DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL,' BALEM, OEEOON, THUESDAT, OCTOBER 30, 1913. PAGE TTVXL .M Good Dressers Wear Stockton' All Wool Suits for Men The kind that not only feel and look like all wool, but wear like all wool, because they are all wool. Fabrics of exclusive, beau tiful designs that give a refined tone to the garments. Style and tailoring of that high rank of excellence that the careful dresser demands. They are the kind of clothes you have always wanted. wamasmKiimimism Suits up to $30 See our $10 and $15 Specials New Models Overcoats m Clothing of quality. We permit no loworing of standards. Our Sim is to offer quality in clothing, regard loss of price. s 1 The Catholic ladies will give a card party and social at 8t. Joseph's hall Hallowe'en night. Everyone invited. , A complaint to recover (100 alleged to be due her on a loan has been filed in the circuit court by Libbie White against John Likusky. George Cusiter has today filed a com plaint in the circuit court against J. O, Dunwiddie to recover $720 alleged to be due on goods sold and delivered. The ballot boxes and other necessary voting necessaries are being shipped to the different voting precincts in the county at present by the county clerk. Miss Gertrude Beaver left this morn ing for her home in Lincoln, Neb., after spending a month visiting her aunt, Mrs. Taylor Millor at 1362 North Com mercial street. George Wenderoth, who for two years has been with the boundary survey com mission, establishing the line between Alaska and British Columbia, arrived home last night. Attorney M. J. Koller and wife, of Portland, are in the city today. Attor ney Koller is transacting legal business while Mrs. Koller is visiting her many frionds in the city. L. D. Pettyjohn and family will leave' in the morning for St. Paul, where Mr. Pettyjohn will take up his duties aa secretary of the St. Paul Commercial Club. , . Boy Gentry, of Albany, and Bertha L. Mitzner, of Marion, and A. E. Kuen zi, of Salein'and Anna Kaufman, ol Silvorton, were granted marriage li censes yesterday. Mrs. Joo Woolory was operated upon a tlio Salein hospital this morning by Dr. H. E, Clay. Mrs, Woolory is tho wife of Police Officer Woolory, of this city. . '; Come up. Look at thorn, fool them. Warranted materials. Everything ..im aginable. Suits $3 .50 up. ' A. , Kaz amarek, Indies' tailor. Rooms 2 and 3, Brewer building. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hill, of Billings, Mont., are in the city visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are former residents of this cityy, having moved to Montana nine years ago. .They speak highly of the Capital City and hoe to be Salemites again before long. Fred Carey and E. E. Gilliam spent Tuesday in search of pheasants in the north end of the county. Mr. Carey de clared last night that he was unable to hunt much owing to tiie fact he was compelled to put in most of his time cranking up Mr. Gilliam's buzz wagon and keeping tho dog in sight. Vac ii 'i ill IP - VARIOUS VARIETIES. Of sea food await your selection in our establishment. Matchless fish, cod, smelts and all tho delicious dainties of the sea in season. Fresh fish always. Prices reasonable and juct. You come but once to come again. SALEM FISH & POULTRY MARKET Phone 2123. 