Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 23, 1913, Image 1

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All the News that's Fit to Print Everybody Reads the Daily Capital Journal
the best (flfL. 3 fl ftm. "A (lffi n
! L.,j iyWS0 IMm iiifftis to. . I ifflimmM
" J0plpgg ryr ;
Provisional President Given to Understand Two Maderos
Under Arrest Must Not Be HarmedTwo Score Slaugh
tered While Defending Church From Looters Monterey
Reported in Desperate Straits Conditions Continue Grave
Throughout Mexico-Diaz Prisoner in His Brother-in-Law's
omth raasa uad wiaa.
"Washington, Oct. 23. Au urgent
warning was sent by tho state depart
ment this afternoon to Provisional Pres
ident Huerta in Moxico City against
harming Daniel and Kvariitta Madero,
the late President Madoro's brothers,
arrested yesterday iu Monterey, charg
ed with plotting to turn tho city over
to the rebels,
Forty Persons Massacred.
Mexico City, Oct. 23. Forty persons
wore nyissacred whilo defending tho vil
lage church at Choran Ationrin, state of
MiehoHcnn, against looters, accorlingto
dispatches received hero this afternoon.
It was reported tho looters later robbed
nd burned the church.
Diaz Prisoner In House.
Vera Cruz, Mox., Oct. 23. Sentries
were placed today over the homo of Fe
lix Diaz's brother-in-law, where ho had
been staying since li i h arrival, and Diaz
Rriisfttioii.il Activities of Pallkhvlr,t
Following Does Not Hoad Off
Qoutlor Sisters,
Xnllot In Other Countrlos Gained by
Argument Rather Than Violence,
Says Mrs. Fawcett.
l.tndou, Oct. 23. The sensational ac
tivities of the militant cuffragettes lis
loci nt months havo serve I to obscure lu
a cnusidenible degree the solid, sub
stantial, and really effective eumpaign
work being dime in F.nglniul by the
large and growing army of non-militant
advocates ul votes for women. In view
of Mrs. I'linlihurst 's visit to American,
and In order that American men us well
lis women may havo an opmrt unity to
make intelligent comparison between
. i- i i i i
the policies, methods and aims of the
two antagonistic camps, Mrs. Millicent
(1. Fawcett, leader of the non-militant,
has piepnred for tho t'l'itcd I're.'s the
following article!
"The National I'nion of Women's
Suffrage Societies is the largest, the
oldest nud ah we believe, the best or
ganized mllriigp society In the I'nited
Kingdom, It is non party In character,
in the cure that it welcomes among its
members sympathizers with all political
parties or with nonp, It is, and always
has been strict in its methods of work.
The tion-mllitmit character of tho na
tional union is a matter nut only of ex
pediency but also of priuciple.
''Wo believe that the best mothod of
promoting the surer of our cause is to
appeal to what is the highest and best
in man, and not to what is worst; to
10110 ki sympathy, hi conscience, bis
sense of justice ami his courage, and
was warned that if he tried to loavo
he would be locked iu a cell immediate-lv.
Situation Vory Serious.
Washington, Oct. 23. Cipher mes
sages received at tho state department
today reported tho Mexican situation
extremely serious. It was denied that
intervention was under consideration.
Iluerta was understood to have de
cided to violnto tho constitution by run
ning to succeed himself as president
without even tho formality of a resig
nation to servo as a break between his
two terms. It was said he feared to
surrender his power to another for u
Monterey Surrounded.
Dallas, Tex., Oct. 23. A dispatch to
a newspaper hero today declares that
Monterey, Mexico, is surrounded by eon
stitutioiiulistas, who aro preparing to
make an assault. Tho report lacks con
firmation. ( not his terror and cowardice. Wo com-
; if nu mat nil too women s victories or. (
Uhc past fifty years have been won on j
, these lines. Women havo by peaceful i
irtniis, by education, by appeals to ex
I perienco and common sense, broken
diwii tho barriers which a generation
o ago shut out their sex from high-
er education, the professions, municipal
mii) local franchise, eniploymeii in tho
civil service, etc. The enormous pro
1,'iss of the women's movement him
ibeen unstained by crime or violence of
'uny kind.
I Peaceful Motliods Win.
" Moreover, in those cmintrieH and
'states where full parliamentary suffrage
,h,.s been won it has beeen won as tho
'result of peaceful propaganda. I need
u.lv mention the countries which have
already enfranchised their women, New
-aland, Australia, Norway, Finland,
'ten states in the l'nite.1 States and the
territory of Alaska, In not one of these
has the women's victory been achieved
liv ioliMicn. Wnmmi n hii f f ruin hn
l,n,e.l II. ..reliimnarv sl.nr,. iu !),..
ti.Hrk, Sweden, Iceland, ami a govern-
imi nt franchise bill to which wiimiiin'm
suffrage n,v be mbled be amendment,
las recently l)-n n,ention,M in the
queen's sH.'ech in opening a new par-
li, ( in llll I In ..., nt .1,,....
ountries has there been the least traco
, . , . . . ,
of oignliized or uiinrgnnized violence oh
the part of the advocates of the cause.
