Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 13, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Tha Pictorial language of the
EiMe Amazes Pastor Russell.
What It It to Ascend Into the Holy
Hill What la Meant by Standing In
Uio Holy Place Who Have tha Clean
Hande What la Signified by a 8oul
Lifted Up to Vanity Who Are Thoaa
of tha Text Who1 Swear Deceitfully,
Tha Terma and Conditions of the Di
vine Rewarde Christ the Great Ex
mplar To Him and to Hia Follow
er tha Gatea of Glory Lift.
Washington, D.
0.. October 5.
Pastor Russell ad
dressed the Wash.
Ington Temple
Congregation this
afternoon from
the text. "Who
shall ascend Into
the Dill of the
Lord? or who shall
stand In Ills Holy
Place? He that
bath clean bands
and a pure heart"
(Psalm 24:3, 4.) He said:
Tbe pen pictures of the Bible astound
us with their clearness and forceful
nous, their crlspness and polntedness.
We are to remember that the Prophet
David was not writing with ordinary
poetic license, but was stating In po
etic form grand truths which he blm
elf could not fully appreciate. St.
Feter tells us this was the case with
all tbe Prophets, ne said that holy
men of God spake as they were moved
of the Holy Spirit; and that the things
that tbey wrote were Intended, not
for themselves, but for the Church,
during this Gospel Age.
Interpreting our toit In harmony
with other prophecies, we perceive that
the words do not refer to the literal
mil of Zlon. nor to the lltcrnl Holy
, Place of Israel's Tabernacle, lit. Zlon
typically represented the Kingdom of
i Messiah, and the Holy Place represent
ed tlio nntltyplenl Temple of the fu
ture, which Ht. Peter tolls us will he
the Church In'glory, Christ Jesus Him
self being the Chief Corner Stone.
"He That Hath Clean Hande."
Now comes the question, Who shall
lie accounted worthy of a place In that
glorious Kingdom? Who shall bo ac
counted worthy of membership In that
true Temple? The answer evidently
applies primarily to tho Lord Jemis
Christ Himself, as tho succeeding
verse show. "Ho that hnth clean
bands" would signify, he who Is able
and willing to keep tho Plvlno Law
perfectly; secondly, he thnt is pure In
heart. In whom there Is no admixture
of disloyalty or selfishness or sin he
whosM heart Is loyal to the coro to the
great Jehovah.
The Prophet David could not claim
men purity of heart or cleanness of
nnmltr, nor could any one, except the
on of God, who was holy, harmless,
simletilcd nnd separate from sinners.
. lie alone could nnd did keep the I.
vln Ijiw, both In letter and In spirit,
lie alone, therefore, was qualified to
tie the gri'Bt'KIng In Zlon and the great
nntltyplenl Priest. In lllra alone the
royalty of David's lino and tho Priest
liuod, typified through Aaron, would
unite, ond as foretold, would Constitute
the new Prlesthood-n Itoyal Priest
liond, a Priesthood associating In Itsolf
the qnnlltles of mercy, Instruction.
finw.T end Authority. Thus It was
iro;helcd of .leans, "The Lord bath
wnrn, and will not repent: Thou art
Priest for the Age, after the order
of Melchlicdck" a reigning Priest a
Idlest upon Ills Throne, Psulm 110:4.
Other Teats Were Neoeeaary.