173 Commercial St. H. O. BTBEE, Proprietor. Chase & Sanborn Seal Brand Coffee W all have more or less coffee troubles. After using a brand for a time we grow tired of it and seek for something new. HEAL BRAND COFFEE Is one of the very oldest on the market. It is sold In almost every city tml town In tho IT. 8. Wo are demon strating this coffee this week. We would delight In serving you a cup of it. Perchance next time you need coffee It would aid you In making your (election. It ! sold in one-pound seal tins, 4.1c, two pounds for 85c. Beurre Bosc Pears, 15c Basket Duchess Table Pears, 15c Basket Have you' recently mado comparison as to the cost of baking your rakes and the prices wo ehargo for themt Can you afford to pay for gas, eggs and butter at tho present cost and make your cakes I Think of it. Whilo yon bake ono cake wo baka a dozen. Every thing that goes into a cako at first cost. SEND 18 YOUR HAL LOWE'EN ORDER NOW. Tho rush will bo great. How about rFMPKI.V PIES! Order now. Roth Grocery Co. CITY NEWS. Specialty night at the Wexford. Clev er stunts and four best pictures. Miss Louiso Yaisle left today for Portland where she will make her home. Miss Ruth Anderson has gone to Spo il aim, Wash., to visit for a few weeks. This is the last day of the "Who Will Marry Maryf" picture at tho Wexford.. Got that long wanted graduated quart measure at Halem Hardware Co.,(Iuc, next Saturday only, for 5c. ! Mrs. Edward Donton and daughter, Cora, have gone to Albany to visit Mrs, Denton 'b sister, Mrs. Fred Holmes. Beautiful Alice Joyce is tho horoino in the great two-reel feature, "A' Mid night Message," at Ye Liberty today only. J. W. Cox, of Portland, was a busi ness visitor hero yesterday. Mr. Cox is connected with the Portland Heating Plant Co. It Is reported that Miss Greta Bailey, who was operated txn at the Willam ette Sanatorium lust Sunday, is getting along nicely now. Do not forget the big football gome on Willamotto field. Salem vs. Albany, Friday, Oct. 31, 3:43, p. m. And Al bany won last year. Following tho completion of tho oa.se of the atate against Oliver today, tho case of the state, against J. E. Hosmor will como up for trial. B. A. Larson will leave toon for Cal' iforuia. Mr. Lareen has been connected with the Imperial Furniture Co. fot snino time and will take up that lino of business in tho south. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by torsi applications, as thr rnntt reach In dlaraard portion or tha aar. Thrt la nnlr on way to our deafness, and that la by rrmatllullonal remedlea. llenfneaa la canned by an Inflamed condition of the mu cnua lining of the Kuatarhlan Tuba. When ihla tub la Inflamed you have a nimbllnir aound or lmperf.it hearing, and when It la entirely eioaeri, IeiifneM la the rnattlt. and unitaa Ihe Inflammation can he taken out and Ihla tube rfgtored lo lla normal condl tlon. Iirarlns will he dealrnyed forever; nlna raa out of ten aro caoaed by f'atarrh, which la nothing but an Inflamed cundlllon of the mueotjn aurfaeea will give One Humlred Dnllsrf for any caee of rafnena teauad by ralnrrht that cannot b cured by Hall's t'alrtrrh Cur, Send for clr"Ue.ra. free. r. J. I IIKMRT CO, Tolcd". Ohio. rlnld by (iruavlala. ltr Taka Hall a ramlly I'llli for conitipntlu. gi ro VOTERS FOURTH WARD. E. W. Chorrington will be a candl date for councilman. He is strongly in favor of commission form of govern ment economical administration of city affairs. is (Paid Adv.) A soft answor may turn away wrath, but thore's times when it gives a man genuine pleasure to call the oth er fellow a liar. The best fishing is usually above or below where you aro. Likewise the best jobs are in the town you just loft or are going to. Just Try It. A curiosity In arithmetic him recent ly been worker! nut by ii British as tronomer In iitixwer to the question, Whnt Ih the Inr't'Kt number that can he pxprpHMprl with three digits? The iitiHtver In ! (the ninety-ninth power of lilnei The IlKin e tvlilt h this represents In so hl flint It Ih awesome If It were printed In mil If would III) thirty-three roluincH of WKI piieK ench of tine type. Tile Brut twenty elcht Moires are H'.'S. r'4.77!!.l 7.r.747.