DATT.Y CAPITAL JOTTRNAL. BALEM, OKEOON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1913. IMI I n n n ri ri it ti it El w M it It II 11 t1 II II 11 M CI M II ii I! !1 ts II 11 63 ta n ri ri ii II 11 tl ii ii r t flf 1 Solents Finest Showing of Women's Stylish Garments W;w Tin- (ji'iu'iiil I'oiiiim'iil. innilo on our riiaplay of women's full ami winter Mock in Hint in every way it eclipses liny allowing over made In tlio ready-to wear mct ion. Tim variety is no jfreat nml I lio rniii nf prices mo eouipreliousivo Hint wo can satisfy linv I ili' or liny purse, nml, liosidos, in women's routs ninl women 'a suits wo nro offer'nitf some special values tlmt cannot ho duplicated elsewhere lit our very low prices. Keep In close touch with our wiiulow displays, they oonstnntly de pict tho very latest ideas in stylish Suits, Coats, Wraps and other wearables Our 661st Wednesday Surprise Sale A great Sale of Taffeta Silks at 33c a yd. A ailk sale of much iiiiportnuci' to .ll women, .lust the fabric for waists, drosses, petticoats or for trimmiiii;, etc. Litiht, iiii'iliuiu Hiiil dark colors, lt Inches wide. I'p lo N,"o urades, your choice for this event lit only Xle u yard. An iiiiusul offering, hound to create imich interest, so I'o on hand early next Wednesday inoriiiii);. Sale pens at S;lli, See window display. Salem Agents for the Pingree Shoes for Wom en. Nettleton Shoes for Men. Pla-mate Shoes for Children NEW SHOWING OF EVENING SUITERS Wo announce the nrriwil of the new low heel slippers that so ninny people have l'een waiting for. Satin, in Muck, white, pink or Iduo at $:t..'i0 pair. I'oe Leather Slippers in pearl grey, with cut steel hackles, at $1 pair. Tun oiue leather slippers at irXftO pair, aooo leather slippers at $!l.."i pair. Painty slippers in patent leather and dull t'nii-lii's at .til. .'nl pair. u w a ri a u n n n H a a n H n n H a ti ti H 11 II a n ii a ii n Grand Opera House FRIDAY NIGHT, OCT 24. Tho Greatest I'lay of the Day Tho Wonderful White Nluve Drama. The Lure Now running ut Maxiuo Kl- liott's Theatre, New York. Prices, COc to $1.50. Seats on 8ulo Tnesdav, October -3. The House of Quality rm COODlCOODS crzaaaa3QQ3EsaasQBiaanas22aa Ezsa&ssscaaaaaQaaaaaan&Eaa UV.MOtVi.Mjk..W k sVk' Double VftuJeville bill today nd tomorrow, 10 Cent 20 CVntt Mtint 2:30 Evenini; 7:30 and 9:00 EARL D. DWIRE & COMPANY Precnting "A LILY WHITE SLAVE" An Emproi ct of Exception! merit. Till Marksou left today for his home in Omului, Noli., utter visiting his fath er, U. ('. Marksou at Lilierty. Cliurle H. Jones has gone to South ern Oregon to attend teachers' insti tutes that have been arranged. Mr. Mendosohn, doctor of optics, lias returned ami can lie seen at his of fice, as usual 1'. S. Hank luiildiii);. l'Mwnrd Kherhonrdt nml family will H. soon bo residents of Atimsville, remov ' t. t i :.. ii i"K iiviii tnuir pieseiii uoiiie in ii.it's- villo. After visiting at the liomu of P. W. Kisher for a few days, In'slin Murdoch has gone to Portland to make his home. All piano students should hear l.n Forge, tho pianist and composer, with Madnmo Alda nt the armory next Fri day, October 21. SecriMiiry of State Olcott mid his faithful setter "l'uppo" returned last night from a hunting trip north of the city. Secretary Olcott. reorted good luck and a fine time. Two deer and a nice outing reward ed Mark Siddal, W. I,. Hamilton mid Halph (ireene last week while they were eamved in Cow Creek canyon. The party returned bust Saturday. My son, if thou nseth a I.a Corona, thy