THURSDA OCT. 16,1913 Editorial Page of The Salem Capital Journal The Capital Journal PUBLISHED BT The Barnes -Taber Company GBAHAM P. TABES, Editor and Manager. .An Independent Newspaper Devoted toAmenean rnncipiea man uw ruKro , repreHeilt it badiy wnon tnoy ggume 8uch a defiant spirit. The men who met and Development of Balem in particular ana aji uregon u . . . recentlv llutbii of the great prgblem now before tb eoi.ntry. Bather it vill Btrengthjn ' those demagogues who have opposed the Ow es Glass bill en the ."round that it was too favorable to the bankers. It will also tend to make many others think that in this fight, as in the tariff fight, we have to do with a favored c)ass. We would not be unjust It must bo freely admitted that there is much honest banker opposition to the bill, and also that the bankers rcepresent not their own property, but that of stockholders and depositors. But they : PiMtshcd Bvery Evening Bicept Bunaaj, Balwn, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Invariably In Advance) HJ Carrier, per rear ...IB.20 Per month.. 4Sc Pally, by Mall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 86c Weekly, by Mall, per year ... . 1.00 Bl month! .60c frjLL LHA8BD WIBB TELEGRAPH BBPORT uZtfOh. 1 at Boston recently hurt their own causo, and wore also most unjust to the ad ministration and to the men such as Air. Glass who labored hard to reach a just solution of very difficult problem." HUEBTA SHOULD COMB TO THE UNITED STATES. ADVEETI8ING RATES. Advertising rate will be furnished on app'icatlon. "Haw Today" ad strictly cash In advance. 'Want" adi and The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to pnt the papers on the - torch. If the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the taper to yon on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, as this is the only way wo can determine whether r not the carriers are following Instructions. Phono Main 82. ' DO THEY BEALLT WANT THE FRANCHISE? A' ITER a forty-year struggle to carry Oregon for women's suffrage, tho hard-won privilege is apparently Bcornod by nine of every ten of tho state's femalo voters. November i will be tho firet date on which wo men may vote in Oregon upon state measures. Scarcely ton per cont of them have registered. Unless the remaining ninoty per cent do so this -week, their newly acquired franchise will bo lost so fnr as this election is con corned. ' October 20 has been heralded widely as "tho last day to registor." It isn't, however. Octobor 20 will bo too late, October 19, even, will be too Into, for that day is Sundny. Tho registration books will bo closod at 5 o'clock on Sat urday of this week, Octobor 18. If tho woman votor livos in a county soat, she should rogister at tho office of tho county clork; if at a distance from tho county seat, thore probably is a deputized registration clork in tho vicinity. During the noxt few days a rush of women to tho registration clerks is in prospect. Hundreds of them will be wives of laboring men who want the com pensation act to stand because it will provide, a certain income for thorn if tlieir husbands are killed or hurt in industry. Hundreds of othors are oxpect ed to register to stop the cry that Orogon women do not want tho franchise. Other want to take a stand upon tho Bterili.ation bill. More numerous than pny will be those who wish to vote upon tho University issue. Without registration prior to 5 o'clock next Saturday, howovor, no veto up on any meamiro from any motivo will bo pose-ibta for women without the tedi ous process of being Bworn in. THE KICKER A NECESSITY. THERE ARE SEVERAL wolldofinod and distinct kinds of kickers. Some aro bad, somo indifforont and some are more than good, Ooorgo Wash ington and tho Bturdy men who fought tho revolutioniiry wnr woro kick ers of tho right kind, for thoy kicked against oppression. The mini who kicks today1 for better conditions is also of tho right kind. Without tlio kicker wo would never advance, for wo would submit to any old treatment, and bo virtually slaves. There is tendency, however, to kick injudiciously, even when thero is just causo for kicking. Sacred history records the fitet that "Joshuron waxed fat and kicked." If he kicked because ho waxed fat, his kick was injudicious, for it could not remedy the evil, Anil a kick tliat