All the News that's Fit to Print Everybody Reads the Daily Capital Journal t NEWSPAPER THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. obeoon, xat, ocxobe, a m, pR,CE CENT& gff MUST VOTE ON WOBlf S COIPENSATWET Si innryr oni im 1 m view with onon p d p a i cn M V " 111 III l IN MINNEAPOLIS AND Warm9reeted fjre IN ORDER TO GET UldUKU U KL uALLlU Arrinyo oino t v m- mm c" ALL mmm FALSIFIER By MRS IUIUBJI 1 jLfJ I Temperature Is Below Freez- Candlet Applied to Orientals' .. . HI I III U II Iimll I !nK Point nd Wind 60 Kio ro;o3-,KooB6. Feet by Four Masked Men D A MMIM M TrPTI II I fl M ill I 111 I U illllUJ Mile, an Hour. velt and his party were warmly greeted at McAW. W.ab. Rill I Hi If III! III! I T I 1 1 If 1 1 V Ringo's Contention That Referendum Is Invalid Because of Fraud in Securing Decisions Is Overruled Court Says There Is No Standard for Penmanship Established by the Statute and Contention Tha t Signatures Are Illegible FailsPortland Need Not Resubmit Bonds Other Decisions. In au opinion rendered today the su preme court affirmed the decision of -Judge Galloway in a suit instituted by Ernest Ringo to restrain the secretary of state from rof erring the Workmen's Compensation Act, and whether or not it becomes a law now rests with the vote of the people at the special refer endum election to be held on November 4. Ringo alleged fraud and on this ground asked that the petitions be set aside and the measures not referred. Judge Galloway dismissed the suit be cause his allegations wore not support ed by evidence, and the supreme court today sustains him on the same ground. Incidentally Ringo also alleged that the signatures in the petition were illegible, but the court held that thoro is no standard of penmnnship established by statute, and that tho genuineness of the signatures were not attackod. Another interesting case decided by the court was one instituted by the city of Portland to determine whether bonds issnel prior to the adoption of its now charter had to be re-submitted to a vote of the peoplo. The court he'd they did not. The other cases were: R. W. Gray, appellant, vs. Lottie L. Telton; appealed from Jackson; suit to euforec terms of a contract Bo vorsed. Blnke, McFull Company, appellant, f IVE DEATHS FROM Snow Extends Over Wide Area in Wisconsin and Gale Accompanying It Brings Woe Everywhere. nITKD miSS LliSID Will. Milwaukee, Oct. 21. Five deaths duo to tho storm which is raging over Wisconsin aro reported today. Snow is falling even as far south as Mil waukee. The casualties are; Two Milwaukee hunters, Goorge Mc Eachrnu and Thomas fltolz, drowned in Shawano Lake, at Shawano, Wis., when their skiff was capsized by the gale as they were trying to reach shelter. Three men were drowned when their liapthft launch capsized in Chcqunme gen bay, at Ashland, while trying to take provisions to a cnnl steamer in the harbor. IS 10 I united I'siss mused tins Pasadena, ( al., Oct. 21. Pasadena, generally rctfirded as a "dry" town, though its dryness is mitigated by the FOR MURDER AND HER Iknitiw mess tsor.n wiss.l Snn Francisco, Oct. 21. Lenh Alex- an.lcr, the young woman who vlit and fatally wounded J. D. Van Bnalen, newspner advertising man. iu his of ( fice in the Chronicle building here last Saturday, was arraigned before Police Judge Sullivan today, charged with murder. The date of her preliminary vs. City of Portland; appealed from Multnomah; action for damages. Re versed. Pacific Paper Company vs. City of Portland, appellant; appealod from Multnomah; action for damages. Af firmed. E. M, Kimball vs. Lower Columbia Fire Relief Association, appellant; ap pealed from Marion; suit to compel spe cific performance of contract. Judg ment modified. Eva L. Roane, appellant, vs. Union Pacific Life Insuranco Company; ap pealed from Multnomah; suit on a promissory note. Reversed. I W. L. Slptboom vs. Simpson Lumber jCompuny, appellant; appealed from I Multnomah; action to recover money. Reversed. Carrie P. Mortons vs. Northern State Bank, appellant; appealed from Jose phine; suit to determine adverse claim to real proierty. Affirmed. Will C. Smith vs. W. G. Smith, ap pellant; appealed from Josephine; suit involving title to land. Reversed. Aila Erb Hunch vs. Gcorgo B. Thorn blison, et al., appellants; appealed from Josephine; suit involving possession of real property. Reversed. Elizabeth Ingram, appollpnt, vs. Al exander Bosye, et al., appealod from Polk action for money. Reversed. A. II. Schmidt, et al., appellants, vs. R. B, Beattio, et al.; appealed from Clackamas. Anneal dismissed. presence of hotel and restaurant li censes, today, through its board of trade, has paid a tribute to the world' greatest brewer, the late Adolphns Busch. Resolutions in praise of the millionaire wore scut to the family, and a liuignifiroiit floral wreath was ship ped to St. Louis for the funeral Sntur- jday. The Busch gardens here will be i closed Saturday out or respect to Mr. Busch 's memory. A. L. Brown, for years the chief en inner for the Sulem Water compnny, is near death at his