Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 15, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Death Valley and Its Treacherous
Lures of Beauty.
Beck, tha Prospector, Who Has Mado
the Desert Bloom With Guidepoats
Pointing the Way to Water and
Saved Many Men From Death.
In the American Magazine la an arti
cle about Lew Westcott Beck, who Is
known as the "good Snmnrltan of
Death valley." lie and his dog, Itu
fus, have saved many prospectors from
a horrible death by making the desert
blossom with guldeposts showing the
way to water. The following Is an ex
tract from the article:
Time was when Bock was a plain
prospector In the Cripple Creek coun
try. He was In on the diggings at
I.endvllle. and be panned around In
Montana awhile. Likewise he rushed
Into the Big Horn at the time of the
mineral strike there, but ho never
struck a lead that made him rich.
"Kvontuully he drifted down through
Nevada and Into Death vulley, chasing
rainbows. Wild rumors about 'Death
Valley' Scotty's big find In that section
electrified tho country, and scores of
prospectors rushed Into the desert, ex
pecting to make their fortune In a few
days. Heck was 'among those pres
ent' "There were several In Heck's party.
They hiked many miles through tho
ndrage land, finding nothing worth
while and worrying constantly lest
they exhaust their supply of water.
I'or two days they sought water holes.
and when out of water they went for
hours with tongues swollen nud lips
parched from want of moisture. Then
when death seemed inevitable they
suddenly discovered a tiny stream
trickling out of n canyon at the base
of the ranntnlnt mountains.
"When Beck returned to civilization
he was a changed man. He hud Been
sands that were strewn with skulls,
and that sight had put a big Idea Into
bis head.
"Came spring, and Beck made an
other trip through Death valley. At
his side was u Newfoundland dog.
Tho prospectoi cnrrled a bundle of tin
strips, They wore signboards to guide
the wanderers' steps aright
"Each summer slnco then tho pros
pector and his dog have mado a jour
ney to tho Innd of the purple mist, pil
ing up rocks and attaching signs to
them, searching for loHt travelers and
Incidentally keeping a lookout for a
piece of precious metal. Once or twice
ItufiiH has led his master to prospectors
who, after long sulTorlng from thirst,
had fallen upon the burning sands to
"In slgnboardlng the desert Heck has
saved a number nf thirst mad min
ium' chasers ami has also In remote
districts stumbled upon tho blenching
bnnes of dead men who may have
fnuiiil fortunes In I ho silver siilpliuret
district, but wlio did not live to tell
the world about It, At one time he as
sisted at tho burial of four men who
(IIimI of thirst within two miles of a
"Tin- country that Heck traverses Is
the most arid section of the American
cnntliient-a dreary stretch of hun
dreds uf miles of desert, dotted hero
anil thero with foothills, bultes, dry
crook beds, chaparral, prickly pear and
sncelirusli. Springs are miles upon
miles apart Most of them are bitterly
iilliiill. ami some are poison
"On an ordinary slimmer afternoon
the thermometer runs up to about l.'td
deiiiees In the simile out In Death val
ley, and the most unpleasant thing
nhoiil It Is that there Is a dearth of
simile When man ventures out upon
this fin. Mess expanse tho shimmering
bent d"r.o lilm. the scarcity of water
razes lilm. and the tnlrago-troachor-ous,
lying thing of beauty thnt It Is
loonis ever before him, flashing upon
Hie canvas of his mind's eye s verdant
valley, gorgeously green with growing
thlti;:s. fresh with flowers, Wet with
wilier nud walling to welcomo htm.
