Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 03, 1913, Image 2

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alem Capital Jcmma
NOV. 3, 1913
I lie 5
The Capital Journal
The Barnes -Taber Company
GEAHAM P. TABEB, Editor end Manager.
a Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principle and the Progress
and Development of Salem in Particular and All Oregon in General.
Pabllshed Every Eteulng Except HunSay. Balem. Oregon
(Invariably In Advance)
Dally, ry Carrier, per year ...$5.20 Per month.. 40e
Dally, by Mall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 86c
Weekly, by Mall, per year .... 1.00 Bli months . 60c
quaintod with the situation know this would be injurious to both colleges
whose objects are widely different, and both necessary.
Every citizen who has the good of the state at heart, who has the beet in
terests of the boys and girls of the state in view, will not hesitate about vot
ing "Yes" on each and every of the U. of O. bills. It is our college, main
tained for the benefit of out children, and we should all voice our sentiment
at the attempt to rob us of it, by going to the polls and putting our votes in in
favor of the college. Let us sit down on these invokers of the referendum and
let them know that we are capable of managing our own affairs. Vote "Yes"
on all U. of 0. bills.
Advertising' rates will be furnished on application.
"Xew Today" adi strictly cash In advance.
"Want" adi and
The Capital Journal carrier boyi are Instructed to put the papers on the
porca. If the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the
ftps' to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this Is the only
way wt oat determine whether r not the carriers are following Instructions.
Phone Main 82.
THE FATE of the workmen 's eomrwnsation bill will be decided tomorrow.
That bill will pass we firmly believe, just as we beliove it should pass.
It is a wise law and is intended to protect the injured workman and his
family, to bring him instant roliof when he is injured and to provide
for the care of bis family as well as himself during his enforced idle
ness. It also provides payment if the workman is permanently injured, and
provides it in a manner that prevents ambulance-chasing attorneys, insurance
grafters and loan-sharks getting the larger port of it. Under prosont conditions
when a workman is hurt, if he has nothing laid by, ho is up against it. His
'doctor bills, grocery bills, rent and everything of that kind piles up on him and
his credit is soon exhausted. He becomes a victim of all who faro to proy on
him. His recessitios compel him to accept any kind of a settlement, generally
totally out of proportion to the injuries ho has received, for the worse ho is
hurt the more dependent be becomes and the closer terms those- responsible, to
him cun make with him. His misfortunes compel him to settle, and if by
chance he CBn manage to got along long enough to bring suit to rocovor what
he thinks ho should have as compensation for his injuries, his lawyer gener
ally makes a bargain with him in advance by which he gets as much if not
more out of what is finally recovered than does the injured on a If ho does
not sottlo on terms satisfactory to thoso he has sued, they, having money, take
the cone up on appeal and keep him out of his money so long that in solf-pro-toction
and to take care of his family he is, at lost worn out, forced to tako
what lie tan get.
The idea of tho law is to have tho workman protected by the state from all
this. The means for paying the bills are provided partly by tho state, partly
by the employor and partly by tho workman, Tho workman pays one-half of
one per cont of his wages as his pro rata, tho omployor pays six timos as much
as the workman, and tho stato pays one-seventh as much as the workman and
employor combined. I will be seen that the employer puts up the principal por
tion of thi) money, and for this ho is protected from all suits for damage. A
workman receiving $100 a month would pay 50 cents a month, and this is Biire
ly a small amount to insuro him and bis against want in cuho of accident de
priving him of tho ability to labor.
It is optional with tho workman whether ho takes advantago of tho law.
If he d oiii, ho gets the benefits of it) if ho does not, ho is left just as ho is
now, a subject for exploitation by. the insurance, companies and the shysters.
" In his connection the Kant-Oregonian, always fair, and always an ndvocuto
of the worliingman 's best interests, says:
" Umlortlio terms of the bill if a workmnn is killed his widow gets $30 por
month for lifo or until sho remarries ,lf hIio has children she receives an addi
tional itH! for each child with tho provision no widow shall recolvo moro than
$.10 por month. The act also provide a full schedule of benefits for other in
juries of vnried character and provides compensation for thowo dependent upon
tho worker in the event ho is not a married mnn,
"Tim ..liiof liiJnf i.r n.lva.iln.r.1 ..K.u.f fli Mil U tltn U ! .1
..... ....... vt n....v..liHU ..in.,. tin? u.i, in liuili Ik J'lUVlllUn UUIUIIIIMIU
comHnation lu the event a worker is Injured or killed. Tho unfortunato man
or his widow is not forced Into a lawsuit and forced to divide tho damages
with a lawyer. Another good point about the plan is that industrial insurance
is provided at font prices and there Is Uch a system of exemptions that tho
premiums paid in time bocome adjusted according to tho element of danger in
tho various industries.
