PAGE SEC DAJXT CAPITAL JOUXMAL, IALHM, OXZOOK, THURSDAY, OCTOBEE 23, 1913. The Other Side of the Saloon Question Answers to Prominent Good morning, Mr. McKinley; did you hear that W. H. Eldridge, of Sa lem, is advising the people to support the licensing of saloonsf What is your opinion f "The liquor traffic is the most de grading and ruinous of all human pur suits. By legalizing this traffic we agree to share with the liquor seller the responsibilities and evil of his business. Every man who votes for li cense becomes of necessity a partner to the liquor traffic, and all its conse qnences. " Thank you, Mr. McKinley, we be lieve your opinion is as good as that of Mr. Eldridge. ... Hello, Teddy, did you hear that E. P. McCornack, of Salem is advising the people there to vote to retain saloons What do you think about it? "The business tends to produce crim inality in the population at large and law-breakers among the saloon keepers themselves. ' ' Bully for you, Teddy, Mac is a good fellow, but he has probably not studied the subject much. How do you do, Mr. Taft. By the way, Mr. R. P. Boise, a woli-known citizen of Salem, is advising the people of that city to vote to uphold the liquor business. Would you mind telling us what you think about itt" "He who drinks is deliberately dis qualifying himself for advancement. 1 refuse to take such a risk. I do not drink." Thanks, Mr. Taft; wo believe your example will be as heavy as tho pro ept of Mr. Boise. now do you do, Mr. Lincoln; did you bear that one of your most ardont ad mirers, Mr. II. B. Thiolson, of Salem, is dviBing voters to support tho liquor hiisinessj Whnt is your opinion of tho traffic f "Whethor or not tho world would bo vastly benefitted by the total and final twnishment from it of nil intoxicating drinks seems to mo not now an open -question. Three-fourths of mankind eonfcuH tho affirmative with their tongues, and I boliove nil the rest ac knowledge it in thoir hearts." Thank yon, Mr. Lincoln. It would he easier to banish tho business if such men an Mr. Thlolson was with us, hut Rood men don't always agreo. Hero comes flovornor Folk. Hello, Joe, did you hear that ono of your fel low Democrats, Dnn Fry, of Rnlom, was advising the voters of Hint city to sup port the saloons t What do you think about itt "The saloon Is a business, (ho natur al tendency of which is 'toward law lossniwH, nnd tho limo has oomn when it wil either run tho politics of the Mate, or bo run out. of tho politics of the stnte.". Tbnnks, Mr. Folk, Pan Is a mighty flood nmn, nnd wo believe your hunch will help him. rWn ITnke flmilh, ex governor nf fleorgin, the other dny, nml told him ftonator Hal P. Pulton, nf Snleni, whh out with a bunch nf boosters advocat ing tho retention of snlnnns. Hoke snid: "It. Is absolutely Impossible to hnvn n pormnnciit, decent municlpnl govern incut, where the saloon dominates mu nicipal politics. The elimination nf the unlnnn will hel mmiii'lal politics ev erywhere.' ' Don't von believe Hoke's ndvico Is as pood ns If ill's f ... Here is ex .flovornor Hoch, of Kn tints, Ity the way, governor, Lot L. I'i'nrce, a prominent citizen of Halem, Oregon, Is advising the voters, through the Salem Welfare League, that the revenues from Milmnts is necessary to run the city. Pit von agreo with him! "'The devil never Inverted n bigger lie tin ii that the revenue from illegiti mate 'lee'ccs is necessary to the fi'inti lnl toueon nf nny town or ity," Thnii'.s, governor, Don't I. "Move Mr. IVsri e wil Mispnto you mndi. Mr. (it-horne, ns a public man who presided over the destinies