Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 21, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    .... ku.4.
Early Fall Sale of Women's Tailored Suits
Sale of
Bed Comforts
Extra Good Quality
price considered
All Comforts 10 per
ct. less. $1.50 Com
forts $1.25
Now is the time to
brighten up the home
Salem Hardware Company
There are people in Salem today who have lived
In Maine for yean and are accurately in touch with
the situation there.
The facti are that prohibition is more strongly for
tified in Maine today than ever before.
Years of hypocritical juggling with the prohibitory
law has crystalized a sentiment there that the leading
politicians can no longer outrage, and they are fast
recognizing that fact.
Two of the most conspicuous prohibition states in the
Union are Kansas and Oklahoma which are neigh
bors. Kansas, the oldest "dry" state in the West, has
a penitentiary, located at Lansing, left over from
tho days when the state was "wet," and therefore
had use for such an institution.
The late ar rival of large shipments of wo
men's Tail ored Suits necessitates quick
selling to enable us to clear the suit de
partment a t the end of this season. It has
been our custom to entirely close out each
season's goods. Such low prices on hand
some merchandise this early in the season
is without precedent, BUT OUR LOSS IS
$50 and $45 Suits $32.50
$35 Suits $27.50
$25 Suits $18.00
$17.50 Suits $14.00
$15 All Wool Suits $11.50
Now for the genuine, old-fashioned
fall house cleaning made easier by
our modern appliances and labor-saving
helps, '
It is not only the time for clean
ing and scrubbing and polishing; but
for- brightening up the homo with
paints and varnishes, and imikin g it
permanently cheerful and cozy.
It is surprising what a lot you ran
do with a can of paint, varnish or en
amel, a brush and a little energy. That
old floor, your Boiled and scratched
woodwork, the dingy cupboard all
these can bo made clean and new if
your uso our finishes.
And don't neglect the outside of
your homo. Painting not. only ninkes
it look fresh and neat, but lengthens
the life of tho building. We Ml good
paints and good brushes with which
to apply them.
on't They Tell Us
About Kansas?
(Paid advertisement, by William H. Triinlle, Secretary.)
"""" J
(Continued from page 4.)
Cross streets from Front at the point
where tho Oregon Electric is making
repairs, need fixing, it was stated.
Stolz promised action.
No one could tell Cumniings what pro
gress had been made in the sale of the
sewer bonds.
License Question.
The question of whether owners of
tnxicabs should be charged a full li
cense to tho first of the year was mis
led. Tho thief of police sought informa
tion. It W!is decided tho council did
not have power to make uny concessions
and the license charge for a day or u
year should bo $10.
Stolz pleaded that nn assessment bo
made for street purposes thut vould do
I away with the Hnnunl deficit that has
been faced, lie talked at some length
on the subject.
Kigdon wanted to know what had be
come of the ('heiiieketalligli and
Church-High assessment muddle which
had been referred to the city attorney.
An ordinance providing for the sale
of $-l!l,5;!li.(i(l in bonds was passed.
It was voted to reduce the Salem Wa
ter Company assessment 12 because of
(in error.
An ordinance correcting nu assess
incut on Cieo, W. .Iiilinsgn 's property
also was piisscd.
It is a hard tak tor a big old thing
like tho Republican party thoroughly to
reform itself. Hut sincere efforts in
that behalf nrc admirable
But the present "dry" regime does not produce in
mates enough to fill the Kansas penitentiary; and so
that commonwealth, with commendable thrift, rents
out her penitentiary facilities to her neighbor, Okla
homa, which, being born "dry," did not have use
enough for a state prison to warrant the building of
The state convicts of Oklahoma are thus accom
modated in the Kansas Penitentiary, these two states
together barely furnishing enough prisoners to stock
one respectable-sized institution, where most slates of
like size have two or three apiece.
These facts, incidentally mentioned in Harper's
Weekly, fumi.h a pretty good temperance lecture,
don't they?
To the Citizen-Voters of Salem:
"Vie, the undersigned, members of the
Salem Ministerial Union, believing that
we represent the highest interests of
the eity, hereby declare our belief that
every such interest will be promoted by
the elimination of the licensed saloon
from our midst. We believe that the
organized liquor traffic is the great
est single hindrance to our city's
growth, and whatever prosperity has
come within recent years, has come in
spite of. rather than because of the
We believe that the driving out of
the saloon will lowor taxes, as prohibi
tion has done wherever given an hon
est trial; that it will promote every le
gitimate business; that it will greatly
decrease drunkenness and immorality,
and safeguard every moral interest, af
fording protection to our young people
and our homes.