"Tho compensation law Is fairly and carefully drawn and 1 one of tho
most progressive and bonefieiul laws ever proposed In Oregon, H was onacted
by tho last legislature with tho support of many substantial and broad-minded
employers as well a by workinginen. In nppiMiranco the luw Is a working
man's measure, but it is also an employer' measure because the employer as
well as tho worker Is the victim of the damngo suit lawyer and tho liability
"What forces brought about the holding up of tho comionsation law under
tho referendum has ni'Vor been disclosed. Thiiro Is every reason for bulloving
that the move was tho work of liability Insuninco men or aniliulaneo-ehasing
attorneys who do not wish to bo deprived of thoir present fnt opportunities for
profit, Thcro Is no sound reason why any worker should oppose ho bill since
tho bill is not compulsory In its provisions and no ono need tako advantage of
tho law If ho does not wish to do so.
"If the compensation measure Is voted down, the peoplo of Oregon will re
ject a measure that Is sensible and just and Is for the protection of injured
workers and for the wives and families of men who became injured or killed.
If tho law is rejected tho beneficiaries by such action will bo the prlvato lia
bility insurance companies and lawyer" who take damage suit an such a basis
they got the apple and givo the injured workman or his widow tho peeling
and tho cons
"Vote 308 Yes on the workman's compensation bill. It la a fair and sen
sible bill and stands for hiimanitv,"
HE COST of a battleship, with trimmings, would build 500 miles of good
road. The battleship would be obsolete almost a soon as built and ready
for the scrap heap within ten years. Tho good road would, within three
, years at the most, repay its cost, and afterward would be a net, perma
nent asset. As a reducer of the cost of living, the good road has it over
the battleship like a tent. What is the use of expecting folks to go back to
the farm If the roads are so poor they can hardly get back, and, once back,
have to see tho farm produce rot on the ground because of the difficulty of
getting it to market f
Next winter congress will be asked to spend money for three new battle
ships and also to begin a systematic development of national highways. It
will probably vote the battleships and refuse to vote the good roads, on the
ground that good roads are a state and local concern.
Yet a gridiron of roads would be a much better insurance of the general
welfare than tho costliest fleet of battleships that money could buy. In which
way would yqu prefer to have your taxes spentt
A recent fashion note says "skirts are to bo fuller." As they are skin
tight now and each made and measured over its intended contonts, this seems
impossible. Tho present skirt, as. to fullness, looks like three bushels of wheat
in a two-bushel sack.
Josse P. Webb, who is at present ornamenting a cell in the state penitenti
ary for one of the most brutal and cold-blooded murdors ever committed, is
putting in time he should bo employed in making brick or Borne other usofid
work, in trying to teach the public morals. When a beast like Webb is plac
ed In the penitentiary for the safety of the public, he should be cut off from
communication with thut public. ' Regardless of what it is he is advocating or
condemning, it Ib an outrage on public decency to permit his opinions to be
sent out to the world, especially his opinions on morals. As an expert on mur
dor and the cutting up of tho bodies of his victims, his opinions might have
somo weight, as his experience in that lino qualify him to adviso.
While Mr. Julius Kruttttchnitt is representing to tho people of Oregon that
docroascd earnings, government interference with roads and lack of moans con
sequent thoroon, aro responsible for the delay in building the Natron Cut-off,
and completing other purposed improvements, statistics show that railroads
have for tho past five years had a more remunerative business than over be
fore, and they also show that for the year ending Jiyio 30 they had larger net
earnings than during any other 12 months in their history. From this showing
Julius should bo ablo to see his way clear to order that long-needed depot for
T'OMOKROW the fate of tho bills referred to tho peoplo for action will bo
decided. While they are all of considerable .importance, those concern
ing the University of Oregon, and tho workmen's compensation bill are
of vital interest to tho wholo state. It seems to us that tho uo-'cssity of
tho state's maintaining It college is so self evident that It Is almost au
Insult to tho Intelligence of the voter to offer arguments in lis favor. Yet we
cannot refrain from sguln urging every voter to stand by the university. It
would be little short of a crime to refuse to hold up the hands of the univer
sity and provide the m.iana for its existence. It Is In fact a part of our pub
lie school system, and provides the opportunity for our bin's and girls to coin
plots their education here In our own stnte.
