Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 07, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Hiiiiif iiiimiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiciiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiinuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiii
A Woman's Rain Coat Sale j
of Unusual Interest
6. ,
A timely event U this special offering of Women's Tan Rub
berized Rain Coats. They are well made of a good quality
rubberized cloth material, and are actually worth more than
$5.00. We are selling them now at this low price for quick
$3.89 Each
See the big rack of these in the Ready-to-Wear Section. The
value will surprise you.
aillllllllllltllllllllllllillllilll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIllHIIIlllIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIlllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllMIUIIII
Concord Wat Selected After Fifty
Years of Controversy.
The name of Concord, N. H., was
given to the town after a controversy
which lasted fifty years. In 1725 the
land now within Its bounds was grant
ed to the colonists under the name of
Peacock by the colony of Massachu
setts: This claim was disputed by the
colony of New Hampshire, which two
years later granted this same land to
the township of Bow. 1733 Massachn
Betts Incorporated Peacock Into a
township named Kumford, and for
more than forty years a fierce legal
controversy was carried on. No agree
ment could be reached, and the mat
ter was taken to the authorities in
England, but even then there wag nc
satisfactory nor permanent settlement
In the face of an evident leaning
toward the claims of Bow. both in
England and in America, the little
band of colonists In Bumford fought
on vnllantly, and In 17CT an act of
Incorporation was granted to the In
habitants of Rumford. This was still
highly unsatisfactory because It only
made them a parish In the town of
The controversy continued until 1774.
when It was. finally settled and an
Independent town was formed under
the name of Concord. It was due to
the devotion of the little band of
cettlers to their cause and the unity
which existed among them that the
Independent incorporation of the town
was finally obtaiued. and it was emi
nently fitting that the concord which
existed between them during the strug
gle of nearly fifty years should be
memorialized In their town a name.
Ladles' Home Journal.
(Continued from page one.) I JQ "" X UC
en a rousing reception. The Athletics
appeared two miautes later.
Giants Have New Garb.
The Giants appeared in new hosiery
and hats, which Managers McGraw
looked spick and span in a new suit.
The opposing players shook hands and
then posed for the photographers.
The Athletics wore muddy uniforms,
the same thev have worked in all vear.
The Score:
Philadelphia. . R. II. 0. A. E.
Murphy, rf 0 12 0 0
Ol.lring, If 0 12 0 0
Collins, 2b 3 3 4 3 0
Baker, 3b .". 13 12 0
Mclnnes, lb 0 1 10 0 0
Strunk, cf ...... . 1 0 3 0 0
Barry, as 1113 1
Sehang, c 0 14 10
Bender, p 0 0 0 2 0
Totals 6 11 27 11 1
Capital City Brevities
Dr. F. L. Utter, dentist, suite 415-41(1-417
Masonic building.
Green, McDole k Green, chiroprac
tors. Booms 303-304 Hubbard building.
Councilman Rigdon has returned af
ter a brief business visit to Portland.
Hon. R. A. Bensell and wife have re
turned to their home in Toledo, after
visiting Salem friends. ,
Mr. and Mrs. 8ijuire Farrar have re
turned to their home in this city after
cinjoying an outing at Nye beach.
Members of Woman's club can secure
tickets for the breakfast of October 11
at Patton bonk store. Wednesday Oc
tober 8, from 2 until 5 o'clock.
Children's eyes. I exercise the great
est care and make it a specialty. Dr.
Mendelsohn, Doctor of Optics, U. 8.
bank building.
County Clerk Gchlhar today issued a
marriage license to A. P, Elswick, of
Brownsville, and Bertha E. King, of
About the most Interested party in
the great national championship game
today is Lou Pickard. There is a rea
son. Lou has several hundred dollars
at stake.
A marriage ceremony was performed
yesterday afternoon by City Recordor
Elgin, Charles IT. O'Neill, of McMinn
vlllo, and Lena Mirihouser, of this city,
being the principals.
We wish to thank the many kind
friends for their kindness and the beau
tiful floral offerings during the sick
rtcss and loss of our beloved sister.
Schirmer sisters and brothers.
No students or beginners to experi
ment on j our eyes; 31 years of practic
al experience and my ability for fit
ting glasses is well established Dr.
Mendelsohn, Doctor of Optics, U, S.
bank building.
