Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 15, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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There is a World' of Smartness and Beauty in our
Tailored Suits and Coats
for Women
Before and during the STATE FAIR the de
mand for tailored suits and coats was so great
we were obliged to telegraph several firms for
both suits and coats. The result is that we
now have assembled a large and very choice
assortment of the latest models. A $2000
(two thousand dollar) buy, that we expected
August 1st was delayed by an Eastern strike
and only arrived October 1st. Owing to the
lateness of the arrival, we are not obliged to
keep these garments, but as they are wonder
ful values and the latest models, we prefer
to sell them here if we can, CONSEQUENTLY
VANTAGE to investigate if you intend to
buy either a suit or a coat.
Be Sure and see our $12.50
and $19.75 Suit Specials.
Our suits range up to $50 in value.
Tut snmunTr
ClOAH tsvrco I
Your Stomach B3d? rf
Broken Lots of
Woolen Under
wear for Women
33 13 per ct less
American-LaFrance Company's Bid Is
Accepted and It Will Cost $9000,
Exact Amount Available.
Amendment to Provide for Playgrounds
to Be Submitted at Next Election
to Be Held Here.
(Continu-d from page one.)
"Big Miko" Sullivan, agent for the
Portage Hay railroad, secured a copy of
the, geodetic survey of the new harbor
by application to the department, lie
secured hiH copy before ono was deliv
ered to the head of the department in
Seattle When asked about thin, Cap
tain Kudo Htated that permission had
been granted from Washington to hand
over the copy.
Captain Undo arrived from tho north
bist night on tho Alaska liner Mariposa
with other government officials of tho
coal expedition and Pr. Joseph A.
Holmes, director of tho bureau of mines.
Rofuses to Talk.
Dr. Holmes, who has just completed
nn extensive tour of the gold and coal
fields of Alaska, declined to discuss
tho coal situation at Matnnuskn, out
stated that he had complete; reports on
nil matters which would be laid before
the secretary of tho interior,
Dr. Holmes is enthusiastic over tho
Nenan A coal fields, neur Fairbanks.
Tho fuel there is a rather high grade
lignite, which he says can be burned
right at the fields to g'uerate power
for use at Ftiirhnnks, With this sys
tem much low grade placer mining
ground can be worked, which otherwise
could not bo touched,
Durbin Unable to Hold Steeds and Oue
of Them Falls Down and Is Drag
ged Block by Others,
slid for first will probably feel that he
ought to have wore a knee-length corset
nnd will realize that sledding is rather
rough in Salem when there is no snow.
Your Back Is Aching or Bladdor
Bothers, Drink Lots of Water
and Eat Less Meat.
There was a lively runaway this
morjiing about 11:30, when a four horse
team belonging to Fred Durbin, starting
near tho top of tho hill on Commercial
street, near Oak, when tho brake gave When your kidneys hurt and your
way, came down toward the city on 1 1"" k f'ls or(, ,1""'t s, lllt,a n'"'
tho run. Durbin wns unable to hold I proceed to load your stomach with a lot
them, as tho wagon kept crowding j f llllf 'I",'t U'1" kidneys and ir
against tho wheelers, and, one of these ritnte the entire urinary tract. Keen
being a colt, wns a little ticklish about ' .vof kidneys clean like you keep your
having his hind legs interfered with, j bowels clean, by flushing them with a
As they came across tho Mill creek 'mild, harmless salts which removes the
bridge, where the footing was good, ' 1'ody s urinous waste ami stimuliuey
they (Jut tho juice, nnd when theyjthein to their normal activity, Tho
crossed Trade street they were doing n , function of the kidneys is to tiller the
blood. In "I hours they strain from i'.
Mayt's Wonderful Stomach Remedy
and Ba Convinced That You Can
Be festered To Health
shopping 3&fl
Refreshing Satisfying
two-iliinuto stunt. Durbin kept them
in tho middle of the road until they
passed Ferry, where the off wheeler,
that was an old horse, und did nut want
to run, but only did so to keep out of
the way of the wagon, fell. The others
were all colts, but evidently thought
"ilifl grains of acid and waste, so we can
readily understand the vital Importance
of keeping the kidneys active.
Drink lots of witter you can't drill!'
too Hindi; also get from any pharmacist
about four ounces of ,lnd faults; take a
y were seniors, ami had n right to do (11,,.SI)r j ft lass 0f water before
ns thev pleased, and that they
really doing something smart.