cannot possibly accomplish anything is energy wnstcd. It is for this reason that wo havo hesitated about nicking at the rt. 1', for not giving us a decer.t depot. However, wo purposa doing a I'.Mlo kicking even though it seems liko a hopeless task, Wo shall try our prortico hand at It in tho near future, niiy wy. It is also useless to kick and point out evils unless at the same time a rem edy can bo suggested. This is ofton beyond tho power of the kicker, who is able to point out the wrong but can see no remedy. Jt is indeed much ciuici' to diagnose tho disenso Hum to euro it. The world is moving rapidly toward better conditions for mankind, despite all that is said to tho contrary, It is a better world than it was a hundred, or fifty, or ten years, or even a year ago. It is the kicker who has mndo it so. The optimistic kicker who seees con stantly better things nhojid is a boon to humanity. It is the pessimistic fellow that is always kicking at whatever is mid pointing out that wo nro retrograd ing, who is a danger and a nuisance to the world. Those who are fighting fur the betterment of humanity no matter along what lines, are doing good for the world. There are ninny of these and while their efforts aro sometimes slow to prmliico results they will eventually get there. .lust now the world is facing the trust prublem, tho cornering of products, the assembling of capital in unheard of quntititos, tho rule of corporations nnd countless other things; but these aro the necetwnry Incidents of our progress. They will all bo regulated, all made to do good work for all. Idle kicking ut these condition is foolish, but the ki"kor who, realizing tlieir danger to the public fiads a remedy, is as certain to arise at the proper time as that the ev 1 exists. Wo are in a state of evolution, nnd we are fur from perfect, bo far that there is no immediate fear of the inilleniiim. At the same time wo nro steadily growing better and stronger and wiser1, uud the future will bo better, not worse than tho past. We wnnt to remember that most of the balance ot mankind is as good as we are, and that we are better men anil women, ivs a whole, than were our fathers or theirs. We must continue to kick, but we must do it in the right spirit, and realize while kicking tluit It is going to produce results, (led bless the kiekcr and put, more power in his kick, that Is if he kicks optimistically ns well as judici ously. CCORDINQ to the views expressed by some of the American judges and their tory dofenders, and according to the practices of others of them, what an excellent judge Huerta, provisional president and now practical dictator of Moxico, would make in this country. A man who can arrest and imprison an entire congress for expressing doubt as to the justice of some of his executive acts, should be ideally constituted to sit in contempt cases over those who may liuppen not to agree with his decisions or who may be so bold as to petition for remody against his oppressions as in the case of tho attorney at Seattle, "disbarred forever" merely for having dared to ask tho bar association to investigate whether or not Judge Humphries was abus ing the power of his office in one certain respect, not even that of contempt. If Huerta succeeds in getting out of Mexico olive, we should look for some of our worshippers of the judicial oligarchy to take stops to have him bocome a eitizon of this country and take a position as successor to some judicial ty rant. Boise, Idaho, Capital News. THE LATEST CALIFORNIA INDUSTRY. T HE FARGO, N. D., COURIER-NEWS pays tho following glowing tribute to the Pacific Coast: "Thoro aro more fads to the square mile in California than in any other province of the earth. Tho state is full of people who aro deter mined to live in that bdautiful climate, even if they, must do it by their wits rather than by toil. Tho latest from Los Angeles seems brand new. A haudsomo young woman advertises and when answers eome, follows up with a personal intorview, offering to any womnn who is restless and longing for freedom from matrimonial ties that for a sum, usually J.TOOO, she will allure a husband's affections away, fasten them on herself, and furnish grounds for divorce. Hor system is tu get into the home as icnd or companion of the wife, and the rest is easy. "Sim is a pretty, doll-fact U litti.i wo'hii .:,. id.'