Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 31, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Knit-Right Sweater!
Forthaentlru family
HeiTy for Willamette University But
Swoetlajid's Boys May Keep Down
Score Somewhat.
After Watching Oregon Boat Idaho,
Says rormer has Biggest Line
Soon In Northwest,
The biggoat Intercollegiate football
content to 1m jiluyoil lu Snloin thin sous
on will be called tomorrow afU'inoon
at 8;.1f when tlie team from tlio tliiivor-sii-.t
of Orogon, at Eugene, will line up
agaiiwt the Willamette eleven on tlio
lorn) fluid.
Tbr Oregon team has simply been
walking uwny with all the contests iu
which Miy have taken part so far this
M)w. They have a largo portion of
their hint year's squad back and have
auldil wtvorul very valuable moo.
Willaniettfl in very weak thin season
1im entirely to tho loss of her most
valuable nion by graduation ami lack
of cnxxl material in tho f ronhnmn clues.
Tho traiin ha been working hard all
well with thn gateo closed anil Huniii'
iiros luive greeted any stranger
h ui,vht chance to cross thn campus
dining jirartire hours, no mutter In
'what dimtian tie might, be headed.
A hirgo number of men are known
to 1h working on tho first team squad
rwl Mm rove for chance, to purtlci
mii in the fight against thn huskies
"Tho need of providing to
lal opportunity and safe
places of retort for those on
whom the taloont are forced to
close their doort, it too obviout
for argument The taloon, at
at prctent existing, it by no
meant wholly evil. There are
great dfferencet among them
somo of them are far worte
than others; in tome of them
there it not much intoxication,
and those who frequent them
find in their comfort and pleat
ant atsociationA more attrac
tion than in their convivial fea
tures. Many men, no doubt,
spend many hours in such
places which they might bet
ter spend in their homes) but
there nre multitudes who have
no homes, and to whom some
decent and inviting place of re
tort is a great boon. The sa
loon keepers supply the de
mand. If we close the saloons,
IWinbed by the SaU'tn Welfare League.
Insist on
to insure
Dependable since 1881
Competent Judges of merchandise
say that Knit-Right Sweater Coats
set up a new standard for Style and
Quality. Why not see for yourself,
before purchasing? They cost
no more than the ordinary kind.
from tho stnto university seems to be
railing out much hard work on tho part
of tho many aitpi rants.
I)r. Hweetlnnd who watched Oregon
win an easy victory from Iduho last
Saturday states that Oregon has tho
bluest lino ho hus ever seen on a col
lege toam in tho north went. He pre
dict that Oregon will defeat Willum
otto by an immense score.
Hcpoits from Oregon state that they
ilo not know just how to figure out
tlio strength of Willamette' team, for
although they have a knowlorgu of the
value of the men who graduated they
cannot account for Willamette being
victorious in every contest they have
played ao far this season.
Local fans, however, who have boon
watching the guinea Willamette has
played this aim sou realize how serious
ly tho team misses the stars who grad
uated laat year anil aro anything but
optimistic about tho way Willamette
will fare at tho hands of the pennant
winning aggregation from Eugene, for
they are freely chosen lia tho team that
will carry off the conference honors
this season.
" Grounds are In Oood Shape.
If the weather man can stind off tho
sprinkling can until after tomorrow
afternoon thn field will bo In ideal
condition, r. Sweotlnnd has spent
has spent much time lately In super
vising the putting of fiiiiahing touches
on the gridiron ho has been gradually
been bringing to perfection during the
pjnst, four years.
When the doctor first took charge of
athletics at Willamettn the whole ath
letic field was in miserable eondition,
thorn being no drainage system and tho
matter from tlio campus pinning' down
onto the field and making it moro of
a I n lie than a gridiron.
! His first work was to tile the grid
iron nud begin the work of constructing
a truck around It in such a shape as to
jrun all tho water into the drains.
; Kvery since that, tlino there ha hard
ly been a week pass that the doctor has
not spent several days In working on
the at hint in field. No matter what the
a Social Need
First Congregational Church, Col'
0., a Man of National Renown
this label
weather conditions might bo, ho would
don Inn high top boots and work away
at improving somo portion of tho field.
