DAILY CAPITAL JOUBHAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBES 23, 1913. fAQB BSVES. ' inttm , ,lllmMI, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FINDING A SITUATION It is possible to secure employment by calling personally upon those yoa bear need help. It is a long, tedious task, however. The classified way brings your application before those who need help, quickly and easily. RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TWO CENTS per word for the first insertion. ONE CENT per word for each succeeding, subsequent inter tion. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS work continually they never cease until their tasks are suc cessfully performed. Each day jthose little wonder workers faithfully de liver their message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who have learned their value. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. DON'T WALK THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A POSITION OR A ROOM-TRY THE CLASSIFIED WAY. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. ,M I I I M M t I t I 1 1 t I MM f Capital Journal Want Ads Bring Quick Results Two cents a word for first Insertion. One cent a word for each Insertion thereafter. No advertisement taken for ItM than 25c. Count six words te the line. ABSTRACTS. UNION ABSTRACT CO. " Abstracts that Protect." Our books posted up to dale each morning. Call Main 1249 and a messenger will call for your abstract. J. C. Siegmund, president; Max Gehlhar, secretary. 345 State Street. AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONEER Salem's reliable sell er. Farm sales solicited. Terms 1 per cent; satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Henry E Voorhies, Michi gan avenue, first street east of the state fair graunds. BAKERIES. BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth more than any other bread, yet the price is no higher. For sale at your grocers. California Bakery, A. Thom as, Proprietor. CHD30PRACTI0-SPIN0G0LIST DR. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chir opractic's Fountain Head, Daven port, Iowa. If you have tried every thing and have get no relief, try Chiropractic spinal adjustments and got well. Office 406-7-8 U. S. Na tional Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 1029. CLEANING AND DYEING BALEM CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. Goods called for and delivered Ladies' white gloves cleaned free. Feathers cleaned, dyed and repaired. Phone Main 2462, 474 Court street. W. F. Mosher, proprietor. DRAY AND EXPRESS. THE WHITE TRANSFER COMPANY. Anto and team at regular team rates. Also all kinds of coal. Country trips and pleasure trips a specialty. Office phone Main 307. Residence phone Main 590. ELECTRIC FIXTURE3. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co., 220 North Liberty street. Phone Mam 203. Eloctric wiring and elec trical supplies. Estimates furn'suel. Try our new Mirror reflector. We have the "Famous" Edison Maida lamp. Ub only rival the sun. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. ACME EMPLOYMENT BUREAU All kinds of competent help furnished on short notice. See us when out of employment or wheu needing help. 540 State street. Phone Main 477. LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGERi-With our all-hand work; established 20 years, 438 Ferry street, South side, between Liberty and High. Hop Leo. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. H. M. Bakor New and secondhand furniture, hardware and general sup plies. Best cash prices paid for second-hand goods. Call and see us and look over our goods 873 Court street. Phone 18S3. HIGHEST price paid for secondhand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, te. We carry tho most complete stock of above articles In town at the lowest price. O. L. McPeek, 271 North Commercial St., phoue Main 1333 f.. L. NTIFF New and second hand furniture, hardware and general supplies. Best cash prices paid for second hand goods. Just received s Urge shipment of new linoleums, carpets and rugs. Corner Court and Liberty st rents. Phone 941. BALEM FURNITURE CO 247 North Commercial street, will exchange your old goods for new. We carry a good line of furniture, nigs and ranges. Get our prices and save money. 