Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 20, 1913, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    paob roui
Whan Britain Fought For an Car,
Pnrlinim tho moot extraordinary n
nmiilc of lirltnln going to war fur "no
roniKii lit nil" occurred In the reign of
Oconto II, Ono Itnlwrt .Tonkin, tin
ICiikIIhIi incri'lmnt cnptnln, trailing from
Jiiiuulcn, nrrlvtntf In Kngliiuil In UIIS.
rViir(otl tlmt tlm alonp lind I'i'on lionrtl
il liy Ilia RiiiiInIi count gnitrtla nnil
tint t. though IK) proof of RmiiKKllliK 'mi1
I i found, ha Imd tioon tortured nnil
III fur turn off. All Kngliinil flow Into
nn npronr. "JonkliiN' cur" illvlileil pur
Ilea iiml aliook Wnlpolo'a inlnltry It
wlf. Tho hmmo of coininoin avnt for
Jcuklin), nnil Iia wn told to lirlng hi"
n r Willi Iilin. Tli Ini'ldont grow Into
a itImIh, though Wiilpolv (lid III lioHt
to pormuidu pcoplo to keep their lioiitK
lint tint pnptilnr liullgtiiillnn vcim no
grout Hint tlm mot your tho govern-
i t wn coinpollotl to dooliiru wnr
ngn I n t Hpii I n. -1 'i'ii rnon'a.
Tht lila of Yaohta.
Cowo hud iiiiiny n nnl tlmvim Im
fore It nnnlly nttiilnoil Itii ileHllny nn
tho hi ;iihiin item of yiiohl lug. Kir .lohn
Oitliliidrr, writing In Ntiinrt tlini'M.
aii.VM, "1 know when there wiih not
nliovn thri'o or four limiNoa lit Cowom,"
hut Im hud ooiintoil :tiH) nIiIph lit nn
fhor there, "iiml I wim ii ml it tit per
riiiiiIimI Hint If our wnr it ml Iriuttilo
lind not unfortunately hnppi'iied II
would hnvo griwn nn fiiinotin nn Now
port." Tlm warn roiiipliiliiod of worn
Hit civil wnr. I'oielcu wnr hud Ihiii
n lino thing for Co won, nlnco lh wnr
ahlpn hought (ho Inlniid'H proilueii there.
Hut tho civil wiit-H Hlrtick tho gentry
ttiiitl, nnil Sir John iiiIiIh tlm coiulnir of
Inivyer nn nno'lhcr ciiiho. Tho llrnt nl
tonioy wiih expelled from tlm InIiiiiiI hy
the (jovemor nn n pnlillc iliinuer "Now
pence nnd Inw tut t It liominreil n a nil."
miys Sir John.-London Chronicle.
Rook hy W.ltjht.
Mnnv yeuri nuo In Sun Kritnclsco
there wni it iool,clli'i' who lind nit III'
1 1 ii in I ' know Icikc of Id Hon prices, lull
who wnt nil ii-tiuy when II ciiine to
gclieiul III i-r.il it'' or Ni'toiilllli' works
A vlMomcr tui I in: solistrd n volnnn
would i'sk Iho pel. e nnd without o
Hindi II" I'ot'ic In- to look nl tlic title,
If he "it"' ili'M It ',m not it novel
the neller would ronulily welult It on
III-, Im ml lied liiiiie I he -ll oi Mnnv n
tuiiKiiln vvu, p, kid up In Hint way,
lull u the I 1 1 ! ill-,. i Imiulit on
Hie Kiiuie i 1 ii' I i lie novel' lost any
thing to speak of Sun I'niiuls, o
Cluvuli lo.
! 1 . !
'V. d .'...I-
- I m'i) - i '
Tape's Cold Compound" Believes
Worst Cold or the Grippe in Few
Hours No Quinine Used.
Scono from "Tho Luro," at Mto Grand Opora House Friday Night, Octou cr 21.
Itrneelotn have luvn worn frunt Hum
Iniitieiiiorlnl, hut tew wen rei n of (he
mOdcii lui mis of t liu piiweut tiny know
Hint they were oiteo lined to illxttui:iilnli
Hie lusiuie, Heforv Itutntlca tter con
fined to limine anylumi they wora an
armlet for illntlnctlon.
Top ef the Rhlna,
Mm, Roliliimui Ami wero you up
Hie lllilnr! Mra do .lonoa-l nhould
think no. rlultt to the very top. Whnt
a npleudld view thetv In from Htn mini
niltl-l.omli'ii Tlt-lUt
At least Sill er ns a hood Vononer.