home on South Com mercial street today as the result of a complication of diseases of the limbs and body, Mr. Brown Iiiih I n con- fined to his bed for the past month and for A time he was thought to have been improving, hut since last Thursday his condition grew gradually worso and to day he is not cxectcd tn live. .Mr, Drown is a prominent member of local and hits taken an active part iu the upbuilding of them. Ho lm been one of the most trustworthy em ployes of the Salem Water compnny, and his wide circle of friends will be grieved to learn of his serious iliness. BUI RIVAL HELD AS WITNESS hearing will be set October 20, s contin nance being granted on the request of the district attorney's office to awnil the outcome of the coroner's In-reest. Miss Hhoda ThamMii, of whom Miss Alexander was Jealous, anil an eye wit liess of the shooting, was ordered into custody today, following a report that she pfnnned to leave the city. EAST ALSO STORM-SWEPT Maryland Coast Flooded and Many Boston Streets Are Impassable From Wreckage Strewn. united puss uuid trial. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 21. Cap tain A. B. Comins, of Port Huron, and 10 others, comprising the crew of the wooden steamer C. W. Eppicke, are believed to have per ished when the vessel foundorod at 2 o'clock this afternoon in Lake Erie, off Long Point. Buf falo agents of the steamer con firmed reports of the wreck. Res cuers have started from Simcoe and Port Colborne. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 21. One of the earliest really bad blizzards this section has known in yoars put the street car service seriously out of joint horo early today. The temper ature was below freezing and tho wind approached 60 miles' 'an hour. Trains were considerably dolayed. Coast Town Flooded. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 21, A high tide, driven inshore by a 60-mile gale, flooded the low-lying portions of prac tically every town on the Maryland coast early today. The water in some places was four or five feet deep. Much damage was done on shore, and it v ts feared the losses to coast ship ping will prove even heavier. Wreckage Blocked Streets. Boston, Mass., ' Oct. 21, Many streots here were impassable today from wreckage of tho storm which swept hero Inst night. Wires wcro down ev Sulzer Throws Some More Light on Tammany's Crooked Methods BY JAMES CREELMAN. UNITED PMiSJR I.RASED WHIR. ' New York, Oct, 21. Governor Sulzer threw some more light on Tammany crookedness in a statement today. Sulzer, who wns nominated as assem blyman from tho sixth district last night by the Progressive party, Is ex pected to greatly help their cause. One Incident bearing on tho secret authority assumed by Murphy over the state government, I omitted from yes terday's account. Sulzer had prepared a statement reciting all the incidents, just as ho would have told them ou the witness stand. This one rendu: Millions Not Audited. "After 1 took (jfflee in January I learned that the state architect had expended more than $-(,.100,(1011 during tho previous year practically upon his own certificate, and thnt there had not been a proper audit. "I learned also that tho 1012 ap propriation for the capitol hud been exceeded by nearly $."i 10,00(1, without proper supervision, "I asked a committee representing tho American Institute of Architects to investigate, and I nlsii asked John llennessy, niy special graft inventiga tor, to dig into some of the accounts presented for payment. "The architects reortod that State Architect Iloefer and Deputy Powers were not by training. exerlence or ability competent to fulfill their du ties. Resignation Becotnmended. "Hennessy found several question- . UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Rio Janeiro, Oct. 21. Colonel Roose velt and his party were warmly greeted ou thoir arrival hore today. A representative of President Fon seca, all the members of his cabinet, the leaders iu the senate and chamber of deputies, many city, police and judi cial officials and the Argentino minis ter with his entire staff, were at the waterside, to welcome the visitors. Af ter the landing a reception was held in their honor at the arsenal. The Roosevelt party's ship was some time overdue, haying been delayed by a storm. erywhere, big trees were snapped off and street car traffic badly crippled. Inland, to the eastward, the storm was equally bad. At sea the night was a fearful one, and it was feared marine losses will prove to have beou heavy. ' Many Ships in Distress. New York, Oct. 21. A 60-mile gale raged along the Atlantic coast last night and today. Several ships were reported in distress, and it was feared there would be wrecks of many small craft. The crew of the schooner Mar jorie was brought in by a North German-Lloyd boat, which picked them up as their vessel was sinking 200 miles off shore. ) The applause of the public seldom goes to the officeholders who gets It's price. The Weather 'ABOUT TMIE To CET THE HOTH' The Dickey Bird says: Oregon, fair tonight and Wed