"Hi- can see grassy hill slopes Just
nluiol, and the mirrored hike appears
to lie Just beyond some beckoning
meadow, lie follows on and oil nnd
afterward dralni the Inst drop from
his canteen Then his throat become
parched, his tongue cleaves to the roof
of his mouth, mid strange things pass
tieforo his eye. Tho bozznrds begin
to soar over lilm, ami the coyotes sit
upon their hunker and watch him
elmse rainbows until he pitches for
ward upon his facu nnd close hi eye
upon n world that Is too mysterious
and merciless for him to linger In
Humanizing Houaes,
nouses are curious things. We take
morsel of illimitable space and wall
It in and roof it over. Suddenly it
senses to be part of God's out of doors
ind becomes nu entity with an atmos
phere of its own. We warm it with
mt fires, we animate it with our af
fections, we furnish It with such things
as seem good in our eyes. We do
this to get shelter for our bodies, but
we acquire as well an Instrument for
5u r spirits thnt reacts on us In Its
In other words, ns we live our way
Into a house, adapting it to our need,
the bricks und niortur, the paint and
plaster, cense to be inert matter and
become alive. Superficial sociologists
have taunted women with being "more
jnabollc or plantlike" than mnn, but I
;otint it her second glory. The plant
is an organism that "slowly turns life
less into living matter," and this Is the
thing that woman has done from the
beginning with her shelter. In our
houses we achieve almost an organic
extension of our very selves. Cornelia
A. V. Comer in Atlantic.
Ortolans aa Food.
The ortolan, a bird smaller than our
quail, an inhabitant of southern Eu
rope in summer and of Africa in win
ter. Is highly prized, especially among
French epicures, for the delicate flavor
of Its flesh. The ortolan Is netted
alive, kept In a dark place and fed on
millet, oats and other seeds until It
becomes enormously fat. when It Is
killed for the table. This nrllllcinl fat
tening of the ortolan dates back to an
cient days of Itniiie. A Parisian paper
tells of u financier who Invited four
friends to a dinner at his country
place and sent to Paris to a famous
restaurateur to provide a feast for six
persons. When the account was pre
sented It footed up 1,3)0 francs that
Is. $i!l(). "Outrageous!" said tho liniin-
cler. "Monsieur." said the restaura
teur, "you have had twenty ortolans at
25 francs each. That alono Is 500
francs." This would he much like
paying $5 each for well fattened Eng
lish sparrows.
One Hundred Varieties of Mar Me.
Although Vermont occupies only t
Binull space on the map when com
pared with the great area of some of
the other states of the Union, yet its
mineral resources nre very Important.
This little state lends the world In the
production of marble and granite, and
the deposits apparently ure Inexhaust
ible. The greatest center of the mar
ble Industry of the world Is in the vi
cinity of Kutlnnd. Vt., particularly at
Proctor and West Kutlnnd, while the
greatest center of the granite Industry
of the world Is in und around Barre
and Hardwlck, Vt.
Although twenty-six states furnish
marble, Vermont supplies about 70 pet
cent of the finer grades suitable for
monumental work and statunry. This
state furnishes 41 per cent of all the
building marble used In this country,
and the demand for this kind of stone
Is lncrenslng. There are about a hun
dred varieties of marble quarried in
Vermont, ranging from the purest
white, suitable for statuary, to jet
black.-Wulter II. Crockett in National
Tha Gates of Paradiae.
Once In a year and at one plnco in
the world there Is n crush that sur
passes anything else of Its kind In tho
world. It Is the great fair of Itawa
Fnrld, which Is annually held In tho
town of Pak rattan, in British India.
It is held in honor of tho famous St.
Fnrld ud Din, surnamed Sliuknr GanJ,
or sugar store, from the fact that his
body had become so pure by continual
fasting that whatever was put Into his
mouth, even earth and stones, was In
stantly changed Into sugar. The prin
cipal ceremony consists of passing
through nn opening mado In n wall ad
joining the Nhrlno measuring B by 2'i
feet and always fervently called "the
gules of paradise." Whoever between
noon and night Is able to pass through
this opening Is assured of paradise,
and when there are nn.ono striving to
pass through at the saiiie time the
crush Is sonielliliig lerrlllc. Women
faint, bones are broken, and the heat
Is stilling.
No Team Work In Franco.
The French mil Inn Is a mass of indi
vidual particles, sclnl lllnl lug, assertive
-strangers to all the ethics of cohe
sion, They are Incapable of team work,
wrlies Samuel p. tlnb In lb,. Atlantl
ln never read of French football or
baseball or organized sports. They are
a nation of Individualists, brilliant In
dlvlduiillsts. Their philosophy, poetry,
art, music, science, llleralure, all bear
the Imprint of a Hiiperludlvliluallsin
(hat has tilled tho World with Its ra
dlanco. They defy every known law
of human gravitation and lly off In a
million fragments, careless of results
In truth, they never think of results.
They have the child's love for the do
ing and the child's scorn fur the thing
tlone. J hey begin more procecsses, In
ventions, contrivances, experiments,
and end fewer than nil the rest of Eu
rope put together. Tho French pro
pose; the Germans and the English dls.
Seventeenth Century Civility.