We hope the voters will read care
fully the statements on both sides of
this question, and not bo misled by the
disguised and expensive advertising of
the liquor dealers, and will remem
ber that every vote cast on November
4 for "Dry Salem" is a vote to pro
tect the homes, and to promote the
prosperity of our city.
J. II. 1RW1NE,
H. 13. DORKS,
8. S. MUMEY,
"A Girl of the Underworld" drew a
good houso at tho Grand hist evening.
Tho play deals with lifo in a big city
and many interesting situations were
evolved. Thero was niolodrania galoro
ami interest was keen until the curtain
was mug down in tho lust act.
Texas, the strong man, who will give
two performances at Yo Liberty tomor
row night, will give a freo exhibition at
12 noon tomorrow on State and Com
mercial streets. Ho will Iwiul a flock of
Studeliaker trucks and wagons by his
neck and will perform many fents of
strength. Texas was given a great
semliiff in Portland, where 12,000 people
saw his performances on tho street.
Ksiink .I. Mc.dnttignn, a Portland
newspaper mini, has demonstrated in
j"The Lily-White Slave," a one-act dra
ma, producer at Ye Liberty thcatie yes
jtorduy afternoon anil lust night, that he
. i a successful playwright. The dia
logue is clever, the plot runs 'n perfect
sequence, ami the playlet is exciting
(throughout. Another feature of "The
Lily-White Slave." is that the plot is
original, which is remarkable consider
ing there are so ninny playwrights anil
so many plays being produced daily.
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The Capital Journal Freo Cookinir
school to be conducttsl noxt weok by
Mrs. Kato Vaugn is to bo strictly ed
ucational in character. Mrs. Vaugn
will give ono short lecture to prospec
tive housewives. She lias somo vory
convincing arguments to show that the
girls should bo trained for tho great
work of housekeeiiinit and home mak-
ing, just as boye are trained for their
life work. Mis. Vauirn writes that
mrmy people have a wholly erroneous
idea about domestic science. "It is
not in any sense, to take the place of
such fundamental branches as readinur.
writing and arithmetic, or of the cul
tural studies girls take up lator on.
To be a successful homo maker, a real
help mate, girls of this generation need
to know more about arithmetic than
simple combination of figures. Shu
should know how to apply her know
ledge of mathematics to tho business
of operating a homo of her own. She
should have nt school enough domestic
science- trainlnir to elmblo to st.mlv
food values and hygiene and sanitation
in a practical way when ho noes into
her home. She should know enough
about arithmetic, to bo able to make
out nud carry out a household buduot
which will relievo her husband and her
self of. financial worry. If wo nro to
havo really happy homes, uirls must
actually have a real training. There are
ninny mothers who are excellent house.
Madame Frances Alda traveled in
Kun.pe the past summer in her 4U
horse power Kolls lioyce car, especially
built for her. Tho prima donna tar.
ried in Nuremberg, ti visit the I In us
Snchs llnus, and was photographed
there. In telling of her musical trav
els, Madame Alda said:
"It has already been announced
that I have added the role of Eva In
'Pie Meistersinger' to my repertoire,
and, ns I nm to sing the part with the
Hoston Opera company next winter, 1
wns eager to absorb tho atmosphere oT
the wonderfully human story of Wag
imr's great opera many persons think
this greatest, after 'Tristan and
"We spent several days in old Nur
emberg, and later visited Il'ayreuth
and Munich, where we absorbed more
of the delightful Wngner atmosphere,
"For my Pacific, coast tour," con
tinued the prljiia donna, "I have ar
ranged a remnrkabln series of pro-
l-runs. While I shall sing some fit
vorite Drills and songs, 1 havo In
cluded a number of lovely songs by
Finnish nnd ltussian composers, wlil'-h
are positive novelties, In planning my
program, I tried to consider every
taste; that Is ft duty (lint sineers owe
their public. Ringers should strlvn to
plcnse, nnd at the some tiin educate
those who need guidance."
Daily Horoscope
This Is the birthdntn of many re
marknblo women, all of whom are un
der the planet Venus and tho sign LI
brn. These givo an ardent, passionate,
enthusinstic nature, highly emotional
and fascinating.
