FAGS EIGHT. DAILY CAPITAL JOUBNAL, SALEM, 01BOON. THUBSDAY, OCTOBES 30, 1913. Salem's Big Department Store BEAUTIFUL, SPARKLING , CUT GLASS Nothing excels cut glass for gifts. Of all the lovely pres ents prized by women, nothing matches elegant cut glass. It sets off the buffet, table or dresser in fine shape. Ours is a rich display, and whether you desire salads, berry bowls, nappies, water pitchers, tumblers, vinegar cruets and the many other smaller pieces, you'll find the assortment shown here of the very highest standard at prices remarkably low. Inspect the display on our second floor. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY ill AL JUL COOD1COOD S WANTED Man especially- for farm work. Phone Farmers' 98. STALL BOOM For rent for several boraes, good warm barn, in center of town. Phone Main 80. LOOK AT THIS Slightly used drop bead sewing machine (10; new drop bead tewing machine (16 and np. 640 State street FOB SALE OR TRADE At a bar gain, three lots in Englewood addi tion, Salem, located on 19th and Nebraska streets; lots 8, 9 and 12, in block IS,, for Minnesota real es tate. Make an offer. Write 0. Zie mann, Princeton, Minn. W. 0. MOREHOUSE, D. V. M. Coun ty veterinarian. Prompt attention, day or night. Offices Jack Darr's feed barn, 544 Ferry street. Phone 2199. , J CITY NEWS. Dr. F. L. Utter, dentist, suit 415 1 6-417 Masonie building. Fountain pens from 1 up. Perry's Drug Store. Vexford Tonight SPECIALTY NIGHT Clever Stunts Four Best Pictures Including the third pic ture in the series. "WHO WILL HARRY MARY" C. - .'i "... . Br. May, nerve specialist. building. W. P. Poole was in Eugone yesterday on business. Alnrm clocks $1 Perry's Drug Store. Masonie NEW TODAY. MANDOLIN FOR SALE Inquire at . Great Northern Express office, 519 Court St. ' , Have your eyes fitted at Dr. Mendel sohn's, U. S. Bank building. He fits eyes correctly. Attornoy T. Y. Yoran, of San Fran cisco, is in the city looking after legal business. Attorney Dan Allen, of Silvorton, was in the city yostorday looking after busi ness matters. Saturday special, ' graduated . quart measures, 6c each. Salem Hardware Co., Inc., 120 N. Commercial St. Will you help me yollf Where! At Willamette field Friday, 3:4.1, p. m. Salem vs. Albany. Will Albany winl I guess not. There is no bargain In glasses. Dr. Mendelsohn, U. S. Bank building, has no bargains, but you can rest assured that you receive full value for your money. TO BE SOLD to pay costs, one 5-pas-longer Buick, Model 27, in Al condi tion. Price s)100. One Maxwell, 5 pasxenger, 10.10 model, 4 new tires and in good condition, $175; must be sold at once. Call at office of Blue & Mills, 15 Bush, Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 23 Buff Orpingtons, young 40 Brown Leghorn hens, M. J. Tetter, Route 4, Salem, NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY RUKGHAKDT MEREDITH MONEY TO LOAN 0a flood Real Estate Setarllj. T1I0S. K. FORD Over Ladd 4b Bush Bank, Salem. 0 FOR BALE Buggyj new top and single harness. '..Call 173 South Commercial St., or phone after 7 p. m., Main 1839, FOR SALE At a sacrifice, pne of the moxt moilorn, prettiest and nicest bungalows in Salem. Five- rooms, hardwood floors, every convenience, 335 South Nineteenth St. Phone Main 1051. FOR SALE Ten acres of good land, 9 acres under cultivation, balance tim bor, four miles from Salem and close to railroad station. Price $1500; $100 cash, balance $10 per month. W. II. Orabenhonit & Co., Rooms 1 and 2, Bush Bank building. FOR SALE Good fresh milch cow and calf. . 