Tho paving was wet and slippery, and
he was dragged nearly the length of the
block, but helped to check the speed.
Ono of the lend lines broke when he
fell, and the team swerved to the right
until, when near Hugh's bank, they
were close to the sidewalk, nnd an autn
belonging to Dr, ( lay, standing there, i
caused them to try to stop, but this'
they could not do in tune to prevent
breakfast cnocli morning for n few days
and your kidneyn win net fine. Tins
famous sails is made from the acid of
grapes and lctnnn juice, combined with
lit hia, ond has been used for genera
tions to ideun and stimulate clogged
kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in
urine so it no longer is a source of irri
tation, thus ending bladder weakness,
,1ml Salts is inexpensive; cannot ii,
juie; makes a delightful effervescent
striking it, which the lenders did. As "in.a w.ucr .man wnicn overvon-
thev checked up, the whole bunch slip- "'"'""I "lW 1,1111 t1"'" ' ""'I' ,ll(,r
ped nnd went down. There was no dam- kidneys clean and active. Try th:"
age done, other than scratching the tut- lw k,,,,l' "I' w,,l,,r 'l"nking, and
f a little, and knocking a few hairs no 'loubt yon will wonder what bemu.o
off the horses. The old wheeler that of your kidney troublo nnd backache.
Suit or Overcoat
Whichever it may be we know
we have here just what you want.
We have the English models, and
the most conservative models, all
of which appeal strongly to the
man who wishes to be welldressed.
An expression of good taste
embodied in every garment.
$15 to $30
Salem Woolen Mills
I mm
n ifk'liS
Md In ftvrtrtiM I V' v'i
The city council last evening voted
to purchase a six-cylinder fire pumper
from the Amoriean-LaFrance company
at a cost of $9000, the exact amount
named in the apportionment. Another
bid was submitted by the Knott Fire
Engine company, which offered to sup
ply a pumper for $8750.
When the two bids were opened Min
ton moved to reject both of them, and
Cummings seconded the motion. Cum
mings declared that the city does not
need a pumper, and, if it was needed,
it could not be secured for several
Minton's motion was last, all voting
against it, except its author and Cum
Minton moved that the Knott bid be
accepted. Jones wanted it referred to
the financo committee. Tho council
voted on the Minton motion, nnd it wns
lost, 5 to 8, tho vote being as follows;
For lirown, Constable, Cummings,
JoneB and Minton.
Against Hatch, Macy, Siegmund
Skaifo. Southwick, Stolz, Turner and
Southwick 's motion to purchnso the
LaFranco cngino then carried by a vote
of 7 to 6, the councilmen lining up ns
For Hatch, Macy, Siegmund, Skaifo,
Southwick, Stolz, Turner.
Against lirown, Constable, Cum
mings, Jones, Minton, Waring.
Macy explained his vote by tho state
ment that tests had shown tho La
Franco to bo superior to any engine
which could bo used here.
Tho city recorder wns instructed to
enter into a contract with the company.
After the voto, Jones said: "We
havo bought two machines, and we will
have to pay for them."
Macy demanded to know why, and
Jones said because tho 'Robinson people
had not boen given a second trial.
Will Return Money.
lTpon recommendation of tho street
coininitteo it was voted, to return to tho
I'nivorsul Construction company' the
sum of $1000 which has been held to
guarantee tho fulfillment of tho Oak
street improvement contract. Proper
ty owners interested had agreed to the
proposition, it wns asserted.
W, 1), 1'iigh wns allowed an estiiunfe
on Twelfth street, n small amount be
ing deducted because of errors. Coun
cilman Stolz said the estimate was pro
pared last, year and the items went so
glaringly out of place tlmt the commit
tee was obliged to eliminate them.
The license committee's report, favor
ing the grunting of n permit to sell 'i
iior to (leurge M. Patterson, good mini
December 1, HMD, was approved.
A resolution to construct certain siile-
walks on Fifteenth street was indeii
nitely postponed, the street committee
reporting that the will' s were uniioccs
Built Hor Own Bidowal'r,
Tiirnef repeorted that he hud investi
gated the building of a sidewalk in
front of the property of Mrs, Mary Fo
ami had ascertained that she kid con
structed it herself, despite the fact flint
the slnet commissioner had reported
building it ami an assessment ordinaio"
hail been introduced in the coiuui'
City Attorney I'nge said the data turn
ed over to him indb ntcd the coutn .1
'ilid ordered the sidewalk const ni'ti I
I'l.d tho work hud been done under the
diiection of tho street, commissioner
I 'oriiclius snid he had passed the mi t
ter on to the contractor ami he had nut
yet reported. It was decided to roiclci
the matter to the street committee fur
a week.