247 North Commercial street. Telephone Main 684. LIQUOR HOUSES. WILLIAM BUTTE Fine wines.liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught. South Commercial St. FAMILY LIQUOR b"!ORE All stand ard brands of liqrors kept in stock Winee by the gallon, bottle or ease Tree delivery In the city limits. E Vk..ll. u v. Commercial St. Jeartal Waal Acts. Brio? Besilts. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DK. O. F. HEISLEY and Dr. S. Etta Heisley (graduates of A. 8. 0., Kirksville , Mo., Di. A. T. Still president of the schocl and found er of the science of Osteopathy), general osteopathic practionerB. Also hydrotherapy and electric light baths given without extra charge for rheumatism, kidney and liver troubles. The success in these treatments is equal to going to the hot lakes. Confinement cases and female troubles specialty. 529 Court street, opposite the court house DRS. B. H. WHITE AND R. W. Walton, Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of American School of Osteopathy, KirkBville, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic disiases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 505 506 U. S. National Bank building. Phone '8511. Residence 346 N, Capi tol street. Phone 469. PLUMBING Ifcu. M. BAl.'R Plumbing, hot wator aud steam heating and tinning, 164 'oitimercial St.. Phone M in 1 2. SAND AND GRAVEL. SALEM CONSTRUCTION company can supply you with sand and gravel. Office 464 Court street. Phone Main 700. Gravel bod on Front street and North Mill Crcok. SCAVENGER. SALEM SCAVENGER C'has. Soos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Yards Hinl cesspools cleaned. Office 548 State street. Office phone Main 2247 Residence, Main 2272. TAXICAB SERVICE. TAXICAB SERVICE It will pay you to see J. B. Underwood, manager of the West Side Transfer Co., when you wnut a taxicab. Terms reasonable. Phono Main 81. On Sundays phone .main 100. Stand at corner of State and Commercial streets. THERESKA HAT WORKS. HATS MADE TO ORDER All work guaranteed. Thcreska TIat Works. ITnts of all kinds renovated into any size or style; good quality trim mings. 217 S. nigh street. Phone 251, Salem, Oregon. UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Lehman, A. M. Ciough, morticians and funer al directors. Latest modern meth ods known to the profession em ployed. 445 Court street. UNDERTAKERS. RIGDON RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High Street. Office Phone Main 183. Rigdon residence Main 111. WATCHMAKER. U. 8. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watch maker nt Beatrice, Neb. high grade work at eastern prices. Opera Huiisa Block, 484 Court St. WOOD AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS We are now booking orders for summer delivery slab wood, mill wood, oak, ash, first and second growth fir. Prices rea sonable. Also dry wood of all kinds cut to suit. Phompt deliveries. Phone Main 529. 752 T.de street. Mark Hiddall, proprietor. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade els. For water service apply at office. Kill payablo monthly in advance. LODGE DIRECTORY. A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 in the McCornack hall, corner Court and Liberty street, C. M. Mason, M. W; 8. A. McFaddon, recorder; A. L. Brown, F. 4.0DERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 'clock In Masonle ball, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service. R. M. Morris, V. Cj Kay A. Grant, Clerk. R. N. of A.-"Oregon Grape Camp" fro. 1360, meets every Thursday ev ening Id McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets. Eelevator. Ho tie Parmenter, 781 North Front St. Oracle; Haxel Price, Imperial Font tar Co., recorder. LODGE DIRECTORY (Continued). UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m., in Moose Hall. G. C. Criesal, M. A., Ivan G. Martin, Secretary, Ma sonic Temple. PACIFIC LODGE NO 50, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third Fri day in each month at 7:30 p. m., in the Masonic Temple. Edward Ros tein, W. M., Ernost H. Choate, sec retary. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the society for investi gation. MULTNOMAH ROYAL A""11 CHAP TER, NO. 1, R. A. M. umjiar meet ing second Friday in each month at 8 p. ui., in the Masonic Temple. James Plant, Ex. High Priost; Lot L. Pearce, secretary. SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. V & A. M. Stated communications first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m., in the Masonic Temple. Fred W. Cook, W. M., 8. Z. Culver, secretary. CENTRAL LODGE No. , K. of P. McCornack bldif, Tuesday evening of each week at 7:30 p. m., Fed G. Hale, C. C, Jas. W. Cox, K. of R. and S. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37., O. E. 8. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m., in the Mn sonic Temple. Mrs. Josephine Vass, V. M. Ida M. Babcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet every Friday night at 7:30 o'clock in Masonic, hall, McCornack block. W. G. Prunk, C. C; L. H. Fletchor, Clerk. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE $1400 buys a good prop erty in Snlom, on good streot, throe blocks from paved street, with cheap house, good barn and fine patch of loganberries. Call at room 304 U. S. Bank building or phono Main 470. FOR SALE 10-ncro tract just east of asylum, well improved; will take town residence for part payment. Ad dress Route 6, Bo 1521A. FOR SALE Nice new 4-room hoiiBO on lot 50x100; good well. Price $075; $25 down, balance $10 per month, Why pay rent. See owner at No. 204 Sulem Bank building. FOR SALE Five-room house, barn, good well, corner lot, 150x150, all in bearing fruit; by owner. 1595, cor ner Saginaw and Lincoln street. FOR SALE. FOR HALE Two young mares and double harness. Phono 1418. FOR SALE One Frazlei Grey racing sulky at a bargain. Phone 544. A. J. Anderson. FOR SALE CHEAP Almost now 14- inch pKiw. W. J. Newman, Box 17, Jefferson road, FOR SALE 2 3-4 Winona wagon; only used short time. 12H6 North Com mercial street. FOR SALE New houso, chicken house, one block from car, $700, Inquire 16 East 12th N. Portland. ITPPJES FOR SALE Pedigreed, two months old, Boston terrier, 3 male and 1 female, at low prices. Phone Main 2044, 245 North Liberty streot, GUARANTEED AUTO SPRINGS We manufacture high grade auto and truck springs, also repair, set up, and re-temper old springs. Our long list of satisfied customers will rec ommend our ability as leadors in our work. Laher Auto Spring Co.. 26 North Wh St. Portland Or. FOR SALE Hurley-1 a vidson 1013 twin cylinder motorcycle with Pres to tank and large lamp; has been riildi'ii about 5IIOU miles. Is In Al condition; $165 if taken at once, Mauser Bros.' gun store. WANTED. WANTED House work, washing oi ironing by tho day, 20c per hour, 1283 Market street. WANTED Fresh milch cow, giving about 4 gallons; Jersey preferred Phone Main 11U7M. TOR BENT. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, dose In, desirable location. 365 High street. FOR KENT Furnished room, closo In. 493 Center street, corner High. FOH KENT Room in private home, all convenience. Board if desired, fienllerrfii preferred. Phone Main 401. FOR RENT (Continued.) $15 For rent, furnished 6-room cottage on 17th street N. Phone 1111. FOR RENT Rooming house of 12 new rooms, close in, $25 per month. Room 304 U. S. Bank building. Phone 470. FOR RENT Five-room house, Church street, near high school. Inquire F. Albrich, 430 N. Winter. FOR BENT 6-room house, 260 N. 13th St., bath, electric lights; rent $14. Apply 165 N. 13th. TO RENT Nicely furnished room, modern; breakfasts. 1105 Mission street. Phone 1673. FOR RENT Room with board in private family, new, modern house, 860 Chomoketa street, three blocks east of City Hall. Phone 1192. ' Platonic love, like perpetual motion, is all right as a thoory but it won't work. Home Keeping Women Need Health and Strength. The work of a home-keeping woman makes a constant call on her strength and vitality, and 'Bickneas comes through her kidneys and bladder ofton er than sho knows. But if she takes Foley Kidney Pills their tonic strength ening effect will invigorate hor, and pain and weakness in back, nervousnoss, aching joints and irrogulnr bladder ac tion will all disappear undor the com forting in. .nonce of this irood and hon est motlicine. Try them Dr. Stone's Drug Store. Tho newspapers that recently criti cised President Wilson severely for not recognizing Asassiu Huorta aro not talking that way now. LOSS OF APPETITE. Is the first sigunl of disordor and decay. Tho usual loss of appetite is often caused by functional disturbanc es in the