173 Routh Cottage street. ! FORGERY IS THEIR CRIME "Any man who knows the saloons well can hnnontly say tliut ni t of I hem have forfeited thoir right to live. Thu model saloon exists chiofly in tlio niiudu of tlio edi tors of liquor Journals, in the ImngiiiHtioii of a certain type of milliliters, and in tlio mythical stories sometimes rehearsed at saloon men's eaiupflros. Unfortunately, the average tippling house is a place of ill fame, a plnco of shame and debauchery. With comparatively few excep tions our saloons sr hou.los of drunken men, profanity ami obscenity of tbo vilest possible type. ' ' A FINE FARM Of 218 acres in the Waldo Hills, 10 miles east of Salem. Good buildings, family orchard, 20 acres hops, running water; several good springs. See C. A. Rice, with L. S. Barnes & Co., 315-316 Masonic Temple. FOR QUICK SALE Lot, Court street very dosirable location; bargain if taken now. Inquire 301 Masonic Temple. FOR EXCHANGE A good 7-room house and two lots in Los Angeles, Cal. What have youl 'Address A. K. Rawson, 910 Shipping streot, Salem. WANTED Two girl to occupy large heated room, with board. Fhone 1872-J. FOR EXCHANGE A good 7-room house and two lots in Los Angeles, Cal. What have yout Address A. K. Rawson, 910 Shipping street, Salem. $100 to $1 That you can't beat our bargains. 12 acres in Polk county, two miles west, well Improved, $4000; 14 acres on ear line Ideal suburban home, $10,000; 1 acre in berries, new home on car line $1800; 7 acre 4n berries, 2 mileout, house and barn, $3000; 30 acres, 10 acres In crop, , balance timber, 4-room house, good barn, 7m lies out $3500; 220 aeres In Polk eounty, well Improv ed, $22,000; 1 to 5 acres on installments several new homos in Salem on install ments; 500 acres well improved, $9C per acre; several 6 and 10 acre tracti well improved. ' We have a cigar stand) pool hall rooming house, hotel, restaurant, gro cery store, candy store and otner dusi ness chances, at 20 acres close in, well improved, $6, 500. Several prune ranches and berrj tracts at the right price. 10 acre tiearing Italian prunes, $2750. We rent Houses and Furnished Rooms. We sell Insurance of all kinds List your ,. bargains with ui and we will give you square, prompt and courteous treat ment. Acme Investment Co. 4 A. B. COOK, Manager. Phones: Office, Main 477; residence Main 2487. Opposite Court House, S40 Bute 81 Employment Bureau in Con nection. The foregoing paragraphs have appeared twice in the advertising columns of the "dry" campaign committee here, and received the attention of Preacher Avison in one of his communications. Here is an exact copy from a letter dated in San Francisco on the 27th, instant, signed by , ALGERNON XROFTON Owner of The Wholesalers' and Retailers' Review "The extract from the Wholesaler's and Retailer's Review, to which you call my attention, ia a deliebrate forgery. No such statement was ever made by the Review. "The Review has frequently notified the Anti-Saloon League that this alleged quotation was a fraud, and has asked the league to discontinue using it. To these requests they have paid no attention, and one is thus forced to the conclu sion that the Anti-Saloon League is forging extracts from newapapors with a full knowledge of their falsity. "The Review has even three tened to sue the Anti-Saloon League for libel on this account. There ia, however, no chance to collect damages from the league, because it is always kept in debt, so as to make it easier to collect money from suck-era." Published by the Sal em Welfare League. J. D. TURNER, Secretary. MONEY TO LOAIS Ob .lurm sad olty property. Joha cott, ovsr Cbloajro Btora, Balaus, Koa. rhone lit. REAL ESTATE MONET TO LOAN JACOB a OO. rhone Z4B4. 204 207 Hubbard Eldj WOOD AND COAl la aay quantity. Prompt atltvarj w tuerltttv Falls City Luttifc Compaay. 171 North (1ooiuisr' street, rhone Mala tit 1 W will fill any prescription, no ', iiisttor what doctor writes it. SCHAErER'S DEVJQ 8TORB JUASKSR LiCSPBI A JIB PIT CLE 4310 WOKaS No machinery to War aa wear out delicate fabrics. Work Mil for and eellvarea promptly. 