A campus improvement association
wis organized and assisted ocassionnlly
in doing aouio of the work especially
when there was a large amount to bo
cared ior, such as spreading sawdust
over the field or preforming some other
light labor that did not ncccsituUi a
change of wearing apparel or very much
hard work.
Today ho has an athletic field that
is the equal of any in tho northwest.
The gridiron is perfectly drained and
crowned and at either end is a largo
baseball diamond. Encircling tho en
tiro field is uu almost perfect track and
the entire equipment is duo entirely to
the untiring efforts of Dr. Swoetland.
The linelup for the gamo tomorrow
will bo an unknown quantity until a
few minute before tho whistle and for
mation of tho lino that will oppose the
Oregon line seems to be the question
that will present the largest puzzle to
Dr. Hweetlnnd. The men who will prob
ably play in the backfield nre How-land,
full; lloniiin, qiyirter and half; Doane,
Shall and Sharply, bait's, mid 1 South,
North Salem succeeded in running up
I ho largest acore of any game so far
when they defeated Lincoln III to 0, and
incidentally they also kicked the first
goal that has been kicked so far in the
pune hero Saturday. It was seen from
the ontsot that the game was all North
Salem at. they punctured the Lincoln
lino at will and making long runs when
ever they were needod to make yard
age. The forward pass was used but
seldom because tho ball was so wet
as to nvike it Impossible to handle. Af
tor about five minutes of pluy in the
Initial quarter (lleiin Gregg, of North
and make little or no provision
for such needs, we shall array
against ourselves tent of thou
sands of decent people, who
will regard our action as tyran
nical and inhuman. I think
that the temperance forces in
waging this war of extermina
tion against- the taloon, and
making almost no effort at all
to put something better in its
place, are making a fatal blun
der. I am as sure as I can be
that there will be serious and
fatal reaction. Sixty-one coun
ties have voted out the saloons.
In almost none of them hat
there been any attempt to
make any provision for these
needs to which the saloon min
isters. It is a striking illustra-.
tion of the fact that the chil
dren of the light are far lest
wise in their generation than
the children of this world."
(Paid Adv.)
Salem caught a perfectly executed for
ward pass and paved tho way for tur
.first touchdown by a nice run 25 yards.
Bus Swartz played a phenomenal game
and carried the ball most of tho time
and always for substantial gains. Dew
ey Probts of the North Sulem caught
a punt off the toe of the Lincoln boot
or and raced for a touchdown; he was
also in the game at all times and made
pains. Iu only one quarter did the
Lincoln team show to advantage and
that was in the second quarter when
they made yardage sevenal times in
succession. The Lincoln toam showed
lack of practice, while the North Salem
played excellent ball for having prac
ticed but twice. The line of the North
Salem team, while light held the op
ponents consistently for downs, while
the back field plowed through the en
emy's lino and often dropped the op
ponents before the ball got fairly start
ed The second game furnished more ex
citement than the first as the game
was destined to be closer than the
first and iii this tho crowd was not dis
appointed, A large crowd of rooters,
followers of tho respective teams, was
in evidence and cheered wildly for their
side. Garfield showed the results of
much practice during the past weel
and while they have not lost a game
yet show considerable improvement
over last week. The forward pass wa(
not used at all to any advantage) and
so tho old stylo of footltfill was indulg
ed in. As beforo Harry Fraser was
tho "wholo show" for East and would
doubtless have scored a touchdown iD
the third quarter but for tho crowd
who surged on tho field and intorfored
with his splendid run of 2j yards. Ira
Mercer of tho Hast toam was niuct
feared by tho Garfield players and
again and again could bo heard the
cry, "Watch Mercer." Bill Keiser was
the ground gjiinor for Garfield as also
wero Floyd and Harold White for Gar
field. IIS1TRD 1-I1KS8 I.RAHEn WI11H.1
Now York, Oct. 31. Gunboat Smith
and Charlie Miller, San Francisco
Recipe Department
Redoes at tried and tested by Mrs. Vaughn, at The
I Capital Journal Cooking school, held at the Armory this
Some good
recipes . given by Mrs.
Veal Loaf.
2 His veal ground in meat chopper.
1 tenspoou salt.
I'iuch sage.
2 eggs.