of the grout stnlo of Michigan, what is your opinion f the snlnnns, Hquaio Furrar, our esll nmhln ex poxltnmtor, Is ndvisiug in to vote In fit1 or of It. "The inlenn of today n social mi phrovhyto. It 1ms tihvavs been n breed "np place tf lawlessness an1 n cult'.ii? (zroimd of vice, " Tbrt. oiwM to hold the Mquiie for a ahlle. Thank you, governor, Mr. Void, ss chief executive of tl.c (rent eominonwenltli of Mils!ppl, do ru believe prohibition proh'hils I line if our solid cltlreus, Will Hteusloff, ninn't, believe It does, If he Is consistent the etntcinents nf the Halem Welfare txfiie, to which lie subscribes his wiam. "That our prohibition "lit l" wnwly curtail tho selling ami use of tiitoxicntlnir liquor 1" "inlfot to all Intelligent and falrmlnded men who tiavn foon our lnw tested, and Is dent .ntrafod by tno Immense expenditure of lima, money and work on the part .of the brewery anil Honor Interests In W persistent endeavor to discredit n,l repcnl prohibition legislation." ftoraAs K nro,l",r ft loff! Ruswl Catlln, prominent cltisen of Salem Citizens by Men Who Salem, signs a statement urging voters to retain saloons in that city. As gov- ernor of Ohio, what is your judgment, lit. Harris f "Public sentiment is reaching such a point when such a thing as laws per mitting the dealing in tonxicating liquors will not be known upon our statute books." Looks that way, and there is evi dently a reason. Air. H. W. Meyers, one of our fore most merchants, advises us to retain saloons in Salem. As governor of North Carolina, what do you think about it Mr. Glen: "A man must take a square and un mistakable stand for the right or foi the wrong, for righteousness or for evil, for happiness or for misery, for justice I or for oppression. As for mo, I am heart and soul against the liquor traf fic. State-wide prohibition is the one end for which all true temperance peo ple should contend, as giving the great est good to the greatest number, the fundamental doctrine of our democrat- is form of government." The best of men will disagree, you see. Dr. W. H. Byrd, legislator and phy sician, advises us to voto for the li consod Baloon. Let us ask Dr. T. D. Crothers, of Walnut Lodge Hospital, Hartford, Conn., what he thinks about it. He says: "Tho latest and most authentic sta tistics show that over 10 per cent of all mortality is due to the abuse, of alco hol, and fully 20 por cent of all dis eases is traceable to this causo; also that over 50 por cent of insanity, idiocy and pauperism springs from this source. All authorities agreo that from 75 to 90 per cont of all criminality is caused by tho abuse of alcohol. These and other well authenticated facts indi cate the necessity of a more exact med ienl study of alcohol and its effects and influence on socioty and tho indi vidual." Strango that two great doctors should tnko such seemingly opposito stnnds. Ex-Supreme Judge Slater, of Snlom, ndvisoB tho voters to sustain tho li censed saloon. Listen to tho language of tho U. S. supremo court in tho ense nf Crowley vs. Christensen, 137 'U. 8.' fid, supremo court report 13, which is tho most crushing blow over given to tho liquor traffic by nny judicinl tri bunal: "By the general concurrence of opin ion of every civilized and Christian community, there nro few sources of crimo nnd misery to society equal to tho dram shop, where intoxicating li quors in small quantities, to be drank nt. the time, is sold indiscriminately to all parties applying. Tho statistics of every state show a greater amount of crime and misery attributable to the use of