Tho city licit 1 1 Ii officer's report
showed fill!! Inspections during the
month of September. There were 111
deaths In the city,
Kugliioor's estimates of IS per cent
were allowed the Aoigor company for
I'nloa street and August Kehrberger
for IHth street. An estimate of $I.'I.'M.
85 wns allowed Irvln Van I'nltcn for
the construct ion of the North Liberty
bridge. This leaves $150 to Insure the
construction of a surfneo pavement on
the bridge. This work probably will
not be doun until spring, no bituminous
pavement contractor being available at
this time. Houthwick endorsed the prop
osition. Sewor Bond Progress.
In answer to a ipiery from ('illuming
City Attorney I'agn explained that the
transcript of sewer bond proceedings,
consisting of 20 pages, had been
mailed to Story, Thorndyke, Palmer
Dodge, of lloston, October 1", and he
expected an answer in four or five days
approving the us me. He would Imme
diately wire to New York to have the
advertisement Inserted, upon approval
of the imi eedings.
A petition for the segregation of
property on 'tin street, owned by Ju-
Yntt are nnt aslrprt tn f ntr m Afrrv' 11'.-.
fat Stomach Remedy for weeks and months
before you receive ai,y benefit one dose U usu
ally required to convince tns most skeptical
luuerer oi stnmacu Auuiems tli.it this great
-cmedy should restore iinyore so auhcted to
rnftd health. Aforr'j Wonderful Stnmnrh
tlemtdy has been till en by many thousands ot
eop e inrnngnout tue lam. it ti:is DrouRht
Walt A and Aaepi'ncjtto suilercrs who had des-
i .irsd of ever be ns; restored and wl.o now pro-
Inlm ft aWomlenul kiedy and ar urging;
thcrs who limy bo suaVrnii: with Slomach,
Liver and Intmtinal Ailmenlt to tr7 it. Wind
. ou, Mayr'e Wonderful Stomach Remedy is so
liferent than n osi medicines that are Dut on
l.ttf market for the various stomach ailments it
is really in a class by itself, and one dose will do
more to convince the most skeptical sufferer
than tons of other medicines. Results from one
dose will amaze and the benefits are entirely
iiniuiHi, tut u misun we source ana inundation
of these ailments, removing the poisonous ca
tarrh and bile accretions, and allaying the under
lying chronic inflammation in the alimentary
and intestinal tract, rendering the same anti
septic. Just try one dose of May re Wonderful
Stomach Remedy put it to a test today you
will be overjoyed with your quick recovery
and will highly praise it as thousands of others
are constantly doing. Send for booklet on
Stomach Ailments to (ieo, H. Mayr, Mfg.
Chemist, 154-156 Whiting St., Chicago, 1U.
J. C. Perry, Druggist.
I You Should Worry! i:
About the rain, when it is
possible to buy a good
Rain Coat
These coats are dressy, well
made, with patch pockets
and military collar, and are
guaranteed rainprof.
See Our South Window Display
bus A. Listen and others was read and
referred to tho street committee
A petition of the Salem school board
and the Star Land company for the va
cation of part of 13th stroot and A
street, in Parrish addition, waa referred
to tho councilmen from tho Sixth ward.
The school board pinna to equip an ath
letic field and play grounds, and is
holding up construction work on a
stand until the tract is vacatod.
For Playgrounds.
The Snlom Plnygrounda association
asked in a communication thnt a char
ter amendmont be submitted to tho vot
esr, authorizing tho establishment of
plnygrounda. It was stated that tho
work had been enrried on for two years
by donation. The matter was referred
to tho city attorney to prepnro tho nec
essary resolution.
Tho city attorney stated that Presi
dent Tfogers of tho Playgrounds associa
tion had discussed tho matter with him
nnd had stated that tho question of tho
amount of monoy needed to carry on
the work would bo left entirely with tho
May Recall Stolz and Hatch.
Uocorder Elgin reported thnt. peti
tions, for tho recall of Councilman flirt
eon Stolz, of thn third word, and Conn-
ii XjXX.. 1
1 Leading Clothiers
141 N. Commercial St.
porting sidewalk improvements. Ho as
sorted that tho street commissioner
inndo no such improvements, and tho
council did not order them. Ho insisted
that s better record bo kept by tho
stroot commissioner, referring to the
Mary Fox assesment as another example
of looso methods in tho street depart
ment. Resolutions calling for tho construc
tion of concrete sidewalks on a number
of streets wero passed. Stolz urged
hasto, saying tho walks should bo down
beforo tho frost comes.