The dominant traits of character Im
parted sro pride, love of praise, self
reliance, determination to succeed and
love of speculation. Many love af
fairs are shown in this rending. Hue
cess is either tremendous or failure ex
treme. Unwillingness to believe that
nil tlie popular musical numbers con
be had for as little as 1.1c per copy nt
K. F, Peters', 021 Court street, mny de
ter many fro-n enjoying the full ben
efits of tho opportunity offered, The
rending Indicates that anything Jier
tnining to home pleasure will bo very
Kata B. Vaughn, Cooking Expert, and
keepers, but who have no faculty for
making housework attractive to their
daughters. There are many othors who
dopond wholly upon their servants and
if their daughters obtain any training
for futuro home making at homo bo
fore marriage, it is not at all likely
to be in the right 'spirit. To such girls,
and many others, domestic scienco
training as a part of their school cur
riculem is invaluable."
To Do Practical Work Hore.
Mrs. Vaugn 's idea of domestic, scioncc
is wholly practicable. She has worked
thomo ut in her own homo, or gathered
them from tho host housekeepers
throughout tho 'land. Mrs, Vaugn is
essentially a woman's woman. Her lec
tures aro full of sensible ideas and
valuable hints for women who sock
advancement in household matters. She
advances no theories that she cannot
demonstrate. Hho uses only such
scientific torms as the most practical
of her aiidionco can comprehent. Home
women havo come to Mrs, Vaughn 'b
lecture-deinonstratioiis reluctantly, hav
ing tho idea that her talks would bo
"ovor their heads," only to como back
next day with note books and pencils,
eager for more of her kind of Hcience.
Mon Approve.
Mrs. Vaughn is going to eivo Siilem
women some of the bent things they
ever tasted to eat, and show just, how
Squirrels collect much of tho seed
used for planting by tho forest service,
A steel rail lasts, with averago wear,
about 1H years.
There is no need to bo despondent ;
gory football Is in action.
T.'ieie is still need of continued
growth nnd spread of tolerance.
Another thing that youth should bo
twught nioi-o is to prize youth more.
Tonight at the First
Christian Church
The Salem drys have engaged J. G. Adams to spend
the week of October 20-26, inclusive.campaigning in this
J. G. Adams, of Fort Worth, Texas, is a citizen of
America, known and beloved by tens of thousands in ev
ery state where a great temperance campaign has been
waged, lie is one of the most unique figures on the
American platform. He is equally at home whether he
is firing an army of devoted temperance wishers into
actve militants, or playing with a street mob, holding
them in the hollow of his hand and making them laugh
at their own folly.
Whenever he reaches a town something has started.
He has been arrested 49 times and imprisoned 12 timesj
has always refused to accept bail, and has universally
been released within an hour or two, the hero of the
town. The hatred of the brewers and distillers for this
man is matched by the love which the street crowd holds
for him.
(Paid Adv.)
on Autos, Pianos or Carriages. Satisfaction
guaranteed or no charge. Leave orders at
468 Ferry Street E. L. Campbell
to give these same things to their
nusiianda at a saving on the house
hold bills. So Salem men will see to
it that their wives all attend the Cap
ital Journal Free Cookinir school. "Bot-
eats, but smaller bins," sounds good
to any husbnnd. This Bounds almost
too good to be true, but Mrs. Vaucn
has done it in a great many other
cities so there is no doubt about her
being ablo to demonstrate it hero.
Has Had Cosmopolitan Audiences.
In other cities Mrs. Vaugn has talked
to all classes of womon and has had
something helpful for all. In one of
her audiences in the south there were
several Mexican cooks with tlioir mis
tresses. In many ciises a wealthy mis
tress has brought her cook to Mrs,
Vaugn 's lecture-demonstrations. Mrs.
Vaugn writes, " I like people! I will es
teem it an actual honor to moot your
feminine readers and to give them the
benefit of. what littln I know about a
tremendously large subject before which
I am humble. I know that I will learn
something also from my audience."
A iiieHtiou box is to ho a feature'
of the school, ami women who attond
are urged to make free uso of it. Mrs.
I Vaugn welcomes questions on any sub
ject pertaining to good housekeeping
l and feels that the free duwussions of
bucIi topics, with expressions from tho
women in the audience, aro quite as
helpful as her lectures.
She is a fioor hostess who is always
entertaining suspicions.
The only jewel that thn nverngo ho
man has no use for is tha ..jewel of euii
sislency. '
Now it is mostly birds that icnplit
are mistaken for by tool shooters.
liiiiln lleechey would better have
stuck to his resolution to retire from