anient, spirits obtained nt, these retnil liquor saloons than to nny other source There Is no inherent right, in a to sell intoxicating liquors by retail. It Is not a privilege of a citizen of the stnte, or a citizen of the United Slated." ... To Mr, liny L, Fanner, a citizen ami merchant, who advises us to retain the saloon, we commend the words of Gov ernor Altgcld, of Illinois, lie says: "Tho saloons become lounging place where diameters and habits of Industry are destroyed, where habits of drinking nml carousing nro formed that pull down not only the individual, but, his family; and every time the drunkard nnd his family sink a notch lower, tho moral effect, tends to blight tho family of the saloon keeper, the brewer and the distiller who created the condition from which this ruin pro coeds,' ' ... To A. X. Gilbert, of Snloiu, who ad vises us to vote for the saloon we reply again In the words of Lincoln: "The liquor traffic is a cancer in society, eating out the vitals and threatening destruction. Attempts to regiilnte it will not only prove futile, I but will aggravate the evil." ... Mr, H, Carlwright, before taking your advice to vole for saloons let us ponder on these words of (llndstoue: " IT (the liquor traffic') has done more to Injure Knglnnd than war, pes tilence and famine combined. ' ' ... Mr. John T. h'ohoils, yon ndvio us to vole for saloons in Snlcm. Henry Wil sou said in the 1', S. somite, away back In ISIl'J, "I look upon the liquor trade as grossly Immoral, causing more evil than anything else In this country, mid 1 think llie government ought not to de rive a revenue from the retnil in Intox icatiug drinks," Mr. J, I', Thompson, you would have lis retain saloons in Snleni. What have you to say of the advice of Charles II PniMiurst, who wild: "1 know what these saloons are, 1 luive visited litem nt all hours of the night and on all nights of tho week, and there Is not n it extenuating word Hint do-MTve to be spoken In behalf of them, They are fi ul, beastly, swinish, the prolific hotbeds of vile politics, profane ribaldry and unspeakable sen suallty," Mr, R. A. Manning, before we act tip on your advice to ttote for snloons, May Be as Well Posted. . what have you to cay to the advice of John Mitchell, vice-president of the American federation of Labor, whs says: "I have no sympathy with the state ment, so often made, that the manufac ture and sale of liquor has contributed to the industrial development of the nation. On the contrary, I believe that liquor has contributed more to the moral, intellectual nd material dete rioration of the people and has brought more misery to defenseless women and children than has any other agency in the history of mankind." .... Mr. James McEvoy, if you would have us take your advice and vote for saloons, please answer this from Tom Lewis, president of the United Mine workers. "Because the liquor traffic tends to. enslave the people, to make them satis. fied with improper conditions and keeps them ignorant, the leaders of the trades union movement are called on to fight the saloons." . . . Mr. Ed. Eostein, you ask us to vote for saloons in Salem, but what have you to say to the words of P. M. Ar thur, former president of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers, who says: "Every friend of tho workingman will vote against the saloon every time ho gots a chance, and to close it up, not only on Sunday, but upon every day of the week.' ' ... Mr. F. A. Sponcer, you advise us to voto for saloons. Will you please an swer Governor William Hodges Mann, of Virginia, who