The full keeping of the Law was not
all that was requisite lu the great Heir
of the Abrahamtc Covenant. All
thing written by tho Prophets con
ernlng Messiah must have fultllment
to tltm. And In all those prophecies
God had caused to he set forth matters
which would Inilwd he testa of the
humility and luyulty of tho Ouo who
would iierfurm them. Was It not writ
ten that Messiah must be led ns a
lamb to tho slaughter, and as a sheep,
dumb before the shearers, must not
-oi Ilia mouth In protest? He of
whom it was written, "Never man
IHtke like this tvan," used His elo
qurmn lu telling of the grace and uier
f vf God, but uot to deliver Himself
fnens tun evil machinations of His ene
mies, t these bent upon crucifying
Was It not wrltteu that He would
tie the antityplcel Passover I.nmli, to
lie slain? And did It not behoove
Him. therefore, aa He declared, to suf
fer all these things, uud through oho
dlrore In these sufferings to enter Into
tbe alesHlanlc glory which was to be
the reward? Our text tells us this In
simple lertna that He did not swear
decellfully-rtiat the Covenant which
tie made with the rather, a Covenant
of Kai-rlllce unto death, was kept to
the very Mter. Neither did He lift
l Ills mml unto vanity and pride.
nir hearken to the admonitions of the
Advernnry. On the contrary. He hum
tiled tltmeelf. even until the death of
the (rose. This was His great test
far Wyond the mere keeping of the
t-aw of the Golden Utile.
And because of HI faltlirulmwa. as
be AnoKtla Uwlitri. "God ulo hath
" I
' t ' , 1
highly exalted Him, and given Him a
name above every name" the name
of Messiah, the King of Glory "that
at tbe name of Jesus every knee
should bow, both of things in Heaven
and things In earth." Thus was ful
filled In Him the promise of verse 5.
"He shall receive the blessing from
Jehovah, and righteousness from the
God of His salvation."
"Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Gates."
Succeeding verses of this Psalm pic
ture tbe Redeemer entering into His
glorious reward, saying. "Lift up your
heads, 0 ye gates; and be ye lifted up,
ye everlasting doors; and the King of
Glory shall come in!" The ushering
of Messiah into tbe honor and glory of
the Kingdom of God, to establish right
eousness In the earth, to put down re
bellion and sin, and to destroy the
works of the Devil, is really the usher
ing In of Jehovah's Kingdom, for which
wo pray, "Thy Kingdom come."
Jesus came not to glorify Himself,
nor to do His own will, He declared,
but to do tbe will of tbe Father In.
Heaven. All Messiah's victory will re
flect glory upon Jehovah, the great Au
thor of the wonderful Plan of Salva
tion: for, as St. Paul declares, all
things are of the Father, and all things
are by the Son. I Corinthians 8:6.
Partakers of His Holinees.
During this Gospel Age God has been
selecting from amongst mankind a
saintly class, energized by a similar
spirit to that of the Redeemer. But
! unlike the Redeemer, these are mem-
bers of the sinner race. Our first
thought would be that thus tbey would
i be effectually barred from partlclpa
I tlon with the Savior in His victories
and coming glory. But behold tbe
wonders of the Divine arrangement!
As tbe Redeemer gave His life to be a
Ransom-price for Adam's life and for
all those who lost life through him,
Divine Mercy has made a special pro
vision whereby tho followers of Jesus,
who have His spirit may be made ac
ceptable with tbe Father at tbe pres
ent time.
This special provision for the Church
Is that If they consecrate their hearts,
their wills, and all they possess, to do
the Father's will, our Redeemer will
appropriate to them tbe share of for
giveness and restitution which other
wise would be theirs to enjoy and use
during tbe Millennium. This the Scrip
tures designate "Justification by faith";
and such, we are Informed, are holy
and acceptable to God,
Can They Keep the Law?
From the time they are accepted of
God theso are treated as New Crea
tures, and no longer dealt with accord
ing to tho flesh. .With these the stand
ards are tho heart Intentions, mid not
fleshly perfection. Of these, there
fore, It Is written. "The righteousness
of the Law Is fulfilled In us, who walk
live not after the flesh, but after the
8plrlt."-Iioinnns 8:4.
