Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Children Cry for Fletcher's
m E M M ah-lf a B Ar V
I Mi
The Kind You HaTe Always Bought, and which has been
In use for over SO years, has borne the signature of
0 and has been made under his per
jC&Jty-f-ji ' 8onal supervision since its infancy.
&C7y. SUcAtAt, Allow no one to deceive you is this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other , Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, ail Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
fBears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Waste wood in the manufacture of
school desks is now being used for the
backs of choap brushes, according to
the statement of the forost resorvo.
A large manufacturer of school desks
in Michigan had a considerable amount
of waste material in sizes which were
'Tothe Merit of LydiaEPink
ham's Vegetable Com
pound during Change
of Life.
!!!!!. .11 U.llltlWWTWJWW"?
Streator, 111. I shall always praise
Xydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
1 pound wherever I
go. It has done me
so much good at
Change of Life, and
it has also helped my
daughter. It is ono
of the grandest
medicines for wo
men that can be
bought I shall try
to induce others to
tryif'-Mrs. J. II.
Campbell. 205 N.
Second St, W. S., Streator, lliinoia.
Philadelphia, Pa, " It was at the
Chnnge of Life' that I turned to Lydia
K Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
using it as a tonic to build up my syj
tem, with beneficial results." - Mr:.
Sara Havward, 1823 W.Venango St,
(TiogB) Phila., Pa.
San Francisco, Cal. " I have taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound for many years whenever I
would feel bad. I have gone through
the Change of Life without any troubles
and thank the Compound for it I rec
ommend it to young girls and to women
of all ages." Mrs. C. Barrie, 30C2
25th St, San Francisco, Cal.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalelled.
If you want special adrloe write to
Lydia E. riitkham Medicine Co. (con(l
dentist) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
he opened, read and answered by a
woman and bold In strict confidence.
to short to enter into the manufacture
of the smallest desks, and could not
be utilized further with his machinery
or in his line of work. This material
was all hard maple in pieces an inch
thick, a foot or so long, and about
three inchos wide; for a long time it
had boen consigned to the waste pile
and sold as fire wood. This waste
amounted to from oue thousand to
fifteen hundred board foot each day. A
nearby manufacturer was using practi
cally this quantity of maplo, which he
was sawing up into Binall pieces for
making the backs of cheap brushes,
Mombers of the forest service, in
vestigating methods of eliminating the
factory waste, conceived the idoa that
the blocks used by the brush factory
could be readily secured from the waste
of the school liosk manufacturer, and
on this basis got the two togother. Ar
rangements wore made so that tho brush
manufacturer now places ordors with
the other firm for its raw material and
what was formerly waste is now a
source of profit.
It Causes Hardening of the Arteries
and Other Grave Troubles.
rhysiciuns have always studied tin
pulse, because It given valuable Infor
mutlon concerning the body's condl
Hon of health or disease. But It 1
only recently Unit they huve begun Ui
use tue term "blood pressure" fre
quently iiud to rejjurd the amount of
that pressure us of great Importance.
That i because they now have Instru
ments for accurately meusurlng the
pressure, which previously they could
only estimate by feeling the pulse.
Blood pressure or the degree of ten
sion of the blood current within the
arterleH Is chiefly significant because
a permanent increase In it Is quite
sure to be followed In time by harden
ing of the arteries and by the degener
ation or disease of Important organs,
especially the kidneys.
The blood pressure Is Increased by
a number of causes that Increase tbe
force of tbe Heart beat or that con
tract tbe smaller blood vessels. Any
excitement anger. Joy, fear, "nervous
ness" raises It temporarily. But that
Is of little Importance unless the emo
tion is frequently repeated or unless
tbe person already has diseased arte
ries. Tbe blood pressure that is per
manently high is more serious. That
comes from long continued mental ex
citement such as worry, business anx
iety or political strife or from tbe ac
tion of certain polsous that are formed
In the system and not properly ex
creted. These poisons come from the waste
products of digestion, especially In
lurge meat eaters. They raise tbe
blood pressure by causing tbe smaller
arteries to contract
In small amounts these poisons are
excreted at once, but in persons who
eat lurge quantities of meat especially
of beef and mutton poultry and flsb
are less harmful they are sometimes
formed in amounts so large that tbe
kidneys cannot dispose of them prompt,
ly. When this huppens, especially If It
occurs in a person who Is under a con
stant mental strain, like the politician,
the flnnncler or the chronic worrier,
there is grave danger of a permanent
ly blgh blood pressure and, following
that of hardening of the arteries and
of kidney disease, mental disturbance
or apoplexy.
If you must worry be a vegetarian;
If you must eat meat do so only once
a day or. better still, every other day.
Youth's Companion.
When "Fape's DUpepsin" Beaches
Stomach All Indigestion, Gas and j
Sourness Disappears.
You don't want a slow remedy when
your stomach is bad or an uncertain
one or a harmful one your stomach
is too valuable; you mustn't injure it
with drastic drugs.
Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its
speed in giving relief; its harmlessness;
its certain unfailing action in regulat
ing sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its mil
lions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia,
gastritis and other stomach trouble has
made it famous the world over.
Keep this perfect stomach doctor in
your home keep it handy get a large
50-cent case fro many drug store and
then if any one should eat something
which doesn't agree with them; if what
they eat lays like load, ferments and
sours and forms gas; causes headache,
dizziness and nausea; eructations of
acid and undigested food remember as
soon as Pape's Diapepsin comes in eon
tact with the stomach all sucb distress
vanishes. Its promptness, certainty and
ease in overcoming the woret stomach
disorders is a revelation to those who
try it.
At JofferRon, Oregon, October 25,
li:i, Addio B. Huffman, wife of Ed
ward J. Huffman, and only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Loonoy. She had
been ill for over a year and had suf
fered greatly, boing confined to an in
valid chair. She was of sunny disposi
tion, and always looked forwnrd to be
ing well and active again.
Addie will be misHod grcaly and is
mourned by all her friends. !?lie was
married to Edward Huffman Septem
ber 2, 11103, Ilev. P. 8. Knight officiat
ing. The f mioral was from hor ftithor's
home in Jefferson, Uov. P. S. Knight
conducting tho services, and the inter
ment was in tho Looney comotcry,
whore her mothor also is buried.
Mrs. Huffman was a great sufferer
iluring her long illness but clung to the
hopo of soon boing well again. Hhe was
very fond of hor homo and very happy
in her home life. In spite of all that
loving hearts and toudor rare could do
for hor, she failed away, like the flow
ers and loaves of autumn.
"In the dump, green earth we laid her,
Wh'ii the forest dropped the leaf,
Ami sighed that one so lovely
Should have a life so brief."
King of Flowers.
On tbe score of age alone the peony
should command the interest of all
flower lovers. It has a history which
began many hundreds of years ago.
The tree peony. Taenia moutun, Is a
nutlve of China. This peony, more
than any other flower, has been the
glory and pride of the Chinese for near
ly 1.500 years and has been a subject
for their painters and a theme for
their poets. In China for more than
1.000 years a record has been kept of
the percentage of seedlings of this
peony and their characteristics. Its
great beauty 'und fmgrunce made' It
centuries ago the favorite flower of
China's emperors, and It was called
Hwa Wuug king of flowers. Subur
ban I.I fa
lonmnl Want Ads Brln Result.
All deal men are honost so far ns wc
I know.
Make This and Try It
for Coughs
This Homo-lTIa.de Remedy has
no Equal for Prompt
Mix ono pint of granulated sugar with
pint of warm water, und stir for 2
minutes. Put 2 Hi ounces of I'inex (fifty
cents' worth) in a pint bottle; then add
the Sugar Syrup, 'lake a toaBpoonful
every one, two or three hours.
This simple rcmcdv takes hold of a
coui;h more quickly than anything else
you ever . used, t'simlly conquers an
ordinary cough inside of 2l hours.
Splendid, too, for whooping cough,
spasmodic croup and bronchitis. It
stimulates the appetite and is slightly
laxative, which helps end a cough.
This makes more and better cough
syrup than you eould buy ready made
fiir $2.50. It keeps perfectly and tastes
I'inex is a most valuable concen
ttatod compound of Norway white pine
extract, and is rich in iriinlncnl and
other natural pine elements which are
so healing to the memlirnnes. Other
preparations will not work in this plan.
Making cough syrup with Pinex anil
sugar syrup (or strained honey) has
proven so popular throughout the United
States and Canada that it is often
imitated. But the old, successful mix
ture has never been equaled.
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
this preparation. Your druggist has
I'inex or will get it for you. If not,
send to The Pinex Co., Ft Wayne, Ind.
Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc.
1 Wheat Track prices: New Club,
77c; new Bluestom, 88c; now Fortyfold,
78c; new Bed Russisn, 70c; Fife, 79c;
Valley, '79c.
Millstuffs Bran, $22.00 per ton;
shorts, $24; middlings, $31.
Flour Patents, $4.70 per barrel;
straights, $4.10; exports, $3.654.65;
valley, $4.70; graham, $4.00; whole
wheat, $4.80.
Corn Whole, $37; cracked, $38 per
Hay Fancy Idaho timothy, 1718;
fancy eastern Oregon timothy, $1516;
timothy and clover, $1413; timothy
and alfalfa, $1315; clover, $8.5010;
oats and vetch, $1011; cheat, 1011;
valley grain hay, $10011. '
Oats No. 1, white, $2525.50 per
Barley Food, $2425 per ton; brew
ing, nominal; rolled, $27(323.
Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc.
Dried Fruits Apples, 10c per lb.';
currants, 10c; apricots, 1214c; peach
es, 8llc; prunes, Italian, 810c; sil
ver, 18c; figs, white and black, 6Vj
7'jC; raisins, loose Muscatel, 6
7Mic; bleached Thompson, HV&c; un
bleachod Sultanas, SVjt; seeded, 7i
Coffee Roasted in drums, 1832c
per lb.
