated on twice
for peritonitis. Her condition is seri
ous. Several of the best of McMinnville
residences wero burglarized Tuesday
night. Cash, watches and other "plun
der" wero taken.
Feeding of stock has begun in Bnker
county, the snow covering most of tho
Yamhill county was against the V. of
O. bills, but strong for the workmen 's
compensation act.
Clacliamss county was the banner
district against the U. of O. appropria
tions, its vote heing almost two to one
against thein.
W. II. rainier, a pioneer of 1850, died
at his home in Benton county Inst Sat
urday. Ho wns 77 years old.
An Ashland farmer lins just sold his
crop of onions, getting $450 oil acre for
them. Tho yield wus .1(10 sacks to the
aero, and the price wns $1.30 per sack.
Mrs. C, Stump, of Itoseburg, worried
over her unclo's wedding, attempted to
commit siilcldo at her homo there Wed
nesday, by drinking tincture of Iodine.
She will probnbly recover, duo to the
fact that her stomach refused to retain
the dose.
Springfield went dry by M majority.
This Is a hard blow on the " Kngenlcs,"
who have heretofore been able to wet
their whistles at the neighboring city.
Floyd B. Howard, a pioneer of Lane
county, dropped dead Monday while
plowing on his farm near Junction City.
Hamshiirg went dry by 41 majority,
and Sweet Homo wet by 7. Sweet Home
Is now the only wet town iu Linn
Linn county went on record as being
Genuine clean-up prices now
on all Sailors and Trimmed
. hats, also ostrich plumes.
Come and see the money we
can save you. Hats up to $5
and $7.50.
Now offered in our Ladies' Coat and 8uit department. Beautiful Btyles like
tho pictures, offered at SMALL PRICES. SUITS
14.60, $7.50, $10.50 and $12.50-4JOATS $3.95, $7.50 and $12.50.
A ft f
9 T
n rwt
Ladies' 1 20,000 Yards
Winter Underwear i Dress Good;
Look Years Younger! Use Grandmoth
er's Recipe of Sage Tea and Sul
phur and Nobody Will Enow,
Now on sale and specially reduced for
fast selling. Children's vests and
and Silks
The use of Sago and Sulphur for re
storing faded, gray hair to its natural
color datos back to grandmother 's time.
Sho used it to keep her hair beautiful
ly dark, glossy and nbundant. When
ever hor hair foil out or took on that
dull, faded or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture was appliod with won
derful effect.
But brewing at home is mussy and
out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at
any drug store for a 50-ceut bottlo of
"Wyeth's Sngo and Sulphur Hair Rem'
edy,".you will got this famous old ro
cipe which can bo dopondod upon to
rostoro natural color and bonuty to the
liuir and is splendid for dandruff, dry,
fovorish, itchy scalp and fulling hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says It darken the hair so naturally
and evenly that nobody can tell it has
boon applied. You simply dumpen a
tpongo or soft brush with it and draw
this through your hair, tfilting one
strnnd at a time By morning tho gray
hair disappears, and after another ap
plication or two, it boeomes beautifully
dark, glossy, soft and abundant; Local
agent, J. C. Perry.
nxw Mr- Irm jl ' '
941 RT
15c and 25c
Ladies' Union Suits
25c 35c up
Now on sale. All specially low pricod
for fast selling. Every piece the latest
fall goods. Yard
25c 35c
49c 75c
and up
S Parcel
values Nxra THAT SAVES YOU MONEY .ff'A 8ervtM
..... ..I. ..., ,.- ... .J..,. - .;. ' - j-j ...... ..... i i- -na,Jf'1Ti'. J
Tor Bidk Headache, Bout Btomacn, Blug
glsh Liver aud Bowels Ther
Work While You Bleep.
against tho U. of O. appropriations. Al
bany gave the repair fund a majority
of 70, but went against tho building
fiiiul by ono vote.
Jesse Wright, the 12-venrold son of
Bev. and Mrs. Wright, residing eight
miles cast of Albany, wns drowned in
the Suntiam, hnlf a mile below the San
derson bridge, Tuesday afternoon. The
body was recovered Wednesday morn
wregon I Ity went dry by a majority
bnglo J oi nt, .Inekson county, went
iiiesuay ny a ma,oritv or six
votes, and, It Is claimed, this' result
wns duo to tho votes of women.
There is a great demand at Silver
Lako for houses to rent, and the lead
er invites capitalists to come in and
make somo easy rent money.
A celebration to be held on June 21
next, by Scots, of North Bend, to com
mouiorate the six hundredth sniuver
efiry of the battlo of Bannockbnrn, is
already being organized.
boast of roses blooming in the last week
of October outside in the garden, and
how many can go in tho gardon and
gather ripe strawberries, as they do in
Oregon. Good, ripo Btrawberries can
be had now right off the vines, this
correspondent says.
I Baker TVmocrat: The merits of the
I mines of Bnker county cannot be kept
in tho background much longer. Tho
evidence is loomiuu thick and fast that
Take a Casearot tonight to cleanse w6 nRV6 niMug .,,,; tho equlll of
your i.ivsr, oiomaco ana isowois, ami M? 0,h(r thn rR(, otth6
you will surely feel great by morning. ,
Get 10 cont box.
