Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 24, 1913, Image 2

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I Page oi
The Salem Capital Journal
OCT. 24, 1913
The Capital Journal
'five Georges and King Charles the Second. How a Jewish gentleman of the
Sophardim must laugh in his sleeves when he hears us boosting of our lineage.
The Barnes -Taber Company
GBAHAM P. TABEB, Editor and Mnger.
a Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principles and the Progress
and Development of Balem in Particular and All Oregon in General.
The latest to receive the hearty endorsement of "Teddy," is a Mr. Bird
whom Ted has picked out as a man above other men and one of the salt of the
earth, and who is at present running for governor of Massachusetts. He may
be all the great Progressive hag pictured him, but in view of the fact that Ted
dy gave th9 same kind of a recommendation to Taft and later picked on Sul
zor aa somewhat of an angol, cause. one to take Teddy's judgment with sever
al grain of salt.
: ibllibed Every Evening Except Sunday, Bnlem, Oregon -
(Invtrliblj In Advance) Cb5B3f3K
D1II7, tiy Carrier, per year ...$5.20 Per month.. 45c kcSSB?.
Dally, by Mall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 85c ft WjjJjJj.
Weekly, by Mall, per year .... 1.00 Biz montht.SOc Vp- , r'S'i .
An effort is being made to have November 19 declared Thanksgiving day
because it is the 50th anniversary of President LincolnJs Gettysburg speech.
I Jt should not be done. It has been the custom for a century or more to have
Thanksgiving day the last Thursday in November, and there is no reason for
making an exception this year. No day or change of days win add to or de
tract from Lincoln's immortal speech. It will live as long as the language is
used and it needs no celebration of the day to make it immortal.
Advertising rates will be furnished on application.
'Nnr Today" adi strictly cash In advance.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are
I arch. If the carrier does not do this,
taper to yon on time, kindly phone the
way we cat. determine whether r not
Fhose Main 82.
A DISPATCH from Berlin, Gormany Wednesday, says that tlio eugenic idea
is about to bo carried out to its legitimate result. There is to be estab
lished at Jena, if the scheme is perfected, a colony for brooding aristo
crats of the raco, physical and mental giants. In this colony each man,
if he is haudsonie and mentally a genius, may have ten wives. He will
not have them all at ono timo, but will have 0110 for one or at tho most two
years, or until she bears a child by him, when ho will bo entitled to a fresh
ono. Tho Bocioty holds that the only way to keep tho raco from detorioratiug
is to breed it up, and acting on this thtory it will start a stock farm along
the lines bb stated, that is if there aro 110 legal impediments. This farm iB to
be stocked with tho very best men and by tho process of selection tho raco is
eventually to bo built up.
Just how tho Block is to bo improved is ono of tho things that is not ex
plained. Stock can be improved this way by killing off tho scrubs and work
ing up to grades and finally to the pure brods, but it must bo remembered that
the scrubs muni, be gotten rid of. If th'oy aro allowed to increnso and multiply
then the fine-haired and flossy stock cannot bo substituted. Then each woman
is to be physically and mentally perfect, and is to turn her wholo attention to
bearing children. Experience teaches that this is the first thing tho perfect
nnd beautiful woman will not do. It spoils her shape, and that ia of vastly
moro importance to tho handsome woman than all tho raco problems thnt wore
over undertaken to bo solved.
Tho proposition is so utterly silly that wo should not notico it wore it not
for calling attention to tho extremes that a real faddist will go onco ho or sho
mounts tho favorito hobby. We called attention some timo ago to tho fact that
this very thing was tho legitimate result of tho eugenic idea. That tho only
way to improve tho race would bo by selection of sires and dams, mid wo
pointed out that this would never bo seriously contemplated. That is where wo
failed t4reali.o tho extent to which a dninphool would rido his hobby, if given
liberty to rido at all.
Thoro is another phoso to tho mntter and that is that tho perfect man phy
sically is a freak. Ho may have had parents far below tho average physically,
and it is certain that there is now no man or set of men that could bo depended
011 to become fathers of tho same type. In other words, the breud is not fixed.