1 teaspoou minced onioii;
j teaspoon ground cloves.
VI cup Crisco.
1 cup bread crumbs.
Add Crisco to chopped meat; season
with spices; add bread crumbs and put
together with well-beaten eggs, IMbco
Into well Criscoed pan and steam for
two hours. If open oven is used, place
the pnu containing the venl loaf in
larger vessel containing 1 cup of water,
to present crust being 'formed. Hake
one hour. Serve on platter garnished
with water cress and tomato aaiice.
Frocen Salad.
0 medium sWcd tomatoes.
1 cup celery.
cup celery.
1 teaspoon grated onion.
1 teaspoon fresh grated horseradish.
I lingo cucumber.
1 green sweet pepMr.'
1 tesspoon kitchen bouquet.
1 teaspoon salt.
10 lbs. for 2.V, '
New crop Japan and China tea.
to II.
If yon wi good coffee, try our Best Hulk Blend, 3oe per pound.
339 N. Commercial St Telephone 259
A Few Applications of Sags Tea and
Sulphur Brings Back Its Vigor,
Color, Gloss and Thickness.
Common garden sage brewed into a
heav tyea with sulphur and alcohol
adiled, will turn gray, streaked and fad
ed hair beautifully dark and luxuriant,'
remove every bit of dandruff, stop
scalp itching and falling hair, i Just a
few applications will prove a revelation
if your hair is fading, gray or dry, '
Beraggly and thin. Mixing the Sage
Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though
is troublesome. An easier way is to get J
the ready-to-use tonic, costing about 50
cents a large bottle at drug stores,
known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Hair Eemedy,"thus avoiding a lot of
I While wispy, gray, faded hair is not
I sinful, we all desire to-retain our youth
jful appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it
does it bo naturally, so evenly. You just
dampeu a sponge or soft brush with it
and draw this through jJour hair, taking
one small strand at a time; by morning
all gray haids has disappeared, and, af
ter another application or two, you hair
becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft
and luxuriant. Local Agent, J. C. Per
ry. heavyweights, aro scheduled to clash in
a 10-round bout here tonight. Both
wero confident of victory today.
"I defeated Smith in four round in
San Francisco," said Millor, "and he
is due for another boating tonight. Af
ter 1 dispose of Smith I am going to
Paris and meet Jack Johnson for the
heavyweight championship."
Smith was equully confidont.
'"'Miller will be lucky to stick five
rounds," ho said, "It will never go
ten rounds, because I'm going to sottlo
Miller's championship aspiratioils by
knocking him out"
A supreme court judgo admits that
too many cases are appealed from trial
courts, and blamos the circuit judges
Put together with boiled dressing and
press in Criscoed mold. Pack lu salt
and ice ono part BRlt to two parts ice,
for two hours. Dop mold in hot water i
for a second before unmolding on salad
dish. Garnish with lettuce and celery j
Boiled Dresisng.
Yolks 10 eggs, or yolks of 4 eggs may
be 'used, in which case add 1 table
spoonful flour to dry ingredients.,
1 teaspoon prepared mustard.
1 teaspoon ful salt.
1 teoapoonfiil celery seed.
Vj teaspoon ful white popper.
Dash cayenne.
One-third cupful sugar.
One-third cupful melted Crisco.
Heat yolks very light. All sugar and
other ingrediiints. Pour melted Crisco
in Inst, beating well. Have boiling in
double boiler 1 cupful mild white vin
egar. ' Tour egg mixture Into boiling
vinegar Slid stir until thick. This
keeps Indefinitely if sealed in a glnas
jar. When ready to use, add 1 cupful
whipped cream or 1 cupful of sweet
cream to 1 cupful of the dressing.
Brod Tarts.
V qunrter cup bitter almonds.
2 teaspoons citron.
1, S qts. 25c.
Import order of first picking direct
Here is a new price on a com
petent Adder. On a machine that
is rapid, full-size and infallible.
The very latest machine, built
by men who know, in one of the '
largest metal-working shops.
It is an individual Adder, to
be placed on one's desk, close to
one's books and papers, To take
the place of the central machine
requiring skilled operators.
It is also iutended for offices
and stores, where costly machines
are a luxury.
