PAGE EIGHT. DAILY CAPITAL JOTTKNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOEEE 23, 1913. Attractive for the Capital Dr. P. L. Utter, dentist, suits 415-16-417 Masonic building. l''irst ilnsH dentistry lit Dr. Arnold 'h, the Knlton & Fulton, chiropractors, Hub bard buililiiifr. Dr. Mendelsohn, doctor of optics, has returned and can bo seen at his of fice, m usiiul U. 8. Hank building. liwk Bros, will give a dunce at Clio maw Untiirdny night, October 25. timid music and lunch. All invited. Saturday special, three-piece kitchen ts, 2!e each, at Salem Hardware Co., Inc., 120 North (Commercial street, Yon will wonder where all the beau tiful Guides and weaves come from. A. 8. Kazmarok, ladies' tailoring, 2 und II Brewer building. All piano students should hear La I''orjrc, the pianist and composer, with Madame Alda at tho armory next Fri day, October 21. Kigbt o'clock, sharp, is tho lime the urogram begins for Alda concert at tmxlntn out-of-town people. No one wiitivl during a iniiHical number. Jne . I ! 1 1 U h i 1 1 , nu employe of I he HfHiilding Logging Company, had his font oeroIy crushed under a truck lain Tuesday iil'totiioon, lie will be lubl up for several weeks, it is be The first concert of the Musical Artists' Course will be one of the best, and will bo the only concert having Velio and piano solos, livery piano student nnd teacher of tho piano should iittuinl this concert. Next, Friday ev ening at the armory. Tickets on sale jit. !) n. ni., lYnliiy morning. The Store That Other Tables $4.85 and up Our Price $14.40 Money back if not satisfied This cart is n combiuat ion composed of style, attractiveness, ilunihlliM mid comfort, built right from the rubber tires to the covering ef the top, llesl because it has eight points of superiority. 1 --Steel wheel with 1(1 Kpolic In each. 1! Heavy nickeled mud mini -is. .T-ljirgc foot hood with nickle trimmings, 4---Stcel frame, which it collapsible, ft- -I'niiil'oilaldo spring with upholstered sent. lmige adjustable nil to hood. 7--rJiolsterid adjust nble back, H-llcautlful nickel handles. Made in Brown, Black and Green Other Go Carta $3.25 and up 4 STORES Satcm Portland in Oregon home I FURNISHERS iWK COURT & NGHSTS. WE SELL FOR WE BUY Assortment of Togs Baby-Moderately Priced Our popular priced articles are better known to the general public than our fine and dainty hand-made goods. These we have in greater profusion than any other establishment. Hand-made dresses, fine coats and all the delicate and beautiful little garments and toilet articles can be found in a plentitude un known elsewhere. Mothers will appreciate the ef forts we have exerted in placing such a desirable line of infants' wear in Salem, and will be equally pleased with the very moderate prices. THE HOUSE LMTi J1VJ1 GOODlGOODS City Brevities Cold crowns ty, Dr. Arnold. Dr. May, nerve specialist. Masonic building. lieasonablo priced dentistry, Dr. Ar nold. Toilet soap, !t bars, 25c. Perry's Drag stores. I Initial stationery "i0 a box at Perry's : Dim; Store. First concert of tho Musical Artists' I Cnurso next Friday evening, October 21, at the armory. Tickets on snlo at 9 a. m. Friday. Saturday spociul, tteel knife, fork and basting spoon, 25c per set, at Sa I loin Hardware Co., Inc., 120 North Commercial street. Tom Richardson, of Portland, will deliver an address before the mem bers of the Commercial Club tonight in tho club's quarters. A Willamette University student is editor of the Forest drove Press now, according to reports received here, The new editor is (I. 11. Curry, Mrs. A. O, Condit, wife of Attorney Condit, is seriously ill at her home in this city. She is being attended by Mrs. Martha Peterson, a trained nurse. Ilight o'clock, sharp, is the time the the best of Its ability. (If course it is