( MS.f Wd.fW. ! 1 5.9. a nd the lust two nre Hit In hetweeu these are 3iin.ilP3.tl7H Itwre. If you don't lielleve It try it and see. Saturday Kvenlng Post Tho Unknown Quantity. "I'll bet she will." began the rnsh youth. "Don't" Interrupted his older and wiser companion. "Don't bet that she will ever do anything. Vou can never tell whnt a woman will do." "But." protested the young man. "I wan going to bet that she would do the unexpected." ' "Don't" repeated the elder earnest ly. "Even tliut la no srife bet" JihIkh. Tho Original Naw Zsalandsro. The orljrlmtl New Zeulunders were known is the most ferocious cannibal and the most warlike savage, They were big. giiiint fellows, of Immense niiiKcular force and great angnclty. Thexe hiiviico New enlmidera.. though they Hie their enemies:. Interred their uwu dead, and they believed that the third dny afler burial the heart sepa rated Itself from the corpse and was carried to the clouds by an attendant spirit Unfraaiabl.. "Cnn any one mime liquid that doesn't freeze?" Hsked tho teacher. There was a moment's alienee, snyi the llerllner IllustrlrUr Zeltting. Then an excited little voice In the rear of the room answered eriderly, "Please, teacher, hot water!" Mario's Oroat Raoord. Mnrlo. the sinner, who dlerl In IW, aitpenrod In Loiitlon, his favorite city, for thirty-two years, during which time h appeared In foriy-ali parts, a record will Ii It.ta never been approached by any other aiilrt. I low mv or mean your life Is. meet It niol lite It. nut shun It and call It bad UHine Tli"ifn'i Exquisite Laces and Trimming Make Beautiful Gown ID There Is rare beauty In every Piece of fabric we are showing this fall for dress, suit or coat, bat a taste ful touch of a bit of lace or other trlmminga makes the loveliness of tho garment stand out so much more prominently. Yon should see ttr new and beautiful designs In ALL-OVER LACES, BANDINGS and EDGINGS in different width, also the extremely popular 36-inch width LACB WAISTINGS. The new CBACQUELLA LACES are very strong this season and Justly so; then we have striking newness In METAL ALL-OVERS and BANDINGS, BUCKLE SLIDES, BEAD or FUR ORNAMENTS, FUR PLAC QUE3, FUR FROGS, colored and black, SILK TASSELS for your ..choosing. Our stock; Is large and varied, new, wanted; we can itemize Just a few. -r 36-inch Cracquella and Shadow Lace Waistings in ecru and white yard $1.25 18 and 27-inch ..Cracquella Top Flouncings, ecru and white, yard 11.60, 11.65, $2.25 Charming Shadow Laces and pracquella allvers, ecru anrd white, yd ...35c, 50c, 65c, 75c, i Beautiful Banding in Rhinestone and pearl settings for elaborate trimmings, yard .....35c, 60c 2-inch Astrachan Banding, a new novelty or coats and dresses; very, rich in combination colors of brown, gold, green, navy and black, yard 60c FROGS You will find here a most handsome line of Silk Frog ornaments in black, white, brown navy and grey, all sizes, price each .... 25c up NEW SILKS AND CREPES 1 y y a fTrT'a.T W Bre showing some advance weaves in crepes now being produced for . jl jljtLjrCl.lkylliN 1914 spring trado. Thoy will be snatched up quickly, as there is nothing like , them on tho market. They come in most beautiful colors, such as Tokyo blue, ha:!ol, foxglove, old blue, brown and black, 42 inches wide, silk and wool, yard .' .. $2.00 See our Red Window of Holiday Art Goods MARTIAL LAW ENFORCED. UNITED PBBBS LIASK0 W1BI.1 Trinidad, Colo., Oct. 30. General John Chaso, commanding the militia in the southorn Colorado coal fields, was enforcing martial law vigorously todny. Thore have boon rumors of