.. M. Hermann, the man arrested
last Sunday for violating tho game
laws, is sore. He, in fact, Is very sore.
"If the ilod gnsted, ding-busted state
needs guns and dogs so bad, I will buy
some more and donnte them to it" said
Hermann today. Tim arresting officer
took Hermann's hunting material, and
he is mad onough to fight today.
Lizzie II, Henline this morning filed
Mrs. Bessie Wheeler-Cooper, who re
sides on High street, is the hostess of
T. N. Halleck and daughter, Mrs. By-
bee, of Ashland.
The Ladies' Aid of Salem Heights
will be entertained by Mrs. Henry Pas-
coe Wednesday afternoon, October 8.
AH members are urged to atetnd.
Kay Johnson, a business man of Sil
verton, was a business visitor here yes
terday. Mr. Johnson reports business
in the Davenport town on the boom.
The opening party of MisB Florence
Cloutier's junior dancing class will be
held Saturday afternoon, October 11,
and every following Saturday, instead
of Tuesday, as previously announced.
Viavi office now located at 407 Hub
bard building, State and High streets.
Telephone Main 555. Offico hours
1:30 to 5 p. m. Appointments at any
time, free neaitn lectures weekly,
Clara Moshor, managor.
E. L. Campbell has opened a place of
business at 4iiS Forry street, where ho
is prepared to do all kinds of high
grade painting. Ho makes1 a specialty
of auto painting and carriage finish
ing. He conies to Salem highly recom-
Tim Crawford race horse mBn and
capitalist, is in tho city visiting some
of his old friends. Crawford has been
following tho southern circuit for the
past few months, and is now taking a
little spin north to renew old acquaint
The members of Sedgwick Relief
Corps No. 1 will be entertained Thurs
day, October 0, by Mrs. Maggio ('ado, of
West Salem, for thoir usual afternoon
of sewing. Tho hostess will be assisted
by Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Bales. A fine
time Is assurod all who ran attend.
Ray Richardson, of tho firm of Rig-
dnn tc Hichnrdson, undertakers, today
unboxed ono of tho most elaborato cas
kots ever seen in tho city. It is a mag
nificent affair, and, whilo no ono is
scheduled to fill tho box ns yet, it is al
most grand enough to afford rest for a
live man. ,
At tho regular nioeting of tho Minis
terial I'nlnn, hold Monday afternoon,
current topics were discussed. Signifi-
Xew York. R. H. O. A. E.
Schafer, cf 0 13 0 0
Doyle, 2b 12 2
Fletcher, ss 0 2 2
Burns, If 0 13
Herzog, 3b 0 0 1
Murray, rf 0 2 1
Meyers, c 0 0 4
Merkle, lb 2 2 11
a comprint In the circuit court against rl",t 8,'l,io" wtt" lttk"n in 11,0 "',Rtion of
Harvey H. Henline, in which sho asks
for a divorce on the grounds of rruel
a committee of comity to act as an ad
visory board in cases of situations aris-
and Inhuman treatment. The plaintiff! ln tween ohurches,. calling for
alleges that the defendant knocked her B,1,"tmt mediation. Tho corn
down several times, told her to go to,mit,,,0 eon"ll,u of I,CVl J- Irvi"0' F
hades, and performed many other acts , T' rrti,r' T' Uncock, A. A. Winters
which eonstituto Inhuman treatment, j Bml K nrn"
He found these hindrances. If you 1 Kvorr co,or hh,U aml ln broa,V
are a poor penman, slow at figures, un- p,0,n' wo1 ra,inw"' l,,Bln ml b'
able to use a typewriter, with no know)- velvets. Beautiful tones in cnmblna
edge of bookkeeping and lad ability tlon ""ItinRn, brocaded silks, plushes,
to write a good business letter, yon are whitn Mm- Brn'S'tm of every do
greatly handicapped for efficient ser- wrlption. Wool voloiirs for plain and
vice and quick promotion In the busl- '"',v suits. Tailored In latest prevail
arm world. Why start life with such a I"K fashion or to laste. Fit guaran
handicap, when a course at tho Capital toed. Suits and coats .12.50 and up.