It Enahlm M.m "to Pi.av Contentment
From a Cop of Tri '
Wonlswoil l In one of his poeinn
apenkn of "it nuni too hnppy tor uioi iul
Hy." W e KoiiiellmeN lomel tile xptrltutil
Klmilllciiiu iii,! Joy. The stoles liollovcd
that luipplncss wiih not essential to
11 in ll nnil 1 1" I lo In' e c ted llappluesi
of n Mpeclllc kind, I'iitiI u on Kood
ful I lino I.- to the lni!l IiIiimI. Is Indeed
not iiIwhvs to lie i pei ted nor iilwuyn
to he ilesli'cil Hut the deeper Imp
plness mill loy Hint come from the
Hiiro triumph of the uood anil the (me
lire esseiillal to the hi.IIUilu.il well he
lm; nnd the plotless uf MM'lety.
There have heen those who lenrued
HiiiuiKh ii henullfiil I'lUisivriitl'Mi "to
ilinw content nictit from n cup of
ten is" nnd "ho inine, throiiuh llfen
hlcher discipline, to know Hint there
In n deep imd iihliltiu; Joy In the midst
of pnlu mid dlsupolntuiciit. u Joy built
Upon the knowledge of llfe'n Kivntuesn
and Hie nl'lllly of the soul to rise nhove
the tcinpoiiiry tiling.
Such it Joy ns this In needed lo ninko
a tiinil ciipnl'le of Inheriting eternity
here nnd Iterenfter. for It rnlnea mull
nhove the merely niortnl mid Invent
hint with enerny to pursue the tuskn
Hint lire without end nnd tills him
with it desire to ally himself with Hie
power that Intlld the heatily of n con
tliiuliin world. - St. rnul Pioneer Presa.
Cue way lo iiuike a sure ing ileuld-
tul is to het en it.
(Contintiod from pnRO one.)
ileis, to finht for what 1 hclievcil to he
rinlit, ri'naiillcss of Murphy, er to re
sign. "It did not take me loiiu to ilctt'r
mine not to surrender. 1 rotilil not do
that iiml maintain myself resiotisilile.
Could I fiylit nnil win f It did not seem
Toro Up KostjjiiaUon.
"Then I sij;iusl uiv resinatiiiii. It
seemed Hie only tiling to do, hut I
tliouctit it looked rownrdly, so I tore
up the residual inn. "
Here Sober recalled n talk he lind
with the late Mayer William .1. Cay
nor I'oiicerniii)! Murphy May III.
ciindulnti' for councilman from the Sev
enth wind nt the t'oi tlicoiniti); election.
Thnnking my friends for their past sup
lot, I icuiiiin siiit'ci'cly yours,
S. 1). WAK 1X0.
A mini never lias much to four from
a woman who is im enough to shake
w lien she In link s.
Take " 1'npe's Cold Compound " every
two hours until you have tlikeu three
doses, then all Kr'PP misery ffoes and
your cold will ho broken. Jt promptly
opens your flogged-up nostrils and the
air passages of the head; stops nasty
discharge or nose running; relieves the
headache, dullness, feverisliness, sore
throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness.
Don't stiiy stuffed-up! Quit blowing
and snuffing. Ease your throbbing
head nothing else in tho world gives
such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold
Compound," which costs only 2.1 cents
nt any drug store. Jt acts without as
sistance, tastes nice, and causes no in
convenience. Accept no substitute.
You'll Make Good Use of
This Blue Serge Suit for
" A t!irl of the I'ndei world," a much
talked of product ton, will be ghon nt
the Ciinid tonight nnd will doubtless he
greeted by a large house. The produc
tion 1ms received niiiih favorable imm
inent troiu the prss and inasmuch as
it contains plcasim; lines and a fine
plot, the pillions of the tliaiiil autii-i-
ate a pleasant evening.
1 desire to state that I will not be a
Sacrifice Sale
As I am going awny I will sacrifice
my homo. A beautiful modern bunga
low, six renins, basement, electric fix
tures, bath, toilet, etc., wash trays,
wood lift, large lot, lawn, flowers, gar
nge, cement walks, paved street, all as
sessments paid. Price only $22."0, half
cash. Would be a good buy at $.1000,
lining to leave the city, will sacrifice.
See my agents, Hechte & liynon, for a
real snap.
Largest Hental Department in the l itj
Wo Write All Kinds of Insiirnnoe.
We have the largest list of farms for
sale in the valley. Any rnmlier of
acres to uir.
Will Fay 8 Fer Cent.