- pen, in rm.'it eyes, a hciotifiil figure," etc Triny, for all things that are new in grunting, commend us to the Pacific slum'. A Chicago physician suggests that thero should be a school for tho trainir of wives how to kiss. That is true, and tho husband should Ihj tho tent her. With this kind of schools and teachers, thero would be fewer divorce cisos. Hut when the school is Btartod with some other fellow doing tho teaching, thd reniltH aro different. Hobsou, the hero of tho merry-smack, who was for a while the leading kissoo for hysterical women bnck cust, has tackled Congressman Underwood, and as usual with him, got smacked. Ho is one of thoso little ehaiw who take themselves seriously, and imagine the world is watching them. Somo Mexicans say they think this country wants to annex Mexico. They overlook tho fact that if we annexed tho country, we would also have to an nex the citizens thereof, uud that knocks the underpinning from tlieir position. No snne person would want to annex the hunch of troulile that inhabits Mexico. About all the inipeachers havo so far proved against is that he al ways hit the wrong side of the market and lost good money that should have been divided among the gang. Walking through a cemetery one can understand the perplexity of Charles haiiib, who, when but a boy visiting the graveyard with his sister and reading tho epitaphs, wonderingly asked: "Mary, where do thev burv all tho bad folks? " THE ROUND-UP. An Airedale dog belonging to L, O. Stewart, of lined Hiver, became so in tent in chasing n squirrel that he climber up into a tree some 30 feet, and, being afraid to try to descend, ho remained in the tree 110 hours. Stepping into a boat and rocking it while carrying n gun, Chester Lumllay, of Klnninth Kails, had the muscles of his left arm tern away when the gun was discharged, lie was also badly wounded in the side. t Three Iowa girls have written May or Albee, of Portland, saying they want to get acquainted with three Ore gon ranchers, object matrimony. They nro 111, "0 and 2.1, all brunettes, nud each confesses to being good looking. They require that the men must also he good looking, which is dend easy for the Oregon rancher. An earthquake shook up the Seven Devils section of the state, Which is located along the border of the stato on Snake river. Meiritt F. l'rindle, a logger, was killed by a falling tree near Cray's Harbor Monday. A petition is being circulated at Medl'ord ashing the communication of the sentence of Mike Spanos and Fred Seymour, sentenced to be hanged Oc tober 31. ... Chief of Police llitlson, of Medford, caught a genuine shark in Rogue river BANKERS AND THE CURRENCY THE ACTION of the hankers at Hindoo is likely to strengthen the cur rency hill, both with congress and the pimple, thinks the Indianapolis News, which gives its reason as follows: "Such violent, nnd, ns wo '.hinR, unreasonable criticism of tho mens ore, is almost certain to defeat it' own ends. A hill that has been com mended la many of Its features by soeio of tin bankers, Including even Mr, V Midori' p, can not he wholly vicious. Ve are told that it Is socialistic. It is no nmr'j n than tho postof lice not ticnrly so much so in fact, since the gov ernment oenites the po.dofl'ico, nud would net i.n.lir the penlii.g hill, oMirnte tho bd''i.i. Cankers, )i rough the aso .'itN'tis, would cm ti nue to have very large powers powers Indeed thai inipie I link too large. "Our 'I'ends who nut In Huston yesterday niilu the gnt mistake of think ing that t'.e question is inrgely, if not solely a bnukcr's question. It Is partly that, but it 1 also a people's ipiextion, a political question Vet tho speeches ut yiwle'-.a; , and thi n solutions presented nil proceeded on the theory that the banks should have a practically absolute control of cuirency and credit. We suggest that tho business men of this country are as much Interested as the bankers. Of course, they aro Interested In having the bunks strong and pro porom. Hut they are also interested in having credit available, and In being freed from n era bank domination and there h:n been bank dom'ualioit, "So we any that tho spnlt shown yesterday a' Huston will not help to a so- a i I LAPP & BUSH, Bankers ; TKAN8ACT1 A OINSaVAJ. BANKING BUSINESS. IAFBTT DE POSIT