There aro no 1'enheron or Clydesdale men. There are no Hcrcfords or Jersey
types. There lire no Plymouth Hocks or Wyandotte. There is in fact nothing
but scrubs whose offspring would not be true to type, except the scrub type.
THK 1IOAKO OP EDUCATION of New York City, after months of wrang
ling, has finally decided Hint a woman teachor may still hold her posi
tion after marriage. Hut it also holds that sho must not havo children,
for in that case sho will forfeit her position. This, it strikes us, is not
in accordance with tho eternal fitness of things. Hero is a board hold
ing that if a woman engaged in teaching other people's children should hnvo n
child of her own sho thon becomes incapable of teaching. More than that the
board deliberately penalizes motherhood. The matter came up over tlio caso
of Mrs. Piexotto, a teacher in charge of public school No. 1-1, tlio Bronx, who
absented herself from her classes February 3 and remained absent until sus
pended, April 22, she having given birth to a child April 7. A few days ago
idle was dismissed by a vote of 2 to 3,
The technical charge agninst her was thnt sho had been absent from her
(lntiin without leave. Members of the board admitted that had sho been suf
fering from typhoid fever, hurt in a joyrido, or for any other reasonable cause
she had been absent, her nbsenco would havo been excused, but tho bearing of
a child merited and caused dismissal.
It strikes us that if the bearing of children is nil offense against tho school
laws, and causes dismissal, then tho board should in tho Interest of tho nice
draw the lino at teachers marrying. It should make that tho reason for dismis
sal, and not the hearing of children. It should not put a premium on crime,
and place a temptation to prenatal child-murder in tho way of tho teacher who
unfortunately saw fit to marry. It is evident tho school board of New York
City in dead ripe for the recall.
HF.UK IS AN OPINION' on Suffrage Aristocracy and several other things,
an it is expressed in the laily Ontarian, a Canadian iiowspaer:
"The republics of the world have most to fear when women aro r
mittisl the privileges of tho ballot box, because every woman at heart is
an aristocrat, inure or less. Men, usually, nro not nearly so exacting In
their social attitude towards oilier ineii, as the fcniiuines aro toward both men
and women, Perhaps It would be safer to say that women are more aesthetic
Ui 11 11 aristocratic, There is little use In sneering nt a certain social superior
ity. When the assumption of a social superiority is said to be implied. There
lies the social blunder. Such offenders are the people who are unskilled in
tho subtleties and refilled secrets of conversation that never Irritates. Living
with such people is like living in a stuffy room with only hi,h hocked chairs.
These are the people who are forever wanting yon to sit up straight, nnd listen
to Improving conversation, whereas you want to lounge lniMrlally by an open
window and give way occasionally to a rng time slnnginess. Pride of birth Is
a wonderful thing, mv nmstors, that Is sneered nt in public and honestly envied
in secret by these who have no legitimate claim to it, .lust cast your eves 011
the serial high flyers of Toronto the (lood, and It will keep you all day count
ing the spurious crests and mottoes that nro daily Hud nightly in evidence in
(he Queen City of tho West. Pshaw I There is no pure blood In tho strict
eonse of the word, In tho Twentieth Century, The lliilieii.ollerns snior nt tho
Balkan kings; the Homnnoffs remember that they were crnrs when tho llohcn.
sollorns wore mere liuulgrafs, mil the llnpsluirgs and the (luelpha never forgvt
that they wore emKrnm ami kings when tho Romanoffs were feeding pigs. The
landed gentry are of infinitely purer lineage than tho nobility of Kngland, few
of whom can trace hack further than the Tudors, and many of whom can only
trace back to the private staircase nml tho unsanctioned loves of throe of
ji LADD & BUSH, Bankers jj
i '
- i "
'Want" ads and
Instructed to put the papers on the
misses yon, or neglects getting the
circulation manager, as this is the only
the carriers are following Instructions.
A Chicago mfin tried to commit suicide by drinking hair tonic and failed.
This is proof conclusive that hair tome is of no use for any purpose whatever.