mind and heart will be at eace, but if thou useth some other cigar, which is much inferior a good smoke is naught to thee. tleo. llalteuhoff, wife mid little daughter have returned from a pleas ant outing nt the beach. Mr. and Mrs. llalteuhoff are tho proud parents of a pri.e-winniiig baby girl nt the eugen ics exposition at the state fair this year. Two Salem merchants Inst Saturday evening complained that they had been bilked by a man giving the name of W. A, lturke. They said that lbirke passed phoney checks on them and left the city, llurke got away on the I o'clock electric train, before the police, were notified. Tickets for the first concert of the Musical Artists' course on sale at the j Armory Friday morning, October '.'I.1 Alda, lyric soprano, from New York Opera. Casino, great Uiissian Ve'list, and I .u l'oi:;e, noted accompanist and pianist. Senator Chamberlain has introduced :i tiill ill i iiii'r,i, iivLiii., tl,., r.'im vm.,i ( "i-kt !!':!." i:s. ei'cnde.l bv the state of Oregon in recruiting and securing vol unteers in the Indian wars of 'Mil and so7, and not heretofore settled. 4. ' A motion for judgment, uotwith- stamling the jury s verdict, in the case of V. Yokulis against the Silverton Lumber company has been filed in the circuit court by the defendant. The plaintiff was given judgment in the sum of Jliii'O against the defendant, on the grounds that her husband was IVter S, director, ofiki'led while emi'loved in the com Oregon City, motored to this city pauy ' mills. estcrday, and spent the day visiting! their inanv friends. I a El a n in n 11 11 11 u 11 11 n u 11 11 g 11 a a H a 11 H n a 11 11 n n 11 11 a H a n a u a a a n a a a n a Toilet sonp, ! bar, 2"c. Perry's Dnig Store. First concert of the Musical Artists' Course next Friday evening, October 21, nt tho armory. Tickets on sale at 9 a. 111. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hill have re turned from Portland, where they spent Saturday afternoon mi I Sunday visiting. Tho lady 's gold watch was given away to Mrs. C. A. Fitzpatrick, of En terprise, Or., holding coupon of number selected at Hinges' Jewelry Storo Sat urday night at ! o'clock. A storm is predicted for Wednesday nnd Thursday in the Northwest it may be accompanied by snow mid in this elimnto that means slush. Pre pare now, by' giving your shoos a treatment of shoo oil or paste, if you prefer. Ask F. E. Shnfer, tho saddle and harness man, 1ST South Commer cial street. Many housewives measure the pros perity of the country by tho amount of canned fruit sho has stored awav. Are you prosperous. Get your, supply of apples, grapes, quinces, etc., at the Sunset grocery, 121 South Conlmercinl street. You take no chances. State Corporation Commissioner Watson has requested District Attor ncy Gail Hill to commence action against the I.inn County Orchard com pany for failing to abide by the reg ulations and rules laid down by the corporation acts. You don 't linvo to pay all down to buy your Christmas presents now. A small deposit secures anything in the store, of the Forced Out sale nt Hinges Jewelry Store, next door to V. S. Bank building. The first concert of the Musical Artists' Course will be one of the best, and will be the only concert having 'cello and pinuo solos. Kvery piano student and toucher of tho piano should attend this concert. Next Friday ev ening nt the armory. Tickets on sale at 9 a. m., Friday morning. Twenty fice mid fifty per cent off on everything in the big stock of Hinges, except diamonds, which