But havo these tho clean hands and
pure hearts necessary for u place In
the Kingdom? The Bllilo answers that
theso New Creatures are pure In heart
-loyal to God. Otherwise they would
not have boou accepted of tho Lord,
nor begotten of the Holy Spirit. And
as for their hands, their lives, tho Now
Creature never had soiled hands of
Impurity and wilful sin. The only Im
perfections these New Creatures can
have nro such as belong to tho flesh
such ns they may be unable to fully
conquer. And these weaknesses and
Imperfections of the flesh are covered
In advance, provision being made
through tho redeeming blond of Him
who tasted death for every nian
through , Him "who gave Himself a
Ransom for all."
What of Their Vanity? and Vows?
Can It be said of the true followers
of Jesus that they make such n cove
nant as Johus made, and that they are
able to keep It. and buve not made It
deceitfully? And can It be said of
them thnt they lift not up thulr souls
to vanity, to pride? It cannot bo claim
ed thnt all who namo the name of
Christ, and have entered Into covenant
relationship with God through Him,
keep their covenant faithfully. But It
can be said that some do so, and such
shall share with Jesus His glorious
reward. . These faithful ones, these
overcomors, "more than conquerors,"
do not lift up their souls to vanity nnd
the pride of life. They do uot become
followers of Satan, who said In his
heart "I will exalt myself"; but con
trariwise, they "follow the Lamb
whithersoever Ho goeth."
The Vow taken by all of the Lord's
consecrated ones who receive the Holy
Spirit Ik tho same Vow which Jesus
took, the same Covenant. Tho Master
made a Covenant of Sacrltlce with the
Father by which lie surrendered His
own will, and that Included everything
of an earthly kind. Similarly, all whom
lie accepts as tils sacrltlcers and Joint
heirs enter Into the same Covenant of
Sacrifice, and present their bodies liv
ing sacrifices,
A his, some, acvordlug to the Scrip
tures, will fall to gain the great prlr.e.
and will receive a lower blessing! Yet
a sutllclent number to complete the
foreordained Plan tins been found
throughout this Gosxl Age. As the
Body of the Anointed One, under the
Headship of the glorified Hon of God.
and as members of the Melchlzrdok
order of I'rlestliimd, those faithful to
the end will receive the Divine ac
knowledgment and iiM-latlnn with
the Muster In Ills Kingdom and glory.
"To Hint that uveivoineth will I grant
to sit with Me lu My Throne, even as
I overcame nnd nm set down with My
Father In Ills Throne." The promises
to thee, with nnil under their Master.
Include a participation In the Divine
Iiiiture.--lteve1atlin 3:21 r, 2 Peter 1:4.
The Prlnolple General One,
Tho Divine Plan In many respect li
like a telescope whose Joints may ht
extended, We have seen how this
Psalm applies primarily to our Lord
Jesus alone. We have seen the second
Joint in tbe telescope extending and
making It applicable to the Church,
which Is the Body of Christ Now let
us extend It still further, and perceive
that the principle holds In respect to
It would not be true to say that bu
manlty will ever be offered a share
with Christ and tbe Church on the
Heavenly plane of glory. It would not
be true to say that mankind In general
will ever have the opportunity of en
tering Into the same kind of Covenant
that Christ and the Church now enter
into a Covenant of self-sacrifice. But
it is quite true that .there is to be an
earthly Kingdom; and that mankind
will be privileged to attain to full mem.
bershlp In It on conditions not very dis
similar to those terms upon which the
Church become Joint-heirs In the Heav
enly Kingdom with their Lord.
Earthly Kingdom For Adam and His
The earthly kingdom will be the
kingdom which Adam lost when he be-
I came a transgressor and came under
the sentence of death. This earthly
kingdom, as well as the king, Adam,
and all of his family, Jesus redeemed,
purchased back from death and desola
tion. He purchased It not for Himself,
for He already had the Father's prom
ise of a better and higher, a Heavenly
Kingdom. The earthly kingdom was
purchased for the very purpose of re
storing it to Adam and his race to as
many of them as would avail them
selves of the mercy of God, to be ex
tended to them by the Messianic King
dom, during tbe thousand years when
Satan will be bound, nnd when Christ
and the Church will reign until ev
ery enemy shall be put under their
As It did not please God to allow the
fallen Adam to continue to be the king
, of earth, living In sin and degradation,
a uisiionor to the Creator's Empire, so
It will not be pleasing to God that any
shall come back Into rulership under
Messiah's Kingdom except such as shall
have learned fully the lesson of the
exceeding sinfulness of sin and the
love and mercy of God in their redemp
tion, and such as will then love right
eousness and bate Iniquity. All others
will be destroyed as "cumbererg of the
ground"-ns "natural brute beasts"
will they be destroyed.