"In (Ireat llrltain we have a largo
number of suffrage societies, represent-
ing policies, parties, religious persua-
sions, professions and Industry, and
mining all of these violence as a moth-
oil of propaganda hus been monopolized
by two societies in Ungliiud nml one in
Ireland, The National I'nion, which
has developed from small beginnings
nearly half a century ago is not only
the largest, of all these organization
but one of th most democratic institu-
tions in the I'nited Kingdom. K.very
society is entitled to send delegates, In
proportion to Its membership, to the
General Council which meets twice a
year to decide question of policy and
to elect officers of tho union.
Political Bid Also.
"Our method of wnrk are entirely
constitutional. We endeavor to educate
the country to sympathy with our cause
united pebhs ijcabcd wibi.
Now Orleans, Oct 23. It was esti
mated this afternoon that 32 lives wore
lost and more than 200 injured, some
probably fatally, in a hurricane which
swept Louisiana this morning. Most
of tho victims were negroes living in
rural districts.
A partial list of the dead by towns
Thibodeaux, 7.
Luting, 9.
Plaquomine, 1.
Madison, 3.
Abbey, 3.
Strose, A,
united mass leased wihs.
Washington. Oct. 23. That tho Dem
ocratic administration is playing into
tho hands of big business with, its pro
posed new currency bill, was tho dec
laration voiced before the senate bank
ing committee today by Alfred Cro
ssier, a currency expert.
"Tho Class-Owen bill," ho said,
"grants just what Wnll street and the
big banks havo wanted for 25 years
f privato control of currency."
united runs ijcahkd wim.
Johnstown, Pa., Oct. 23. John Maus
wttis hanged at Somerset, near here,
this afternoon for tho murder of Harri
son llrown, a rural letter currier.
hol'U,I ''"nvassing, con-
liri'N" 'M !". b.,,1 organ!-
'"U"r",,B "f "'""'"' '"'"""
h-v with 0,,r "! ' ''l'"
w" ,,,rl'-v 011 ,he ',,,liti,al "illw uf 0,,r
Wn,,i' 0,,r ,,,"l",lvr transform
,h" -.v'"l'fthy of the voters into polit-
,,'nl l"',',H",'(, "x,,r,"1 0,1 ""'i'"1'1
"" " lurlll"m,,i, " paruos.
in order to maintain and increase a ma
jority in the house of commons that is
)"lit.V the llol""J "f '"'"
committed permanently to the principle
of woman's suffrage nud that will be
1,1 livWH th wilijoet.
Tl'" ,M,'Hl ,,0,l,lt iv''" "r ,""l,,",r" H8
,,:,'("1" """"".v l.-ril.lii- members,
'Hl rlluit I'll lltllllllg Olir 410 Societies, Jll
adnitiun to these we have nil auxiliarv
of niHi-siilncribing but. pledged " friends
" 1
' ,u" """"'- "" uug-"
fnr,',, ,r"","1 ,M" ot
"'I' ueric.in plan ot enrolling svmp,,-
"If it had not been for llm tremeii-
dous activity and ceuseli-' eilmutioiiiil
work carried on by the noil militant
suffrage societies iu the I'nited King-
dom, I believe that our movement would
have been ruined, ut any rate fur a
generation or more, by militancy. Dot
we H'iisti'iilly nsk why the revolution-
ary riot ami destruction of a few women
should be held to justify the politicel
disfranchisement of the women of the
world. If a rule of this kind had been
applied to men, not a single man in any
..e re it mi
.part of the globe would today be en
titled to the exercise of the parliauien
tary franchise. Why apply to women
an egregiously unjust method of exclu
ion, which men have never dreamed of
appropriating to themelvf"
What Do You Think of
Pacific Depot, Mr. Krnttschnitt?
It is understood that Julius Krntt
schnitt, Director of Maintenance and
Operation of the Southern Pacific will
be in the city this evening or tomorrow.