nesday; norther ly winds. gflus our able contracts, and suggested that the state architect bo asked for his resig nation. "It was shown by llennessy 's re port thant only half tho right quantity of glass bad been put into certain rooms In tho capitol, that glass three- I eighths of an inch thick hud been sub stituted for glass that should have been five-eighths thick, and that glass three-quarters of nn inch thick hud been substituted for glass required by contract to be one Inch thick. "llennessy asked for the architect's resignation at my request. Before he had reported to me Senator Frawley cauio down stairs and protested against Interference with work in the state capitol or other stntn buildings, say ing ho diil not believe there was ma terial truth In the charges. "I sent for llennessy, who, In my presence, related to Frawley the main facts. Frawley still persisted that nothing should bn done, nt least with out further consideration,'' Hoofer's Boply, "I told llennessy to return to the state Architjvt mid insist nn his riiu- I .. .. . ..(.. . eition, Iloefer told h I in he whs not a fn" agent, that h" Imd no control over Ins deputies or his secretary ami none over the nteu who checked up the work. Me said they were nil appointed by Tammany. He made the peculinr plea that his grand father wns s Herman revolutionist, like mine, thnt blood hould be thicker tlmn water and that 1, as a (lerniau, should not semi him out of the itate service In disgrace. He FOUND SECURELY BOUND Bandits Escape In Stolen Rig and Are Pursued by Posse of Citizens and Deputy Sheriffs. united raasi leased win. Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 21. Torturing their victims with fire and commanding others to lie face downward under pen alty of death, four masked highway men robbed and plundored the little village of McAloer, five miles southeast of here early today. The bandits es caped in a stolon rig and are being pur sued by a posse of citizens and loputy sheriffs. The' robbers first1 appeared at a 'Jap anese grocery store. In tho place, sev en men, together with the proprietor, K. Ida, were forced to lie on the floor, while all the monoy and valuable in the place were collected. About $300 in cash was secured. Tho men then left in the direction of Fife. Noar Fife an other Japan wo store was ontered and tho two Japanese found there were bound hand and foot. After they had been securely tied, lighted candles were held to the Orientals' feet bv one of the robbers and demand made' for 'their monoy. One of tho Japanese gave up $100 af ter his feet had boon badly burned. The other Japanese contributed $20, Both were severely burned. KILLS HIMSELF. UNITED fBISS LEASED WISE. Snii Francisco, Oct. 21. Tho body of Armand Klett, a bookkeeper, 26 years old, was found today in tho offices of John T. Wright. & Co., coininismon mer chants, by whom he was employed. Ill health is believed tn have citusvd the act. ' Anyway, the tariff tax on the farm er's bags Is now a good deal less. asked if his resignation could nut be de layed. "llennessy telephone, and informed mo that Iloefer wanted until the fol lowing Monday to determine to resign. He said ho wanted to consult some one in New York, To Consult Murphy. "I told llennessy to ask Hoofer the nniiie of the man and he replied that ho wanted tin opportunity to see Murphy slut explain certain things, "Senators Wagner ami Frawley and John Delaney came into tlui oxeeutlve chamber mid Informed me that Murphy wns insistent nothing be done In con nect lo with Iloefer 's case tl.nt week, "I told lli-niiiKsy to find Iloefer forth with and hate him bring his reslqiiution with him, llennessy sent a messenger to Iloefer ami found him In Wagner's room with llelaney and Frawley, They were uuain In communication with Mur I'I'.v. Bogus Contracts. "Iloefer mi am to mc with Iteluney end nuniii inked thnt his residual ion he deferred. I pointed to my desk and said to Iloefer, 'Hit down and write your resignation now.' Iloefer wrote it. "It was shown later that several of the contracts ou capitol work were bo gus, All were percentage contracts. Men were paid for 20 consecutive hours dally for 20 consecutive days, Home irasons and bricklayers charged on the invrolls had never worked on the enpi trl. Political ward heelers nf Tam il soy ver on the payrolls as elect ri rid in. " UnLUTTIIi 111 ILUIIITIUII Portland Woman Says Girl Admitted She Had Told False hood in Saying Principal Wiest Had Attacked Her Part Played by Mrs. Blanche Ford-Pickering in Case Mrs. Baldwin Says Charges Against Wiest Causing Loss of Posi tion Baseless Board Members Called to Testify in Case. What is conceded to have been some of the most important testimony intro duced so far in the law suits brought by W. A. Wiost against School District No. 24, was given yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Lola O. Baldwin, the superin tendent of the state society for the safety of girls and young women. Mrs. Baldwin branded the T)-? -' ! , young woman who sin,'- ' to the effect Mr. Wio,.: , the Englowood school, as au untruthful person, and In her testimony she prac tically exonerated Mr. Wieet from all the charge which have been brought against him by both the school board aud Mrs. Blancho-Ford-Pickerlng. Governor Interested. It dovolopod from Mrs. Baldwin's tostimony that Governor West was the Instigator of tho witness' investigation in the Wiest case. She said that at tho request of the governor, she tame up from Portland and startod an Invostiga tion. Mrs. Baldwin testified that she took the DoBord girl up to the gover nor's office and examined her thor oughly and found that the young woman was lying about her bulng attacked by Mr, Wiost. At another time, tho witness mid, Bhe took tho girl to a ioom in tho Hotel Marion and there quizzed her again and found that Miss DoBord had been at tending a rovlvul meeting at the Friend's church and had bocome conscience-stricken over what sho hud done and afterward wrote a letter to Ma Wiost tolling him that she had told a lie and that tho contents of the affi davit sho signed wero untrue. What Oirl Told Her. Mrs. Baldwiirsjiid that tho girl told her that sho was approached by Mrs. Blanche Ford-Plckoring and was asked E ED UNITED I'M LEASED WIS!. Washington, Oct. 21. Tho attempt to liavo the public recess for ,10 duys was abandoned today, Majority Lender Un derwood and Minority leader Mann wero uiiuble to agree, on the date for an adjournment, according lo Underwood's iiiiiiouucement, The house will now formally convene dully und Immediately adjourn, lliqiresenlntlve Munii thought Presi dent Wilson was not Justified In be lieving thnt the currency bill wiou would be passed, LIST OF BISHOPS 10 WILL GET NEW PLACES UNITED PRESS I SAEEb WIRE. New York, Oct, 21. Though the nit'iies hiul not been dolinitcly announc ed, it was understood today thnt the following aw bishops had been chosen nt the episcopal chciirch conv ent ion here: The Ifcv, l(uli lluiieson, bishop of Month Dakota. The llev, Mlln dates, bishop of t uba. The llev, Fred liowdcn, bishop of New Mexico. The llev. W, II, Capers, bishop of Spo kane, The llev, ( harle t'oluiore, bishop of I'orto Itlcn. The Itev. W. II. Capers las formerly In charge of the Columbia, Tenti., Insti- if she (Mrs. Pickering) could take the letter out of the mail box that was nulled to Mr. Wiost. The girl gave Mrs. Pickering the privilege and the latter, according to Mrs. Baldwin, secured the missive and, after changing the wording or it, again plneod it in the mail box. Mrs. rt'.'i-v Trther testified that ", t.i i'-, or that Mrs. Picker- - ' 'j when she told of " ' ' to Mr. Wiest and 'said thaf'Mra, tnnerlng wanted her to . show all the letters she wrote to her (Mrs. Pickering) before sending them SlTSJ', Bays Charges raise. The final upshot of her lnvostiaation. said Mrs. Baldwin, was that she found no grounds upon which to base any truth of the charges brought against Mr. Wiest by either the girl, Mrs. Pick orlng or the school board and dropped the" case entirely. " v ' Some clever maneuvering between Mrs. Baldwin and Attorney Bingham for the dofonse then took place. Coun sel for the school district tried hard to break down tho witness' tostimony. The members of the school board wero examined on tho witness stand to day and tho Jury may be presented with tho case late today. Attorneys Corbv and Carson are appearing for the plain tiff. Wiest is suing the district for TOO on a contract alleged to be due oa the grounds tho school board released him before the time of his office an pr!nciil of tho Knglowood school had expired. Tho school directors wore called to tho stand today to tostify that they wero not prejudiced against Mr. Wiost nd that they acted solely in the inter est of tho city schools. 10 united rssss uassu wire.) Chicago, Oct, 21. I'ostofflce Inspeo tor Stuart today said ho knew the iden tity of tho man who wrote Mrs. Freder ick Stool, a society woman, threatening to inoculate her with deadly tropical disease germs unless she paid him $2,1, 00'). The man Is said to be a college graduate. The letter was sent Mrs. Steel by sMclsl delivery. OIIIL STILL MJ8HINO. After sending telegrams to every po lice department on the coast, telephon ing to nil tho nearby city authorities and sending Police Matron Lynch to Portland In search of her, Chief of Po lice Shcdeck stated today that he has received no Information ns to the where abouts of Miss Dora Under, the young woman who so mysteriously disappeared! from her home ou the Garden Hond hint week, Tint chief of Oolice has no Idea where the girl can be and lie is now sending out letters to the various city police departments In Oregon, Washing ton an. I California in hopes of getting some trace of the runnwnv, AO, CLUB DINNER. The Salem Ad. Club will have their regular dinner meeting at the Hotel Marion nt tl:!IO p. in. tomorrow evening. All business men rd cordially invited tn nt t en 1 1 . A wiuiwin in New York lias jus- li'i 1 a divorc stilt against her husband m l says thnt. he Is not "guy" inning i. Vu sn never please some women.