W .tnted, f'-Viili; good security.
We buy, sell, rent or exchange prep
3t7 State Street.
Jv .4 - . -
"A Girl of the Underworld," Grand
Opera House, Monday Night, Oct. 20.
October 21, l!H;i, to test this ad.
we will give a "uV bottle of O. H.
P. Cough Syrup for 'J."e and this
advertisement clipped out of this
pitHT. Remember, one day only,
the next day won't do. If you
live out of town, send ad. and
'-Vie in coin or stamps in a letter
and we will mail you the O. II. P.
Cough Svrnp, Histage paid.
O. H. P. Cough Synip
2flc Guaranteed. 50c
Opera House Pharmacy
Salem Oregon.
We can give this special
price on this suit on account
of the large number of suits
we bought.
This is a conservative, three
button sack suit. Three
pieces. Wonderful value.
Newest Styles in Shoes are Always
Shown First in the
Packard Shoe
They're made of specially se
lected materials by efficient
union workmen.
In blacks and tans, Lace or
button; all sizes.
$4 to $5
Holeproof Hosiery Exclusive Here
1 ill .III w
At.UAN Y, Or., iVt. U-The city of Albany
voted dry under the County Option Iaw July 1st,
V.Vii, m)i h,m gh thcpiwasa mtl'stautial nia.ieritv a i"t
in the city itself. Coder the Hon e Hide Hill in the
election hold N o isiihor, l:'l'. the city otv! to re
niui d.y by a vote ef ". l It is ngi.f.,iit
tVt in the elee'ieu ti anion, I the Mle constitution M
tny returned niauutty (;int.
The official hie Ksmi active itv mprvs r., the
vielt,iii of th law, but acknowledged tht blind pig
aiv l ill in e visuico. Vre- other sco.rve it ' '. !
that nior mio-H an eVumiiig luj'.ier than ever VoiV-a'
and a condition ef tim'it-.tieu diirV.t'i; 't:r.v
Kval onll ii-e hs l,vn on act id revomly prhib
it.i'i; the havia: en etie's vrcu 1,-pier ni other than
tho onirmal Vie et hipcer.t. nmVivg "y ece I
,e ui has p iusl a h.-pl iNacVagv an. I boar-v.i; tSe
rf en the Mwiv The cenvict civs fer mo'Iioi
ein lMii;ht a'-e. t hy the rewM of JliW of tens) bv
the ch'.irvh r!et .l we-v wade bv trnk-x" at
trct,N by the tm ml.
W l.tle the i",ty h rvvr,x,Nl , a anniSor of yicw
t .o'.iis.-s havo Isvn ervs ted, tS,, , bo aMr Kit,vl
vm 'iv lo a tcal.1 ! ji-vwth an.l KiM to an ,hrovl -e
dituM s, TV ty tw o-!'., t ' low;r.to,l hy a
chi-iv h e'e.,,! --d d.v r,t Trpe.sN'rt tho sMilo as
a e-o. T !, i a M ,.vb !, V of co oivv.ioa
n,i onthn'au ard tVe citv ; m.1i1 hv' a isnt
Vk t Jot i h . tor i,st tv- doTuact Tti
iwiov.al Civ h v.v.abV to fi',ih it.t ,, ro
HatstiriJ viu(. t ro vtsv' ,( V.Vny.
Showing That Prohibition in a
rohibition Town Does
Not Prohibit
Albany's Taxes
The tnx levy for Albany for the
present year to run its city af f air is
13 mills, being 3 mills above
the limit. That of Salen is
eight and two-tenth mills.
The (vrulatio of A".!va.ny in tsV.i im 4.- V; that of S'cm
.for li'lii ia, l4,ei. K oivle,;v at all fauul ar .th covi.i tiov
in the Willamette vll lne that Salem tia ma.ie it cret
et ('iwc-wn ,liiTiiii the j-vs thnv y,sm rKi tht ) tvvrtier.
aie'v tho !i o ha. 1" i much ireaier thai that of Alljuiv
Thoivfor any ,-vnv,hor. n a.i, hMl on :hf jsv; v.h; .on ot
yli wvuM civo Altvajiy an a.baatA,;
A'.Vany Va,l 1ft arrtoU for JmnVorreiw an, I v:,at,ei of
tho liquor law ,l-.ir.rc th i.v,l or if"ou to-v.ber :"4,
If'.i, to S-j ti-vWr '. i!'..'' . hrr.:h ta;i, n.-.r.c or
to every irs vno.". Salem h i ,tT rnrt for ,lr.; -koi .!,
an. I Mo at. em cf ti 1ic,.ir '. -i,;r.j ot vio ! er, fer t
O'V ,":it i-ork.