not program begins for Alda concert to ac commodate out-of-town people, No one seated during a mimical number. Tickets for the first concert of the Musical Artists' coursn on sale at the Armory Friday morning, October 21. Alda, lyric soprano, from New York Opera. Cosine, great lltissiun 'cellist, and I .a Purge, noted accompanist liuil pianist. Saves You Money Quarter Sawed Oak Table, $24.85 This is an exact illust rat ion. The table is IS inches iicrnss the top and ex tends to eight feel. Finished in the newest Mission Wax or ns desired, An excellent able for only $24.85 4 STOktS Vancouver Ccntrulia in Wash. LESS BECAUSE FOR LESS OF QUALITY Mr. and Mrs. U. L. McLaren, of St. Johns, are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. fvnn Davidson, of New York, this woek. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Anderson left this morning for Fort Worth, Texns, where they will visit Mrs. Anderson's mother, Mrs. Charles N. Naggert, for the next two months. Thomas H. Ladd, a relative of Wm, Ijadd, of Portland, is in tho city look ing after business matters. Mr. I.add is an attorney of Lnkoview, Ore. Subpoenas in tho caso of Maggie May Ivio vs. II. C, Minton aro being served today by Sheriff Esch und his deputy, Babe Necdham. This is tho caso wherein the plaintiff is suing Mr. Minton to recover damages in tho sum of l 0,000, on tho grounds tho defendant made falso statements con cerning the plaintiff's place of busi ness, the Cottage Motel. The trial has been set for cither tomorrow or Sntur- ouy. Alex, (lilett left this morning for Portland, Maine, to attend the funeral of his brother, Charles flillotte, who died in the Fast last. Monday. Alex, (iillett came to Salem but four months ago, with bis family, and last Tuesday night, received a telegram that his brother had been killed in a timber nc cident. Attorney Nun Moore, brother-in-law of .lodge C. V. Cantenbeiii, of Port land, is in the city visiting old-time friends today. Attorney Moore is a pioneer in the legal circles of this slate, and is now laying off a little after some very hard labors In the courts of Multnomah and Clackamas count ies. It now appears that there are no lo gaily appointed chaplains for peni tentiary or reform school. When the board of control came into existence, .lone M, the offices became vacant nud were never filled. The result is that all money paid them since that date has boon wrongfully paid. Attorney Kingo leaves to, lay for Mitchell, ('rook county, to prosecute several cases there. They are violations of the local option laws, but Mr. Hin ge was not informed as lo just what they nre. It is understood Hint tho district attorney and the sheriff may be involved in some way, Ade Whorloy was sentenced to 20 days In the city jnil this morning for being drunk and disorderly on the streets lust night, (leorge l.ulher wns also arrested last night for being too boisterous on the streets, and received n "i fine today. I he case ol (Icorge lloltenhoff against the Washington Investment Co. is being heard In the circuit court today. Tho pin in till' is trying to re cover lands on (he grounds the defend ant In guilty of a breach in the con tract signed by the two parties. Within the next two days the prune crops will have all been handled, ac cording to County I'nvit Inspector Constable. Notwithstanding the foggy weather, the crop has been harvested and dried, especially during the past few days, and before next Saturday the bulk of the county's yield will be ready for storage. Grand Opera House FRIDAY NIGHT, OCT 21. The (Iron test Play of tho Day Tim Wonderful White Slave Dra mn. The Lure Now running at Maxino Kb llott'i Theatre, New York. Trices, 50e to H.liO. Scuta on Pale Tuesday, October 23. Wexford Tonight lO Cents lO Cents Specialty Night 