If tlio seventeenth century English
man failed In his manners It wns not
for want of Instruction. "The Ilules
of Civility.'' n book published In 11175.
contains the following hints on good
behavior: "Being In discourse with a
man. 'tis no less thnn ridiculous to
pull til in by tho Buttons, to play with
the Itanilstrlngs, Belt or Cloak; or to
punch lilm now and then on the Stom
ach! 'lis a pleasant sight, and well
worthy of laughter, to see lilm thnt Is
so piincht. full back, nnd retire; whilst
tho other, Insensible of bis absurdity.
pursues anu presses lilm Into some
corner, where he Is at last glad to cry
quarter, before his comrade perceives
ho Is In danger." And again;, "It ar
gues neglect, nnd to undervalue o
mnn, to sleep when ho is discoursing
or reading; therefore good manners
command It to be forbid: besides.
something thero may happen In the
act that may offend, as snoring, sweat
ing, gnsplng or dribbling."
iiiiii.i on ........... .....-.-iw - m in ii. i , mi I,,, jpbhwi ii ;,,,,.,,! ,..ni,.i - i n nil " wijiimh-h, aiiwmw.n mum ,.smi imainji
mm harmony
-mmm hair beautifier
,11 f
.""Jm I
aMV!i "HIS. 11
8omeriault by Aeroplane.
Captain Aubry of the French army
accomplished a complete somersault
whilo aboard on aeroplane high nbove
tho earth. "I wns returning after n
thirty-five minute flight," the cnptaln
said, "facing n wind of nbout twenty
two miles per hour. My altitude wns
about 2.500 feet. At the moment of de
scent n series of violent gusts struck
the machine. As I dipped the nose ol
the machine a couple Of quick gusts
struck tho top of the main planes nnd
placed mo In a vertical position. Willi
endeavoring to manipulate tho clevatOi
I found the machine had taken me hi a
perfectly veil leal chute to less than
J .fit HI feet. If here adopted a horizontal
iiftlliido upside down and proceeded tn
euect n tall first volplane. Contlnu
iHg, ho said: "The iiincblne then grad
unity took up the vertical position
again, describing a gigantic 'S' whll,
doing so, I'liillenlng out, I flew to a
spot about two miles distant."
8ong of a Little River.
There's no music like n little river's
It plays the same tune mini Unit' the
favorllei over nnd over ngnln, and yet
It does not weary of It like men (Id
Hers. It take the mind out of doors.
nd, though we should be grateful for
mod houses, there Is. sfter hII, no
muse Ilk God' out of doors. And,
lastly, sir, It quiets a nmn down like
saying his prayers.-Ilohert l.ouU Hie
tie-Be mine nnd you will make me
the happiest man In the world Khe
Pm very sorry, but unfortunately I
want to be happy myself.-Huston
Evil counsel la swift In Its march. -Plutarch
Oetn.say is mild to have sit over
supply of forests; so that well educated
men have hard work to secure even
inferior positions.
Msny a, humble lover makes a bos
litis! and.
Magnetized by Booth.
The late Bishop Putter of the Epis
copal church mid Edwin Booth, the
nctor, were very great friends, and the
bishop, In telling of bis llrst meeting
with Mr. Booth, said: "I was preach.
Ihg ii sermon Mt Newport, It. I., and It
wns n very hot summer's day. The
door of the church was open, nud I
noticed gentleman get up from n rear
pew and go nnd sit down on the door
step, but thought nothing of it until
after awhile I realised that I was talk
ing to this mini only. When the serv
ices were over 1 found out thnt he was
Edwin Booth-that I by some unknown
Influence had been drawn to speak to
iinu-iu IT my senium wns to hint
Then She Recovered.
"For weeks nud weeks after my hus
band died I was uuiible to sleep."
"I hope yon are nil over that How,"
her sympathetic friend replied.
"Ye. The lawyers dually found bis
Insurance policy In a safety deposit
box that he hud never told lue nbout."
-Chicago Itecord Herald.
Where He Drew tha Line.
"Come, come, don't be too angry at
your son You might to make allow
ance for the extravagance of youth,"
"Yes, bin not cash nllownnce."-Bul-tlmore
Corrected the Inspector.