It is for thiB reason that The Capital
Journal today runs a cut of tho South
ern Pacific's palatial deiiot building
horo in the state capital and tho second j
city iu tho state. We do this for the
simplo reason that the company persist
ently overlooks it and does not have a
picture ruu in its magazine, tho Sunset,
and done iu colors. It would look bet
ter in colors, and wo would gladly pre
sent it. iu its true coloring if we could,
but our press will not do the coloring
and alas, our brain and descriptive pow
ers are not up to the standard to make
a word picture of it. Wo cannot do it
justico and heuco will havo to pass it
up with a plain unvarnished description.
it was built nearly fifty years ago,
and at the time was looked upon as a
credit to the city which at that time '
had almost 3000 citizens. It was pro-'
vided with living rooms ustnirs where
the operator and his family could keep
house, and attend to the railroad be
Over 200 Miners Are
Victims of Greed of
New Superintendent
UNnnn rims leaned wine
Dawson, N. M., Oct. 23. Mem
bors of rescue parties, returning
to the surface from tho interior
of the wrecked Stag Canyon coal
mine, said this afternoon that
they had seen dozens of corpses
in the workings. Only six had
beeu brought to the surface, ow
ing to the rescuers' ill-termination
to save all their energies for the
possibly living.
Dawson, N. M., Oct. 23. With giant
ventilating Inns forcing fresh air into
the gas filled Number 2 Stage Canyon
coal mine as fast as engines will drive
them, rescue parties were still working
furiously this afternoon to rendi 21"
men' believed to be imprisoned iu the
workings n a result of yesterday's ex
It wns estimated that there were 2s"
miners nt wnrk on the various levels of
No. 2 when the explosion occurred. Five
men in the upper level got out nt once.
Th. rescuers had brought It more to the
surface by 4 o'clock Miis morning, lie-
side the living men, 23 corpses had
been counted.
Three Mora Survivors.
This aftornooii three more survivors
were found. To nsieh the surface with
them the rescuers would have had to
carry them through several galleries
where the air wa hirvy with poison.
Iu their weakened state it was deemed
unsafe to Mosn them to It, so they
wer wrapped In blankets and fed ami
cared for bjr surceeding shift of re-
23, 1913.
Southern Pacific Depot as It Appears
tween meals and sleeps. These are still
on their job. Soo picture.
Times havo changed since it was built
but thoro has beeu no change in tho
faithful old shack which for nearly 50
years has through sun and rain, Btorm
ami vicissitude remained on its job. Ad
ministrations have changed, officials
Uavo come and gono, big mou havo suc
ceeded little ones, and little onos crowd
od big onos out again, but tho faithful
old cowbam has been faithful to all of
them, as it promises to bo to the gener
ations' that shall conio after them. It
Ims been modest in its demand, too. One
or two coats of paint and a few loads of
granito sand has been all it over re
quired in nearly 50 years to keep itself
dolled up and smiling when tho grout
ones of tho corporation stepped off tho
cars and used its gracious and hospita
ble shelter. It is only a couple of
blocks further from tho street car lines
now than it was 10 years ago, and do
spite its age anil decrepitude it still
does its duty uncomplainingly and to
best of its ability. Of course it is not
its fault that tho city has grown away
,ciiers, as they followed one another in
to the mine.
It was admitted that there seemed
small likelihood of finding moru surviv
ors In the mine, but tho rescuers were
taking no chat s. They wore detor
milieu that every man should be ac
counted for.
Most of those who still lived were
Horribly burned. The bodies of tho
dead were charred beyond recognition.
They were left where they lay, to rn
main until tint searchers had satisfied
themselves there were no moro still
alive to be saved from the mine.
May Only Fan Flames,
Mino officials said they were hopeful
the funs would soon clear tho workings
of the gns. Kxperls said they were
probably right, but that if there was
fire lu the mine, the ilmft would only
spread the fbitues more rapidly.
I'ulil M mouths ago the Number 2
Stage I niiynn mine was considered one
of the Mifchl in tl oiinlry, the then
superintendent, Joseph Smith, insisting
on mi lot v appliances alioad of all else,
lie wns succeeded by McDorinott, him
self now eutoiiilied, who increased coal
production but was renortel tn huvn ul.
j lowed the safely equipment to fall into
Bays Mine Is Safeguarded.
New Vurk, Oct, 23. --Cleveland Dodge
vice preniileut of tho ('helps Dodge com
pany, owner of the Stage Canyon mine
nt Dawson, N. M., where several hun
dred miners are ontombed, today declur
eil tho mine to bo tho safi-st in the
t'liited States.
"Th mine ha a fine ytm of ven
tilation and many mean of cult," aaid
Dodgn. "I'nles the miner were trap
V'" 'ih,
it :v.mmdiii
; . A
from it, that it has to, like a hen with
an inculmtor's product turned over to
her, spread itself and stretch its moth
orly wings in a futile effort to koep tho
road s patrons out of tho wet while they
wait a few gladsomo hours for unac
countably delayed trains. It does the
best it mil, and if there is not enough
room insido, thoro is out, and thoro is
plenty of granito sand for tho waiting
passengers to walk around and scratch
Wo tako pleasue in printing a picture
of tho venerable old relic so that Mr.