says: "Tho records of our penitentiary show that the criminal age is below 23. If I am to judge from tho applications for pardon I am constantly receiving, from 90 to 05 per cent of the crimes for which convicts are confined were committed while undor tho influence of liquor. I believe that if this tempta tion could be gotten out of tho way of our young men that it would result in tho greatest bonofit to the state from overy point of view." . . Mr, F. N. Borby, when you advise us to voto for saloons in Salem, I won der what you think of tho uttornneo of ox-Governor W. M. O. Dawson, of West Virginia: "Do men deplore tho rulo of corrupt political bosses f It is tho snloon that rallies tho mnss of vennl nnd unpatri otic voters who constituto tho phalanx of tho bosses' power. Hns crimo be came rnmpant on tho strcotHf Tho Ba loon is tho refuge of the eriminnls. Does vico seek protect ion f The snloon ef fects tho arrangement with the police men, who nro familiar with its dark se crets, and comrndes of its debased fra ternity. Do gamblers wish to ply thoir demoralizing tradn among tho youngt Tho saloon affords them not only the shield, but. brings them the susceptible patronage of experienced youths." ... Mr, S, (', Hamilton, do you insist on your tut vico to retain saloons in Snlom in tho faco of this utterance from so experienced a nmn ns ex Governor Campbell, of Texas: "I boliove tho saloon is a bad thing, a thing from which no good can some. Those who vote for a partnership with It vote for the crack of the pistol in tho snloon, nnd for nil the other crimes Hint follow in the wnke nf tho liquor traffic. Voto for It, if you will. 1 wash my hands of It. Tho widows and orphans shall never in tho judgment day stand up and charge me with the Iniquities which overtook them through the snloon. ' ' Mr. .1, , Linn, you nsk us to vole for saloons. What is your response to this from Governor l.ce ('nice, of Oklaho ma: "Tho people of Oklahoma are well satisfied willi prohibition, which fact is proven conclusively by Hie election returns, Tho majoritv nt the last elec tion was larger than that at the former election. This is the best evidence that Hut people of Oklahoma are bet ter satisfied with conditions now than wilh run, lil inns which prowiilcd when I he state had open saloons, There is morn money in the banks now tlinii then. The stores are selling more goods now than then, Heal estate Is worth more now than then In both town nnd country. There are more miles of pav ing and sidewalks now tlian then, nnd all Oklahoma Is more prosperous today than It was when it had open snloons, ' ... Mr. John I), Tinner, you ask us, with your Ingenious nrgiimeuls, to vote for saloons. What have you to say to this expression on their vile business by ex Governor Frank llanley, of Indiana "I hate it for the human wrecls it hns caused; the almshouses it peop'es; for Iho prisons it filled, for tho insanity it begets; for Its countless graves In pollers' fields; the menial ruin It im poses upon ;t victims; for Its spiritual blight; its tuoint degindation; the crimes It hns committed; the homes It hits destroyed; the hearts It has brok en! tho malice it hns planted In the hearts of men for Its poison, for its bitterness for the dead sea fruit with which It starves their souls." WILLIAM II. TWNOLK, (Paid Secretary. AILING WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs. HUbert Tells of Her Dis tressing Symptoms During Change of Life and How She Found Relief. Fleetwood. Pa. "During the Change of Life I was hardly able to be around at all. I