H Is one of the very bet colleges of its kind, that Is of those maintain!
by the states, in tho whole conutry, and its graduate have added to the fanio
aud glory of Oregon. No on has found any fault with It, even those who In
voke.! the referendum making no other claims than that it would be bettor to
consullilnto It with the Agricultural College nt Corvaltis. Those who am ae-
LADD & BUSH, Bankers I
A hundred tons of butter arrived in
San Francisco from Australia Friday,
part of which will bo shipped to Port
lund. If tho butter proven as good as
tho local product, it will have a tenden
cy to koep rices somewhat lower and
much more regular, ns tho Australian
butter is most abundant in the winter
months hero, as that is tho Australian
Moro than 500 dogs have boon put to
death for running at largo in Portland,
since July 1.
Lylo H. Brown, son of the editor
of tho lirownsvillo T linen was mnrricil
at Albany Thursday afternoon, the
brliio being Minn Ella A. Leonard, of
"Grandma" Sarah Todd, aped 103,
will cnxt her first ballot at Eugene
Monday, November 3.
According to the Medford Sun, Span
on made eight confession after his ar
rest and up to tho time when ho drop
ped out of sight ami hearing. In near
ly nil of them ho confessed that some
one else did it.
Margnret Chrisimin, wifo of John
Jielcher, of Lafayette, died at her home
in that city Monday, October 27, from
lirolysis, Sho was a pioneer of 1850,
and was 87 years old,
e e
There was another rabbit drive held
at Lamoiita last Sunday nt which more
than 2000 long-eared jacks wore shot
or clubbed to death.
In taking up the old plonk walks at
Prlnevillo recently much small change
was found by tho contractors. In one
block moro than $10 wero found, most
of it In nickels and dimes.
Tho city council of linker hns enact
ed that henceforth smoking In to be pro
hibited In theatres and plnyhnuses.
Medford .Sun: Wo approve the Idea
of entertaining tho (Hants and White
Sox while hero In the btt possible
fashion, Of course, tho first man to
make a homo run should bo presented
with a box of extra fancy apples.
. Observer must have his little joke, like
this: "The Cottage Grove Sentinel
:says of the proposed ladies night at tho
I commercial club that the women will
.take part in the business session, 'en
joying themselves afterward in the same
manner as the men.' We are indeed
shocked to know that so many of tho
Cottage Grove ladies smoke."
This delightful little naturo story is
taken from tho rolumiiH of the Suthorlin
Sun: "Four deer ventured from the
woods south of town Tuesday afternoon
and spent some timo foeding on tho
lands of tho J. F. Luso company, jiiRt
west of the depot. As thcro is a state
law against shooting game within the
city limits, the minimis were unmolested."
Tho Capital Journal hus advertised
that it would print communications in
its Open Forum column at any time and
on any proper subject. It is still will
ing and anxious to do so. Howevor, it
has received dozen of communications
on each sido of tho wet and dry election
that it has been forced to turn down
for several reasons, one of which is
that there wero so many of them, and
these prncticaly repetitions of . what
olhors had said, that spuco and ability
to handlo the mntter was beyond us.
The principal reason, however, was that
tho correspondents, most of them, vio
lated two of tho rules that we hnve
time and time again repented, and that
is that communications must be reason-
jnbly briof, nnd must bo signed by the
Mrson writing them, not for publica-
Iltion, hut for our own infornatlon. In
stead of complying with this rule doe
,ens of letters wero not signed and many
of them unrcnnnlly long. One would
Tariff Reductions
can be plainly seen in all our WOOLEN GOODS, SUITS and COATS. Our New York
buyer is taking care of that end of the business. Don't be paying the old prices. Trade
at the Chicago Store, which keeps posted on all tariff movements. We can save you
Don't bother about
the discounts . you
are offered in other
stores, but come here
and see what tariff
reductions means.
$15, $18 and $25
Suits now
$10, $12.50 and $18
coats now
No such values offered
elsewhere in Salem,
Tariff reduced prices.
All on sale at re
duced prices
$5, $7.50
and $8.50
New models now
$1.98, $2.50
and $3.50
Dress Goods and
NOW ON SALE. All reduced to make fast
selling. Mountains of stylish goods here
for your selection. Yard
25c, 35c, 49c, 69c and up
Winter Underwear I SAILOR
For Man, Woman and Child I HATS
FROM. All priced away down for fast
In Silk Velour,
Beaver and Hatters
Silk Plush. Prices
cut down.