BOXES. TRAVELERS' CHECKS. $26.70 ROUND TRIP I TO THE Portola Festival AT San Francisco VIA THE V) SUN SIT " Tho Exposition Line, 1Q.1B A four day carnival and feto with unlimited attraction! and entertain ment. Spectacular l'arade, Naval and Military Tournaments. Fleets of American and Foreign War Vessels, Relay Running and Swimming Races Sacramento to Snn Francisco. Including BWIMMINO IN SAN FRANCISCO BAY Hy Rival College. Students, Tickets on Sale October 10-20-21-22 Final licturu Limit November 10 Call on any Southern Pacific Agent for further particulars. JOHN M. SCOTT, General PiUWe tiger Agent rORTLAND, OREGON. Thousand, of bargains now on display throughout the store and in our windows for our Great October Sale Come here for the best values in Salem, offered at the lowest possible prices. Just received by ex press 500 Suits & Coats The very latest gar ments shown. Sport coats and all the rest at sale prices. COATS $4.95, $7.50 , $10.50 up SUITS $7.50 $10.50 $12.50 All worth double New Fall Hats Just received by ex press Velour, Satin, Silk, Plush and all the new Silk Sailors. Wonderful low prices $1.49, $1.98, $2.50 and up I Wonderfud bargains in high class Corsets 10,000 yards of the latest now weaves and newest fabrics now on display in Dress Goods and Silks Come Hern for Big Bargains Yd 25c, 35c, 49c, 75c and up I Domestics Now on salo. New winter weight goods of all kinds Yd 3 l-2c 5c, 6 l-4c, 8 l-3c, 10c AND UP CORSETS NOW 49c 75c 98c up LADIES' Union Suits ON SALE 25c 35c and 49c If Pi u Sat, YOU MONEY rocontly. It was only about six inches long, but is tho real thing with teeth and appetite. t . "Roy Otey, of Dufur, being in a hurry to rench Tho Dalles Tuesday afternoon, undertook to pass another auto as he whs driving his machine down the Brewery grado, in the edgo of the city, and, turning out too far, his machine jumped tho grndo and turned turtle with he and a friend benenth it. His skull was fractured and his friend, Ben Wnltson, was seriously injured. They both havo time to spnro now. . Judgo Hamilton has decided that the county court of Douglas county, muM cnll a locnl option election nt Slither lin, ns petitioned for recently. Bud Anderson left Medford for San; Francisco Tuesday, to prepare for his bout with Azovcdo, October 29, That a good basoball city is a good city, is the claim of the linker Herald, which then goes on to reninrk thnt Bilker is the "best baseball city in the Xorthwest." , i Although it is a year in the iiire, the Kugene Register, on behalf of the I'niversity City, hastens to assure the club women of the stnte that they will bo, most welcome when they assemble there in convention. , 4 Thnt support of a band by taxation is just ns rational as support of n park or a library is the contention of the fcMinnville News-Reporter, which ures the council to make a levy for municipal music, ... Hillsboro Argus: October is here in all its glory, following one of the beautiful Septembers of a decade. Na ture hns showered her blessings on the Willamette vnlley, nnd the soil of the Tunlntin hns been moro than rich in nn- tuics bounteous golden harvest, wouldn't live in Oregon? Who Not peering but taking only a casu al glance into the future, the prophet ic Pendleton East Orcgouiun snys: "A years hence and local people will be planning junketing trips to the east via tho Panama cnnal." Ask your tiMUM grocer for v?53 ea England's favorite for over 70 years Rostein k Greenbaum iiiiimtiiiiiiimimmii Women's Coats An especially good buy of the finest line of coats that were used a short time as drummer's samples, enables us to offer the women of Salem something really su perior in women's coats at surprisingly low prices. Another advantage in having one of these coats is that there are no two alike and you will be assured of having something which is different, yet in the height of fashion. ( Woolen Blankets On our bargain counters this season is a snap. If interested you had better some, before they are gone. Priced from a half to a third less than regular. et Rain Coats We are well suppplied with rain coats. Alligator guaranteed oil men. English slip-ons for ladies or men. Capes for girls and boys, oil clothing for boys. Good rubbers at low prices. iiiminiiiiiiimiiimiii clothing for Crack-proof 240 and 246 North Commercial Street J