j TflE BEST i NEWSPAPER MM THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. s SI 10 BE Begins to Realize Public Opin ion Is Hopelessly Against It in Fight. REJECT TRACTION OFFER AS UNFAIR Strikers Turn Down Company's Plan and Make Counter Proposal to It. luflirsu ruDB udabud wins. IndiauKpolis, Ind., Nov. 7. Indica tions early this afternoon wore that the local traction company would accept its striking employes' proposition to sub mit their differences to the immediate arbitration of the state public sorvico commission, The strikers had rejected an offor by the company on the ground that it would amount to surrendering their constitutional rights. They then made the arbitration proposition as a counter proposal. The company had rejected previous arbitration offers, but today Its officers had begun to realize that public opinion was hopelessly against r . . . them. Even the militiamen here were ym pathizing openly with the strikers, end a general walkout of all union laborers in the city was threatened. OF PHYSICAL CULTURE San FranciBCO, Nov. 7. In an effort to arouse interest in pedestrianism as a healthful form of recreation, Professor Austin Heed, of Oakland, who gave up the chair of Latin and Greek in 8t. Ignatius college, to take up physical ulturo, and Dan O'Leary, the veteran pedostrian, will walk to Ban Diego on a wager of (500. Other walkers dosirous of joining may do so by postlgn $100 to cover expenses. It Is planned to make the start some time next month. O'Leary recently walked here from Fortland. MINOE PASTIES FALL OTP. Boston, Nov. 7. The Socialist, Pro hibition and Socialist-Labor candidates fared poorly In the state election Tues day. The total vote for the three can didate for governor, with s few towns AKMlMAl War on Delinquent Corporations Will Go on Vigorously Senator Claude McColIoch has been retained by the corporation department to p'romvute certain actions now pend ing in Multnomah county, as well as those la contemplation. Hon. Walter H. Kvans, at hit suggestion, has agreed to deputize Senator McColIoch, la order that he may bring the actions lu com pliance with the statutes. The corpoiation doirtment is check ing up theme foreign corporations opi ating in the state without having com plied with the law. Every one so found will be prosecuted St fast a the dora plaint ran be prepared, and the case pushed. The iwords of the department are that's Fit to Print. ON WILSON ENGAGED IN IT OF Not Certain President Can Force Action Without Making Concessions. CAUCUS MAY NOT HEED Possible Executive Will Be Thwarted in Effort to Push Through Cur rency BUI. I UNITED rats LEASED W1BB.J Washington, Nov. 7. President Wil son was engaged this afternoon in the first great fight of his administration, over the currency bill. It was not cer tain, either, that he can force action in a Democratic caucus on tho Glass Owen measure, the administration bill, without making concessions. The senate banking and currency' committe, now considering the bill, is controlled by a combination of four Bo publicans and three Democrats, and the changes they have proposed in the original measure have aroused the president's ire. The Democrats who have combined with the Bepubllcans to thwart certain provisions of tho cur rency bill, are Senators Reed, of Mis souri; Hitchcock, of Nebraska, and O 'Gorman, of New York. , May Win Them Orer. President Wilson discussed the cur rency situation today with his cabinet. Later in the day it was announced that he planned conferences with Senators Lane, Lewis, Owen, Hoke Smith, Over man, Hughes, James, and, possibly, the three Democratic Recalcitrants on the Benate currency committee. Senate leaders have informed the president that there wore nearly aa many currency plBns in the senate as there were members, especially on the majority side. Most of the minority members, he was told, believe that the Aldrich plan is good enough. Thinks He Will Win. President Wilson and his advisers were expected to decide late tolav whether they can get Hie desired ac tion in caucus. The president believes he can, and also insists that he believes that the DomoerntB eventually will ac- copt ms views, ji noi, ne ueciare.i, he would put the entire currency mat- tor up to the people of the country. It has been suggested that the presi- dont take the country Into his oonfi- donee regarding the currency matter. Some Of his advisers told hits the best way would be to accept aa nv.ut.on BUU UVIt VVt D Hiuicno mi "in, p-" missing, and estimating their vote, was: Socialist, 8087; Prohibitionist, 