Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 30, 1913, Image 1

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    All the News that's Fit to Print.
Departments Told to Hold Forces Ready for Mexican Service
at Moment's Notice Other Powers Weary of Disorder and
Demand United States Do Something John Lind Planning
Last Effort to Deal With H uerta President Wilson Will
Recognize Neither Huerta Nor His Lieutenant, Blanquet.
Washington, Oct. 30. All indications
were today that the United States will
be fighting for peace in Mexico within
a few more days.
President Wilson ordered both army
and navy departments to hold their
forces ready for Mexican service at a
moment's notice.
The president would prefer recogniz
ing General Oarranza, the Mexican reb
el leader, and letting the Mexicans
fight out their diffoveuoes between
Other powers are weary of disorders
in Mexico, however, think the United
States can stop them more quickly than
C'arranza and probably ' will bring
strongor pressure to bear than the pros
idont can resist.
Draft of Policy Beady.
' The president had completed a draft
of his new Mexican policy today, but
did not intend to submit it to the cabi
not until next week.
Ho delayed bocause he wished to see
what the new Mexican congress will do
when it moots Saturday.
It was bolieved the Mexican congress
will declare votes cast for Huerta void,
since the constitution does not permit
him to Biiccoed himself, and declare
General Blanquet president.
If this development occurs Prosidout
Wilsou will announce that he will rec
ognizo neither Huerta nor his lieuten
ants, of whom Blanquet is one, and out
line a policy which it was bcliovod to
day would moan American intervention.
It wns understood on all bauds that,
though America may intervene in Mex
ico, it will withdraw as soon as order
has been restored.
Lind Makes Final Effort.
In the meantime John Lind, at Vera
The jury in the case of William Tot
zol and G. B. Trask against the Oregon
Electric Co., brought in a verdict in
l'avor of tho defendant yesterday after
noon. Trask sued for damages on the
grounds his auto truck was demolished
by an Oregon Electric traiu and Potzcl
sued to collect damages on the grounds
bis brother, Joe Petzel, wbs killed by
the some train at tho same time th
truck mis hit.
To have a pane of glass fall on his
Plentiful Supply
of Candidates for
Places in Council
The city election is a sii-day-go-as-yoU'plcac
affair, as no nominations
were made and it Is free for all, On
this account it is almost impossible out
of the tangle of names suggested In the
seven wards, to discover just who are
candidal1. A Capital Journal man put
in several hours trying to get the name
of those who are really candidates and
the following is the mult:
' In the First ward. O. O. Brown re
tires and the candidate for his place
are Wm. MeGilehrist, Jr.; B. X. Hoover,
A. T. Moffitt, and 8. M. KndicoU.
Swond ward: Florian Von Ksrlien,
Charles Dirk, Win. Steusloff and Mai
Huren. ( ouneilmaa Iligdon retiring.
Third ward: Clifford Drown, Walter
Cruz, was planning a last effort to deal
with Huerta. Pointing out the hopeless
ness of his position, he intended to ask
the dictator to agree to an armistice
with, the rebels and an honest election
under some other provisional president,
if the factions can agree on one, or un
der American supervision if they can
not. He had small hope that Huerta
would agree.
The powers showed signs of impati
ence at waiting for America even until
next week, but reluctantly "kept bauds
Foreign diplomats in Mexico City
wore "at outs " with one another con
cerning their various Mexican policies,
and all joined in complaining that Sir
Lionel Cardon, British miuistor, is too
closo to Huerta.
Dlai to Be Protected.
Admiral Fletcher, commanding the
American fleet at Vera Cruz, was or
dered to send General Felix Diaz to sea
on the cruiser Tacoma and to tranfer
him there to a northbound mnil steam
ship after it has touched at its last
Moxican port, leaving him to go either
to Havana or Now York.
Transports were held at Galveston
tor the Socond United States cavalry,
hitherto at Fort Bliss, but the war de
partment said the Socond was moroly
about to change posts with the Fif
teenth, at Fort Meyer.
Negotiations wore rojiortod in pro
gress for a now 2000-acre prosidio near
Los Angeles or Long Beach, conveni
ently near to tho Moxican bordor.
Fighting Continues.
Fighting continued between rebels
and tho besieged fedoral garrison of
Tho federals woro reported to havo
roeaptured Hidalgo from tho rebels.
head and sustain only a hard jolt was
the experience of O. Bla.ier, a deputy
in the State Bank Examiner Wright's
office yostcrday, A callor caused tho
glass to fall by slamming the door In
going out.
