DAILY CAPITAL JOtJINAL, IALXM, OMOOS. MONDAT, OCTOBEB 6, 1913. PAGE SIX. Season of 1913 Comet to CIom ul Good Showing of Chicago la Some what of Surprise. DETROIT ENDS IN SIXTH AND PITCHEES ABE BLAMED Pirates Will Undoubtedly Undergo Some Changes Before Next Season Because of Poor Shoving. CNITID FKCSI UUSSD WI1S.1 New York, ' Oct. 5. Major loague baseball for 1913 came to a close yes terday, so far as the regular schedules re concerned. In the National league Philadelphia's title to second place was not seriously questioned. Chicago finished in third place with good margin over Pittsburg in fourth place. The Cubs, under Evers, made a better showing than many critics ex pected. The Pirates got off to a bad start, and at no time wero a potent fac tor in the race. Fred Clarke is not like ly to rest satisfied with the team as it 1. Boston. Heads Second Division. The Bostons, under George 8tallings, finished fifth, heading the second di Vision. Brooklyn finished sixth, a notch above laBt year, losing a final-week ehance to beat out Boston. Cincinnati with Joe Tinker at the helm, had to be satisfied with seventh place. St. Louis, last by nearly 100 points, never got go ing weH at nil, and played worse in stead of hotter as the season pro gressed. The Athletes this year got an early lead in the American league race, and the finish was easy. Cleveland, the runner up for the greater part of the year, lout its grip in the season 's later weeks, while Clarke Griffith's Wash ingtons wero bracing and making a strong showing. Bed Sox Win Fourth. It took the last week of play to de cide the fourth-place contest, but the Bed Roi finally won by a slight mar gin. The last-year champions' fall from their high estate of 1912 was one of the season's remarkable developments. The White Sox finished in fifth place, although with a percentage well above the half-way mark. T)ntrnit. endinff in sixth place, is there largely by weakness in the box, The seventh-place fight was not decid ed until the moments of the season in Cleveland, when Cleveland, by taking the last half of a doutile-heador, kept the Browns in the cellar. , The New Torks occupy the scvonth position by a four-point marfrin. The 8t. Louis Browns, although last, have played well recently. HOW MAJOB LEAGUE TEAMS CLOSED SEASON OF 1913 The following shows how th league teams closed the 1913 yestorday: National League. W. New York 101 Philadelphia 88 Chicago s" Pittsburg - 78 Boston 03 Brooklyn W Cincinnati Bt. Louis , SI American League. Philadelphia !l Washington .... u 90 Cleveland Rfi Boston 79 Chicago 78 . r-ctroit " New York 7 Bt. Louis 57 o major Beason l. rc. 51 .604 .583 .575 .523 .457 03 05 71 .82 84 .430 89 .418 99 .340 57 .027 04 .584 00 .500 71 .527 74 .513 87 .431 94 .377 96 .373 OF The first football game of the snhson will bo staged on Willamette field to morrow afternoon, when tho varsity plays the Willametto Alumni. Tho old-timers will have one of the ittmngext linn-iits ever pitted against tho local varsity mid are picked as the 'ay winners. Dr. Bwoetlnnd's men havo been faith fully at work ever since the opening of whool and havo their plays all dowu In irrtnil mIiIUIP. The contest will be an exhibition of (iwm work against beef with most odds favoring the latter. TAKING; TOLL OF BABIE8. Kach season of tho year takes Us toll of the babies, and to watch and ....r..r.i tlinm fmm common colds and rouirlu is a matter of importance to . ... i .. l.l-i l 1Ik.u their parents, to seep roiev nui.-v and Tur Compound In tho house and .... U t.rniniitlV 111 (AVO thO little one from tho serious efforts of these colds, to ward off croup, bronchial rough! hoarseness, stuffy, whoesy yVrW AW . "" .ip.staiii.iiiitPiwiiiiwHW , imii i b mi : P";B"T ', .;" I i XT 1 P t w Ms v. XV It I I : '.s's. ' '. m m S's I: t J, ,y. WhiM the t. Supply Lasts Here's A Lucky Gold Plated "Mascot" Pin FREE To Every Purchaser of a 5 cent Pouch of My Good MASCOT Tobacco I have had the familiar figure of my dog "Mascot," who appears on every pouch of MASCOT Tobacco, made into a handsome gold-plated Scarf Pin as a souvenir for MASCOT smokers. I want every smoker in town to have one and the ladies will be delighted with these Pins, too. You know that a MASCOT is a "Lucky piece or talisman something or somebody which ensures good fortune to the possessor. "STANDARD DICTIONARY. Well, that's just what my MASCOT Pin is wear it, and you'll have "Good Luck." In fact, it brings you "Good Luck" right off the reel because you have got to buy MASCOT Tobacco to get it and MASCOT Tobacco is the greatest "Good Luck" that ever happened to smokers. I feel that I can afford to give away these handsome MASCOT Pins, because they will get more smokers acquainted with MASCOT Tobacco and to get acquainted with MASCOT is to become a lifelong friend. Don't fail to get your MASCOT Pin today go to your dealer for a 5c pouch of MASCOT Tobacco. (Only one Pin to each customer.) -. f .- A ' .r ti M K, a V fl W ' X ' a EL ' 71 There was ncver one like it for pipe and cigarette MASCOT Tobacco is now a big, established success. Its sales are growing so fast that all the other tobacco manufacturers are getting worried. They should worry because MASCOT is absolutely the highest-grade to bacco, and the biggest quantity of it ever sold for a nickel 1 They cannot keep smokers away from a big landmark value like MASCOT. v 1 i MASCOT has not only won on quality, but on its delight ful freshness and fragrance I Hundreds of thousands of smokers have grown tired of dried-up tobaccos and they are swarming to MASCOT with shouts of joy because MASCOT is one tobacco that is always fresh. No better Burley tobacco than MASCOT ever came out of Kentucky. Every leaf is fully ripened, barn cured, aged until mellow and sweef then crushed-cut and packed, fresh, fragrant and delicious, in the handy, pocket-fitting, red cloth pouch. Try a cool, mild pipeful or roll a fragrant cigarette from MASCOT today. You'll realize that for the first time you have obtained genuine 10 cent quality- tobacco for 5 cents. ''Mil Kill J jUlIM n. , j,' .UiMUkttJll I .' lllllH. I J f (: f . P Dealers have only a limited supply of these MASCOT Pins, and cannot obtain more so look today for FREE Offer sign in a dealer's window or you may be disappointed. Get a 5 cent pouch of MASCOT Tobacco and ask the dealer for a FREE MASCOT Pin; THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY ..i.-iii Wl.iimliinsm'is I I HI Hill Ii II '.i"H I ' 777777- yyyyA ;;? , II IW I MMH III .llilf".IWi.Mi.H I lfil I. irt 1 Notice to Dealers PIN, to GOOD Th is a special offer and we want every dealer in Salem to be lupplied with a GOOD LUCK STICK .... . ... . 1 e e . . 1 . All 'I . 1 la. uiKn liaVA nflt vol orilf n m SunnlV OI tnat ne can make tni special oner 10 nu euiwunn. - . .,.1 niri enrv dimc u!. tc ... A .n kv annlvinir at MASCOT head auartcri at the Marion Motel iwrw o 1 lurs. rino 10 mane mis unci, - w j r r -j from 7 to 8 p. m., October 6. Itreathing and violent cougmng spous. It is absolutely free of opiates and may lie given to tho little one with no fear of harmful results. Kefuso substitutes. Dr. Stone's Drug Store, Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A r ' i-rrTE. Ki nTT - ' 1