DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OBE009, FRIDAY, OCTOBEE 24, 1913. PAOE THEEE. L BE Insist on this label to insure satisfaction. Women1 s Suits and Coats at greatly reduced prices FOR EXPERT Mrs. Vaughn Says Cooking Is Basis for Civilization and Believes in Us- ) ing Modern Ideas. Knit-Right Sweater Coats. For thirty-two years the best Complete sweater satisfac tion when you have on a Knit-Right. They cost no more than the ordinary kind. Knit-Right Sweaters For the entire family Front $1.00 to f 15.00 FOR SALE BY ALL GOOD DEALERS W. C. T. U. MEETING UNITED' FRB8S UDAftlD WIR1. Now York, Oct. 24. Roports of the committees showing the results of a world movement against intemperance, and a large increase in membership, were the important mattors discussed at doday 's sessions of the World 's Con vention of the W. C. T. U., which con vened here yesterday to remain in ses sion six days. Another important fea ture of today's mootings was the dis cussion of the salo of intoxicating liquor in New Zealand and Australia. The 500 delegates today informally dis cussed a world wide campaign which, if plans do not niiBcarry, will be institud ed in every country in the world where liquors are sold, some time during the ensuing year. This fight will be car ried into more than fifty countries and nations. WATER COLOE EXHIBITS ONITID PlUESft tJUSID WIBl. New York, Oct. 24. Water-color ex hibits from all over the United States wore received today at the headquarters of the New York MTater Color club, which on November 8 will open its twonty-fourth annual exhibit in the gal leries of the American Fine Arts soci ety at 213 West Fifty-seventh street. Tho exhibit will run from November 8 to November 30. Exhibits and col lections will be receivod today and tomorrow. Grouchiuess will go out the same way you let sunshine in. URGES WOMEN TO SHARPEN. UP INTERROGATION POINTS Evident From Way People Talk About Capital Journal's Free Cooking School Many Will Attend. Paint Kitchen Floors Don't Scrub Them Avoid the backache and sore knees caused by scrubbing bare floors. Painted floors are easy to keep bright and clean, are attractive and very inexpensive. ACMEQlMTY FLOOR PAINT gives a hard, durable, sanitary finish for floors, steps or any inside surface to be walked on, easy to keep clean and hard to wear out. You can apply it yourself. It dries in a short time. Offered in appropriate and attractive shades. FOR SALE BY Willamette Hardware Company 426 State Street Phone Main 217 Mrs. Kate B. Vaughn, who will talk to and cook for Salem women, next week, would certainly be gratified to know of the interest which is being manifested in The Capital Journal Free Cooking School. No effort will be spared to make the main auditorium of the Armory a very comfortable place in which to spend the afternoon all next week. The stage will be trans formed into a most complete and con venient kitchen with kitchen cabinet, tables, and modern cooking utensils. Many of these innovations will prove interesting to some of Salem housewives when Mrs. Vaughn explains and demon strates their use. Mrs. Vaughn is going to show Stilem housewives something about southern cooking next week. This is a subject many Salem women will hail with delight as an old friend, for many families of Salem originated in the south, and many women prido thorn solves on being good Southern Cooks. Thoy will enjoy campling Mrs. Vaughn's dishes and discussing hor methods. Mrs. Vaughn is looking forward to meeting Salem housowives and feels that Tho Capital Journal Cooking School will bo an exceptionally interesting one, ami it is evident from the way peoplo Are talking about it that she is not to bo disappointed. Mrs. Vaughn is at once progressive and "old fashioned." She believes ag gressively . that tho home is woman 'i sphere, but sho is just as aggressive in her belief thit woman should bring every modem idea and npplianco which is worth while, into household use. Mrs. Vaughn is heartily in sympathy with young girls who want to do things af ter now and up-to-dato mothods. She has coma in close touch with young women all over tho country who are strongly interested in domestic, science and tho has made it a point to en courage and advise them in every way possible. She has dono university ex tension work which has brought her in direct contact with domestic classos of tho high schools, and sho finds that the young women in many Btates Bhe has visited, are deeply interested. She says no ono ever heard toll of a studont "cutting" hor domestic science hour, and slio feels convinced that this study of housekeeping from a scientific stand point is going to bring about a much needed reform in housekeeping. Mrs. Vaughn says, "Wo live in nn ago of reforms and upheavals. We hear some thing new overy day about prison re forms, school reforms, reforms in tho political and business world, but nt the root and bottom of all these evils is the badly managed homo, just as truly as the well maiiiiged