20r3; 8ociallst.Labor, 1924. The state vote in 1912 was: Social ist, 11,493; Prohibition, 2702; Socialist Labor, 2212. None of the parties polled a 3 per cent of the total vote necessary to ob tain official recognition. uow being checked for delinquent cor porations, both domestic and foreign, and thce will bo sued for alt back li cense fees and reports due, as fast as the Decenary data upon which to bane the actions ran be compiled. The check has revealed that there are some Cj cor porations In the "A" list that are de linquent. The other letters have not been checked. Senator McColIoch will push all Mult nomah county rases a vigorously at possible. At fant a the data can be compiled, the county attorneys of tho different counties will bo asked to begin actiout to enforce the law. OF CA :S SENTENCE OF MAN SENTENCED TO Governor West Decides Lem Woon Should Go to Prison ' for Life. RIVAL TONGS INVOLVED Testimony of Enemies of Lem Con victed Him, and So West Gives Him Benefit of Doubt. Governor West this morning com muted the sentence of Lem Woon, the Chinaman sentenced to be hanged Fri day, November 14. Lem Woon was convicted about five years ago of kill ing another Chinaman in Portland. The affair was the culmination of a tong dispute, two factions going to war, and Lem' Woon was convicted largoly on the testimony of that fac tion opposed to him. It was claimed the murdered man identified him, but this was only the testimony of his en emies. The chink convicted with him, gof a new trial, and was finally sent back to China. Lem Woon's case went to the U. S. supreme court, and he has been in jail more than five years since first ar rested for this crime. There is consid erable doubt as to bis guilt, and the governor gave, him the benefit of the doubt. ' MISSAL FINE FOR OFFENSE For violation of that portion of the poatul laws forbidding postmasters from boiug interested in any mail con flict, Harry V. Doe, postmaster at Fair Grounds, Or., a suburb of Salem, faces ! dismissal from office and a fine up to 5000. For two years George Smith has had I the contract to carry mail from Salem t $ii0 a mouth, but Inspector Clements 0,,tttil0,, if orn,ati,u which led him to ' Mipvo hat Mf (.Brriod t))0 niaj llim(H.lf ,, tllIlt 8mith) 01l rweivin montl) u ov)f ( f to ter(Uv MmiuXJ f(jf frml indictment by the , . IS AT OF oxitio rut UIIID Will,' Washington, Nov. 7. Mexico was the sole topic of discussion today at the first regular meeting President Wilson has had with hit cablnot in throe woekt. Secretary of Stato Bryan admitted as much after the conference. "You can fiy," ha said, "that the Mexican situ ation was discussed. No further an nouncement can be mado at present." Asked why tho prcsidnnts emissary, John Li ml, left Vera Cms unexpectedly lruit night to turn up today in the Mex ican city, the tecntary turned and walked away without a word. Every phase of tho situation in the southern republic as gono Into. There were dis tinct differences of opinion among the cabinet members concerning the wis dom of permitting General '.'arrnnw, the rebel leader, to import arms from this country Into Mexico. CITY RECORDER JAILED, mim re uusio wiss.l Marshfield, Ore., Nov. 7. William J. Icatoti, eity recorder of the town of East Side, wat arrested last night by Sheriff Gage, on two Indictments, one charging embezzlement of the town's luads ana tne otner eoarging gamounf. Everybody mi" SALEM. 0EE0ON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER i T IN FELIXDIAZ'S CASE No Symptoms Have Developed so Far, Although Hinted 1 Blade Was Doped ONE OF ASSAILANTS HIT Has Wound In Leg, Willie Two Others In Jail Havn No Injury and Two More An st targe. ' onitid raise uassd wis. Havana, Nov. 7. Following last night's Attack ou.kim in tho Boulevard Malocon, General Fe- lix Diaz was placed under tochni- cal arrest today, charged with shooting Pedro Guerrero, wlwn according to the account given by Diazs ' friends, was one of the latter 's assailants. Diaz did not draw the weapon ho carried in his own pocket, but was said to have used one handod to him by a follower. Guerrero wns moro soriously hurt than at first sup- posed. He was Bhot through the abdomen and may die. Diaz's in- juries were slight., , . ; j Havana, Nov. 7. His physicians to day were on the alert for signs of poi son in the wounds a would-bo aawutiu inflictod last night on Goneral Folix Diaz. Though there wuro hints that the knife be used was poisoned, no "symptoms had developed thus far. Tho cuts were not deop, and the doctor thought they would heal quickly. The tjiroe men arrested for the at tack on Diaz are oil Mexicans, and the police took it for granted tbnt the tw I who escaped are of the some nntionuli ty. ' One of the prisoners, who f;ave hit name as Guerrero Mcndez, was suffer ing severely today from a shot through tho leg, fired during the fight betwocn I Diaz, his friends and their assailant. 