will be sold 10 per cent above last year's cost. Remem ber the place, next door to the 1. S. l'nnk building. CARD OF THANKS. To our many friends who so kiudly remembered us in our bereavement for the loss of a loving husband and fath er, we extend our thanks. MRS. A. KICH AND FAMILY. The senatorship is Hobson's choice, but probably Hobson won't be Alaba ma's choice. CITY NEWS. Or, F. U Vtter, dentlt, luit 415 417 Mmouic buildinfi. IV. May, ncrv specialist. Masonic building. Mr, and Mrs. :-S.?r,:- - inniiinuiiiitii iiiiiiininiiiiMiiiiiliiiiinimiiuiuiililim LITTLE TALKS ON EVERY DAY FINANCE You Who Owe Money PERHAPS you have a mortgage to pay some time In the future. Are you providing for It? C Or you may have personal obligations, their ma turity hastening on. C Or perhaps you have a loan on your life Insurance a mortgage on tho happiness of your heirs. C There's no better way to create a cash reserve to pay off maturing obligations than a savings account with this bank. C Saving to extricate yourself from debt leads to the habit of saving for your future needs. CThis bank will be glad to help you accumulate a surplus. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF SALEM. OREGON llll!IIMIilllllllllIIlllllllllillIIIIIIMUllillllllllHMIIIIHIIIIHIIII1llllllll I . Vi... J" M t . .... e "' 1 Mrs. Vaughn, Cooking Expert. NEW TODAY. WAXTED Man especially for farm work. Thone Farmers' 98. l'Oli SALK Young .lersey bull, with custom. Apply ut 11!j D street, or phone Main lll.VJ, WANTKL) To trade new organ for good horse or milk cow. Hint Fourth and Xonvav, LOST -Hot ween Twelfth and l streets in town, lady's gold Flgin watch, closed tace. Small duiniond set in case. Leave at this office mid re ceive reward. I FOB SALE A good horse, 11M Cen ter street. 1 i A -. FOli SALK Hotel Scott, furniture mostly new. I'rice reasonable. I'lione 54 S. I WANTED Woman to do kitchen work on farm. Phono Farmers' ;H. 'A Girl of tlie Underworld," Grand 0-;era Heuse, Monday Night, Oct 20. WAXTKIV Sewing by tlio day; will gt. out of town. Address l!ox 17(i, Salem. A man was at rested i't New York w ho : admitted for i ers he had liveil a 1 l aud to mouth existence by forging The Mehania Hotel is uow open fet .'u.-i iit-M iimii-r Tn.t i,.r.,i. 1 .,,.,.. vision of Mrs. M. K. Uruce, who will " ce to it that guests arc kindly and THY JOl'KVU. WANT ADS properly treated. j FOR THEY lllilNo KF.sU'l.TS 10c TOM KELLY 'Tho Fikthion PUte lUiitonc Monolo5tt,' and long by a I'unUgc hcAtllimr. wit ami MTVO MOTHERS" A powerful ilrm with itrong ct. VitAKmph nnd Kvlior Picturr. Ptho mul compiiy. 10 Cents 20 Cents ACADEMY of the SACRED HEART VnJer the Jirvc(on of the Sisters of the Hj'y Savtea SALEM, OREGOS I Wi ipprvd mnh.. Pruii t, Umtnr d Hik Skvl lVprt wit. Cn'i'l four in Mm . N ltifro itk tlijio of !(( 1 1. MODERN COXVEMESCE3 DOMESTIC COMFORTS fkvlitit tt tiM tkiM Midtr U !Wtwbt, ADPRE&S H8TE tvrC2!0K. Extra! Extra! Extra! WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Two Dy Only People's Popular Stock Co. In thrte-act comedy A TRUTHFUL LIAR Funniett Show Ever Written. 10 PEOPLE 10 Special teener)', elegant cotume. A how for people who know BLIGM THEATRE Price, adult. 15and20c5 children 10c. Four reel, of the bett picture play included. 