A contemporary says no wonman with a face worth looking at the second
time will wear a slit skirt to distract attention from it. That ought to have
some effect on the slit skirt sale.
The Umatilla county teachers' insti
tute opened its annua Bession at Pen
dleton Wednesday with 210 teachers in
ft .
The Stcfani Bawmill, at Canby, was
burned Wednesday morning about 3
o'clock. The loss iB about $10,000.
Tho railroads of the state are stand
ing in which those of other states, and
tho half-fare tickets heretofore sold to
ministers will probably be abolished.
Falls City will hold an election No
vember 4 to voto on the liquor question.
Edward Noah, of Iioseburg, was fined
$23 Wednesday for beating his wife.
Margaret Winninglmm, a fioseburg
girl, eight years old and red headed,
has been missing since Sunday. It is
thought sho left homo in a fit of an
ger, nnd that sho is at some friend's
A representative of the V. S. geolog
ical survey is examining the stone at
Ashland ns to its availability as a ma
terial for U. S. buildings in the state.
James Harvey Doll, of Portland com,
mitted suicide Wednesday by eating
dust nnd stuffing his noso and throat
full of it. Ilo smothered to death.
The coroner's jury inquiring into tho
death of Jeff Coldsnn, a trnmp, who
was killed nt Talent Sundny, Tuesday
brought in a verdict charging thnt. he
enmo to his death nt the hands of R. C.
Hums nnd another unknown pnrty.
Medford is preparing a splendid ex
hibit for tho Chicago Land Show.
Stnto Senator Charles Lester, of
Clatsop county, died at his homo in
Warrentnn Tuesday night, after a lin
gering illness of several months.
By way of encouraging the scholarly
youth of Canby, tho Irrigator devotes
a column and a half to school notes,
which aro prepared and very well pre
pared, too by students.
Acting City Attorney Hammond, of
Oregon City, has been retained by the
...... . '.
young municipality or .voiniin to omit
II. rhnrtr nnd to handle the c tv's
legal business for one year.
H. Backensto, who Is described by
tho Globe ns "a bnrber by trnde and
"Gets-It", Nothing
Like it for Corns
Easy at One, Two, Three; No Fuas; No
Pain, by Uaiug "Gets-It"
Just take two seconds nnd put a lit
tle "tlKTS-IT" on that corn. That
com lh "done for" us sure ns the suu
rises. Tho corn shrivels up, vanishes.
That's tho surprise you get by Min
this new -plan corn euro. There s noth-
ing to stick to tho stocking or sock;
.your corn pains stop, You're saved
llho bother of applying plasters that
mnko the corn bulge out from the core.
You're saved salves that eat Into the
healthy flesh and "pull "j no moro fus-
lng with bandages. You don't have to
help by picking nnd dragging eut your
corns or cutting with knives and rar.ors.
"0KTS1T" Is sofo, painless, stops
iw.li, never hurt, healthy flesh. It is
guaranteed. Try It on warts, calluses
and bunions, too.
"0KTS1T" I. sold at all druggist.
at S3 rent, a bott e or sent d rect b
E. Lawrence Co.. Chicago.
a band and orchestra leader by profes
sion," has located at Gold Beach, and
has undertaken the training of the
Gold Beach marine band.
Rosoburg Review: It is pleasing to
note tho number of families that have
come to Roscburg to locate during the
past month, nnd one does not have to
be gifted to predict that many more
will bo added within an exceedingly
short time. Coming from the south tho
homeseeker cannot but note tho change
from the brown, dead grass of Califor
nia to tho emerald pastures of Oregon.
"With the grass and the flowers
flourishing ns in May, and the birds
singing as gnyly ns in early summer,"
exclaims the Mackburg correspondent
of tho Canby Irrigator, "it would be
hard to believe that autumn had really
come, were it not thnt tho fall fmit is
growing ripe; thnt tho grnin fields are
in a state of preparation for the next
year's crop, nnd the schools aro well
started on their winter's work."