T. ahow-.rj. UVc $ , ho rrcorv', of tho re'.-v-
tivo cit e. hoaa Salem to h tho oro U h:.l-.i J',. t
Oo lvv ;- a"v ho it i taXoa irto ,!e-a:. on tht Al
t-jiny V ha.t j tioa f.v w.o-y tan hhi ya- a? i , ...
it to ot tnr,;vit wosas. te-al tz.iw.ts tho va-e,
Alt-y w t )vm thaa ocio-th r,', to ;vt .:',: , cf S'r -i
lu fov.t jv'ivo. whi'o SaVra ha wo.
Th tax !vy for Linn county, January
1, 1913 w.i IS mills,
Tb tax lry of Marion countr, miti
prKK.l, wt IS mills,
oia oo;.t:M i aas ut Jtmv tft ir.,a
kai aKt 40 : t ri La-a ro.ntT r .-.
Alhjioy ai, n fc it-Mst "4rr" 1 lir
ViH atl u)i f ,-v4 itmtn V. S.Cv Jr;r4
O tn V.ir Xa i.t tovaM.a f 4 ,' xu)c if
a4 ittm
Salem ka hii.l th v,;ir tVo r vM u, , ef u! Cherry 'a!r in
it h. ,to:y. The airo xh:t.f tm of the St.te Va.r.
Alary, ihiouh a lack ef vvv.ethir.c; or another .jorhaj.
other J rovrity or pulling tothiT'1 ka. alan.lotiel it arcal
Al l-lo l"ir.
i'..t ef 10 n:;::r.! oo in Albany, loS werv l-. juer v-.o'a-t
O t of T cnxinal ae in tho (irvu.t court, ii! were liquor
x c'.at ers er TES CEXT of all tho ., that t,vk up the
; -.o of the court fer tho .U:t f .-al year.
tv. t of T.'t ,- in tho v-clic ar.,l ;.::.co ,-oe.ri of Sa'em,
,r ,.-o f,.r l-.-.or v.o'atsor.. or N FER CEXT OF THE
iV.t of 4 t r rriril ca in tho cirv.i.t court of Marion coun
ty, hfitif oni'y two men than arr.o bc(n the :r.o Cvc.rt in
t. tr cointv. a rrvh I men coerty, er.ly v-e case waji for tho
or law. Th ono- cw wv c,;:, io of Sa-
Q A I 17 Marion County
DrXLuLuVIk Population 14,094
Tetnl arrotn for ,lniiikeiincs j;:t
Kurnihiiii: liiiior t.i eoininou ilrunliiir.l 1
Total police coirt 374
No, arrest in jujtife court for ilnmkeniiria 11
ArroM in circuit court for tolling liquor unlawfully I
Total arrests 3-3
AT RAMV Linn County
jCLjlJri 1 I Population4,S00
Aiiyms for ilninkeime?!! 12$
H.p pivket or.iin.nioe 3
Ttshuual liquor iiiotieu
Total police court 132 13
Sellif.ij li.juor
i-:v nic; h,p,;or to minor j
Int oi, ate, en train j
Tct.xl j-utio of jvaco court ft
S-llni,; liijiior 01
Sei'ur.c; liquor to niinorn 3
Total circuit court e()
Total liquor ;.olatien jj
v-,.l ,' v tho I
have t:WrvNl '.ho isforr a: ;Ar he-i,th frxvra tho otfv
- j th rvo-l cf A lary ar i SV.em ai ,'. they car. hy
v ift-',: ',.
;( smi f, r f'li tV. t ,!.;0 to tho cv-.-ho p;:--.:oi
V IS : t ,-: 'o avf l-eva sa l.rj prirtc I matter to tho
xcrr ti Sa1 a:;,"T; - .rf to So ti at .V.Vasy w th ir n-,-
1 x ,-f u y.
Wo .! cvrf.iv t ' -.t f Ter a?,.l a.: i.t.oral
a ; '. z f.r tie Wrei.t of tVo votoM of Sa c-, ,
tVv caln ly ,rM '.-r tvo s,:o frv-n a- ,r:-'
lu! c Tt.
Vole X Against Prohibition
Thia apace hat been purchaed by the
l purpoe t to jive to the volera of Salem
unbia.ed atatemertU and facta regarding the
effect of Prohibition.free from emotional avr
rounding. We have no intereat at atake, oth
er than the general welfare or Salem and it
people. JOHN D. TURNER, Secretary.