In a police court an Inspector was
giving evidence of (be arrest of lli
prisoner. " went to No. Tt," be salt)
i :n j - i ( : i : . In a dbrnliled stm-catr.
fashion that came from long practice,
"where I saw the prisoner in bed. I
hii Id, 'I have a warrant for your ar
lesi fur burglariously entering the
premises at "- and so on. At the cud
or the Inspector's evidence the magis
trate asked the prisoner. "Any ques
tions -les, sir," said the prisoner
nnd he Intimated that the Inspector
nan not given Ills evidence correctly
I m sure," ho said, "Mr. Jackson," the
Inspector, "don't want to sav onlv
what Is true. Didn't you come to ln
room," turning to the Inspector, "anil
say. '.Vow. then. Ginger, 'op out of It-
I want yer?' "-Loudon Mall.
Iron Mold Oteint.
Iron mold stains spread In any fnb-
rle they come In contact with In tlx
wnsii. to remove them stretch the
stained part over a basin nearly full of
boiling wnter so that the slenni may
penetrnte the fabric nud apply with n
feather a teaspoonful of salt dissolved
in a dessertspoonful of lemon Juice
When the murks disappear dip the ma
terial well into the hot wnter; after
wnrd rinse very thoroughly In cola
In the 8nm Boat.
"Mr, could you give me n little ns-
slstunceV" said the weary wnyfnrer.
I don t know where my next meal I
coming from."
Neither do ," replied the prosnerout
looking Individual. "My cook left this
morning too."-New York Globe.
"1 hnve no grudge against fat peo
ple," said the steamboat agent, "but
I always give them a wide berth If I
can "-Boston Transcript.
Cruelty nud reur shake hand to
gether - Hiilr.no.
Paraguay lis valuable forest re
sources, the most Important f which
I qiichrsolin, pnrticnlnrlv rich In tan
If all prayers were answered the ma
jority of men would quit work,
Thumb Down.
The turning down of the thumb In
the old Itonian game did not signify
don Hi. There wns no such sign. To
signify that the spectator desired the
death of (he vanquished gladiator the
list, with the thumb hidden Inside It,
was turned down.
Is like what you want
your hair to be
Lustrous, bright and
glossy; soft, silky
and wavy.
To have
hair like
this, use
It's just what its name implies just to
make the hair glossy, and lustrous, and more
beautiful just to make it easier to dress, and
more natural to fall easily and gracefully into
the wavy lines and folds of the coiffure, just to
give that delightful fresh and cool effect, and
leave a lingering, delicate, elusive perfume.
Will not change or darken the color of the
hair. Contains no oil ; therefore, cannot leave
the hair sticky or stringy.
Very pleasant to use, very easy to apply
simply sprinkle a little on your hair each time
before brushing it
To thoroughly clean your hair and scalp,
Harmony Shampoo
A liquid shampoo to keep the hair clean, soft, smooth and beautiful,
an instantaneous rich, foaming lather, penetrating to every part of the hair
and scalp. It js washed off just as quickly, the entire operation taking onlv
a few moments. '
It leaves no lumps or stickiness.
Just a refreshing sense of cool, sweet cleanliness.
just a dainty, pleasant and clean fragrance.
Both in odd-shaped ornamental bottles, with sprinkler lops.
Harmony Hair Beautifier, $i.oo; Harmony Shampoo, 50c.
Both guaranteed to please you, or your money back.
Sold only by the more .than 7000 Rox.II Store.-The World'. Cr..tt Dru Store, - .no
DULCE S BOUmiFT JF-M&T? "J?"' "'"'? lVheL d,lih,fu' HARMON Y. VIOLET
VU lb and BOUQUET JEAN1CE Perfumes and Toilet Preparation! are nude.
Sold in this community only at
C. Perry Drug Stores
548 State
It gives
115 South Comercial
Salem, Oregon.
n!1 l l.ii.i ' ..unit,.
Interpreter Wanted.
Curling, like Its sister Scottish gnme
of golf, bus lis own voni buhiry. Here
Is ii dialogue in which a Scot fn the
antipodes tried to Illustrate the "kittle
pints" of the Knie to bis New Zealand
"What's n mt-lld, Sir. Macpherson?"
asked an Inexperienced member of the
venerable "skip."
"Dlv ye no see, ye gowk?" said the
skip. "Yo dln yer stane cnnnlly, but
line sue line ns tao ho It; one halflii'
licit nor Jlnkln' turn, ye ken, hut ten
tlely. Unit it uye gangs snoovlu' an'
Ntraucht ns nu elder'd walk, hog
snout herln' ntiuiiitr the Biuilrds, till ye
fun' on tho verrn tee. When yo've
dune thnt, laddie, ye'vo mnde a put-lid,
nnd ye inny bear the grec!"