Business College will remove Itt New A. 8. Kar.march, ladiee' tailoring,
classes ln arithmetic, commercial law, rooms 2 and 8, Brewer building, Court
English, etc, next Monday. and Liberty streets
ACADEMY of the
Under the direction of the Sistert of the Holy Names
Most approved methods, Primary, Grammar and High School Depart
ments. Complete eoerat ln Music. No intorforence with religion of
Scholastlo year begins third Monday to September.
Dr. May, nerve specialist. Masonic
Mr. and Mrs. John Savage have re
turned to their home in Astoria, after
spending a week visiting Salem friends.
Ralph Smith, of Dallas, spent Sun
day here.
On account of having relatives there,
Miss Marie Wells has gone to Forest
Grove to enter the university at that
Up to the present time, there have
been 62 applications filed in the county
clerk's office for widow's pensions.
None of these applications have been
granted as yet, notwithstanding the
fact that County Judge Bushcy has
considered over half of them.
The last state fair was the best of all
according to Joha Holman, of Portland
who has attended the big show for
years. Mr. Holman was highly pleased
with the fair, and hopes to see a still
better one, if possible.
The rooms of the promotion depart
ment of tho Commercial club were lit
tered today with Marion county ex
hibits, and it is kcoping Secretary By
non and his assistants busy finding a
place for all of the prize farm produce.
After serving for over a year as
chaplain of the penitentiary and the
Oregon Training school, Rev. P. E.
Bauer has resigned. It is rumored that
Rev. Bauer will act as a special agent
for Governor West in the future.
A well-known lumberman in the per
son of Goorge Gerlingcr is in the city
on business. Mr. Gerlinger Is from Dal
las, and was formerly connected with
the Salem, Falls City & Western road.
Jack Prngue, traveling salesman 'and
bosom friend of Jim McEvoy, one of
I the proprietors of the Chicago Store,
. ... t.. ti! i ! r
is in me cu.y niisuing imisiiichh. .ir.
Prague and Mr. McEvoy have known
each other for years, and that the
former is shown a merry time every
time ho drops off here, remains with
out saying.
Eber T'tter, brother of Dr. I'tter, of
this city, has gone to Portland to take
up tho study of dentistry.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Barry aro today
tho happy father and mother of a
bouncing baby girl, the little one hav
ing arrived October 4 at the Salem
After experiencing considerable pain
and trouble with one of his ears, Frank
Meyers, of the Spa confectionery store,
Is able to be about again, Mr. Movers
was laid up for about 10 days.
The city council met at 7:30 last ev
ening, tho winter schedule being In ef
fect. During the summer months the
council met at 8 p. m.
The supreme court today Is holding
an Inquest on 21 students who are de
sirous of being admitted to the bar.
They are a pretty bright looking lot of
young fellows, but we hope none arc
drawing so much water they cannot
cross the bar. ' The trouble with most
crops of this kind Is that they are har
vested too green.
Among those taking the state bar ex
amination today is Miss Nettie May
Rankin, who taught school here four
years ago, and who Is now a teacher
In the Hawthorne school In Portland".
Sim taught in the East school here s
vear and a half. She has been tnklnir
a law course In the University of Ore
gon law department at Tortlnnd.
Simple Trick by Which the Woodsmsn
Escaped a Stinging.
A man on bis first trip Into the wilds
and marshes of mi unknown country
with the United States drainage engi
neers was struck by a unique method ,
they have to escape from the attack
of wasps and hornets. The country
traversed la generally covered with
thick undergrowth, and a path has to
be cut through this all along the line.
So when a big wasp nest Is reached
there Is very little warning, some
times the axmen cutting Into a big one
with their machetes.
The person relating this experience
was some sixty feet behind the ax-1
men with the instrument when all i
at once the two axmen dropped in !
their tracks as if they had been struck '
by a thunderbolt. The man behind
and the two chalnmen did likewise.
While they were lying prone on the
grass and wet marsh they beard what
sounded like bullets zoolng over tbelr
heads. One after the other they came
with angry zips. When things had
quieted down a bit work was con
tinued, and the new mun found that
to escupe from wasps or hornets the
thlug to Uo was to drop lustanter.
The Insects Beeni to be so mad that
they fly In straight lines along a
level and do not buve time to bunt
around for you.
