Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 20, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Sends Wire to His Tather-ln-Law He
Bioko Eight Hand in the Second
- Hound of Wolgast Fight.
td i sron pa
"Bonesetter" Eese Quoted as Saying
Durable Dane Has Worst Pair of
Hands to Be Found.
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Comiteo rmss umo wm.
Portland, Ore., Oct. 20 Bat NcIhod
baa an alibi for his defeat by Ad. Wol
gast last week. Jack King, Bat's
father-in-law, received tho following
"Am through with tho prizo ring
forever. Broke my right hand again in
tho second round. 'Bonesetter' Iteesc
aajs I have the worst pair of hands
ever attached tn human form."
For tho past three years Bat has
been suffering with injured flippers.
His hnnds have been broken in several
fitrhts. When the trouble continued
lie decided that a long rest would
probably end it all. Ho had nothing
that demanded pounding beforo his
fight with Wolgast, so ho felt sure that
there would bo no troublo when ho put
on the gloves with tho man who beat
him once before.
W. L.
Portland 103 81
Venire '..10.T 97
Sw.ramento - ! US
San Francisco 09 101
Los Angeles 00 105
Oakland 87 110
Yesterday's Eosults,
At Los Angelos Portland 3-6; Los
Angeles 7-5.
At Sacrnnionto Vonico 0, Sacra-
men to 5.
At Ban Francisco San Francisco 5-
6; Oakland 0-1.
Ponnant Dopo.
Tortland loads tho loague by O'u
Portland has but six nioro scheduled
K&imta to play.
Venice is I'i games abend of Sacra
mento. Ban Francisco is 3'i gnmes from the
first division.
WiJIiunetto defeated tho Chimin wu
Jmliunx ft) to 0 Saturday, I ho visitors'
only si'oro biding inaile when substi
tutes were) put, in by Dr. Sweet laud.
Vive touchdowns and three goals were
ivgiKlorcd by the university when the
regular eleven played.
Coach Smith is given credit for the
best team turned nut for many years
tit the Indian school. Small Torkil
on, Ilomnn and Holt sinned for Willamette.
i Jabs and Jolts j
Tbe Princotou football team is
spending hours In developing plnyers
who will remain "on side," The
Tigi'rs have learned the value of play
which ilocs not lay them liable to penalties.
Ths roason that Bobby DnvtB, of tho
Ileavers, has no trouble with umpires
is that Hobby was formerly n pnifes
tiionul boxer of some, standing. He
broke into the gauie in New York and
bus had considerable experience around
Mm rings.
During tho winter months the Fod
il league will go nfler high class
liullplnvers. ,1. Kdward Kinase, prcsi
deut. of tho Indianapolis Vol cm I league
eh.il, declares that the league Is there
to alny nud that when tho plnyers real
t.o this it will be eusicr lor them, the
magnates, to get good bull players.
Tm- plnyor of the Whlto Sox who
imrtii ijmti ,1 in the t 'liicngo city chnni
fiiiiHKbip series gets .MiT, Much t'ub
Tli. Wost Point football nion not
only get prnetice on the fields but
have diagrams it ml tlicoiclirul guinea
tivery day on the IdiiiKbniiids,
fXrfroth expnctH to Klvo Bud Ander
Oik a mulch with some lightweight in
Moil Frnncisco In Hccemlicr, provided
the Vnncouxor boy gels awny with
Hoes or his next opponent in crc.liluhlc
Tho University of California Is hmit
trmdy to begin work on its Mu.luini. It
will eot tilll.tmO, nnd will scut nbinil
tOWiH persons. It will be eipii pel
ilh a ipiurler inile truck, lis le.nlieu
on the cnuipus will be east of lli f' el
ilmll Hebl mill R stone's tliiovv from
thn big tlreek Ihentre
tVVmg uch a erniupisl up Utile patch
NVf a country, territorially, liuwia msy
onsbler lis nrw territory to be quite
i Co-operation of country producers and
C vitjr ronsumers, to the advantage of
ttioth, will be worked out ere long.
While the Supply Lasts
To Every Purchaser of a 10c Cut
of SPEAR HEAD PlugTobacco
This special offer is made to induce you
to try SPEAR HEAD now. After using a
10c piece you will know that it is the best
plug tobacco made.
Only One Handkerchief to a Purchaser
Pl'Wiy llMiiiwiliiuiiipwwipwwnilf I fywnipn-wT.-juwnwym-ifH iipmiui ii -wrwmn w n-ypw""P'H' ll imimi hiwiii f
QX i mi hi iii i.. i I;, iii :11r.lrt!., -!,,,, . i -.- ..,....:... .. in. ...
Every ingredient that enters into the manufacture
of SPEAR HEAD is the very best that Nature produces.
The controlling idea in making SPEAR HEAD is to
produce the best tobacco value in the world. The
lasting qualities and delightful flavor of SPEAR HEAD
can be found in no other tobacco.
The taste is not a whim, it is the expression of
approval of the tongue and palate when treated to
something which is pleasing.
Buy SPEAR HEAD today before you forget. After
using it you can't forget it.
Look today for Free Offer sign on your dealer's
window or you may bo disappointed. Dealers
have only a limited supply of these Handkerchiefs
and cannot obtain more. Get a 10c cut of SPEAR
Tags from SPEAR HEAD are redeemable for valuable presents
listed In Premium Catalog, copy of which will be sent on request made to
the TOBACCO COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, INC., No. I South Park, San Francisco.
Notice to Dealers
ThU ii a special offer and we want every dealer in Salem to be supplied with these HANDKERCHIEFS, so that he con
make this special offer to his customers. All dealers who have not yet secured a supply of these HANDKERCHIEFS to
make this offer, can do so by applying at SPEAR HEAD headquarters at the Marion Hotel from 7 to 8 p. m. October 20