always had a headache and I was so dizzy and ner vous that I had no rest at night The flashes of heat were" so bad sometimes that I did not know what to do. "One day a friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Veere table Com pound and it made me a strong well wo- man- 1 am very thankful that I foi lowed my frLnd's advice and I shall recommend it as long as I live. Before I took the Compound I was always sickly and now I have not had medicine from a doctor for years. You may pub lish my letter. "Mrs. Edward B. Hil- BERT, Fleetwood, Pa, Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, back aches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent wo men who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weak ened nervous system.' It has carried many women safely through this crisis. I Tho following is a true and correct report of bills allowed by the county court for the mouth of September: (Continued from yesterday.) Hurres, Orphay, do 2.20 Cowden, B. A., do 5.00 King, ( has, H., do 6.60 Thorno, Chas. E., do !).(i0 Woodard, M. C, do 12.10 Struthers, Robert, do 6.00 Esch, Wm. do 2.20 Honklo, Fred, do 6.10 Fchlen, Johnnie, do 5.60 Mnller, Otto, do 6.00 Sin ity, Henry, do 5.60 Ituchheit, Joe J., do Holmes, Arthur, do 5.60 5.60 2.20 2.20 4.10 2.20 2.20 Shedeck, Frank, do Woolery, U., do Arthur, T, J., do Esch, Wm., do Swnyzic, Eil., do Perry, West, do 2.20 Thomas, Frank, do I I. SO Allison, S. W., do Each, Win., do White, Jack, do Lynch, Lelia, do Crosswell, Kl'I'ie, witness fees Ksch, Win., do Brown, Mrs, ltessie, do Koenig, Marie, do 3.60 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 Woolery, H do 2.20 Hamilton, M rs. Mel., do Lynch, Lelia, do Ilodgins, Oscar, do Ksch, William, do Yates, Uphill, do Frison, M., do Wit lui ii , Harlan, do William, Clinton, do Aldrich, It. 1'., do 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 3.20 5.60 3.-I0 3.10 2.20 JUSTICE COURT State vs. Arthur Webster, l justice 5.20 Ksch, Win,, act. constable 2. NO Stnto vs. Ayors. Webster, Dnn!., justice, 0.85 Cooper, K. K., constable 17.70 IIiiitos, Kd, witness 1.70 Hurres, Hetta, do 3.50 llurrcs, Orplm, do 3,50 Hurres, Nellie, do 3.50 Stnto vs. Bock. Mars, II. 1)., justice 1.05 .oiler, John, constable 9.N0 Stato vs, Bohrnstodt, Webster, P justice 15.20 Cooper, K. K constnble 13.00 Wilel, W. 11., witness 3.00 Kishiuger, J. C Jr., do 2,00 Kishiuger, J. C Sr., do 2.00 Tower, Gordon, do 2.00 Ahlers, J. L do 1.70 llnlley, li. C, juror 1.00 I.ntky, F, J., do 1.00 Uidiaidson, W. V do 1.00 Thomas, 1', A., do l.OO State vs. Clearwater. Webster, 1., justice 4.70 Cooper, K, K., constable 1.20 St.ito vs. Day. Webster, 1 justice 0.70 I ooper, K. K., constable 21.75 Jones, Klton, witness 1.7u liussell, Hurl, H do 1.70 lodd, Fred, do 1,70 State vs. EUwood Webster, 1'., justice 4.05 Cooper, F.. E constablo 7.20 State vi Hayes. Webster, 1)., justice 7.00 Cooper, constnble 17.65 Casey, T. X., witness 4.1H Chnpman, Dr. W. A., do 4,!0 Skmbos, Feter, do 4.00 Melt, Jnimxi, do 4.H0 Todd, Grovor, do 5.70 Hpeoler, An get, do 4.W Massey Harvey, do ... 4.W llayiw, Dud, do 5.70 i eadrick. 5.20 2.80 Es;h, Wm., act. constable ... State vs. Hines. Webster, D., justice 5.95 Cooper,E. E., constable 2.20 State vs. Hosmer. Webster, D., justice 11.10 Cooper, E. E., constable 19.30 Sister M. Agatha, witness 5.70 Sisckley, T. R., do .. 4.70 Wolford, Louis, do 4.70 State vs. Koda. Frazier, Genevieve, taking testi mony 20.00 Mclnturff, D. interpreting .. 