Ladlesl Try This! Darkens Beautiful
ly and Nobody Can Tell Brings
Back Its Olosi and Thickness.
A Face and an Offense.
Cnptiiln-lf I see your face In my
limine upiln I Nhall slap It. Noble for
eigner-Ali. but It eos u punlxliable of
tonne! Ciiptulu-Of course It l. Thai
Is why I want to slap It. -Judge.
Common unnlen nage brewed into a
heavy ton, with milnliur and alcohol
addivd, will turn gray, Mronked nud
fnded hair bountifully dnrk and lux
uriant; 'remove every bit of dandruff,
slop aealp itching ami fulling hair. Mix
ing the Sugo Tea ami Sulphur recipe at
home, though, is troublesome. An eas
ier wny is to get the rendy-to une tonic,
rusting nbout .VI cents a large bottle, at
drug stores, known an "Wyelh's nge
snd Sulphur Hair Kemedy," thus avoid
ing a lot of imiKS.
While wispy, gray, faded bair is not
sinful, v.o till deiire to retain our
youthful apix-niance and attractive
no, lly darkening your hnir wit!i
nyein fae niui Miipliur, no one can
tell, boi'iuiso it docs it so natumlly, so
cmmiIv, You jusl dampen a sponge or
soft hrtoh with it ami draw this
When a girl begins to call a voting .through your hair, Inking one small
mnn by his first iisme, she has designs 1st mud at a time; by morning all gray
on bis last. hairs have disappeared. After another
application or two your hair become
beautifully ilnrk, glossy, toft and lux
criant and you appear years younger.
Local Agent, J, C, Perry.
Quaint Dticription,
Little Klsle. silting In n street cut
opposite a mini with twitching eyelids,
whispered to her mother, "Mamnni
Hint poor man has the hiccups In liN
eyes "- llostou Transcript.
The most delicate, the most senslbh
of nil pleasures, consists In promotlm.
the pleasures of others.-I.n llrujciv
nri njr i . i X
me mar nets
Hops are at a standstill as growers
nro not listening to the song sung by
tlio sirens with the refrain of 23 cents.
That is why there are no sales. Tho
growers have arrived at tho conclusion
that prices nro going to bo much higher,
and they know no reason why they
should not have at least a pnrt of this
increase. Thoy can see no reason why
hops should be selling at 42 cents in
New York and 25 cents boro. The crop
could bo sent east by mail and then
leave a profit for tho growors over the
25-i'eut price. A few tales are report
ed at 25 cents, but they are small and
few. Tho egg market is a live one, nnd
tho price tends steadily upward.
imitations are now 40 ceuts. The
whent market is dead and produce re
mains unchanged.
drums, 1832
Coffee Roasted in
per lb.
Nuts Walnuts, 17Vj18c per
Brazil nuts, 12 Vic; filberts, 15c
nionds, 1018c; pecans, 17c; cocoanuts.
9uc(o'$1.00 per dozen.
Salt Granulated, $14 por ton; half
ground, 300c, $10 per ton; 50s, $10.75
por ton.
Beans Small whito, $0.50:
White, $5.50; Lima, $0.30; pink, $4.15
rea Mextcniu, 5c; bayou, $4.1a,
Rice Xo, 1 Jnpan, 55!jc; chcape
gruutw, vjc; southern head. WfaXtc
Honey Choice, $3.233.75 nor oass
Sugar Dry granulated, $5.35: fruit
Tho 1 mm berry, $.).3o; boet, $3.15; Kxtra C
.,; powdered, barrels, $5.00; cubes
barrels, Q,.io,
Fruit and Vegetabloe.
Apples Xew, 00c$2.50 per box
apricots, 75c$1.25 per box: cant.
loupes, $1.251.50 per crate; peache.,
wvijuuc per uox; watermelons, $1.25 per
Shouting "Hey, there!" might at
tract the attention of a grass widow.
Hut what's the use J"
Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc.
Wheat Track prices: Xew Club,
i 1,.. 1 T ! TV. mi . . Rrt L '
iec, uctt mu itussinu, lie; rue, ivc; .va.i.uw per uox; grapes, oOcrtftl 15
alley, ivc. pr crate; casaoas, 11.75 per dozen.
