PAGE EIGHT. OAILT 0 API T Alt J0UXNA1, SALEU, OIMOIT, MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1913. !! II ii M n M 11 ti ii n ii 15 11 !i II M f ii II II 14 El i.i ii ii ti . . - A3 iioOOQLOOODSfcato 0 i iwl ttir I Tffi? "7 hm 1 ' " mi 1 ? - -Mm n m li inn ibm i nr m HWM II WIW WHp MWW WiHl SffsjWH WWHwipW' Sal .JL T JB.OOOH.COODS i M H H em's Big Department Store Butterick Patterns and Publications W. B. Corsets STYLE, COMFORT, GOOD WEARING SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN AT MEYERS SUITS AND COATS FOR WOMEN AND MISSES ill IS SSI W$?Z ml w4idi I ' li The new fall fashion find their fullest exploitation in our showing the exclusive ideas for the particular woman and miss who has tho innate pride in her attire those who de sire to get away from the commonplace, made more com mon by a number of shops sel ling the same models. We personally selected our garments the great markets from thousands of different models. We virtually bring New York to Salem women in the mat ter of stylish garments when we place such a stock of ready-to-wear in our store. In high class suits we are showing a splendid variety of the latest French and American styles. These suits embody all the new features so much desired by the refined, ultra-fashionable people. Among them are the striking cutaway blouse, the long straight tailored back and the military blouse. Some have fur and velour cuffs and collars. The materials are soft and pliable so as to give the much desired clinging effect without having the garments tight Priced, $20, $25, $30 and up to $60. Sumptuous effects in dresses for afternoon and street wear. Radical departures from former modeling gives an added inter est to the styles of the hour, beauty, grace and harmony creates the charming note the fabric, the distinctive features and the modeling, the exclusive element that spells faultless fashion. In the popular Charmeuse, Chiffons, Messalines, Poplins, Crepe( Meteor, etc. Priced at $20.00, $25.00, $35.00 and up to $50.00 We have attained a position today we ean't afford to jeop ardize, eo the styles and brands of mer chandise we approve must be the best to be had. T ii n ii Clothe the baby rightly and you fos ter a proper pride in its wellfare ii M E! H n ti ii ii M few i ii That the best baby wear is sold at Meyers is a truth that is accepted by hundreds of careful mothers in Salem, and that the prices are exception al is also incontestable. We are showing an unusual assortment of dainty little garments. Dresses, Coats, Bonnets, Wraps and all the little needs so necessary fof baby's comfort and appear ance. Bring your baby to this department and try the garments on. Our 659th Wednesday Surprise Women's Knitted Top Petticoats Specially Priced at 98c each. A garment, unusually good for cool weather. Jer sey Knitted top, making a thin, yet warm petticoat and with a neat, pleated flounce of sateen. In black only and a decided bargain at this low price. Next Wednesday, 98c each Pingree Shoes for Women Nettleton Shoes for Men Playmate Shoes for Children Experience is the best teacher of shoe values, but we insure you against the possibility of dissatisfaction when you pur chase footwear here. We confidently guarantee because we know how the shoes are made and what they are made of. We know what hundreds of wearers say and we know you want to try us when buying shoes. All the most popular styles are to be found in our collection in the much wanted leathers, velvets and cravenettes. We are showing an ex ceptionally good model for women which is proving very pop ularThe latest New York style with receding toe, in pat ent leather vamp and dull calf upper, medium heel. Price $5.00. Ask to see it Shape that Lasts as Long as Your Clothes "That suit always looks well on him." That's what you want men of judgment to think when they see you. Every day dressiness, week in and week out, depends mostly on lasting shape in your clothes. Shape is as much a part of the clothes we sell as the cloth itself. It's sewed and held in every 1 stitch it's tailored in to stay. It does not depend on press ing. Pressing alone gives shape, but will not hold it To last, shape must be made in these clothes before the iron touches them. All wool cloth, thoroughly tested and shrunk, added to skillful tailoring, explains why they hold their shape as long as the clothes last. We ha e three good lines every one guaranteed. Clothcraft Clothes, Ederheimer Stein Fitform Clothes, Stadium Clothes (union label) Ask to see Clothcraft Blue Serge special No. 4130, o ur great suit value at $18.50. 