The price is due to utter sim
plicity and to our enormous out
put. Seven keys do all the work.
Each copied number
is shown up for check
ing before the addition
is made.
The machine will add
subtract and multiply.
With very slight prac
tice anyone can com
pute a hundred figures
a minute. And the ma
chine never makes mis
takes. Countless offices, large
and small, are getting
from these machines the
highest class of service
Manufactured and Guaranteed by
Sold in Salem by C. M. Lockwood, Agent
American Adding Machines
Read The Journal For News
1 teaspoon cinnamon.
1 teaspoon mace.
1 cup sugar.
1 cup rye bread crumbs.
Vi glass claret wine.
glass currant jelly.
1 cup Jordan almonds.
cup raisins.
1 teaspoon baking powder.
1 teaspoon salt.
Vt cup Crisco.
Juiee 1 lemon.
Whole of 6 eggs.
Blanch and grind the almonds. Grate
and sift the ryo bread cut the citron
and raisins fine. Pour over them the
currant jelly and claret wine. Cream
the sugar and Crisco. Add well beaten
yolks of eggs; juice and rind of lemoi'i
then bread crumbs. Beat well for at
lenst 5 minutes. Add dry ingredients,
fold in well beaten whites of eggs, mid
bake in modorato oven iu well C'riscoed
Chocolate Marshmallow Eole.
2 eggs well beaten.
V4 cup lukewarm water.
2 teaspoons molted Crisco.
Vj teaspoonful sugar.
teaspoonful soda.
Sift into them 1 cup granulated su
gar. 2 squares Baker chocolate.
1V4 cupful flour.
1 teaspoonful cream tartar.
Sift together the dry ingredients
several times. Beat eggs together un
til light. Add sugar gradually then the
melted chocolate and the lukewarm
water, and add two tablespoons melted
Crisco; lastly fold in the dry Ingredi
ents. Make in a moderate oven iu
thin sheets. Komove from pan on a
damp cloth, spread with marshmallow
filling, and roll up as a jelly roll.
Sweet Potato Croquettes.
1 pint sweet potato pulp.
2 tablespoons sugar.
Vi teaspoon cinnamon,
1 egg well beaten.
2 tablespoons molted Crisco.
1 tenspoon salt.
One-third cupful chopped almonds.
Parboil potatoes and when tender
forco through a sieve; ndd Crisco and
egg and sensoning. Allow to stand for
several hours in a refrigerator. Shape
into balls, dip in egg then in bread
crumbs and fry in Crisco heated until
Gould's Surprise Stove Polish?
Many of Salem housewives pronounce it a great surprise.
It really cleans, saves labor, prevents rust, does not in
jure the hands nor the material, adds to the appearance
of the kitchen and can be found at all grocers.
The Latest Adder
Costs but $35
See Our Exhibit
Ask for Ten Days' Trial.
. Now we make this offer so
that offices everywhere may
learn what this machine means
' to them.
Ten Day's Test
We will gladly place in any of
fice one American Adder for a
ten days' test.
There will be no obligation,
and charges will be prepaid.
Compare it with any non-lister
even the costliest. Let any
one use it. See if any machine
can serve better than this.
Just send us this coupon and
we'll send the machine.
Please send us an American Add
ing machine for ton days' free trial.
Street Address
I; .V,jJr"f-'' '' ' 'J. I
Raises the
Dough Better
A coffee that is uniformly good,
of excellent flavor, free from
chaff and tho raukness so com
mon, can be had at
PHONE 683.
a cube of bread will turn a golden
brown in 40 seconds. Drain and use
to garnish chicken dish.
Dixie Biscuit.
3 cups flour.
1 teaspoon salt.
2 eggs.
3 tablespoons Crisco.
3 teaspoons baking powder,
1 teaspoon sugar.
1 cup milk.
Sift together tho dry lngrodients.
Rub in the Crisco lightly; beat eggs
and add alternately with tho milk. Koll
out ono half inch lu .thickness and cut
with biscuit cutter. Brush over with
Crisco and bako in a hot oven. .
It's Improper to eat pie with a
knife but an axe Is permissible.
Everything comes to the man who
waits except thn woman ho is waiting
r-i n (it -Tf-' i-'uh'T if ";