It Is said that- hornets are not so
prone to follow this rule ns wasps,
but the wasps never vary. Men have
been stung to death by hornets, and
horses and mules likewise. Chicago
Marquard, p 0 0 0
Crandall, p 0 0 0 0 0
Tesreau, p 0 0 0 1 0
MeCormick 110 0 0
"McLean 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 4 11 27 15 0
Batted for Marquard in fifth.
Bitcd for Tesreau in ninth.
Philadelphia 0 0032001 06
Hits : 2 0 1 4 1 0 0 3 011
New York 0 0103000 04
Hits 1 1 2 1 3 0 2 1 011
Two-base hits Barry, Mclnnes,
Three-base hits Collins, Scliang.
Home run Baker,
i Sacrifice hit Marquard, Mclnnes.
: Left on bases Philadelphia 1, New
York 3.
I Double play Barry to Collins to Mc
lnnes. Base on balls Off Marquard, 1 (Col
lins); Tesreau 1 (Murphy),
j Struck out Marquard 1, (Strunk);
.Crandall 1 (Bonder); Tesreau 1
(Strunk) Bender 3 (Burns, Murray,
Hits Off Marquard, 8 hits and 6
DENCE drama.
A two-reel feature
A comedy full of laughter
. and
2-reel Eclair feature
Rex drama
The wonderful baritone
In new song
"The House of Refine
.1500 down will buy a good 7-roo
house, large lot, on Church street, k,;
block from high school, electric lighij
bath, toilet paved street sewer; all i,
sessments paid. Price $3150; snap, j
$725 will buy a good 6-room iQJ
large lot. I need money. Property
well worth $1000. See my agents, Betj'
tel Is Bynon. ;
Houses Soli on Easy Payment). -Some
as low as $25 down, balance ( '
per month. 4
Money to Loan.
Seven good companies. Insure noi
For Bent. I
Houses in all parts of the city,
347 State Street.
Get a suburban acre or two; tl
you can raise all the chickens you
can. . j
Let nobody ever say hereafter th
it always rains all of state fair we
runs in 5 innings; off Crandall, 3 in
2 1-3 innings.
Some women are so self-conscious
that they tremble every time anybody
happens to mention art.
When a man calls his wife "dear"
in public it sounds like an insinuation.
Rome women are self-made, but most
of them aro remodeled by dressmakers.
tt Is better for a girl to be given In
marriage than it Is for a man to be
The cltiiens of Nohalem have taken
first steps toward establishing a pub
lic library. ,
A Record In Fletoheriiing.
If they learn the art of chewing
even people whose food expense Is only
threepence a day can make their meals
lust a long time. A chewer, according
to dietetic experts, is ono who chews
all things so long as they have any
tuste left In them. Gladstone, we are
told, used to take thirty-two bites to
every mouthful of food. The modern
school of chewers would regard this
as dungerously rupld eating. "I have
tried chewing conscientiously," writes
Mr. Eustace Miles. "A banana has
cost 800 bites, a smnll mouthful of
bread and cheese 210 bites, a greedy
mouthful of biscuit (while I was walk
ing on a Yorkshire moor) over 1,000
bites. It still seemed to taste about as
much as at first, but I knew that taste
by then, so I swallowed." London
An optimist is a titan who lays up
a littlo sunshine for a rainy day.
Many a timid girl courts death by
making love to a rich old codgor who
has ono foot already In the grave.
I Thursday, October 9 j
Specialty Tonight
On Thursday night of each
week the Wexford will offer a
program of three big acts ln ad
dition to four reels of "The Best
These are not the acts com
monly seen at so-called "amateur
nights," but are specialties care
fully Btaged and presented by the
best talent in Salem, Portland
and the Willamette valley.
Ths admission will bs as al
ways at the Wexford, ten cents,
and it will be the biggest value
you ever got for the money. Be
member Thursday is ths opening
TWO CENTS word for each
WANTED TO BENT Furnished house
Phone 2130.
FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner can
have same by paying for ad.
LOST Last Friday, light Jersey cow.
Thomas & Eoshoim. Phone 2187. Reward.
$100 to $1
That you can't beat our bgrnig
12 acres in Polk county, two miles w
well improved, $4000; 14 acres on a
line ideal suburban home, $10,000; :
acre in berries, new home on car lit.