stomach. Tho stomach fails to do tho work required, tho appetite is gone, and tho body suffers from lack of nourishment. Such a stom ach needs to bo cleaned and swectoncd. Moritol Tonic Digestive is mado es pecially to assist tho stomach to di gest food, and promoto a healthy ap petite. This remedy is sold on our positive guaruntoo, and we ask you to givo it a trial, it is a genuine tonic. Capitul Drug Storo, solo agouts, Salem, Or. Yet Colonel Roosevelt has not ven tured to declare what he would d'j With regard to Mexico if ho were president. TAKING TOLL OF BABIES. Each season of tho year takes its toll of tho babies, and to wutch and safeguard tliem from common colds and coughs is a matter of importance, to their parents. To keep Foley's llonoy aud Tar Compound in tho houso and uso it promptly is to save the little ones from tho serious effects of theso colds, to ward off croup, bronchial coughs, hoarseness, stuffy, wboozy breathing ami violent coughing spoils. It is absolutely freo of opiates and may bo given to the little ones with no fear of harmful results, ltofuse substitutes. Dr. Stone's Drug Store. It becomes increasingly certain that tho appointment of Lane as secretary of tho interior was a good ouo. When you have a had cold you want tho hcHt medieino obtainable so as to euro it with as little delay as possi ble More is a druggist's opinion: "I havo sold Chamberlain 's Couirh Remedy 'for fifteen yonrs," snys Enos Loller of Saratoga, 1ml., "and considur it the best on the market." For salo by all dealers. Even the vegetarian may try to tnalio both cudrf meet. Sick headache Is caused by a dis ordered Ktoinnch, Talto Chamberlain's Tablets ami correct that and tho head ache will disappour. Fur sale by all dealers. Is .1 oh it Mitchell the only worthy "labor leader," that ho should u'wuys be honored and honorably incut luucd! Here Is a woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long experience viz., Mrs. P. II. Itrogan, of Wilson, Pa., who snys, ' I know from experience that Chamborlain 's Cough Remedy is far superior to any other. For croup there is nothing that excels it." For talo by all dcalors. The less you say I ho morn it counts. QUICK HELP TO BACHAOHB AND RHEUMATISM The man of womau who wants quick help from backache and rheumatism, will find it In Foley Kidney Pills, They act so quickly and with such good ef fect that weak, inactive kidneys thnt do not keep the blood clean and free of the Impurities that cause theso sym ptoms, are toned up aud strengthened to healthy vigorous action, You can not take Foley Kidney Pills Into your system without having good results. Contain no linbit forming drugs, Dr. Stone Drug Store. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of ECZEMA AND ITCHING CURED. The soothing, healing medication in Dr. Hobson'a eczema ointment pene trates every tiny pore of the skin, clears it of all impurities stops itch ing instantly. Dr. Hobson'a Eczema Ointment is guaranteed to speedily heat eczema, rashes, ringworm, tetter and other unsightly eruptions. Eczema Ointment is a doctor's prescription, not on experiment. All druggists or by mail, 50c. 1-ieiffer Chemical Co., Phil adelphia aud St. LouiB. J. C. Perry. A better Bystem of taxation would yield enough revenue, and taxes would bo more easily paid. WOMEN WHO GET DIZZY. Every woman who is troubled with faiuting and dizzy spoils, backache, headache, weakness, debility, constipa tion or kidney troubles should use Electric Bitters. They give relief when nothing else will, improve the hoalth, adding strength and vigor from the first dose. Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avo- en, La., says: "Four doctors had giv en me up and my children and all my friends wore lookine for me to die. when my son insisted that I use Elec tric Bitters. I did so, and thoy have done me a world of good." Just try them. 50c and $1.00 at all druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklin & Co., Phil- auoipnia ana ot, mollis, or J. (1, lJerry. The world tolerates an exceptional fool only a little while; then ho would better hide. If you have young children you have perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomach aro thoir most common ail ment. To correct this you will find Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tab