DAILY CAPITAL JOTJENAL, BALEM, OEXOOIT, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1913. PAGE THREE. 10 fruited States Government Planning i Tests in Order to Safeguard the ! Public From Injury. 3OL0EBLINDNES3 ONE OP i OBEAT CAUSES OP WBECES. .defective Hearing, Mental Disease and I Organic Heart Trouble Also Ee I sponsible for Mishaps. ! BY BUBTON K. STANDISH. (Written for the United Press). Washington, Oct. 8. Imagine your self rilling on a trtain. Then imagine little more and ask if tho engineer i of sound mind; affected with heart 'rouble; colorblindness; a subject of wjilopsy, paresis or some other sinis ter malady that may cause him wrong ijf to read signals or drop from his seat at the throttle. He is responsible far your safety. Imagine some more and place yourself aboard an electric steamboat or in a cross country automobile. Transfer your imaginings to) the motorman, pilot or chauffeur whatever the man in charge of yourJ Silifcty may be. Is he mentally and physically sound f This subjest is now before the United Vfitates Public Health Service. Surgeon i eneral Rupert Blue will soon ask Con fess to frame a law placing tho pow f to examine annually the custodians oif public safety in interstate traffic in the hands of the Health Service. The langor of wrecks on railroads, steam ships and electric cars and of automo aniies is expected to be materially min imized if the plan is carried out. A rigid annual examination would t)(V required. It would include tosts for defective eyesight, defective hear ing, mental diseases and organic hdart trouble. Tho holding of yearly physi cal tests of every man who runs a train or steamship or electric car and nho is responsible for the lives of hun dreds of persons each day will, it. is believed tend to eliminate one of the principal causes of wroclis. Officers of the Public Health Service are of the conviction that physical unfitness is responsible for more wrocks than most jvople realize, particularly in the dis inters caused by engineers running heedlessly past signals. I Colorblindness Bad. Colorblindness is responsible for snore wrecks than have evor been at tributed to this defect, the surgeons bolieve. People suffer from this ail Wi'int and little suspect it. Reds, greens ii nd browns look almost alike to peo ple who are colorblind. Tests for hearing is also important. Uetec.tion of unusual sounds, the pecu liar thump of a broken flang or oth or dangerous conditions of rapidly re volving machinery has often provented wrecks. The test for organic heart trouble would pufveht many disasters, I'ublic Health surgeons declare. Cases 5W on record where engineers have died .suddenly at the throttlo while tho train wont crashing on with its load of hu man freight. Mental ' troubles are al held responsible for many wrecks, "I'lje effect of "past alcoholism" is of ten the cause of mental disorders, uresis the slow loss of mental facul ties bringing with it epilepsy, the sud Aon fainting fit or other disorders that flight cause the engineor, pilot or mo li mian to send his human cargo to iah and injury despito signals. The cry for "Safety First" not only Act Quickly Don't wait until you have some ail ment caused by Door digestion, biliousness, or by inactive bowels which may lead to a serious sickness. Immediate relief is afforded by that best corrective and preventive t SU OTMTwUn. b ban. 10, IS MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS s . II ii - . . . . . tW A - V : mJ U f Ts-efe an'th wrt tM ,i Pecys) flo ?m s out wth tu f ht e. to 0 jtt . but as " PorV j p w'T-'lt., "l" ( eePid' cqmPcv ip some twea woMerj gy?weu. .pY pur I "u too ht , Mpp about vq: m j Knees Became Stiff Five Years of Severe Rheumatistv The cure ot Henry J. Goldstein, 1 Barton Street, Boston, Mass., Is anoth er victory by Hood's Sursapariila. This great medicine has succeeded In many cases where others have utterly failed. Mr. Goldstein says: "I suf fered from rheumatism live years It kept me from business and caused ex cruciating pain. My knees would be come as stiff as steel. I tried many medicines without relief, then took Hood's Snraaparllla, soon felt much better, and now consider myself en tirely cured. I recommend Hood's." Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. applies to-modern steel equipment for railroads, efficient and safe signal sys tems and proper time schedules, but to the man at the throttle, the wheel, or the controller, Public Health Sur geons assert. Byrnes is Glad. Every time the House Banking and Currency committee holds a meeting, Representative Byrnes, or S. (J., a Dem ocrat, pats himself on the back and congratulates himself that he is no longer a member of that particular committee. For several years Byrnes was a Banking committee senior, rank ing well up toward tho top of tho list and in lino prospectively for the chair manship. Because of the Democratic bickering and internal dissension on the committee, Byrnes now says he is glad he retired last March. Why Byrnes gave up a senior posi tion on the Banking committee, which has charge of currency legislation, is an open secret. The Banking commit mittoe is one of the most important In the House, at that Byrnes was" inter ested in the work and served promi nently as a member of the Pujo money trust investigation committee. But he is a lawyer, a young one, ambitious and prominent in his state. He successful ly defended "Beauty" Beach, charged with assaulting Mrs. Beach who was formerly Mrs. Havemeyor, with a pen knife. Figuring that he might help his per sonal fortunes by remaining on the Banking committee during the publicity given the currency legislation, Byrnes believes the banking committee will be a "dead one" almost a political mor gue, after the currency bill is passed in the House. So he resigned from the committee in the hope of boing of more service in other committee work. Cullop is Oil Magnate, Representative Cullop is a budding "oil magnate." He and friends "at home" are owners of aa oil well in Ohio which Cullop thinks is going to make all hands rich, maybe. During the hottest time in Cullop 's fight for publicity of indorsements of federal bench appointees, Cujuop received a telegram that his oil well wits spouting like a house afire a gushed, it was roported. Cullop made a flying trip to Ohio, a week end journey. He threw a few shirts and socks into a suit case and "beat it" for the first train to Ohio. Now Cullop is confid ing to a few intimate friends that the gushing reports were somewhat exag gerated. APPLE TREE ANTHRACNOSE SHOULD BE TREATED NOW. DNITBD MESS LHiSED WIDE. Oregon Agricultural College, Corval lis, Ore., Oct. 8. Apple growers should spray thoir troos with the .0-6-50 Bor doau mixture as soon as possible after the fruit is picked if they are to get the best protection from appletree an thracnose, according to the recommen dations of Profossor H. S. Jackson, of the department of plant pathology, Oregon Agricultural collegt. ''Growers should begin to make prep aration for tho annual full sprayings for apple tree anthracnose, " continued Professor Jackson. "Last season was an ideal one for the development of this disease, and in many orchards it seems to have incroased, especially in orchards which wore not sprayed last fall. It is important that the spray be applied as early as possible. If young orchards, not in bearing, are to be protected the spraying should not be delayed, but should be put on at once. ' ' Where the disease is very abundant and causing a groat deal of damage, two sprayings should be put on, about three weeks apart. Where the disease is esecially serious it is advisable to tttttltttMHHItltttHlttMimtlMUHHUtHUHtt The Markets 4t4 Orders from London yesterday sent hops up half a cent and gave indica ttions of the demand there. It also in dicated that the attempt to hold prices down has begun to weaken, and that they will soon go to a price here that will more nearly correspond with the prices abroad and in New York, Al bert Banister, of London, in his annual review of the hop situation, advises brewers to "lay in their supplies at once, as prices are sure to advance and the crop is not large enough to supply the demand." This is also a notice to growers to hold on and stand for better prices. They cannot go lower and grow ers take no chances in holding, for re ports from all points show a big short age and "not enough hops to meet the demand. ' ' Wheat is sluggish, and the produce and poultry markets unchanged, eggs alone showing an advance. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. Wheat Track prices: New Club, 78c; new Bluestom, 88c; new Fortyfold, 79c; new Red Russian, 77c; Fife, 79c'; Valley, 79c. Millstuffs Bran, $23.50 per ton; shorts, $24; middlings, $31. Flour Patents, $4.70 per barrel; straights, $4.10; exports, $3.654.65; valley, $4.70; graham, $4.60; whole wheat, $4.80. Corn Whole, $37; cracked, $38 per ton. Hay Fancy Idaho timothy, f 1718; fancy eastern Oregon timothy, $1516; timothy and clover, $1415; timothy and alfalfa, $1315; clover, $8.5010; oats and vetch, $1011; cheat, 1011; valley grain hay,- $10(311. Oats No. 1, white, $2525.50 per ton. Barley Feed, $25.50 per ton; brew ing, nominal; rolled, $2728. Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc. Dried Fruits Apples, 10c per lb.; currants, 10c; apricots, 1214c; peach es, 8llc; prunes, Italian, 810ej sil ver, 18c; figs, white and black, C 7V-c; raisins, loose Muscatel, 64 7Vc; bleached Thompson, llc; un bleached Sultanas, 8V4c; seeded, 7 81jc. Coffee Roasted in drums, 1832o per lb. Nuts Walnuts, 17Vj18o per lb.; Brazil nuts, 12c; filberts, 15c; al monds, 1618c; pecans, 17c; cocoanuts, 90c$1.00 per dozen. Salt Granulated, $14 per ton; half- ground, 100c, $10 per ton; 60s, $10.75 per ton. Beans Small white, $6.50; large, White, $5.50; Lima, $0.30; pink, $4.15; red Mexicans, 5c; bayou, $4.15. Rice No. 1 Japan, 55c; cheaper grades, 4Vjc; southern head, 56c. Honey Choice, $3.253.75 per case. Sugar Dry granulated, $5.35; fruit and berry, $5.35; beot, $5.15; Extra C, $4.85; powdered, barrels, $5.60; cubes, barrels, $5.75. Fruits and Vegetables. Apples Now, 60c$2.50 per box; apricots, 75c$1.25 per box; canta loupes, $1.251.50 per crate; peaches, 4000c per box; watermelons, $1.25 peT cwt.; plums, 3050o per box; pears, 75c$1.50 per box; grapes, 50c$1.15 per crate; casabas, $1.75 per dozen. Tropical Fruits Oranges, Valencia, $4; navels, $4.505:50; Florida grape spray before the fruit is picked, mak ing application before the fall raini if possible. "Whilo it is advisable to prune out the 'more seriously infected branches before Bpraying, the spraying is the more important and should be given tho preference. The pruning may be done as soon as possible after the spraying. All affected branches should be removed from, the orchard and burned as Boon as cut off, since thoy would be a source of infoction if al lowed to remain on the ground. "80 far as practical it is advisable to cloan out the dead bark wherever cangors are formed, and if wounds are large to protect them with grafting wax or paint. It has been shown that bark in cankers may be a source of infoction for three years. Its removal is further advisablo as it offers pro tection to various insects, especially - tTH fruit, $5.507; lemons, $8.5010 per box; pineapples, 7c per lb. Vegetables Beans, 34e per lb.; cabbage, lo per lb.; cauliflower, $2 per crate; corn,' 1015c per do.; cu cumbers, 2040c per box; eggplant, 57o per pound; head lettuce, 3540c per dozen; peas, 57o per pound; pep pers, 68c pound; radishes, 1012o per dozen; tomatoes, 4060c per box; garlic, 10c per pound. Potatoes New, 75c$l par ' ewt.; sweets, $2.25 per crate Onions Oregon, $1.50 per sack. Dairy and Country Produce. Butter Oregon creamery, solid pack, 30c per lb.; prints, box lots, 34c. Eggs Oregon ranch, 3435c per doz. Cheese Oregon Triplets, 16o; Dai sies, 17c; Young America, 18c. turkeys, live, 20c, dressed, 25c. Veal Fancy 1516c per pound. Pork Fancy, 12c per lb. Provisions. ' Hams 10 to 12 lbs., 2122c; 12 to 14 lbs.,'2122c; picnics, HVjC; cottage roll, 17c. Bacon Fancy, 2930c; standard, 25 26c; English, 2122c. Lard In tierces, choice, 14c; com pound, Bc. Dry Salt Meats Backs, dry salt, 13 14c; backs, smoked, 1415oj bellies, dry salt, 14c; smoked, 18c. Smoked Meats Beef tongues, 25c; dried beef sets, 22c; outsides, 20c; in sides, 23c; knuckles, 21c. Pickled Goods Barrels,, pigs feet, $14; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb tripe, $12; lunch tonngues, $22; lambs' tongues, $40. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. Hops 1913 contracts, 27c; 1912 crop, nominal. Wool Eastern Oregon, 1016c per lb.; valloy, 1618c. Mohair Choice, 2526o per lb. Hides Salted, 12c per lb.; salted ealf 1617c; salted kip, 12o; salted stag, OV&c; green hides, llc; dry hides, 21o; dry calf, No. 1, 25c; dry stags, 12 13c. LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKET. Bran, per ton ...$25.00 Shorts, per ton $27.00 Wheat, per bushel 80c Oats, per bushel ...3233c Chittim Bark, per lb 4'i5c Hay, Timothy $15.00 Oats and vetch , $11.00 Clover, per ton $9.00 Cheat, per ton $11.00 Butter and Eggs. Butterfat, per lb., f. 0. b. Salem .'....34c Creamery butter, per lb 35c Country butter, per lb 30c K(fS8i per dozen 32c Poultry. Fryers 14c Hens, por lb 2c Roosters, per lb 8c Steers. , Steers . 78o Cows, per cwt ... 45c Hogs, fat, per lb . ...89c Stock ogs, per lb .. Ewes, per lb . ...7 to 7c 4c pring lambs, per lb . 45c Veal, according to quality ...ll13c Pelts. Dry, per lb. Jie Salted country pelts, each ...65c$l Lamb pelts, each 25e the woolly apjis, if allowed to remain ou the tree. "The development of very small cankers, if detected in the winter, may often be prevented by shaving off in the thin outer layer of bark. This will allow the cankers to dry out and will to a largo extent prevent the for mation of Bores in the fall. This meth od is practical only on very young treos, and in any case should be con sidered merely supplementary to spray ing." There has recently been started a society in New York for the improve ment of waiters. Good idea if they can develop some thumbloBS ones to serve ths soup. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A SWEATE Every school girl needs a warm sweater such as we carry. All styles and weaves are here in V-neck,mili-tary, sailor and ruff-necks. Priced $1.48 to $6.50 Just received a special lot of Children's Ruff-neck Sweaters cardinal, oxford, navy. Lot I. $2.48 Lot II. $1.48 SUITS COATS DRESSES $15.00 to $50.00 $8.75 to $50.00 $6.50 to $45.00 FRANCES ALDA 18 . superb as mm. It was not until last season, that Frances Alda had her chance to sing the role of Mimi at the Metropolitan opera house, in Now York, a theater where oldt'r favoritos had won their successes as Pucciniui's fascinating but frail heroine. Advance notices disclosed nothing of 'what Madame Al da would do in the now role, new for hor but the public which had so great ly admired her Desdomona, was pro pared to enjoy Alda's Mimi quite as keenly. The consensus of opinions the day after the performance resulted as Alda's public predicted it was an ov erwhelming triumph for the Australian soprano. William J. Henderson, the New York Sun critic, one who most singers fear, stated in his roviow: "Madame Alda's singing of the mu sic of Mimi, had ths charms of natur al beauty of voice and simplicity o style." Mr. Krohbiel, of the Tribune, declar ed in his ropbrt: "But no apology was nooded for Ma dame Alda lust night. Hor voice has the frosh youthful quality, which lov ers of the play like to assoc'iaiu with tho fragile heroiuo, and the music is easily within its technical demand, and her skill as an actress compasses all its histrionic needs. " Tho Morning Tolcgmph waxod elo quent in its essay: "Alda's throat, like an abundant fountain, poured forth floods of crys talline song. Her tones woro full and free and true. Thoy roflocted hor emotion as dewdrop rofloct tho morn ing sunlight. Her Mimi was a winsome and floworlike woman, Bwaycd like a flower in the wind, by tho desire of tho moment and like the flower quick ly fading Into death." The press closed its comments on Alda's impersonation with those strong words: "Connoisseurs have always recogniz ed the natural beauty of Madame Al da's voice." In the third act, the Boprano obtained admirable results vo cally and histrionically, winning many curtain calls and flowers." EMPLOYE KILLED BY AN S. P. . Oluf Olson, a native of Sweden, mot death yesterday by being hit by a spe cial 8, P. work train, near Turner. The theory of Bulclde was popular for a RS fcVuiT MERCHANDISE ERCHANDISC. im sttcct ccrwiai time, but, upon investigation by Coro ner Clough, it was found that Olson failed to hear tho approaching train, and was struck by accident. According to the information received by the cor oner, Olson had just come to work on he section gang, and, after depositing his lunch in a building nearby, Btarted to walk np the track. The train ap proached him from behind, and the en gineer gave several warning whistles, but the man did not look around. The pilot of the engine hit Olsen and threw him to the side of the track. His head came in contact with a tie, and death resulted instantly. The dead man has a wife and son here, and has been in the country but a short time. FACT. Local Evidence. Evidence that can bs verifed. Fact is what we want. Opinion is not enough. Opinions differ. Here's a Salem fact. You can test it. F. A. Sutton, tent and awning dealer, Salem, Oregon, says: "I had kidnoy trouble and rhoumatism for ten years and Bometimos I was laid up. Doctors did not holp me. Sharp pains extended through my back and were most severe in my kidneys and loins. Often when Mount ,Crest Abbey Mausoleum SALEM This beautiful Mausoleum will be completed on or about December first. You are invited to inspect the construction of this build j Ing in City View Cemetery. . SUBSCRIBE NOW Plans and specifications on file in Salem office. Portland Mausoleum Co. Boom 301 Hubbard building. By Gross v' yvA - 'POPULAR 1TATt- pRiCtE' m j working, I had to give up. I lost I weight and was in very poor health. I , had headaches, rested but little at night 'and did not know what to do. On a friend's advice I tried Doan's Kidney Pills and to my surprise, thoy brought a great Improvement in a few davs. I continued to got better steadily. I got more sleep, my appetite improved and the pains gradually, but surely, left me. After I had used three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, I was in better health, than I had been for ten yean and not a sign of kidney complaint remained. Tho cure has been permanent. I gladly confirm the testimonial I gave several yoprs ago." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostar-MUburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doai's and take no other. Exhibition Game. E. H. E. Cleveland Americans ....... 2 8 0 Pittsburg Nationals ,. , ..1 .7 2 Gregg and O'Noil; Robinson and Si- Demand and supply go hand in hand. An indecent public exhibition Is the re sult of a demand for that sort of thing. Phone 39 HENRY JR. SAYS UUAN Pl5SL 1 ft Hie k!rz)rin . 5 iw