The Earthly Kingdom and Holy Place.
The thousand years of Messiah's
Reign, then, will be for the purpose of
giving to every member of the human
race a full opportunity to return to
God. All will be made to understand,
from the least to the greatest, that by
tho close of Messiah's Kingdom an
earthly kingdom will be established
under, the whole heavens, and that
none may be sharers In that kingdom
except such ns buve clean bauds and
pure hearts, such ns will humble them
selves ami learn the great lessons to
be learned, and not lift up their souls
to pride, vanity and self-sufllcloncy.
All will be taught that If they would
enter Into that kingdom they must take
upon themselves vows of obedience to
the Lord. All will learn that the thousand-year
period Is for the testing of
their faithfulness to those vows and
those lessons which the glorious Mes
siah will bring to their attention, mak
ing them conditions of acceptance and
worthiness of everlasting life ns hu
man beings In n world-wide Kden.
They shall receive the blessing of
Jehovah, Intended from the very be
ginning for His earthly children. Giv
en to Adam, but lost by htm and re
deemed by Jesus, this blessing will be
given again to those who shall demon
strate their worthiness by their loyalty
during Messiah's Kingdom. But the
ovll-docr, the lover of evil, the proud,
tho haughty and tho decultful-Cove-nant-breiikers-wlll
bo destroyed from
amongst the peoplo.-Acts 3:23.
Clean-Handed, Pure,-Hearted,
In Closing, 1 feel Inclined to press
the two Bpeclal features of our text
"clean hands ami a pure heart" We
have already admitted that as fallen,
Imperfect beings It Is Impossible for
us to bo absolutely clean, right Just
All tho more must we strive for such
a condition. The Now Creature must
be ou the alert to scan nil of life's af
fairs and to measure all thlnga in life
with the Golden Rule-Is It right? Is
It Just? Is It doing to others aa I
would that they should do to me? We
make progress In proportion as we
strive for this cleanness of hands,
cleanness of conduct righteousness.
To be slack, to bo Indifferent, not to
strive, would mean to the Lord that
we were half hearted In our love for
righteousness and hatred for Iniq
uity. Purity of heart we have already no
ticed ns signifying purity of Intention
nnd of motive. But the Lord has
uindo a special provision whereby His
people may Indeed maintain the puri
ty of heart and Homines of hands In
His sight, whereby tbey are continual
ly reminded or the Imperfection of the
flesh nnd the need of tho cleansing
blood of the Savior.
However pure In our hearts, we may
find weaknesses of the flesh arousing
In us anger, malice, hatred, strife.
These the pure In heart are to resist, re.
nieniberlng thnt these are tho works
of the tlesh and of the Devil; and If,
peradveiilure. In an unguarded mo
ment, any of these devilish qualities
should attach themselves to u ever
so briefly, we should realise that they
have leit a stain. It would bo for id
to make, right with other whatever
of Injustice we have done, nnd then
to go to the Lord In prayer, that we
mluht obtain mercy nnd. And grace tu
help for future times of need. Thus
may the Lord's people maintain their
purity of heart and cleanness of bands.
Thus may they nblde In the Father's
Love. Thus may they fulfil the Cove
mint of Sacrifice. Thu may they be
come "meet for the Inheritance of the
saints In light."
Only TUts it go That Refreshments
May be Obtained at Later Hour
Than Under Gaynor.
Head of Police Department Hands Past
Jolts to Those Who Try to Run
Gambling Joints.