I i: ;
A. G. Clark.
A. CI. Clark, who is to be one of the
speakers at the Salem Ad. Club's meet
ing at the Commercial Club, Monday
evening, is an enthusiast, but a practi
cal one. His rapid rise in tho Ad. club
world is due entirely, he says, to a will
ingness to work.
In 1011 he was apointed chairman
1 '
r 41... i.,.Ki.:.. ........:.. i..tto,,.i
Ad club. Vnder his active leadership,
the clubs incinberHhin irrcw from 1)0 ta
.""' )-
For this exceptional activity, Mr,
Clark was rewarded with the presidency
of tho club for tho 11112 tenn.
His one idea was to have the Ad club
recognized ns a power for good he
had no personal nx to grind belonged
to no clique of faction he was a friend
to every member and all of them look
ed alike to him.
In consequence, Mr. Clark won tho
confidence of every member with the
result that a solid front was presented
to tho world and everybody boosted.
The keynote of his administration
was, "Clean and Truthful Advertis
The Oregon law ncniust the uker In
advertising wns a dead one till Mr.
Clark revived it. Its coustitutionalitv
had never bivn tooted violators there
were in plenty and many arrests were
mndo nnd tho law tried out for several
angles nnd the Ad club won out.
The fakers in business advertising
took notice the story went out that
no faker was snfe and a better tone
was nt once noticed In nil advertising
in Portland.
Ibiring his term Mr. Clark was sent
ns a delegate representing Oregon to
the National Convention of Ad clulti,
))llM , iRlu,s, Texas. May, 1912. Over
I. wo delegates were In nttendnj.ee, Mr.
rlnrk wll ,p j,,,,,,, f 0 1 tt i, .
, ivrtland. worked out a tdnn to ad-
vertise Orep.n, through plaving up Col-
lllnlliH riv,,r ,, hig ' fish wort
,,,, , fo ,,, fnon ,
j,,,,, TllWH, fi,h Wl,r0 splayed in
H wmw,
ThouMl(I, of ,,iiv,, of Ori(,01 lit.
w.m, ,,iMrj,M,M m, , ,,,,k Hp
Mr ( M h(l ,,,,,.,, , fpW
1, him ,, in j.
,nfc fc h u,i(,w him
tn fwh
It quired a big uniformed dol..-
t ,
' , , .v ,
i.roniinence scored bv the Orwgon man.
I , , .
I Column, aud even pages wore given
Another New Shipment
OF LADIES' COATS AND SUITS just roceived by express. No such val
ues offered elsewhere in Salem.
cots $4.95 $7.50 $10.50 up
SUITS $7.50 $10.50 $12.50 up
20,000 Yards
Of new Silks and Dress Goods now marked out on our counters for quick
selling. Como and see tho values.
Yard 25c 35c 49c 75c and up
L,.-.,,. T-.....:-.., . -,,-.',...-1,,......... .r.:.., .,-.'...: L..'j
the write-ups of salmon and back to
the farm interviews accorded the Oreg
on man.
Following tho Dallas, Texas meeting
Mr. Clark received a tribute to his
work against fake advertising by an
appointment on tho National A'igilance
Weak Lungs Often
Lead to Serious Illness
If roil hnve wesk lunit, you nre (toner
slly si.l.Ji-ci to culils or tbrei.t trouble
nnd cuslly susi-cptllile to serious Lung
TronMe. In many ciiscs pneumonia or
liro.H-l.li.1 trouMes' Irnve tlie Itmiis In a
nnii-h wcnkcnisl comlltlnii. Krk.nan's Al
terative fi h medlrlnc for the throat unit
limits which ha. hecn found to be very
hencnVlal, even when n ehanitp. of climate
nnd other treatments failed to bring re
lief. Head of this case:
K. Atlantic Ave, llolilnnnl1, N. J.
"Ceiitle.uen: III the fall of ltsfi I con
tracted a very seven etild which settled
on my luntrs. At last I tieiztui to rnlae
sputum, and my phyidcli.n then told n.e I
must ito to California lu. mediately. At
this time I was advised to take Kckman'.
