n DATLT CAPITAL JOURNAL, 1AUBM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBES 18, 1913. PAGE FTVB. .! by v.'r-". .. . V V.,; 'iil'j. fr-.sa $2..' -Jit! $2.10 tennis flannel shirts for women $1.49 $1.85 tennis flannel shirts for women $1.24 $1.25 Shepherd plaid sateen waists for women 89c 50c Silk boot hosiery, white, tan and black 38c 35c muslin drawers for women 24c 12 l-2c crash toweling 10c yd $4.00 bed ipreads $3.12 $3.75'bed spreads $2.99 $1.50 bed spreads . $1.25 w 'Ji ' 1i J" . ' .1 ifsr V the Following: In Thursday's paper wo presented briefly and in a general wy a few roa Bon as to why we believed Salem should havo licensed saloons, and if you did not bco that articlo wo would bo pleased to have you read it. The, advocates of a dry town predi cate their arguments on the theory that a city voted dry, is dry; that is, if the saloons are not licensed, intoxicants will neither be sold nor consumed, and with this as a basis the emotions aro appeal ed by picturing the evils of strong drink. Statistics nre quoted showing how successfully and satisfactorily it has been worked in dry cities selected for the purpose of example, but this is nut tho practiacl or sensiblo way of do tnnnininf "l it WK should do. Cities mated will bo variously e prohibiting of tho sale ii is a local question and ' ; ored by applying sound ' i" . '. conditions. Let us run .I. ' 'i, . i- i' i-. '.4 :t ity of fifteen thousand l" 1 ' ' irate d from Vot Salem ' . 'tte river. Folk county ' "2, after several years ' ' Tho bridge across the ' : .I ii'iout three hundred feet ' 1 'i do; it is less thnn one ualt mile in length, far faro to West Salem is 5 cents. We, Salem, would have no power to enforce closing hours, regulating bar rooms, lunch rooms or drunkenness In tho town of West Sn- le.ni. Is it. not apparent that to vote Salem dry would be "putting off the ' i the face!" i ct apparent to every one ' i " very little lniiikennets in 'I I that our saloons are well 11 conducted. Hnlem is free ' : brothels and contains prac I'. " 0NARIE8 NAMED : muss MAsun wmit. Koine, Oct. 17. Tho Vntican today t , . , mailed tn the I nited Stntes government ... . ,, , , the list of ten Roman I atholie mission- nrie who wore named to go to tho I'hillippines at the see!al and express reipierl of the United States govern ment. All aro German Jesuits. I STRICTLY HIGH on Autos, Pianos or Carriages. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Leave orders at j 468 Ferry Street ;r special on mi TA.3LE LINEN f. In '., t !.- mmense buy, places , ,i - (Ksporal at these prices .' values $1.19 V. i values $1.09 . ',1..J ralues $ .88 v i,.;usk COOD v: id 45c values 39c UMBRELLAS per cent less. 88c splendidly lined .$3.98 .. . , , . ; ,7. 1 R" V? ! s 1 ... f "ire Not tically none of the low element that such places harbor and sustain. The lawB at present in force governing tho sjile of intoxicants are strict and are en forced. No liquor may be sold on Sun days nor to intoxicated persons, habitu al drunkards nor minors. Women arc not permitted to frequent saloons and the bars must not be concealed from the view of the passerby. I'mler these re strictions tho boy who has not rcfiched his majority finds very little to tempt him to tho saloon, where, if lie drinks at all, it must, be within the public view. Hut if the saloons were closed the sale of liquor would be continued by unli- eased, conscienceless and irresponsible bootleggers and blind pig proprietors; how natural it will be for the boy who thinks it smart to get around tho law to gather at these plnces with his com panions. Ho will do it just as natural ly and just as surely as he will "hook" watermelons ami apples with his own home well supplied. To prevent the wile and use of liquor under theso conditions is and always will be Impossible. Let us not deceive ourselves in regard to this matter. Sumptuary laws, laws reg ulating our freedom of dress, the use of foods and drink are repugnant to the Amerii'iiiii idea of liberty and cannot and will not be enfo'ced. Wo believe thnt the licensed saloon is the nearest approach to proper regu lation and control that has been devis ed and we ask vou as sensible men and women to give it your support as the one feasible and practical method of regulating ami controlling a condition that cannot be eradicated or eliminated by all the laws in existence. I SAL KM WKLKAKK LKAGl'K. I'aid Advt. In China a man sunnot, by will, dis I pose of his land in favor of any one .......... .l..,ll,... .li:, ... ut.n,..n,.. rllr,l"'l ""'l'"11 i n........, u t i.. .1 : : l l nil I.;. lib muni nu tuni 1 1 imi I 'j niii.'iiu . in. , .... ... , .main children without exception. ' I F.bony is always soaked in water for J from (1 to IS months as sixm as cut. It i pomes chiefly from Mauritius and East 'Indies. GRADE FINISH E. L. Campbell