1 n 61 ii ii ii ii ti ti n ii ii ii u ti ii ii n ii u n si 11 ll WANTED Experienced girl; no oth era need apply. Call nfomings. Dr. Clay, 1515 Court street. FOB BENT During fair week, three f well furnished bedrooms, close in. 670 Mill street. . ' TEN ACBE3 of very rich bottom land, on crushed rock road, 5 miles from Salem. 3 acres raspberries, 2 acres I gooseberries, 5 acres choice apples, i small house and barn. Easy pay- ; ments. See C. O. Bice, with L. 8. 1 Barnes ft Co.,315-316 Masonic tempi. , FOR BENT 6-room furnished house, close in. Phone 788. 275-ACRE DAIRY BANCH three- quarters of a mile from railroad stv f tion, running water, rich soil, good location. Good buy. See C. 0. Bice, with L. 8. Barnes A Co., 315-318 Masonie building. : i$ioo to $i u n ii ii Nona sold before 8:30 Bee window display IMI BEECssaasnsnaaaaasann Visit our Men's department and view the finest collection of Men's Shirts and Hats to be found in the valley. T That you ean't beat our bar gun, i 12 acres in Polk county, two miles west, well improved, $4000; 14 acres oa ear . Z Una ideal suburban home, $10,000; 1 .... . 1 :-- v - ... II.. , '$1800; 7 acres in berries, miles Out, ! . avuse ua um, favvv, ov aciv, w I I acres in crop, balance timber, 4-room ; gt house, good bam, 7m ilea out $3500; ( zxu acres in roia county, wsu unjrrov- , ed, $22,000; 1 to S acres on installment I several aew homes ia Salem oa install- ' f ments; ooo acres well improved, aw , II per acre; several B and 10 acre tracts II well improved. we nave a eigar staaa, pool nan, 1 1 rooming boose, hotel, restaurant, gro- 1 1 eery store, candy store and other bud- . I I sees chances. jj 20 acres close in, well improved, $4, i I J 500. Several prune ranches and berry i J J tracts at the right price. 10 acre I I bearing Italian prunes, $2750. ii We rent Houses and: ii Furnished Rooms. We I , sell Insurance of all kinds E List your bargains with ui and wm will friva vail aaujiVA. prompt and courteous treat ' ment 11 n N II 11 If 11 II Acme Investment Co. A. B. COOK, Manager. Phones: Office, Main 477; resident Main 2487. Opposite Court House. 840 State St !I Employment Bureau in Con-, 1 js kisatt SBii An iftjii isssai ivM kttli ihss h II II II 3 II 11 II nection. Capital City Brevities Dr. P. L. TJttor, dentist, suite 415-419-417 Masonie building. Dr. May, nerve specialist. Masonic building. Mrs. T. J. Hill, of Bublimity, spont part of fair wook with her niooc, Hat tie Williams. French loam it from a Frenchman, if you want results. Studio 311 Hub bard building. i Mm. W. B. Mooro, of Portland, is vis iting her son, Stanford Moore, of this oity. Hev. James II. Irvine, of North 8a lorn, is being visited by his sister, Mrs. O. W. Billlngston, of Tacoma. Children's eyes. I exorcine tho great t rare and make it a specialty. Dr. Mendelsohn, Doctor of Optics, U. 8. bank building. (lotting an overdose of some kind of drug, (leorge Doughterty was picked up on the streets last Saturday after noon in a state of coma. Dr. Miles be lieves the man was the victim of foul play. He was all right this morning, however, Viavl offico now located at 407 Hub tiard building, State and Hih stroets. Telephone Main 555. Office hours 1:30 to li p. m. Appointments at any time. Freo health recturos weekly. Clara Moslior, manager. The Mnhama Hotel Is now open for business under the personal super vision of Mrs. M. E. Bruce, who will see to it that guests are kindly and properly treatod. Regular meeting of Horition Council, No. 1,' R. & S. M., this evening. Work in the R. & 8. M. degrees. A full at tendance is requested by order of the Thrice Illustrious Mastor. Visiting com panions welcome. Oroen, McDole & Green, chiroprac tors. Booms 303-304 Hubbard building. My son, always romembor that a Tashmoo is ever at thy service and that time, once lost, never returns. Julius Alf, Jr., of Silverton, is be lieved to be lost by his father, J. Alf, Sr. Young Alf loft Silverton Saturday on a motorcycle, and has not been seen sinco. No students or beginners to experi ment on your oyes; 31 years of practic al experience and my ability for fit ting glasses is well establishel. Dr. Mendelsohn, Doctor of Optics, U. 8. bank building. Frank Holder, night operator for the Western Union compauy hero, has gone to Bellingham, Wash., to take over tho office at that place for a short time. Cecil Bunnell will fill Mr. Holder's chair here. It is poiwlhbj that the Salem Fruit Union