Alterative. I stayed at home and com
menced taking It the last week In Octo
Iht. I lieitaii to hnprovs. ami the tint
week In January. ltsl, I ri-siimcil my rcn
nliir occupation, nnvluit gained ri iH.iimls,
fully restored to heal. It. It Is now seven
years vluee my recovery has been effected,
nml 1 cannot praise Kckman'. Alterative
toe lilullly."
(Slk'liedl W. M. TATEM.
(AhoTe nhhrevlatcd: iuo.-i en request.)
Kcktiian's Alterative has been (iroven by
many years' tct to be u.ost ethYaclnu.
for severe Throat anil bun. AITectlons,
llronihlUs llronchlal Asthma, Ktulilsirn
t'oNIs ami In i.pbulMlniz the system,
t'ontelns no narcotics, poisons or habit,
forming drugs. Ak for booklet telling
ef recoveries, ami wrlto to r.ck.oan
j.lnmtorv, l'l.llsdcthlR, la., for evi
dence. Kor ! br .11 leading druggl.ts
J. C, Terry, Druggist.
Sacrifice Sale
A. I am going away I will sacrifice
my home. A beautiful modern bunga
low, six rooms, basement, electric fix
tures, bath, toilet, etc., wash tray's,
wood lift, large lot, lawn, flowers, gar
age, cement walk., paved street, all as
sessments paid. Price only $2250, half
cash. Would be a good buy at ,1000.
Ooing to leave the city, will sacrifice.
See my agents, Bochtel & Bynon, for a
real snap.
Largest Rental Department in the Cltj
W Write All Kinds of Insnrntice.
We hare the largest list ef farm, for
sale In tho valley. Any number of
crea to nit.
Will Pay S Per Cent
Wanted, 2000; good security.
We buy, sell, rent or exchange prop
S17 State Street.
committee aud of which ho is now a
Hue to tho activities of tho Portland
Ad club, which overshadowed nil coast
clubs, recognition was given it, by tho
election of Mr. Clnrw to tho presidency
of the Pacific Coast Division Associat
ed Ad. Clubs of America, in tho tenth
annual convention held at Sacramento,
ijiil., in May of this year.
Mr. Clark was not oven present ns a
delegate and had no idea that ho was
to be considered.
His ambition is now to mnke the next
meeting the largest gathering of Ad
men ever held in the west.
This is to tnko place in June, 1914, nt
Vancouver, B. C,
The Salem Ad club should send a
delegation to gather ideas that ran be
made valuable to the business world at
! Extra! Extra!
I For the first time in tho history of Salem the people
X of Marion and Polk count iet can secure all kinds of
sacks at right prices in this city, instead of spending
f their time and money in going to Portland. We are pay
ing one cent a pound for all kinds of rags. We also are
paying $13 per ton for all kinds of cast iron. Highest
prices paid for all kinds of old clothes, household goods
and furniture. We buy and sell everything from a
needle to a piece of gold. All kinds of tools and ma
chinery and pipe bought and sold. The house of a half
a million bargains.
233 State Street. Phone Main 224
I Salem,
on Autos, Pianos or Carriages. Satisfaction
guaranteed or no charge. Leave orders at
468 Ferry Street E. L. Campbell
f J 1
Now on salo. AH undorpriced
for fast selling. Ladies' union
suits now
25c 35c 49c and up
Daily Horoscope
All birthdntes from November 23 to
November 24 nro governed by the
planet Mars, and tho sign is "Scor
pio," or the scorpion. This is tho mid
dle sign of the water triplicity, and
all persons born under this sign are al
lied to the great vibratory powers of
tho ocean.
Somo of the best musicians, sur
geons aud physicians are born under
this sign.
You may always detect a person of
this birthdnte by tho skillful way in
which they uso their liands, nnd it i
for this reason thnt it is suggested thnt
a Ludwig piano bo purchased for cith
er beginners or experienced players,
inasmuch as this piano furnishes tho
most enjoyment for the money spent.
Talk over tho easy payment plan with
K. F. Peters, 521 Court street.