More Work Noodod.
Minton introduced a resolution for
tho elimination of a dniigerous step-off
at tho corner of Winter and Gaines
avonuo. It was referred to tho street
committoo, with power to act.
Other rosoliitionin introduced by Min-
Tho mnttor of disposing of three city
horses was loft to a committee and the
mayor. Steps will be taken to secure
a comfortable home for "Dolly," a fire
horeo which has seen IS years' of ser
vice, and has boen pensioned.
Frank Durbin, it was stated, wanted
to take tho old mare and work hor for
her keop, and some of the councilmen
thought the proposition a good ono.
Othors thought that, inasmuch as she
had Borvod tho city faithfully, she
should bo taken caro of until tho end
of hor days.
Liverpoul, Oct. 15. Seven persons
were killed, including two women and
a baby, hero today whou a Livorpool
ton called for the repnlr of sidewalks boat train collided with tho Manchostor
from tho Fair Grounds Head to High- Kxpress in thn tunnel at St. Jamos Bta
Innrt church, on Highland nveniin; tho t i on. liuilroiul officials sairt tho wrack
cilninn II. W. Hatch, if the sixth ward, ropnir of a culvert at 15th and Xebrns- wns caused by an excltort passongor,
had been filed, nnd ho would call an ka; tho repair of Hood street, where it who pulled tho signal, stopping tho ex
election for November 3, when the city crosses Cottage, nnd tho sweeping of K press train,
primary voto is cast. street. All wero referred. i '
Of 01 nnmcs attached to tho Stolz pe-1 Stolz donied thnt K street hnd not It i helpful to bollovo moro of good
tition, 2ft were found to have been reg- 1 Km swept since November 1. than of evil.
isterert. The total voto cast in tho . "" T"" T-;
wnrd nt the last city election was Rl,
and 25 per cent, or 20, were necessary j
to secure a recall election, j
Tn the ense of Hutch, 1S1 signatures
were attached, and moro than 100 were
registered, leaving n largo margin over
tho number required to mil an elec
tion. Tho recorder snid ho had doubts ns to
tho lognlit.y of some sections of thn re
call measure, but believed action to
test it should bo taken by tho council or
some citizen interested.
Moro timo wns given Miller street
residents who wish to delay building
sidewalks until they finish harvesting
their orchard crop.
OornolluH Needs Bookkeeper,
Minton cited two errors made by
Street Commissioner Cornelius In re-
with simple, xnfe, lioine nimle tonic. fl"t
IMni iinv ilrm.giM (I ounces of liny Hum
2 ounces Ijtivona do Coinposee ami
rtrncliin Menthol Crystals. If you like,
jnld I drachm of your favorite perfume.
Mix thoroughly; apply night and mo-i,
ing with linger; for dandruff and full
iug hair. Contains no dye or coloring
matter, but one ingredient, according lo
nuthoritii'S, actually forces Into renew
cil action the dormant pigment forming
cells a i.. I thereby restores promnturei
gray hair to its natural color. Thn
pnme ingredient is alo a powerful stim
ulant to tho growth 'if new hair,
"The Quality Shoe Store"
Boys' Dress Shoes
flood clothes and good shoes aro appreciated by tho boy. Our
line is Miiied in everything but quality, of which wo havo only
ono the best,
$2.50 to $4.0O
Boys' School Shoes
Hugged and sturdy makes, yet combining stylo and comfort with
wearing quality.
$2.25 to $3.50
American Boy Shoes
Splendid waterproof thues, of great durability, They are a ninn
uixh shoe of strength and appearance, yet so soft and comfortable
that they nre a real comfort, and support the growing boy, A
real economy for parents whowi bovs keep them at their wits'
ends buying shoes,
$3.00 to $4.00
The Forced Out Sale j
of Chas. Hinges Jewelry Store i
Began today, and, in spite of the inclem
ent weather, the store was crowded all day
The Christmas stock is now all in and prices
are such as make quick sellers.
Don't watt, com now, make your selec
tion. A small deposit secures any article
until Christ mas.
FREE coupons given away. Ladies gold
watch given away FREE Saturday night at
9 o'clock.
Next Door to U. S. Bank Building.