98c, $1.49, $2.50 and up
&f).. KV
Jrpsfrr! firj - 'J'
' w. i ; :W 'iv; lr;ip"r"V"
a Jim r ' .r
" i ibsT
have taken at least five columns and
probably nenrly a page. We print this
for the purpose of explaining to those
who scut in communications why their
letters wero not published. This paper,
we say gain, will under no circum
stances print unsigned communications,
and it cannot devote a whole page to
any one person. Reasonable brevity
and the matter signed will always get
room in The Capital Journui, but we
cannot print a whola book for any one
on any subject.
The Mexican so-called election oc
curred on Sunday, but the deed was no
better on that account.
i w
AND BO THEY MARRIED. yonng woman who was formerly em-
It is reported here that E. II. Gago, a l,lo.vel 89 a waitress in tho Marion.
formor steward at tho Hotol Marion, o Ti ' ," ' 1 .
, ,r , , t, , . , ,' SMtof Lane rides on street cars in
and Mrs. Charlos Ford, formerly the w i . -, v.- . .
, . ,, , . ' . ' " Washington and objects to paying an
wife of Mr. Ford, of this, city were , , , t .
, ' , extra nickel when ho th nks he should
married m Portland recently and aro ,,,.. , . , . , . , '
.,. . 4. . , have a transfer. Evidently ho doosn 't
now residing in that place. Mr. Gage 4 . . .. , .
... . '. h .ami to get into high sassietv or he
" ,u 1 U,UBUU- would have an automobile and a
Mrs. Ford secured a divorce from hor , for."
Pi,t- l....,K...l ... v. -a . I
niBv iiuBuiiuii uu mo imijius oi cruel
aud inhuman treatment. Mr, Gage's
namo has been used In connection with
an attempted suicido on tho part of a
Some mon with incomes of a little
over $3000 will probably manage to fig
ure it down to a little less.
Official Non-Partisan Primary Election Ballot.
Mark a Cross (X) Botwecn the Number and name of each Candidate Voted for
CL.tt, r.'boly A Co., loo. M.k.n
'Stories of rich finds of gold In
, southern Oregon," snys the Orsnts Pass
j Courier, "havo long since iwttsed to ex
'cite wonder or to eroto stampedes. For
(10 years thesrt discoveries have occur
rod with singular rogulnrlty, and It has
csine to Ive an accepted fact thn.t the
hills are filled with unfound wealth.
live Valley spveial to Baker Herald:
The miners of the lininbow mine are
planning to enjoy thomxclvc just as
they do in the city. Thry are Installing
an aimicmnt hall for motion pii'tiiir,
dance and o,'hcr putcttalnmints ami
are also xitting In a tennis court and
.other recreation features unusual to a
mining settlement There are now
about 75 men working there.
The eatimable editor of the Italia
Start Your Boy Right
IF you want to know the present Indications of your
boy's success, ftlvs him half dollar and observe what
he does with It.
G. If he uses It sensibly and saves some of It, without ad
vice from you, he la on the rlftht track; encourage him.
C If he begins at once to plan Its expenditure for boyish
trifles, his flnnnclitl education should start NOW.
CTho money-bent your boy Is, forming now will keep
rlfiht on forming and crystallizing Into financial character.
C, You can begin your boy's financial education hy having
him open savings account with this bank.
C Then see that Its maintenance is always a matter of
ft Little triumphs In favor of the saving account will
pave the way to greater achievement later on.
ft Start your boy right.
For Alderman 3d Ward
Vote for TWO
Long Torm
Short Torm
The above is a sample ballot of ward No. 3, in which two councilinon aro
to be elected. Tho other ward ballots are identical with this, except that
some of them elect only one councilman. All that Is required is to write
in tho nsme of the person you want for the office As there are no can
didatcs nominated, and, consequently no place to mark a cross, nons is necessary.
on Autos, Pianos or Carriages. Satisfaction
guaranteed or no charge. Leave orders at
J 468 Ferry Street E. L. Campbell
Extra! Extra!
For the first time in tho history of Salem the people
of Marion and Polk counties can secure all kinds of
sacks at right prices in this city, instead of spending
their time and money in goins to Portland. We are pay
ing one cent a pound for all kinds of rags. We also are
paying $13 per ton for all kinds of cast iron. Highest
prices paid for all kinds of old clothes, household goods
and furniture. We buy and sell everything from a
needle to a piece of gold. All kinds of tools and ma.
chinery and pipe bought and sold. The house of a half
a million bargains.
233 State Street. Phone Main 224
Salem, Oregon.