(Written for the United Press.)
New York, Oct. 13. "You can nev
er tell from where you sit." That
expresses the feelings, juat now, of
New York's half-world. Immediately
after the newspapers carried stories
that the new Mayor Ardolphe Kline
proposed, to "take the lid off," Po
lice Commissioner Ehinelander Waldo
personally led a raiding squad into
Chinatown and "pulled" a bunch of
gambling joints. Not only that, but
he went to the police station supposed
to govern the welfare of Chinatown
and stripped the shields from a police
captain, a sergeant, and several detec
tivos. Of course Mayor Kline never
said lie was going to tolerate gambling
or any kind of lawlessness and the
gamblers had no right to thing that he
would, but the new mayor did say
that he would grant all-night liquor
licenses to some of the restaurants and
not enforce the 1 a. m. closing that
was the hobby of the late Mayor Gay-
nor. The Tenderloin jumped at con
clusions. They were mistaken when
they thought that Mayor Kline accom
panied his statement with a wink.
Commissioner Waldo's activity cafe
as a double jolt to the gamblers and
perhaps some of tho police who are sup
posed to be in the "System" for the
first Chinatown raid cafe after a re
port that District Attorney Charles S.
(Whitman had consented to help Mayor
Kline run tho police department. It
was said that at the Mayor's request
Whitman agreod to koep an eye on tho
police. Waldo, it is said, was not to bo
removed but ho would be a more figure
Head, the mayor and the district attor
ney bossing his dopartmont. To dem
onstrate that he is still alive, Waldo
at once swooped down on Chinatown
and juggod sovoral wagon loads of
fan-tan playing Celestials. He did not
make a spectacular raid like those that
William Travcrs Jerome was so fond
of whon ho was district attorney
such os breaking Into T'pper Tender
loin gambling reports with an axe
but Waldo was there in person and was
tho first man to enter the .raided plac
es. Tho noxt night ho conducted some
more raids, until both tho gamblers
and Waldo's subordinates novor know
where the Commissioner will turn up
Smart Boy Detective.
The east side, always producing
somo "eighth wonder" now 1ms a real
boy detective, Mux Goldstein is li i n
name, and ho actually ran down and
caused the arrest of two bomb throw
ers who had caused tho detectives of
the Fifth avenue station no end of vex
alon, The police sleuths wero disturb
ed not so much by the property dam
ago wrought by the bomb men, but by
the throat of Commissioner Waldo that
he would reduce them to tha uniform
rank if they did not catch tho mis
creants. Max came to the rescue and
Is a real detective. Ho does not look
like one. Ho wears long troupers and
thnt is as near as he comes to tho tra
ditional human blood hound, in appear
ance. Ho Is 10 years old, but looks
only 1.1. Max Is only five feet five
Inches In height and therefore raa nev
er aspire to become a real policeman,
but ho exactly fits the Idea of a de
tective that Mayor Gaynor wrote about
in one of his many letters, The late
Gaynor said that strapping six-footers
wero poor detectives hecause they could
be recognlied anywhere. "Can't we
get some littlo men, even hunchbacks,
on the force and make detectives of
them?" he wanted to know. But tho
nix-font regulation still holds and Max
ran never achieve the force,
Max's achievement nil came about
through his curiosity. Ho stood on
an east side comer one night, and saw
two men talking earnestly together.
Max showed that ho was a real Hhel
lock Holmes, for he noticed thnt one
of the men woro a false "goatee,"
Soon they flipped a coin. It rolled
down the steps of a basement. Tho
man without a "goatee' went down
after It and lighted a match. It look
ed just like he was looking for a lost
illnie, but when, a few minute later
a tremendous explosion wrecked the
building and brought scared Itallnns
from all the surrounding tenements,
Msx knew that the man with the match
lighted a bomb. The boy detective set
out, hot foot and overtook the two
men he had seen, Uolh were clean
shaven, but In the light from a store
window Max saw that one of the men
hnd gum on hi rliln.