will engage the services of II. E. (lone, tho inventor of a machine which takes all solid matter out of tho fluids, to operate his now device during the lo gnnborry season. Mr. Oono's Invention so cleanses tho julco from f niits that It will not ferment, and will have a last ing flavor, it is asesrtcd. Joe Ruble returned to McMinnville this morning after spending Sunday with Salem friends. Mr. Ruble 1b a former resident of Salem. The prices at the Bligh theatre for tho attraction, Frank Rich & Co. are: Adults 2!c, children 10c. The company will be here tonight, Tuesday and Wed nesday. The pioneers at the fair grounds last Saturday night held high jinks in the pioneer tent on the camp grounds. Dancing, singing and games took up the evening, and those who were tired of gazing at exhibits turned loose and had a gay old time dancing what tho tango lover and bunny hug enthusiasts term "prehistoric dances." option petition signed by about 800 voters was filed in the coun ty clerk's office Saturday afternoon by Attornoy W. II. Trlndlc. . The petition ers request the county clerk to set a date upon which an election on the is sue shall be held. The county clerk will check over the petition, and, if it is suf ficient, will call an election. It Is planned that the local option measure shall be voted on November 4. to your worldly possessions. Arthur Bryson, of Portland, was a visitor in this city yesterday. Mr. Bry- ( have a house of your own, in fact or son is a former Salem man, having con-' prospect, and have a mite of love for ducted a real estate branch here for it and enjoy the securing of much for Borne time. He is now connected with i little, see the assortment at the Imperi the Chapman Advertising company, of al Furniture Co., 177 North Liberty If you WANTED Use of piano for storage, or Bmall rental. May buy good second-band instrument, 354 North Twelfth street. ACADEMY of the SACRED HEART Under the direction of the Sisters of the HolyName$ SALEM, OREGON Grammar and High School Depart No interference with rellgioa of Most approved mothods, Primary, ments. Complete course In Music. pupils. . MODERN CONVENIENCES DOMESTIC COMFORTS Scholastic year begins third Monday ia September. ADDRESS BTSTEB HUPEEIOR. ( -e-4-4-T OCTOBER 24 FRANCES ALDA . Lyrie Soprano, from the Metro ; politan Grand Opera, New York, ' assisted by the Russian 'Cellist, CASINI v and FRANK LA FORGE Tianist and Composer NOVEMBER 5 SCHUMANN-HEINK World's Greatest Contralto JANUARY 18 YVONNE DE TREVILLE Coloratura Soprano in Costume ! Recital as Prima Donna of three ; periods: Louis XIY; as Jonny Lind of 1S50, and as Prima Don ' na of today. JANUARY 3 CHAS. W. CLARK , of Paris, World renowned teach- ; er and Concert Binger. Course tickets, $3; tickets to ' on concert $2.50 and $2. Ad- ; vance sale course ticket Oct. 18. - Management Minnetta Msgers I Phone IMS Ticket on sale at Mnsie 8torec tttTVTTTttVTTTTTTTVTtttTtI Portlann. This is what yon will find. A young man or woman, untrained in the essen tials of business, soeking work in a business office will soon realize the value of preparation. The business man wants some one who knows how to start. He has little time and less inclination to train his help in the es sentials. He expects the Capital Business College to do that and we do. That's why our graduates are in demand. The days and nights are getting cool. Whether you ride for business or pleasure, get one or more of the choice, heavy laprobes now on display at F. E. Shafer's, the saddle and har ness man, 187 South Commercial street. When you road your favorite period ical tonight and see the advertise ments of goods you want, remember that you can buy them right here in town at the Sunset grocery, 121 South Commercial street. Also we have for table use or canning a choice assort ment of grapes, pears, etc. Let us con vince you. Winter nights are coming! Why not have a Victrola in the house t Just give us your address and we will send one out to your house and also send a dem onstrator. No obligation incurred. The next time you are near the sales rooms of R. F. Peters, 521 Court street, call In and lot them demonstrate a Victrola for you. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company announces extensive Improve ments under way between Snlom and Portland. Tho main toll lead will be re built from Salem to Aurora Junction, and four additional copper circuits in stalled between tho above points. This work will connect with the new work already under way to Aurora Junction from Portland, and is a part of a pro ject to provide additional circuits be tween Portland, Salem, AJbany and Eugene. The work under way will ag gregate $0,000. In addition to this work, the Western Electric. Company Is completing the Installation of two additional aoetions to the local switch board to care for the growth of the city, additional underground and aerial cable having boon recently Installed. Putting furniture In your home is like putting money In a savings bank. It Is a safe and poaitlv way of adding street. NEW TODAY. TWO CENTS word for each Insertion. FOR SALE Two-seated hack. Reason able. A. B. 8eely, 146 Center street, FOR SALE By owner, 6-room houso, large basement, bath, lot 50x135, half block from paved street and car line, cheap, 18A, care Journal. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts unless contracted for by myBelf. W. L. Edwards. FOR SALE Four choice Jersey cows; will be fresh soon. 1168 Leslie street. SALEM FURNITURE CO 247 North Commercial street, will exchange your old good for new. We carry a good line of furniture, rugs and ranges. Get our prices and save money. 247 North Commercial street. Telephone Main 684. Have You a Girl or Boy? WHO READS OR STUDIES CONSTANTLY AT HOME? IF SO, MAKE SURE THEIR EYESIGHT IS NOT BEING IMPAIRED BY OVERWORK. MY CAREFUL EXAMINA TION DETERMINES THE CAUSE OF EYESTRAIN, IF ANY-I ALSO SUPPLY THE RIGHT GLASSES TO COR RECT IT. Bring Your Girl or Boy to A. McCulloch Optometrist. 291 N. Commercial St Phone 925 Hour to 6. Oround floor FOR TRADE Will trade for bicyclo, 12-gaugo Belgium shotgun or 15 jewel gold case Elgin watch. James Corpo, Willamette University. A NICE 10-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME 1 miles from town, near car line, netting, besidos the living for the family over $500 per year. All fruit and nut treos now coming into good bearing; good houso and barn and outbuildings, $100 cow, horse, chick-1 ens and implements included. Price and torms right. See C. O. Rice, with L. S. Barnes & Co., 315-316 Masonic tomplo. MMMMMMMMMMMM i Just tell your doctor you want to ; take your prescription to SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE He will know it iB put up right. MMMMMMMMMMM4M NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BUKGHAKDT XEBEDITH tesldeit Ageut IS State Street South Salem Box Co. Tray and berry boxes. Fruit boxos of ; all kind. Porch and lawn awing : screens. ' First-class cabinet work. Phone. 308 247 Miller Si WIDOWER, 38 YEARS One child, wishes to meet Itedy about 35 years. Object matrimony, address A. Miller, General Dolivery, Salem. FINE NEW APARTMENTS to rent at a bargnin for 3 months well furnish ed. Call 200 N. High. Phone 1905. WILL TRADE A five yearv old roan mure, sound in everyway, weight about 1600, for a good driving horse. Call Main 1391. L08T Small fratornity pin, white cross jowols. Initials "C. N." on back. Return to Mr. Crowe, Hotel Marion. FOR SALE 12 acros, well Improved, 2 miles west of Salem; prunes, berries and other fruit; fine view of the city. C. L. Stewart, route 2, box 86A. WANTED Women and girls to work in packing house. Apply at Snlom Fruit Union. LOOK AT THIS Slightly nsed drop head sewing machine $10; new drop head sewing machine $16 and up, 610 State street WANTED Good second-hand top bug gy. Address "B, 25," care Journal. FOR SALE Good fresh milch cow and calf. 173 South Cottage street. WANTED To purchase a Borne, somt money down, balance at statd inter vals. Prbfor place with Imp-ove ments, especially fruit Would rath er Include as part payment my 160 acre ranch, worth $4800, with good water power, and over six million feet of good timber. Prefer east of 12th street Address "Q. M.," care Journal MONEY TO LOAN Ob farm aad city property. Jeaa Is, i Soott, over Chios Btort, leas, Br com. PhoM Mil. 1 ' 1 "' 11 ' ""' ' " lllllllulllWl' t.i. In i.i tMkt li I m tiutm. MONEY TO LOAN Oi Geo! Seal Eslete Seeirttr. TH08. K. FOSD Over Ladd ft Bush Bask, Salem, Or. , REAL ESTATE MONET TO LOAN JACOB ll CO. Phone 24H4. SOS-207 Hubbard Bid WOOD AND COAL I say quantity. Prompt silver! , our specialty. Falls City Lamhc ' Compear, 171 North Coromerelal street Fhoae Mala 111 JAPANESE LAUNDRY AKB BIT CLEANING W0BK8 No machinery to tear aa4 wear out delicate fabric. Work eellea for and delivered promptly. 448 Ferry street Phone Mala 225S 4MMM4MM44MMMM T i Cherry City Ice Cream ' : We make a Specialty of Dinner and Lodge orders. Buy It Eat it SN Cheaekete Btreet Phone 24S2 M4MMMHMMM4M4M