Alillstuff Bran, $23.50 per ton; Tropical Fruits Oranges, Valencia
snorts, miuuunga, uaveia, 4.au(a'a:30; Florida e-raiia-
Flour Patents. C4.70 nnr barral-1 fruit. ."l.j0(,l7-
, - -' ' - , - - -
straights, $1.10; exports, $,1.G34.G3;
valley, $4.70; graham, $4.00; whole
wheat, $4. SO.
Corn Whole, $37; cracked, $3S per
nay Fancy Idaho timothy, 17l8j
fancy eastern Oregon timothy, $1316;
timothy and clover, $1415; timotby
ami alfalfa, $l.1(at5j clover, $8.50lo';
oa and vetch, $10(fril; cheat, 10U;
valley grain hay, $l0rtll.
Oal Xo. 1, white, $2325.50 per
Harley Feed, $25.50 per ton; brew
ing, nominal; rolled, $J7(a';.S.
Groceries, Dried Fmita, Etc.
lined r nuts Apples, 10c per lb.j
currants, 10c; apricots, 12(fT14c; peach
SfT lie: prone. Italian. Sf,M0,v .;i
iruu, d.o0(jr,( lemons, $8.5010 per
'i pineapples, JC per lb.
v i
.vBuiuies ueans, 3(t?4a nsr Ih .
cabbage, lKt per lb.; cauliflower, $2
rT craio; corn, I0(jiil5e per dot; en
cumbers, 2040c per box; eggplant,
"vs.i.- ,.er pounu; nij lettuce, 3540e
per dozen; peas, 57c por pound; pep
pers, 68 pound; radishes, 10tffl20
per dozen; tomatoes, 4000o per box'
garlic, 10c per pound, '
Totatocs-Xew, 75cffi$l ... ,
sweets, $2.23 por crate.
Unions-Oregon, $1.50 per sack.
Dairy and Country Produce.
Butter Oregon creamery, nli.l .l
1lU .,.!,. ...... . . '
, mnts, dox lots, 34c.
r-ggs-uregon ranch, 34(,J33o per dot
( beese-Oregon Triplets, 16Hcj Dal
ie, 17c; Young America. IS,.
14 lbs., 21(S22c; picnics, 14'ac: cottage,
roll, 17'jc.
Bacon Fancy, 2930c; standard, 25
26c; English, 2122c.
Lard In tierces, choice, 14Vjc; coin
pound, 9;4C
Dry Salt Meats Bncks, dry salt, 13
!4c; bncks, Bmoked, 14ij15e;
bellies, dry salt, 14cj smoked, 10c.
Smoked Meats Boef tongues, 25e;
dried beef sets, 22c; outsides, 20c; in
sides, 23c; knuckles, 21c.
Pickled Goods-Barrels, pigs feet,
14; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb
tripe, $12; lunch tonngues, $22: lamba'
tongues, $40,
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc
Hops 1913 contracts, 27yjC; 1913
crop, nominal,
Wool-Eastern Oregon, 1010o per
lb.; valley, 1818c.
Mohnir Choice, 2528o pec lb.
Hide-alted, 12c per lb., salt
1617c; galted kip. 12e; -ni
8Mic; green hides. HUc: rlr v:j i7?
dry calf, No. 25o. dry tegl718
n ""A. X,
"inn, per ion
Shorts, per ton
Wheat, per bushel ..
Oats, per bushel
Chittim Bark, per lb,
"ay, Timothy
Onts and vetch
i lover,
I'er ton
1'cr ton ..
Butter and
Butterfat, per lb., f. o. h. si
Creamery butter, per lb ""
- vuir uuiier, per lb
'SKs. Per dozen
liens, per lh.
toostcrs, por lb
( (rj! 8C
ver, ISo; figs, whito and black, 6UJ(1, turkeys, live, 20c, dressed 23e
7Vac; raisins, loose lliiwilrl, Ogj Veal-Fancy 15lc p'r noii
ne; bleached Thompson, HVic; un
bl.ached Sultana, 8.jc; seeded. 7U'3
ISffilOc. n nn..l
rork-Fancy, 12He lb'
Cows, per cwt .
Hogs, fat, per lb
Stock ogs, per lb
twee, per lb
7 to TV
pring lambs, per lb..
Veal, according to quality nu-
i uia.
Dry, per lb.