Banquet and Program . of Much Inter est Is Given and Affair is Success in Every Way. BETAILEES' SECBETAST GIVES SOME GOOD ADVICE Believes There Should Be Something in City Ordinances to Curb Transient Promoters. The Salem Business Men's league held a rousing meeting in the dining hall at the Hotel Marion last night, and the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: William MeGilchrist, Jr., president; E.. T. Barnes, vice-president; S. G. Sargent, treasurer; Walter Denton, Joseph Rine hart, G. M. Roberts and Floyd White, directors. The meeting opened with a fine luncheon, and Roy Wassom, the old president of the league, presided. The "eats" were great, the crowd happy and the whole affair was one that will be long remembered by those attend ing. Some Jolly Speaking. ' Billy MeGilchrist relieved Mr. Was som at the head of the banquet table, after he was declared the new presi dent, and told the crowd that he felt just like a leading official in Mexi co. Ho said he was flattered by the mon who so generously selected him as being the oprper man to head the Salem Business Men's league, and that he would do all within his power to prove himself equal to tho job. E. T. Barnes, the newly-elected vice- prosiuent or the organization, was called upon and he responded with many well-chosen words. He was fol lowed by Walter Winslow, the league's legal adviser, C. M. Roberts, Floyd White and Walter Denton, all of whom praised the past work of the league and gave the members much encourage ment in their future work. Judge P. II. D'Arcy was called upon then, and his talk was brim full of wit and humor. The judge complimented the waitresses upon tho good service given the banqueters, but remonstrated a littlo upon tho fact that ho was not given the first privilege of devling in to the inner recesses of the pie that was passed about, saying the ladies overlooked the brains of tho meeting, and served the handsome first. The speaker gave tho members of the lenguo his blessing, and said that he wished them success in groat big bunches . in the future. Portland Man Talks. - L. R. Merrick, secretary of the Ore gon Retailers' association, addressed tho meeting and gave local members some good pointers in regard to the furtherance of the league's work. Mr. Merrick advised the Salem lenguo to work for city laws governing transient business promoters who come in tho city and leave almost the same day. He said that this great problem could be easily regulated by passing an ordi nance that would provide a license of .fno for all thoso who make tho city their temporary headquarters. Tho credit system, ho declared, is growing to be a great thing in this state, and Salem specially can boast of having tho most thorough and valuable system of recording credit names there is now in existenco in tho whole state. Tho speaker paid high tribute to Attor ney Winslow and tho other workers in tho league. August Huckestein then took the floor and delivered some hot. shots lit the people who send their money out of tho citv for goods that can be pur chased in Salem just as cheap and just as good. Among the other speakers wero Attorney John I). Turner, Fred S. Hynon secretary of the ( 'ommercinl club, Charles Hoth, Frank H. Meredith and V. (I. Shipley. The next state convention will prob ably lie held at La (ramie, it was stat ed.' STOBIES BY PRESS AGENTS Henry Miller spins a clever yarn on the evil of putting things off. "Kecently there was h prominent case in a big court In which one of the principal witnesses was a woman of un certain years. The tnir one had given the UHine and address, mul then came that awful question. " 'Madame,' said the cold, merciless lawyer, 'how old are yout' r' There wn no answer. The witness wai hesitating. All kinds of ages in clutters and bunches Wrtj doubt less rushing through her mind, and she was trying to think of one to suit tho oc casion. " 'Madame,' said the mean, unfeel ing lawyer again, 'will you plcnse be kind enoimh to tell this court, how old you nref "Still to answer. It was too serious a problem for only nn intiint's delib eration. Hi'sides, what business was it of the court 's. " 'Why don't ynii answer the locu tion, niadnmrf' interposed tho equally unfeeling judge. 