3 STUNTS 4 PICTURES i rie vest onow in i own a I A complaint to recover $047.57 on a promissory note was filed in tho circuit court yesterday evening by .lames Hanna against John Krebs and Lizzie Krcbs. County Clerk Oehlhar yesterday is sued a marriage license to John Corns forth and Belle West, and Frank Bar ton and Esther Johnson, all of Salem. A judgment fpr the sum of MHO was given Joe Peery against V. Pstnk by a jury in tho circuit court. The plaintiff wns suing for $S25 which he alleged the defendaut borrowed and failed to- The Ladies Aid Sociot of the First Presbyterian church will meet at the homo of Mrs. Z. T. Moody, Court and Wintor streets, Friday at 2:30. Hos tesses: Mrs. Moody, Mrs. Babcock, Miss Stonghton, Mrs. Small, Mrs. Friz 7.0II, Mrs. Clements and tho officers of tho society. Ladies please bring the dollar pledged at tho Juno meeting. Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Clay have re turned from a week 's outing at Hot Lake, eastern Oregon. Dr. Clay states that Hot Lake is a fine place for an outing, affording many advantages and that he and Mrs. Clay had a most en joynblo trip and time. Tho Jury in the case of Albert Klein vs. William Esch, sheriff, to recover property alleged to have been wrong fully attached and taken, returned a verdict last night which practically brought a settlement, neither party to tho suit being favored. The judgment in favor of tho plaintiff amounted to the ownership of tw o horses worth ifttlS which were in fact his own, and the jury decided that the third horse in litigation should be recovered by the defendant. The horse turned over to Sheriff Knoll belongs to a widow near Silvertou, nnd the plnintiff got pos session of the animal through a man by the inline of Boyd who purchased the horse, and, nfter giving the widow a note, which he failed to pay, turned the horse over to the plaintiff in this suit. GLOBE IQcts Friday and Saturday THE GIRL AND THE TIGER Iwoncienui inree reel pho toplay, featuring a num ber of real wild animals. T-l 111 ine universal people re cently purchased $36,000 worth of wild animals for their exclusive use in film productions. POPULAR UNIVERSAL WEEKLY With all latest events HIS FATHER'S WIVES Nestor comedy. HARRY MOYER In New Song. GLOBE The House of Features 0. H. P. Cough Syrup Ounrauteed. 25c 90c The kind that give results. Come in and see us. We can tell you why it run when others fall. For Sale by Opera House Pharmacy Balnea Oregon. Snappy ' Fall M Men A Great Showing of Men's and Boys Overcoats Men's Gordon Hats Men's Woolen and Children's Sweaters Men's Shirts and Haberdashery We have selected some choice seeds from our grain buying season ami have for sale choice Waldo Hills I'rohi wheat White Hilton Valley llluestem, Knstern Oregon llluestem, I'pland gray and white oats, Barley without beards or hull, something new and yields large. Cherry City Mills. 4. T NEW TODAY. WANTED Wood choppers to chop cord wood. Impure lit l-.j.j State street. WANTED Man especially for farm work. Thono Fnrmcrs' 08. FOK SALE Hotel Scott, furniture mostly new. Trice reasonable. I'linne 048. STALL BOOM For rent for -several horses, good warm barn, in center of town. Phono Maiu SO. WANTED (lood second-hand top bug gy. Address "H. enro Journal. LOO K AT THIS Slightly used drop head sewing machine $10; now drop head sewing machine. $16 and up. (lie State itrect. 1'OU SALE (bind fresh milch cow and calf, 173 South Cottage street. I'Olt SALE OK Til AD E At a bar gain, three lots in Englewood addi tion, Salem, located on 1 !M h and Nebraska streets; lots S, 0 and 12, In block 1.5, for Minnesota real es tate. Mnko an offer. Write O. Zie niniin, Princeton, Minn: A I'lNE F.UiM-Of SKI acres in the Waldo Hills, 10 miles east of Salem, flood buildings, family orchard. 