You men and women who have head
ache, floated tongue, cant sloep, aro bil
ious, nervous, upset, bothered with a
sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or
Thn Ijcbamm Kx press says if there is
a city In Oregon that la harrassed by
tho canine nuisance, it is Lebanon, and
It calls upon tho city council to pass a
have backache and reel all worn out, restraining ordinance without delay,
Are you keeping your bowels clean j M,i rP).,.ive tho thanks of "lovers of
with Cascarets or merely forcing a ,M togt K01Hj boflies."
passageway overy few days with salts,!
cathartic pills or castor oil f ) An auto owner at Antelope believes
Caocsrets Immediately cleanse and In learning a great deal at ono time,
regulate Hie stomach, remove the sour, even though he may not learn so very
undigested and fermenting food and fnst. According to a correspondent of
foul gaea; tnko thn excess bllo from (he Hhanlko Star this future speed
th liver and carry off thn constipated fiend stuck a match Into the tank to
wasto matter and poison from the ( ce If ho had any oil. The resultant
Intentinei and bowels, Har proved that he had. It smoked
Itoniomber, a fasraret tonight will up a let of iilco paint on the machine,
straighten you out by morning. A , though no other damage was done.
10 cent box from your druggist meaus !
healthy bowel action; a clear head The Woodburn independent's Unb
an, cheerfulness for months. Fon't bard correspondent would like to know
forgst th children. ,"how many of the eastern states can
Washington, Nov. 7. President Wil
son wjia still holding tho ambassador
ship to France open to William F. Mc
Combs today, despite tho latter 's re
pented refusal to tho post because the
income, according to McCombs, is in
sufficient for the position. .
(miTSO rsass miasrd wiaa.l
Eugene, Ore., Nov. 7. Aaron N.
Striker, ngeil 51, city councilman and
prominent lodge man, died yesterday of
erysipelas after an illness of uve days,
Daily Becoming Less Wearisome to
' Many in Salem.
"0W!" Corns?
Use "Gets-It"
"GETS-IT," tho Now Plan Corn Cure,
Makes Any Corn Shrivel, Vanish.
You'll sav, "It does beat all how
quick "GETS-IT" got rid of that
com. It's almost magict" "GETS
IT" gets every corn, every time, as
sure as the sun rises. It takes about
w -1
With a back that aches all day,
With rest disturbed at night,
Annoying urinary disorders,
'Tis a weary way, indeed.
Doan's Kidney Pills are especially
for kidney trouble.
Are ondorsed by Salem citizons.
Mrs. M. E. Latham, 1125 S. Twelfth
St., Salom, Oregon, says: "I first
heard of Kidnoy Tills whon living in
Bismarck, N. D., about stx years ago, I
had miserable for quite o whllo from
kidney complaint. My back ached con
stantly an there was a dull, dragging
pain just over my kidneys. I couldn't
stoop with comfort or lift tho least
thing. I was nervous and restless and
often got up in the morning, fooling as
tired as when I went to bed. Doan's
Kidnoy Tills gave mo great roliof, so I
got more and kept on taking them until
I had a complete euro. I was benofited
in every way by Doan's Kidnoy Pills.
I advise all kidney sufforors to try
For sale by all dealers. Trlco 50 conts.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Now York,
sole agents for the United States.
Kemembor the name Doan's and
take uo other.
the 28 years reiiinining of a 40 yonr
sentence for robbery.
After serving 12 years, Simpson wno
paroled. Ho did not understand tho
ter.ns of his release, howovor, and start
ed on a hike to Tennessee, his native
state, hoping to enter tho Confodorato
Soldier's Homo at Nashvillo. SimpBon
was arrested just after he had crossed
tho state line into Novada.
"Madame, If You'd Use "0ET8-IT"
for Corns, You Could Wear Any
Tight Shoo Easily.
two seconds to apply It. Corn pains
stop, you forget tho corn, the corn
shrivels tip, aud it is ponet Ever trv
anything like thatt You never diJ.
Theres no more fussing with plasters
that press on tho corn, no more salves
that take off tho surrounding flesh,
no more bandages. No more knives,
files or rarer that make corns crow.
and causes danger of blood poison.
GETS IT i equally harmless to
healthy or Irritated flesh. It "kIs"
every corn, wart, callus and bunion
you'vn got.
"GETS-IT" is sold at all drue-
cists' at ."e a bottle, or sent on re
ceipt of price by K. Lawrence k Co.,
(ositcd rs lsasbo wiaa t
San Francisco, Nov. 7. William
Simpson, aged 01), foot sore and nearly
blind, wan returned to San Ojicntin
prison yesterday afternoon to nerve out
All Patent
or medicine
advertised in
this paper are
for tale at
Drug Store
The only cash a rug store in Oregon,
owes no one, and no one owes it; car
ries large stock ; its shelves, counters
and show cases are loaded with drugs,
medicines, notions, toilot articles,
wines and liquors of all kinds for me
dlcinal purposes. Dr. Stone Is a regu
lar graduate in medicine and haa haA
I many years of experience in the prao-
uce. (..onsuitatlons are free. Proscrip
tions are free, and only regular prico
for medicine. Dr. Stone can be found
at kls drug store, Salem, Ore., from T
lu the morning until 8 at night. Froo
del' very to all pert of the elty.
Mail orders for any drug, medicine,
patent medicine or notion will be for
warded by parcel post en receipt of
price In postage stamps and from 1 to
10 easts ic stamps to sover postage.
Extra! Extra!
For the first time in tho history of Salem the people
of Marion and Polk counties can secure all kinds of
sacks at right prices in this city, instead of spending
their time and money in going to Portland. We are pay
ing one cent a pound for all kinds of rags. We also are
paying $13 per ton for all kinds of cast iron. Highest
prices paid for all kinds of old clothes, household goods
and furniture. We buy and sell everything from a
needle to a piece of gold. AH kinds of tools and ma
chinery and pipe bought and sold. The house of a half
a million bargains.
233 State Street.
Salem. Oregon.
Phone Main 224