Judge Galloway hold a thort session
of court in the county court chambors
yesterday afternoon and divorcee wore
granted to Lily M. Johnson from Frank
O. Johnson, and Alice II. Baker from
William F. Bakor. .
Hpaulding, Hoy Noer and Kolloy.
Fourth ward: Thomas Brown. E.
Ilofnr, J. F. Jones, Wm. Cummingn, Fred
Krixon and E. W. Chorrlngton. Jones
and dimming are up fur reelection.
Fifth ward: Theodore Both and Levi
Met'racleu. John D. Turner retiring.
HI nth ward: W. It. Dalryniplo, O. O.
Tooker and McCMlan. Skaife re
tiring. Seventh ward: X. D. Elliott and C.
O, I'resnalL J. D. Waring retiring.
In tfca Klitb Hatch is faring a recall
and in the third HtoU is also against a
recall. StoU'e time would expire with
the year, and Hatch will hold a year
longer If sot recalled.
Strong Evidence Against Pair
Who Are Sentenced to Die
. Tomorrow.
Asserted Ho Lived Off Illegal Earn
ings of His Wife and Stepdaugh
ter In California.
That Spanos and Seymour will be
hanged at the state penitentiary at 8:30
tomorrow morning, dospite efforts made
to get their Bentonces commuted was
certain this afternoon. Strong evidence
that the pair had been mixed np in oth
er holdups and murders and that Soy
mour made a white slave of his wife
and one of his step-daughters arrived
and was being investigated.
Seymour and Spanos were given an
opportunity to combat the new charges.
Preparations for the execution have
been completed and Warden Lawson's
invitjatious to the press have been dis
Secretary Bynon, of the Salem Com
mercial Club, is one of tho delegates at
the big mooting of .county judges and
commercial club representatives of the
Willamette valley which is being held
in Albany today to determine- whethei
or not the valley exhibit at the Panama
exposition shall be composed of individ
ual county exhibits or one largo dis
play, the counties joining hands in the
matter. BopruHontatives of eight coun
ty courts and oight commercial clubl
rue at the meeting.
(united mass uusbd wins.
I'll iladolph in, Out. 30. Mrs. .Irene
Cunningham, wife of Clement Cunning
ham, a rich stool manufacturer who tes
tified in hor own behalf iu tho divorce
trial between hersolf and husband, sup
plemented today the curious story she
told on the witness stund, with an equal
ly curious intorview.
"When we were married ' 14 years
ago," sho said, "we inado a purity pact
which we kept religiously on both sides
until lately, whon my husband wanted
to break his oath, This was what led
to -the divorco suit. Nothing on earth
could make me break mine. I have
consocrpted myself and subordinated
everything to my Redeemer. "
Tho I'endli'ton Hound-l'p, or rather
the Hound l'p pictures for there are
noue except tliote at I'eiidlotou and the
njime la unnecessary in stioakiiig of
them, drew a crowded house last night.
Thero were soven big reels and to show
thorn took from 7:30 until 9:30, and
thoro were no Idle moments either.
Those who have nut already ieou these
picture shall do so by all means, as
are realistic and give one a pretty good
idea of tho strenuous life of tho cow
boy. Tho pictures of the Indians rigged
out in their oldtimo war continues, were
alone well worth many times tho cost
of the tickets. If you have never pern
the real round- up, by all means go to
night as that will bo the last epportu
niaty to sen them here. Among the
other pictures are many of the ( herri
ans at points along the mad. The lat
ter did no burking, hut they did good
work for Salem.' And speak in K of buck
Ing, the pictures show some of the most
artistie work In, this lino ever seen any
where. Hen them and get an Idea of
the contortions and evolutions a rayuse
is rapahle of.
Money talks all right. Most of
haven't any to sxak of, bowMer.
mm. .
Jury Brings in Verdict of Not
Guilty Shortly After 5 in
First Ballot Stood Five for Acquittal,
Four for Conviction and Three for
Insanity Verdict.
dhitid rasss Lauico wi.
Plymouth, Mass., Oct. 30. The jury
in the case of Mrs. Jennie May Eaton,
accused of murdering her late husband,
Roar-Admiral Joseph G. Eaton, retired,
by poisoning him, returned a verdict
of acquittal at 8:10 a. m. today. The
jury had been out since 7:45 lost night.
Before leaving for hor home, Mrs.
Eaton issued the following statement:
"I am so happy over the verdict be
cause of my mother and daughter. They
both need me. My freedom means much
to them."
It was reported this afternoon the
first ballot stood five for acquittal,
four for conviction, and throe for ac
quittal on the ground that the defend
ant was insane.