1 Diuz had walked out with Cecollo Ocon, who had fled with him from Vera Cruz; Luis Maldn, manager of tin Mexico ntv street car system, and o party of other friends, ! They were sitting chatting, at 10 p m., on pnrk benches in the Boulevard .Malocon, when the quintet of wouldbi assassins rushed them from belli ml, Attack Comes Suddenly. 1 The attack wns so sudden that Dial had been stubbed In the neck ami I through the ear before cither he or bit ' companions had time to resist. I As they jumped up, one of their s j sailants fired a pistol almost In Diaz'i face, but one of his. friends knocked the weapon aside. A few other thotf wore fired by Diaz's followers, anil perhaps one or two more by the attack' ing party. Diaz tried to draw a revolver he car rled, but could not get It out of hit pocket in his hurry, so fought with t rolled umbrella. TIiono of his frlendi who were nnarmod wiolded park bench es In hit defense. The Diaz forces were getting the hesl of the fight when the police reached the tpot. "Citizen 't Attitudo Toward Public Affairs." Leuro hy Dr, Joseph Sclincfor. Public Li brary Auditorium; 8 o'clock to night. FREE. The Weather Tho Dickey Ilinl says: Oregon, fair east, local rain portion to- and tatur fooler to east por-easterly fwet night right windi Reads the fr f 4 7, 1913. 0 N ED IN THIS MINE MiSHAF Several Members of, Rescuing Party Are Overcome by Poisonous Fumes. SECOND PARTY RESCUES Requires Flvo Hours' of Heroic Effort to Get Injured and Those Overcome Out of Mine. tUNiTiD raiss uuid wiu. Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 7. A report reached hore lOorty of a gas explosion in the Pennsylvania Cool Company's mine at Divido, near Morton, in which three minors wero instantly killed and throa other are dying. The accident oc curred at 11 o'clock last night. The gas ignited by a dofective lamp carried by one of tho mou. Tho bodies of the dead and the injurod are being gout to Tacoma,, It is not known here how many men were in tho mine whon the explosion occurrod. Thore is no direct wire com munication with Divido, and local of ficers of the mine company refuse to divulge the names of the dead an in jured, or any furthor dotails concern ing the accident. i . . Soveral men composing a rescue par ty were overcome by tho poisonout fumes and wore roseuod with difficulty by a second party. One of the injured miners crawled on his hands and knoea a distance of 1200 foot to the mouth of the shaft to socure aid on behalf of hit helpless comrados. It required five hours of heroic effort to rescue the injured, and those overcome by foul gasses, and to bring the bodies of the dead to tho surface. s TO BE 487 VOTES With the assistance of 11. D. Mars, of Gerrais, and Justice of the Poaco Wobster, County Clerk Guhlhar com pleted the canvassing of the votes cast at the last election at 1 o'clock today. The ennvass shows that 6081 votes wero east in Salem, and the total vote east on tho wot ami dry measure wat 27H4 dry and 2297 wet, or S ma jority In favor of prohibition of 487 votes. The total vote cast in Htayton on the wet and dry measure was A73; 11)7 dry and 170 wet or a majority In favor of the dry moasure of 21 votes. Following it the vote on the differ ent referendum measures in this count tyt University appropriations, yes MHOS, no 4!517 yes 32H4, no 4790; ster ilization, yes, HN.'Ifl, no, 4217; county attorneys, yes, 'IHOri, no, 3848; compen sation, yes, S.140, no, 27.11. In the vote in the Fairfield precinct the vote on the university appropriation bill wat 26 against and 1 for. Snlem voted IS favor of the appropriation by s large majority. 