1800; 7 acres in berries, 2 miles o
house and barn, $3000; 30 acres, (
seres in crop, balance timber, 4-roo
house, good barn, 7m ilea out $350t
220 acres in Polk county, well improi
ed, $22,000; 1 to 5 acres on installmm
several new homes in Salem on instt
meats; S00 seres well improved, $
per acre; several S and 10 acre trie
well improved.
We have a cigar stand, pool hi
rooming house, hotel, restaurant, p
eery store, candy store and other ba
ness chances.
20 acres close in, well improved,
500. Several prune ranches and her
tracts at the right price. 10 sei
bearing Italian prunes, $2750.
We rent Houses an
Furnished Rooms. W
sell Insurance of all kinc
List your bargains with i
and we will give you squat
prompt and courteous tret
Acme Investment Co,
A. B. COOK, Manager.
Phones: Office, Main 477; residei
. Main 2487.
Opposite Court House. 640 Stats
Employment Bureau in Co
WANTED Boy with wheel to carry
papers. Inquire at Capital Journal
WANTED A live man to sell real es
tate at Dechtel & Bynun 's.
10c Three Big Acts 20c
V. ooie
NOW no
The crazy clown A
screan from" start to
finish. Straight from
Sutton, Mcln
tyre & Sutton
Presenting "The Pump
kin Girl," with half a
ton of special scenery.
Just from a big week at
the Orpheum.
10c 4 Reels of New Pictures - 20c
114 miles from town, near car lino,
netting, besides the living for the
family over $500 per year. All fruit
and nut trees now coming into good
bearing; good house and barn and
outbuildings, $100 cow, horse, chick
ens and implements included. Price
and terms right. See C. O. Rice, with
L. 8. Barnos & Co., 315-310 Masonic
a bargain for 3 months woll furnish
ed. Call 200 N. High. Phone 1905
Just tell your doctor you want to
take your prescription to
He will know it is put up right
leslieat Ageats I3t 8Ut Sirs
WILL TRADE A five year old roan
more, sound in everyway, woight
about 1000, for a good driving horse.
Call Main 1301.
FOB SALE 13 acres, well improved, 2
miles wcBt of Salem; prunes, berries
and other fruit; fine view of the
city. C, L. Stewart, route 2, box
LOOK AT THIS Slightly used drop
head sewing machine $10; new drop
head tewing machine $16 and up. Q40
State street
WANTED Good second-hand top bug
' gy. Address "B. 25," care Journal.
FOR SALE Good fresh milch cow and
calf. 173 South Cottage street.
WANTED To purchase a Borne, somt
monoy down, balance at staed inter
vals. Prefor place with Imp-ove
mcnts, especially fruit. Would rath
er Include as part payment my 180
aore ranch, worth $1800, with good
wntor powor, and over six million
feet of good timber. Profer east of
12th street. Address "O. M.," care
WANTED Experienced girj; no oth
ers need apply. Call mornings. Dr.
Clay, 1513 Court street.
TEN ACRES of very rich bottom land,
on crushed rock road, 5 miles from
Salem. 3 acres raspberries, 2 acres
gooseberries, 5 acres choice apples,
mall house and barn. Easy pay.
meats. See C. O. Blco, with L. 8.
Barnes k Co. ,313 316 Masonic temple.
FOR RENT oroom furnished house,
close In. Phone 780.
quarters of a mils from railroad sta
tion, running water, rich toil, good
location. Good buy. See C. O. Rice,
with L. S. Barnes Co., 315 310
Masonic building.
Ob farm aad city property. Jofca
Scott, ovtr Chicago Store, falsaa,
egos. Phone 1HI.'
i i ill iii i iisSMjSjfTT'i i -" Li 1
Oi Goes Seal Estate SeemritT
Grar Ladd Bush Bank, Salem.
Phone 2424. 20S-207 HnbbMd E
la aay quantity. Prompt 411'
our specialty. Falls City Lua
Company, 171 Norta Ocmmer
street. Phone Uala lit
No maahlsery to star aa4 w
out delicate fabrics. Work call
for. and aellvarad promptly.
44S Ferry street. Phone Main 2!
Cherry City
Ice Cream
t We make a Specialty ol
Dinner and Lodge orders
I Buy It Eat il
M Chomektt B treat.
Phone 2482