The city council last ovoning passed
an ordinance providing for the submis
sion to tho people at tho eloution De
cember of a proposed rhartor amend
ment, providing for a more equitable
systom of assessment of proporty for
street improvements. The new system
provide for the division of blocks into
throo zones for improvement assess
ment purposes, tho first to bo assosod
.")() per cent of the cost, the socond 30
per rent and tho third 20 por cent. In
tersections will be assessed pu all three
zonos proortlonatoly, it was stated by
City Enginoer Tillman, who drnftod the
plan. Provision is also made for the
equitable assessment of irregular tracts,
Tho council ngrood that the plan was
a good one and would corroct the in
equalities of tho old system. A vote
of thanks was extended to the engineer.
Local Bid Is Accepted.
The sale of $10,000 of Improvement
bonds was mado to the Capital Nation
al Bank of Bnlem. The Lumberman's
Bank of Borland offered $17.31 more,
but asked for a transcript of the dis
trict, and the approval of the same by
the bank's attorney before acceptance.
This would cost $200 ami so tho local
bid was best.
llerause nothing has been done toward
installing a hydrant and cistern on Fair
mount Hill, although authorized In
June, ami $3.10 tssnsforred trom the
light fund to the fire fund for tho pur
pose, Mary objected to the Installation
of other hydrants on Cheiiiekota, be
tween flixteonth ami Seventeenth and
at, Twenty-first ami Frederick. The
matters woro referred to the fire and
wntnr committee to Investigate and re
port. - The street roiniiilltee was Instructed
to Investigate the blocking of the side
walk on Front street by I). A. White k
The Weather
The Dickey Bird
says: Oregon: Fair
tnnliht, Friday
east, rain west
ortlonj easterly
. winds,
Reads the
30, 1913.
John Hennessy Asked to Pro
duce "Little Black Book"
at Once.
Whitman Not Anxious to Stir Up
Much Evidence Against Tammany
at Thie Stage of Game.
New York, Oct. 30. District Attor
ney Whitman today called on John Hon
nossey, who .was William Sulzer 's spe
cial graft investigator while Sulzer was
governor, to produce his "little black
book," said to contain a stenographic
record of a confession made by ex-State
Senator Stillwell in Sing Sing peniten
tiary. Henncssoy has roforrod frequently to
the "little black book" in political
spoeches he has made lately, ts contain
ing graft evidence be gathered during
his Investigations for Sulzer.
Though it was not given out, Hennes
sey has said, however, that he has a
shorthand record of the confession and
it was said that private do tec ti vet here
hold another, which Whitman wants to
compare with Hennessey's.
t Dictaphone notes also will he exam
ined for persons understood io have
heard the confession, thoy will be sum
moned before the district attornoy, and
if they corroborate Hennossoy and the
private dctectivos, the case undoubted'
ly will be laid boforo the grand jury.
It was considered unlikoly that Whit
man would mako much progress ,wlth
his investigation beforo tho city elec
ilov. II. E. Mrshallk pastor of the
First Baptist church, was one of tho
speakers at un onthusioetio prohibition
meeting iu tho Lrnlio M. E. church last
In his address Itov. Marshall stated
that ho has had first hand experience
in tho liquor business and has known
its horrors of vice and bitterness from
his own personal experience, not only
in his life, but in tho lives of those in
his family.
As wo write this little Item there lies
on the table before us a hunch of fra
grant apple blossoms, delicately pink
and while, and redolent of Spring, They
go a long ways toward proving that Oc
tober, or for that matter, November too
nro "a plensniit as May." They ant
from un eight year old llellflower tree
on the grounds of II. It. I'nge at VIM
Month Coiiimiircial strevt. Apple bios
ioms on the Inst days of October Is sure
olng some ami with prevent weather
conditions they will lie in evidence for
i week or two in November.
t hief of Police Hhtdeek is today look
ing for Kli ii belli Weeks, a young wo
man who is accused of beating her land
lady, Mrs, Hrlmfcr, out of an $ll hotel
bill. It is lielievsd by the chief that
Mrs, Weeks Is now lr I'.'ugens Slid hit Ii
ommunli ntlug with the authorities of
hut place this afternoon in hops of
;ol tug in touch fith the wommi. -
A spotless shirt doe not slwsys rov
er a swtles record.
Haily Capital Journal
U N 1 1G
Two German Steamships Go Down and All on Board Them
Are Believed to Have Perished Spanish and French
Steamships Are Ashore and Pounding to Pieces Impossi
ble to Reach Those on Board Stranded Vessels on Account
of Mountainous Seas Men Seen Clinging to Riggings.
iixitid raise uasid win,
Casa Blanca, Morocco, Oct. 30. Many
were reported dead today In four disas
trous shipwrecks on the Moroccan coast.