lets excellent. They aro easy and ploosont to tako, and mild and contle in effect. For sale by all dealors. Considering how sano and sensible, cremation of human bodies if, this method of their disposal nmkctj slow progress. A GENTLE AND EFFECTIVE LAX ATIVE. A mild, gentle and effective laxative is what people demand when suffer ing from constipation. Thousands swear by Dr. King's Now Liko PillB. Hugli Tallmou, of San Antonio, Tex., writes: "They are, boyond question, tha best pills my wife and I have over taken." They novor cause pain. Price 25c nt druggists, or by mail. II. E. Buck Ion & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis, or J. C. Perry. Economy and mnteriul progress seem to bo over at war. No, tho Filipinos nro not fit for self government, probably, but aro wot Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A f Hop picking and prune picking I will soon be here. Contract vour J bread and cake supply early with I THE SALEM ROYAL BAKERY Former German Bukory, and you will bo assured of dealing with an up-to-date, snnltary and respon sible firm. Phone 378, No. 240 Commercial street. GOLDSMITH & THEUER PROPRIETORS. Dr. J. C. Yuen Success to Dr, Kum, the Greatest Chlneso Herb Specialist. ESTABLISHED 1887. Care Bow Wo & Herb Co. 167 South High Street Patients Speak for Themselves, Shellburn, Ore., April 10, 1013. Dr. J. C. Yuen, Salom, Ore.t Dear Sir: I wish to offer you a testimonial in regard to your wonderful medicine. I had the advice of some of the noted physicians, and thoy told me that I had appendicitis, and would have to be operated on before could get woll. Not winhina to he nnnrnlAil minti. 1 consulted Dr. J. C, Yuen, and now, af ter about three months' treatment, ) am again feeling strong and healthy. I wish to do all In my power to clr culate the knowledge of your wonder ful medicine. Respectfully, J. L. OGLEHBER, Hliollburn, Oregon, Salom, July 5, 1013. I have been troubled with kidney trouble and s tumor for some time, aud after three weeks' treatment with Dr, J. C. Yuen I can say I am perfoctlj cured, and since then have gained 30 pounds, and would recommend his treatment to all sufferers. MRS. W. U. BTONEHOCKER, Rickreall, Ore. THE FAMILY COUGH MEDICINE. In every home there should be a bot tle of Dr. King's New Discovery, ready for immediate use when any member of the family contracts a cold of a cough, Prompt use will stop the spread of sickness. S. A. Stid, of Mason, Mich., driteer "My whole family depend up on Dr. King's New Discovery as the best cough and cold medicine is the world. Two 50c bottles cured me of pneumonia." Thousands of other fam ilies have boon equally benefited aud depend entirely upon Dr. King's New Discovery to cure their coughs, colds, throat and luung troubles. Every dose helps. Price 50c and $1.00. All drug gists. H. E. Buckliu & Co., Philadel phia or St. Louis, or J. C. Perry. One of the prize babies lives in a city apartment house. There now! J. W. Copelanfl, or Dayton, Ohio, purchased a bottln of ChnmhArl I Cough Remedy for his boy who had a com, and before the bottle was all UBod the boy's cold was gone. Is that not better than to pay a five dollar doctor's billt For sale by all deal- The Portland team either pbyed fiuo ball, or else the other fellows iidn't. Somo mon will pay a $50 cicar bill without a murmur and then get real fussy ovor a $2 gas bill, Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Salem Fence Works R. B. FLEMING, Prop. Headquarters for American Fonco, Btanils, any tost, and at bodrock prices. Big stock of Paints, Varnishes, etc., 20 per cent roduction, Fence posts and roofing. Elastic Waterproof Paint. Lognnbcrry wire, any quantity. 260 Court St. Phone 124 Back of Chicago Store TRAVELERS' GUIDE RAILROADS SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Time Table Portland Division. Train No. 10 Albany Passongor 7:24 a.m 14 Portland Passenger 5:20 a.m. 10. ...Oregon Kiprcss 5:00 a.m. 28 Willamette Expross 9:27 a.m. 12 Shasta Limited 12:35 p.m. 18 Portland Passcngor 2:00 p.m. 20 Portland Passongor 7:88 p.m. 220 Local way freight lOi.'IOa.m 222 Portland through frt 10:30 p.m. Southbound. 15 California Express .:. 