trouble or impending trouble at several points in tho coal region since the troops arriv ed but none of those reports was veri fied except at Tobnsco, whore strikers, defying thoir own loadors' orders, fired fify Bhots at a party of mine guards this mornin. , Alb a ray 9s Voices AGAINST coooo ooooo rlatonic love Is a pleHnant thing for a solitary person to think about. When the fight against saloons was on at Albany the Young Pooplu's Union of that city iusuod a statomont containing the following most signifi cant data: "Who is asking for saloons in Al bany ( "Not tho business mon, "Not the Commercial Club. "Not the schools. "Not the churches. ' "Not the homo-makors. Who! THE SALEM BKEVt'lNfJ COMPACT. "The potition for the submission of this question to the people of Albany was not proparod by our local pooplo, nor circulated at their expense; anil the only person who appeared before tho county court on behalf of tho petition was a Salom man representing tho above concern. Do you seo the point f" To the Voters of Salem and Harrisburg: The undersigned business mon of Albany, Oregon, dosiro to say that our city Is in a far moro prosperous condition than when we had saloons. Tho laws against the salo of intoxicating liquors a and drunkenness are as well enforced as any other laws. Wo do not want saloons back again in Albany for any consideration. We recommend that you vote your town dry at tho coming election. (Signed) R. E. A II. J. Hamilton, Dept. Storl. J. A. Howard, Real Estate. R. L. Howard, Albany Transfer Co. C. E. Sanders. ' The Bain Clothing Co. Hulbort Ohllng Hdw. Co. ., C. C. Bryant. " Albany Commission Co. , Tomlinson & Holman, Grocers. W. (!. Burns, Shoo Store. I. 8. Van Winkle, Postmaster. C. E. Clifford, Photographer. E. R. VanDyke, Kllors Music House. M. J. Monteith Cafeteria. jBeam-Flotchor Co., Morehatita, W. W. Crawford. E, H. Rhodes. W. II. Davis, Physician. Wm, Fortmille, Furniture. T). S. Halloway, Farmers' Store. B. IU Westbrook, St, Francis Hotel. C. C. Camoron, Planing Mill. McDowell Shoo Co. Delos Foster, Sec. Y. M. C. A. L. E. Tracy, M. D. ' Foshay k Mason, Druggists. F, M. French k Son, Jewelers. W. R. Shitin, M. D. Gilbert Brothora, Merchants. P, D. Gilbert, Mayor. S. E Young k Son, Merchants. Joseph H. Ralnton, Merchant. F. E. Van Tassel, Recorder. L. L. Totts, Confectioner. Ella C, Monde, Optometrist. S. C. Worrell, Grocer. A. Austin, Marshal. U. (i. Itawlinga. ; E. A. Johnson, Councilman. E. F. Bchults. (Signed) " ! ; 'j Flshor-Bradcn Co., Furniture. Oregon Titlo k Trust Company. .,1 Essox k Essex, Merchants. Oregon Cash Grocery. M. B. Craft, Meat Marnet. Ballimoro Gun and Bicycle Works. Stewart k Son, Hardware. J. C, Irvine, First Savings Bank. S. O. Simon, 208 E. 0th St. H. W. Darker, Hardwaro. J. W. Alcorn, B-10-lBc Store. C. B. Winn, 124 Ellsworth St. F. V. Mitchell, 12(1 Ellsworth St. O. E. Sully, Cut Rate Mer Co. George Taylor, Real Estate. W. M. Parker, Grocer. J. C. Wood, Albany Iron Works. Wm. Bain, Albany State Bank. Waldo Anderson, Imp. k Hdw. House. II. II. Hewitt, Attorney. A. W, Docksteader, Wood Dealer. J. A. Nlinmo, Drayman. (! H. Stewart, Mgr. Commercial Club. Barrett Bros., Merchants, II. A, Stearns, Grocery. R. J. Whitney, Confectioner. P. L. MeDaniel, Monument Works. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon. Mitts k Cnlavon, Druggists. W. P. Christy, Grocer. Scott A Co,, Oc n trill Merchandise. A. L. Ramsey, Main ami Market Sts.. W. C. Schultr., Drayman. ' D. E, NabergBll Meat Co. Canfiold 4 Jones, Merchants. ft A. Archbald, First Nntioftl Bauk. M. J, Cameron, Councilman. John R. Hulbert, Councilman 1st Ward. O. A. Flood, Merchant. Paid adv. by W. II. Trimllo, Boey.