440 Ferry street. Phone Main MAS Cherry City Ice Cream t Wr make a Specialty of Din icr and Lodge orders. Buy It Eat It 14 ("h.m.S.t Buret. fAorie 2482 DRINK EVIL NOT FOR CHURCH WHICH SHOULD NOT FIGHT IT Rev. Dr. Hobbs in a Timely Sermon in Westmster Church at Utica, New York; Makes an Address Which Constitutes a ' Reply to the Aspersions, Defamations and Fanat ical Utterances of Certain Salem Preachers. Rev. J. Howard Hobbs, D. D., dealt with the liquor problem in his sermon at Westminster Church, Utica. Dr. Hobbs prefaced his remarks by citing facts and fig ures showing the magnitude of the problem not alone in Maine, but throughout the nation, all tending to show that it was "more than some persons can sneer at and others ignore." Said Dr. Hobbs: "The church may wisely avoid any extreme or fanatical position in the matter. Some may think that a strange thing for a minis ter of the gospel to say, but I am ready to stand by it. I base that statement on Christ's position. He was ' charged with being a glutton and a wine-bibber. He ig nored all such accusations. Individually and personally. He went right on to drink wine with His friends. He announced that wine should be a memorial of His pres ence for use everlastingly in the church. These things are very significant. CHRIST WAS NO FANATIC. ' 'He was no fanatic, though he followed one in point of time. John the Baptist was an ascetic caustic and spe cific in his denunciation of individual sins. But they ' ' gave him short shrift. "Christ believed in the principle of self-control what is translated as 'temperance.' If His spirit and example were in force today, there would be less of a problem in the liquor traffic. Thus the church is not to fight anything fanatical, but its work is with the individual, reclaiming him from in and placing the scepter of rule in his own hands that he may come out more than conquerer. The church should ' not waste time hacking at every separate branch of the tree of sin, but go right to the root of evil in the individ ual. NOT ONLY EXISTENT EVIL. "I eschew the position of some persons who think that this is the only evil in existence. The difficulty is that some men are out-balanced by a single idea. Christ ' shows that we must be so well balanced as to be free from fanaticism. How did He treat the woman whom they brough to Him as a specimen of the social evil of the time? In such a way as to cause her detractors to slink away ashamed. CHURCH NOT A POLICE PATROL. "The church was never intended to act as a police patrol either of the individual or the collection,, but in such a way as to induce the fuller and more spiritual life. It can lay down no code of rules which may be en forced. The burden of fighting evil does not rest upon any portion of the organized church, but the spirit of the church should be at the command of the forces of righteousness. The church should never lend its aid to , any partisanship in the matter. But in fighting this evil, ' it is noticeable that the forces of righteousness are not al lied, while the other party is alive, allied and active. I have heard some so-called 'temperance orators' indulge in such vilification of character as belies their name and cause. OBLIGATION OF THE CHURCH. "What the church should emphasize in this matter is the obligation on the conscience of the individual to fight evil. We know that it is one of the greatest evils of the times and that some men are at the beck of this temp tation constantly. But theirs is the responsibility and they are not to be rid of it by laying the blame on hered ity or environment, or even by making that most insane excuse that a churchman is equally guilty. The re sponsibility is on the individual, whether in the church or out of it. The question is one of a personal thirst, no matter how obtained, whether by induction from the past, environment from the present, or what not. It is to be assumed that drinking persons make a drinking problem, and until you scorn that personal thirst, some how or other, you can do nothing. "The mission of the church is to emphasize the spirit ual cure for this problem, to assert, proclaim and insist upon this ultimate remedy." Published by Salem Welfare League. J. D. TURNER, Secretary. (raid Adv.) (105-1 adv.)