Nuts Walnuts, 1718c per lb.;
Brazil nuts, 12'jc; filberts, 15c; al
monds, 1018c; pecans, 17c; cocoanuts,
90c$1.00 por dozen.
Halt Granulated, $14 por ton; half
ground, 100s, $10.25 por ton; 50s, $11
por ton.
Beans Small white, $0.00; large
white, $4.75; Lima, $8.30; pink, $4.00;
red Mexicans, fie; bnyou, $4.40.
Rice No. 1 Japan, 55',dc; cheaper
grades, 4Vic; southern head, 50c.
Honey Choico, $3.253.75 por case.
Sugar Dry granulated, $5.35; fruit
and berry, $5.35; boot, $5.15; Extra C,
$4.85; powdorod, barrels, $3.00; cubes,
barrels, $5.75.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Apples New, 60c$2.50 per box;
apricots, 75c$1.25 por box; canta
loupes, $1.251.50 per crate; peaches,'
4000c per box; watermelons, $1.25 per
cwt.; plums, 3050c per box; pears,
75c$l,50 per box; grapes, 50c$1.13
per crate; casabas, $1,76 per dozen.
Tropical Fruits Oranges, Valencia,
$4; navels, $4.505:50; Florida grape
fruit, $5.50(ii)7; lomona, $8.G010 per
box; pineapples, 7c per lb.
Vegetables Beans, Sdjia por Ib.j
cabbage, l'jO per 11). cauliflower, $2
por crate; corn, 1015o per dor..; cu
cumbers, 2040c por box; eggplant,
57o per pound; bend lettuce, 8540e
nr dozen; pens, fi(!i)7o por pound; pep-
A Saving Event on Seasonable Merchandise
,rr"" - By?
r r 1 m Is-.
CoatsSuits Dresses
Greatly Reduced
Suits- Women9 s and Miss
es Suits at sacrifice prices.
Mast make room for Holiday Goods. Materials of
Serge, Ratines, Diagonals, and Novejty Suitings.
Every suit guaranteed to give satisfaction.
$19. 75 to $22.30 Special $15.00
$25.00 to $27.50, Special $19. 75
$35.00 to $42.50, Special$24.50
CoatsEvery Coat
in the house in this
sale. All new Fall and Winter Mod
els, in the best of materials. Special
$10.00 $12.50 $15.00
$19.75 $24.50
Children's Coats
Special $2.62 $3.98 $5.75 $6.98
Dresses ClothfSilh
and Evening Dress
es, every one re
duced in price. , All down to date
styles and dresses you will like.
Special $6.95 $8.95 $12.50
$15.00 $19.75 $24.50
pcrs, fl8c pound; radishes, 3012c
per dozen; tomatoes, 4060o per box;
gnrlic, 10a per pound.
Potatoes New, 75c$l per ewt.)
Bweets, $2.25 per crate.
Onions Oregon, $1.50 per sack.
Dairy and Country Produce.
Butter Oregon creamery, solid pack,
80c por lb.; prints, box lots, 84c.
Egg" Oregon ranch, 4042c per doz.
Cheese Orogon Triplets, IOVjOJ' Dai
sies, 17c; Young Amorica, 18a.
turkeys, live, 20c, dressed, 25o.
Voal Fancy, 13V&iJ16e per pound.
Pork Fancy, 12'o per lb.
Tho principal ingredient in luck is
common sense.
BWWlrfWrJfWWWWI'P1t!eB1Jf PB WW WW tiH ffl IT Vr-w
WHMMIel WMItffi.l.isnttMlliiiM-M Wstt T Irn Itw MB MIM ft it HiHilelrt sMsM liilW llsit Is HhJ
1 TllfT - ITTlHl
water when
Can Get Salem Beer?
$Bif)wwf IP i irf
jm hsWmui)Us1 tflu few; kv
The Most Popular Beverage on the Pacific Coast
Salem Bottled Beer is brewed in one of the most modern plants on the Pacific
Coast. It is aged in steel glass-lined tanks. It is conveyed by modern pipe line
system direct to the bottle house, bottled under pressure and never comes in con
tact with the air from the time it leaves the fermenting tank until the bottle is
opened by the consumer. Therefore the consumer is absolutely assured a beer of
ideal effervescence, snap and purity. A trial will surely convince you. Get it from
your local dealer or send order to the
Salem Brewery Association
Salem, Oregon
jKiM wwtfpvel buee rhz l mete rie mf wuV) rw TeFfi?Kcip I EtXTTo6rn I I Mim
W( soma's Cp) Hey ?2iri& the- ifipif (tw.k.m't.mb- . vetvuncue, traveAa' Lmgep f , 1 ' f7f
lo.n the zmj) Vpj I , p- - Uup Knez. a pope ooT thu& I ftSjJft
VC r -Z jfk f ci&eETTirJ iN yjALiopiM' a peu.ee.3 4 . NJyH
mtsJL V m &k vp voft22r oh fgs S3 '
OH fel