Goldstein trailed the pair to a res
taurant where he saw them order a
meal. Then he ran and railed the
detectives. Max was given the credit.
Since then the bay ha done nothing
but leek for "ebieM and he. ho found
them, too. He h aided the police
to arrest several bomb thrower, and
has been given a permit to carry a
Dp your eyes give you trouble? Do
you already wear eyeglasses or specta
cles f Thousands of people wear these
"windows" who might easily dispense
with them. You may be one of these
and it is your duty to save your eyes
before it is too late. The eyes are neg
lected more than any other organ of the
entire body. After you finish your
day's work you sit down and rest vonr
muscles, but how about your eyes? Do
you rest them? You know you do not.
You read or do something else that
keeps your eyes busy: you work your
eyes until you go to bed. That is whv
so many have strained eyes and finally
oiner eye troubles that threaten partial
or total blindness. Eyeglasses are mere
ly crutches; they never cure. This f
prescription which; has benefited the
eyes of so many may work equal won
ders for you. Use it a short time.
Would you like your eye troubles to
disappear as if by magic? Try this
prescription: Go to the nearest wide
awake drug store and get a bottle of
Optona tablets; fill a two-ounce bottle
with water, drop in one tahlnt and 1.
low it to thoroughly dissolve. With this
liquid bathe the eyes two to four time
daily. Just note how quickly your eyes
ciear up and how soon the inflammation
will disappear. Don't be afraid to use
it; it is absolutely harmless. Many
who are now blind might have saved
meir eyes , nad they started to
care ror them in time. This is a ;mni
treatment but marvelously effective in
mu.umaos or cases. Now that you
have been warned don't dolav a. av
but do what you can to save your eyes'
ua you win thank us as lono- AH vnn
nve ror pupiiatting this prescription.
i, o J
pistol. Max says that he "fears for
nis me."
London Names Are Used.
Anglo-mania has struck Brnmtw
with a vengeance. Rector's hotel and
restaurant at Fortv-fouiftJi
oenig remodeled and will ha cji11,i
Uandgo's. That is the name of the
most famous and exclusive of th T.n.
don hotols. Rector's which has for
several generations been a well known
name in Now York's restaurant, nn
hotel history, will be perpetuated by
uoorgo Hector's new restaurant at.
Forty-eighth street. Another instance
of the Kngliah influence is the new
Btrniiil theater being built at Forty
Seventh and Broadway.
Move Acids, Gasos and Clogged-Up
Waste From Stomach, Liver,
Bowels Cure Indigestion.
Got a 10-cent box now.
That awful conriiess, belching of acid
and foul gasesj that pain in tho pit
of the stomach, the heartburn, nervous-
noss, nausea, bloating after eating, diz-
zinoss and sick headache, means a dis
ordered stomach, which cannot bo reg
nlatod until you remove tho cause. It
isn 't your stomach 's fault. Your stom
ach is as good as any.
Try Cascarets; thoy immediately
cleanse the atonuich, romove the sour,
undigOBted and fermenting food and
foul gases; take the excoss bile from
tho llvor and carry off the constipated
waste mattor and poison from the
bowols. Then your stomach trouble Is
ended. A Cascarot tonight will
stralghton you out by morning a 10
'cent box from any drug store will keen
your stomach sweet; liver and bowols
regular for months. Don't forgot the
children their littlo inside need a
good, gentle cleansing, too.
Lebanon, Or., Oct. 13, A sheriff.
posse Is today still searching for hnr.
glars who Friday night dynamited the
sare in Reeves-Clark company's urn.
eery and escaped with an amount esti
mated at $2000.
The Intruder scattered vlnenar ov.
er the grocery stock, presumably to
hill the scent so that blood hounds
could not bo used In tracking them.