homo mak ing. Will our women go on doing things in gnindinother 's way, just be cause it was grandmother's way giv ing no intelligent thought to tho re suit!" More Cooks Than Anything Else More people are engaged in cooking than any other profession in tho world. It is true in more senses than ono that "too many cooks spoil tho broth." Tho samo cooks are spoiling many things besido broth. It is hard to say just how far tho effect of a badly cooked meal, by an untrained cook reaches. I'orhnps sometimes it is felt in tho making of the country's laws, l'er haps tho decision of the judge on the bench is influenced by what ho ate, for lunch. I'erhaps Johm.y suffers at J school because of teacher's undigested breakfast. Shall we have trained jock eys, trained baseball plnyors, trained business men, trained teachors ttuil preachers, and untrained cooks I Mrs. Vaughn Invites Discussion. The wen of Hnlerti will have ample if 4-r 1 Broken sizes of Suits in Serges, Ra tines, Diagonal Mixtures, and Novelty Suitingsall at greatly reduced prices Women's and Misses' Coats in all the New Fall Models here you will find just the coat you desire. ONE OF A KIND assorted into two lots. Special $12.50 and $15.00 U.(5hipIpu oiRpnnuf lERCHANDISC M"r "RttT between state 6 COust v piucCS MERCHANDISE opportunity, not only of listening to a trained cook, at Tito Capital Journal j Cooking school next week, but of ex pressing thoir own opinions on those , important topics. Mrs. Vaughn iuvitos discussion, and questions. Sho Bays, "My most intelligent audiences aro thoso who ask most quostions. ' ' A quos-1 tion box will bo a feature of tho Cook ing school. Any woman attonding tho school, who doos not havo an oppor tunity of asking hor quostions during tho lecture-demonstration hour, or, por haps does not care to, may write it out and place it in the question box. Thoso quosios will bo taken out, head aloud and answered each afternoon. Mon day's program will bo announced in tomorrow's issuo. farther in tho mine than we, lived." "Men dropped all around mo right nftor tho explosion," was Oeorgo Muv rada's story. "Sixteen died with a few foot of mo. I crawled on and madoiYork Public Service commission, and an JELLS OF El suro that they were all dead and then lost consciousness myself. When I re covered I was in tho mino office with a doctor working over mo." Hardly a homo in Dawson today but had lost Bomo member of tho family. TAXATION CONFERENCE UNIT10D I'HKSH I.BABRD WlllB.l ltuffulo. N. Y., Oct. 24. ltoand table discussions participated in by tax of ficials of various states who aro at tending tho soventh annual Conference on Taxation hero, was today's import ant feature of tho program. Today's Manufacturers, discussion hinged on tho speeches of T. B. Tuton, gonornl counsel of the American Bankers' association; Dr. R. H. Wlntton, statistician of the New authority on valuation of publio util ities; A. S. Dudley, tax commissioner of the St. l'aul railway, and W. W. Pollock, of tho Manufacturers' praisal company. Ap- BOXES AND CRATES UNITKD riltSS I.I1SBD wins. Portland, Ore., Oct. 24. Dofinite standards of berry boxes and crates to conform with present stato laws and city ordinances wore adopted at a meeting held horo under tho auspices of tho Northwestern Association of Box E ONITKD rilKSS r.BASBD Willi. Dawson, N. M., Oct. 24. "I was working with my two sons, when sud denly our lamps went out," said Am brose Stringer, ono of the Americans rescued from the mino. "Wo wore half a mile from tho entrunco and dragged ourselves to safety, but the gas wns bo thick wo could not have stood it much longer, i don't seo how any of tho men behind us could havo sur vived." "Fottv others and myself ran a mile and a Iwilf and managed to get out," said Wesley Bartce, another of tho American survivors. "First wo heard a deep roar and then wo felt a torrific wind, laden with gas, which blow over us. It is impossible Hum any of those DRINK HABI1 RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT. Thousands of wives, mothers and Bis ters are enthusiastic in their pmiso of OliltINK, because it lias cured thoir lovod ones of the "Drink Habit" and thereby brought happiness to their homes. (Jill bo L'iven Nncrnt.lv. OH- hTNK costs only l.0U per box. Ask for free booklet. I'orrv Drug Stores. '.IRK V Mount Crest Abbey Mausoleum SALEM This beautiful Mausoleum will be completed on or about December first. You are invited to inspect the construction of this build Ing in City View Cemetery. SUBSCRIBE NOW Plan and specifications on file in Salem office. Portland Mausoleum Co. Itoom .101 Hubbard building, Phone 239 MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS By Gross HENRY JR. SAYS UNjr-cwr THp no Puce' a, it . see PA?El2r WHAT ovt lPiep OP THE Hou'jE. f That' Ri6v vnhaT Trft OicnXHS )tj) 5h Fit The hoje fob,? S NOW THM Tag KW W Th,nk F,ErJ oP ! wAv e,6Hr OorfV on thf NICE in' O.-.t- ., VTm m .i ..rZJ IFItkFil ,iu rue e-,r J V ' ' ii f ; 1 1 1 , '"lxtTr To ?ot $ ft &tftS5 CS