20.00 Disall'd Webster, D., justice 18.55 Cooper, E. E., constable 25.00 Wood, Troy D., witness 1.70 Shafer, W. H., do 1.70 Watkins, Orin, do 3.20 Spencer, E. W., do 3.20 Forrest, C. H., do 3.20 Marsh, Wm., do 1.70 Ponies, Teddy, do 1.70 Mclnturff, D. X., do 3.20 Yick, Dr. Ly., do 1.70 Irvin, E., do 3.20 Woolery, Joe, do 3.20 Flake, Frank, do 3.20 White, Jack, do 3.20 Foland, Al., do 1.70 Fisher, Dr. E. E., do 3.20 Lehman, U. J., do 1.70 Spiro, Geo., do ' 1.70 Walsh, Jack, do 1.70 Takashima, Harry, dq 3.20 Nakamura, M., do 3.20 Tsukamoto, L, do 3.20 Xakamura, N., do 3.20 Tsukamoto, II., do 3.20 Itoyja, T., do 3.20 Yotoo, C, do 3.20 Vakoyi, D., do 3.20 Halsol, W. J., do 1.70 State vs. McMahan. Wobster, D., justice 4.95 Cooper, E. E., constable 1.70 State vs. Oliver. Webster, D., justice 5.93 Esch, Wm., act. constable 6.10 State vs. Putnam. Webster, D., justice 9.00 Cooper, E. E., constable 5.80 Greene, H. A., witness 1.70 fdlowino, J., do 1.70 Owens, W. IT., do 1.90 Minton, A., do 1.70 Goode, J. F., do 1.70 State vs. Beeves. Webster, D., justice 7.00 Cooper, E. E., constnble 1.70 State vs. Smith Webster, D., justice 9.40 Cooper, K. K., constable 1 1.50 Williams, W. A., witness 9.30 Williams, Mahlon, do 9.30 Bcnnott, Bill, do : 1.70 State vs. Thomas. Webster, D., justice 10.-10 Cooper, E E., constablo 5.00 Griffith, A. M., witness 1.70 Vaughn, T. O., do 1.70 Phillips, Jay, do 1.70 lames, Thos., do 1.70 State vs, Tolland. Allison, S. W., witness Smith, Henry, do Thomas, Frank, do Moore, Mrs. G. A. G., do Grier, J. li., justico 1.S5 .Smith, Henry, constable 25.15 State vs. Troy. Wobster, justico 7.80 Esch, Win., constable 4.00 Ksch, Wm., witness 1.70 Stato vs. Tweedy. Webster, 1)., justice 0.85 No Claimant, constable 5.00 Disall'd Ludwig, Hay, witness Koseninn, Jack, do 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 fi.20 White, W. J., do Woolery, H., do State vs. Watson, Webster, !., justico Cooper, K. E., constable 5.00 State vs. Yates. Webster, P., justice Ksch, Win., act constable .... 5.0.) 1.10 Poor Account. Byrd, W. II., services 15.00 lull Stables, ambulance 8.00 Cook, A. J., rent 5.00 Kcene & Lewis, Pis. services .. 20.00 , Moore, Pros., groceries 5.85 1 Willamette Sanitoriuin, care of county patient 33.00 I Election Account. Ottcrstroui, Albert, judge mid mileage 6.00 McCormick, John T clerk 3.00 McCormick, Josie, clerk 3.00 l'earcy, Geo. W clerk 3.00 .McCormick, Margaret, clerk 3.00 Conger Printing Co., ballots 4.00 (lelilhnr, Max, stumps 50,00 Sims, Paul M., rubber stump'.... 1.2" Swart, 11. S., precinct maps 28.50 Assessment and Collection of Taxes Jefferson Review, pub. notice .. 2.00 Independent Print Co., printing notices 3.00 Capital Journal, pub, del. tax list 522.00 Cont 'd Oregon Statesman, do 331.25 Silverton Appeal, taxpayers no- t tiees 2.30 Stayton, Mail, printing notices 3.00 Woodburu Tribune, pub notices 3.30 Robata of Taxes. i ltownmii, F. P., tax rebate 5,6S j Pisall M I Brown, Emma M., do 6.57 Courtwright, Harry M., do 48.10 PisnllM P'Arcy, P. II., Adm'r, do R.60 Khlen, Geo., do 10.27 Mickel, Nicholas, do ,1.10 Murphy, Flora M., do 7.06 Siegmund, W. M., do 19.73 Smaller, F. M., do 11.62 Smith Bros., do ...Pisal'd 32.74 Stapltton, J, C, do 17.33 State vs. Webster, justice Children Cry 373 j y i i I i v ii ii mi The Kind You Ilave Always in use for over 30 years, - ana has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. J-CucAtM: Allow no one to deceive you i this. All Counter felts, Imitations and Just-as-good." are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ot Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute, for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and aUays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething- Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS IBears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THI CINTAUH COMANV, NCWVOMK CITY, Star Land Co., do 2.76 Star Land Co., do 7,79 Will, George C, do 4.20 Wiukley, Henry, do 6..'