Washington, Oct. 1.1. Attorney Gen
eral McHeynold has appointed Juincs
V. Orr of Atchlnson, Knn., to prose
cute the suit against the Southern Fa
elfie, Involving It Central Pacific
'The people are the best judge of
merit, ' snld Toor Richard. For near
ly forty year women have been buy
ing Lydia K, Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound; they keep on buying It, and
they will continue to buy It just as
ong as It proves such a wonderful Suc
re in curing female ills. Kuormoiis
quantities of mots and herbs are ued
annually lu making this goad old fash
ioned remedy and the test of time has
proved It merit,
Isarnal Want Aa Brine Ke'altv
Children Cry
The Markets
Hops are at a standstill as growers
are not listening to the song sung by
the sirens with the refrain of 25 cents.
That is why there are no sales. The
growers have arrived at the conclusion
that prices are going to be much higher,
and they know no reason why they
should not have at least a part of this
increase. They can see no reason why
hops should be selling at 42 cents in
New York and 25 cents here. The crop
could be sent east by mail and then
leave a profit for the growers over the
25-ceut price. A few sales are report
ed at 25 cents, but they are small and I
few. The egg market is a live one, and
the price tends steadily upward. The
quotations are now 40 cents. The
wheat market is dead and produce re
mains unchanged.
Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc.
Wheat Track prices: New Club,
78c; new Bluestem, 88c; new Fortyfold,
79c; new Red Russian, 77c; Fife, 79c;
Valley, 79e.
Millstuffs Bran, $23.50 per ton;
shorts, $24; middlings, $31.
Flour Patents, $4.70 per barrel;
straights, $4.10; exports, $3.654.65;
valley, $4.70; graham, $4.60; whole
wheat, $4.80.
Corn Whole, $37; cracked, $38 per
Hay Fancy Idaho timothy, $1718;
fancy eastern Oregon timothy, $1516;
timothy and clover, $1415; timothy
and alfalfa, $1315; clover, $8.5010;
oats and vetch, $1011; cheat, 1011;
valley grain hay, $10(311.
Oats No. 1, white, $2523.50 per
Barley Feed, $25.50 per ton; brew
ing, nominal; rolled, $2728.
Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc.
Dried Fruits Apples, 10c per lb.;
currants, 10c; apricots, 1214c; peach
es, 8llc; prunes, Italian, 810c; sil
ver, 18c; figs, white and black, 6
7Msc; raisins, loose Muscatel, 64
7Vic; bleached Thompson, llc; un
bleached Sultanas, SYja; seeded, 7
Coffee Roasted in drums, 1832o
per lb.
Nuts Walnuts, 17V318c per lb.;
Brazil nuts, 120; filberts, 15c; al
monds, 1618c; pocans, 17c; cocoanuts,
90c$1.00 per dozen.
Salt Granulated, $14 per ton; half
ground, 100c, $10 per ton; 50s, $10.75
per ton.
Beans Small white, $6.50; large,
White, $5.50; Lima, $0.30; pink, $4.15;
red Mexicans, 5c; bayou, $4.16.
Iiice No. 1 Japan, 55Vic; cheaper
grades, 4Vic; southern head, 56c.
Honey Choice, $3.253.75 per case.
Sugar Dry granulated, $5.35; fruit
and berry, $5.33; beot, $5.13; Extra C,
$4.S3; powdered, barrols, $5.00; cubes,
barrels, $5.73.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Apples Now, 00c$2.50 per box;
apricots, 75c$1.25 per box; canta
loupes, $1.251.50 per 'crate; peaches,
4060c per box; watermelons, $1.25 per
cwt.j plums, 3050c per box; pears,
75c$1.50 por box; grapes, 50c$1.15
per crate; casabas, $1.75 per dozen.
Tropical Fruits Oranges, Valencia,
$4; navols, $4.505:50; Florida grape
fruit, $5.507; lomons, $8.5010 per
box; pineapples, 7o per lb.
Vogetobles Beans, 34o per lb.;
Remember Always !!
