PA03 THEEB. SPORTS! Eastern Critics Will Bo Given An Op DAILY CAPITAL JOTTBKAL, SALEM, 0&BO09, TUESDAY, OCTOBES 28, 1913. portunity to See if Champion is Beal Mit Artist. IF CBOSS IS WOESTED ' EITCHIE WILL GET MORE Chances of Several More Combats Are Good in Case New York is Stowed Away by Champ. . BY HAL SHEEIDAN (Written for the United Press) New York, Oct. 28. Willie Bitchie, light-weight champion of the world, and Leach Cross, the New York dentist fighter, will fight here next month. The battle, was scheduled for today, but Cross injured his hand. This means thpt the eastern critics, as well as the fight followers, are to be given a chance to see Willie in what promises to be a real fight. Bitchie has been panned more or less since his fight with Fred die Welsh was' called off at Vancouver and the eastern bugs now want to be shown. It is up to Willie o show wheth er he is of real championship calibre or is of the chcee variety of which there are largo hunks, to say nothing of gobs now operating a'bout Manhattan. Most any frosty morning during the past three weeks you might have spot ted Bitchie hitting it up along the roads through Central Park, getting himself into condition for the Cross bout. He does not hold Loach lightly, consider ing that Cross has a knockout over Bud Anderson to his credit. But he does not expect to run into a great deal of trouble handling Leach. "If he will just fight and not back away and cover up I am sure to knock him out," said Ritchio. "Loach is strong for the covering up game, but if ho stands out and fights I'll get him." If Bitchie hangs ono over on Cross he may oxpect to have a reasonably busy winter if ho cares to stay in the eat. There is Jnck Britton and John ny Loro to draw on for fights. Ritchio doclarcs ho is willing to meet Freddie Welsh at any time, lie may bo accom odated here if the going gets good. A word from Welsh and a half dozen fight managors would be in a scramble to Bign up such a bout, providing Willie shows something moro than a pair of arms, legs and a title. Tho titlo Bounds good, but Now York fight fans aro beginning to demand a little fight on the side, Belch is Disappointment One of the big disappointments of the parly fight Benson here wns tho showing of Al Reich, former amateur champion, who blossomed out as a "white 'hope," Bad match-making was largely responsi ble for Reich 's downfall. lie is a strap ping big fellow, well built and apparent ly has everything that a champion should have sa fiir as physical fitness is concerned. Ho is mighty shy on ox perieneo lowovor. Running him into )arl Morris in what was virtually his first professional fight spilled the beans. Belch didn't know evon how to "keep out of tho way nnd went out in two rounds. A slow bringing up and Beich may yet bo heard from. In passing it might bo mentioned that Morris is showing a lot moro this fall than it was ever suectod he had lurking about his person. Ho Is blggor than tho sides of two hoiiBos and pick ed up a surprising amount of fight knowledge within the last yoar, He fortiiinly has Gunboat Smith's number and Gunboat was strutting about Now York ns the roal goods In the heavy weight line. All Talk of Next Year. By this time the last alibi shmild Tiavo boon offorod and tho last post mortem hold over tho late lamontod "World's series lamented so far as tha Giant fans aro concerned The cry Is now "next year," A week ago wo gave Clark Griffith his yelp In that grand old chorus. After everybody has got ten ft good square si 7.0 of the bunch piloted by Connie Mack, however, the vote from around the stove in tho win ter lengno Is that Griff's new kid pitch ers are going to be In for a warm ro ceptinn when the new season rolls ar ound. Mack had one of the greatest ball clubs that ever went on tho field this year but Ms "next yoar" song Is that ho will have the greatest club ho over managed. If tho other seven clulni in the American league ran get any .satisfaction out of thnt announcement thry are welcome to it. Muck not only looks to next year, and the next, but so fnr ahead we do not know the exact limit of his sight. Dur ing the world's series forty-seven young men snt In the grand -stand ami watched the gnme. ( onnie Mack had them there 1o learn something. They reprmeutcd bis "1'HM'lmll school" and frmn the bunch niny cotne another linker, Col lins of Niclnncs. Home of them aro only high sc hool boys, others were from col leges, but they nil hsve shown a slant toward bnwlmll ami when they liave develoicil pnniigh stuff they will be pushed it to Mack's fighting line. With sin-h a system s that, working Mack is rot likely to suffer from a lack of reserve material within the next few years. 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