3:32 s.ui. 10 Ashland Passenger 11:10 a.m. 17 Bosoburg Passongor 4:27 p.m. 27 Willamette Limited 6:11 p.m. U Hhasta Limited 7:38 p.m. 13 Han Francisco Express 10:30 p.m. 9 Albany Passenger 8:30 p.m. 225 Local way freight :27a.m. 221 Ban Fran, thr'j frt 12:01 a.m. Salem Oeer Branch. 127 Passenger srr. Salom 9:25 a.m. 130 Pass, mxd, loaves Malom 11:00 a.m. 120 Pass. mxd. arr. Ralcm .... 3:00 p.m. 128 Pass, leaves Hnlom 4:15 p.m. Salem, Falls City & Western. 150 Arrlvos Hulem 8:00 a.m. 152 Arrives Hnlem 11:20 a.m. 154 Arrives Rnlem 3:10 p.m. 150 Arrives Hnlem 5:25 p.m. 158 Arrives Hnlem 7:30 p.m. l51....Learos for Illnck Rock.... 6:45 a.m. 153 Leaves for Falls City . 9:55 a.m. 155 Leaves for Falls City .... 1:45 p.m. 157 Leaves for Falls City .... 3:30p.m. 159 Leave for Dallas 6:20 p.m. 100 Freight, arrives 12:30 p.m. 161 Freight, departs 4:50 s.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Leaves Hnlom Arrives Poitland Train. No. 4:25 a.m 2 Owl. 6:30 a.m 6 8:00 a. in 8 Loc. 8:45 a.m 10 Ltd. 11:20 a.m 12 1 ;50 p.m 14 .. 6:50 a.m .... 8:55 s.m ...10:20 s.m ,..11:40 s.m ... 1:45 p.m .... 4:20p.m 5:55 p.m 4:00 p.m 15 Ltd.. 4:10 p.m .. 18 6:40 p.m 8:50 p.m. 20 8:15 p.m 7:45 p.m.... 22 .10:05 p.m Southbound. Lv. Portland 6:10 a.m Ar. Palem 1 8:30 a.ro 8 - m 0:60 s.m 6 Ltd. 10:10 s.m t 1:00 p.m 7:30 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 10:40 a.ia. A FAIR PROPOSITION. The manufacturers of Meritol Rheu matism Powdors have so much confi dence in this preparation that they au thorize us to sell them to you on a positive guarantee to give relief in all cases oi rneumatiBtn or refund your money. This is cetainly a fair proposi tion. Let us show them to you. Capi tal Drug Store, exclusive agency. i s i Man, 75, and wife, 65, are to bo di vorced because thoy quarreled over a game of checkers. This is a worse ease than that of "Botsy and I Are Out." They were old enough long ago to know better than to waste time that might be enjoyefplaying checkers. But the result might have been as bad it it had been ponny-ante poker. There is something in the air at this time of the year that has a very drying, irritating effect on the nostrils and air passages of the head and throat. A cough and cold frequently follows these symptoms, and Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a strong, demulcent rem edy thnt gives prompt relief. Use it for coughs, soldo, tickling throat, hoarse ness and bronchial coughs; best for children and grown persons. Keep at at home, and quick relief will follow its uso. Contains no opiates. Dr. Stone's Drug Store. Children" Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A GOLD DOST FLOOR i f Made by the f SYDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon Made for Family Use Ask your grocer for It- Bran and shorts always on hand. I P. B. WALLACE, Agent m FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. 1 Mm, Cm tin Itiuu tor fltrmmtn M inn. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. HafM Hunt ai, i tun.. (sol Inn (luitraiilciHt m Mutiny He fun it tit. Merit tm'tsld ftr 1 1 .00 Mr Uii, Will Mtiil tfaetnon trial, b ld fuf whrn reltoiBil, Htrti1i Vrot, It ftnu UrugiUl dwa nut hr I hew cud juur or Jon u Uii ! UNITED MEDICAL CO., slOK T4, UoTtn, Pa. s 1 Southbound Continued. 2:05 p.m 9 4:30 p.m 3:40 p.m 11 .... 8:05 p.m 4:40 p.m 13 Ltd 6:30 p.m 8:00 p.m 17 Loc 8:20 p.m 8:25 p.m 19 11:25 p.nn 11:45 p.m 21 OwL. 2:05 s.nt Northbound. Lv, Corvnllis 0:30 a.m 8 , 4:45 p.m 20 . Lv, Eugene Arv, Halein 8:00 am ...... 5:60 p.m Ar. Halem 10 Ltd 8:45 am 7:35 a.m.. li:15a.m 14 1:50 p.m 18 Ltd . 5:00 p.m 22 12:01 a.m 2 Owl . 1:50 p.m 4:00 p.m 7:45 p.m 3:10a.m. Southbound, Lv. Salem 4:35 p.m.... Ar. All 5:3 Ar. Eui 7:05 Ar. Alb, Lv. Halorn 8:25 p.m 17 , 8:25 p.m Ar. Corvallia 9:55 p.m Lv, Hnlom Ar. Kugeno 2:15 a.m 21 Owl 7:50 a.m 8:35 a.m 1 ll:15a.m 10:15 a.m fl Ltd 12:25 p.m Lv. fialom. Stops at Albany 1:05 p.m 7 2:05p.ni Stops at Corvallisi 2:30pm Lr, Halein, Ar. Eugene) 6:33 p.m 13 8:45 p.m CORVALLIS CONECTIONS. Northbound. Lv, Corvallis Ar. Halem 6:30 s.m 8:00 a.m 8:23 a.m . 12:13 p.m. . 2:30 p.m . 4:25 p.m. . 6:05 p.m. . Lv. Halem. 8:35 s.m . 10:15 s.m .. 1:05 p.m . 9:45 s.m . 1:50 p.m 4:00 p.m 5:50 p.m 7:45 p.ss Southbound. Ar, Corvallis 10:07 s.m 11:40 a.m 2:30 p.m 4:35 p.m 6:00 p.m 6:35 p.m 7:57 p.m O.C.T.Co.'s Steamers Pomona snd Grahamona, leave daily at 6 a. m H. A. HOFFMAN, igt. fY P'sls S P t! (HSrflA W'f s