'The longer you hes itate the older you will be,' " During the courtship a girl does a lot nf day dreaming, l ut after marriage she ruts it out. Pape's Diapepsion" Ends Indigestion, Gas, Dyspepsia and Stomach Mis ery in Five Minutes. if what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach headache, you can get blessed relief in five minutes. Ask your pharmacist show you the formula, plainly printed on these fifty-cent cases of Pape's Diapepsin, then you will understand why dys peptic troubles of all kinds must go, and why they relieve sour, out-of-order stomachs or indigestion in five min utes. "Pape's Diapepsin" is harmless; tastes like candy, though each dose will digest and prepare for assimila tion . into the blood all the food you eat; besides, it makes you go to the table with a healthy appetite; but, what will please you most, is that you will feel that your stomach and intes tines are clean and fresh, and you will not need to resort to laxatives or liver pills for. biliousness or constituation. This city will have many "Pape's Diapopsin" cranks, as some people will call thorn, but you will be enthusiastic about this splendid stomach prepara tion, too, if you ever take it for indi gestion, gases, heartburn, sourness, dyspepsia, or any stomach misery. Get some now, this minute, and rid yourself of stomach trouble and indi gestion in five minutes. SPORTS Selected to Fight Oregonian Because of His Excellent Showing in Con test With Campbell. . IimiTKO rilBSS IJBASBD Willi. Oakland, Cal., Oct. 1H. Because of his sensational victory in San Francisco last night over Ray Campbell, Louis Recs, of Los Angeles, today was named as a snbstituto for Joe Azevedo, who was scheduled to meet Bud Anderson, of Medford, Ore., hero October 20. Rees knocked out Campbell in the clos ing session of their four-round bout, and jumped at tho opportunity of meet ing Anderson. A growth in tho month, which neces sitates an immediate operation, pre vented Azovcdo from meeting Ander son. Pacific Coast League. Ti. H. E. Portland 1" .1 Los Angeles 12 12 0 Hafoy and Berry; Crabb and Byrnes. K. If. K. Vonieo " 1' 1 Sacramento " " Lohnian and Bliss; llnrkness nnd Sterrett, R. H. E, Oakland 2 10 1 Sun Francisco 0 II (I O'Brien and Alexander; Overall and Schmidt. Pacific Coast League. w. l. re. Portland 108 80 .509 Sacramento M f'l ."Hi Venice Utt f'7 .MO San Francisco !'" H'" ,ii:t Lol Angeles !" H'.'l Oakland 1H If Tongue Is Coated or If Cross, Fever ish, Constipated Give "California Syrup of rigs." Pou't scold your fretful, peevish child. Seo if tongue is coated; this is a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowols are clogged with sour waste. When listless, pnlo fovorish, full If cold, breath bad, thront sore, doesn't cat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach. acho, Indigestion, diarrhoea, give a tea spoonful of "California Syrup of Figs" and in fow hours all tho foul watte, the sour bile and fermenting food passes out of tho bowels and you have a well and playful child again. Children lovo this harmless "fruit lnintive," and mothers can rest easy after giving it. bncauso it never fails to mnko their littlo "liisldcs" elenn and sweet, Keep It handy, Mother! A littlo given today savo a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a no-cent bottln of "California Hyrup nf Figs," which hat directions for ha' bies, children of all ages and for grown nps plainly on the bottle. Keinember III urn aro counterfeits sold hero, so surely look and tee that yours is made by the "California Fig Hyrup Com pany." Hand bsck with contempt any other fig syrup. HOUSEWIVES OF SALEM Arranged for by The Capital Journal and Will Begin Here on Monday, October 27. SESSIONS WILL BE HELD IN ARMORY DURING FIVE DATS Mrs. Kate B. Vaughn, Famous Domes tic Science Lecturer and Cooking Expert, in Charge. Institutes and conventions of all kinds are the order of the day. It re mained for The Capital Journal to con ceive the idea of a housekeeping insti tute for the women of Salem. Mrs. Vaughn, a well-known domestic science teacher and lecturer, as well as famous cook, has been secured to cou duct this institute. It will be held in the main auditorium of the armory, be ginning Monday, October 27, and con tinuing for five days. Each afternoon Mrs. Vaughn will give a lecture on some domestic sci ence topic, of vital interest to house keepers, and will answer any quostion and solve any problem pertining to household economics, which Salem housewives will present. At the close of this lecture and discussion Mrs, Vaugn will givo a practical cooking lesson. Mrs. Vaughn is a Southern cook. She is a nativo of Nashville, Tennessee, and belongs to the smnll co terie of fino cooks for which hor home town is nationally famous. She is a cake baker in the samo class with Mrs. Wilson, and has somo cake recipes which would make any housekeeper en vious, were it not for tho fact that Mrs. Vaughn very generously gives thono away wherever she goes. Will Give Souvenirs. A number of Mrs. Vaughn's favorite recipes have been collected in a leaflet, and one of these will bo given to every woman who attends Tho Capital Jour nal Cooking School. Others of Mrs. Vaughn's original tested recipes will be published in Tho Capital Journal each day while tho Cooking School iB going on. Mrs. Vaughn will also glvo away one of the most beautiful cakes over seen in Salem each day of tho