10c iobe FROM THE BEYOND Three-reel Eclaire feature BAB'S BABY Gem comedy HARRY MOYER In new song COMING THE CLOSED DOOR Featuring Florence Law- rence. GLOBE TOlt SALK A modern, up-to-date, S room house nnd lot, right in town, has to bo told this week, so if you nre in the market for a home or an invest ment come and see inc. ('. O, Hire, with L. S. ltames Co., oU.lolii Ma tonic Temple, STALL 1100M Tor rent for several horses, good warm ham, in center of town. Phono Main SO. ' ANTi:i - (ioo.l second hand top hug gy. Address "It. o,"," care Journal, NICK 10 ACKK snuTiHANluniK l'-j miles from town, near car line, netting, hesides the living for the family over $.MH) per year. All fruit and nut trees now coming into good hearing; good house nml I'll ru mid outbuildings, $100 cow, horse, chick ens nnd implements included. I'rice nml terms right. See ('. O, liice, with L. S. ',,mii, , , (., ;; , ;h :ls,nii,-temple. $100 to $1 That you can't beat our bargain. 12 acret in Polk county, two mile west, well improved, $4000; 14 acres on car line ideal suburban homo, $10,000; acre in berries, new home on car line. $1S00; 7 acres in borries, 2 miles out, house and barn, $3000; 30 acret, 10 acret in crop, balance timber, 4-room house, good barn, 7m ilea out $3500; 220 acret in Polk county, well improv ed, $22,000; 1 to 5 acret on installment several new hornet in Salem on install ments; 500 acres well improved, $90 per acre; teveral 5 and 10 acre tract well improved. We have a cigar ttand, pool hall, rooming house, hotel, restaurant, gro cery store, candy ttore and other but! nest chancet, ' 20 acret close in, well improved, $9, 500. Several prune ranchet and berry tracts at the right price. 10 acre bearing Italian prunes, $2750. We rent Houses and Furnished Rooms. We sell Insurance of all kinds I List your bargain with u and we will give you square, prompt and courttou treat ment. Acme Investment Co. A. B. COOK, Manager. Phones: Office, Main 477; residence Main 24S7. Opposite Court House. 640 Bute gt. Employment Bureau in Con-nertion. t I We will fill any prescription, no I matter what doctor writes it. t SCHAEFEB'S DRUG STOKE X NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY TRliH 4KI' T k XCREDITM Krtitrul ArU Vs4 State ftrM MONEY TO LOAN Oa farm and city prujrtj. Jo ac-oiT, OTr L'mco 8tor, Bal tr ( Phon 1H1 MONEY TO LOAN () Cood Kftl E,ut Seeiritj. TH0S. k'. I'O ED Over Ladd ft Buth Bank, Sa!n. Or 10c 10c Independent markcl Verrv St. Tt ratm llf.m . 23c lb. i i:.,,.l 7T.. Ik C Pt Lard - 5c lb. GooJ MutU Chopt 15c lb. GooJ Mitton Stew (V b. l'Oli HUNT if.'O ucrcs, '.';tii , ,.iltiMi lion; cn-h in adaiice. Trice rca soiuililc; nun to three years, Plenty feed in luitn. See Pr, t'usicK. I."HI( A T 'I'll IS .Mihtlv u.'cd drop head ewin iniiihino lil; new drop head scivlnu ma.'hiiio fill and up. (tin Stain street, ,'',,!,f-M-'; 11 1 'C,I, u, h COW lllld i;i 1 1 1 I'lltll I'llttlll',. ,t t 1'tvi: m:w i'i,TMi:Ts"i,r'n., ; a h'l'u'iilii rm ;t iium.iIm w,d fumiKli ,v 'l "" N. Ili(;li. l'l o ,..i,v rr i i;i's r i,,,,,,,,,, ,iuii "i ciu.licl i in I, mad, ,1 niilnii f,,,,,, .Salem. It ncic nnpliori le, 11 ,., Koiel.eiil(.. ft diolco apid,.,, mil! Im.iii.i and ton a la.v pay' llii'l.l. Mex C, II w.Mll j H 1'kiu... Co 111 1 1.1 Mn,,,. u,myUy Aii(t:"'i..Muv ""m"n. :if',w 'lrln of a mlU fin,,, i,, , lion, lunnlnK Hat,,,, ,,, . himlloil Hood l.u M.. I', o, in,,, lth 1. M m,, ,.(l miifi . Mtxiiile Imlldliig REAL ESTATE MONET TO LOAN JACOB ft CO. rhou HiS-4. NJ-so; Hubbar4 Pld WOOD AND COAL our tptelalty. r.ili aty 1 Couiway f t v,:rtJ, , ... . 1'- 1'hoTI Vila 'l iVV I.AIMKT 15 BIT -.i.'ii to tear a tj -lit (lrlnn. f,trU., Wort W.M i-l C..U::i rtJPy j Cherry City Ice Cream JVe make J Specialty of Omncr and lodse orders. Huy it.