Krnttschnitt may tako a copy of tho
Capital Journul home with nlm and
IihAb lh urnlty picture fruiiied as a
souvenir. Wo also suggest that he have
tho Sunset give it a full page, colored
send-off. It is something the company
should bo pr I of, unit Salem does not
want to be hoggish ill t it and keen
all its beauties to itself, l!y all means
let the world know how artistic and at
tractive an old cowhnrn can be made to
look, and how it can be wished onto a
ity of 20,000 inhabitants as a passen
ger depot.
ped there is a clinnco Unit they still aro
"We always havo taken every possi
ble anli accident precaution, Much mino
is linked with the others, I feel suro
all the entombed i will escape,"
T. II. O'ltrien, general inaiinger of
the mine, telegraphed Dodge that "pro
peels look considerably better."
nmrsii iuikss i.rassd win.
Washington, Oct. 23. Friends and
relatives today showered congratula
I tions upon Mrs. Ilelvn l.ockwoud, vet
eran champion of equal suffrage for
women, on the evnt of her O.'ld birth
day. Mrs. Uckwnnd, u kindly little
woman, is one of the most prominent
features at II itiuunl capital. She
is tho first woman who wns granted
tho privilege of practicing before the
I'nited Stales supreme coiirs. Years
ago, Mrs. I.ockwoiul, alone and uiiaid
ed, fought her case through the courts
j and won her right, and the right of
I other women to practice before the
highest court III the tit ml. Mrs, Lock
wood also holds the distinction of be
ing tho only member of her sex to be a
candidate for president of the I'nited
Monterey, Mexica, Oct, 23. Daniel
and Varista Madero, brothers of the
late President Francisco Madero were
arrested horn yonterilay, charged With
plotting to throw thn city into thereb
ol' IibiiiIs. The federals said tho plot
was discovered through Mr found on
the bodies of rebel kllledw in battlo.
Conspiracy Charge Is Filed
Against Slayer of Stan
ford White by Jury.
His Attorney Does Not Believe
He Can Be Brought Back
On This Charge.
Now York, Oct, 3. Harry K. Thaw.
slayor of Stanford White, was indicted
ou a chargo of conspiracy hero todiy by
a grand jury which invostigated bis
sensational oscape from tho Matteawaa
asylum for the criminal insane. His in
dictment niuaus, it was believed here,
that ho will be oxtradited from New
Hampshire and ultimately returned to
Other iudictod on the same charg
with Thaw wore Hichard Butler, Mi
chael O'Keel'o, Roor Thompson and
Kugono Duffy. Justico Gavogan ia.nie4
bench warrants for each of tho indicted
Thinkfl Indictments Valueless.
Moo Grossman, ono of Thaw's attor
neys, said :
"Harry Thnw wins committed to Mat
teawau us an insano man ami ho cannot
bo convicted of conspiracy. I doubt the
indictment will stand or affect the pro
ceedings in New Hampshire."
William Trnvers Jerome today testi
fied before the grand jury investigating
the escape of Thaw. Lutor Jerome con
ferred with District Attorney Whit
man, '
Miss I'earl Uarrott, of llalsey, Linu
county, was nrresled last evening by
Night Officer Irvin nud Police Matron
Lynch for being drunk and disorderly
on the streets, Tho young woman was
locked up iu tho city jail, and this morn
ing Judge Klgin allowed her to bo tak
en back homo by her fatliur, N. J. liar
relt. Miss 1 turret t came to Salem yes
terday morning to visit with Mrs. Par
ker, who resides lu Yew Park. The
young woman came down town later iu
the iluy an when found by Officers Ir
vino and Lynch, she was iu an intoxi
cated condition. Matron Lynch and
Mrs. Parker took Miss liar rot t to tho
homo of Mrs. Parker nud put her to bod
but tho girl would not slay and the po
lice arrmted her ngain und locked her
up lu tho woman's department of the
Mr. Harrett arrived this inorniiig
from llnlsey ami took his dnughtor In
charge after Judge Klgin had given his
sent and warned the young woman
that she would be vigorously prosecut
ed if she was ever ngaiu arrested here.
Tom Kli'hai'lsoii, of I'ortliuiil, and
Frank K. Davis, special commissioner
of the Sau Diego exposition, will give
iiilrc:ic at I he Coiiuiiercial Club this
owning at x o'clock, and a cordial in
vitation is extended to everyone to at
tend, Mr. Itlclmrdsoii is to give the
principal addreis, His plan Is to secure
as much Immigration us possihlo fur
Oregon from the crowds that will come
to the exposition. Ho believes that
Oregon should make n united effort to
get the people to stay hero bofore they
proceed further north. Plans for tho
ileelopment of Oregon will be discuss
pl fully and every booster lu town
should bo present.