institute These cakes aro covered with flowers, made by Mrs. Vaughn out of sugar and eggs; sweet peas, roses and other flow ers all in their natural colors. Will Serve Lunch. All tho foods prepared by Mrs. Vaughn and her nssistant, and they will show how to cook a complete dinner each day, will bo served to the guests of tho Cooking School. Of course, only one woman each day will bo happy enough to go homo with a wholo cake, but every woman who attends this do mestic science and cookery course will have the opportunity of tasting some kind of a fine cake baked by Mrs. Vaughn. There will be other delicious foods, too, fine flaky, digestible pns tries, delicious salads, hot biscuits anil various kinds of vegetables. Thero will be a real Southern chicken dinner one dny, nnd every dny the women who at tend the Cooking School will get some thing mighty good to out, The school will open Monday, Oc tober 27, nt 2:,10 in the Armory audi torium, Other details will be published in The Capital Journal Monday. Daily Horoscope OCTOBER 18. If this is your birtlnlnto yon have many talents. Vou will succeed as a musician, as a writer or an actor, If you have a love for any one of these, do not let anything hinder you from making a great effort to succeed. If you enro for any of tho obi favor ite musical numbers, or should there be one or more of the recent popular numbers which him caught, your fancy, do not let anything ileter you from calling lit II. V. I'l-tors', Ml Court street, ii ii.l securing what you want. Your governing planet being Venus, she gives you planetary vibrations thnt nttrint power ami help along the lines of your special talent. Vou have a quick temper, are iuiiutii'iit of results, do net like to wait and will ask advice, only to resent, it, if It Is not just exact Iv wluit vu think. Sacrifice Sale As 1 am going away t will sacrifice my him !. A beautiful modern Iiiiiimi low, six rooms, basement, electric, fix tures, linlli, toilet, etc., wash tinys, wood lift, large lot, lawn, flowers, gar age, cement walks, paved street, all as h'miiii nts I'liid. i'rico only 'J-."ii, half cash. Would be a good buy nt finon, doing to leave the clly, will sacrifice. Hie my agents, llechlel St Ityniiu, for a real sunp, houses ron bent. l.nrgent tleiital Department In the t it) Wo Wrl'e All Kinds of Insurance. rAttMU. We hav the largest list of farms for rain In th' vnllcy, Any number of acres to "tit. Will Fay B Fer Cent Wanted fl.10 or IliOO; good security. Wo buy, sell, rent or exchangn prop rty. BECHTEL k BYNON, 347 State Street. Push The Button and Rest1 I if W 1 Royal Easy Chairs Titr niTfii nitTTAT viun I itiL ruon duuun iumj ARE THE ACME OF COMFORT, BEAUTY AND DURABILITY WE HAVE JUST UNPACKED AND PLACED ON PIS- PLAY, NEW SHIPMENT REST CHAIRS---20 DIFFERENT PATTERNS NOW READY FOR YOU INSPECTION. These chairs are of selected solid oak, upholstered in vlmll". imitatlnn Inn ika intl flni( (rAmiiMA 1 n . t a.- A design for every taste and of them are fitted with footrests. 1 With the Rov&l vou can ferent positions simply by pushing the button. Come in and see the Royals they're different and superior to ordinary rest chairs. CANNOT CHANGE NAME. tUNITID UllSS UAJIED W1RI. Now York, Oct. 17. The low church party of tho Episcopal church won an other important victory in the house of deputies today, when tho Itcv. William Clrossvenor reported that the prayer Bed Room Combined with simplicity, is now universally sought. We feel that the special pricesquoted for all of next week will always make you feel kindly towards us after the furniture has been subjected to months of wear. Dining Room Furniture Artistic yet comfortable and priced very low. See our west window. JOSSE & MOORE HOUSE FURNISHERS. 367-371 Court Street. Fall House-cleaning Time Is "Want Ad" Time When you are cleaning house at this season of the year, you'll discover many useless household articles-" useless to you but valuable, probably, to others. For instance, the baby carriage that Billy has out grown, or the parlor rug that doesn't fit any of your rooms since you moved; or countless other household ar ticles, in excellent condition, but of no more service to you. A Capital Journal "Want Aad" will find for you some one who will be glad to take these articles off your hands at a fair price. You can have them reply by let ter, or call at the house just as you wish. Write out a description of these articles you want to sell and bring it, send it or phone it to The Capital Jour nal. MAIN 82 . I -Stir ..-tfrtj mi OF THOSE GREATEST OF 1 a price for every purse. Most I take anv one of a dozen Ait. book com in i t too was of tho opinion that it lacked authority to considor the pro posed change in the church's name from the Protestant Episcopal to tho American Catholic, Innrnnl Want Ads Brlnt Kennlts. Phone 983 I Elegance