That if you vote Salem dry you cannot buy from a drug
tore Alcohol, Brandy, Whiskey, Gip, Wine, Rock and
Rye or Rum for sickness or otherwise, unless you get a
prescription from a physician each time you wish to make
a purchase. It makes no difference how urgent the
case may be a druggist who would let you have it with
out a prescription would lay himself liable to a fine of
from $50 to $500. Read Section 2, Chapter 2 of the Lo.
cal Option Act, General Laws of Oregon, 1905.
I Extra!
For the first tim in
of Marion and Polk counties can secure .11 kij!P t
sacks . t right price, in this city, Sd of Ending'
he.r tune and money in go n? to Portland. We are pay.
ing one cent a pound for .11 kinds of rags. We al.J 2l
paying $ 3 per ton for all kinds of cast ron HiK !
prices paid for all kinds of old clothes hou.TM 8 '?
and furniture. We buy irSSl
needle to a p.ece of gold. All kind, of tool, and m.
aE;.b0U8ht ndM Thehou.-?
- Salem,0regon PHon.M.i224
cabbage, le per lb.; cauliflower, $2
per crate; corn, 1015c per dot; eu
cumbers, 2040e per box; eggplant,
57c per pound; head lettuce, 3540o
per dozen; peas, 57o per pound; pep
pers, 68e pound; radishes, 1012e
per dozen; tomatoes, 4060c per box;
garlic, 10c per pound.
Potatoes New, 75c$l per ewt.j
aweets, $2.25 per crate.
Onions Oregon, $1.50 per sack.
Dairy and Country Produce.
Butter Oregon creamery, solid pack,
30c per lb.; prints,' box lots, 34c.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 3435o per doz.
Cheese Oregon Triplets, 16e; Dai
sies, 17c; Young America, lSe,
turkeys, live, 20c, dressed, 25o.
Veal Fancy 1516c per pound.
Pork Fancy, 12c per lb.
Hama 10 to 12 lbs., 2122c; 12 to
14 lbs., 2122c; picnics, 14c; cottage
roll, 17e.
Bacon Fancy, 2930c; standard, 25
26c; English, 2122c.
Lard In tierces, choice, 14c; com
pound, 9c.
Dry Salt Meats Backs, dry salt, 13
14c; backs, smoked, 1415c;
bellies, dry salt, 14c; smoked, 16c
Smoked Meats Beef tongues, 25c;
dried beef Bets, 22c; outsides, 20c; in
side, 23c; knuckles, 21c.
, Pickled Goods Barrels, pigs feet,
$14; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb
tripe, $12; lunch tonngues, $22; lambs'
tongues, $40.
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc.
Hops 1913 contracts, 27c; 1912
crop, nominal.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 1016o per
lb.; valley, 1618c.
Mohair Choice, 2526c per id.
Hides Salted, 12c per lb.; salted calf
1617c; salted kip, 12c; salted stag,
6Vjc; green-hides, llc; dry hides, 21e;
dry calf, No. 1, 25oj dry stags, 12
Bran, per ton $25.00
Shorts, per ton $27.00
Wheat, per bushel 80c
Oats, per bushel 3233c
Chittim Bark, per lb .45c
Hay, Timothy $15.00
Oats and vetch $11.00
Clover, per ton $9.00
Cheat, per ton $11.00
Butter and Eggs,
Butterfat, per lb., f. o. b. Salem. 34c
Creamery butter, per lb 35o
Country butter, per lb 30c
Eggs, per dozen 320
Fryers Ue
Hons, per lb 2e
Roostors, per lb 8o
Steers 7go
Cows, per cwt 45a
Hogs, fat, per lb 89c
Stock ogs, per ft 7 to 7o
Ewes, per ft 4,
pring lambs, per lb 4Vj5o
Veal, according to quality ll13c
Dry, per lb.
Salted country pelts, each ,
Lamb pelts, each
It's funny how folks completely tnk
on in on one marringo are easily fooled
Children Cry
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