There was a terrific hurricane along
the north African coast last night. To
day the soaa were still frightful. Many
coast towns snffored severely.
The Creek steamship Miasolonghi
and tho Gorman steamship Martini wore
The University of Oregon has 'al
ways neon lorceu, unuor tne system
prevailing since 1873, to ask oach leg
islature for funds with which toperate
during another two years.
This year the university, with double
Ua attomluuc it ha. in 1908, and with
tho largest freshman class in its his
tory, is holding classes in all sorts of
unsuitable pin cos, while waiting a fa
vorable verdict from tho people so it
can build,
To sustain the two modest appro
priations, tho money for which is al
ready provided, voto "Yes;" to vote
"No" Is to vote for tho referendum.
According to records at the county
clerk's office, tho total registration of
voters outsido of Salem is 2141) slueo
the now law wont Into offoct. Most ol
those registering since June 3, this yonr,
are women. Tho total registration of
Hul oiii will bo known within a day ol
so, tho clerks now botng busy tabulnt
lug the registration ro turns.
Tho Woman's Alliance of tho Unita
rian church will moot tomorrow after
noon at o'clock at the church to fin
inU arrangement for the church suppor
to bo given November 1, Alt the la
dles are invited to be present and come
prepared for work, Mr. E. V. Carlton
will act a hostess.
l'cnrl Hollzclaw, a tough diameter,
well known In police circle, was arrest
ed last night on the charge of being
drunk and dlsorderely. This morning
Judgo Elgin gavo the woman five days
In the city jnll.
Thug Who Slugged
Loan Man Eludes
Police of Salem
The police havo today been unable to
locate the unknown person who Inst
night asonulleil unil attempted to rob
Hntiiiiel l aplow, proprietor of the Na
lem l.oiiu office here, Caplow was
iteming his Inline un Cottage street
iilumt 10; in, when a mun rushed up lie
him I him and hit him over the hes-l
with a sliiiigKliut. He was daixl by the
Mow, hut tried to escape,
I'll plow's cries brought (leorg K.
Terwllliger, proprietor of the Cottage
I'lidertaking parlorc, who found the
thug standing over Caplow, Tho un
dertaker pulled him off, thinking II
was merely a street fight, and demand
ed to know what was the trouhlo. The
bug sold: "Well, be can't lick me."
Then he walked off, leaving hit hat. It
known to have been lost and it was be
lieved all on board them perished.
The Spanish steamship Lyria and the
French steamship Carabella were ashore
and pounding to plocea on the rooks to
day. It was impossible for rescueis to
reach those on the stranded ships, on
account of the mountainous seas. Men
could be seen clinging to the rigging of
both vessels.
' onitxd rhes LaASID win.)
Now York, Oct. 30. John Schild
knecht, an $18 a wook clerk, formerly,
employed in the offices here of Wash
burn & Crosby, wa arrostod today on
a charge of ombezxling $50,000. For
nearly a year, te police say, Schild
knecht pasod as a millionaire, living
like a prince in an expensively fur
nished apartment with a girl who
posed as his wife. Tho couple enter
tainod luvishly.
Srhlldhnocht disappeared two month
ago, when the shortage was discovered.
He declared today that the girl got
most of the mono".
Han Fmne.lsco, Oct 30. "That's cru
elty, all rlghtj divorce grafted," said
Judgo Cerf today after Mary Bool had
complained that her hwdiand, James,
took hor to dance and then allowed her
to languish alone, refusing evon to per
mlt hor to dance with any one else.
"But Jamee danced with every pret
ty girl he met," added Mrs, BceJ. "I
had to play the part of a 'wall flower."
( wim soon learned that he was a robber
T. (', Hiulih, the dentist, saw where tint
and Terwllliger notified the police. Dr.
luirglnr hud gone and joined Terwilll
ger In the pursuit. He had his ninn
nearly cornered at one timo but tho
thief remarked: " Von can't woik thst
game on me," and disappeared around
some buildings down town.
It is known that the thug bad a part
nor who followed Caplow sad signaled
to tho other by whistling. It Is prolm
bin that both will bo under arrest le
forn many hour.
Caplow 'a Injnrlm were eared for by
Mr. and lira. John 1'svnir, at wh.vr
horn ho ha roomed until the arrival i f
Dr. Bytd. Caplow 's head was tmd y