!7 Cont'd Jail Account. Esch, Wm., prisoners board 135.02 Insane Account. Seifer, J., auto hiro 0.00 Gai'luud, F, H., livery 10.00 School Superintendent's Expenses Cornelius, Elizabeth, examiner .. 9.00 Dunlap, O. L. do '. 9.00 Gauiitt, V. C, do 9.00 Puttou Bros., penuauts 6.00 . Cont'd Smith, John V. L., examiner .... 9.00 Smith, W. M., traveling expenses 30.07 State Fair Account Hoofer, Paul B., eloetriciil work 12,",00 Leichty, Ray, preparing graiu .. 7.50 Taylor, Myrtle, prepurii.g grain 7. HO Taylor, W. A., fixing exhibit .... 73.70 County Health Officer's Account Van Winkle, J. O., livery 3.00 Cont'd Jackson, Ilattio M., traveling ex 8.2.3 Coroner's Expenses. Mclnturff, D. X., interpreting .. 20.00 Disall'd Clough, A. M., inquest 05.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 !).20 31.70 Pnvis, F. 11., juror Hice, Fred, do Stoiitor, A. II., do Morrison, Frank, do Matlock, C. X., do Ward, Frank, do Koda, V., 'witness Xakamura, T., do Matzura, Joe, do Takiisliiiun, M. A., do Marsh, Willijun, do noedighcinii'i', 11. C, linus, Clyde, do Lick, Dr. Yao, do ... Walsh, J. T do Li'hmnu, 1.'. J., do ... Poland, J. A., do do McGilchrist, Win., do Ilartncll, Jns, D do . I nvin, W. A., do ... Fisher, Dr. E. E, dough, inquest . do LACE COLLARS Big specials, Hundreds to select from. Fine dls play. Collar and Cuff Sou, all now. Be sure and see them. Reasonable prices. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS A good showing of U new styles. The coats that fit and look weU. Good material, properly tailored, and the ploasant surprise Is the smnllness of price! WOOL BLANKETS Oa our bargain table. Prlc, reduced from a third to a half from regular price. Prepare for the cold weather that la sure to come. R0STEIN & GREENBAUM 210-246 COMMERCIAL STREET for Fletcher's i Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of Signature of Smith, J. C, juror 1.00 funis, C. L., do 1.00 Emmott, C. W., do 1.00 Jones, J. F., do 1.00 Roberts, C. M., do 1.00 Carlson, Uichard, do 1.00 Brown, Eichard, witness 1.70 Heudircks, J. W., do 1.70 Pigg, Hoy, do 1.70 Grant, H., do 1.70 Suiter, E. D., do 5.20 Morse, Dr. W. B., services 5.20 Downey, D. C. II., do 5.00 ( lough, A. M., inquost 14.30 Frazier, P. L., juror 1.00 Fitts, W. S., do 1.00 Allbright, Wm., do 1.00 Frazies, A. L., do 1.00 Lehman, II. J., do 1.00 Staley, W. I., do 1.00 Hayes, William B., witness 1.70 Vales, do 1.70 Robertson, Dr. C. H., services .. 5.20 ('lough, A. M., investigation .. 5.40 ( lough, A. M., do 5.40 lough, A. M,, do 5.40 Clough, A. M., do 8.50 Litchfield, Geo. P., bailiff 15.0Q Kcliiborgcr, August, juror 18.20 Skiptnn, W. L., do 18.50 Mciring, II., do 18.20 .lory, John, W., do 19.40 Kowen, J. T., do 21.00 Simpson, V, do .g 20.-10 Mullen, C. S., do 22.40 Whitman, A, I?., indigent soldier 10.00 Wallace, Mrs. E. E., do 5.00 Miles, W. P., do 10.00 Jones, 0. W., do 5.00 1 looser, Jacob, do 5.00 Leach, Mrs. S, A., do 5.00 Schoupp, John, do 10.00 Goss, Delia I!,, do 10,00 McMains, Birdie, do 10.00 Bellinger, Dr. G. C, insane ex. 5.00 Uider, I'. S., scalp bounty 1.50 Cottago I'lidoi-taking Parlors, ind. soldier 40.00 Hughes, Mrs., poor 8.00 Bice, B. B., poor 8.00 Byrd, Dr. W. II., insane exam'n 5.00 Long, A. W., juror 0.00 llobson, Lemuel, do 0.00