20 acres ho, running water; several good springs. See ('. A, Hice, with L. S. Darnes & Co., ,'UV;llil Masonic Temple. WANTEI) iilii for one or two venrs at 8 per cent on gilt edge security See .liiii Willson, 1 II North High. ' I'Olt SALE Jit II. p, absolutely tip to date " Michigan' ' automobile. Great ly reduced price; terms. Phone 1120 FOK KENT Kive-ncte farm, fair im provements, i mite to school and ear line. For Information, call at liwit ('enter street. M. A. Cadv. FOK SALE Victor talking machine and records. Must be sold by Satur day noon, tm Ferry street, iwtairs. KOK SALE A few choice White Or pington cockerels. Come t once. l.M Columbia street, corner. DEATH NOTICES. LIVINaOOD. At a local hospital, Wednesday, Oc tober 22, DM 3, Carrie Livingnod. Tho only son of the deceased took charge of the remains, and will leave Beave.rton, Ore., today, where the body will be buried. tall for Bids Sale of Bonds. The undersigned will receivo bids up to a o'clock p. m. on October 27, l!):i, for improvement bonds of tho city of Salem, Oregon, to tho amount of $19, .r)0:t..10, interest nt tho rnto of 0 per cent per annum, payable semi nniiii- $100 to $1 That you can 't beat our bargains 12 acres in Polk county, two miles wost, well improved, ftOOO; 14 acres on cat liue ideal suburban, homo, $10,000; 1 acre in berries, uow home on car line. 1S00; 7 acres in borries, 2 miles out, house ami barn, ;i000; 30 acres, 10 acres in crop, balance timber, 4-room house, good bam, 7m ilos out t3S00; 220 acres in Polk county, well ImproT ed, 22,000; 1 to 5 acres on Installment. several now homes in Salem on Install moms; Suit news well improved, per acre; several S and 10 acre tractt well Improved. We have a cigar stand, pool hall rooming house, hotel, restaurant, gro eery store, candy store and other bull uess chancel. 20 acres close in, well Improred, 8, Sdii, Several prune ranches and berrj I rncts at the right uriea. 10 acr hearing Italian primes, $2750. We rent Houses and Furnished Rooms. We sell Insurance of all kinds List your bargains with ui and we will give you square, prompt and courteous treat ment. Acme Investment Co. A. B. COOK, Manager, Phones: Office, Main 477 retideae Main 1487. Oppotita Court Houna. 640 Htata nt Employment Bureau in Connection. A line of clothing that has fooled many an ob server into believing that the suits had been tailored expressly for the wearer, and these observers woro critical judges, too. Made so carefully inside and out that they will stand the wear and tear and still retain thoir fine appear anco. All wool and built through and through for satisfaction. In other words, they are trado winners, not only for now, but for future business. Satisfied come again. customer Suifs from 10 to $30 SEE OUR $15.00 SPE CIAL. ally at Salem, Oregon. Right is re served by the city of Salem, Oregon, to rejoct any or all bids. CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder Wo will fill any prescription, no nmvter what doctor writes it. SCIIAEFEE'S DRUG STORE - MONEY TO LOAN Oi farm sad city propsrty. Jobi H Scott, over Chicago Btora, Ralaw. w Koa. Pbona 1651. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BI'KOHAKDT A MEREDITH Reslaeat Aceau iNt Htata Ktrl MONEY TO LOAN Oa Good Ileal Estate Seearlty. TUOS. K. FOKD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN JACOB ft OO. Phona B424. 208-207 Hubbard Bldg WOOD AND COAL l M quantity. Prompt dtlUars our specialty, rails City Lums.r Company, 17 North ComratrcliU straat. Phona Mala til J APAdkNK LAODltr A JIB 111 CLEAXI.NG YV0KK8 No machinery to tear aid wan nut delicate fabrics. Work eallsa for and delWarsd promptly. 448 Ferry street. Phone Main B2M t Cherry City l Ice Cream We make a Specialty of : ' Dinner and Lodge orders. let Ckamekete Btreet Phone 24S2 I