1 oy ( uNiTRn must titANsn wins.) Washington, Nov. 7. An Investiga tion was started today Into the report that Awilstant HuHrintendeut Weluig er, of the Pennies Mining company't property at Maplml, Durango, wns rob bed and murdered by Mexican labels recently. ' The news wis brought by Kniewt Miller, sn employe at the mine, who arrived yeetenlay at Eagle Pass, Tex as, after a perilous journey with other refugees. Daily, Capital Journal PRICE TWO i Attorney for Slayer of Mrs. Myrtle Hayes Calls Witnesses, to Tell of Queer Actions of Accused Stege Says Yates Is Incapable of Transacting Business Husband of Dead Woman Testifies Yates Had Grudge Against Him for the Reason He Told Yates to Keep Away From Mrs. Hayes. An attempt is being made today by counsel for Homer Yates, the Fruit land man, now being tried on tho charge of murdor in the first degree, for killing Myrtlo Hayes, to prove the defendant insane and incapable of knowing right from wrong at the time of the killing, which occurred at tho Yates home, near the towu of Fruit land on September 21. Mr, Hayes, the nmrdorod woman's husband, was on the stand this morn ing, and he. testified tp the whole oc currence, as slated before in The Capi tal Journal. Ho said that he did not know what kind of a welcome ho wns to receive whon ho returned to tho YutoB homo from Eastorn Oregon, and that he was in tho act of kissing his daugh ter at the gate, when Yates pulled out a revolver and shot Mrs. Hayos three times. Had Grudge Against Hayes. The witness also testified that Homer Yates' mother and the defendant him self had a grudgo against him, for the AT POINT OF GUN BY C, C. Faulkner, a resident oast of the city, loported to the police last night that be was hold up and robbed by two men at tho point of a revolver about 12:30, while on his way home from s meeting ho attended down town. Fpulk nor informs tho off Icon that the hold up occurrod At the corner of State and Twelfth street, ono robber stopping out from behind a tree on the corner and the other sneaking up from behind. Faulkner sayt that the thugt took 19.20 away from lilm and fled. Fran Nelson and George Taylor wero arrested this morning by the police and held on suspicion, but Faulkner, Sl'ter Money Interests Slow to Finance Railroad Project omitsd mi SI uiisin Wilt. San Francisco, Nov. 7. That tho Western Pacific railway intend to open negotiations for tho pun-brute of tho (Ink land, Ant inch and Eastern, tho now electric line from Oakland to Sac ramento, and Us subsidiary, tho Neva da County narrow gaugn, if certain .Now York financiers will furnish the money for the deal, wat the admission here today by Benjamin F. Bush, presi dent of thn (JouliI line, "Just now thore is s certain hesita tion among Investors and financial' men," Bush said. "I am not a pessi mist, snd do not want to make any de pressing statements, but we all know! THE LARGEST I CIRCULATION I CENTS. r&cS reason he told Yates to remain sway from Mrs. Hayes, and stop following her around from place to placo. Attorney Holmes, who is represent ing the defendant, called witnesses to the stand to tostify aa to the condition of the defendant's mind. Charles Stego, an old acquaintance of the Yates family, testlfiod that Homer Yates was incapable of transacting business, and that he believed that the defendant did not know right from wrong;, for that reason. This testimony was, striken ,ot on . ni;tioB .f. the stato. Hearsay Evidence. Ralph Swnrtz wns then called and testimony of about the same nature was glvon and partly refused by the court on the grounds that tho witness spoke from hearsay, Instead of keeping within the bounds of his own personal knowledge. The Hayes children and other rela tives wore culled to the stand, but they only testified to what had transpired at tho time of the shooting. taking a look at the two prisoners, de clared they wore not the two who held him up, HIS WOBK OF YEARS IN DANGER OF BEING LOST onitsd Faust uttu wiaa. Baker, Ore., Nov. 7. Herbert Chand ler took a homestead on the Upper Burnt rlvor a few years ago, built bouse, barns and other farm buildings on it, funcod the entire tract, and today has it all under cultivation and yield ing good returns. A few days sgo, however, John Elinw found that Mr. Chaudlor had improved, not the 100. acres on which he had filed, but the adjoining 160 acres. Ellne thereupon filed on the improved place, and Chandler wat forced to tue. Testi mony in the case was taken today be fore W. L. Patterson, United States commissioner. Pooplo who talk the most dissemin ate the least wisdom. that with the Balkan war, the Moxican situation, tho tariff reductions and the ponding currency bill to contend with, the men who ordinarily finance rail road projects are hesitant. It might he said that they have tightened up s bit. "As fur tho Oukland, Antioch and Knstern, I admit that it would be a good line for tho Western I'aeifio to liavn. V could build on to it and make It sn linHrUnt adjunct. But tho purchaso time It something I cannot (lis cuss now," Ttopreseutntlves of Blair Co., and Salomon k Co., Now York banker, ir here with Bush to look over the situation. rTwfr'n'l'S"ty-ri p